HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Leprechaun Days Service Agreement & Authorization for Street ClosingsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE JULY 2, 2002 AGENDA ITEM: LEPRECHAUN DAYS SERVICE AGREEMENT AGENDA SECTION: AUTHORIZATION FOR STREET CLOSINGS CONSENT PREPARED BY: THOMAS D BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGFbLUA 10. ATTACHMENTS: SERVICE AGREEMENT AND TABLE OF APPROVED B ACTIVITIES WITH LOCATIONS and STREET CLOSINGS v The attached agreement between the City of Rosemount and the Leprechaun Days Committee sets out the conditions for the services and activities for the amoral Leprechaun Days festival Payment for services are paid from donations received from various community organizations and businesses Also attached is a memo from Lisa Maurer, Recreation Supervisor, showing the various events, locations, equipment and staff required, and streets which may require to be closed when these events are held RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve the Service Agreement between the City of Rosemount and the Leprechaun Days Committee and to authorize the necessary signatures and temporary street closings for the listed events COUNCIL SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND LEPRECHAUN DAYS THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of July, 2002 by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Leprechaun Days, a Minnesota association (hereinafter referred to as "Leprechaun Days WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for a number of years Leprechaun Days has conducted an annual civic community festival known as Leprechaun Days (hereinafter referred to as AThe Community Festival_), and WHEREAS, the city council of the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to promote the City and its businesses and to provide recreational opportunities for its residents by entering mto a contract with Leprechaun Days to conduct the Community Festival in 2002, NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows Leprechaun Days will organize and conduct, in cooperation with the city staff, the Community Festival for 2002, which shall run for ten days which shall be agreed upon by Leprechaun Days and the city council, in accordance with practices and standards of such festivals conducted in past years Services shall include the recruitment, selection, training, and managing of such employees and volunteers as are necessary to conduct the Community Festival, and shall include but not be limited to a advertising and promotions including the design, production and distribution of buttons, flyers and posters, and the development and installation of signs and banners, b securing all necessary governmental permits and seeking approval of street closings and other required City action, C. soliciting financial support from individuals, businesses and organizations including sponsorships of certain events, and d conducting the following events or arranging for them to be conducted by other cooperating organizations, provided that events may be deleted or added with the approval of the city council 1) Medallion Hunt 22) Kiddie Parade 2) Big Wheel Race 23) Blarney Stone Hunt 3) Penny Scramble 24) Amusement Rides 4) Bathtub Race 25) Wet N'Wild Day 5) Bingo 26) Teen Bowling at City Limits 6) Bowl for D ARE 27) Kvam's Softball Tournament 7) Puppets in the Park 28) Public Ice Skate 8) Fishing Derby 29) Radio Controlled Air Show 9) Sunday Night Specials 30) Hamster and Gerbil Races 10) Run for the Gold 31) BBQ Beef and Corn on the Cob Feed at 11) Rosemount Family Fitness Walk the Legion 12) Pet Contest 32) Euchre Tournament 13) Grand Day Parade 33) 99 Bowling at City Limits 14) Mid Summer Faire 34) Family Fund Day at Cub Foods 15) Entertainment after the Parade 35) Toilet Bowl Races 16) Rootbeer Floats 36) Salute to Rosemount Youth Central 17) Resource Fair Park 18) 500 Tournament 37) Steak Fry at the Legion 19) Leprechaun Days Street Dance 38) 50's day at City Limits 20) Fireworks Display 39) Rosie Patty Drop at RHS Stadium 21) Sneaky Pete's Garden Tractor Pull Leprechaun Days will undertake the work of this agreement as an independent contractor, and Leprechaun Days officers, employees, volunteers, and agents shall not be deemed agents or employees of the City for any purposes including, but not limited to, income tax withholding, workers' compensation and unemployment compensation As consideration for the services provided by Leprechaun Days, the City will pay momes received as contributions in support of the Community Festival The amount actually paid will be limited to the amount of such contributions received The City will advise Leprechaun Days, on request, of the status of funds received and funds reasonably expected to be received 4 Leprechaun Days will maintain liability insurance providing the following coverages Commercial general liability with personal injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and a general aggregate limitation of not less than $2,000,000 The City of Rosemount will be named as additional insured on all such policies and proof of insurance will be provided to the City 2 All services and activities conducted by Leprechaun Days shall be on a nondiscriminatory basis and in full compliance with all state and federal civil and human rights laws, regulations and rulings 6. Those possessing current peddlers /solicitors' licenses cannot be part of Leprechaun Days or Mid- Summer Faire events unless they have registered with Leprechaun Days and have been approved by the committee CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 10 Cathy Busho, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk LEPRECHAUN DAYS Lo Leprechaun Days Treasurer MEMO To: Rick Cook Tom Burt Gary Kalstabakken Dwayne Kuhns Scott Aker Linda Jentmk Dan Schultz From Lisa Maurer, Parks and Recreation Date June 27. 2002 Re: Street closings for 2002 Leprechaun Days Requests for City Staff, traffic control devices and maintenance equipment Attached you will find the most recent listings of needs for street closings, traffic control (bamcades, traffic cones), orange fences, vehicle needs as well as assistance from city staff that is required for the 2002 Leprechaun Days events The streets will need to be closed for the specific events and times as indicated If any of the above requests change, I will let you know as soon as possible If you have any questions, I can be reached at 651- 322 -6003 Thanks Friday, July ,J Sunday, July July 24 Thursday, 6 Thursday, I EpRECRAUN DAYS 2002 Event 7 j c Run for the Gold Run for the (iota Klddle Parade V n Day rby l Race ramble Salute w Rosem Night Mid Summer Faire for City Main_ 1� e 1 l ructc Property 14' pole Start(Fmish Banner Small Generator 1 Pick -up truck for tables Property Lower City HaU V Lot Central Park Schwartz Pon School pond) Avenue (near camash) 2 portable restrooms 3 extra trash cans Police will nauuic control No street closings Barricades, block otf a porti of arkin lot M grass around shoreline at pond by and veh cles as of 6- 27-02 Time Notes: During the day Friday Pickup race equipment, pule markers, wood stands etc at Apple V alley CC Store at shop till Sat Truck currently at RCC morning By 7 OOam Cones for the route, 2 barricades and course signs Move portable toilets to site, Cones, barricades no parking signs Oil Burrna Ave from 145 W to 146 t 2 bar ades Burma at 145th, Burma u 14e driveways to Legion Cones at legion driveways and front doors to homes 1 pottable toilet near bridge at pond Thursday Posts, barricades, no packing signs, fence and ties City Hall Barricade at City Han parking lot Yield to pedestrians signs wl flashing lights Handicapped parking on This equipment can be used I for the Bathtub races on Thursday m Parade route will be around tarts at 6 OOpm rt lower city hall park rig cot Park rec will supply other 3y? OOam e w merit needs Fir t,bore North of Before 4 30pm on Bridge (same as usual) Wednesday I will forward a map of City Salute to Drop off cones and the da Drop during Y before 3 OOpm— move to baking signs ilBurma by bathtub races on Thursday 3 OOpm Cones, barricades no parking signs Oil Burrna Ave from 145 W to 146 t 2 bar ades Burma at 145th, Burma u 14e driveways to Legion Cones at legion driveways and front doors to homes 1 pottable toilet near bridge at pond Thursday Posts, barricades, no packing signs, fence and ties City Hall Barricade at City Han parking lot Yield to pedestrians signs wl flashing lights Handicapped parking on This equipment can be used I for the Bathtub races on Thursday m Knights will be putting up efore 4 OOpm the fence City staff can pound the posts, post no parkin go Sweep Burma Ave on Friday morning Youth, Thursday I will forward a map of City Salute to Hall parking lot layout 6pm —10 OOpm which will be provided by Joe Walsh I30ant Hockey b sbouldbe mowed by ilus nday, July Summer .3,...-_ Noon Start Tune C3rande reworks CTty Hall s lismt IAIV 00a 8 m Starts at School moves 145 d, north on Stteet Swee CT gy 10 30am east on 145 Cluh, sort Middle all Z po Crt Hrtable tarlets located a Camera to R comT°rttee et RHS School YaTade Sr ns Stte 145 w r ll ostN l Pick up cones, start time and swee street After PaTadNo sweeper 12 m street S 00 10 oopm Canada 145t1t on A� ast s de of de No park ,e eady grazd 'e (alt gncksonPark enforced) "do not cross tape LePTechaun dabs COU1MTttee can reimburse for cost of tape THURSDAY, JULY 25 FISHING DERBY Registration/warm -up at 9 00 am Fisting starts at l0 00 am at Schwarz Pond and is for youth ages 13 and under Sponsored by Rosenrium Parks and Recreation For mformaton call 651 322 -6000 500 CARD TOURNAMENT- 6 45 pm sign up 7 00 pm start time Rosemount Cbmmum[v Center For info call Darhne at 651423 -1421 Sponsored by the Rosemount Area Seniors SATURDAY, JULY 20 RUN FOR THE GOLD and FAMILI FITNESS WALK 1 4 mile inns or l 4 imle walks, registration at 7 00 am, start at 8 00 am Pre- registration is encouraged Call 651- 322 -6000 for further information Sponsored by Rosemount Family Physicians and Rosemount Parks and Recreation KVAM'S ADI LT SOFTBALL TOURN AMENT Men's and Women s divisions For more information call Pete a16S IA52 -9863 HAMSTER/GERBIL RACES 1000 am Fluegel's Elevator For finther information call 651423 -1587 EUCHRE CARD TOURNAMENT 6 45 pm sign up 7 00 pm start time Rosemount Community Center For info call Darlene at 651423 -1421 Sponsored by the Rosemount Area Seniors BINGO 6 45 pm 9 30 pm Rosemount American Legion 18 years and older Information call Bingo Bill at 651- 423 -3380 BATHTUB RACES Registration at 6 30 pm, Teen (1347) and Adult categones Held on Burma Avenue and Me Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Contact Phil at 651423 -3425 SALUTE TO ROSEMOUNT YOUTH NIGHT- Amusement tides, food booths, games and entertainment 6 00 pm 10 00 pm Central Pack FRIDAY, JULY 26 PUPPETS IN THE PARK Parks and show times Canfield 9 00 am, Connemara 9 45 am, Jaycee 10 30 am, Family Resource Center It 15 am Sponsored by Rosemount Parks and Recreation For more information call 651- 322 -6000 STEAK FRY UNDER THE STARS 5 00 pm American Legion Shelter Information call 651423 -3380 MID SUMMER FAIRE AMUSEMENT RIDES 5 00 pm 11 30 pm Many food and cmftbooths, business exhibitors and amusemem ndes Central Park SUNDAY, JULY 21 KVAM' S ADULT SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Concludes 99 BOW LING -All day 10 00am Midnight Includes shoe rental For details call AMF City Limits Lanes at 651423 -2000 FREE OPEN SKATE Rosemount Arena 130 pm 3 00 pm For further information call 651- 322 -6001 PET CONTEST Fluegel's, Register at 100 pm, contest at 130 pm Many fun categories For further mformanon call 651423 -1587 KIDD IE PARADE -(New locanon) Registrabon will begin at 530 pm Registerat Central Park Shelter Parade begins at 600 pm Sponsored by Rosemount Lions SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIAL- Legacy- Irish Band Come out for some family enrerumment m fit park 7 00 pm Central Park Amphitheaue Sponsored by Rosemount Parks and Recreation For mformauon call 651- 322 -6000 MONDAY, JULY 22 MEDALLION HUNT Beginning Monday, clues will be posted at the Rosemount National Bank and at wwnv rosemounlbank com FAMILY FUN DAY- At Cub Foods Parking Lot Various games for lads, food sampling, costume characters and much more Events from 1 00 pm 6 00 pm See Cub Foods for details TOILET BOWL RACES Cub Foods Partang Lot 4 Heats celebrity, men's, women s and terns Registration at 6 00pm Event at 6 30 pm Sponsored by Cub Pharmacy See store for details TUESDAY, JULY 23 BLARNEY STONE HUNT- Jaycee Park- Start time 1 00 pm 3 age categories 4 and under, 5 -7 and 8 -12 Sponsored by Rosemount Parks and Recreation For mfonnatmn call 651- 322 -6000 ROOT BEER FLOATS AND RESOURCE FAIR 6 00 pm 8 00 pm, Family Resource Center Sponsored by Community Action Council Call 651- 322 -5113 BOWL FOIi D A R E AMF City Limits 6 30 pm 8 30 pm All proceeds go to D A R E For mformanon call 651423 -2000 WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 ROOT BEER FLOATS Sponsored by the Velvet Tones Rosemount Amencan Legion, beginning at 5 30pm till gone BIG WHEEL RACE- Registration starts at 600 pm Races start at 630 pm Ages 3- 8 held on Burma Ave Bring your own Big Wheel Helmets are recommended Food available For information call Sally at 651- 423 -3762 SponsonedbyAmencan Legion Auxiliary PENNY SCRAMBLE -Ages 3 -8 Starts following the Big Wheel Races Sponsored by the Rosemount Legion Post #65 TEEN BOWLING NIGH r -AMP City Limits, 6 00 -9 00 pm Many fun acovities for ages 13 -17 For details call AMF City Limits lanes at651423 -2000 LEPRECHAUNDA]'S STREEI DANCE 700pm- I100pin CBO(Casablanca Orchestra) will entertain your family with some great music Central Park Amph3heater SATURDAY, JULY 27 GRAND DAY PARADE 12 00 Noon Starting at Rosemount High School will run south on Chili east on 145' north on Cameo to 143` Rosemount Middle School Streets close at I 1 00 am ENTERI AINMENT AFTER THE PARADE Central Park Amphitheatre BBQ BEEF CORN FEED Rosemount American Legion, I 00 am till gone Questions call, 651423 -3380 MID SUMMER FAIRE AMUSEMENT RIDES 1 00 pm 11 30 Into Many fund and craft booths, business exhibitors amustment rides Come see the many great things Rosemount has to offer Central Park LEPRECHAUN DAYS STREET DANCE 7 00 pm 1100 pm Come out and enjoy some musical entertainment by Bob and the Beachcombers Central Park Amphitheater FIREWORKS DISPLAY- 10 00 pm at Enckso Park Can be viewed from Central Park and Erickson Park SUNDAY, JULY 28 AVIATION EXTRAVAGAN IZA Radio Controlled Air Show and Fly -In beginning at 8 00 am- shows throughout the day Event held at the Tri k alley Field located on Hwy 71 just east of the D C Technical College Sponsored by the Tn Valley Radio Controlled Club Information call Steve a1952-990-W80 or ww-w outreach comIrvrc SNEAKY PETE'S GARDEN TRACTOR PULL -10 00 am weigh m 12 00 noon start time at the Rosemount VFW Hwy 3 and 120th Food and beverages available For details call 651 -137 -8291 50'S DAY AMF City Limits Many activities from I1 00 am 5 00 pm For information call 651423 -2000 ROSIE'S PATT1 DROP -2 00 pm RHS stadium Sponsored by the RHS Football Boosters Contact Karen Compton at 612 -598 -8287 for further information or to purchase your square SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIAL STAR OF THE NORTH BAND, 7 00 pm Central Park Amphitheatre Sponsored by Rosemount Parks and Recreation For information call 651- 322-6000 FRIDAY, JULY 19 PUPPETS IN THE PARK Parks and show hmes Camfieid 9 00 am, Connemara, 945 am, Jaycee 1030 am, Family Resource Center 1115 am Sponsored by Rosemount Parks and Recreation For more information call 651- 322 -6000