HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. 2003 Resident Surveyi CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: APRIL 10, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: 2003 RESIDENT SURVEY AGENDA NO: PREPARED BY: PAULA GRAFF, HR/ COMMUNICATIONS COORD. ATTACHMENTS: 2001 SURVEY WITH DEPARTMENT APPROVED BY: HEAD REVISIONS The resident survey was last administered in 2001. Attached you will find the 2001 version of the survey along — with comments received from Departme t Heads for nrnnosse chanvae antl rPkAQ*n -n -Please th PYP 1C page that proposes additional questions. Also, next week Decision Resources is sending examples of recent surveys done in other communities. I will have these surveys available next week and at the Committee of the Whole meeting, should you wish to review them. Prior to any discussion of questions contained in the survey, Council has indicated their desire to discuss the merits and disadvantages with proceeding with a survey this year. Staff will be on hand to facilitate this discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION / NOTES: OaA14 /2001 THU 16:04 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES Z002/013 DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. ROSEMOUNT RESIDENTIAL 3128 Dean Court 2001 QUESTIONNAIRE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 FINAL April 2001 Hello I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a nationwide polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Rosemount to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested -in your opin ions and suggestions. I want.to assure you that all individual' responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE)" 1. Approximately how many years LESS THAN ONE YEAR.....3a have you lived in Rosemount? ONE OR TWO YEARS. ....11; THREE TO FIVE YEARS ... 16� SIX TO TEN YEARS ..... .23$ ELEVEN - TWENTY - YRS 22$ TWENTY - - - - -- THIRTYYRS OVER THIRTY ,YEARS....:11$ REFUSED ................0$ 2 How long in the future do you ex- LESS THAN TWO YEARS.. 4$ pect to live in Rosemount? TWO TO FIVE YEARS ...9a SIX TO TEN YEARS. .5ck OVER TEN YEARS.. .....64$ DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 19$ 3. Thinking back to when you first moved here, what factors were most important to you in selecting Rosemount? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 2$; LOCATION, _3 -_2$; - HOUS _ 16%_; - -- - -_ -- - - -- - - SCHOOLS; -- 21$' ; - -- SMALL TOWN FEEL- GOOD COMMUNITY 5$; FAMILY HERE; 3s; JOB, 7$; QUIET; 2a; RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 7t; ALWAYS HOME, 7 k; SCATTERED 2§. 4. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT. . ,. , life in Rosemount -- excellent, GOOD .... 63$ good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR. ........... 6$ POOR_ ...........1� DON'T KNOW /REFUSED. ...0$ 5. What do you like MOST about living in Rosemount? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED,.-3$; LOCATION, 21$; HOUSING; 2.;. SMALL TOWN FEEL 30$; GOOD SCHOOLS, 9$; GOOD COMMUNITY, 8g; RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 7$; QUIET, 9-; PEOPLE, 10$; SAFE, 21k; SCATTERED, 1% -- - - 6. what do you like LEAST about living in Rosemount? ----------- 12$: NOTHING, 8$; GROWTH, 21$; TAXES, 6$; SCHOOLS, 2$; NO BUSINESSES, 12$; CITY SERVICES, 60; LACK OF ENTERTAINMENT, 5% TRAFFIC, 7%-; ENVIRONMENT, 2$; - CITY GOVERNMENT, 9$; REMOTE LOCATION, 4$; SCATTERED, 8$. 1 08/14/2001 TEU 16 :04 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES Z 7. In general, what do you think is the most serious issue facing the community today? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED, 16 %; GROWTH, 37 %; TAXES, BSS; CRIME, 3$; SCHOOLS, 11$;; NO BUSINESSES, 10$; CITY SERVICES, 2$; TRAFFIC, 2�k; CITY GOVERNMENT, 6 %; SCATTERED, 6$. 8. Thinking about the past five FOR BETTER..... _40-t years, would you say the City of FOR WORSE.,........_ _ 17$ Rosemount has changed for the REMAINED THE SAME,,;..34!k better, changed for the worse, or DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.._.. 9$ remained about the same? IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N =363) 9. Why do you feel that way? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 5% NO CHANGE, 20 -; NO PROBLEMS, 5g- - MORE BUS - INESSES -- COMING - - !S!�; T( Mv- _ - r., -- ..�CTr£ LOYY INCOME. 3$; POORLY RUN, 10$; TOO MUCH GROWTH, 8�; GOOD. PLANNING, 7$s; IMPROVED, 41; GROWTH IS GOOD, 17 %; NEED MORE BUSINESS, 5a; SCATTERED, 2a For each of the following items, please rate the City of Rose mount on a scale of one to five where five is excellent and one is poor. If you have no opinion, just say so.... J 1 2 3 4 5 DKR 10_ To find housing which fits the budgets and lifestyles of most p s- - - - - -- To find f 27$ 11_ ull -time e to mp employment Opportunities for the head of a household. 215 31!� 25$ 9% 3% 12$ 12 To start a business. 14t 19%- 30t 18$ 4$ 16-t 13. To raise children. it it 8t 46$ 43% 21- 14. To spend one's retirement years. 7% 8% 25$ 29t 26$ 7a Changing focus... The City of Rosemount continuously reviews the cost effectiveness of the.services it provides to residents. Your opinions on this portion of the survey are.particularly important to decision makers. I am going to read you a'list of some of the current services either directly provided by the city or partiall by it. For each one, please tell me if you feel it is excellent, good, only fair or poor. If you don't have an opin - ion, just say so_._. (ROTATE LIST) EXCL GOOD_FAIR POOR DKRF 15. Police service? 33t 51% 8$ 4 %- st 16 Animal control? 14$ 455 17$ 61 19$ 2 0, /14 /2001 TEU 16 :05 Fk1 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES 2 004/013 E XCL GOOD FAIR POOR DKRF 17 Code enforcement on housing maintenance? 10% 42$ 24! 8!k 16� 18. Building inspection and obtaining permits? - 8% 18t 6 24 19. Fire service? 32g 52g 4$ 1 %_ 11$ - 20. Storm drainage and flood control? 15 BE 51� 16�. 11$ ga. 21. Park maintenance? 26� 6:pa 6a .22. City - spond prog rams? 2g 6� sore P g 18% 53� 131; 2$ 14� For the next four city services, please consider only their job on city - maintained streets and roads. That means excluding state and county roads that are taken care of by other levels of gov ernment: - EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR'DKRF 23 Cit st re-pair—and maintenance?-- 2 =• Cry snow plowing and sanding - Of streets? 25% 56% 13t 3$ 2%- 25. City snow plowing of trails and sidewalks? 8! k 50k 15a r 4% - 24%- 26. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR. ..., _ .._. crease in YOUR city property tax OPPOSE.. , -. _. •37� if it were needed to maintain city DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.,,.59�' services at their current level? 27. How much first- hand contact have you had w QUITE. A LOT. ,gg y with the Rosemount City SOME...... staff -- quit .. ......36� e a lot, some, very VERY -- LITTLE, _ - ,35g little, or none? - - NONE...... - •. 20� DON'T KNOW /REFUSED... .1$ 28. From what you have seen or heard, EXCELLENT..... how would you rate the ob . 10 3 Per- GOOD...... .- - •- .49$ formance of the Rosemount City ONLY FAIR.......,, , ; , 2 g staff -- excellent, good, only POOR ................. fair, or poor DON'T KNOW/REFUSED . 14t IF A RATING IS GIVEN, ASK: (N =343) 29 Why did you rate City staff as DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 6$ ; . GOOD JOB, 25% NO PROBLEMS, 9!k; ISSUES, 3$; COULD IMPROVE, 8!k; HELPFUL 21 -t; LISTEN, 4$; HEARSAY, 6$; POOR JOB, 13t; DON'T LIS TEN, 6 --k. To f c ---- - - vaTl street ties of - Apple _Duch March. 3 06,/14/2001 THU 16:05 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES 01003 /013 30. d you support or oppose such SUPPORT -_ - - -- -. -71% a paL7%14 ban in Rosemount between OPPOSE.......... ,,,22% the hour 2AM and GAM? DON'T KNO SED.... 7$ IF "SUPPORT, " ASK: =284) 31. Which type of pa ng YEAR - ROUND.,...... ..24$ would you prefer -- SEASONAL., .75� year -r or only seasonal? R.(VOL). ..1% DON'T REFUSED . .... 09 Let' alk about economic development ,for a few minutes.._ 32. If the City of Rosemount were to attract more development, what kind would you prefer it to be commercial,-retail, residential, or industrial? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 2g; NONE, 4 %; COMME 23 %; RE- AI L -3-7. %; RESIDENT J0-!j­TKMTT1Z'rRjAj -, r .3T - - -- TION, 6 %; ALL, 4-; RESTAURAN'T'S, 2 %. 33. Do you favor or oppose Rosemount FAVOR.. .E29 pursuing additional industrial OPPOSE... development in the Pine Bend area? DON'T KNOW _ /REFUSED_,.,21% .,21% IF "OPPOSE" ASK: (N =68) �oh ? 34 Would you still oppose it if YES..... .,,, _62% the expanded tax base would NO... - ,27$ result in keeping residential DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.. 12% property taxes lower? Let's talk about the commercial /shopping areas of Rosemount. 35. What do you like the most about the commercial /shopping areas of Rosemount? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 14$'; NOTHING, 17 -k; GOOD VARIETY, 4 %; DOWNTOWN AREA, 17 -1; LOCATION, 28 %; GROCERY STORE, 4%; IMPROVING 9 a; GOOD SERVICE, 8 %. 36. And, what do you like least about the commercial /shopping areas in Rosemount? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 11jr; NOTHING, 91; NO .DEPARTMENT STORES, 7 %; NEED NICE RESTAURANTS, 2$; NEED MORE VARIETY, 401; HIGH PRICES, 5 %; TRAFFIC, 3$; TOO MUCH GROWTH, 6s; RUNDOWN /DECAY, 5$; NEED MORE BUSINESSES, 12 %; SCATTERED, 2 %. 4 06./14 /2001 THU 16:05 FL.Y 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES 2006/013 37. How important to you and members VERY IMPORTANT ........ 25%� of your household is it to have - SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT.... 43$ a branch of the Dakota County Lib- NOT TOO IMPORTANT.....18$ rary located in Rosemount -- very NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT..14% important, somewhat important, not DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....1$ too important, or not at all im- portant? Let's talk about past development ; f,or a moment...." 38. Do you think the pace of develop- TOO RAPID .............280 went in the city has been too ABOUT RIGHT ........... 50% rapid, about right, or not fast NOT FAST ENOUGH ....... 19!k enough? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 4-W 39. Generally, does the development throughout the City seem well- NO. .. _.. . .... 29% planned for the future of Rose -- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 13a moun - -- - -- - 40. Do you think that Rosemount cur YES ...................74% rently has a wide range of housing NO ....................21g choices to offer its residents? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 5t IF "NO," ASK: - (N =84) 41. What types of housing do you feel are missing from the community? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 1�; HIGH INCOME;.5t; MIDDLE , INCOME, 17g; LOW INCOME, 33 -r; APARTMENTS, 13%-; SENIOR HOUSING, 11 %; AFF HOUSING, 20a_ Moving on I would like to read you a list of public safety` concerns. 42. Please tell me which one you consider to - be the greatest concern in Rosemount? If you feel that none of these prob- lems are serious in Rosemount, just say so. (READ LIST) 43. Which do you consider to be the second major concern in the City of Rosemount ? (RE -READ LIST,, IF NECESSARY) 5 08/14/2001 THU 16:05 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES 2007/013 FIRST SECOND Assault ....... ...... .. .2$. .2g Auto theft ..._.. .. . .....5 ....2-� Bicycle theft..... ..... ... .2 %.. ..2� Burglary or home break-ins ....... 18� ...... lit Snowmobiles ..................... .._3- .......3g Drugs ........ .. .141. ..7$. Hunting ....... ..... .0%.......0% Juvenile loitering or mischief ...131. .13g Loud parties.... .... ...... .19.. 1$ Robbery.. ....... ....... .it..... .1%� Theft from autos.... .....6%�.......5k Traffic issues ...._....... ...... ..... 6!k Vandalism and graffiti..... .... .6% .130 ALL EQUALLY (VOL)......... . ..2- ....... 2t NONE OF ABOVE (VOL) _... .....135. ..19%- DON'T K NOW/REFUS ED D..... ... ...... .8t. .ist I would like to read you a short list of possible safety concerns about traffic on residential streets in your neighborhood. For each one, please tell me if you feel it is a very serious problem on your neighborhood's residential streets, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious.problem-on your neighborhood's res idential streets. If you have no opinion, just say so.... VRS NTS NAA DKR 44. Excessive speeding? 26t 32t 23! 17$ 1g 45 Excessive through traffic? 12$ 19 § - 39§ 29a 2$ 46. -- -Too much traffic ? - - -- - - -- 11 — 16a - 39a 33!k -296 - - 47. Dangerous intersections? 13t 20t 35t 30t 2% 48. Unsafe pedestrian street crossings? 111 1915 37% 31g 3g 49. Unsafe streets for walking, biking, or jogging? 8§ 19§ 391 32-� 3!k 50. Is there any place in the City of Rosemount where you or a ZeWn�dl, member of your family have felt unsafe while walking or nova ( (traveling through it? (IF "YES," ASK :).Where would that be? oy *AslCo Tke DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 1$; NO, 73 %; COUNTY ROAD 42, 3 §; x , 0 � DIAMOND PATH, 2$; 145th AND SHANNON PARKWAY, 15�k; STREET eri CROSSINGS, 2 %; SCATTERED, 6%-. G�IAtS T 51. In comparison with neighboring HIGHER .............. ..4$ communities, do you think the ABOUT THE SAME ........ 43% overall crime rate in Rosemount LOWER .................49t is higher, about the same, or DEPENDS (VOL) .......... 0%- lower? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....4¢ Snowmobiling is currently permitted on city streets and designat- ed trails in Rosemount 0 W14/2001 THU 16:06 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES Z 008/013 52. Do you or anyone in your household YES ................ .15% ? own a snowmobile? NO ..................85g DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 1$ 53. Would you support or oppose ban- SUPPORT. ... .44g ning snowmobiles in residential OPPOSE ..... .....491 areas, so that snowmobilers would DON'T KNOW /REFUSED... -..7%� be required to trailer their snow- mobile to specific parking areas in the City for access to desig - nated trails? IF "SUPPORT, ASK: (N =176) 54 Could you tell me why you feel that way? SAFETY, 43%�; NOT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, 17 %; NOT ON STREETS, 17 %; NOISE, 21k; SCATTERED, 3-%�_ 55. Would you support or oppose a SUPPORT. _._13%- total ban of snowmobiling in the OPPOSE..... . ...... ..84� City of Rosemount DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....3g Considering a related recreational pursuit. Nf 56. Would you support or oppose a SUPPORT. ............40� total ban of hunting in the City OPPOSE.... ... 53 of Rosemount? DON."T KNOW/REFUSED...-.7t Turning to park and recreation issues.... The Rosemount Park System is composed of a.number o f facilities including: trails; athletic facilities, such as Erickson Park; smaller neighborhood parks; the Rosemount Community Center; and, the Ice Arena. For each of these facilities, please tell me whether you and /or members of your household use it frequently, occasionally, rarely, or not at all FREQ OCCA RARE NTAA DK /R 57. Trails? 14$ 42!k 18%r 26W 1$ 58. Athletic facilities? 20k 24!k 17 39t- I%s 59. Larger community parks? 21$ 41!k 17$ 21g 0g 60. Smaller:neighborhood parks? 271 43� 12% 191 0!k .61. Rosemount Community Center? 15!k 43t 1.70 25t . 1$ 62. Ice Arena? 6% 10 18-W 59$ 2$ - From YOUR experience, how would you rate the quality of each of these facilities -- would you rate each facility as excellent, good, only fair, or poor. If you have no opinion about a facili - - -- - tY• -- just_- say- -so.--,. - - -- -- -- -- - - - -- -- - -- - EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK /R 63. Trails ? - 22!k 52!k 4% 1 I • 22� 7 Q6/14/2001 THU 16:06 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES Z009/013 EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK /R 64. Athletic facilities? 191 48k 3k it 30%- 65. Larger community parks? 23%� 58k 4k 0t 161 66. Smaller neighborhood parks? 23t 56t 9%_ 10 11t 67 Rosemount Community Center? 371 441 2� Og 18%- 68_ Ice Arena? 22!k 321 3% 0t 43t 69. Overall, would you rate the park EXCELLENT..... .28%� and recreational facilities in GOOD .............. Rosemount as excellent good, only ONLY FAIR..........., .7$ fair, or poor? POOR_. ........ ....ot - DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 41 70. Which of the following prospective park projects,if any, would you give top priority? (READ LIST #1 - #10 ON NEXT PAGE) 71 Which -prof ec ' woul rl y ou n ve second .prI or1 t I r r m �� .� t ,��.,. ���, . ARE ®RED - �,IS� #1 -10 OMITTING TOP PRIORITY) FIR SEC Expand and improve neighborhood parks. .......11$.. ..10k Expand and improve larger community parks ...... 71 ...... 71 Expand and improve open space /nature preserves. ............... .... 211. ..111 Expanded trail system.. . ... ........ . 101.....101 Athletic complex containing ballfieldsand soccer fields ...........:. ....:.... .60. ...10 _.A second sheet of ice. ...... .. .2 %. ....4: Outdoor/ Indoor-- swimming complex. - -- Senior center .... 61... .61 Teen center. ..... _.. _ .... ...5......50 Outdoor skateboard /in - line skating park. . .4t. ....5b None (VOL) ..... ..................... ....5$.....11$ Multiple (VOL) .. .. ...... . ... 1%......0$ Don't know /Refused.... .....6x.....111 IF #1-#10 IS CHOSEN IN QUESTION 70, ASK: (N =355) 72. Would you favor or oppose an STRONGLY FAVOR........ 29$ increase in property taxes to FAVOR .................391 fund a (n) [REPEAT CHOICE]' OPPOSE... ........ (WAIT -FOR RESPONSE) Do you STRONGLY OPPOSE ........ 17k feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW %REFUSED..... 31 IF ##1 - #10 IS CHOSEN IN QUESTION 71, ASK: (N =315) 73. Would you favor or oppose an STRONGLY FAVOR........26� increase - - in -- property - - taxes to FAVOR_ _. . - - _ - - - - fund a(n) [REPEAT CHOICE]? OPPOSE ................17t (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you STRONGLY OPPOSE....... 151 feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .....4%- 8 U TEU 16:06 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES 010/013 74. In the past year, have you or any YES......,, members of your household partici- N0. .. " ..35� ..64� pated in city sponsored recrea- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1k tional programs? IF "YES, ASK: (N= 139)_ 75 Which ones Ia• DON'T KNOW /REFUSED,'1�; ( LEPRECHAUN DA BALL /BASEBALL, 27�; y YS, 27�; SOFT - 4�; SKATING /HOCKEY, 2$; 59s; ,5 8g' TEEN NIGHT, . L 5 5= H*8�fi EGG HUNT, DPP.N C� 4 tit � ; SCATTERED, l , . 76. were ou k DS GOi1.,,1� 3P•�{LEE y generally satisfied or SATISFIED....... _. 93!k dissatisfied with these programs? DISSATISFIED .......... ,3g BOTH (VOL) .........1� DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2$ - 77� r o �� - -- «ewe any recreational facilities or programs not cur rently•in use in Rosemount that are needed? (IF "YES,' ASK :) What would they be? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED, ISM: NO, 68$; POOL, 5 %; -TEEN ACTIVI- TIES, 5 -; HEALTH CLUBS, 2$; CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS, 3k; SCATTERED, 1t. The City offers numerous programs and services in an effort to - meet the needs:of residents, For each of the following: programs, please.tell me if you were aware of it prior to this survey... - - - - YES NO_ _DKR 78. -Neighborhood Watch? 81� ist 18 1$ 79. National Night Out? 68t 11 80. Recycling Programs? 95% 50 0%_ 81_ Children's Safety Camp? 25a 74t 1$ 82. Senior Programs? 57$ 43$ I%- 83. Teen Programs? 53!k 46$ 1$ 84, Memorial Donor Programs? 1796 81� .1 85. Wetland Protection Education? 44%- 55%- It 86. City Clean Up Day? $3� 18 0$ 87 Ado -A - Street /Park /wetland /Hydrant? 67$ 32!k 1 � Moving on. The City of Rosemount and its Parks and Recreation Department publicize_ information and activities through a variety of ways. 4 O6/14/2001 THU 16:07 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES 2011/013 88. Which of the following is your LOCAL NEWSPAPERS ...... 41k Principal source of information CITY NEWSLETTER ....... 48V about city government and its CITY'S WEBPAGE. ..... .1!k activities -- local newspapers, SCHOOL FLYERS ....... .._4� city newsletter, city's web page, CABLE TELEVISION .... ...1$ school flyers, cable television, WORD OF MOUTH .......... 4% word of mouth, or something else? SOMETHING ELSE ........ 1!k NOTHING (VOL.)... ...0� DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. O 89. Do you have access to the Internet YES ................ 765 through a home or office computer? NO..... .. .. ...23!k DON'T /REFUSED..__.0!k IF "YES, ,1 ,ASK: (N =310) 90. Did you know the City of YES . °s ........67• Rosemount h a web site NO ......... .31!k DVi -- - - - -- - - - - '� I T v, L F, / RE r u J TTn M r. ..... 2 % ju Tv .� / P'1T rf 111E Vl 1 \I about the community, City government, and meetings? IF , "YES, " ASK: (N =208) 91. Have you visited the YES.. .............',37g City of Rosemount 's NO,- - - -..- ._ ..63� web site? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.. ..it IF "YES," ASK; (N =76) 92- What additional information would you like to - - -see on -the -- City of - Rosemount's - web - - sit ? - -- -- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED, 53 -k; NOTHING, 18k; CITY EVENTS, 8 %; GENERAL.INFORMATION, 12t; COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 4$; DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION, 3 %; SCATTERED, 3% .Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start oldest to youngest.... 93. First, persons 65 or over? 0. - g2$ 1 ....... ...... ......7$ 2 OR MORE ............. 11$ REFUSED ................1$ 94. Adults under 65? 0 . 1 .14$ 1 .....................12$ 2 . ................ ...64%- 3 .............1.....•..5 4 OR MORE ..............5$ REFUSED ................ 1� 10 06/14/2001 THU 18:07 FAX 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES [x]012/013 95. School -aged children? 0 . ...... ...... .•,,.. -521 �• ..... .. ........ .18g 2.......•. ..................... 21$ 3,OR MORE ..............9$ REFUSED.. ...... ..It 96. Pre- schoolers? 0. ... ..........80% 1. - - ...... ...155 . 2 ORMORE - -- - -- •4% REFUSED - - - - - - - - - .:1$ 97. Do you own or rent your present OWN .... .............. residence? RENT...... ....- .11-t - DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... :2% 98. Which of the following best de- SINGLE FAMILY HOME....84% scribes your residence -- single APARTMENT..... - 5t family home, apartment, townhouse, _.- TOWNHOUSE ..... ...... farm - or mobile - home? - - - — FARM . = = _ ...... MOBILE HOME ............ 3g OTHER (VOL.)...: ....... Vk DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0%- 99. What is your age, - please? 18 -24..' . -• (READ CATEGORIES IF NEEDED) •- .. - ' 4 25- 34 ... ....... ......16g 35 -44 ....... 32t 45- 54 .................21$ 55- 64 ............... ..14% 65 AND OVER. REFUSED ------ • -• - - -- .Qt 100. What is you oc cupation and the occu ati- on of - - -our -spouse P -- y p or applicable? PROFESSIONAL - TECHNICAL, 27$; OWNER- MANAGER, 14t; F ,R 1 %, CLERICAL- SALES, 15�; BLUE COLLAR,, 28 RETIREES, 121; SCATTERED, 5t. 101- What is the last grade of school LESS THAN HIGH SCH.,,,.2$ you have completed? HS GRADUATE ........... 28% VO- TECH /TECH COLL.. _11! SOME COLLEGE .......... 23% COLLEGE GRADUATE.... . . . 27% POST GRADUATE..........9$. REFUSED.... -- - _.1$ And 'now, for one final question, keeping in mind that your an swers are held strictly confidential.... 11 06/_14/2001 THU 16:07 FAX. 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES Z013/013 i 102. Is you pre -tax yearly household UNDER $25,000 .......... 3$ income over or under $50,000? $25,001 - $35,000........6%5 IF "OVER," ASK: $35,001 - $50,000_......16 Is it over $75,000? (IF "YES," $50,001- $75,000.......26-%- ASK:) Is it over $100,000? $75.,001 - $100,000....._221 IF "UNDER," ASK: OVER $100,000....:..._11] Is it under $35,000? (IF "YES," DON'T KNOW .............2%- ASK:) Is it under $25,000? REFUSED... ........15$ .103. Gender (BY OBSERVATION: MALE__ ........ 5 o!k DO NOT ASK) FEMALE. ... ... ..50$ 104. ZONE (FROM LIST) PRECINCT I ............ 27%- PRECINCT 2............198 PRECINCT 3.......... .14k PRECINCT 4.... .29t- PRECINCT 5. ....12t 12 DEPARTMENT HEAD ADDITIONAL QUESTION POSSIBILITIES Rosemount is doing more to educate residents about city codes and to enforce the codes. Do you think the level of enforcement in your neighborhood of outdoor storage, junk, off- street parking, inoperable / unlicensed vehicles etc. is too strict, too lenient or about right? Please rate the appearance of the residential/ commercial areas in your neighborhood? Rosemount overall? Please rate the quality of the housing stock in your neighborhood? Rosemount overall?