HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d. Conflict of InterestMEMORANDUM TO: ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL FROM: MIKE MILES �X DATE: June 30, 1992_ RE: CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In response to the request of City Administrator Steve Jilk and several members of the Rosemount City Council, the following is a brief review of the law regarding potential conflicts of interest involving members of the City Council. In addition to this summary, copies of the applicable state statutes are attached for your information. The principal statute regarding conflicts of interest impacting on members of the City Council is Minn. Stat. §10A.07. Essentially, that provision states that if a local elected official in the discharge of official duties would be required to take an action that would substantially affect the officials direct or indirect financial interest in a way greater than other persons of the same profession or occupation, the local official must take the following actions: 1. Prepare a written statement describing the proposed action and potential conflict of interest; 2. Provide a copy of the statement to the Mayor; and 3. Abstain from taking action with respect to the specific issue involved. An example of a conflict of interest under this statute would be: if you had a partial interest in a piece of real estate and a decision proposed by the City Council would augment the value of that real estate (i.e. rezoning, allowing for subdivision of the property, etc.), you would be subject to the requirements of §10A.07. An example of a situation which does not entail a conflict of interest would be: if as a council person you were to participate in a decision to locate a new fire house in your neighborhood and such decision might slightly benefit the value of your property because of fire safety considerations but would also have a similar effect on all other property owners within your neighborhood. The other, more particularized prohibition found in state law x appears in Minn. Stat. §471.87 and §471.88. Section 471.87 prohibits public officials from having a personal financial 1 interest in any sale, lease or contract in which that public official will have decision making authority as part of his or her official duty. There are numerous exceptions to this provision in §471.88 (i.e. contracts involving designation of a bank, official newspaper, contracts of a modest amount, etc.) and these exceptions are set forth fully in the attached statutory materials. In summary, state law simply says that you cannot use your official position in order to receive a financial or personal benefit different from other citizens. Attachments Y 2 88'TLp P L8'TLfi suotl3as ,tq patuaeo8 tall- -8 of p3adsaa tpijh Iet3t ; ;o l I s of SIdds lou swop uopaas sttl,L 'a18F)UP le3ol :l3etluo3 u[ ;saiaTuI 'S 'PgnS �• uailel uog3-8 atp ;o Naaet, e tntlltnA palg aq lsntu luatualals ally 'uotsutpgns le3gtlod s,let3gjo aql ;o Spoq 2uttuae08 atp tiltei luatualsls eq, aIg tugs [ - le i -8 pue pseoq au; ippa luatualels atll aig l[ - Istog ;o 3tlgnd y 'ua3iq uop3a atll pus l3tgito3 18gualod atp Sutgpsap luatualsls -8 90 [lEgs lat3g ;o atTl `sallstu atl� tllrla uog3auuo3 ut uog3e tuoi; u�elsge of algeun asteuatllo st so pallttusad lou st I -8139 ;o atll ;I uogsanb ut uotspap so uog3e aril to It -8d 8ttnlal tuot; .tagtuaut atll asnoxa `lsanbaa s, ragtuatu aql le 'Amu azwas ;o asnoq atp `amlelst$al aql ;o iaqutatu s st Istag ;o aql ;I •uopsanb ut uotstaap .to uogos atp jaeo amangut tuos; pi-8oq atll Sq pagtrosaad iauustu e tn 'algtssod ji 'utelsgs Il -8qs lst ;o atll .iouadns aletpautun oa st alatll YJ •lsazaltn ;o latl;uo3 l -8pualod e. asst{ IOU swop oqm aadotduta lat{lous of 'algtssod p `aallstu aqj u2isss llsgs iouadns atp 'Itun i3auatutuano8 u-8lllodo4atu. 13 ;o Spoq 2ttttu atll ;o so aiztlslst8al atp 3o tagtuatu s lou st 1 10 all ;I Z pgnS •latguoo Ispualod aql ;o Spoq atil ;o aallttutuo3 so a3tuas ;o .(poq Ist3g ;o atp jo iouadns aq4 uuoln Sgwo llsgs lstagjo Imoi so 3tlgnd at13 `(S) of (T) sasnsl3 tpi-vL Aldtuoa oq atop luatatunstn tat azatp pas;la sluasaid lsaialut ;o l3t1pao3 lepualod s a3was ;o Spoq atp ;o zaat o Sutptsaid atp of luatualels atp ;o Kdo3 s aaetlap 'Ittm isluatuuz8eo8 usltlodo.rlatu s ;o dpoq 2urtu9e08 atp ;o io aanle11612al atp ;o sagUaKU a (S) pus :Xus ;t 'iouadns alatpaultut s,lst3g ;o atil dl luaualsl9 8111 ;o satdo3 'aetlap (Z) `1-881818 - ;o l3 l -8pualod atp go aznl -8u atll pus uotst3ap io aotlas Suutnbaa mpieut aril Butgpsap luatualels ualll.& s aasdasd (T) :saop3E 2meollo; attl a5M jpgs 'uog -8dn33o .zo 'uotssa ;oid 'uotl-83gtss -8I3 seautsnq 9,Ist3g ;o alp ;o stagtuatu -881113 uo uetp sal -8at8 ou st lat3g ;o atp uo pa; ;a aql ssalun 'ssautsnq palataosss we ;o asogj so slsaialtn lst3usug s,ist3t;o atll lajp- Klleguelsgns pinoes 18111 aotstaap is 9311gcu so aop3e us q� of parinbai aq pino. sapnp l -8t3g ;o ;o a2i -8g3stp aill to oqe& ltun Isluautuaano8 uell[odo gate e Xq paluiodds . zo Ql pavala lat3tjo pool a so Ist 3 tlgnd V '0 lallualod ;o atnsolaslQ •T uolslelpgn8. lsaialut ;o slaiL uOD 'LO -VOT -� RIGHTS, POWERS, DUTIES. § 471.87 471.87 Public officers, interest in contract; penalty Except as authorized in section 471.88, a public officer who is authorized to take part in any manner in making any sale, lease, or contract in his official capacity shall not voluntarily have a personal financial interest in that sale, lease, or contract or per- sonally benefit financially therefrom. Every public officer who violates this provison is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Laws 1951, c. 379, § 1. Amended by Laws 1955, c. 41, § 1. 471.88 Exceptions Subdivision 1. The governing body of any port authority, seaway port authority, town, school district, county, or city, by unanimous vote, may contract for goods or services with an in- terested officer of the governmental unit in any of the following cases. Subd. 2. In the designation of a bank or savings association in which the officer is interested as an authorized depository for public funds and as a source of borrowing, no restriction shall apply to the deposit or borrowing of any funds or the designa- tion of a depository by such authority or governmental unit in any bank or savings association in which a member of an au- thority or officer of a governmental unit shall have an interest if such deposited funds are protected in accordance with chapter 118; provided, however, that any member or officer having such an interest shall disclose that he is a director or employee of the bank or savings association, which disclosure shall be entered upon the minutes of the authority or governmental unit, such disclosure shall be made when such bank or savings association is first designated as a ,depository or as a source of borrowing, or when such member or .officer is elected whichever is later, and such disclosure shall serve as notice of such interest and need not be made with each successive transaction; Subd. 3. The designation of an official newspaper, or publi- cation of official matters therein, in which the officer is inter- ested when it is the only newspaper complying with statutory or charter requirements relating to the designation or publication; Subd. 4. A contract with a cooperative association of which the officer is a shareholder or stockholder but not an officer or manager; Subd. 5. A contract for which competitive bids are not re- quired by law and where the amount does not exceed $5,000 when the commodity or service contracted for is not otherwise available in the affected governmental unit; Subd. 6. A contract with a volunteer fire department for the payment of compensation to its members or for the payment of retirement benefits to these members; Subd. 7. A contract with a municipal band for the payment of compensation to its members; Subd. 8. Contracts for goods or services when the considera- tion does not exceed $5,000 in any year and the contracting gov- ernmental unit has a population of less than 5,000; Subd. 9. When a port authority commissioner is engaged in or employed by a firm engaged in the business of importing or § 471.88 MUNICIPALITIES exporting or general trade, it shall be lawful. for the authority to do business with the commissioner or his employer provided that in the fixing of any rates affecting shippers or users of the ter - minal facility, said commissioner shall not vote thereon. Subd. 10. When a seaway port authority commissioner is en- gaged in or employed by a firm engaged in the business of im- porting qr exporting or general trade, it shall be lawful for the authority to do business with the commissioner or his employer pirovided that in the fixing of any rates affecting shippers or users of the terminal facility, said commissioner shall not take part in the determination of, except to testify, nor vote thereon. Subd. 11. When a commissioner of any public housing or port authority is employed by a bank engaged in making loans or performing trust services involving real or personal property affected by any plan of such housing or port authority, no re- striction shall apply to any such loans made or trust services performed by said bank if the commissioner shall disclose the nature of such loans or trust services of which he has personal knowledge, which disclosure shall be entered upon the minutes _of such authority. 471.89 MUNICIPAL RIGHTS, PONVERS, DUTIES 1 Z12 1213 or services could be obtained elsewhere. In case of an emergency when the Contract cannot Statutory city oblig ann bc Subd. in advance, payment of the claims shall be authorized by a like resolution in AM"r some and shall not be liable for an which the facts of the emergency are also stat ed. the joint enterp rise of the statutor Subd. 3. Claims, affidavits riled. Before such aclaim is paid, the interested officer shall hospital. davit statin file with the clerk of the governing body an affidavit —3; 0 History: 1951 c 497 s I me of the officer and the office held by the officer; (a) The name - - - - - - - - - - J (b) An itemization of the commodity or se rvices furnished; 471.91 AIR TRAVEL ACCOU' (c) The contract price; Th governing governing body of any c e (d) The reasonable value; U first class is authorized to enter int (e) The interest of the officer in the contrac t; and carrying passengers on schedule f] a and belief the contract price is as low a, t accou for any such city C (f) That to thebesrof the officer's knowled I M nt the commodity or services could be obtained from other necessary and proper to facilitat lower than, the price at which county, and t o deposit with the ai sources. such account. History: 1951 c 379 s 3, 1965 c 45 s 64-66; 1967 c 125 s 1,2; 1978 c 651 s 2,3: !3` History: 1951 c 630 s 1 1986 c 444 471.895 CERTAIN GIFTS BY INTERESTED PERSONS PROHIBITED. 471.92 DANGEROUS EXCAN Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) The definitions in this su bdivision apply to this section. Subdivision 1. Wells, pools (b) "Gift" has the meaning given given it in section 10A.071, subdivision 1. county, city or town may regulate cisterns, recharging basins, catch (c) "Interested person" means aperson orarepresentative of a person or association that i i abandor use, maintenance or has a direct financial interest in a decision that a local official is authorized to make. Th e 4- any considerable number of per (d) "Local official" means an elected or appointed official of a county or city or of -,in suant to the laws relating to pub agency, authority, or instrumentality of a coun ty or city. Subd. 2. Abate by cover, fe Subd. 2. Prohibition. An interested person may not give a gift or request another to give ably covering g g ift from an interested. person. - such installation c a gift to a local official. A local official may not accept a g 37 Subd. 3. Exceptions. (a) The prohibitions in this section do not apply if the gift is' History: 1955 c 601 s 1,2; (1) a contribution as defined in section 211A.01, subdivision 5; UNTY A (2) services to assist an official in the performance of official duties, including but not 471.9SubdiviOsion 1. limited to providing advice, consultation, information, and communication in connection general welfare of its residents, with legislation, and services to constituents-, K iD and and junk dealers. (3) services of insignificant monetary va lue; services in afield . of specialty or Subd. 2. implementation. C, . in- individual se (4) a plaque or similar memento recognizing section shall be furthered by th to a charitable cause; nance provisions. (5) a trinket or memento o f insignificant value; History: 1985 c 289 s 9; (6) informational material of unexceptio nal value; or t meal, or meeting (7) food or a beverage given at a reception, away from the recipien g the recipient appears to make a speech or ail 471.925 DEFINITIO NS. place of work by an organization before whom part of a program. ram For purposes oections saver questions as pa 1P apply if the gift is given: means a person engaged in the (b) The prohibitions in this section do not memb are but riot ted to coins ehi cl es ant gold, si t's membership in a group, a mjority of whose (1) because of the recipie n motor v : ivalent gift is given to the other a members of the group ers or vehicles or not local officials, and an equ oods and merchandise taken (2) by an interested person who is a ot m meber of of u g ly of the recipient, nlessthegift' member of that family. History: 1985 c 289 S 10 is given on behalf of someone who is n a History: 1994 c 377 s 6 471.926 RELATION TOO S, HOSPITAL; TRANSFER TO COUNTY. Any or adopted b 471.90 STATUTORY CITIES, a duly authorized by unanimous vote Of its aON*ern plement and be in addition to a Subdivision 1. Authorization. When building d, situated thereon or a nomin an or rule. 1985 c 289,S 1 ing body any statutory city owning real estate an d a hospital f equipment jointly with the county in which said statutory city is locate may, History: consideration or without consideration, transfer its title and interest in the real estate, hospital said county. 471.92 COOPERATION' building, and equipment to s majority vote of its The governing body of a: Subd. 2. County may accept. Said county, when authorized by a such grant and conveyance. riunkdeale,- governing body, may accept latesecondhando J