HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Facilities Task Forcer, t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: December 10, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Facilities Task Force AGENDA SECTION t S Ct� 5 S i O Ir l PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Athletic Review Timeline, Proposed Athletic APPROVED BY: Facility List, Task Force Membership List and Needs Assessment Outline At the November Committee of the Whole meeting, the Council and staff discussed possibly forming a taskforce to investigate the need for additional recreational facilities that have been requested. Staff is recommending forming a taskforce to help conduct a needs assessment for facilities Possible facilities would include a senior center, arts center, youth center, aquatic center, and a second sheet of ice. Staff is recommending we do not include an athletic complex at this time. The Parks and Recreation Commission recently finished a similar needs assessment process to review the need for athletic fields. Their recommendation is listed at the bottom of the attached Proposed Athletic Facilities list. Staff has attached an outline of a proposed needs assessment process. Also attached is a proposed task force list made up of members appointed by the City Council. Staff have received a number of requests from residents who would like to be involved in the process of reviewing the need for additional facilities. If the Council supports the formation of a task force and the proposed needs assessment process, staff would start recruiting residents to serve on the task force and develop a detailed work plan for providing the Council with a well researched recommendation regarding future facility needs. RECOMMENDED ACTION\ NOTES: Discussion Only. MEMORANDUM DATE: December 4, 2003 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Updated Timeline for Athletic Complex Discussions Listed below is an updated outline for athletic facilities review. Because we made a recommendation to the Council at our last meeting and the Council will be discussing community facilities at the Committee of the Whole meeting on December 10, I would like to share your recommendation with RAAAfDakota REV on Monday, January 12, 2004. Stakeholder Meeting 1 September 15, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Have discussion with facility users. Parks Commission Discussion October 27, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Discuss a bench mark or measuring tool for a level of facilities per population. Stakeholder Meeting 2 October 30, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Have discussion with facility users. Stakeholder Meeting 3 November 3, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Have discussion with facility users. Parks Commission Work Session November 19, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Formulate a draft recommendation and provide to user groups for comment. Parks Commission Meeting November 24, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Make 'a recommendation to be forwarded to the City Council. Committee of the Whole December 10, 2003 • Discuss Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation with the City Council. RAAA/Dakota REV January 12, 2004 • Discuss Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation and proposed plan. Proposed Facility List Park/Facility Baseball lar a softball med. Base /soft. small football Soccer large Soccer small Hockey outdoor tennis 2003 City Total 1 12 6 3 6 5 3 Future N1 - - 1 _ _ 1 - - Future N2 - 2 - - - 1 1 2 Future N3 - _ 1 _ _ 1 - - Future N4 - _ 1 - - - - _ Future N5 - 2 - _ _ 2 2 2 Future N6 - - 1 - _ 1 _ - Future N7 - - 1 - - 1 _ 2 Future N8 - - _ _ _ 1 - - Future Complex 4 8 - 2 8 10 - 8 2020 City Total 5 24 11 5 14 13 6 14 ISD 196 3 2 6 3 4 2 - 8 2020 Community Tota 8 26 17 8 18 15 6 22 oa The proposed facilities for future parks are estimates. Additional facilities may be added based on development. The information listed above assumes that some facilities will be used on a seasonal basis for different sports. Recommendation from Parks and Recreation Commission — Move forward with securing a draft site plan and cost estimate for a future athletic complex. Staff will base the site plan on the amenities listed on the proposed facility list. A Community Facilities Task Force will serve to assist with a Community Facilities Needs Assessment What is a Needs Assessment? A needs assessment identifies and prioritizes gaps ( What is versus what should be or what people want The Needs Assessment Plan — 1. - Determine and define the objectives of the assessment. (What do we want to know ?) Identify the target audience. (From whom are we going to collect information and data ?) • Get stakeholders involved in describing the issues and interpreting the results. • Establish the areas or items that need to be studied. 2. Establish a sampling procedure. (How are we going to select a group of individuals that will represent our target population ?) Establish Data Collection Methods. (How will we collect our data ?) Instruments and techniques. (What instruments and techniques will we use to collect data ?) • Key informants, surveys, interviews, community forams, open houses, identifying standards, analysis of statistics and others. 3. Data Analysis and interpretation. (How will we analyze the data ?) • What level of service is needed? • What level of service is being offered? • What are the impacts of new services or facilities? 4. What will we do with our data? Make decisions. (What and how will decisions be made ?) • Prioritize the results of the assessment. • Share the information with the community. Proposed Public Appointments Senior Center Rosemount Area Senior Member Resident of Cameo Place or other housing site (non Rosemount Area Senior) Youth Center Philip Harris —Project 540 Rosemount High School Student from RHS or RMS Second Sheet of Ice RAHA Member — Boys RAHA Member - Girls Aquatic Facility Member at Large Member at Large Art Center /General Members Parks and Recreation Commission Member Parks and Recreation Commission Member Member of Large Member at Large Member at Large