HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Cable Francise - Fiber to HomeCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: JUNE 11, 2003 AGENDA: CABLE FRANCHISE — FIBER TO THE HOME AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO: Q ATTACHMENTS: E -mail from Cable Coordinator Mark Moore APPROVED BY: FTTH (Fiber To The Home) was granted a cable franchise by the City of Rosemount in 2002. Terms of the franchise require FTTH to deliver public access channels and broadcast City Council and Planning Commission meetings. FTTH is ready to lay the fiber to City Hall and met with staff on June 4 to discuss a number of issues related to it. The item being brought to Council for discussion is how best to deliver the public access channels and programming. Cable Coordinator Mark Moore will be present at the meeting to more clearly articulate the policy issues. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Give staff direction. Hawkins Pond Association June 3rd, 2003 Dan Huberty President Hawkins Homeowner Association Phone: 651-42.j_.jjz+6 The Pro posal Repair the flood damage that occurred on the pond F Pond is considered a wetland and therefore should be maintained as a wetland Replant grass that was destroyed from the flood Install a lift station in the pond to maintain level of pond and avoid flooding problems Establish the water level on the pond Proposed Project Install sod around pond Homeowners will be responsible for watering and mowing after August 2002 Plant wildflowers and grass in the pond area from the sod level to the water level to create a wetland and wildlife area. Plant aquatic plants to create a natural barrier for pond life Install Cattails and other plants to restrict geese from homeowners yards Contractor to maintain weeds in pond area for 3 years from completion of contract r v .. 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O O o i Ul O� -0 `~ - 0 O� O -6 i 4 6 N E � 4-; Q (u � fu fu� O O L Q O N cn -0 cn Ln fu Ov O ,O _ U to fu _0 •� O C: C: 4-J V 4-; Q� O ca E� C o� • X fua)o�m ° j Q) = 4-- - 0 - a ca O 0 O L Ln U Ln fu - O� fu � tn "U�u 4- _0 CU "O O (o 4-1 - O t n a--1 _0 O O N M 4 -J to = fu 3 (1) L E M0) > a--i ru O L� � O c fa O a > �' j O L ca CT -0 O O O 0 z a=te 4 6 O O L Q 4- _0 CU "O O (o 4-1 - O t n a--1 _0 O O N M 4 -J to = fu 3 (1) L E M0) > a--i ru O L� � O c fa O a > �' j O L ca CT -0 O O O 0 z a=te Current State of Pond Current State of Pond Current State of Pond Current State of Pond Homeowners Request of the City Follow through on the promise the city made to the homeowners on Hawkins Pond. Complete the work as originally committed to make the ponding area a wetland as this was the cities request, not the homeowners. Homeowners agreed to the city's request to make the area a wetland. Re -plant the wildflowers and grass by using hy seeding so the flowers and grass will not wash away. Re -plant the aquatic life that is non- existence to create a natural barrier around the pond. Consider putting some amount of large river rock (not limestone) around the pond to prevent erosion. Raise the level of the pond to just below the top of the grates. - Do something to camouflage the wood box. - �, Give homeowners input on ways to minimize the growth of algae in the pond. .' A Verbrugge,Jamie From: Moore, Mark [MMoore @ci.apple- valley.mn.us] Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 11:46 AM To: Verbrugge,Jamie Cc: Grawe, Charles Subject: Access Channels on FTTH Jamie, I have been giving some thought to the program content that would be shown on the five PEG Access TV channels that you would receive as part of the franchise agreement with FTTH. It makes sense to me from a continuity standpoint that Rosemount would want to carry the same programming that is currently shown, and shared with its commission partners, on our existing five access channels through Charter Communications. The reasons behind my thinking are: * While customers could eventually have a choice of cable TV providers, I feel that they should have access to the same information that is distributed on the public, education, and government channels through Charter's system. * That it would be much easier and more cost - effective for Rosemount to cablecast the same content, rather than create and produce new programming for the feeds to FTTH. * Providing the same PEG program content and channel line -ups on FTTH would be consistent with what Rosemount is currently doing in concert with its commission partners on the Charter system. If it is decided to show the same content on both cable systems, the big question to be answered is how to get the program feeds for all five existing PEG channels to FTTH. Therefore, the heart of what I will be discussing with Bob Vose on this subject is: * What authority and rights we may or may not have under the franchises and Chapter 238 to require an interconnect between the two systems that would pass the five PEG feeds to FTTH. * What other options may need to be explored if we are not able to require an interconnect in order to get those feeds to FTTH. They may include running separate feeds from their source such as the Apple Valley Municipal Center for Government Channels 16 & 22, and Apple Valley High School or an ISD 196 facility in Rosemount for Ed Channel 10. Public Access Channel 12 and Metro Channel 6 currently originate from Charter's head -end, and may or may not still be an issue as far as tying into their facility and equipment. Another possibility may be to redesign the current return path configurations for the PEG channels and have them all be ultimately distributed from the Apple Valley Municipal Center, and then sent on to FTTH from there. The other issue here is likely to be who pays for the separate feeds if they are necessary. * Another option may be to find a way to retransmit those channels from Charter out of the Rosemount TV Control Room to FTTH. Even thought those are our channels and programming, would that create an infringement issue by lifting that content from Charter's system to give to another cable provider? I am certain that other questions will arise as we delve further in, but this is what I'm am looking at so far. Please let me know if you have another perspective, or additional questions and /or suggestions to be considered on this topic. Thanks, M. M. i