HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.e. Brockway DevelopmentCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2003 AGE_ NDA ITEM: BROCKWAY DEVELOPMENT AGENDA SECTION: !.SccA.sS. i or PREPARED BY: KIM LINDQUIST, COMMUNITY AGENDA NO: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR , ATTACHMENTS: PLANNING STAFF REPORT, TRAFFIC APPROVED BY: STUDY, REDEVELOPMENT TIMETABLE, UNAPPROVED EXCERPT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOV. 25, 2003 As the Council is aware Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC) is proposing to redevelop the Brockway property as a mixed residential development. According to the concept plan, the 120 acre site will yield 612 residential units. The site will include passive and active public open space, an association community center, and a site set aside for neighborhood commercial. The following issues appear to be the primary outstanding issues from the staff perspective. Because the concept plan stage does not provide the same level of detail a preliminary plat would, there may be additional issues raised as the specifics of the project become known. 1. Traffic. Residents at the public hearing, the Planning Commissioners in their discussion, and the City Council at previous meetings, have all expressed concerns about the growing traffic on Highway 3 and it's negative impact on safety. A traffic study has been completed to review the impacts of the proposed development on the transportation system. The traffic study looked at the intersections of Connemara Trail and TH 3, and County Road 38 (132nd Street) and TH 3 along with the proposed site accesses to Connemara Trail and County Road 38. Based on the results of the traffic study, improvements to the intersections of Connemara Trail / TH 3 and County Road 38 (132nd Street) / TH 3 are recommended to be completed to improve the safety of these two intersections. Staff would note that these improvements will need to be considered regardless of the development of the Brockway site. The needed improvements were anticipated and are part of the cooperative agreement proposal currently before MnDOT for review. The cooperative agreement proposes signal lights at Connemara Trail and Highway 3, signal lights at north CR38 (McAndrews) and turn lane improvements at CR 38, both the north and south legs. A signal light at southern CR 38 (132nd Street) is not part of the cooperative agreement. The study indicates that the improvements envisioned by the Cooperative Agreement must be implemented regardless of whether MnDOT participates in the funding or not. The amount of funding from CDPC for roadway improvements will need to be addressed during the preliminary plat stage. The city should also know the status of the cooperative agreement by January 2004. 2. Building Architecture and Design. The applicant has shown some of the buildings and designs proposed within the project. It is unclear if the end result will be exactly as shown or whether the submittal is more indicative of the type of construction. Certainly in the single family portion of the project additional layouts would be available, however, staff will be looking forward to specific design criteria so that the buildings have continuity in design and style. Most likely much of the multi - family products will look similar to that presented in the submittal materials. The apartment and senior housing buildings have not been designed at this time. The submittal illustrates a design that would be consistent with what the applicant intends for the site. While the building design may vary, staff is expecting high quality architecture and exterior materials. 3. Stormwater. The site currently drains to the north, west and east. In reviewing the proposed concept plan, it appears that some of the ponding and infiltration requirements for the site can be accommodated off -site through the use of Keegan Lake and existing ponding and infiltration areas that are a part of the City's stormwater system. The scheduled completion of the Keegan Lake Outlet project will allow for stormwater from this property to be directed to Keegan Lake. The outlet project will address rate control issues and will regulate lake levels so that flooding would not occur. It is expected that drainage from the eastern portion of the site may be accommodated in an existing regional pond constructed with the Connemara Trail Phase 2 project. To the west, run -off would flow under Highway 3 through an existing culvert and pond in a low area south and west of the site. This area is identified in the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan as a stormwater basin. The utilization of this area will require the acquisition of easements and coordination of the construction of an outlet through the Evermoor Development. Since the developer is the same in both projects, easements to facilitate drainage for the Brockway project needed in the Evermoor area should be easy to obtain. Because the project is at the concept plan stage, actual drainage calculations have not been submitted. That level of detail is necessary to fully understand the stormwater impacts of property development and the best management solution. Consistent with the City's stormwater plan, the site will need to have on -site ponding for water quality purposes and the applicant will need to pay for off -site ponding. 4. Timing. Development of the site requires an EAW. Because of the change in land use, the developer has moved forward with the concept plan, comprehensive plan amendment, and rezoning request to assess the level of interest by the City. Preliminary plat approval cannot be granted until the EAW is approved. Staff is also planning to hold back on the rezonings until the preliminary plat so the individual districts can accurately reflect the approved plat. 5. Site Design. The project reflects a dramatic change in land use from industrial and open space to residential. It appears that the site is large enough to create it's own distinct neighborhood and therefore staff can support the change in land use. Throughout the discussion at the Planning Commission there has been little reaction to the overall density of the project. The density 5.1 units /acre is consistent with a mixed use residential development and is reflective of the higher density rental and senior housing components. Staff supports the overall site design and allocation to differing housing types, however, we would expect additional refinements to the plan through the next phase of design development. Building location and orientation, open space, common parking areas, and creation of dead -end driveways are all items that the developer should be addressing in the next review. 6. EAW. Additional items beyond the scope of the information currently provided to the city may arise during the EAW process. One such issue is the sanitary sewer capacity for the City. The Council will be made aware of these items and potential mitigative measures through that process. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Only AUTHORITY ACTION: r Unapproved Planning Commission Minutes November 25, 2003 Public Hearing: Brock Site Redevelopment — Cont'd from 10 -28 -03 This public hearing was continued from October 28, 2003 to allow time for the applicant to submit a refined concept plan for the Brockway site. The revised plan includes single family homes, town homes, apartments and senior condos, a 12 acres park on the southwestern corner and a commercial area on the south- east corner of the property. City Planner Pearson indicated Met Council would review the comprehensive plan amendment to determine the impact to regional services such as sanitary sewer treatment and transportation. With the approval of this development Mr. Pearson stated that the housing mix would move closer to the comprehensive plan goal Single family housing is currently at 81 % and would move to 76.5% with this subdivision. The comp plan goal is 65 %. Multi- family housing is currently at 18% and with this development would move to 23.4 %, with a comp plan goal of 35%. Mr. Chuck Rickert, representing WSB, presented an overview of the traffic impact study completed for this area. The study looked primarily at the intersections of 132 " St/Hwy 3, Connemara Tr /Hwy 3 and site accesses. The study showed that with the development of the Brockway site an additional 3000 cars a day would be generated from the area. Biscayne Point, the Minea site, and St. Josephs Church would also have an impact in traffic generation. The current projections for general traffic growth on Hwy 3 is 3 % and do not include this development. When Connemara Tr and CR38 are completed an additional growth factor of 6.5% is projected. The traffic generated by the Brockway site would have to be added, into these percentages. The traffic study completed in June of 2003 indicates the ratings for these intersections are currently rated as satisfactory. Traffic projections are for 2008 which is when the site is projected to be fully developed; traffic would be rated at an E -level of service which would be an unsatisfactory rating. With the proposed improvements to this area, the level of service would be brought back to a satisfactory rating. Mr. Rickert indicated that an application has been submitted to MNDOT for cooperative agreement funding to improve Hwy 3. If approved, notification would be in January 2004 with the funding available in 2005. Improvements would include a signal. at the Connemara Trail intersection of Hwy 3, left and right turn lanes on Hwy 3 at CR38 - no median but stripped lanes, closing the access into the golf course, and providing a signal and a stripped left turn lane at McAndrews /Hwy 3. •paiaaeo uo!IoW •auoN :sAeN •aaddeN pue `uanZ `aaussaW `!asueslaM :SGAV •jaddeN Aq puooaS •panoidde Al!euoll!puoo se ue!d aalsew}deouoo eqj pue ue!d an!suaga idwoo papuawe eqj qj!m luels!suoo aq of seaae asn-puel !e!oaawwoo pue 6u!snoq aql auozei I!ounoo Al!:D eqj jegj puawwooaa of uanZ Aq NOLLOW •palaaeo uo!IoW - auoN :sAeN - uanZ pue `aaussaW `!9su9si9AA `aaddeN :saAV •uanZ Aq puooeS •!!ounoO uel!!odo.ilaW eqj o} juawpuawe eql pien►uol pue ueid an!suagaadwoO junowaso�j OZOZ eqj of juawpuawe ue aaedaad o} -.els ezlaoq}ne !!ounoo � j!3 eqj jegj puawwooaa of aaussaW Aq NOULOW •paiaaeo uo4oW - auoN :sAeN - jaussaW pue `!esuesieM `aaddeN `uanZ :saAV •aaussaW Aq puooaS '6ulaeaH o!!gnd aql aso!o of uanZ Aq NOLLOW •alaidwoo aie gE �jo 01 s}uawanoadw! 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