HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.e. Pavement Management SystemCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: April 10, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Pavement Management System PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer AGENDA NO. + op?• ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from WSB & Associates, Inc. APPROVE BY: Attached to this item for Council discussion is a proposal from WSB & Associates, Inc. to develop a Pavement Management Program for the City's street system. The implementation of this Program will allow City Staff to better monitor, predict and plan for street maintenance as part of the annual budgeting process and 10 -year CIP development. The Pavement Management Program incorporates field surveys that will be conducted by City Staff on an annual basis for 1/3 of the City's streets with the survey results then inputted into to the Pavement Management Program. Based on the inputted data, the Program will then be able to provide pavement condition reports, which City Staff will then be able to utilize to predict and plan for the maintenance of the City street system. Once the initial (first year) setup is complete, Staff is recommending that funds be included in the City's operating budget for annual maintenance and updating of the Pavement Management Program. For costs associated with the initial (first year) setup in the amount of $9,200, funding could come from an existing budget line item for software support in the Street Budget with the remainder coming from the Street CIP Reserve Fund. For costs associated with the annual maintenance and updating of the Program, the existing budget line item in the Street Budget could be increased to reflect the proposed annual cost of $4,100. Staff will be prepared to further discuss this item with Council. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: For discussion only. WSB & Associates, Inc. WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Mein orial Highway, #300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 (763) 541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 (fax) To: Andy Brotzler From: Ron Bray Ob Date: April 2, 2003 Re: Pavement Management System The following is a summary of costs to change over and advance the City of Rosemount Pavement Management System. Pavement Management Systems (ICON) Task Description Amount A Support Agreement (Annual) $1,500 B _ Transfer Info (Data) $3,000 C Integrate GIS $1,950 6 GASB 34 Reports $950 not to exceed Subtotal $7,400 E WSB Reports & Develop Pavement Management Strategies $1,800 Subtotal $1,800 Total (for first year)* $9,200 * After first year there will be annual costs to maintain the system and generate reports. See attached for description of tasks. Annual Future Year Costs Task Description Amount A Support Agreement (Annual) $1,500 B Inventory (to be done by City) $0 C Data Entry (1/3 of City) $1,650 D — Pavement Management Strategy $950 Total Annually (excluding first year) $4,100 ^` 7 nnfb Please call me at 763 -287 -7177 if you have any questions. VPavement Management \040202memo.rif k10TT,B.T.N0AgNJV)4.T. 9S,U nRT1JQ79A1. YVA RT:1.T (MA r_nn7i70itn Page 1 of 3 Julie Bearden From: Tony Kadlec [tkadlec @goodpointe.com] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 5:08 PM To: Ron Bray Cc: Julie Bearden; Darwin Dahlgren Subject: Rosemount/ICON Implementation Proposal Importance: High Ron: We have thoroughly reviewed the Rosemount MicroPaver Data that Julie delivered to us this afternoon and understand that WSB prefers to run the ICON system for the City of Rosemount. GoodPointe Technology is pleased to provide the following scope.of work and related cost estimate to complete following four tasks (A through D) for WSB: A) ICON Annual Support Agreement As described in the attached email: $1,500 Annual Cost to the City of Rosemount Of which, WS8 retains $500 and GoodPointe Technology retains $1,000. B) Data Transfer Based on our review of the database, the City of Rosemount has a total of 401 PMS Sections (inventory records or street blocks) comprising a total of 65 centerline miles of AC pavements. GoodPointe Technology Proposes to transfer the following MicroPaver data into ICON: 1) Create the Inventory table (including functional class and default network level assignments) in ICON; 2) Transfer all historical pavement condition survey data (1,300 records); 3) Enter any hardcopy pavement condition survey data (exclusive of the 1,300 surveys already entered); 4) Create project/layer tables based for entered 'construction' projects, for all available data; 5) Analyze pavement performance data and load into ICON; F) Trnncf mr available speed limit data (235 records); 7) Transfer curb and gutter inventory records, linked to the PMS inventory sections; 8) Transfer sidewalk inventory records, linked to the PMS inventory sections; and, 9) Integrate all relevant parking lot data into the PMS database (with functional class assignment of 'parking lot'). NOTE: WSB will develop and enter the proposed /future PMS strategies, policy data, and applicable unit costs directly into ICON. Schedule: Items (1) through (9) will be completed and the completed ICON MS Access Database will be returned to WSB within 5 working days from the date of authorization of this project. WSB will be able to run budget analysis scenarios immediately upon the receipt of the ICON database. Lump sum budget: $3,000. Additionally, C) Integrate the GIS 10) GoodPointe proposes to integrate the City's ArcView centerline shape file (with nodes defined at intersections, pavement section changes, etc.) to the ICON database. Schedule: The updated ArcView shape file and ICON database would be returned to WSB within 15 working days of receiving the ArcView shape file from WSB (assuming the project has already been authorized). Additional Lump sum budget for item (10): $1,950,00 Additionally, 4/2/2003 r T, ATnTTVTVnACATVUT SICIA n9T 1 107001 VVa RT' 1 T WSTAA 0nn7 i7n ian r' D) ICON Consulting Services Page 2 of 3 11) ICON Consulting Assistance: This would cover any additional service requests after our initial training /consulting budget has been exhausted, to be used for developing GASB 34 -based system reports, assisting with the set up of pavement condition surveys, etc. ' Additional not -to- exceed budget for item (11): $950 or 10 hours @ $95 11hour We appreciate your continued interest to implement ICON for your municipal clients and are confident that the City and WSB will benefit greatly from this project. Please let us know if you have any questions related to this proposed scope of work and related cost estimate_ Thanks, Tony Kadlec, VP GoodPointe Technology 287 E. 6th Street, Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone: (651) 726 -2555 Fax: (651) 726 -2545 Email: tkadlq_q@gggd.pginte.com Internet: ww w.goodpointe.com -- Original Message ---- From: Tony Kadlec To: Ron Bray_ Cc: Darw Dahlgr Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 1:18 PM Subject: WSB /Add Client Ron: Thanks for you question— The data from MicroPaver database tables are compatible with the ICON system. We have done several projects where we've transferred the data from Paver into ICON and have defined the protocol /blueprint/map of which Paver data gets transferred into which ICON tables. It does, however, take manual effort to transfer the data (i.e. there is no automatic 'import button' to press). The amount of manual effort required is proportional to the amount and complexity of the data in Paver that is to be transferred. According to the terms of our agreement, if WSB would like to maintain a set of ICON data for this Client X, then no additional software license needs to be purchased and the client would pay an annual $1,500 maintenance charge ($1,000 to GoodPointe! $500 to WSB). if additionally (or instead) Client X would like to run ICON at their location they would need to purchase a onetime ICON software license of $4,995 and a $1,500 annual maintenance fee would be paid by the client —if GoodPointe supports Client X directly then the $1,500 would go to GoodPointe directly otherwise if WSB would support Client X then $1,000 to GoodPointe/ $500 to WSB. You may recall the $1,000 fee to GoodPointe is intended to cover our ongoing development and maintenance costs of the ICON system —the $500 portion is intended to cover the consulting effort to support the program. Feel free to send us a copy of the MicroPaver data if you'd like us to review it and provide a scope of work to convert it. Let me know if you have any other questions. Regards Tony Kadlec, VP GoodPointe Technology 287 E. 6th Street, Suite 200 4/2/2003 *,nn r% ATnTTVTVnJCATVUT QC11 nOT 1 1070n / VVJ _CT . 1 T rt4u Onn7 i7n ii,n