HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Receive Plans & Specifications/Authorize Advertisement of Bids - Portable4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 20, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Plans & Spec's /Authorize Ad for Bid — Portable Generator /Receptacle Project, City Project #366 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer AG r r 6 -a ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, "Approved" Minutes of November 18, APPROVED BY: 2002 & "Draft" Minutes of February 10, 2003 Utility Commission Meeting The Generator/Receptacle Project, City Project #366 includes the replacement of an existing outdated generator, modification of another generator, and the retrofitting of electrical receptacles at the City's wells, sanitary sewer lift stations, and storm sewer lift stations. The generators provide the City with a portable standby power source to operate the City's wells, sanitary sewer lift stations, and storm sewer lift stations in the event of an emergency during a power outage: The project will also include the standardization of electrical receptacles at these facilities to bring the facilities into compliance with State Electrical Code and provide for a uniform system. Funding for the project will include encumbered funds from the 2001 and 2002 budget for the generator and utility funds for the retrofitting of the receptacles. The Utility Commission, at the November 18, 2002 meeting, authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the Portable Generator/Receptacle Project, City Project #366. (meeting minutes attached) At the February 10, 2003 Utility Commission meeting, the Commission adopted,a motion to recommend that the City Council receive the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement of bid for the Portable Generator/Receptacle Project, City Project #366. The draft meeting minutes are attached for your information. Staff recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR A PORTABLE GENERATOR/RECEPTACLE, CITY PROJECT #366. COUNCIL ACTION: h CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR PORTABLE GENERATOR/RECEPTACLE PROJECT CITY PROJECT #366 WHEREAS, the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount have ordered the preparation of plans and specifications for the Portable Generator /Receptacle Project, City Project #366 and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for City Project #366. 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state the bids will be publicly opened at the Rosemount City Hall in said City and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for five (5 %) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 20`h day of February, 2003. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Seconded by: Voted against: UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 2002 and reimbursements. Current policy doesn't allow for reimbursement and this appeal was made within the last month. Credits are only made within a current quarterly billing. The Commission directed Ms. Wenzel to meet with Chad Donnelly, the City's Water Resource Engineer, to determine impervious ground cover, that's what Storm Water Utility fees are based on. Also, Commission members reiterated that if a property owner changes their land use in any way then the City needs to be notified so appropriate action can betaken regarding Storm Water Utility fees. The Commission wants language added to Ms. Wenzel's letter stating that the "Storm Water Utility rate would be adjusted accordingly." This item will be tabled until Ms. Wenzel can meet with Mr. Donnelly to discuss the characteristics of the site. 5b. AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS- PORTABLE GENERATOR & REHABILITATION OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM This item had been pulled from the October agenda so President Mulhern could be in attendance for the discussion. City Engineer Brotzler reviewed with the Commission the report, which was received from Kaeding & Associates. Finding the electrical system at Well #3 out of date and not up to code led to the preparation of this report. There are many inconsistencies with the generator receptacles for the wells and lift stations. The Commission reviewed the budget plan for this project. What hasn't been budgeted for would be reviewed as operating costs. Public Works Superintendent Cook had sent out inquiries to eight different cities regarding the availability of their generators and matching equipment to ours in case of an emergency. Out of the eight cities, four responded and Burnsville was the only city, which would be compatible with our services. When Well #12 is installed it will have its own generator as part of the specifications and project. Public Works Superintendent Cook was asked his opinion of the need for this project. He apprised the Commission that it is needed very much. Our parallel system, which has been operating since 1995 is dangerous, but grandfathered in. If it were put in like that now, the State Electrical Inspector would not pass the system. At this time, the requested work to be authorized doesn't include the rehabilitation work being done. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 2002 Training would be included in the bid. If the plans and specifications were ordered tonight they could be back to the Commission for review sometime in January or February. MOTION by Busho to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for a portable generator and rehabilitation of the electric systems. SECOND by Heimkes. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Busho, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. 5c. BACARDI WATER TOWER, CITY PROJECT #355 City Engineer Brotzler added this item to the agenda to discuss with the Commission a meeting he had with the Novaceks. They are the property owners of the site for the new water tower, future fire station and the future water treatment plant. Out of their 10 -acre site they would like to retain 2 -3 acres for their homestead. The City hired an appraiser for the property. The 6.06 acres were appraised at $260,000. The appraisal also identified a $12,500 decrease in value on the remaining parcel for a total compensation amount of $272,500. Staff would like direction from the Commission to continue negotiations. Temporary access would run north/south with the eastern edge of the property belonging to the Minea's. The extension of Bacardi south to Connemara Trail would be developed with the development of the Minea property. Biscayne Pointe 4 th Addition is being developed now. As properties to the east develop, a need for the water tower and potentially another well increases. Since the pipeline is 45 feet east of the property line a blanket easement would have to be vacated and redefined. The gas line .easement would have to be at least 90' in width. The Novacek's agreed to soil borings, however the borings are not for the potential well site, it would be for the water tower only at this point in time. The other neighbor's, the Flach's, are not interested in selling and feel that living beneath a water tower is all right with them. Because a water tower is a health and safety issue a public hearing is not required, however it is recommended that the City should get signage up as soon as possible notifying residents that a new tower, fire station and possible treatment plant are all possibilities on this site. Also signage should be put up for the future overpass. The money for these items has been budgeted for and that needs to be relayed to the residents. The future fire station will be centrally located. If all proceeds according to plan, ownership could be as early as next summer MOTION by Berg to direct Staff to prepare a purchase agreement for the acquisition of a 6.06 acre parcel and recommend to the City Council that the purchase of said parcel be negotiated and acquired for construction of a new municipal water tower and future water treatment plant and UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 2003 5b. Authorize the Preparation of Plans & Specifications for Well #12 5c. Receive Plans & Specifications for Portable Generator /Receptacle /Authorize Ad for Bid Paul Kaeding, Consulting Electrical Engineer from Kaeding and Associates, Inc. lead the discussion with the Commission regarding a portable generator /receptacle project. As of now the portable generator the City has is a gaseous generator. It is old and small and very high maintenance, thus the need for a new portable generator. The new generator would run any of the wells, stormwater lift stations and sanitary lift stations. Safety is the big issue with a new generator. With all the different code changes, the wells (with the exception of Well #3) and lift stations would have to be upgraded with adaptable receptacles to bring them into compliance. They would all have to be reconfigured with 400 amp connectors to plug into the cable on the generator. The new generator would have cam lock (individual conductors) to connect to the wells and/or lift stations. The old generator would also have to be reconfigured. Generators should be usable and safe. This upgrade would make using a portable generator safe and consistent, which is what the Commission would like to see happen. When asked by the Commission how much this project should cost, Mr. Kaeding felt a rough estimate was $180,000. This would include remodeling and reconfiguring existing wells and lift stations and the generator itself. The funding has been in the C.I.P. for the last two years and the remainder needed would come from the operating budgets of each utility. Mr. Kaeding feels good bidding prices should be available. City Engineer Brotzler reminded the Commission that this would standardize our system. Commissioner Heimkes also stated that the upgrade would help in emergency situations. MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council receive the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement of bid for the Portable Generator /Receptacle Project, City Project #366. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Heimkes, Mulhern, Berg. Nays: 0. Motion carried.