HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of January 21, 2003 Regular City Council ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 1 # 6 A REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies and Riley present. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan was absent. Also in attendance were Interim City Administrator/ Police Chief Kalstabakken, City Attorney LeFevere, Community Development Director Parsons, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, City Engineer Brotzler, Consulting Engineer Bret Weiss from WSB and Consulting Engineer Anthony Aderhold from WSB. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no changes to the agenda and there were no public comments or response to public comments. Consent Agenda a. Minutes of January 7, 2003 Regular City Council Pulled for discussion b. Bills Listing c. Receive Donation for Fire Department d. Appointment of Commissioner and Alternate for Minn. Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) e. Appointments to Library Committee f. Transfer / Loan for Flexible Spending Account g. 2003 Solid Waste Hauler Licenses h. New Positions in 2003 i. D.A.R.E. and Police Services Agreement j. Mn/DOT Traffic Control Signal Agreement k. Authorization to Accept Quotes and Purchase Financial Accounting Software MOTION by Droste to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Riley. Ayes: Droste, Riley, DeBettignies. Nays: None. Motion passed. Repeal of Special Election Ordinance Interim Administrator Kalstabakken presented the item stating that as Council had requested that the item come back with repeal language prepared by City Attorney LeFevere. The language merely indicates that the section is repealed. Riley asked whether the Council needed anything else in writing as they go through the appointment process to which LeFevere responded no. MOTION by Riley to amend the City Code by repealing Section 5 -1 — 3, "Election to Fill. Vacancies." Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Riley, Droste, DeBettignies. Nays: None. Motion passed. Receive Feasibility Report for Bloomfield 5 tn - 8" Addition Street and Utility Improvements/ Approve Project/ Order Plans & Spec's - Bloomfield 5 th Addition Street & Utility Improvement, City Project #364 Consultant Engineer Bret Weiss from WSB presented the feasibility report for Bloomfield Additions 5 — 8, the four remaining additions of the plat. The 5 6 and 8 th Additions have already been graded; the 7 th Addition was left out to address some wetland and buffer issues. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 2003 These issues have since been attended to and grading for the 7 th Addition may be completed this summer. Weiss stated that all four additions are being looked at now so that Council understands what core ft mds will be expended and also so the developer understands the cost of street and utility improvements for the remainder of the development. Weiss stated that the only addition scheduled to be constructed in 2003 is Bloomfield 5 th Addition. Weiss stated that the core funds being proposed for expenditure in Bloomfield 5 th Addition are Storm Sewer Core Funds to address the construction of trunk storm water facilities extending from the north side of the railroad tracks into the Bloomfield development. Core funds from the Water Core Fund and Sanitary Sewer Core Fund are also being proposed for expenditure in order to oversize trunk facilities. Those core fund amounts to approximately $46,000 from the Storm Sewer Core Fund and $4,500 from the Water Main Core Fund for the 16" water main that runs along Auburn Avenue. Bloomfield 6 th Addition will utilize Water Main Core Fund for the same trunk water main and a small portion of Sanitary Sewer Core Fund for increasing the size of the sanitary sewer. Bloomfield 7 th Addition has the majority of the funds going toward trunk sanitary sewer and water main extending through the addition to the north side of the railroad tracks. Bloomfield 8 th Addition will only require some trunk water main extensions. The costs not covered by the core funds will be paid by Centex Homes, the project developer. Weiss then went on to detail the costs associated with each of the additions. Weiss noted that in Bloomfield 5 th Addition plat there is a lateral lift station that will be constructed because the existing Metropolitan Council line is too shallow to accommodate the extension of gravity sewer service to the entire 5' Addition. This small lift station will service 25 -30 homes in the area. The developer will bear the costs to build the station while the City will incur on- going costs to maintain the lift station. Weiss then went on to detail the timeline for the project. Mayor Droste asked why the storm sewers on Connemara are constructed to handle a 10 -year event storm while trunk storm sewers are designed to handle a 100 -year event. Weiss responded that a 10 -year event storm sewer is the standard design capacity for a neighborhood storm sewer; this handles normal rainfall amounts. A 100 -year flood event is typically handled through overland flow and ponding; it is impractical to size a storm sewer for an event that has, a 1% chance of occurring in any given year. Instead systems are designed for the water to take overland routes through drainage swales and emergency overflow swales. Droste asked if the primary pond was the one next to County Road 42. Weiss stated that there are two primary ponds, one lying next to County Road 42 and another pond on the north side near the railroad tracks. Currently the City infiltrates storm water and Weiss went on to describe the ways the water is infiltrated. Droste then asked if Centex was in the process of a PUD approval for the 5 th Addition. City Engineer Brotzler stated that they are in the process of final plat approval. The final plat has been through the Planning Commission and staff is now preparing the Subdivision Agreement for the plat. Once complete, staff will return with the final plat for Council approval, most likely at the second meeting in February. Droste then asked if staff was working on the language regarding storm water. Weiss stated that issues regarding storm water are addressed when grading the site and as part of the final plat process staff assures that issues like storm water have been addressed. 2 P ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 2003 Weiss added that Connemara Trail will have an overpass across the railroad tracks in the future. As part of the approved grading plan, the, developer is grading the approach in order to accommodate the future overpass. DeBettignies asked about grading for the sanitary sewer and water in the area and whether those costs have been factored in. Weiss stated that those costs are included but the actual sanitary sewer and water utilities will be offset otherwise they would be too deep for the City to service due to the amount of fill that will be used to build up the approach for the overpass. Droste then asked about the streets in the addition. Weiss stated that Auburn will extend from County Road 42 and then "T" into Connemara Trail and that Connemara will extend all the way across to Akron Avenue. Droste then asked if Connemara at 52 feet is wide enough for four lanes. Weiss stated that a street 52 feet wide accommodates four 13 foot lanes. Also, Connemara is currently striped for two lanes with shoulders, though in the future it could be striped for four lanes but without shoulders. Weiss stated that the two lanes with shoulders should meet local traffic volumes. Droste then asked the number of lanes that a 42 foot wide street like Auburn could accommodate. Weiss stated that 42 feet accommodates two lanes, with an additional third turning lane in the middle if necessary. Weiss added that the anticipated traffic volumes should also be sufficiently handled by two lanes. Droste then asked if there would be a full intersection at County Road 42 to which Weiss responded yes. DeBettignies then asked if any homes along Akron or Connemara had direct access to the streets to which Weiss indicated no. DeBettignies indicated he was concerned about parking along Akron or Connemara to which Weiss indicated there would not be parking on these streets. MOTION by DeBettignies to Adopt a Resolution Receiving the Feasibility Report for Bloomfield 5 th 8th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, Approving the Project and Ordering Plans and Specifications for the Bloomfield 5 Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #364. Second by Riley. Ayes: DeBettignies, Droste, and Riley. Nays: None. Motion passed. 6.a. Minutes of January 7, 2003 Regular City Council Council Member DeBettignies asked that the minutes be amended to show that to reflect that the Oath of Office took place preceding (not proceeding) the January 7, 2003 Port Authority meeting. MOTION by DeBettignies to Approve the Minutes of the January 7, 2003 City Council Meeting. Second by Droste. Ayes: Droste, Riley, DeBettignies. Nays: None. Motion passed. Town Hall Open Forum Mayor Droste stated that a date of February 22, 2003 from 9:00 a.m. to noon is being set for the Council to hold a Town Hall Open Forum. This forum is designed to encourage a dialogue between citizens, businesses and the Council. Since goal setting is on hold while recruiting for a City Administrator position and City Council Member, the Council sees this as a good opportunity to hear from all citizens. Droste state that he hoped this forum would provide citizens an easy opportunity to raise issues with the Council. If attendance to the event is strong, Droste stated that Council may hold another forum in the future. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS' REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 2003 MOTION by Droste to set Special Meeting Date of Saturday, February 22, 2003 from 9:00 a.m. to noon for the purpose of holding a Town Hall Open Forum. Second by Riley. Ayes: DeBettignies, Riley, and Droste. Nays: None. Motion passed. Announcements Mayor Droste reviewed upcoming meetings and events through the next Council meeting, noting that the next meeting will occur on Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. Council Member Riley then noted on the calendar that the Town Hall Open Forum is scheduled for February 22" not March 22nd. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paula A. Graff Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2003 -03. n