HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Authorization to Accept Quotes and Purchase Financial Accounting Softwareri CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 21, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Accept Quotes and Purchase Financial Accounting Software AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGEND4%M #6 1K ATTACHMENTS: Recommendation Letter from Accounting APPROVED BY: Supervisor; Software Quote and Additional Information; 11/19/02 Summary Authorizing Acquiring Quotes We had money in the 2002 CIP budgets to acquire new financial accounting software. Staff received authorization to solicit quotes in November. After receiving the quotes in late December staff has been looking at the different vendors and their products and also looking at other cities and how they utilize these software packages. After looking at these products we are prepared to recommend choosing the quote on software we feel will best suit the City for the next several years. We have sufficient funds in the 2002 budget to proceed with this project and are asking for your authorization to proceed at this time. Those 2002 funds will actually be encumbered forward to 2003 to allow this project to proceed forward without affecting the 2003 budgets. After your authorization we will begin planning the switch over to the new software products with the vendor. I am estimating that we would be up and running on the new software by May or June of this year. In 2002, we had a total of $90,000 budgeted for this project ($60,000 from the Equipment CIP and $10,000 each from the Water, Sewer & Storm Water Utility funds). The estimated cost is $28,152 for the software and $4,325 for the first year's annual maintenance fee. There will be some additional costs for conversion of our existing software that will be determined at a later date after we determine how much we will do internally and how much we will ask the software vendor to do. We may save additional dollars if we do not require the full amount of training that they are estimating. Any unused funds will be utilized for later program add -ons that we decided not to purchase at this time. These purchases would occur in the next 2 to 3 years as our comfort level with the software increases and would not effect future budgeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize staff to proceed forward with the purchase of Financial /Accounting Software for the City of Rosemount and to acquire any necessary signatures. COUNCIL ACTION: Memo To: Jeff May From: Judy Miller Date: 1/16/2003 Re: Software Review To summarize my findings between Incode (InVision software) and Springbrook software is actually rather difficult. As we have previously discussed, the two programs are very similar in a lot of ways and to say that one would suit our long term needs markedly better than the other would be hard for me to do. Both software programs operate in the Window XP environment (Incode actually prefers this operating system), both have direct deposit and multi -state reporting capabilities in payroll, and both can create files in a PDF format for e- mailing or saving on the network. (I have asked Larry at AMI Imaging for clarification on whether or not PDF files will transfer directly into DocuWare, and he states that DocuWare can save the documents in PDF form or the PDF's can be printed to DocuWare through the DocuWare Tiffmaker printer to create tiff images. Therefore, no significant costs should be involved when utilizing our existing imaging system.) They both have web -based user forums, as well as on -line help documentation throughout the modules. There are several features that I really like in both software packages; one feature in particular is the fact that you can batch accounts payable entry (example: council packet large check run as first batch and payroll transfers as second batch) and process one batch completely through check printing and posting without affecting the other batch. I am obviously very impressed with the capabilities of both packages compared to the DOS version we have now. At this time, I believe that I am ready to recommend the Incode /InVision software package for our department. Several reasons stand out for me to recommend this. 1) Incode software is based on an unlimited number of users per license; Springbrook is purchased according to user licenses. I don't foresee this causing a problem now, but in the years to come as we add more modules, I believe we would have to purchase additional licenses, especially if we want to give view only access to department heads. 2) Springbrook charges the "Implementation Management Fee" for each module that is not charged by Incode, saving the city $5300 in fees at this time for the general ledger and payroll modules. 3) Springbrook has a GIS interface with Utility Billing, which I think looks like a great enhancement. However, they do not have a GIS interface with the Fixed Asset module on the horizon at all. In contrast, Incode utilizes a third party ODBC software link to act as a GIS interface with the Fixed Assets and Utility Billing modules. This ODBC software is included in our quote at this time, so it will be available for use with any future module installed. 4) One specific aspect of the Springbrook software that the City of Roseville was not pleased with is the selection /deselection of checks to cancel in the bank reconciliation process. From my observation, it would be easy to make a mistake here with the only solution being to start over at the top of the list of checks again. An InVision user told me that the bank reconciliation segment works "slick" for her. I have reviewed the reconciliation information provided by Incode and it appears much easier to use than Springbrook. You simply enter in the first check number in a block of checks, and the last check number in the block, and all checks in between are cancelled at the same time. 5) Roseville was also not as happy with the budget reports offered through Springbrook. With Incode customers, I didn't hear of any problems in that area, and all three of the users I spoke with told me about how good the support staff was for writing any requested report that was needed. Please note that we will need to do more work up front with Incode in the G/L module in determining what our needs are. From what I understand, there are no "canned" reports in the G/L package and they customize all reports to our needs. 6) The first six months of maintenance are provided with Incode as part of the purchase. Fees will be due seven months after install for maintenance contracts. With Springbrook, maintenance fees are charged from the day you are "live" on the software. As a result, choosing Incode could save us approximately $2500 during the first year. , 7) Looking ahead at the addition of future modules, costs are significantly higher through Springbrook for Utility Billing, Meter Reading Interface, Fixed Assets, Budgeting and Accounts Receivable for several examples. 8) Also looking ahead to the Utility Billing module, I like the fact that with InVision, you can set up statement groups and print all billed accounts associated to one customer on a consolidated statement (such as Flint Hills, builders, etc.). With Springbrook, linking multiple accounts for a customer seems to be available only through the "Government E- Customer Service" module for Internet account access. However, I have not confirmed this with CIT, and this feature could potentially be changed in Springbrook by the time we install Utility Billing. 9) Again looking ahead at future potential purchases, I like the Central Information System in Incode as well, that makes customer information available in all modules once set up (crosses Utility Billing, Permitting, Code Enforcement, etc.). If other departments would link up with us through Incode software in the future, there is a potential for staff timesavings on not duplicating set up of accounts across modules. In conclusion, I feel that both software packages could probably meet our needs. I heard positive comments from users of both software providers about good support services, both through phone calls and e- mailing. (Both do use PC Anywhere for modem links, which provide quick access to our data or to problem solve if necessary.) I probably heard more enthusiastic comments regarding Incode's support services, but I think we would be well served by either provider. Overall, I feel the satisfaction level was higher with Incode software than with Springbrook; from the software itself to the support services. I was also influenced by the fact that the City of Hibbing, which has a population similar to ours and was a past DOS client with CIVIC, did an extensive search for new software and found that for them, Incode far exceeded Springbrook. Hibbing has been very happy with InVision software and has no regrets about selecting Incode as their software vendor. I have talked to several cities about Incode since I could not do an on -site evaluation of the software, and I have found every one of them to be very pleased with the software and the support services. Whether they paid Incode to convert their data ( Pipestone did this for U/B only; all others including Pipestone entered all G /L, Payroll and A/P information themselves) or not, they found no significant problems with the software after implementation, even in the Utility Billing module. I feel that Incode will suit our needs and provide additional services and software modules in the future at a more reasonable cost than Springbrook. • Page 2 Summary Investment Summary Investment Annu Maintenance Fees InVision License Fees 14,520 InVision Software Maintenance 4,125 Third Party Hardware & Software 2,592 Third Party Maintenance 200 Estimated OnSite Training (79 Hours) 9322 MN State Income Tax (6.5 %) 1718 Total Purchase Price 28,152 Total Annual Fees 4,325 (Plus Expenses) (First 6 months at no charge.) Monthly lease purchase payments 878 (10K -99K 36 mo) System Support 800 (Optional) Note: Training is billed for actual time spent onsite. It often comes in less than the estimate. Expenses are billed for room/board, $.361mi. and $20/hr. travel time. More than likely, your installation representative would come out of Rochester, MN. Notes 1. Training, hardware installation, conversion assistance, and travel expenses are estimates only. Customer will be Invoiced for actual expenses. 2. Annual maintenance fees begin seven (7) months after installation of the application. 3. Third party software maintenance is invoiced directly from the third party vendor, 4. Lease purchase payments are an estimate only. 5. Prices are subject to change 90 days from date of Issue. 6. Some of the items listed in the price response contain multi -year warranties, others contain 90 day warranties Therefore the annual maintenance amounts do not uniformly begin on a 12 month basis. Annual maintenance fees will take effect after the warranty period expires. 7. Internet access and e-mail capabilities are required. Must be accessible from work (home accounts are not adequate)., www.incode-inc.com 1212012002 Software License, Training, and Maintenance Fees S Software License Fees 14,520 Estimated OnSite Tracing (79 Fours Q $118/Hr.) 9,322 Subtotal 23,842 www hwode- inc .com 12/2012002 Estimated InVision Annual InVision License Optional On-Site Maintenance Support Application Software Ouannity Fee I tems Assistance Hours Fee InVlsfon financial Applications General Ledger 1 5,500 20 1,375 Budget Preparation 1 0 2 0 Check Reconciliation 1 0 1 0 General LedgerJE Impart 1 550. GASB Module with Adjustments and Reporting 1 3,000 Accounts Payable 1 4,250 20 1,063 Purchase Orders 1 4,250 Faced Assets 1 1,250 Inventory Control 1 2,250 Project Accounting 1 3,500 Payroll/Personnel 1 5,500 34 1,375 Distributed Time Sheet Entry 1 2,750 Human Resources Systems Base Package 1 3,500 - Employee Management - Leave Tracking - Safety / Acmdent Tracing - Benefits Administration Position Control / Budgeting 1 2,500 Applicant Tracking 1 1,250 Employee Self Service (bruiser based) 1 1,250 Training Management 1 1,000 Cafeteria Plan Administration 1 1,000 COBRA Billing 1 750 InVision customer Relationship Management Applications Utility CIS System 1 6,500 Service Order Management (included in CIS) N/C Complaint TrackdnglCode Enforcement (requires Conte 1 2,000 CIS Contact Management 1 1,000 CIS Property Management 1 1,000 Central Cash Collection 1. 2,000 Accounts Receivable 1 2,250 Permits and Inspections 1 3,000 Business License 1 2,000 Ambulance Billing " (Requires Accounts Receivable) 1 1,250 Certretery Records " 1 1,250 SMART 1 1,500 U /SQL Data Dictionary (Training is not on site) 1 1,250 2 313 Form Prlrnting Solutions Fortes Overlay (includes 4 forms per suite) 1 1,500 Secure Signatures 1 1,000 Each Logo (scan and prepare for use) 1 125 Each Signature (scan and prepare for use) 1 125 Custom Forth Overlay (hourly rate - expect $750 - $2500) 1,000 Interface Software Wwoonson Tax Roll Interface 1 1,500 Payroll - Electronic Time Clock Interface (Generic) 1 1,500 Payroll - Electronic Time Clock Interface (KRONOS) 1 2,000 Dafamatic Handheld Meter - Reader Interface 1 750 Other Hankfhekd Meter- Reader Interface 1 1,500 - Autocke Interface to Court 1 1,200 Police (non- INCODE) Interface to Court (XML) 1 2,000 - Laserfiche InVision Financial Suite Interface 1 2,000 Laserfiche InVision InCourt Suite Interface 1 2,000 Laserfiche InVision CIS Suite Interface 1 2,000 Laserfiche Barcode plug -in 1 2,495 Laserfiche Barcode plug -in Maintenance 1 675 New Customer Discount New Customer Discount (12%) -1,980 Subtotal 14,520 79 4,125 Project Managern ent Project Management 1 5,100 NIA S Software License Fees 14,520 Estimated OnSite Tracing (79 Fours Q $118/Hr.) 9,322 Subtotal 23,842 www hwode- inc .com 12/2012002 Third Party Products and Services Description Quantity Purchase Price Annual Maintenance Warranty Provider Transoft U/SQL ODSC Connectivity Product (Per Seat) (This is used for custom reporting) 2 990 N/A AcuCorp Run Time (Windows) #users 5 602 N/A AcuCorp AcuServer Distributed Data Server Software - Limited (Less than 25 users) 1 1,000 200 (This is a file manager program which prevents corrupt files, etc.) Third Party Product Totals Lease Purchase Totals Subtotal 2,582 200 81 www. incode -inc. com 12/20/2002 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 19, 2002 V AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Solicit Quotes for Financial Accounting Software AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: We have money in the 2002 CIP budgets to acquire new financial accounting software. Staff has been looking at different vendors and their products for the past several months and also looking at other cities and how they utilize these software packages. After looking at these products we believe that we are prepared to solicit quotes on software for the City. We anticipate that the cost for the software that we will be purchasing will be under $50,000 so we will not be required to go out for formal bids. Based on our purchasing policy, we are still required to receive Council authorization to solicit quotes for items between $25,000 and $50,000. We have sufficient funds in the budget to proceed with this project and are asking for your authorization to proceed at this time. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize staff to solicit quotes for the purchase of Financial /Accounting Software for the City of Rosemount. COUNCIL ACTION: h?pp COMO