HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Community Survey ResultsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: JULY 9, 2003 AGENDA: COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO: ATTACHMENTS: SURVEY RESULTS APPROVED BY: Attached for your review is the tabulated results summary of the community survey conducted by Decision Resources, Ltd. in late May and early June 2003. Initial review of the survey results is very favorable. Bill Morris of Decision Resources will be present at the meeting to put the survey results in greater context. RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action requested. COUNCIL ACTION: From:DFCISION RFSOURCFS LTD. 612 920 1069 DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. 3128 Dean Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 07/02/2003 13:22 #471 P.002/012 City of Rosemount Residential Survey FINAL May 2003 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a polling firm Located in Minneapolis. We have been retained by the City of Rosemount to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the community. This survey is being conducted because the City Council and City Staff are interested in your opinions and suggestions about current and future city needs_ I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. 1. Approximately hour many years have you Lived in Rosemount? LESS THAN TWO YEARS ... 10$ TWO TO FIVE YEARS ..... 20* FIVE TO TEN YEARS-- - -.24W TEN TO TWENTY YEARS ... 23* 20 TO 30 YEARS ........ 11%r OVER THIRTY YEARS ..... 1,0k DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....1W 2. 'Thinking back to when you moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important to you in selecting this location? ALWAYS ROSEMOUNT, 51; LOCATION, 4% SCHOOLS, 19 *; SMALL TOWN, 15'-; RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 10 CLOSE TO FAMILY, 9 *; CLOSE TO WORK, 12t; NEIGHBORHOOD /HOUSE, 7 *; QUIET /PEACE FUL, 2 -W; AFFORDABLE HOUSING, 125; LOW CRIME, 2 %; SCAT- TERED, 41. 3. As things now stand, how long in LESS THAN TWO YEARS .... St- the future do you expect to TWO TO FIVE YEARS ..... 10$ live in Rosemount? FIVE TO TEN YEARS ..... 13* OVER TEN YEARS ........ 311 REST OF LIFE.......... 32* DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 10t- 4. How would you rate life in Rosemount good, only fair or S. What do you like i mount? the quality of EXCELLENT .............36% -- excellent, GOOD..... ...........58% poor? ONLY FAIR ... ..........,5$ POOR.. .. .....0 DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....lW nost, if anything, about living in Rose- UNSURE, 4 *; LOCATION, 10$; SCHOOLS, 9%-; SMALL TOWN, 24$; RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 11W; CLOSE TO FAMILY, 4$; CLOSE TO WORK, 4 %; PEOPLE, 11%; NEIGHBORHOOD /HOUSE, 5W; QUIET /PEACEFUL, 7W; AFFORDABLE HOUSING, 2 *; SHOPPING CONVENIENCE, 3 %; PARKS, 2%-; SCATTERED, 5% 1 From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:22 #471 P.003/012 6_ What do you think is the most serious issue facing Rosemount today? UNSURE, 16%-; NOTHING, 2W; TOO MUCH GROWTH, 27 %; NEED MORE BUSINESS, 12$; TAXES, 7W; NEED MORE RESTAURANTS, 2%-; SCHOOL FUNDING, 6k; NEED TO REDO DOWNTOWN, 3 %; TRAFFIC, 5%; CRIME, 4W; CITY COUNCIL, 2g; LACK OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING, 2$; CITY BUDGET CONCERNS, 3%k; NOT ENOUGH TO DO, 2 *; CITY PLANNING, 3*; SCATTERED, 6% 7. How important do you think it is VERY IMPORTANT ........ 21%* to the quality of life in a eom- SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT....57W munity to have a strong arts and NOT TOO IMPORTANT ..... 12W cultural presence - -very imppor- NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT ... 6% tant, somewhat important, not too DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 3% important or not at all important? 8. What types of arts activities, if any, do you and other household members regularly participate in? NONE, 35 %; THEATER /PLAYS, 22$; CONCERTS /MUSIC, 20 %; ARTS AND CRAFTS, 13W; MUSEUMS, 6W; DANCE, 3$; SCATTERED, 2% IF "NONE, " ASK: (N =140) 9. Could you tell me one or two reasons why you and other members of your household do not regularly participate in arts activities? UNSURE, 2 *; NO INTEREST, 54 *; NOT AWARE OF, 7%; NO TIME, 30 *; AGE AND HEALTH, 4 *; SCATTERED, 4t. Many communities host arts and creative activities, such as local art and photography show's, local music and drama groups, as well as crafts groups and classes, in which residents may actively participate. 10. Other than school- related program- YES ...................75% ming, do you feel there are enough NO.... ..............15 facilities and programs to meet DEPENDS ON TYPE ........ 2% your household needs? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....9% 11. How much, if anything, would you NOTHING ... ...........34W be willing to pay in additional $10.00..... ... .....12g property taxes per year to operate $20.00 ................16 and maintain a cultural facility $30.00........ .......94; in Rosemount containing a theater, *40.00 .................5w as well as music and arts class- $50.00.................3W rooms and exhibits? Let's say, $60.00. ........... .4* would you'be willing to pay an DON'T KNOW ............ 161; additional.$ per gear? REFUSED ................1% (CHOOSE A RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER) How about $ per year? (REPEAT PROCESS) E From:DFCISION RFSOURCFS LTD. 612920 1069 07/02/2003 13:22 #471 P.004/012 12. All in all, do you think things in RIGHT DIRECTION ....... 63W Rosemount are generally headed in WRONG TRACK ........... 19W the right direction, or do you DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 181 feel things are off on the wrong track? IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N -330) 13. Could you tell me why you feel that way? UNSURE, 4!k; NEW MAYOR AND COUNCIL, 15W; OVERDEVELOP- MENT, Sti DEVELOPMENT IS WELL PLANNED, 28 *; NO PROB- LEMS, 11t; LIKE REDEVELOPMENT OF DOWNTOWN, 4$; GOOD HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS, 3 -W; GOOD SCHOOLS, 3 %; NEED MORE BUSINESS, 5W; MAINTAINING SMALL TOWN FEEL, 6 %; DON'T LIKE NEW MAYOR AND COUNCIL, 2% SAFE COMMUNITY, 2 %; POOR PLANNING, 2W; SCATTERED, 8k . I would like to read you a list of characteristics of a communi- ty. For each one, please tell me if you think Rosemount currently. has too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right amount. MANY FEW/ ABOUT D.K./ MUCH LITT RIGHT REF. 14. Affordable housing, defined by the Metropolitan Council as a single family home costing less than $162,000? 7$ 35% 47% 12W 15. Affordable rental units? I0% 25%- 34% 32% 16. Luxury rental units? 12W 16W 30%- 42$ 17. Condominiums? 16% 13% 41% 29%_ 18. Townhouses? 26%r 9%_ 52W 131r 19. Starter homes for young families? 7$ 46% 36t 11$` 20 "Move up" housing ? - IQ* 20W 56* 14$ 21. Higher cost housing? 27W 12!k 51W 10!k 22. Senior housing? 6%- 34* 335 27W 23. Parks and open spaces? 8* 24* 62% 6%_ 24. Trails and bikeways? 5-W 37%- 48% 11%r 25. Service establishments? 61 39% 491 61 26,_ Retail shopping opportunities? 5% 62% 31% 2$ 27. Entertainment establishments? 3%- 59%- 35%- 3'r 28. Dining establishments? 3* 75* 20* 2$ 29_ Day care opportunities? 3!C 155 31!k 52! As I read the following statements about residential and business development, please answer ayes" or "no." (READ LIST) YES NO DKR 30. There is a good mix of business and residential development in the City. 63!k 34�k 3%_ 3 From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:22 #471 P.005/012 YES NO DKR 31. During the past few .years, the appear- ance and maintenance of business pro - perties has improved. 74W 19-W 7$ 32 Residents have adequate opportunity to make their feelings known about pro - posed development or redevelopment projects: 58* 29 14%- 33. There is sufficient open and natural space in the community. 73%r 25% 2�r As you know, schools grade students on a scale from A to F, including pluses and minuses. 34. Using this scale, please give an A ............... .....6W overall rating to development and A ...................... 1W redevelopment in the City of B .................... 14$ Rosemount? B ..................... 31% B...................... 5-W C...................... 7%- C..................... 19$ C ...................... 5% D +... -- ----- •-- • - --- D...................... 5* D - . ...................0W F....... ..... .....0* F ..... ................. NO ANSWER ...... ........6% On another topic - - -- - 35. Would you support or oppose prior- STRONGLY FAVOR ........ 301 itizing the redevelopment of the FAVOR.... ...........39%- central Downtown Area? (WAIT FOR OPPOSE ................lat RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly STRONGLY OPPOSE ....... 12W that way? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED ...9W There have been discussions about the construction of a large athletic complex in the community. Facilities that may be in- cluded are soccer fields, baseball fields, and softball fields. 36. Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT ...... 27`r construction and operation of a SUPPORT ...............30* large athletic complex in the City OPPOSE ................ 131; of Rosemount? (WATT FOR RESPONSE) STRONGLY OPPOSE....... 19* - Do you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 10W 37. Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT ...... 44!k acquisition of land in the com-• SUPPORT ...............36* munity for preservation as open OPPOSE.. . ..... .6w space or green space areas? (WAIT STRONGLY OPPOSE........8% FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 6W that way? ti 4 From :DECISION RESOURCES LTD. - 612 920 1069 07/0212003 13:22 #471 P.0061012 38. Would you support or oppose a STRONGLY SUPPORT ...... 20%- property tax increase to acquire SUPPORT ...............34$ land for preservation as open and OPPOSE_________ __ _ __ 13* green space areas? (WAIT FOR RR STRONGLY OPPOSE ....... 24W sPONsw Do you feel strongly that DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 9* way? 39.. How high a priority would you VERY HIGH PRIORITY.... 521 assign to the attraction of a sit - MODERATE PRIORITY.....32t down family style restaurant to LOW PRIORITY ...........6* the City of Rosemount -- very high NOT A PRIORI`I'Y........10%r priority, moderate, low, or not a DON'T KNOW /REFUSED...':.I% priority at all? As you may know, property taxes are divided between the City of Rosemount and various other units of local government. Thinking about the amount going to the City.. 40. Do you think the city portion of VERY HIGH., .....4...9% your property taxes, which funds SOMEWHAT HIGH ......... 16%; City services in Rosemount is very ABOUT AVERAGE ......... 39t high, somewhat high, about average SOMEWHAT LOW........... 3W somewhat low or very law in com VERY LOW. ... .0% parison with nearby suburban com DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 32W muniti I would like to read you a list of a few City services. For each one, p le ase tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? (ROTATE) EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK /R 41. Police protection? 33W 55% 7W 2% 3% 42. Fire protection? 34t 57% 3% 1% 6% 43. Recycling and brush pick -up? 19%r 50* 15t 5%- 10$ 44. Storm drainage and flood control? 11% 581 12W 6% 141; 45. Park maintenance? 20* 65W 6* 2W 7% 46. City- sponsored recreation programs? 17% 5 2%- 11$ 2$ 18$ 47. Animal control? 12%; 56!k 141 6% i2k Now, for the next three city services, please consider only their job on city - maintained street and roads. That means do not consider state and county roads, which are taken care of by other levels of government. How would.you rate .... EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK /R 48. City street repair and maintenance? 16t 61%� 19%_ 3% 1%- 49. Snow plowing? 21% 59t 16t 2%- 2%- 50. Street lighting? 13!k 61W 201 5!k 2% From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:23 #471 P.007/012 51, When you consider the property EXCELLENT .............lit 58. taxes you pay and the quality of GOOD ............. ...63* city services you receive, would ONLY FAIR .............18% our neighborhood. you rate the general value of city POOR.. ....,......2* 14; services as excellent, good, only DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 6W fair, or poor lw 60. 52. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR .................501 crease in city property taxes, OPPOSE.... ..........38% hoods are enjoyable and stable if it were needed to maintain DON'T KNOW /REFUSED_....12* city services at their current places to live, work and recreate level? IF 11OPPOSE1 a ASK. (N=152) 92! 6!k 53. What services would you be willing to see cut? 61. UNSURE, 32g; NONE, 26t; PARTS AND RECREATION, 2OW; ADMINISTRATION, 9$; RECYCLING, 2 %; ANIMAL CONTROL, 51; POLICE, 3W; SCATTERED, 5 *. 54. In comparison with nearby areas, VERY HIGH .............10* do you feel that the property SOMEWHAT HIGH ......... 32W taxes in Rosemount are very high, ABOUT AVERAGE ......... 43$ somewhat high, about average, SOMRWHAT LOW ..It somewhat low, or very low: VERY LOW.... ......, .ow DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 151 Thinking about another topic.... 55. Do you generally feel safe in your YES ...................96!k home? NO .. ..............3* DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 1* 56. How would you rate the amount of police patrolling in your neigh - borhood -- too much, about the right amount or not enough? Again, as I read the following statem "no." TOO MUCH.. . .... ....3% ABOUT RIGHT AMOUNT .... 68'k NOT ENOUGH ............ 27% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 21* ants, please answer "yes*' or YES NO DKR 57. This neighborhood is a good place 6 to raise children. 97* 2* it 58. People have pride and ownership in our neighborhood. 955 4%- 14; 59. I feel a part of my neighborhood. 894 low lw 60. Business and residential neighbor - hoods are enjoyable and stable places to live, work and recreate in Rosemount. 92! 6!k 2% 61. I have recently or plan to signi- ficantly remodel my residence in the next couple of years. 24W 74* 3w. 6 From:DH ISION RFSOURCFS LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:23 #471 P.008/012 62. using the scale of A to F, in- A ................. ..23W cluding pluses and minuses, please A - .....................6-W give an overall rating to your P ..................... 22t neighborhood? B ...... ............... 28%- Trails? B. ..................... 5% 50%, 1% C +.... ..----- - - -. Community ballfields? C................. ....7.* 60t 0% C- ......... ...... ..1t Have you or members of your house- D ...................... 0t .. ..38%5 D - - -- - - - -- ....1!k hold participated in any City D ...................... 0w ..... ...... . .62W F............... .... .0% park and recreation programs? F....................:.A NO ANSWER.. ..........2!k As you may know, the City of Rosemount offers a wide variety of neighborhood activities or events, such as Leprechaun Days. 63. Have you or household members YES... ....... .....65* participated in Leprechaun Days NO.. *................34W during the past two years? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... It 64. Have you or household members participated in any other neighborhood events or activities during the past two years? (IF "YES, ASK:) Which oozes? UNSURE, 2t; NO, 58k; BLOCK PARTIES, 14%5; FOURTH OF JULY, 4*; NATIONAL NIGHT OUT, 6% EASTER EGG HUNT, 4 %; SCHOOL ACTIVITIES,Tk; SCATTERED EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES, 10%-. Continuing.... The Rosemount park system is Composed of larger community parks and smaller neighborhood parks, trails, and conmiunity ballfields. Of these facilities, which have you or members of your household used during the past year? YES NO DKR 65. Larger community parks? 58* 41$ 1� 66. Smaller neighborhood parks? 65W 35!k 1� 67. Trails? 49W 50%, 1% 68. Community ballfields? 40k 60t 0% 69. Have you or members of your house- YES.. ....... .. ..38%5 hold participated in any City NO ....... ..... ...... . .62W park and recreation programs? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 0* IF "YES., " ASK: (N =151) 7 From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:23 #471 P.009 /012 70. Which ones? BASEBALL /SOFTBALL, 25k; SOCCER, 15%-; SAFETY CAMP, 3$:; PUPPETS IN THE PARK, 9$; ICE SKATING, 6W; HOCKEY, A; AAA, 13W; SWIMMING, 3!&; TENNIS, 2$; VARIOUS OTHER SPORTS, 6 %; TINY TOTS, 2W; JC ACTIVITIES, 2 *; SCAT- TERED, 12W. 71 Were you satisfied or dis SATISFIED--- - - - - - -- -- 971 satisfied with your exper DISSATISFIED ........... 1t ienc6? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....2* 72. Do you or members of your household currently leave the city for park and recreation facilities or activities? (IF "YES," ASK:) What would that be? NO, 54 *; SWIMMING, 6k; FISHING, 3$; CAMPING, 4 *; OTHER PARKS, 8%; SOCCER, 2W; SOFTBALL /BASEBALL, 4$; TRAILS/ HIKING, 5$; GOLF, 2$; LAKES /BOATING, 4$; ICE ARENA, 2$; VARIOUS OTHER SPORTS, 2 %; SCATTERED, 4!k. Moving on.... 73. Do you leave the City of Rosemount NO /WORK IN ROSEMOUNT..13* on a regular or daily basis to go NOT EMPLOYED /RETIRED..16W to work? (IF "YES," ASK :) How YES /5 MINUTES OR LESS..3W many minutes does it take you to YES /6 TO 10 MINUTES .... 7t get to work? (IF "NO, ASK) Do YES /11 TO 15 MINUTES..12$ you work in Rosemount? YES /16 TO 20 MINUTES .16W YES /21 TO 25 MINUTES..10%; YES /26 TO 30 MINUTES - - -7W YES /OVER 30 MINUTES ... 16$ DON'T KNOW /R.FFUSED..... 0% 74. Have you used public transporta- YES ....................8W tion during the past two years? NO.'. . .... ...92� DON'TKNOW /REFUSED......0%r 75. How likely would you be to use VERY LIKELY ............7t public transportation if a park - SOMEWHAT LIKELY....... 15$ and -ride facility for bus service NOT TOO LIKELY ........ 21V were constructed in the City of NOT AT ALL LIKELY.....55W Rosemount -- very likely, somewhat DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....2t likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? Changing topics.... 76. other than voting, do you teel YES........... . ....63* that if you wanted to, you could NO . ......22% have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW /REF'USED... .15* of Rosemount runs things? IF "NO," ASK: (N =$9) 0 From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:23 #471 P.010 /012 77. Why do you feel you cannot have say? UNSURE, 7$; DON'T LISTEN, 761; DON'T ASK FOR INPUT, 8$; DON'T KNOW HOW, 8 *; SCATTERED, lk. 78. How much do you feel you know - A GREAT DEAL ........... 5* about the work of the Mayor and A FAIR AMOUNT ......... 34W City Council --- a great deal, a VERY LITTLE ........... 51W fair amount, very little, or none NONE AT ALL ............ 9* at all? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 1% 79. From what you know, do you approve STRONGLY APPROVE...... 17$ or disapprove of the job the Mayor APPROVE........... ..52k and City Council are doing? (WAIT DISAPPROVE .............41 FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel STRONGLY DISAPPROVE .... 5% strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 2A 80. Now much first hand Contact have QUITE A LOT ............ 9q you had with the Rosemount City SOME.. ................32$ staff -- quite a lot, some, very VERY LITTLE ............ 33% little or none? NONE.. ...26* DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1W 81- From what you have heard or seen, EXCELLENT ------------- 10W how would you rate the job per - GOOD, ... .............56% formance of the Rosemount City ONLY FAIR.. ..........18$ staff -- excellent, good, only POOR...... ... .......2!k fail', or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED .... 14W Moving on.. . . 82. What is your principal source of information.about Rosemount City Government and its activities? NONE, 4$; ROSEMOUNT TOWN PAGES, 26t; ROSEMOUNT CITY NEWS, 24 %; WORD OF MOUTH, 15'x; FLYERS /MAILINGS, 21; SUN CUR - RENT, 7 *; "THIS WEEK," 4k; ROSEMOUNT TIMES, 3$; TV, 5$; COUNCIL MEETINGS, 3$; PERSONAL.EXPERIENCE, 2%r; SCATTERED, 4 %. 83. Do you or any household members YES ...................79W regularly read the City's news- NO .. * ................20% letter, "The Rosemount City News ?" DON'T KNOW /REF'USED.....1% $4. Do you have access to the Internet HOME ONLY .......... . . . 31t at home? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) DO WORK ONLY ..............7$ you have access to the Internet nOTH .. ...............45! at work? NEITHER... .... .....171 DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0% IF "YES," ASK: (N =332) 85. Have you accessed the City's YES ...................36%- web site? NO. ... -- -- ....631 DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....1W p From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/2003 13:23 #471 P.011/012 86. What information would you like to see on the City of Rosemount's web site? UNSURE 34 %; NONE, 9tr; GENERAL INFORMATION, 6 %, PARKS AND RECREATION, 7 *; EVENTS, 15% NEWS, 4 *; COUNCIL.MEETING MINUTES, 9W; PLANNING /DEVELOPMENT, 11�k; CITY SERVICES, 3W; PERMITS AND ORDINANCES, 3 %. Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. 87. Persons 65 Or over? NONE........ .........87% 88. Adults under 65? 89. School. -aged children? 90. Pre- schoolers? 91. DO you own or rent your present residence? 92. What is your age, please? 93. Are you employed by a public en tity, such as state or local gov- ernment or a school district, a private company, self-employed or own a business, or currently not working? 94. Gender O NE .. . ...........5W TWO ORMORE........ ..8%r NONE -------- - - - - -- - -10W ONE . ............. ..10% TWO... ........68* THREE OR�MORE..... ..13!r NONE - - -- ---------- --- ONE......,. .........19%- TWO ................... 20� THREE ORMORE .......... 7W NONE ..... .......... .83% ONE... . ..........12� TWO ORMORE............5% OWN ................... 89$ RENT . ... ............11$ REFUSED............ ..0* 18- 24 . - -- --- ...-- - - -. 25- 34 .................20W 35- 44 ................. 31* 45 - 54 ..... ............ 23W 55- 64- - - - - -- --12$ 65 AND OVER ........... 11$ REFUSED ................0$ PUBLIC ENTITY ......... 20W PRIVATE COMPANY---- - - -49% OWN BUST /SELF EMP ..... 10* NOT WORKING ........... 20% REFUSED ................ 1% MALE.: ... .. ......50sk FEMALE. --------------- SO* 10 From:DECISION RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 07/02/200 95 Precinct PRECINCT - PRECINCT PRECINCT PRECINCT PRECINCT PRECINCT 3 13:23 #471 P.012/012 ONE.... ....I,6$ TWO.. .13% THREE ........ 24W FOUR ......... 16W FIVE. .......15$` SIX..... ...15ps