HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of January 15, 2003 Committee of the Wholer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS r-6 3 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING �t JANUARY 15, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session, Committee of the Whole, meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Riley, and Shoe- Corrigan present. Also in attendance were Interim City Administrator/ Police Chief Kalstabakken, Community Development Director Parsons, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, City Engineer Brotzler, Consultanting Engineer Pete Willenbring from WSB and Finance Director May. Resident Charlie Koehnen, 12255 Rich Valley Boulevardd, related that he had reported illegal dumping in eastern Rosemount which he felt had not been handled effectively. Koehnen also noted that there should be a limit on the length of time a building permit is valid. He has knowledge of a building permit project that has not been completed for twelve years. Police Chief Kalstabakken noted that Akron Avenue by the U of M is constantly being used as a dumping ground. If mail or labels in the trash can establish where the items came from, those people are contacted to get it picked up or a misdemeanor violation is issued. Mayor Droste noted that city goals will be reviewed in March so building permits will be considered at that time. 2003 Budget Update Finance Director May reviewed how the budget could reflect the loss of $400,000 in state aid. In 2003 the revenues for administrative fees are already $114,000 over what was expected, which will help balance the shortfall. Items that were budgeted for that can be postponed are: $143,142 from undesignated Street CIP, $12,000 for a planning consultant, $17,500 for a planning intern, $5,000 for cable casting of the Port Authority meetings, $30,000 for cable programming, and $20,000 for a motor pool vehicle. These items total $341,247. May explained that the City's market value credit could also be changing depending on how the State of Minnesota deals with its deficit. Rosemount's fund balance is between 60 and 70% which means it is in good shape. Droste noted that because Rosemount is growing, this gives us additional revenues now, something other cities don't have. May said staff will continue to budget conservatively. Updates will be given as information becomes available through the weekly updates. Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Pete Willenbring from WSB Engineering presented the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan (CSMP) that has been developed over the past two years. The need for this update to the City's CSMP was very evident after the flooding that occurred due to the storms in spring and summer of 2000. At this time, Rosemount does not have a storm water outlet to the Mississippi River. All of the City's storm water is able to infiltrate into the ground. The previous CSMP included the future construction of an outlet to the Vermillion River. In response to the allowable rate and volume of storm water discharge to the Vermillion River becoming more restrictive, the proposed CSMP includes the redirection of storm water from the City to the Mississippi River instead of the Vermillion River. City Staff has been working with Metropolitan Council to review the feasibility of combining a storm water outfall for the City with the proposed Empire Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) outfall that will be routed through Rosemount. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING JANUARY 15, 2003 Willenbring reviewed the water resources inventory for Rosemount. A hydraulic computer model was developed for Rosemount that can be used to predict the volume and rate of storm water runoff within the City. Public meetings were held to receive concerns from residents. In some cases, corrective action is indicated as part of the CSMP. Section 6 of the Plan outlines the proposed steps to implement the CSMP. Council asked clarification questions about several lake areas. With regards to the feasibility of combining a storm water outlet for the City with the Empire WWTP outfall, the MCES is concerned that the permitting of their project may be delayed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) if a request is made to combine the two systems. Staff will continue working with the Metropolitan Control Environment Services (MCES) to determine a solution to the situation. Staff has met with State Representative Ozment and Senator Knudson regarding this issue. The estimated cost for the City to construct a separate outfall to the Mississippi River is approximately $30,000,000 compared to an estimated cost of $5,000,000 to complete a combined outfall project with MCES. City Engineer Brotzler indicated that storm water trunk fees may be raised this year. Port Authority, Commission and Committee By -Laws Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken noted that terms were changed to one year for the Planning and Parks and Recreation Commissions in April 2001. Utility and Port Authority citizen positions terms remain at 3 years. Council discussed beginning rotation of terms by returning them to 3 year terms with 1, 2, and 3 year terms to always allow some experienced commissioners to continue. Changes to the policy were discussed to accomplish this. Staff was directed to issue a letter to all Parks and Recreation Commissioners, all Planning Commissioners, and Utility Commissioner Mulhern asking if they desire to return to their commission and which length of term worked best for them. The selection process will continue in February. Council / Staff Retreat Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken discussed hiring a facilitator to help focus a goal setting session. The hiring process for the new city administrator is progressing well. It would be beneficial to include the administrator if possible. The Carver plan was discussed. A tentative date of March 14 —15 was agreed on. Library Site Selection Process Community Development Director Parsons received a letter from the Library Board at Dakota County requesting a committee to work jointly to find a library site in Rosemount. 'Council Member Kim Shoe - Corrigan and Mark DeBettignies volunteered to participate. Staff members, City Planner Pearson and Community Development Director Parsons would also participate. Parsons asked for direction. Council Member Riley referred to the minutes of June 12, 2002 requesting a mixed use be used with the library site. Several sites were discussed. Information will be brought to the Library Board. Council Agenda Setting Process Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken noted that staff issues are driven by process. Kalstabakken requested direction of who and how the agenda should be compiled and the 2 f ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING JANUARY 15, 2003 approval needed. All Council concluded that the Mayor would consider the agenda with the city administrator. So Council Members could either contact the Mayor or City Administrator to place an item on the agenda or by stating the request at a regular Council meeting or work session. December Trail Update City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the traffic issue viewed by residents along December Trail as a concern with speed of traffic and volume of traffic. Brotzler discussed signage, striping, traffic volumes, and recorded speeds. Brotzler noted that changing traffic patterns would only shift the problem elsewhere. Police patrols stated that December -Trail is too windy to encourage speeding. A "no thru traffic" sign could be added. It was stated that with further development in the area, more traffic will occur. Mayor Droste suggested that further education with residents may increase reasonableness. No consensus was reached. Staff will continue to monitor this traffic issue. SKB Environmental, Inc. Community Development Director Parsons updated Council on the proposed expansion to the landfill waste storage facility requested by SKB Environmental, Inc. Our current zoning regulations limit the facility capacity to 200,000 cubic yards and SKB is asking for 5,000,000 cubic yards capacity. The community does benefit from a trust fund and the City from tipping fees. Additional road improvements and the final land use once it would be filled were discussed. Conditions can be negotiated into an agreement. The process calls for a zoning text amendment," Planning Commission approval, and then City Council approval. Animal Ordinance Update Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken led a discussion on the changes implemented by the new animal ordinance which did clarify some issues. The ordinance has been used by the City of Rochester for the last six years and brings many animal issues up -to -date for Rosemount. The "dangerous dog" requirements brought us into compliance with state statutes. Staff will continue to adopt policy to process. Additional Topics Parks & Recreation Director Schultz requested approval to move forward with Leprechaun Days planning meetings and contract. Mayor Droste indicated that would be fine. The SKB Trustee appointment by Council will be soon. Council has been asked to recruit someone. Mayor Droste has had a one year term. Staff was considered, but a perceived conflict of interest may exist. Mark Jacobs and John Howard are likely candidates. Mayor Droste suggested an open house for Council to talk with residents. It was determined that it would be called Town Hall Open Forum and will be held on Saturday, February 22, 9 a.m. to noon. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING JANUARY 15, 2003 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2003 -02. 4