HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. 2004 Employee Insurance RenewalCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: OCTOBER 15, 2003 AGENDA: 2004 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE RENEWAL AGENDA SECTION: UPDATES PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENIn , M 77 3 ATTACHMENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: The City of Rosemount is currently working through a Labor - Management Insurance Committee to evaluate options for renewal of the 2004 insurance benefits package. Based on previous Council direction, staff has directed renewal options to be drafted that include up to a 10% increase in the City contribution toward the purchase of health insurance benefits. The renewal figure for the current health insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield's Double Gold, was an increase of 20.9 %. For that reason, program options that are within the Council - directed cost stricture are being reviewed. Staff will present more information at the Committee of the Whole meeting regarding the option plans being reviewed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Give staff direction. COUNCIL ACTION: �2 LFeK's fl I L E Z0O3 -31 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING October 1 03 Jaycee ark Shelter 6:00 P.M. City Council and City Staff 1. 2. Call to Order Key Financial Strategies 3. Adjournment CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2003 AGENDA: KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGIES AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO: ATTACHMENTS: KFS PROCESS INFORMATION APPROVED BY: '? The City Council previously authorized staff to retain Ehlers & Associates for the purpose of conducting a Key Financial Strategies (KFS) program to look at current and future fiscal and budgetary processes and impacts for the City of Rosemount. The KFS program includes at least four meetings with the City Council to work through the process. The special meeting of October 14 is Session #1 in the KFS process. Attached for Council review is information previously provided by Ehlers & Associates regarding the process outline for Council and staff, as well as a description of the Financial Foundation to the KITS approach. The Ehlers team of Jim Prosser and Rebecca Kurtz will be present at the meeting and will provide additional detailed information for the purposes of conducting Session #1. RECOMMENDED ACTION: DISCUSSION OF KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGIES. NO ACTION IS REQUESTED. COUNCIL ACTION: FREERS & ASSOCIATES INC Key Financial Strategies Process Outline 1. Explain KFS process. 2. Review KFS objectives. 3. Identify and discuss financial foundation items. 4. Provide financial status overview. 5. Compare and contrast with other cities. 6. Review financing /revenue options. 7. Opportunity to discuss community infrastructure and financial strengths and weaknesses. 1. KFS process guide. 2. KFS objectives. 3. Financial checklist. 4. Overview. 5. Comparison. (Tax base mix /growth/ allocation/growth factors/population/socio- economic mix /housing type age) 6,.Budget comparison for last 5 -10 years..' . 7. Bond rating ag.en�,y criteria. 8. Debt ratios. 9. Comparable cities- typical residential tax bill /mix of tax capacity. "•+ 1. Document areas of concern as identified by council and staff. 2. Identify foundation areas which required development or updating. 1. Review costing of foundation items. 2. Review scheduling of investment /capital improvement items. 3. Discuss gap financing options. 1. Foundation items cost. 2. Schedule of capital improvements. 3. Gap financing options. 4. List of revenue options. 5. Community strengths and weaknesses. 1. Agreement on foundation costs. 2. Agreement on capital improvements and schedule. 3. Direction regarding gap financing options. 4. Identify any remaining. potential funding needs or revenues. Three 1. Review preliminary plan 1. Preliminary plan. 1. Agreement on financing including expenditures, schedule 2. Alternative impact analysis. options, schedule and and revenues. 3. Revenue forecast model costs. 2. Review funding alternative 4. Sources and uses summary. impacts. 3. Provide financial revenue " forecast model. 4. Review preliminary gap analysis. Four: 1. Review final plan. 1. Final plan. 1. Final action plan. 2. Review policies and schedule 2. Schedule. 2. Schedule. required to implement final plan. 3. Policies. 3. Policies. N: \GENERAL\Key Financial Strategies\KFS.outline.wpd FREERS 6 ASSOCIATES INC Key Financial Strategies Staff Outline One 1. Explain KFS process. 1. Plan and schedule for filling gaps (Pnor to Session 2. Develop draft US objectives. in foundations. one with CC } J. Identify and discuss financial 2. Copies of policies. foundation items including need for b 3. Copies of financials. new materials. 4. Draft master schedule. F A, 4. Review financial status. 5. Agreement on comparison cities. k� 5. Identify comparison cities. 6. Review financing /revenue options. ' 7. Develop master schedule. ` 8. Review financial policies. TWO.' 1. Review outcomes of session one. 1. Presentation format. (Prior to Session 2. Review objectives established by 2. Agreement on financial foundation Jwo: *itfi CC }; council. materials. 3. Review financial foundation 3. Agreement on agenda for session materials. three. 4. Reach consensus on presentation format. 5. Review budget funds and structure. 6. Review agenda for session two. 7. Review strengths and weaknesses. Three 1. Review outcomes of session two. 1. Agreement on revenue forecast (Prior to Session 2. Review revenue forecast model. model. three With CC) 3. Review gap analysis. 2. Agreement on gap analysis. Four,,;, 1. Review draft plan. 1. Agreement on draft plan. ._ (Pi-ajt to, Session �;, 2. Review agenda for session three. 1. Review results from session three. 1. Agreement on draft 2. Review draft recommendations and recommendations and implementation plan. implementation plan. I Review agenda for session four. N: \GENERAL1Key Financial Strategies \KFS.staffoutline.wpd EHLERS 6 ASSOCIATES INC Ehlers & Associates Key Financial Strategies Financial Policies Debt Managemen# , Establishes appropriate debt levels and debt instruments. Defines how debt will be paid. Risk Ma"n"J ement- '' g Describes use of insurance versus risk retention. Fund $;lance Policy Establishes olic r fundi of reserves. p Y g g g a Provides for allocation of risk management charges. t, ;.Special Assessment Establishes policy regarding public benefit versus assessed share. 3 Describes when special assessment financing will be used. Establishes policy regarding financing cost. User,Charges p Establishes standards regarding recovery of actual costs to provide u service or product. Utility Charges Establishes standards regarding recovery of actual costs to provide , 3 service or product. Y Establishes standards regarding allocation of fixed and variable as " ML � b b costs. 3 lnvestnient`Pahcy: Establishes standards for the type of acceptable investments. Establishes collateralization standards. Establishes liquidity standards. Annexatiorl,holiEy,, , Describes when and how annexation will be considered. Business Subsidies Describes when assistance such as tax increment financing, abatement and other assistance will be provided. Fund $;lance Policy Provides guidelines for targeted fund balances based upon cash a flows, emergency needs, contingencies and management policies. t, Budged and, 1 r Describes how the budget will be developed, implemented and 3 revised as needed. Describes how revenue and expenditure variances will be managed. N: \GENERAL\Key Financial Strate¢ies\KFS.financial_ policies.wpd FREERS 8 ASSOCIATES I N C Key Financial Strategies Financial Foundation Descriptions Capital Improvement Plan A five to ten year projection of anticipated capital expenditures. The plan should cover all funds of the city and should be updated at least once every two years. Plan should include revenue sources. Growth Impacts,On Operations And ,, A review of different growth and development scenarios on the City's Capital,Needs operation and capital needs. Will be done in conjunction with the City's capital improvement plan and other facets of this study. Pavement. Management System A long term maintenance and capital improvement plan detailing the techniques (sea] coating, crack filling, routing, resurfacing and replacement and annual cost for maintaining and replacing roadway systems (pavement, curb, gutter and impacted utilities as required). Ideally this plan is incorporated into the CIP. Storm Sewer Management A five to ten year projection of storm sewer related expenditures. The plan should include revenue sources and expenditures by project area and should be updated periodically. Non - Annual Recurring Maintenance; The periodic cost to maintain physical facilities such as HVAC, roof systems and parking lots. Facility Replacement The cost to upgrade or replace major facilities such as city hall, public work facilities, public safety, fire stations, water plants, wastewater treatment plants, �., . recreation buildin Information Technologies The cost to purchase, support and maintain computers, telephones, radios etc. Economic Development City /HRA /EDA cost to retain and attract residential and commercial tax base to community. Housing Development The cost to replace or upgrade substandard housing and to develop new types of housing. Debt Management A summary of existing debt service commitments and impact of future debt. Budget Option Analysis " -; An analysis of the impact of potential budget reductions at specified levels and future staffing needs. Council Goals and Obiec #Ives ;:, The cost and schedule assigned to council goals and objectives. Vehicle /Equipment Replacement An inventory of vehicles and equipment for all departments and proposed Plan = replacement schedule including net cost to replace. An option to this plan is a vehicle enterprise fund which "leases" vehicles to departments. Lease cost F may include maintenance costs. Five Year Budget =d A projection of revenues and expenditures for major funds including new or previously deferred programs and services. Credit Rating Report Credit rating reports may provide a basis for changes in financial operations that will iprove the city' ability to fund capital improvements. m