HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. LAWCOM Grant Letter and Sports Dome LeaseCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: September 10, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: LAWCON Grant Letter and Sports Dome Lease AGENDA SECTION PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. F ATTACHMENTS: Irish Dome /RHS Lease and Letter to DNR APPROVED BY: City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Verbrugge and I met with representatives from ISD 196 regarding the lease of land to Irish Dome LLC and a letter to be submitted to the Minnesota Department Natural Resources (DNR) regarding the proposed improvements to the LAWCON grant restricted land. Attached is a copy of the proposed lease and letter. The lease was drafted by ISD 196. City Attorney LeFevere did not see a reason for the City to be part of this lease. The attached letter was composed by staff at ISD 196 as a draft and sent to the DNR for preliminary review. The DNR is asking that the City submit the official letter regarding the proposed improvements because the City signed the original LAWCON agreement that encompasses City and ISD 196 land. Both the school lease and the letter to the DNR must be approved by the DNR prior to the project moving forward. Should the Council be in support of the attached letter, staff will prepare a City edited version to be reviewed by ISD 196 and then sent to the DNR. The City did receive a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) that was considered an incomplete application. The developer is gathering more information to complete the CUP application. RECOMMENDED ACTION \ NOTES: Discussion Only. le �e.-O LEASE This Lease is made as of , 2003, between ISD #196, as "Landlord ", and Irish Dome, LLC, as "Tenant" and the City of Rosemount "City." FIRST: TERM AND RENT 1.01 Leased Premises. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord, subject to and with the benefit of the terms and provisions of the Lease, land at Rosemount High School of approximately 110,500 square feet hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises ". The Leased Premises is more fully identified in the Attached Exhibit A. 1.02 Term and Termination. The term of the Lease shall be for twenty (20) years commencing on , 2003 and terminating, unless extended pursuant to the terms of this Lease, on the last day of the last month of the twenty year term. 1.03 Rent. In lieu of cash rent, Tenant shall permit Landlord to use the Irish Dome to be constructed on the Leased Premises between the hours of 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and 2:OOp.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, on any days when school is in session pursuant to the official school calendar of Rosemount High School. In addition to the above referenced permitted use, the Landlord will also have use of the Irish Dome during the month of August at the beginning of the fall athletic activities practice season based on the Minnesota State High School League start date from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tenant shall open the Irish Dome during those times when it is designated for use by Landlord. Tenant further agrees that it shall not rent out or otherwise allow the Irish Dome to be used on the day annually designated by Rosemount High School as graduation day. The parties shall meet at least annually to discuss Landlord's usage, and determine whether any mutually agreed adjustments in Landlord's usage times are warranted. SECOND: USE OF PREMISES 2.01 Use of Leased Premises. The Leased Premises shall be used and occupied by Tenant for construction and bperation of a multi - purpose domed recreational facility and for all other purposes reasonably incidental thereto. The facility to be constructed is more fully described in Exhibit B. The facility shall be constructed on public property and shall be operated for public recreation purposes in compliance with the provisions of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act and implementing guidelines to enhance the outdoor recreational opportunities available on the Leased Premises. The multi - purpose domed recreational facility shall be named the Irish Dome. Tenant shall not rename the Irish Dome without the written approval of Landlord. In the event that the Irish Dome is renamed, all references in this Lease to the Irish Dome will apply to the renamed facility. Tenant shall assure that the facility is constructed and operated in a manner consistent with all pertinent federal, state and local regulations, including, but not limited to all civil rights and accessibility legislation (e.g., Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act) handiGap aGGessibility and local building code requirements. Prior to commencing construction of the facility, Tenant shall, - awoa gsul ayl jo asn s,paolpueq of apelncIppe sa6aeyo Ile 6uipnpui awoa ysul ayl ao/pue sasluaaad paseaq ayl of paialaw Alaleaedas ao lueual Aq AlloaJip paloealuoo Jaylla aae yolynn aolnaas ao Alililn aaylo Aue pue Alunoas `auoydalal `Apploala `se6 `lan} `camas `ialenn io; sa6aeyo Ile col. Aed of saaa6e lueual •se aey:D A4 Zo'£ 'auaoa yslal ayl of 6ulpe91 s�lennapis uaoa; nnous to lenouaaa of palluall sl lenouaaa nnous col uolle6llgo s,paolpueq `aanannoH - lenouaaa nnous pue 6uimow `6uideospuel 6uipnloul aoueueluiew punoa6 aoualxa Ile apinoid lleys paolpueq `anoge ayl 6uipuelsg1!m1oN - paldaoxe weal pue aeann algeuoseaa `aseaq ayl jo luawaouawwoo ayl le pallenaad se uollipuoo pooh se ui loaaay 1y6i3 uoiloaS Lpm aouepa000e ui awoa ysul ayl pue sasiwaid pesea ayl aapuaaans llegs 11 `aseaq ayl;o uoileuiwial ao uoileaidxe ayl uodn pue `lsoo unno sli le iiedaa pue uollipuoo `aapao pooh ui awoa ysul a 6ulpnloui sas ivaaad paseaq ayl daa� llegs li aseaq siyl jo wial ayl 6uunp leyl saaa6e lueual - aoueuajulew I,p•£ SEIan n ONd N011"31 `30NVN31NIdW':(3NIH1 •sai ;l/loej a;enud rellwls y ;inn and ;l ;adwoo a.re ;ey; saaj jo;uatuAed ay; uodn awoQ ysul ay;;uai io asn o; pamo/le aq ileys o/Ignd ayl •sd►ysragwew a ;eniid col molle;ou /Ieys pue srnoy 6ui;eiodo s;► jo /kg ;seal ;e asn oilgnd iol algellene awoQ yslrl ay; a3lew lleys ;ueual (a •o//gnd ay; o; uado Apipej leuopeaaoaa e se;ueual Aq pa;eaado pue paunno A/o//gnd 6u/aq se sas/waad posea7 ay; AJ!IUap/ lleys awoQ ysu/ ay; Jo fiu/s/Panpe pue arn;eaapi se //am se `afieuBts //y lueual ayl Aq 6uilpm ui panoidde aq ileys abeu6is aq_L - asn o//gnd pue asn;ou ;s/p looyos pa ;eufi/sop jo sinoy oy/oads ay; fiu/;s/l pue awoo gsul ayl 6uiAj!luapl abeu6is aoualxa aleudoidde uielulew pue lonalsuoo of saaa6e lueual (p - logoole ao 000egol to asn ayl 6ugowoad 6ulsllaanpe Aue lluaaad ao lioilos lueual Ipm aseo ou ul _paolpueq to lenoidde lnoyllnn awoa ysul ayl uo ao ui 6ulsilianpe Aue llu.aaad lou llegs lueual lueual of algeAed aq lleys 6uislla9npe yons Aue woa; anuanaa ayl - ulaJayl saillniloe yliM uoilounfuoo ui pue auao4 gsljl ayl aplsui pios aq Aew aoeds 6uisilaanpe leyl aaa6e lueual pue paolpueq (o •sou/lapinfi 6u/ ;uawaidw/ sp pue ;oy pund uo► ;en.r8suo0 .ra;eM pue ay; fiulpn/ou/ uoileln6ai ao alm `eoueuipio `noel `Aliaoylne leluauauaano6 aaylo ao leool `alels `leaapal. algeolldde Aue ;o uolleloin ul ao of AJealuoo sl yOILIM uollipuoo ao loe Aue lluaaad lou lleys lueual `ssauisng sli ;o lonpuoo ayl ui (q - aauuew aadoid pue ales `lnjaaeo e ui awoa ysial ayl pue saslu. eJd paseaq ayl Adn000 pue asn lleys pue asuedxa alos sjueual le aseaq ayl ;o weal ayl 6uunp sawil Ile le uollipuoo Agjleay pue a ;es `uealo a ui awoQ ysul ayl pue sasivaaid paseaq ayl dae� pue ulelulew lleys lueual (e •sseulsn;3 sjueual ;o }onpuo:D Zp 'pion pue Ilnu awooeq Ileys aseaq ayl `sueld ayl anoidde lou saop pJolpue ll 'lenoidde uellunn s,paolpueq poi paoipueq of sueld uollonilsuoo alaldwoo luesaid `aseaq slyl ;o alep ayl to sAep 09 ulylinn 'AJeAooaj Jo }y61a ay} Jo janlenn e o} }uasuoo uol}e6ojgns anlenn saluedwoo aoueansu ay} Agajaynn aoueansul aii} }o sa!o!lod an1}oadsaj clay} `uo s}uawasjopue jo `u1 sasnelo a}eudojdde ue}go o} s}joga elgeuoseaa asn Ileys }ueue pue paolpuel - ssol ay} bulule}sns Alied ay} Aq paule}ulew aoueansui Aq pajanoo si a6ewep jo ssol yons Cue }ey} }ua}xa ay} 01 `a6ejanoo popua}xe Aq paansul sluad jo aii} Aq pasneo abewep jo ssol Aue jo4 `sajleuoissaouoo pue s}ueua} `s}uenjas `saaAoldwa `sjo}oej}uoo `s}ua6e s,jay }o ay} bulpnloul `jay }o yoea }sule6e fUanooaj jo s}y61J pue uoi}oe }o sujlelo Ile pue Aue anlenn Agajay }ueuej pue pjolpueq paslujojdwoo }ou sl a6eaanoo eoueansui }ua}xa ay} of •uol }e ojgnS jo aanieM Zo't - a6ejanoo eoueansui s, }o1j}sla IooyoS ay} u1 suolsnloxe Cue o} }oafgns `ewoa ysul ay} }o asn s,pjolpueq ay} }o }no 6usije A}jadojd o} a6ewep jol pue suosaad o} saunful joj }ueual }sulebe }y6nojq sujlelo }o sasodjnd jo} Aollod aoueansul A}!I!geil s }I uo paansul leuor}ippe ue se }ueuej aweu Ileys pjolpueq - awoa ysijl ay} }o s}ua}uoo ay} uo aoueansul 6uunoojd -jol a1glsuodsaj aq lleys }ueuej - }uej leuol}lppe se pjolpueq o} s}soo ay} }lujaj Ileys pue `aoueansui pies }o s}soo ay,} ao} alglsuodsaj aq lleys }ueue j - ssol }sule6e Alf11oe4 ay} buunsul Aoilod a}ejedas e a.inow'd ll!M `Ajessaoau }1 `pue `a6ej9nOO aoueansul A}aadoad s }1 o} aujoa gSIJI ay} ppe o} joneapua.11eys pjolpueq - pjolpueq o} ao1}ou ua}}ljnn ,sAep ua} ja} }e }deoxe a6ueyo jo uo1}ellaoueo o} }oafgns aq }ou lleys eoueansui yons ley} apinojd Ileys `paolpueq Aq panojdde saluedwoo y}1nn pue wjo} ay} ul aq Ileys }ueual Aq peule}go aq o} pajlnbaj saiorlod aoueansul Il`d 'pjolpueq o} elge}daooe aq lleys Ao11od yons jo; A}lllgell ollgnd }o s}!W!I ay_L 'paansul Ieuol}lppe ue se paweu aq lleys pjolpueq 'saslujajd paseaq ay} uo sa1}ln1}oe ssauisnq s,}ueua16u1janoo }ueual Aq pa}ejado ssausnq ay} pue sasluaajd paseaq ay} o} }oadsaj y}1nn Aliadojd o} a6ewep jo; pue suosaad o} saunful joj aouea A}!I!geil ollgnd lejaua6 ue}ulew asuedxe sp }e lleys }ueual `aseaq sly} }o wia} ay} 6ulana •aoueansul 60'b AIIIIISIVII ONV 30NvNnSNI :Hiuno-i - s}y6u puoq }uawAed pue suall solueyoaw }o asealaj 6ulule}go }noy }inn sja11ddns jogel jo lepa}ew o} s}uawAed ou a� ew Ileys }ueual `AIleuol}lppy - }ueuej ay} Aq pled aq lleys spuoq pies }o s}soo ay} pue `}oafoid ay} }o s}soo pa}eujl}se ay} }o }unowe ay} ui aq lleys spuoq ayl •}oafojd ay} uo sjallddns jogel pue sleua}ew }o }uawAed pue �jonn ay} }o aouewjo}jed In }y }le} 6ulaa}uejen6 spuoq }uawAed pue eouewjojjed ue}go lleys }ueual `ewoa ysul ay} jo uol}onj}suoo 6U1ouaujujoo o} joud - }ueuej Aq pled aq lleys glue A `saslujajd paseaq ay} }o daa� do pue Aouedn000 asn `eoueua}ulew `uo1}ejado ay} u1 pajjnoul sabjeyo jay }o pue sal}1l1 }n `sa11ddns `sleua}ew `jogel `}uej jo} sujlelo Ile pue `uoajay} jo ulajay} }ueue _L Aq }y6nojq jo palle}su Aliadojd jay }o jo }uawdlnbe `s6uiyslujn} Cue jo `awoa ysljl ay} }o uol}onj}suoo ay} o} anp saslujajd paseaq ay} uo anp `Aue }I `s}uawssasse pue saxe} `aseaq sly} }.o wia} ay} buuna 'sasiujajd paseaq ay} o} }oadsaj y}lnn jo }sule6e palnal jo passasse Allnpvq aq aujl} Aue }e AeW }ey} janaos}eynn pu1� Aue }o sa6jeyo le}uaujujano6 pue `s}uawssasse leloads `saxe} Ile `anp awooeq Alanl}oadsaj awes ay} se `Aed Ileys pjolpueq `japunajay pagposap se }daox3 sa aeyo aayJp pue sa aeyo le }uauauaanoE) aay }p spuo8 saxel b0'E - speau pjolpueq jay }o sanjas }ey} uolysel e u1 a}ejado o} senul}uoo }l ajnsse o} uol}onj}suoo jo} pasodojd eaje ay} u1 wa}sAs uo1}e61jj1 eoeld -u ay} }o �Jonnaj jo} elgsuodsaj sl }ueual - uo1}ejado pene}uoo jlay} ajnsse o} `swelsAs pa}oedujl Ile ajo}saj Ileys }ueuej 'sa1}1n1}oe looyos o} sjn000 uoi}dnjslp ou }ey} 6uljnsse jo} a1g1suodsaj aq lleys }ueuej •aoeld ul Al}uajjno swelsAs jay }o jo uo }e6ljjl punoj6japun }dnjslp Aew A}llloe} ay} }o uo1}onj}suoo }ey} sabpalnnou�oe }ueual - )IJOM bullsV3 1 uOg anisia EO'E 4.03 Liability. Tenant and Landlord shall each be responsible for the acts and omissions of their own employees, officers and agents and neither party shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of the other party's employees, officers and agents. FIFTH: DAMAGE AND CONDEMNATION 5.01 Damage. If the Leased Premises and /or the Irish Dome are either partially or totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, Tenant shall promptly repair and restore the Leased Premises and /or the Irish Dome. Tenant's obligation to provide Landlord with use of the Irish Dome as described in Section 1.03 shall abate during the time that Tenant is repairing and restoring the Premises. 5.02 Condemnation of All the Leased Premises. If the whole of the Leased Premises shall be acquired or condemned by eminent domain for any public or quasi - public use or purpose or conveyed in anticipation or in lieu of such condemnation, or if a partial taking occurs which makes continued operation of the Irish Dome impractical, then the term of this Lease shall cease and terminate as of the date of title vesting in such proceeding and all rentals shall be paid up to that date and Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord nor the condemning authority for the value of any unexpired term of this Lease and rent shall be adjusted to the date of such termination. In the event of a partial taking or condemnation which is not extensive enough to render the Leased Premises unsuitable for the reasonable operation of the Irish Dome, then this Lease shall continue in full force and effect without any reduction or abatement of rent. 5.03 Award in Eminent Domain. Except as herein provided, Tenant shall not be entitled to any portion of the award paid for the condemnation of the Leased Premises and Landlord is to receive the full amount of such award, Tenant hereby expressly waiving any right or claim to any portion thereof. Although all damages, whether awarded as compensation for diminution in value of the lease hold or to the fee of the Leased Premises shall belong to Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover from the condemning authority, but not from Landlord such compensation as may be separately awarded or recoverable by Tenant on account of any and all damage to Tenant's business by reason of the taking and for or on account of any cost or loss to which Tenant might be put in removing its merchandise, furniture, .fixtures, leasehold improvements and equipment. SIXTH: DEFAULTS 6.01 Events of Default. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Lease and the term "Events of Default" shall mean, whenever used in this Lease, any one or more of the following events: a) If Tenant fails to provide the Landlord use of the property pursuant to Section 1.03 hereof, or to make payment of any insurance premium to be paid on or prior to the dates on which payments are required to be made; or b) If Tenant shall default in the due and punctual performance of any other covenants, conditions, agreements and provisions contained in the Lease or in any instrument supplemental hereto on the part of Tenant to be performed and such default shall continued for a period of 30 days after written notice, specifying such default and requiring the same to be remedied, shall have been given to Tenant; or aql legl slueaaeM pue slueUGAOO paolpuel •lueual of alge ldaooe si sesivaaad pas eal aql of agg Jo uolllpuoo eql 6uunsse aoJ alglsuodsai aq pegs lueual •uolssassod pue aRU 1,0'/- sn03Nt11130SIW :H1N3A3S - sabewep ao; uolloe ue of palluall lou lnq 6ulpnloul `ulaaaq paquosap 1ou s}g6u algellnbe ao lebal aaglo Aue ansind AeW paolpuel (o - aseal slgl aapun 1ueu0AOo ao luawaaa6e `uoile6llgo Aue Jo eoueAaasgo pue eoueuaaoJaad aoaoJua of algealsap ao tiessaoau aeadde Aew Apba ul ao noel le uolloe aanalegM GNe1 AeW paolpuel (q - paolpuel aql Jo uolssassod pue asn 1ueuewiad aq1 joJ eoe1d ul eoeJans Janl lepiplip 0141 aneal ao aseal s1gl Jo 6uluul6eq aql le ul palslxe 1l uolllpuoo aq1 of sasluaaad paseal agl uanlaa aaglla o1 (uo1ldo sl! 1e) lueua1 aalnbaa pue `ulaaagl Alaadoid leuosj0d Aue pue auaop 0ql 0noua0J Algeboseas of lueual aalnbaa `sas'wGJd pase0l ` eql Jo uolssassod wojl lueual apnloxe `uaaal aseal aql aleupiel Am piolpuel (e :uagl `bullslsgns aq pue pauaddeq aneq lle gs Joaaaq l,0•9 uolloaS ul of paijejej 1lneJaa Jo lu9A3 Aue aanauagM •11nelad uo salpawab ZO 'Jueafi aq; 10 suoJsino.rd pue sw.re; ay; y;iM ooueydwoo sjueual jo pao/pueq Aq Mamar o!pouad a Bu!Mo11oj ;ueual o; uani6 uaaq aneq Heys `pe!pawai aq o; awes aq; Buuinbe i pue a m1►ej cypods ay; BtgA loads `aopou uaJ ;!.IM ra ;je sAep of jo pouad a aol panui;uoo st a rn11ej ay; papJno id 11nejap jo Juana ue awooeq Ajuo Heys ainyej p►eS '•s ;uowaainbaa A;y!q!ssaooe pue asn o!Jgnd `ooueuoJujtew jo spiepue ;s Buipnloui `GGGG pue /� ;1� `pao/pueq uoom ;aq ;uawaaafie Juerfi ay; jo suoistno id pue sw.ia; algeo!ldde eqj y ;iM Aldwoo o; sl!ej Jueual 11 (b - loiluoo ao Apolsno gons Jo uolldwnsse Jo alep aql WOJJ SAep 06 ulgl!m paleupial aq lou llegs loaluoo ao Apolsno gons pue `lueual Jo loiluoo ao Apolsno awnsse llegs uollolpsunf lualadwoo ao lanoo Aue `saolgap J0 ple ao;allaJ aql aoJ noel aaglo Aue Jo suolslAoid 0141 aapun `JI (J ao 'Joaaagl �Jjua aql Jo alep aql uaaoJ sixep 09 urgllM paAels jo apse las ao paleoeA aq lou llegs aaaoap ao luaw6pnf `aapao gons pue `Joeiagl alels Aue ao eouawV Jo salelS pallun eql Jo alnlels ao Mel algeolldde Cue aapun lueual aql Jo uollezluebioei 6ui� aas lueua1 lsulebe pall) uo1lllad e 6ulAoadde ao `lueual lsule6e PH uollllad e 6ulAoadde ao `lueu01 Jo a0Al0oaa ao ae1snal e bullulodde ao `ldnj� ueq 1l bul6pnfpe ao `luaAlosul ue lueuej eq 6uiaeloap aaaoap ao luaw5pnf `aapao ue aalue llegs uollolpsunf lualadwoo Jo linoo e Jl (a ao `Jlasll aoJ aaAlaoaa ao ealsnal a Jo luawpodde aql of 6u1jpm ul sluasuoo ao `siolipajo Jo jpuaq aql aoJ luawu6lsse ue say ew ao `Aoldni� ueq ul uo11l19d e sag lueuej 11 (p ao 's0slua0ad paseal 9q1 Jo aoueualuleW ao `luaWGAoadwi `uollonalsuoo Jo linsai a se sasluaaad p9se0l 014101 goelle 01 suall Aue sm011e lueuai JI (o School Board has authorized the School District to enter into this a Lease for the full term herein granted. 7.02 Waiver. The failure of Landlord to enforce any term, covenant, or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant or condition herein. No covenant, term or condition of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived by Landlord, unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Landlord. 7.03 Assignment and Subleasing. This Lease may not be assigned in whole or in part, and the Leased Premises may not be subleased as a whole or in part, by Tenant without Landlord's prior written approval. This section shall not prohibit the Tenant from renting the facility to individuals and groups for short-term usage. 7.04 Captions. The captions in the Lease are a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or intent of such sections of this Lease. 7.05 Surrender of the Leased Premises. On the last day of the term or the sooner termination thereof, Tenant shall peaceably surrender the Leased Premises and the Irish Dome in good order, condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear only excepted. 7.06 Relationship of Landlord and Tenant. By this Lease, Landlord does not acquire any right, title or interest in or to any property of Tenant except such rights as are specifically stated in this Lease. Landlord shall not be liable to any creditor of Tenant or to any claimant against the estate or property of Tenant for any debt, loss, contract, or other obligation of Tenant. The relationship between Landlord and Tenant is solely that of Landlord and Tenant and is not that of partners or joint ventures. 7.07 Entire Agreement. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no earlier statements or prior written matter shall have any force or effect. Tenant is not relying on any representations or agreements other than those contained in this Lease. This Lease shall not be modified or canceled except by written instrument subscribed by both parties. 7.08 Successors. The terms, conditions and agreements of this Lease and all rights and obligations herein given to or imposed upon the parties hereto shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. EIGHTH: ACQUISITION AT END OF LEASE TERM 8.01 Landlord's Acquisition. At the end of the lease term, Landlord shall acquire ownership of all improvements constructed on the Leased Property including the Irish Dome and all related personal property therein, at no cost to Landlord. Such acquisition shall serve as additional consideration for Landlord under this Lease. NINTH: NOTICES 9.01 Notices. All notices required under this Lease must be in writing and provided to the designated contact person for the other party. The parties shall keep each other informed in writing of any change in the designated contact person. At the time of the execution of this Lease, the following persons are the designated contacts: Landlord Contact Tenant Contact Name Name Title Title Address Address Phone Phone The undersigned hereby acknowledge that they have read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms of this Lease and are authorized to enter into this Lease on behalf of the respective parties. TENANT: By Its CITY: B y Its LANDLORD: By Its Chair By Its Clerk te, �k mpi August 13, 2003 19 ,V t?, Via Facsimile and U.S. Mail (651) 296 -6047 Mr. Wayne Sames Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 -4010 Re: Construction of Public Facility on L &WCF Assisted Site — Irish Dome Dear Mr. Sames: The purpose of this letter is to seek the approval of the DNR and the National Park Service to construct a public facility on an L &WCF Assisted Site. INTRODUCTION As you are aware, Independent School District No. 196 ( "School District ") is currently pursuing a project to erect a multi - purpose, domed, recreational facility ( "Facility ") on School District property. The Facility will be used strictly for recreational purposes and primarily athletic purposes. The Facility will be an inflatable structure with an athletic turf surface which can be configured into various types of athletic fields, primarily for softball and soccer. The School District is excited about the many new recreational opportunities the proposed Facility will provide for public school students and the larger community. The Facility will be placed on property that is covered by a LAWCON grant awarded in the late seventies to the School District and the City of Rosemount ("City"). I believe you are in possession of the specific grant documents in question. The School District is pursuing this project along with a private organization named Irish Dome L.L.C. You recently reviewed a lease between the School District, Irish Dome L.L.C. and the City. The lease governs the responsibilities of the parties with respect to the proposed Facility. The lease was also reviewed by the National Park Service. The parties revised the lease in accordance with your recommendations and the recommendations of Bob Anderson of the National Park Service. The revised lease was resubmitted and approved. A copy of that revised lease is enclosed for your convenience. You will be notified if further revisions are made to this lease before it is signed. Mr. Wayne Sames August 13, 2003 Page 2 of 5 REQUIREMENTS FOR APPROVAL OF A PUBLIC FACILITY It is my understanding that there are eight (8) prerequisites for the construction of a facility on an L &WCF Assisted Site. These eight (8) prerequisites are described in Chapter 675.9.3.D of the L &WCF Grants Manual. The School District can satisfy each of these prerequisites for the proposed Facility as described below: All design and location alternatives have been adequately considered and rejected. The parties have considered design and location alternatives and rejected other options. The concept behind the Facility is to expand the recreational opportunities available to the community. The Minnesota wintertime is long and characterized by very low temperatures and significant snowfall. These factors have the effect of limiting outdoor recreation. A domed recreational facility will allow community members to continue to use the L &WCF assisted site for recreational pursuits even during inclement weather. There is not another design that will offer such opportunities without compromising outdoor resources. The parties considered other location alternatives that are not on an L &WCF assisted site. The entire campus of Rosemount High School was considered as a potential site for the Facility. Markings were laid out on three different locations and configured in various ways to encompass the Facility's size requirements. Only one site emerged as a realistic possibility. The other two sites were rejected because use of these sites for the Facility would restrict current classroom use of athletic fields and force classes to use less convenient fields which would shorten class periods. Further, the available parking lots would not be able to accommodate the additional parking that would be needed if the, Facility was placed on either of these two alternative sites. To provide the necessary parking at these alternative sites, playing fields would have to be paved over into additional parking spots. The L &WCF assisted site will enhance, rather than compromise, classroom use of recreational property and has an existing parking lot adjacent to the site that is expected to fulfill most of the Facility's parking needs. 2. The proposal has been adequately reviewed and recommended at the State level. It is my understanding that the DNR received information and input with regard to the project and it meets with DNR approval. 3 & 4. The structure and use of the Facility is compatible with outdoor recreation, will increase outdoor use and outdoor use remains the overall primary function of the site. The L &WCF assisted site as a whole encompasses both City property and School District property. The portion that is managed by the City is comprised of a public park complex with playground equipment, picnic tables, a pond and woods. Priority Farmland and Natural Areas LILYDA V An " WEST ' W E a ST PAU r, S MEND D sou Highest Priority Farmland (42,000 Acres) a. ST PAUL' `ME HE TS ! °,°T s - , Private Natural Areas (36,000 Acres) It " i • r '� >~ Public /Institutional Natural Areas f Greenway Opportunity Areas I EAGANjIVVER GROVE Ik � t "t"11�� • 'St �II « 'fit= lti s� ,�;+ �'' '.. Je - x> a( M ' 1t _ BURNSVILLE = r ,� R99EMOUNT APPLE VALLEY NININGER r•:` TOWNSHIP HASTII�C ti a Coates _A VERMILLION Ufu++efsityoJ e ., TOWNSHIP RA A Minnesota d ` � _'✓ "� MARSH AN T 1W ILLE .. �� N TOWNS . I 3' EMPIRE < 1 TOWNSHIP r~'t • FA IN , a t N IER , MIESVILL UREKA a 0V N SHI P CASTLE Kh,� DOUGLAS TOW�ISF�FR: HAMPTON TOWNSHIP 4r. i.i TOWNSHIP 1 , a + eaery y 4W4 H RANOO NDO � NSHI Prepared by: Dakota County Office of Planning. 2002. 2 NMIP r (iREENVALE . TOWNSHIP �4TOWNSHIP .•� ... These priority areas were identified and discussed by citizens who attended public 0 1.5 3 6 meetings over a two -year planning process. Miles Dakota County Farmland and Natural Area Protection Plan