HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Thomas W. Fahey - Agriculture Lot split, 5369 160th Street EastCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date July 2, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: Thomas W Fahey Agricultural Lot Split AGENDA SECTION: 5369 160' Street East Consent PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGEND ffW N 1I11 ���B��Y��: v ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Location map, Survey APPROVED v Applicant Property Owner(s) Thomas W Fahey, Thomas Patricia Fahey Location 5369 160' Street East Northwest comer of Emery Ave and 160` Street East Area in Acres 160 16 acres Number of Lots. Two parcels resulting from split 10 09 and 150 07 acres, respectively Comp Guide Plan Desig Agriculture Current Zoning Agriculture Planning Commission Action Recommendation of Approval (3 -0) SUMMARY Mr Fahey has requested approval of an Agricultural lot split that will create a ten acre parcel for the farmstead, and a 150 acre remnant The attached survey (reduced) shows that no variances will be created as a result of the split, and the requested split meets all applicable Agricultural standards The primary concern with Agricultural lot splits is the very low density allowed for residential uses 160 acres will allow only four dwelling units, even though the minimum lot area is 2 5 acres Therefore, a recommended condition of the split will limit future subdivision of either properties to 3 dwelling units, unless zoning changes PLANNING COMMSSION PUBLIC HEARING On June 25, 2002, the Planning Commission conducted the public hearing as required No one other than the applicants attended Mr Fahey was present to answer questions No concerns were identified by the Commissioners RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Agricultural lot split for the Fahey property at 5369 IW' Street East CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2002- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOT SPLIT FOR THOMAS FAHEY WHEREAS, the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Thomas Fahey for apprm al of a division of property, said property legally described as The Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota EXCEPT the following described tract of land Beginning at a point on the west right of way line of a county road 250 feet North and 33 feet West of the southeast corner of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the 5' P M thence West 100 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 100 feet to the west right of way line of said county road, thence South along said right of way line a distance of 75 feet to the point of beginning Containing 160 16 acres WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on June 25", 2002, as required by the subdivision ordinance, for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested lot division, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the lot division to the City Council, and, WHEREAS, on July 2n 2002, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded by the Planning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the division of the above referenced parcel resulting in the following described parcels Parcel A The south 565 feet of the east 800 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota EXCEPT the following described tract of land Beginning at a point on the west right of way line of a county road 250 feet North and 33 feet West of the southeast corner of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the 5 P M thence West 100 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 100 feet to the west right of way line of said county road, thence South along said right of way line a distance of 75 feet to the point of beginning Containing 10 09 acres Parcel B The Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota EXCEPT the south 565 feet of the east 800 thereof Containing 150 07 acres BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the approval of this lot split is subject to 1 Execution and recording of a restrictive covenant or deed restriction for both properties limiting the density for the overall original 160 acres to four dwelling units in a form acceptable to the City Attorney 2 Provision of easements as may be recommended by the City Engineer 3 Payment of all applicable subdivision fees as specified by the current fee resolution including one unit of Park Dedication and G I S fees 4 Approval of the Dakota County Plat Commission as needed due to the frontage of County Road 48 ADOPTED this 2n day of July, 2002, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount Cathy Busho. Mayor ATTEST: Linda J Jentink, City Clerk Motion by Voted in favor Voted against Member absent Seconded by: PROPERTY 10 NUMBER 34 -03200 -010 -75 FEE OWNER THOMAS 8 PATRICIA FAHEY 8 THOMAS W FAHEY 5482 150TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -2326 PROPERTY ADDRESS 5359160TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 PAYABLE 2002 TAXES NET TAX 1® SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 000 TOTAL TAX d SA anon PAYABLE 2003 ASMNT USAGE AG -GREEN ACRES RESIDENTIAL SITE MAP 2002 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2003) 2002 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2003) LAND 11111111111111111B LOT SIZE TYPE S FAM RES BUILDING YEAR BUILT 1937 TOTAL 3 4B 321 TOTAL SO FT ARCH /STYLE TWO STORY 79 92 TOTAL ACRES FOUNDATION SO FT 2004 SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 136 577 ROAD RRN SO FT FINISHED SO FT 2788 BEDROOMS 4 LOCATION NE 114 SE 114 SECTION 32115 -18 BATHS 2 FRAME WOOD PAYABLE 2003 HOMESTEAD STATUS FULL HOMESTEAD GARAGE SO FT 572 OTHER GARAGE WATERSHED DISTRICT VERMILLION RIVER MISL BLDG MISC BLDG LAST QUALIFIED SALE DATE AMOUNT o CA. 48 NOTF ^imensions rounded to nearest loot Cop 2002 Dakota County This brewing is -rei r a legally recorded map nor a survey and is Trot intended to be used as one Tin drawing is a compilation of records information and data iodated in various all county and state off as and other sou¢es affecting the area shown and is to be used for reference purposes only D9MOta County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained If discrepancies are ound please conlscC Dakota County Survey and Land Informadan Department PLAT NAME SECTION 32 TWN 115 RANGE 18 TAX DESCRIPTION E 112 OF SE 1/4 EX COM ON W RAY CO RD 25C FT N 33 FT W OF SE CDR W 100 FT 175 FT E 100 -T TO RAN LINE S ON RM 75 FT TO BEG 079820 3211518 i f Asp Date June 13 2002 Parcels Updated 6/62002 Aenal Photography 1990 a 9 o0 0 l qj ReaUESTev LOT SPLIT UNE r� °o lu 1 4 I II o CA. 48 NOTF ^imensions rounded to nearest loot Cop 2002 Dakota County This brewing is -rei r a legally recorded map nor a survey and is Trot intended to be used as one Tin drawing is a compilation of records information and data iodated in various all county and state off as and other sou¢es affecting the area shown and is to be used for reference purposes only D9MOta County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained If discrepancies are ound please conlscC Dakota County Survey and Land Informadan Department PLAT NAME SECTION 32 TWN 115 RANGE 18 TAX DESCRIPTION E 112 OF SE 1/4 EX COM ON W RAY CO RD 25C FT N 33 FT W OF SE CDR W 100 FT 175 FT E 100 -T TO RAN LINE S ON RM 75 FT TO BEG 079820 3211518 i f Asp Date June 13 2002 Parcels Updated 6/62002 Aenal Photography 1990 Boundary Survey For: 802028 111o1as W. Fahey, 5369 Fast 160th Street eosenrunt, 6114 55068 Scale- 1 inch 100 feet DELMAR H. SCHWANZ o set p 6 u........ 7.. u.l. w...�.. Topography from Dakota Colony 11750 SOU— ACOERT TRAIL AOSEMOUM AIINNE50TA 55066 mi/ SUR%EYOR S CERTIFICl TE I I I e) r 1 P' I LU 1 1 N 1 I I I I O 8 tr1 I O LO N 1 ti 1 8 1 r I 800 16 ,N89'41'46RW u I O C -J 1 767 16 i I'\ Nag OB 34'E Y L A! PER UOe IA 474309 �3 I i I\ l Y l T i 1 I II I t I I I I I I j I 1 I SOUTH LINE SEI 11 Me 32 -RISK p .1 p� ,1 .1 C E -Be Ytl S 9 14"6— ls- me 32- 71hsa -RISII WK co ALLM NIW Ewing Property Description 00 00 s of way lux of a county road 250 feet North mid 33 feel West of the southeast conker of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the 5 P M thence West 100 feet, them North 75 feet, thence East 100 feet to the west right of wad line of said county road, thence South along said right of way line a distance of 75 feel to the point of beginning f0o 00 Sag 09 S4 N Description of Property to Be Separated 1 Y at a point on the west right of way line ofa count' road 250 feel North and 33 feet West of the Y L A! PER UOe IA 474309 �3 I i I\ l Y l T i 1 I II I t I I I I I I j I 1 I SOUTH LINE SEI 11 Me 32 -RISK p .1 p� ,1 .1 C E -Be Ytl S 9 14"6— ls- me 32- 71hsa -RISII WK co ALLM NIW Ewing Property Description The Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Townslup 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Mumesota EXCEPT the following described tract of land Beginning at a point on the west right of way lux of a county road 250 feet North mid 33 feel West of the southeast conker of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the 5 P M thence West 100 feet, them North 75 feet, thence East 100 feet to the west right of wad line of said county road, thence South along said right of way line a distance of 75 feel to the point of beginning Contamag 160 16 acres Description of Property to Be Separated The south 565 feel of the east 800 feel of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Mumesola EXCEPT the following described tract of land Beginning at a point on the west right of way line ofa count' road 250 feel North and 33 feet West of the southeast comer of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the 5' P M thence West 100 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 100 feet to the west right of way line of sad county road, thence South along said right of way hoe a distance of 75 feet to the point of begouung Cono aun 10 09 acres g �0" NESC 7 Description of Balance of Property 1 The Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, OELPAAR H Minnesota FXCEPT the south 565 feet of the east 800 feet thereof a s SCHINANZ Containing 150 07 acres —8625— c All parcels subject to easements for pubic roads, pipehnes, and all other easements, if any O SURNE °,wlunl mmao In v I—, PI•v o, ,.RVa... ,q mr a .v .e m m R11.. e inn I .m only L .ne Suyar un.r aM 5 W. .b .a I "1.1. of Mlnr�..ol. O.Imn H Scew.nr n.be May 11 11, 2002 Mmn..... A.0larnlen No 6624