HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda• Welcome to the Rosemount City Council Public Hearing 3ose of f "ublic Hearing purpose I the public hec , in is to obtain comments related to how the issue affects the and the esidents. esignated by the City Council, the Rosemount Planning Commission conducts Public hearings I land use applications. And, makes recommendations to the City Council and then Council :s the f i n,l decisions. ficatior, mve bezn posted at the site and previously been published and /or mailed to all arty ow, :! within 350 feet, or one- quarter of a miL if the property is zoned Agriculture, proposes! project. is Hearing Process -der to provide the greatest opportunity for informed comments, the process at public ngs is generally as follows: lie Deve -, per and /or Applicant introduces himself /hers -lf and the proposed pro je t cluding jor improvements and unique features of the project. t Staf ill provide a detailed review of the proposal and how it relates to the >mpreh4�.nsive Plan and existing ordinances. Staff does not promote or advocate for the 'oject. STUlff identifies issues and proposed sokitions as well as recommends stipulations ,lated to existing City Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. ty Councilmembers will discuss and ask questions to clarify issues regarding the p� opposed o jest and /or staf t report. blic Hewing Comments.. We want you to feel comfortable in providing informed comments the City Council and your comments are appreciated. Please state your name and address the podi >n and sign in at the "sign in" list in the rear of the room. After your comments F_ receiv,. J or heard, the City Council will ask the Developer and /or City Staff to address e questions raised and respond to your comments. scussion /Responses. 'Y Councilmembers will discuss a motion for action on the issue if desired. Thank you for your interest in the Rosemount City Ce!. <ncil and /- -J_. - - _ 1._ _.1. - - -- - - / C[TY OF ROSEMOUN"1' -- AGENDA � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING C L E� K S � ` `�" � Tuesday au�UST�, Zoo� a 00 I _ 2--g � Comrnamity Cet�ter Bar7quet Roona R��. S 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda- Council, Staff 3. PUb�1C C011llllellt * *opportunity to bring issues to City Council attention 4. Response to Public Comment ** ** update on prior public comment 5. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Fire Explorer National A�vard Presentation b. : 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Mi�nites of.fuly 17, 2001 Regular City Council — 2eviSecQ ����y�a b. Mi�lutes ofJuly J�I;�2001 S��ct0.� YYl ( U7ror �a�'�- ��S�r���'L�J� c. Bills Listing �� � � d. Donation Account EYpenditure—Administration e. Ordinance Pledblllb Clty's Full Faith and Credit to Port Authority General Obligation Public Facility Bonds, Zoolc s� xx 1, 5' f. Firefigl�ters Relief Fund Scl�edules to State Auditor > _��s g' Approve Plans & Spec's/Authorize Ad for Bid/Approve Project Cost-Sharing Agreement���ith Dakota County— CSAH 42 (Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway), City Project 327 � c��o h. Receive Bids/Award Contract-Hawkins Pond Lift Station, City Project 328 —�7 i. Approve Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bid for Evermoor 8`�'Street&Utility Improvements, City Project 337 _�R j. St►-eet Lighting Contract with Xcel Energy, Higll�vay 3 Project . �C�k� A���ard Contract to Xcel Energy to Bury Overhead Power Lines on High�vay 3 Project ����1 � On Sale Liquor Liceuse on Public Premises—Celts Irish P�ib & Grill ' _ �m. Church of St. Joseph's Jeffery Nclson Lot Split Il. 7. PUBLIC HEARING—Bay& Bay Transfer Sign Variance Appeal a.) Open b.) Conduct c.) Close d.) Action E. PUBLIC HEARING—Application for Off-Sale 3.2% Malt Liquor License a.) Open b.) Conduct c.) Close d.) Action 9. PUBLIC HEARING—Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation for Bloomfield ' /3 a) Open b.) Conduct c.) Close d.) Action 10. OLD BUSINESS a. Commercial Zoning Districts Zoning Text Amendments -��T�cb�eol ��� b. Receive Bids/Award Coi�tract—Cvermoor 6`�' &7`�' Street& Utility Improvements, City Project 336 j _�/ c. Accept Bi ds an d Awar d Sa le—G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2001A _�g�d. Accept Bids and Award Sale—G.O. Stonn Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2001 B e. 1l. NEW BUSINESS _9S a. Hillc►•est Homes - Washington Heights Preliminary Plat for Outlot C, McNamara Addition � b. c. 12. ANNOUCEMEN"I'S 13. ADJOURNMENT