HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Current Sign OrdinanceCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: JULY 15th, 2003 AGENDA: REVIEW CURRENT SIGN ORDINANCES AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: CHARLIE O'BRIEN (W CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL ATTACHMENTS: CURRENT ORDINANCES, APPROVED BY: SUPPLEMENTAL INFO. Council has requested a review of the sign ordinances at the Committee of the Whole /Council Work Session meeting on July 15 The current sign ordinances are attached. NOTES: 10: SIGNS: 10.1: PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS, GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. Purpose: The purpose of this provision shall be to achieve the following objectives: 1. To establish standards which permit businesses a reasonable and equitable opportunity to advertise. 2. To allow for effective identification, advertising and communication through the use of orderly, discrete and necessary communicative facilities. 3. To restrict the locations of advertising signs with messages which are not exclusively related to the premises in which they are located, to areas where visual intrusions have the least impact on the resident population yet allow maximum exposure to vehicular movement. 4. To create standards regulating the type, size, number and location of signs to promote uniformity and protect the investment of the most discriminating sign makers and users. 5. To prevent the use of signs from downgrading the appearance of residential and commercial neighborhoods. or depreciating property values from the overcrowding or the oversizing of signs. 6. To prevent the location, size, display or lighting of signs from affecting the safety of vehicular movement. 7. To encourage a concern for the visual environment which makes the City a more desirable place to visit, work and live in. B. Definitions: BANNERS: Attention getting devices which resemble flags and are of a paper, cloth or plastic like consistency. FLAG: A rectangular piece of fabric of distinctive design which is mounted on a pole that is used as a symbol (as a nation), signaling device (nautical), or attention getting.device (advertising - commercial or noncommercial). FREE- STANDING SIGN: Any sign that is attached directly to the ground or is supported vertically by any structure having a source of support independent of any building existing on the premises on which the sign is located. HEIGHT: The height of a sign shall be measured from the center line of the street or highway toward which the sign is principally displayed to the top of the sign. IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A sign which displays only the name, address and title of an occupant or the name and address of a building or development. - LEGAL NON - CONFORMING SIGN: Any sign lawfully in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance or any sign lawfully in existence on the date of any amendment to this Ordinance which does not conform to the regulations affecting signs for the district in which the sign is situated. NONCONFORMING Any sign which does not conform to the regulations of this Ordinance. OFF- PREMISES Any sign that directs attention to a ADVERTISING . business, product, service, activity SIGN: or entertainment not conducted upon the premises on which such sign is located or to noncommercial speech. ON- PREMISES SIGN: Any sign that directs attention to the name of the building, premises, or to the name of the building management firm, or to the business, principal product, service, entertainment, or activity conducted, sold or offered upon the premises on which such sign is located or to noncommercial speech. PENNANT: A flag or banner which tapers to a point. PORTABLE SIGN: A sign so designed as to be movable from one location to another, and which is not permanently, attached to the ground, sales display device or structure. PROJECTING SIGN: Any sign which is affixed to the outside of the exterior wall or soffit of any building and is not parallel to the plane of the wall or soffit. SIDEWALK SIGNS: A portable sign for temporary placement on a sidewalk in the public right -of -way, intended for a building or business located adjacent to the right- of-way with no front yard or a front yard that will not accommodate a permanent free - standing sign as permitted by this ordinance. SIGN: Any letter, work, symbol, model, printed, projected or affixed device, poster, picture, reading matter, or other representation in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, direction or informative device including structural and component parts that is located outdoors and is larger than one square foot in area. SIGN AREA: The area of a sign includes the space inside a continuous line drawn around and enclosing all letters, designs and background materials exclusive of border, trim and structural supports. For the purpose of calculating the area of multiple -faced or back -to -back signs, the stipulated maximum sign area shall refer to a single face. SIGN, READER Any sign having letters not BOARD: permanently affixed to the sign face. The intent of the changeable copy is to permit the owner of the sign to place messages corresponding to promotions or events at his establishment. TRAFFIC SIGN: A sign which is erected by a governmental agency for the purpose of guiding vehicular traffic and providing information to motorists. WALL SIGN: A sign which is affixed to the exterior wall, mansard roof or soffit of a building and which is parallel to the building wall. A wall sign does not project more than ..twelve inches (12 ") from the surface to which it is attached, nor extend beyond the top of the parapet wall. C. General Provisions: 1. No sign shall be erected in or overhang upon a public right of way or otherwise interfere with safe pedestrian or vehicular movement, except traffic signs. 2. No sign shall contain colors, shapes, intermittent lighting or words such as stop, warning, caution, etc., which may be confused with traffic signing or controls unless such signs intended or approved for such use. 3. Electrical signs shall be installed according to State electrical codes and shall require underground wiring. 4. All permanent signs exposed to weather conditions shall be constructed of materials to prevent normal deterioration from weathering. Further, all signs shall be constructed and maintained in a safe, orderly condition. 5. Any sign or sign structure which is defaced, deteriorated, improperly maintained or otherwise altered from its original permitted condition shall be repaired, replaced or removed upon written notice from the City. 6. Sign structures not used for signing or signs and /or sign structures not properly maintained for six (6) consecutive months shall be removed. 7. No sign or sign structure shall be permitted to interfere with the safe access to doors, windows or fire escapes. 8. No permanent freestanding or building mounted sign shall be supported by guy wires. 9. No permanent or temporary (portable) sign shall contain intermittent, flashing or other type of lighting which changes in intensity or color when artificially illuminated, except time and temperature signs. 10. Flags displayed in commercial and industrial districts shall not exceed in surface area maximum permitted for freestanding signs, provided further that the display of more than three (3) flags shall be debited against the total freestanding signage area permitted. 11. Address signs shall be required for each principal structure in the City, clearly legible from the street at which access is- gained, except in nonsewered areas where addresses shall be affixed to mailboxes or a separate structure visible from the street. 12. No exterior sign shall pivot, move, rotate or display any moving parts including electronic reader boards, except time and temperature or other public information. Interior electronic reader boards visible to pedestrians on the outside are allowed only by permit in Commercial or Business Park Districts (See 10.2.E.4) 13.Portable signs or revolving beacons are allowed in all commercial districts, all industrial districts and the public district in addition to permanent signs only by temporary permit issued by the Community Development Department. The length of permits for revolving beacons or similar devices shall not exceed three (3) days and shall be issued a maximum of six (6) times per year. Permits for portable signs shall be issued a maximum of six (6) times per year for a maximum of ten (10) days per permit. Permit applications may be obtained from the Community Development Department and must be submitted three (3) days prior to installation of a portable sign or beacon. Information required includes sign dimensions, height, colors, materials of construction, method of anchoring, content and location. Only one portable sign per lot may be permitted. Portable signs may not be situated within any public street right of way or easement and must conform with the setback of any existing freestanding sign on the property. 14. No sign shall be painted directly on the exterior surface of any building. 15. Projecting signs are prohibited in all districts. 16. Ribbons, banners, pennants, and similar devices are allowed in addition to permanent signs in all commercial districts, all industrial districts and the public district. It the intent that these means of advertising be used on a temporary basis and if they are tom, discolored or in any way damaged to substantially modify there original appearance they must be removed upon written notice of the Community Development Department. 17. Permanent or temporary (portable) signs which advertise a business, activity, product or service not located exclusively on the premises are prohibited except as regulated herein. 18. No signs shall be closer than ten feet (10') from any property line or comer lots except in the C -2 District and as otherwise regulated herein. 19. No sign may contain more than two (2) sides. 20. Rooftop signs are prohibited in all districts., (Ord. B-5, 7 -3 -90) 21. Sidewalk signs are .allowed without a permit only in the Community Commercial (C2) District with the following standards: a. Signs shall be limited to two (2) feet in width and three and one -half (3.5) feet in height, including support members. b. No sign shall have more than two (2) faces. C. Signs shall not limit the normal pedestrian use of the sidewalk, and a minimum passable contiguous space of three (3) feet shall be maintained at all times. d. One (1) sign is permitted for each building adjacent to the public right- of-way, unless multiple businesses within one building allow separate business signs to be spaced no closer than thirty (30) feet from another sidewalk sign. e. A business or building with two right-of-way frontages may display a sidewalk sign on either frontage. f. All signs must be removed from the sidewalk at the end of each business day. g. No sidewalk sign shall be lighted by attached external or individual internal lights. D. Exceptions: 1. Movie theaters are allowed chasing and running lights on marques subject to the requirements for wall signs in Commercial and Business Park Districts and the following standards: a. Running and chasing lights are only allowed in the C-4 General Commercial and C -2 Community Commercial Districts; b. Signs with running and chasing lights are not permitted on walls that are within two hundred fifty (250) feet of residential districts or uses from which the sign is visible, and the lights shall not exceed an illumination intensity of 0.5 lumens at the property line. c. No signs with running and chasing lights are allowed in a front yard setback; d. Signs with running and chasing lights shall be`a minimum of twelve (12) feet above the adjacent grade elevation and street grade elevation; e. The power of illumination of running and chasing lights shall be limited to fifteen (15) watts per bulb; f. Running and chasing lights shall not be located near intersections nor within the sight triangle adjacent to an intersection; g. Only permanent wall signs shall be allowed running and chasing lights; and h. Hours of illumination shall be limited to between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 11 :00 p.m. 10.2: PERMITTED SIGNS: A. All Districts: The following signs are allowed without a permit in all zoning districts, but shall comply with all other applicable provisions of the ordinance. 1. Traffic Signs. 2. Public Signs: Signs including public information, points of interest, memorials and other noncommercial information provided such signs are erected by or on the order of the City or other public agency having jurisdiction. 3. Directional Signs: Signs giving direction for pedestrian and vehicular. movement on the premises in which the signs are located, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area nor three feet (3') in height. 4. Commemorative Signs: Signs or plaques stating the name, date of construction, etc., of the building itself as opposed to the name or nature of a business, unless they are one in the same. 5. Holiday Signs: Temporary signs or displays relating non - commercial messages associated with national, State or local holidays or festivals. 6. Campaign Signs: Signs or displays naming candidates or issues to be voted upon at public elections, provided such signs are posted no sooner than ninety (90) days before an election and are removed ten (10) days after an election. 7. Real Estate Signs: Signs displaying sale or lease of property and contacts of owners or agents not exceeding twenty -four (24) square feet in area, provided only one sign is erected .per street frontage and all signs are removed within ten (10) days after the sale; or lease of the property; except in commerciaUindustrial areas where up to two f (2) signs per street frontage shall be permitted not exceeding seventy (70) square feet, 8. Rummage Sale Signs: Signs announcing rummage or garage sales not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, provided such signs are located on private property and are removed immediately after the sale. 9. Address Signs: Signs displaying letters or numbers naming only the owners and/or address of the property not exceeding one square foot located at the street frontage property line, except on comer lots where such signs shall be set back at least fifteen feet (15') from either property line, or on the principal structure. B. Signs Allowed by Permit in All Districts: 1. Construction Signs: Signs naming a project, owners, contractors, etc. not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area or ten feet (10') in height, provided such signs contain no other advertising and are removed upon completion of the project or two (2) years from erection, whichever is sooner. 2. Development Signs: Signs promoting subdivision developments under construction not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area or twenty feet (20') in height, provided such signs are located on the development site and are removed after ninety percent (90 %) of the lots have been sold. 3. Institutional Signs: Signs displaying names, addresses or directions for schools, churches, public buildings, nonprofit organizations, tax exempt organizations, fraternal organizations, clubs, parks, public events, etc., not exceeding three (3) square feet in area or six feet (6') in height. C. Signs Allowed by Permit in Agriculture Districts: 1. One sign per farm identifying the name of said farm not exceeding twenty- four (24) square feet. 2. One sign per farm advertising agricultural products' raised in part on the premises not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet. D. Signs Allowed by Permit in Residential Districts: 1. Permanent identification signs for residential developments not exceeding thirty-six (36) square feet per sign with a maximum of two (2) signs at each principal entrance; provided signs are located on private property and do not jeopardize traffic or pedestrian safety. 2. One identification sign for multiple family. dwellings not exceeding twenty- four (24) square feet, set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from all property lines not exceeding three feet (3') in height. 3. One temporary freestanding sign per residential development advertising the sale or lease of dwelling units on the premises not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet nor twenty feet (20') in height. 4. One identification sign per each permitted public and institutional principal building or use not exceeding thirty -six (36) square feet or six feet (6') in height. E. Signs Allowed by Permit in Commercial and BP Districts: 1. In commercial districts situated north of C.S.A.H. 42, one freestanding sign for each principal structure not exceeding eighty (80) square feet nor twenty feet (20') in height. In commercial districts situated south of C.S.A.H. 42 and in the Business Park District, one freestanding sign for each principal structure not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet nor twenty feet (20') in height. 2. For the purposes of creating identity in planned commercial and industrial park subdivisions, in addition to other freestanding signs allowed by this Ordinance, one freestanding subdivision identification sign shall be allowed. In commercial subdivisions situated north of C.S.A.H. 42 subdivision identification signs shall be limited to eighty (80) square feet and twenty feet (20') in height. In commercial subdivisions situated south of C.S.A.H. 42 and in industrial park subdivisions subdivision identification signs shall be limited to one hundred (100) square feet and twenty feet (20') in height. Commercial and industrial park subdivision identification signs shall only be permitted on property within the subdivision being identified which is situated on a Principal or Minor Arterial as identified in the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Furthermore, no commercial or industrial park subdivision identification sign shall be situated closer than one hundred feet (100') to any other permitted freestanding sign. 3. Wall signs in commercial districts situated north of C.S.A.H. 42 not exceeding fifteen percent (15 %) of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. Wall signs in commercial districts situated south of C.S.A.H. 42 and in the Business Park District not exceeding twenty percent (20 %) of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. Wall signs to be constructed on structures with more than one sign be designed according to an approved sign concept plan in which all signs have complementary designs, similar shapes and sign areas. Consideration may be made by PUD to permit variation in size and design of signs for major tenants or anchor businesses in larger complexes. 4. Changeable letter reader boards provided the sign area is included in the total sign area permitted. Electronic reader boards may be displayed from the inside of buildings to be visible through windows by pedestrians. Maximum size for electronic reader boards displayed in this fashion shall be determined by the Planning Commission; in general, such displays should be limited to a size which does not represent a distraction to passing motorists. 5. Temporary signs as permitted in residential districts, provided not more than one such sign is permitted on any one parcel nor located any closer than one hundred fifty feet (150') from any other freestanding sign. 6. Public and institutional identification signs as permitted in residential districts. F. Signs Allowed by Permit in IG Districts: 1. One freestanding sign for each principal structure not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet nor twenty feet (20') in height. 2. Wall signs not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. 3. Temporary signs as permitted in residential districts, provided. not more than one such sign is permitted on any one parcel nor located any closer than one hundred fifty feet (150') from any other freestanding sign. 4. Public and institutional signs as permitted in residential districts. 5. Off - premises advertising signs,. provided such signs are located adjacent to principal arterials as defined in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Such off premises advertising signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area nor twenty feet (20') in height, nor be located at intervals exceeding two thousand five hundred feet (2500') radius; provided further such signs shall not be located closer than five hundred feet (500') from any residence, public or institutional use or municipal corporate limits. Off - premises advertising signs are considered a separate use of property and not an accessory use, and may only be located on a parcel which meets zoning requirements for the IG District. G. Signs Allowed by Permit in PUD Districts: 1. One freestanding sign for each principal structure not exceeding eighty (80) square feet nor twenty feet (20') in height. 2. Wall signs not exceeding fifteen percent (15 %) of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. H. Signs Allowed by Permit in FW Districts: 1. Navigational signs including barge ship identification and directional signs. 2. Park identification and interpretation signs. (Ord. B-5, 7 -3 -90) 10.3: PERMITTING PROCEDURES AND ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. Permit Requirements: Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no sign or structure shall be erected, constructed, altered, rebuilt or relocated until a permit has been issued by the City. 1. Application Requirements: Applicants should contact the Community Development Department to obtain the necessary application form. Information required includes sign dimensions, height, colors, materials of construction, method of anchoring, content and location. A sketch or photograph of the proposed sign is required as well as a site plan which adequately illustrates the proposed location of the sign. 2. Application Review Procedure: Upon the filing of an application for a sign permit, Community Development Department staff shall examine the plans and specifications and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign. If the proposed sign is in compliance with this Ordinance, the Building Code of the City and all other laws and ordinances of the City the sign permit will be approved. 3. Fee: The required fee as established by resolution of City Council shall be paid to the City before issuance of a sign permit. B. Ongoing Ordinance Compliance Requirements for New and Existing Signs: 1. Unsafe Signs, Notice: If the City finds that any sign or other advertising structure regulated here is unsafe or insecure, a menace to the public, or in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, written notice from the Community Development Department shall be issued to the holder of the permit. The holder of the permit shall remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standards required by this Ordinance and indicated by the Community, Development Department within ten (10) days after issuance of such notice. 2. Existing Signs: Any sign legally existing on the effective date of this Ordinance which does not conform to the requirements set forth in this Ordinance shall become a nonconforming use. Nonconforming signs shall be allowed to continue, but shall not be rebuilt, relocated, replaced or altered without being brought into compliance with all the requirements of this Ordinance. Maintenance of nonconforming signs shall comply with provisions of Section 14.3 of this Ordinance. 3. Removal of Signs: The Community Development Department shall order the removal of any sign erected or maintained in violation of this Ordinance. Thirty (30) days notice in writing shall be given to the owner of such sign, or of the building, structure or premises on which such sign is located, to either comply with ordinance or remove the sign.