HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. City of Rosemount Transportation PlanAGENDA ITEM: City of Rosemount Transportation Plan AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrators AGENDA NO: ifr ATTACHMENTS: Letter APPROVED BY: DTI CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 2, 2002 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION With the continuing growth and development of the City of Rosemount, there is a need for a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the entire City. The most recent transportation plans that Council and Staff have been utilizing for the development of the City transportation system date back to the July, 1993 Western Rosemount Transportation Study and supplement reports. As the growth within the City moves eastward from Trunk Highway 3. the preparation of a document to assist Council and Staff with the planning of the City's future transportation needs in these areas is recommended. Attached is a letter of proposal from WSB Associates, Inc. for the preparation of a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the City of Rosemount. The proposed plan will provide an analysis of the City's existing transportation system and future transportation system needs to accommodate the projected growth within the city. The development of the plan will include data gathering related to the existing transportation system, coordination with the City's Comprehensive Growth Plan and a public involvement program. Transportation modeling completed by Dakota County will be used extensively and expanded upon to develop a traffic model for the City. An analysis of the necessary financial resources for implementation of the transportation plan will also be addressed. WSB Associates, Inc. is proposing to complete this plan for a "not to exceed" cost of $47,500. City Staff will be involved in the preparation of the plan to perform traffic counts and provide land use data. Staff recommends that Council authorize the preparation of a Comprehensive Transportation Plan as proposed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN AS PROPOSED FOR A "NOT TO EXCEED" COST OF $47,500. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 Bo Associates. Inc. WSB i 1 4 4 e 41 1 '4150:0kon. Memorial MiihWay 4 suit4 4 t l t fMinneayd otis' I 4 Minne4ota' :4t 554[22 1. 763 541 430Q i t 4 r 763 54k 1700 =FAX n t March 27, 2002 Mr. Tom Burt City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Re: City of Rosemount Transportation Plan Budget Estimate Dear Mr. Burt: I would like to thank you for the opportunity you provided us to present our draft outline for the preparation of a Transportation Plan for the City of Rosemount on March 6, 2002. We are excited to participate in the development of your city -wide transportation plan. This plan will prove to be a valuable tool relating to transportation issues and the City's Capital Improvement Program for now and into the future. The transportation plan will provide an analysis of the existing transportation system and future transportation needs relating to roadways, proposed development, land use plaiming, transit systems, trail systems, and financial resources. We are providing this estimate for completing the transportation plan based on our discussion in accordance with the following three -phase development plan. Phase 1 Scoping Study: Includes an inventory and analysis of the existing facilities, along with data collection pertaining to the existing transportation system in previous and ongoing transportation studies. Phase 1 would also include an analysis of major trends affecting transportation, along with the public involvement program, which would involve stakeholder meetings with the Planning Commission and City Council. Phase 2 Model Development: Provides for the development of the computerized transportation model. The transportation model is planned to make extensive use of the base model developed by Dakota County, which is anticipated to be completed early in 2002 and will fiirther develop and identify a breakdown of the transportation analysis zones (TAZ). This phase will document existing traffic volumes and roadway characteristics, along with incorporating the existing land use plan and calibration of the model to verify the existing vehicle travel within the City of Rosemount. This phase includes the use of City of Rosemount staff to assist with traffic counting at various locations throughout the City under the direction and coordination of WSB Associates. It also incorporates the use of City Staff to provide existing land use information for the development of the transportation model. The City of Rosemount's involvement in these two activities contributes to reducing WSB's cost in the development of the transportation model. Minneapolis St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Toni Burt City of Rosemount March 27, 2002 Page 2 Phase 3 Plan Preparation: Preparation of the transportation plan, which will include identification of future land use forecasts and trip generation, along with needed improvements to meet future transportation needs. The plan will analyze financial resources required and available for implementation of the transportation plan. The budget for developing the transportation plan for the City of Rosemount includes the following: WSB's cost "not to exceed" of $47,500 is dependent on the City of Rosemount providing staff to perfonn traffic volume counts, coordinated by a WSB staff person, along with City Staff providing existing and future land use inforniation. WSB Associates estimates that the plan can be completed in approximately 12 months upon the notice to proceed. Please feel free to contact me at (763) 287 -7177 with comments or questions regarding the transportation plan. Sincerely, Phase 1: Scoping Study $9,000 Phase 2: Transportation Model $17,500 Phase 3: Preparation of Transportation Plan $21,000 WSB's estimated costs for services S47,500 WSB Associates, Inc. 7 in le�� /Jfde Ronald B. Bray, P./ Vice President cc: Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount/WSB Bret Weiss, WSB Associates, Inc. Tony Heppelmann, WSB Associates, Inc. Chuck Rickart, WSB Associates, Inc. nm F: \WPWIN\client\rsmt■032702 tb.doc