HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. LELS Labor Agreement for 2002, 2003CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 18, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: LELS LABOR AGREEMENT FOR 2002, 2003 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: PAULA GRAFF, AGENDA HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR ATTACHMENTS: BACKGROUND SETTLEMENT INFO APPROVED BY: Negotiations for the 2002 -2003 labor agreement for the patrol officer's union have been completed. The union and the City have reached tentative agreements on the following items: 1. 3.75% wage increase for 2002 and 2003 2. Longevity — after 4 years of service — 3% of salary after 8 years of service — 5% of salary after 12 years of service — 7% of salary after 16 years of service — 9% of salary 3. Assignment pay for Investigator & School Liaison — 2002: $150 per month; 2003: $175 per month Assignment pay for Field Training Officer - 1 hour of pay per shift performing FTO function 4. Uniform allowance: 2002: $600 per year•, 2003: $620 per year. Also, new employees uniform allowance will be prorated during the first calendar year. If mediation is not mutually agreeable to the union and the employer, the matter can proceed directly to arbitration. Attached is the Uniform Settlement Reporting Form regarding this labor agreement settlement as required by law. Finance Director May spent a considerable amount of time compiling the information for these forms, however, please take caution with the forms as the information can be misleading. This form can prove to be useless when comparing our data with other governmental entities because the data is based on interpretation. The Minnesota Department of Finance in its communications to cities has noted the deficiencies of the form and, in the future, may request administrative authority to modify the forms. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE LABOR AGREEMENT FOR THE LELS LOCAL 2 (PATROL OFFICER'S UNIT) FOR THE YEARS 2002 & 2003 AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. COUNCIL ACTION: SUPPLEMENTAL WORKSHEET: OTHER FORMS OF COMPENSATION OTHER FORMS OF CQMPENSATION NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES X OTHER NUMBER OF BOX A + B I DOLIARS EMPLOYEES X NEW COMPENSATION DOLLARS PER 2002 PER EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE OVER BOX A BASE (A) (B) (C) Uniform or Clothing Allowance 585 x 12 = 7,020 x 12 = ,200 Payment for Additional paining or Educalion loo) Allowance Call flack io Work Payment Stand -By or On -Call Payment icense Pa)ymenl Paynlenl for Sel)araling (foil) F:n)1)loynlenl PUNLIC EMPEOYER: City of R osemount EXCLUSIVE REPRESEN W IVE: L E L S (Police) UNIT: Loca 1 2 NUMBER OF BOX C + D NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES X NEW X NEW DOLLARS PER DOLLARS PER 2003 EMPLOYEE OVER EMPLOYEE OVER BOX C BOX E ( (E) (F) 620 x 12 7,440 RVIi'ves Insur.mce Payments - - 7,020 7,200 -- - - - - - ____ t l ►I UMN lul/1I COLUMN IOfAf t U111MN lolAl Col UMN 1UlAl — — — — - - - - I NII R BOX I2 INUR BOX 22 N 101AI LNIER BOX l5 ENIfR BOX � 11OX ldl k UNIFORM SETTLEMENT FORM Base Medical Insurance 6) 63 134.40 New S for Medical 10,732.80 Base Year F i rst Year of Contract Dates 1) 1/1/01— Dates 2) 1/1/02- 3,895.20 12/31/01 12/31/02 Base Wage 5) r- New $ by Wage Sch ule �� Base Life Improvement 14) #15 New $ for Life New $ for Medical 14,773.48 New $ by Wage Schedule 81 + Insurance 18) Movement 15) 6 3.389.63 Base Social Security Contribution WA New S Social Security WA New $ for Life 21 5A) Contribution 15A) Base State or Insurance New $ State or Local Retirement Contribution 57 785 80 58) Local Retirement Contribution 15B) 5,895 Base Medical Insurance 6) 63 134.40 New S for Medical 10,732.80 Dates 3) 1/1/03- 12/31/03 Base Wage 28) ' 742'40 Insurance 16) Base Extra- Base Dental 3,895.20 New $ for Dental New $ by Wage Schedule Insurance 7) Insurance 17) �� Base Life 1 584.00 New $ for Life New $ for Medical 14,773.48 Insurance 81 + Insurance 18) 0 3rd Year Base Third Year of Contract (if applicable) 2nd Year Base I Second Year of Contract fif applicable) Base Wage Dates 3) 1/1/03- 12/31/03 Base Wage 28) ' 742'40 New $ by Wage Schedule SM # Base Extra- Improvement 37.) New S for Extra - New•$ by Wage Schedule New $ by Wage Schedule Movement 38) 27,547.98 Base Social Security WA Contribution 28A) New $ Social Securi ty Contribution 38A) WA Base State or New $ State or Local Retirement Local Retirement Contribution ? 63, 681. Contribution 388) 2,561.97 Base Medical Insurance 29) 73 ,867.20 New $ for Medical 14,773.48 Base State or Insurance 39) Base Dental 4674.24 Insurance 30) 4 New $ for Dental 934.80 Local Retirement 40) Base Life 1 ,584.00 ' New $ for Life 21 Insurance 31) Insurance 41) 3rd Year Base Third Year of Contract (if applicable) .— JOOr Differential 9) WA Dates 4) Base Wage 51) 712, 290.38 New S by Wage Schedule New $ for Shift Base Extra- Improvement 60) New S for Extra - New $ by Wage Schedule Differential 55) Differential 65) Movement 61) Base Social Security WA Ne $ Social Security Contribution 51A) Contribution 61A) Base State or Case Deferred New $ State or Local Retirement Local Retirement Contribution 51B 242.9 Contribution 61 B) Base Medical New $ for Medical Insurance 52) ± , W.61 Insurance 62) Base Dental 5,609.04 New $ for Dental Insurance - 53) Insurance 63) Base Life 1 584E New $ for Life Insurance 54) . Insurance 64) .— JOOr Differential 9) WA New $ for Shift Differential 19) PVA Base Shift Differential 32) WA New $for Shift Base Shift WA New $ for Shift Base Extra- ) y/ A New S for Extra - Differential 42) WA Differential 55) Differential 65) Curricular' 101 VA Curr Base Extra- 33) WA New New S for Extra- WA Base Extra- New $ for Extra. Case Deferred WA New News for Deferred or red Base Deferred Curricular 43) Curricular' S6) WA Curricular 66) Compensation t 1) Compensation 21 I WA Compensation 34) N/q New $ for Deferred WA Base Deferred New S for Deferred Base Other New $ for Other Compensation 44) Compensation 57) b1�A Compensation 67) Forms of 71020.00 Forts of Base Other Forms of New $ for Other Base Other New S for Other Compensation 12) Compensation 22) 180.00 Compensation 35) 7,200.0 Fomu of Compensation 45) 240.00 Forms of 7,440 00 Forms of Total New Change Compensation 58) Compensation 68) 801 976-69 from Baseline 23) ' Total New $ Change from Baseline 46) 46,058.23 Total New S Change % Change from Baseline 69) 73 from Baseline 24) 10.73 % Change 5.51 %Change Base Year 754,772.17 Total First Year 835, 748.86 Base Year from Baseline 47) % from Baseline 70) Total Baseline i3) $ Settlement 25) 835,748.86 Total Baseline 36) Total Second Year 881 8 0 7 .09 $ Settlement 48) ' Base Year Total Baseline 59) 88 1,8D 7. Total Third Year ____- $ Settlement 71) to Lump m Payment 26 p yen - - - - -- F -- yment 49 - - - -- Lum Sum Pa --- educa education %Increase over Lump Sum Payment 72 units only. Baseline 27) % %increase over % Increase over 5.18.94 Baseline 50) % Baseline 73) % PUBLIC EMPLOYER: City of Rosemount EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVE: LELS (POI ice) UNIT. -Local 2 0 a It UNIFORM SETTLEMENT FORM Base Medical 13 4 . 4@ New $ for Medical 10,732.80 Base Year F 5 rSt Year of Contract Dates 1) 1/1/01— Dates 2) 1/1/02- 3,895.20 12/31/01 12/31/02 Base Wage 5) 62473k?_-oE7- New S by Wage Sch. ule .04 Base Life Improvement 14) #15 New S for Life New S State or New $.by Wage Schedule 81 , Insurance 18) Movement 15) -63,389.63 Base Social Security Contribution WA New $ Social Security WA New S for Dental 9 5A) Contribution 15A) Base State or Base Life Insurance New $ State or Local Retirement Contribution 57 785.E ' Local Retirement 5,895 Base Other 56) Contribution 15B) Base Medical 13 4 . 4@ New $ for Medical 10,732.80 Insurance 6) ' Insurance 16) New S Social Security Base Dental 3,895.20 New $ for Dental Movement 38) 27,547.98 Insurance 7) Insurance 17) .04 Base Life 1 584.00 New S for Life New S State or Insurance 81 , Insurance 18) 0 2nd Year Base E? O t1C1 Year of Contract Of applicable) 3rd Year Base Third Year of Contract (ifaoolicable) Dates 3) 1/1/03 - 12/31/03 Base Wage 28) ' 742'40 New $ by Wage Sch ule #38 New $ by Wage Schedule New $ for Shift Improvement 37) Base Social Security WA New S Social Security New -$ by Wage Schedule Contribution 61 A) Base State or Movement 38) 27,547.98 Base Social Security WA Contribution New $ Social Securi WA Contribution S1B 2 Contribution 61Bf 28A) Contribution 3BA) Base State or Insurance 62) New S State or Local Retirement 68 1.02 Loral Retirement Contribution 286) , Contribution 388) 2,561.97 Base Medical Insurance 291 73,867.20 New $ for Medical Insurance 39) 14,773.48 Base Dental Insurance 4 , 674 .24 New S for Dental 9 Curricular 66) 30) Insurance 40) Base Life Insurance 1 584.co 31) ' New $ for Life 0 Insurances 41) Base Wage 51) 71 2,290.38 New $ by Wage Schedule Base Shift Differential 9) Improvement 60) New S for Shift Differential 19) WA New $ by Wage Schedule New $ for Shift - Movement 61) Base Social Security WA New S Social Security Contribution SW Contribution 61 A) Base State or New $ State or Local Retirement Local Retirement Contribution S1B 2 Contribution 61Bf Base Medical 88 New $ for Medical Insurance S2) ' Insurance 62) Base Dental 5,609.04 New $ for Dental Insurance 53) Insurance 63) Base Life 584.00 1 New S for Life Insurance 54) , Insurances 64) Base Shift Differential 9) WA New S for Shift Differential 19) WA Base Shift Differential WA New $ for Shift Base Shift New lit Base Extra- 32) Differential a2) N/A Differential 55) W A Differential ntial 65) Curricular 70) WA Curricular 20) New $ for Extra - WA Base Extra. Curricular' 33) WA New $ for Extra- WA Base Extra - New $ for Extra- Base Deferred W A New S for Deferred Base Curricular 43) .Curricular' S6) WA Curricular 66) Compensation 11) Compensation 21) WA Pe^ Deferred Compensation 341 LA New $ for Deferred WA Base Deferred New $ for Deferred Base Other New $for Other Compensation 44) Compensation 57) WA Compensation 67) Forms of Forms of Base Other Forms of New $ for Other Base Other New $ for Other Compensation 12) ' Compensation 22) 180.00 Compensation 35) 7,200.00 Forms of Compensation 45) 240.00 Forms of 7,440.00 Forms of Total New $ Change Compensation 58) Compensation 681 ` from Baseline 23) 80' 97 6.69 Total New $ Change from Baseline 46 ,058.23 Total New 5 Change 46) from Baseline 69) Change 10.73 from Baseline 24) _ % % Change 5'51 % Change Base Year 754,712.17 Total First Year 83 5,748.86 Base Year from Baseline 47) % from Baseline 70) Total Baseline i 3) $ Settlemen 25) 835 748.86 Total Baseline 36) Total Second Year 8B1 X7.09 S Settlement 48) , Base Year Total Baseline 591 881 807.09 Total Third Year __________ $ Settlement 71) 'Applies to Lump Sum Payment 26 . Sum Payment 49 -- ----- Lump m ------------- -- education % Increase over Lump Sum Payment 72 units only. Baseline 27) % °; Increase over r % Increase over 5.18 -94 Baseline . 50) % Baseline 73) % PUBLIC EMPLOYER: — C - Lit y O f Rosemount EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVE: L E L S (POI ice) UNIT: Local 2 a