HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. City Engineering Consulting ServicesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: CITY ENGINEER CONSULTING AGENDA SECTION: SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, AGENDA NO. CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACHMENTS: CONTRACT WITH WSB & ASSOCIATES APPROVED BY: FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES In late September, staff prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide Engineering Consulting Services for the City. The RFP was distributed to three engineering firms: WSB & Associates, Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH) Inc., and Howard R. Green Co. Two firms, SEH and WSB, submitted formal proposals to the City. At the end of October, these two firms proceeded to make formal presentations to City staff. The agenda for the presentations was at the discretion of the individual firms so they varied slightly in content; however, both presented their strengths of their respective firms and both also reviewed qualifications of the individual being put forward as their City Engineer candidates. They also discussed their fee schedules. Candidates Both firms presented individuals that met the qualifications of the position. SEH presented Michael Foertsch as their candidate for the position; he spent three years in Brainerd as the Assistant City Engineer and then ten years in Eagan as Manager of the Engineering Division of Public Works. WSB presented Andrew Brotzler as their proposed City Engineer: He has worked with consulting firms throughout his nine year career. At his previous firm, he was the Assistant City Engineer in Elk River. Currently with WSB, he is the Assistant City Engineer in Monticello and the City Engineer in Hanover. Fees Fees for the two firms were extremely competitive; WSB proposed annual not -to- exceed cost of $65,000. This amount would cover most engineering services provided. If additional engineering services not covered in the contract would be required, WSB proposed an hourly rate of $60 per hour. (Services billed out to projects would be billed out at a higher rate.) SEH proposed a variable retainer— if project fees were minimal the maximum not -to- exceed would be $80,000 per year. As project fees increased, the retainer would decrease to an annual not -to- exceed amount of $50,000: Decision of the Committee: -Each committee member was asked to summarize their thoughts and opinions regarding the proposals put forward by the two firms, SHE and WSB. The committee unanimously agreed that, while both firms were clearly qualified, WSB's proposal was superior for providing consulting engineering services for the City. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONTRACT WITH WSB FOR CONSULTING ENGINEER SERVICES AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. COUNCIL ACTION: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made as of the 1 st day of January, 2002 by and between the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and WSB & Associates, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Engineer') with offices located at 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422. Witnesseth: That the City and Engineer, for the consideration herein named, agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Work Engineer_ will provide services as described on Exhibit 1, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter generally referred to as the "Project "), on a fixed retainer of $5,416.67 per month payable in the month following the month in which services. are rendered. These services generally include administrative and staff duties as acting city engineer for the City. Work on the Project will generally be performed by Andy Brotzler or another mutually agreeable employee of Engineer (the "Acting City Engineer "). Whenever the Acting City Engineer is performing services not included in the Project, his rate shall be $60.00 per hour unless the cost of the work is to be passed through to a developer or other private party, in which case his rate shall be as specified on Exhibit 2. Work requested by the City and performed by other, employees of Engineer that does not fall within the scope of services described on Exhibit 1 will be compensated on a hourly basis on the fee schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 2, or will be made the subject of a separate contract for services. Section 2. Changed Conditions If the Engineer determines that any ser it has been directed or requested to perform are beyond the scope of services as set forth in Exhibit 1, Engineer shall promptly notify the City of that fact. Additional work and additional compensation for such work must have the prior approval of City. Section 3. Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty days' written notice without cause. In the event of termination; copies of plans, reports, specifications, electronic drawing/data files (CADD), field data, notes, and other documents whether written, printed or recorded on any medium whatsoever, finished or unfinished, prepared by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement and pertaining to the Project (hereinafter "Instruments of Service "), shall be made available to the City subject to Section 4. All provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between the City and Engineer shall survive the completion of the services hereunder and/or the termination of this Agreement. Section 4. Reuse and Disposition of Instruments of Service During the course of the work, the Engineer shall, if requested, make available to the City copies of the Instruments of Service. At the time of completion or termination of the work, the Engineer may make available to the City copies of Instruments of Service upon (i) payment of amounts due and owing for work performed and expense incurred to the date and time of termination, and (ii) fulfillment of the City's obligation under this Agreement. Any use or re -use of such Instruments of Service by the City or others CLL-206477v1 1 RS215 -3 without written verification or adaptation by the Engineer except for the specific purpose intended will be at the City's risk and full legal responsibility. Section 5. Agreement The Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Engineer and City. The Agreement supersedes all prior written or oral understanding and may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Section 6. Responsibilities In order to permit the Engineer to perform the services required under this Agreement, the City shall, in proper time and sequence and where appropriate to the Project, at no expense to the Engineer: 1. Provide available information as to its requirements for the Project. 2. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the Engineer to enter upon public and private lands to enable the Engineer to perform its work under this Agreement. 3. Provide such legal, accounting and insurance counseling services as may be required for this Project (such as review of insurance certificates, bonding clarifications and legal questions regarding property acquisition or assessment). 4. Notify the Engineer whenever the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project. 5. Designate a person to. act as City's representative with respect to the services to be rendered under this Agreement. The City's representative shall have the authority to transmit and receive instruction and information and to interpret and define the City's policies with respect to services rendered by the Engineer. 6. Furnish data (and professional interpretations thereof) prepared by or services performed by others, including where applicable, but not limited to, previous reports, core borings, probings and sub- surface explorations, hydrographic and hydro geologic surveys, laboratory tests and inspection of samples, materials and equipment; appropriate professional interpretations of the foregoing data; environmental assessment and impact statements; property, boundary, easement, right -of -way, topographic and utility surveys; property description; zoning, deed and other land use restrictions; and other special data. 7. Review all reports, sketches, drawings, specifications and other documents prepared and presented by the Engineer, obtain advice of legal, accounting and insurance counselors or others as City deems necessary for such examinations and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within reasonable times so as not to delay the performance by the Engineer of the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 8. Where appropriate, endeavor to identify, remove and/or encapsulate asbestos products or materials or pollutants located in the project area prior to accomplishment by the Engineer of any work on the Project. CLL- 206477v 1 2 RS215 -3 9. Provide record drawings and specifications for all existing physical plants of facilities that are pertinent to the Project. 10. Where available provide other services., materials, or data. 11. Bear all costs incidental to compliance with the requirements of this Section. 12. Provide the foregoing in a manner sufficiently timely so as not to delay the performance by the Engineer of the services in accordance with this Agreement. Engineer shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of information or services furnished by the City or others employed by the City. Engineer shall endeavor to verify the information provided and shall promptly notify the City if the Engineer discovers that any information or services furnished by the City is in error or is inadequate for its purpose. Section 7. Options of Cost ' Opinion, if any, of probable cost, construction cost, financial evaluations, feasibility studies, economic analyses of alternate solutions and utilitarian considerations of operations and maintenance costs are made or to be made on the basis of the Engineer's experience and qualifications and represent the Engineer's best judgment as an experienced and qualified professional design firm. The parties acknowledge, however, that the Engineer does not have control over the cost of labor, material, equipment or services fiirnished by others or over market conditions or contractor's methods. of determining their prices, and any evaluation of any facility to be constructed or acquired, or work of necessity must be speculative until completion of construction or acquisition. Accordingly, the Engineer does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual costs will not vary from opinions, evaluations or studies submitted by the Engineer. Section 8. Hold Harmless and Insurance Engineer has procured insurance in the types and amounts set forth in Exhibit 3. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers and employees, from any liabilities, claims, damages, costs, judgments, and expenses, including attorney's fees, resulting directly or indirectly from an act of omission of the contractor, its `employees, agents or employees of subcontractors, in the performance of this contract of by reason of the failure of the contractor to fully perform, in any respect, all of its. obligations under this contract._ The City acknowledges that professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance is unavailable to cover claims arising out of the performance or failure to perform professional services, including, but not limited to, the preparation of reports, designs, drawings and specifications related to the investigation, detection, abatement, replacement, modification, removal or disposal of 1. Hazardous or toxic materials; or 2. Materials or processes containing asbestos. CLL-206477v1 3 RS215 -3 As used herein, hazardous or toxic materials shall include but not be limited to any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant, contaminant, or hazardous waste as defined by Federal and State Law and cases construing such definition. Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. It is acknowledged by both parties that Engineer's scope of services does not include any services related to asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials. In the event the Engineer or any other party encounters asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials at the job site, or should it become known in any way that such materials may be present at the job site or any adjacent areas that may affect the performance of the Engineer's services, the Engineer may, at its option and without liability for consequential or any other damages, suspend performance of services on the project until the City retains appropriate specialist consultant(s) or contractor(s) to identify, abate and/or remove the asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials, and warrant the job site is in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Section 9. Assignment This Agreement, intended to secure the service of individuals employed by and through the Engineer, shall not be assigned or transferred without written consent of the City. Section 10. Controlling Law This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 11. Non - Discrimination Engineer will comply with the provisions of applicable Federal, State and Local Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations pertaining to human rights and non- discrimination. Section 12. Conflict Resolution In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, the City and Engineer agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. Section 13. Attorney's Fees In the event of any litigation arising from or related to the services provided under this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred, including staff time, court costs, attorneys' fees and other related expenses. Section 14. Confidentiality The Engineer agrees to keep confidential and not to disclose to any person or entity, other than the Engineer's employees, subconsultants and the general contractor and subcontractors, if appropriate, any data and information not previously known to and generated by the Engineer or furnished to the Engineer and marked CONFIDENTIAL by the City and to comply with the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 15. These provisions shall not apply to information in whatever form that comes into the public domain, nor shall it restrict the Engineer from giving notices required by law or complying with an order to provide information or data when such order is issued by a court, administrative agency or other authority with proper jurisdiction, or if it is reasonably necessary for the Engineer to defend itself from any suit or claim. CLL- 206477v1 4 RS215 -3 Section 15. Location of Underground Improvements The Engineer will conduct the research that in its professional opinion is necessary and will prepare a plan indicating the locations intended for subsurface penetrations with respect to assumed locations of underground improvements. Such services by the Engineer will be performed in a manner consistent with the ordinary standard of care. The City recognizes that the research may not identify all underground improvements and that the information upon which the Engineer relies may contain errors or may not be completed: Section 16. Betterment If, due to the Engineer's error, any required item or component of the project is omitted from the Engineer's construction documents, the Engineer shall not be responsible for paying the cost to add such item or component to the extent that such item or component would have been otherwise necessary to the project or otherwise adds value or betterment to the project. The Engineer shall be responsible for the difference between the construction cost arrived at through the bid process and the construction cost actually_ negotiated, if there is a difference. This amount will be negotiated between the City and Engineer. Section 17. Independent Contractor In the performance of all services under this Agreement, Engineer shall be an independent contractor and not an employee of the City and neither the Acting City Engineer or any other officer, employee or agent of Engineer shall be an employee of the City for any purpose whatsoever. WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. By Its CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By Its Mayor And By Its Clerk CLL- 206477v 1 5 RS215 -3 EXHIBIT 1 RETAINER SERVICES THE PROJECT General City Engineering Including: 1. Acts in a department head capacity for the Engineering division of the Public Works Department including planning, coordinating, supervising and evaluating programs, plans, services, staffing, equipment and infrastructure. 2. Evaluates public works needs and formulates short and long range plans to meet needs in all areas of responsibility, including streets, water, sewer, drainage, light, park maintenance, building maintenance, vehicle and equipment for the City. 3. Meets with developer and members of the public on proposed development projects in order to relate the processes and procedures involved with, engineering and infrastructure development 4. Determines the need for preliminary studies; reviews all preliminary studies for compliance with ordinances, comprehensive plans, engineering standards and financial guidelines. 5. Directs engineering activities on projects and assigns consulting engineers; oversees project management for the construction of the municipal public works projects. 6. Reviews plans and specifications, makes presentations to the City Council and members of the public on improvement projects, monitors the construction process for compliance with codes, regulations, standards and with approved plans; assures financial accountability of private projects as they relate to escrows and letters of credit. Regularly attends City meetings including City Council and Planning Commission meetings, and on an as- needed basis, Committee of the Whole meetings. 7. Directs the assessment process for recovery of municipal costs incurred on improvement projects. 8. Develops systems to monitor sewer and water usage; compiles data designed to annually update the sewer and water rate study; directs the preparation of reports for the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. 9. Ensures that costs and fees are charged back to development projects; works with the Finance Department to monitor charges and revenues associated with development projects. 10. Attends meetings and acts as staff liaison to the Utilities Commission including preparing reports and agendas, conducting research, answering questions, providing advice and suggestions. CLL- 206477v 1 Rs215 -3 1 -1 1 11. Prepares annual departmental budgets and monitors expenditures. 12. Acts as city liaison and city representative with other communities and county, state and federal agencies. 13. Provides advice and recommendations to the City Administrator and other city department heads and staff, reviews proposals submitted by management staff and makes appropriate comments and suggestions; and assists city staff with any engineering needs. 14. Works with consultants and other outside individuals /groups involved in studies affecting city services and coordinates special projects and studies. 15. Develops and implements policies and procedures for effective operation of the department consistent with city policies and relevant laws, rules and regulations and ensures council actions are implemented. 16. Oversees the preparation and updating of the city's plans such as the Storm Water Management Plan, Water Supply & Distribution Plan, Wetland Management Plan, etc; develops, updates and oversees the public works capital improvement plan; develops and revises city policies for storm water, assessments and other areas as required. 17. Maintains the city's Municipal State Aid Road System. 18.. Makes public presentations and deals with the public on an individual basis. 19. Supervises staff either directly or through subordinate supervisors and oversees operations to assure the desired level and quality of service is being provided. Supervision of staff includes: assignments, direction, discipline, suspension, reward, adjust grievances, transfer of employees and recommends the hiring, discharge or promotion of employees in the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. CLL- 206477v l RS215 -3 1-2 t EXHIBIT 3 INSURANCE This contract shall be effective only upon the approval by the City of acceptable evidence of the insurance detailed below. Such insurance secured by the Contractor shall be issued by insurance companies acceptable to the City and admitted in Minnesota. The insurance specified may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary or excess. Such insurance shall be in force on the date of execution of the contract and shall remain continuously in force for the duration of the contract. The Contractor and its contractors shall secure and maintain the following insurance: a. Worker's Compensation insurance that meets the statutory obligations with Coverage B Employer's Liability limits of at least $100,000 each accident, $500,000 disease - policy limit and $100,000 disease each employee. b. Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000 general aggregate, $1,000,000 products - completed operations $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury, $1,000,000 each occurrence $50,000 fire damage, and $5,000 medical expense any one person. The policy shall be on an "occurrence" basis, shall include contractual liability coverage and the City shall be named an additional insured. c. Commercial Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned and hired automobiles with limits of at least $1,000,000 per accident. d. Professional Liability. Professional (or "errors & Omissions ") Liability Insurance in the amount of at -least $1,000,000 Each Occurrence (or "wrongful Act" or equivalent) and, if applicable, aggregate, covering contractor's liability for negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services in connection with the work. Contractor's Professional Liability Insurance may afford coverage on an occurrence basis or on a claims - made basis. It is, however, acknowledged and agreed to by the contractor that claims -made coverage changes in insurers or the liability insurance protection intended for the City. Therefore, contractor agrees that it will not seek or voluntarily accept any such change in its Professional Liability Insurance coverage if such impairment of the protection for the City could result; and further, that it will exercise its rights under any "extended Reporting Period" ( "tail coverage ") or similar claims -made policy option if necessary or appropriate to avoiding impairment of such protection. Contractor further agrees that it will, throughout the entire period of required coverage and for an additional period of two (2) years following final acceptance of the work, immediately: (a) advise the City of any intended or pending change in Professional Liability insurers or in policy forms, and provide the City with all pertinent information that the City may responsibly request to determine compliance with this subsection, and (b) advise the City of any claims or threats of claims that might reasonably be expected to reduce the amount of such insurance remaining available for the protection of the City. CLL-206477v 1 RS215 -3 3-1 n l Acceptance of the insurance by the City shall not relieve, limit or decrease the liability of the contractor. Any policy deductibles or retention shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall control any special or unusual hazards and be responsible for any damages that result from those hazards. The City does not represent that the insurance requirements are sufficient to protect the contractor's interest or provide adequate coverage. Evidence of coverage is to be provided on a City provided Certificate of insurance. A thirty (30) day written notice is required if the policy is canceled, not renewed or materially changed. The contractor shall require any of its subcontractors, if allowable under this contract, to comply with these provisions. Acceptance of the insurance by the City shall not relieve, limit or decrease the liability of the Contractor. Any policy deductibles or retention shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall control any special or unusual hazards and be responsible for any damages that result from those hazards. The City does not represent that the insurance requirements are sufficient to protect the Contractor's interest or provide adequate coverage. Evidence of coverage is to be provided on a City provided Certificate of Insurance. A thirty (30) day written notice is required if the policy is canceled, not renewed or materially changed. CLL-206477v1 RS215 -3 3 -2 Presentation to Provide: Professional City Engineering Services WSB s & Associates, bx. x A WSB & AssQclates, Inc. Agenda • Introduction to WSB • Approach to Providing City Engineering Services • City Engineering • Design/Construction Engineering • Quality Control /WSB Way • Transportation Engineering /Public Involvement • Water Resource Engineering Services • Fee Structure • Why Continue to Use WSB? • Questions • Summary `S� G , a WSB &A ssociates, Inc. 4 Local Firm with Local Owners You Know 4. Focus on Our Clients • Dedicated Staff with Enthusiasm and Talent • Cost - Effective Service with the Client's Interests First 4 Uniquely Qualified to Continue Serving Rosemount A WSB Associates, Inc. M M M M M M M M M M M M M r M M M M M Approach to Providing City Engineering Services • History with Rosemount • Available Experienced Support Staff • Design/Construction Engineers • Engineering and Administration 4. City Engineer —Andy Brotzler, P.E. A IAi0Q D E So I & Associates, Inc. City Engineer — Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E. E � X6 4- �� , VES O • Background • Current City Engineer • Municipal Projects • Comprehensive Planning &Growth Study for City of Elk River o4 Development Plan Review and Administration A WSB & Associates, 1w. City Engineer — Andrew J. Bro tzler, P.E. 4 Role • Serve as City Engineer • Planning •Staff Support • Resident Relations CIl' Preparation •Plan Review •Budgets • Agency Coordination •Developer Coordination • Address City Issues First and Foremost • Committed to Rosemount — No Other Client or WSB Office Responsibilities A IA OD dE Associates, Im. M = r = = = M = = = = M A w_sR Mark Erichson, P.E. Design /Construction Services -111S-- O �IMOG�` ti '4? • Role: Manage Design/Construction Engineering • Designed 85% of Improvements within the City Over the Past Two Years • Familiar with Existing and Future Developments • Knows and Works Well with City Staff • Understands City Engineering Standards, Expectations and Policies • Cooperative Personality — Dependable Nature & Associates, hx. = = = = = M r = r = M = = M = = = = r F,M0 e i �.b'ES O � a Quality Control & "WSB Way" • Dave Hutton, P.E. — 16 years Municipal Engineering Experience • Public Works Resource for City • Coordinate Timely Completion of Projects and As- Builts • Allow for City Staff Review and Input • Provides "City" Perspectives to WSB Projects • Trunk Highway 3 Project Manager 40 "WSB Way" 1 WSB & Associates, Inc. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ! M M N SF' U G C e �4,� Transportation Engineering • Ron Bray, P.E. — 20 Years Transportation Experience • Full Service Transportation Services • Traffic Studies, Safety, Signalization, Neighborhood Calming, etc. • Transportation Planning — Future Needs • Design and Construction • Funding Options • Rosemount's Traffic &Transportation Engineering + Transportation Plan A WSB & Associates, Inc. Public Involvement 4 WSB Encourages and Excels at Public Involvement • Informational/Neighborhood Meetings • SDIC — Systematic Development of Informed Consent • Resident Participation Objectives and Strategies • Result —More Successful and Quality Projects A WSB & Associates, rte. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M r M M a � Water Resource Engineering Services 4 Pete Willenbring, P.E. — 20 years' Experience 4 Full Service Water Resource /Environmental Engineers 4 Familiar with Water Resource Issues A /A/C'Q • No Outlet for Many Ponds • "Bounce" Impacting Trees • Ponds Need to be Environmental Areas/ Not enough Open Areas • Funding Future Improvements & Associates, Im S� 0 6 o Q Water Resource Engineering Services .s. We Have a Plan to Address Issues A. Modified Pond Design Standards • Increase Storage /Limit Downstream Rates • Incorporate Infiltration into Design • Require Habitat Enhancement/Planting Plan A WSB & Associates, Im = M = = = = = r = = = = = = M i D 0G1k so , Water Resourc Engineering Services B. Updating City's Stormwater Management Plan • Developed More Cost - Effective Pond Designs & Outlet Alignments • Utilize "Temporary Pumping" Option • Reduce Discharge from Some Areas • Update Hydrologic /Hydraulic Model for the City • Update City Trunk Fees A WSB & Associates, Lx. E SO� Water Resource Engineering Services C. Utilize Our Knowledge of Rosemount to Address Future Issues • Keegan Lake Drainage District Outlet • Wensmann, Birger, Marcotte, and South Rose Pond • Dozens of Other Studies/ Plans/ Projects/ Permits A WSB & Associates, bw S� ivf 0 6 , o 4- NESp Q Water Resource Engineering Services D. Utilize WSB Water Resource Expertise to Implement Plan • Pete Willenbring, P.E., Vice President • Todd Hubmer, P.E., Associate • Ted Witkowski, Hydrologic Specialist • Andrea Moffatt, Biologist • Lee Marlowe, Ecologist • John Mackiewicz, DNR/GIS A IAIC12 &,Usmwtes.,,x. r = = = = = = = m = = = = = m m O � H Q i f 'i"�b'EgO� Fee Structure 4 Retainer 4 Overhead 4 Fee Schedule 4 Project Costs A UiCQ & Associates, Inc. Why Continue to Use WSB as your City Engineer? 4 We Know Rosemount • Staff • Policies • Infrastructure • Goals and Expectations + Continuity • We Have Done a Great Job — Let Us Continue • No Need to Train Our Staff • WSB is Already Working on Many Projects A WOO Q & Associates, hx. Why Continue to Use WSB as your City Engineer? 4 Commitment � � a e • We Have Grown to Take Care of Rosemount . We Are Available When You Need Us .& Difficult Upcoming Projects 4 Positive Representation . We Work Well with Staff and Council and Support Their Goals and Ideals A WSB & Assomtes. Im. m = = = m = = m r m m = m m = m Why Continue to Use WSB as your City Engineer.? a Part of City Staff 4 Decision Makers 4 Excellence 4 Trust x A WSB & Associates, hx. • Cost - Effective • Personnel . Superior and Well Qualified 4 Desire . This is Personally Important to WSB Owners A WSB & Associates, 1w. O � y S fD W, n V 1 T � r/L r� v W, n V 1 T � r/L r� 'Juj `sajntdossV 2s) HSAI :Aq pwedl .Ld 008P ZZPSS NN'siloduauu!W 00£ alinS `Avmgi ►H ivtllowaW uos10 OSIp S93NNd7d ♦ S933NIJN3 ♦ 39II13I1?I.LSMINI � :Joj p;)jed;).q SOMAJOS UUOOU12ug � IBUOISSOJOJd � 11 I October 19 2001 Mr. Tom Burt City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 -145` Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Request for Proposals — Professional City Engineering Services WSB Proposal No. 107 -010 Dear Mr. Burt: In response to your Request for Proposals (RFP), WSB & Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit our Proposal to provide Professional City Engineering Services to the City of Rosemount. The team we have assembled will provide Rosemount with the capabilities to conduct the variety of services requested in a professional, timely and cost - effective manner with a staff that has intimate knowledge of the City of Rosemount. WSB commits itself to deliver to Rosemount a quality of service that is consistent with your expectations and WSB's reputation. This commitment is backed with the knowledge that we have been successful serving in the City Engineer role for the past two years. Our project team brings exceptional background and expertise to the City of Rosemount in the areas of municipal engineering, transportation, traffic, water resources and environmental planning, and construction services. Many of our project managers have completed projects in the City and are very familiar with City standard procedures. We have demonstrated our commitment to the City of Rosemount and want to maintain this excellent relationship. To illustrate our commitment and emphasis on the importance of Rosemount to WSB, I will continue to be personally involved and will actively support the City Council, Staff, and WSB engineers in all facets of City Engineering and Project Management for the City. WSB is excited about this opportunity and has the desire to continue to serve the City of Rosemount. We are looking forward to your favorable consideration of WSB & Associates to provide quality professional City engineering service to the City of Rosemount. Please contact me at 763.287.7190 if you have any questions regarding this Proposal or desire additional information. WSB & Associates, Inc. i� l X" Bret A. Weiss, P.E. President Minneapolis • St. Cloud - Equal Opportunity Employer TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Firm Profile/Understanding II. Engineering Team a. Key Personnel b. Organizational Chart III. Representative Experience/References IV. Compensation a. Structure b. Rate Schedule V. Affirmative Action Documentation Appendix ♦ Resumes Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I WSB & Associates, Inc. Contact: Mr. Bret Weiss, P.E., President Direct: 763.287.7190 Mobile: 612.998.4185 Email: bweiss@wsbenq.co Mission WSB & Associates, Inc. is committed to providing quality infrastructure Engineering Services in a timely and cost - effective manner, utilizing an experienced and qualified staff in an environment of trust, respect, and opportunity. WSB & Associates, Inc. was founded in 1995 by Bret Weiss, Peter Willenbring, Donald Sterna, Ronald Bray, and Bernie Mittlesteadt, who retired earlier this year. The four present owners have over 85 years of combined experience in public engineering projects. Our firm has been serving the City of Rosemount since 1995 and was WSB's first client. Not only is being first a notable distinction, but most importantly a continuing client. WSB is proud that the City of Rosemount remains as one of our most important clients. Like Rosemount, WSB has grown. In order to meet our client's needs and expectations, WSB's professional staff has expanded to more than 80 since the opening of our office with seven employees. The selection of quality, conscientious employees is of extreme importance to the future of any organization, and for WSB it has been vital to our success. Our experienced, professional staff includes civil engineers, transportation and traffic engineers, hydrologists, natural resource scientists, water and wastewater engineers, GIS specialists, surveyors and construction managers. We can attribute our growth to one basic element — providing quality, personal service to our clients. A substantial portion of our business has been developed through our existing clients, which is further testimony of their approval of WSB professionals. We are committed to continuing to provide exceptional service to Rosemount by working hard to maintain our valuable relationship with the City. Our history with the City, and our ability to understand its needs, assists us in delivering the quality the City expects and deserves. Our Team offers these primary benefits to the City of Rosemount: We know Rosemount. We have a thorough knowledge of the City, its infrastructure, its policies, and its expectations. We understand what it values as important, and work to achieve those values. Continuity of Service. For the last two years Mr. Bret Weiss, P.E. has been performing the services of City Engineer. He has an in- depth knowledge of the City and its staff. In addition, over the past five years, we've had approximately a dozen other staff members also working in on projects in the City. As a result, no time will be unnecessarily wasted getting up to speed with current issues. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 www.wsbeng.com I. FIRM PROFILE /UNDERSTANDING I WSB & Associates, Inc. Contact: Mr. Bret Weiss, P.E., President Direct: 763.287.7190 Mobile: 612.998.4185 Email: bweiss@wsbenq.co Mission WSB & Associates, Inc. is committed to providing quality infrastructure Engineering Services in a timely and cost - effective manner, utilizing an experienced and qualified staff in an environment of trust, respect, and opportunity. WSB & Associates, Inc. was founded in 1995 by Bret Weiss, Peter Willenbring, Donald Sterna, Ronald Bray, and Bernie Mittlesteadt, who retired earlier this year. The four present owners have over 85 years of combined experience in public engineering projects. Our firm has been serving the City of Rosemount since 1995 and was WSB's first client. Not only is being first a notable distinction, but most importantly a continuing client. WSB is proud that the City of Rosemount remains as one of our most important clients. Like Rosemount, WSB has grown. In order to meet our client's needs and expectations, WSB's professional staff has expanded to more than 80 since the opening of our office with seven employees. The selection of quality, conscientious employees is of extreme importance to the future of any organization, and for WSB it has been vital to our success. Our experienced, professional staff includes civil engineers, transportation and traffic engineers, hydrologists, natural resource scientists, water and wastewater engineers, GIS specialists, surveyors and construction managers. We can attribute our growth to one basic element — providing quality, personal service to our clients. A substantial portion of our business has been developed through our existing clients, which is further testimony of their approval of WSB professionals. We are committed to continuing to provide exceptional service to Rosemount by working hard to maintain our valuable relationship with the City. Our history with the City, and our ability to understand its needs, assists us in delivering the quality the City expects and deserves. Our Team offers these primary benefits to the City of Rosemount: We know Rosemount. We have a thorough knowledge of the City, its infrastructure, its policies, and its expectations. We understand what it values as important, and work to achieve those values. Continuity of Service. For the last two years Mr. Bret Weiss, P.E. has been performing the services of City Engineer. He has an in- depth knowledge of the City and its staff. In addition, over the past five years, we've had approximately a dozen other staff members also working in on projects in the City. As a result, no time will be unnecessarily wasted getting up to speed with current issues. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 www.wsbeng.com First Client In October 1995, when WSB first opened its doors, the City of I. FIRM PROF /UNDERSTAND reconstruction project. Rosemount was WSB's very first client and First Client In October 1995, when WSB first opened its doors, the City of Rosemount gave us a chance to design a very important street ' reconstruction project. Rosemount was WSB's very first client and one that continues to be very important to WSB, for this and many other reasons. Since that first project, there have been numerous ' projects, studies, and more recently, City engineering services that we have provided the City of Rosemount. Our partnership has grown into one of commitment, trust, dependability, and strong representation that hopefully has benefited the City of Rosemount as much as it has been important to WSB. I Commitment The City of Rosemount made a commitment to WSB in 1995 to allow us to provide engineering services to the City's residents. Since that time, WSB has made a strong commitment to the City of Rosemount to provide cost effective professional engineering services. Bret Weiss, President of WSB, has served as the primary contact since 1995 as well as the interim City Engineer for the past two years. This has involved an increased level of commitment on a weekly basis to address City engineering needs, provide project review, and negotiation with developers. In addition, Bret has been an ambassador of the Engineering Department to the residents, other communities, Dakota County, Mn/DOT, and other federal agencies during a period of significant growth within the City. Bret and WSB's strong commitment has been made with the City of Rosemount's best interests in mind in an attempt to best serve the City and make sure that engineering and development issues are properly addressed. This level of commitment has not been isolated with Bret. Ron Bray, Vice President and Owner, has provided transportation - related services and assistance in aquiring funding from Mn/DOT for important City projects. Pete Willenbring, Vice President and Owner, is providing stormwater management services for the extensive stormwater- related issues recently encountered within the City. Chuck Rickart, Associate and Traffic Operations Engineer, has performed traffic- related services and studies for the City of Rosemount since prior to WSB's inception with a previous firm. Kevin Keeling, Survey Party Chief, has coordinated all staking activities for WSB within the City of Rosemount since 1996. Mark Erichson, Project Engineer, has been involved in design and construction of all City projects for the past three years. Steve Crawford, Construction Observer, has been active for the past Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 'Woau � 9WpN��.�M��NlO I�Xllbv II _ 0- I. FIRM PROFILE /UNDERSTANDING � two years as an experienced construction observer, coordinating inspection services under WSB's control within the City of Rosemount. Dave Hutton, Associate and Municipal Group Manager, has assisted Bret with City engineering issues through his background as a former Public Works Director /City Engineer and has coordinated the TH 3 Reconstruction project. As is apparent from this list, WSB has made a strong commitment to keep an extremely qualified, competent group of individuals involved in projects within the City of Rosemount to provide a high level of consistency and expertise. ' Key Upcoming Projects I Consistency As a rapidly growing community in a fast growing County, the City of Rosemount has many key projects proposed in the near future. Some of these projects include Connemera Trail, Chippendale Avenue, Evermoor, Trunk Highway 3, new well and water tower, Eastside Watermain Phase II, and numerous Stormwater System Improvements. All of these projects have been heavily coordinated by WSB personnel and are in various stages of completion. One of the key components to completing these projects successfully is the ability to negotiate with interested and affected parties to obtain the best solution for the City. WSB has shown over the past six years that we are very effective at achieving successful projects. The upcoming projects in the next two years are going to include significant negotiation with developers and private property owners. The ability to convince the property owners to pay their fair share of projects and to make sure that the City of Rosemount's investment is minimal is not a talent or philosophy that every consultant possesses. Further, the ability to sell complicated projects to residents such as the future North Central Sanitary Sewer project will require an experienced engineer with the ability to deal with high stress and tense situations. Bret and the rest of the WSB team have proven their ability to succeed in these types of situations to achieve the desired results of the City while delivering successful projects. Consistency within the engineering department with regard to how day -to -day activities are handled is important to the community, especially as it relates to dealing with local residents. WSB has been serving as the interim City Engineer for the past two years and was actively involved in a substantial number of projects prior to that Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I Advantages of Providing an In -House Engineer from WSB & Associates, Inc. time. WSB has background in virtually every project that has occurred over the last two to four years and has continued the philosophies of the Engineering Department that had been in place for seven years prior to our serving as interim City Engineer in 1999. The past two years have been an extremely valuable learning experience for WSB personnel to understand how to serve as the consulting City Engineer. This has included fostering solid working relationships with each of the City departments. The continuation of the past two years and the lessons learned will be evident as we move forward. While WSB will have a different individual assigned as the in -house City Engineer, Bret Weiss will continue to have a very active role in all projects within the City of Rosemount and will be assisting the City Engineer to make sure that consistency remains in how the Engineering Department is run. WSB fulfilled a consulting engineer role for the City for four years prior to assuming the Interim City Engineer role. This interim role was not expected to last two years during one of the busiest times in Rosemount's development history. Surprisingly, through the hard work, cooperation, partnership and assistance of the remaining engineering and public works departments, we have been able to provide engineering services to the other City departments and residents. We understand that the services have not always been timely or to the standards previously achieved when the department was fully staffed. Accordingly, the City's patience with WSB through this time has been greatly appreciated. We have been treated as staff members with an equal amount of consideration and respect. Because the Interim City Engineer role was intended to be temporary, we did not fully staff up to address all required issues. This did create some problems with some of our work products that have been duly noted. The addition of a full time engineer will allow us to resume our previous relationship and address our minor infractions. We would offer the following responses to noted issues with our work product: Pay Voucher Schedule Some concerns were expressed with the timelines of contractor pay vouchers. We did miss some deadlines early this year for contractor payments. This was corrected early in the construction season and has not been a problem this summer. We have made changes in WSB invoices to minimize staff Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I. FIini PROFILE /UNDF,RSTANDING I Advantages of Providing an In -House Engineer from WSB & Associates, Inc. time. WSB has background in virtually every project that has occurred over the last two to four years and has continued the philosophies of the Engineering Department that had been in place for seven years prior to our serving as interim City Engineer in 1999. The past two years have been an extremely valuable learning experience for WSB personnel to understand how to serve as the consulting City Engineer. This has included fostering solid working relationships with each of the City departments. The continuation of the past two years and the lessons learned will be evident as we move forward. While WSB will have a different individual assigned as the in -house City Engineer, Bret Weiss will continue to have a very active role in all projects within the City of Rosemount and will be assisting the City Engineer to make sure that consistency remains in how the Engineering Department is run. WSB fulfilled a consulting engineer role for the City for four years prior to assuming the Interim City Engineer role. This interim role was not expected to last two years during one of the busiest times in Rosemount's development history. Surprisingly, through the hard work, cooperation, partnership and assistance of the remaining engineering and public works departments, we have been able to provide engineering services to the other City departments and residents. We understand that the services have not always been timely or to the standards previously achieved when the department was fully staffed. Accordingly, the City's patience with WSB through this time has been greatly appreciated. We have been treated as staff members with an equal amount of consideration and respect. Because the Interim City Engineer role was intended to be temporary, we did not fully staff up to address all required issues. This did create some problems with some of our work products that have been duly noted. The addition of a full time engineer will allow us to resume our previous relationship and address our minor infractions. We would offer the following responses to noted issues with our work product: Pay Voucher Schedule Some concerns were expressed with the timelines of contractor pay vouchers. We did miss some deadlines early this year for contractor payments. This was corrected early in the construction season and has not been a problem this summer. We have made changes in WSB invoices to minimize staff Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 I. FIRM PROFILE /UNDERSTANDING processing time. We are willing to address additional changes if requested. Plan Review There was a concern that the staff did not receive plan sets for review. Staff will receive plans with ample time for review on all future projects. • As- Builts There was a concern that as- builts were not received by the City. All as- builts are up to date and will be coordinated by Mark Erichson to ensure timely completion on future projects. ' Staff Issues A civil engineer or technician should be hired to bring the staff to original levels. This will allow the City Engineer to address budget, CIP and planning issues, and the remainder of the staff ' to get back to their regular duties. L Decision- Making One of WSB's strengths throughout our staff is the ability to make Capability decisions on how to proceed with projects and make recommendations to decision - making bodies. Many consultants and consulting engineering firms are apprehensive to make a decision or provide a recommendation for fear that it may not reflect properly upon them, it may not work out and cause liability to their firm, or just generally have a lack of ability to make a decision. WSB accepts and embraces the responsibility to serve in a decision - making and recommendation role for the City. We do not advocate unnecessary studies and feel that many decisions can be made with limited, specific information. We have proven this over the last several years and will continue that same philosophy, as it is a core philosophy within our company. Along the same lines of decision - making is the ability to speak up and inform our clients what they need to hear. WSB is committed to informing our clients what they need to hear, not what they necessarily want to hear. At the same time we look for ways to mitigate issues prior to there being a problem and attempt to provide solutions to problems as they arise. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I Trust 1 Every successful partnership involves a high level of trust. For the past two years, the City of Rosemount has trusted WSB to serve as interim City Engineer and make decisions involving significant investments in the City's infrastructure. These two years have fostered a level of trust in our staff in knowing that the City Council and City staff support us in difficult situations and assist us in making the right decision. Conversely, we believe that the City staff and Council have developed a level of trust in WSB, especially in the fact that we have worked to address Rosemount's best interests first and foremost. One of the most challenging tasks of a City Engineer is making the difficult decisions with regard to City contribution to development - related projects and maintaining engineering standards to make sure that the infrastructure that is constructed will reach projected design lifetimes. The financial impact may be minimal at the time of construction, but future costs for repairs or replacement of infrastructure can be extraordinarily expensive. WSB has shown over the past two years the ability to take a strong stance on issues that are important to maintaining Rosemount standards. We have not taken the easy route to allow developer's ' I. FIRM PROFILE. /UNDERSTANDING firm with private engineers and developers, we feel our first I Trust 1 Every successful partnership involves a high level of trust. For the past two years, the City of Rosemount has trusted WSB to serve as interim City Engineer and make decisions involving significant investments in the City's infrastructure. These two years have fostered a level of trust in our staff in knowing that the City Council and City staff support us in difficult situations and assist us in making the right decision. Conversely, we believe that the City staff and Council have developed a level of trust in WSB, especially in the fact that we have worked to address Rosemount's best interests first and foremost. One of the most challenging tasks of a City Engineer is making the difficult decisions with regard to City contribution to development - related projects and maintaining engineering standards to make sure that the infrastructure that is constructed will reach projected design lifetimes. The financial impact may be minimal at the time of construction, but future costs for repairs or replacement of infrastructure can be extraordinarily expensive. 1 Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount WSB has shown over the past two years the ability to take a strong stance on issues that are important to maintaining Rosemount standards. We have not taken the easy route to allow developer's ' engineers and developers to modify those standards and save money. Even though this can, and sometimes does reflect negatively on our firm with private engineers and developers, we feel our first commitment is to Rosemount and as long as we hold firm on that belief, we will maintain trust and commitment. your Dependability Responsiveness to resident's issues in an age of increased expectations from local government has made follow through vital. WSB engineers and staff follow through on their word and commitments. In this effort, WSB endeavors to be dependable by providing our staff with all of the communication means that are ' necessary to satisfy their clients. 1 Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING WSB has served as Acting City Engineer in the City of Rosemount for the past two years, filling the City Engineer duties, as well as the unfilled Civil Engineer position. Through this time period, Bret has held office hours at the City on Tuesday morning and all day Wednesday, in addition to attending other meetings and completing work outside of these office hours during the regular work week. Bret or another WSB representative has attended all Council Meetings, Utility Commission Meetings, and Planning Commission Meetings, as necessary to address engineering related issues. Mark Erichson has, through this time, held office hours on Thursdays to help fill the gap of making sure that staff is available to address resident and other staff concerns. This arrangement has allowed the engineering department to address the pressing needs of the community, but has not afforded the staff the support that had been provided previously or the opportunity to plan for the rapid growth of the City. It has been expected that the City would replace the Public Works Director, which is why the arrangement has remained in the manner that it has over the past two years. The City has now decided to hire a full -time consulting engineer to serve as City Engineer for at least the next two years. WSB has had the opportunity over the last two years to develop a strong relationship with members of the City Staff, as well as the Council. Additionally, WSB is recognized by Mn/DOT, Dakota County, and the adjoining cities as the City Engineer for the City of Rosemount. These relationships and the intimate understanding of the City of Rosemount have not come without a lot of extra effort. Bret has spent countless hours outside of his Rosemount office hours researching, studying and learning about the previous decisions in the City of Rosemount, understanding the policies, history and personalities that go along with serving as the City Engineer. Many of these hours are not reflected in WSB's invoice to the City of Rosemount, but were done in an effort to provide Rosemount with the best possible service during this two -year period. The knowledge and history that has been described throughout the remainder of this proposal is evident in the depth of staff that has participated in serving as Rosemount City Engineer. That expertise cannot be replaced by one person or one firm. It has been developed over a period of years and has been provided over the last two years WSB's performance and unselfish commitment to the City of Rosemount is evident in all our daily activities. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I . FIRM PROFILE /UNDER STANDING 1 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING WSB has served as Acting City Engineer in the City of Rosemount for the past two years, filling the City Engineer duties, as well as the unfilled Civil Engineer position. Through this time period, Bret has held office hours at the City on Tuesday morning and all day Wednesday, in addition to attending other meetings and completing work outside of these office hours during the regular work week. Bret or another WSB representative has attended all Council Meetings, Utility Commission Meetings, and Planning Commission Meetings, as necessary to address engineering related issues. Mark Erichson has, through this time, held office hours on Thursdays to help fill the gap of making sure that staff is available to address resident and other staff concerns. This arrangement has allowed the engineering department to address the pressing needs of the community, but has not afforded the staff the support that had been provided previously or the opportunity to plan for the rapid growth of the City. It has been expected that the City would replace the Public Works Director, which is why the arrangement has remained in the manner that it has over the past two years. The City has now decided to hire a full -time consulting engineer to serve as City Engineer for at least the next two years. WSB has had the opportunity over the last two years to develop a strong relationship with members of the City Staff, as well as the Council. Additionally, WSB is recognized by Mn/DOT, Dakota County, and the adjoining cities as the City Engineer for the City of Rosemount. These relationships and the intimate understanding of the City of Rosemount have not come without a lot of extra effort. Bret has spent countless hours outside of his Rosemount office hours researching, studying and learning about the previous decisions in the City of Rosemount, understanding the policies, history and personalities that go along with serving as the City Engineer. Many of these hours are not reflected in WSB's invoice to the City of Rosemount, but were done in an effort to provide Rosemount with the best possible service during this two -year period. The knowledge and history that has been described throughout the remainder of this proposal is evident in the depth of staff that has participated in serving as Rosemount City Engineer. That expertise cannot be replaced by one person or one firm. It has been developed over a period of years and has been provided over the last two years WSB's performance and unselfish commitment to the City of Rosemount is evident in all our daily activities. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount n 1 I. FIRM PROFILE. /UNDERSTANDING WSB sees this opportunity to continue to serve as City Engineer as a chance to strengthen the role that WSB is currently performing as City Engineer. This will allow us to provide the necessary effort to better serve the City and improve our overall performance as City Engineer. Thanks to the hard work of Rich, Mark, Cindy and Chad, the Engineering Department has continued to function and achieve desired results. Their willingness to help Bret and to assume a role outside of their normal job duties is a testament to the character that already exists within the department. Rick Cook's ability to run the Public Works Department provided Bret with more time to address the pressing engineering needs. WSB is committed to the successful development of an even more successful partnership with the addition of a full time engineer. Our proposed City Engineer, Andy Brotzler, P.E. is an exceptionally organized, confident and talented professional engineer. He has spent his career working with Cities as a consulting City engineer addressing day to day activities in the rapidly growing communities of Elk River, Monticello and Hanover. He has also managed large State Aid and federal projects. Andy is an extremely professional engineer who has the ability to excel in this position. We have appreciated the opportunity to play such a vital role for the City over the past two years and are excited to continue in this expanded position. Personnel WSB has strived since our inception to build expertise in our company to directly serve Rosemount's needs. Placing a WSB staff engineer at City Hall will allow this wealth of expertise to be more readily accessed by the City on a daily basis. Bret Weiss will remain active on City of Rosemount projects as a support person for Andy. Initially, Bret will continue to attend Council Meetings and work with Andy to get acclimated to all of the intricacies of the City. We have developed many intangible engineering - related assets to the City over the years as we have served as Rosemount's City or consulting engineer. Through Bret's relationship with the previous City Engineer, we have had access to many of the decisions that were made over the seven years previous to our involvement, which has assisted in quicker decision - making. That relationship is still in place and will continue to be in place to provide a valuable asset to WSB serving as your City Engineer. WSB and Associates has served the City well and is committed to continuing that service long into the future. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount II. ENGINEERING TEAM ENGINEERING By selecting WSB, the City of Rosemount can continue working with a TEAM consultant who can provide engineering services for projects the City may have over the next years. WSB has the knowledge and background to efficiently and effectively address every project that is identified on the City CIP. It has been our experience that most projects require professionals from a variety of disciplines. WSB has the expertise to provide City staff with a single point of contact for any project. The specific responsibilities of the City Engineer and other team members are illustrated on the organization chart at the end of this section. We have also provided summary resumes for key personnel of the proposed project team. Full professional resumes can be found in the Appendix. Andy Brotzler, P.E. Proposed City Engineer Mr. Brotzler is a licensed Professional Engineer with over nine years of diverse experience with several types of municipal planning and design projects. Projects that Mr. Brotzler has been directly involved with include storm sewer, water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems, site development, municipal State -Aid projects, Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement projects, and Federally Funded projects. His responsibilities include the planning, coordination, design and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Mr. Brotzler presently serves as the Assistant City Engineer for the City of Monticello and City Engineer for the City of Hanover. In these capacities, he is responsible for the review and administration of both development and municipal projects. He is responsible for establishing and managing budgets and for the preparation of planning documents. Previously, with another firm, Mr. Brotzler served as the Assistant City Engineer for the City of Elk River. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount Bret Weiss, P.E., President Principal -in- Charge /Client Representative /Backup Mark Erichson, P.E. Design /Construction Engineer Mr. Weiss is a registered Professional Engineer with over 15 years of diverse experience in many types of municipal and general civil engineering projects. The projects include storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, site grading, parking facilities, and municipal State -aid systems. He is an experienced project manager responsible for the planning, coordination, design, and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Mr. Weiss serves as City Engineer for the Cities of Monticello and Rosemount and as the prime consultant to several other large metro communities. He is responsible for municipal construction projects ranging from small drainage improvements to trunk utility improvements in excess of $4 million in construction cost. Current Rosemount Activities: Interim City Engineer Proposed Rosemount Role • Interim City Engineer • Continue activity in coordinating City projects. • Backup and City engineering assistant to Andy. • Continue to attend Council meetings for presentation, support and continuity. Mr. Erichson is a project manager with over five years of experience in municipal and other civil engineering projects including streets, storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, site grading, park improvements, development review, and municipal state -aid systems. His responsibilities include the design and /or preparation of project plans, specifications, engineer estimates, and permitting. Current Rosemount Activities: Responsible for design and construction activities for all projects in Rosemount Weekly office hours addressing City engineering issues. Proposed Rosemount Role: • Continue as design and construction engineer for Rosemount projects • Assist backup to Andy and professional support Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount k L Dave Hutton, P.E. Quality Assurance /City Engineer Resource Pete Willenbring, P.E., ' Vice President Water Resources Mr. Hutton is WSB's Municipal Group Manager, and has over 23 years of direct civil engineering experience, with 16 years spent in City Government. Mr. Hutton would be a resource for the City, and would provide assistance on day - to -day activities on which the City may require help. He is knowledgeable in the areas of budgeting; preparing Capital Improvement Plans; comprehensive planning - streets, parks, sewer, water, storm, etc; funding alternatives, Municipal State Aid process; neighborhood traffic issues; drainage problems; development reviews; developer agreements; special assessments; staff issues; maintenance related issues with Public Works. In addition, he would provide review services for projects, such as reviewing feasibility reports, plans and specs, etc. Current Rosemount Activities: • TH 3 Reconstruction and Streetscape- 145th St. and CSAH 42 Dave was able to obtain the maximum $500,000 in Cooperative Agreement Funding for this project. Proposed Rosemount Activities: • Backup City Engineer — assisting with City engineering issues utilizing his 16 years of government expertise • Continue managing TH 3 project • Quality control for all Rosemount projects Mr. Willenbring brings over 20 years of experience to the Water Resource Engineering field on a wide variety of projects dealing with the management of surface water and ground water quantity and quality. He has developed storm water management plans for over 50 cities or watershed management organizations. Mr. Willenbring has design more than 100's of flood control and water quality improvement projects, managed permitting programs, completed numerous environmental assessments and impact statements addressing a wide range of issues, set up hundred of computer- assisted hydrologic and hydraulic models, managed wetlands in conformance with Federal and State statues, and provided expert witness testimony on matters related to this field of engineering. Current Rosemount Activities: • Stormwater Management Plan Update • Keegan Lake Outlet Project • Wensmann Pond Bank Stabilization Project • Birger Pond Bank Stabilization Project Proposed Rosemount Role: • Utilized past years of experience in analyzing drainage systems in city to finalize and implement the City's updated stormwater management plan • Continue to provide innovative water resource engineering services to address Rosemount's unique needs. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount II. ENGINEERING TEAM k L Dave Hutton, P.E. Quality Assurance /City Engineer Resource Pete Willenbring, P.E., ' Vice President Water Resources Mr. Hutton is WSB's Municipal Group Manager, and has over 23 years of direct civil engineering experience, with 16 years spent in City Government. Mr. Hutton would be a resource for the City, and would provide assistance on day - to -day activities on which the City may require help. He is knowledgeable in the areas of budgeting; preparing Capital Improvement Plans; comprehensive planning - streets, parks, sewer, water, storm, etc; funding alternatives, Municipal State Aid process; neighborhood traffic issues; drainage problems; development reviews; developer agreements; special assessments; staff issues; maintenance related issues with Public Works. In addition, he would provide review services for projects, such as reviewing feasibility reports, plans and specs, etc. Current Rosemount Activities: • TH 3 Reconstruction and Streetscape- 145th St. and CSAH 42 Dave was able to obtain the maximum $500,000 in Cooperative Agreement Funding for this project. Proposed Rosemount Activities: • Backup City Engineer — assisting with City engineering issues utilizing his 16 years of government expertise • Continue managing TH 3 project • Quality control for all Rosemount projects Mr. Willenbring brings over 20 years of experience to the Water Resource Engineering field on a wide variety of projects dealing with the management of surface water and ground water quantity and quality. He has developed storm water management plans for over 50 cities or watershed management organizations. Mr. Willenbring has design more than 100's of flood control and water quality improvement projects, managed permitting programs, completed numerous environmental assessments and impact statements addressing a wide range of issues, set up hundred of computer- assisted hydrologic and hydraulic models, managed wetlands in conformance with Federal and State statues, and provided expert witness testimony on matters related to this field of engineering. Current Rosemount Activities: • Stormwater Management Plan Update • Keegan Lake Outlet Project • Wensmann Pond Bank Stabilization Project • Birger Pond Bank Stabilization Project Proposed Rosemount Role: • Utilized past years of experience in analyzing drainage systems in city to finalize and implement the City's updated stormwater management plan • Continue to provide innovative water resource engineering services to address Rosemount's unique needs. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I� u 1 � C� Ron Bray, P.E., Vice President TrafficlTransportation I Chuck Rickart, P.E., L r 1 Mr. Bray brings more than 18 years of experience in transportation engineering and planning, design and construction services related to traffic, roadways, and bridges, including Mn/DOT and consulting experience. Mr. Bray worked for Mn/DOT District 3 for nine years and maintains excellent relationships with them as well as the counties within the District. He has extensive experience in the public involvement process and public hearings working with county boards and city councils, along with being certified for Systematic Development of Informed Consent. Mr. Bray is aware of current design standards, the Highway Project Development Process established by Mn/DOT, and state and federal regulations. He has completed numerous Federally Funded Projects for Mn/DOT, counties, and municipalities. Current Rosemount Activities: • Assisted with Cooperative Agreement work for TH 3 Reconstruction • Assists with Dakota County Coordination Proposed Rosemount Role: • Continue as the primary transportation professional serving the City. Mr. Rickart will be responsible for traffic related issues associated with projects. He will provide assistance with the development of preliminary layouts and traffic control plans, traffic signals, signing, striping, and other traffic operation features associated with transportation projects. Mr. Rickart has 18 years of experience in transportation/traffic engineering. Current Rosemount Activities: • Neighborhood Traffic Studies • Stop Sign Analysis • Traffic Control and Review • Signal Coordination/Design/Study Proposed Rosemount Role: • Address all traffic related projects within the City Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount Traffic Engineer 1 Costa Dimitracopoulos, P.E. Water/Wastewater Engineering ' Steve Ische, R.L.S., Surveying I__ J Mr. Dimitracopoulos has over 18 years of experience in all phases of project development and management. Responsibilities have included client and public contacts, project planning, report preparation, preliminary and final design, specifications, cost estimating and construction observation. Projects have ranged in size from several thousand dollars to multi - million dollar facilities. General project types include construction of wastewater treatment facilities, water treatment, water storage and distribution facilities, and solid waste facilities. Current Rosemount Activities: • Water Well and Water Tower Siting Study • Marcotte Pond Improvements and Appurtenant Work • Hawkins Pond Lift Station and Forcemain Proposed Rosemount Role: • Serve as project manager for all water and wastewater projects • Monitor and assist with utility system improvements Mr. Ische is a Registered Land Surveyor with over 20 years of experience in the surveying profession. Mr. Ische serves as WSB & Associates Survey Group Manager where he manages the day -to -day operations of up to six survey crews. In addition, he has prepared numerous boundary and topographic surveys, plats, land title surveys, preliminary design surveys for street improvement projects. Mr. Ische also has extensive experience with the right -of -way acquisition process. Current Rosemount Proiects: • Professional Surveyor and Construction Observation Coordinate for all Rosemount Projects • Prepare all required legal descriptions • Maintain benchmark date and coordinate data Proposed Rosemount Role: • Continue in current role Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 Andrea Moffatt, Wetland Specialist/ Biologist Ms. Moffatt will be responsible for developing and/or reviewing environmental assessments, permitting, wetland evaluations and mitigation plans that may be required for individual projects. Ms. Moffatt has experience with state and federal wetland rules and regulations such as the Wetland Conservation Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. ' Steve Crawford Construction Observation Current Rosemount Activities: • Wetland Monitoring for Evermoor Residential Development • Marcotte Pond Lift Station Permit Applications • Wetland technical support Proposed Rosemount Role: • Continue to support the City water resource engineer with wetland issues Provide support for all other environmental related issues within the City Mr. Crawford is an engineering technician with over 20 years of experience in the construction of municipal improvements. Steve excels at construction observation, client communication, project documentation, and contractor coordination and has served as the Lead Construction Observer for many municipal projects including the Cities of Rosemount, Elk River, Hastings, Lonsdale, Mankato, Plymouth, and Savage, among others. Current Rosemount Activities: • Senior Construction Observer for all Rosemount projects Proposed Rosemount Role: • Continue in current role Kevin Keeling Mr. Keeling has 15 years of experience as a Surveyor Crew Chief. Kevin Survey Crew Chief has been a staff member of WSB & Associates, Inc. staff since April of 1996. Current Rosemount Activities: • Survey Crew Chief for all Rosemount projects Proposed Rosemount Role: • Continue in current role Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount ƒ ¢ e 5 E c/ Lr V. R Mm / ° / q = ro ov c 7 k 2 » ƒ ¢ e � J \ Mm ov a f ¥ « « � ƒ ¢ e � J \ ov / ■ g � \ i \ ) E \. 7 q � M _ \' \ q $ CD/ � % 5 1p Y poll \ � � � & 2' i O n ¢ m � 2 e 2 � �. 2. � q � 7 � a f ¥ / ■ g � \ i \ ) E \. 7 q � M _ \' \ q $ CD/ � % 5 1p Y poll \ � � � & 2' i O n ¢ m � 2 e 2 � �. 2. � q � / { I § ) @ ) \ / t * _ CD c E _ / ■ g � \ i \ ) E \. 7 q � M _ \' \ q $ CD/ � % 5 1p Y poll \ � � � & 2' i O n ¢ m � 2 e 2 � �. 2. � q � u n I I III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES REPRESENTATIVE WSB has developed the full range of services to the City of Rosemount. EXPERIENCE However, it is important for the City of Rosemount to know that WSB has the experience necessary to provide the types of engineering services requested. The following sections demonstrate WSB's ability to provide the City of Rosemount with similar projects. General Municipal WSB specializes in municipal engineering. Our firm provides ongoing Services engineering services to the following communities either as part of a pool consultant or the sole consulting engineer: Rosemount, Lakeville, Savage, Shakopee, Prior Lake, Chanhassen, Eagan, Shorewood, Excelsior, Minnetonka, Bloomington, South St. Paul, Richfield, Robbinsdale, St. Louis Park, Brooklyn Park, North Branch, Hanover, Grant, Blaine, Monticello, St. Cloud, and Becker. Our municipal engineering group provides full services involved in the planning, engineering, and construction activities necessary to implement F ti public improvement projects including street (MSA and local), sanitary sewer, watermain, stormsewer and park systems. To best serve the needs of our client communities, we use a team approach. A multi - disciplined team of individuals is tailored to serve the unique characteristics of the City. When specialized expertise is required such as water resources or traffic /transportation our team can rely on our in house experts in those fields. At WSB, we understand In addition to technical expertise, our municipal engineers understand that engineering is that often, engineering is not only about the technical aspects. It is about people. always about people. People who make up a growing community — residents, corporate citizens, city staff and council, developers, contractors and other regulatory agencies, such as the Metropolitan Council, Dakota County and the State of Minnesota agencies. All of whom come to the table with differing needs and goals. WSB has made an effort to promote and maintain professional relationships with these agencies, to the benefit of the City of Rosemount. Communication is vital At WSB, not only is municipal engineering about making sound technical to success in managing judgment into infrastructure solutions that create desirable projects. neighborhoods. But, by listening and being sensitive to the issues that affect resident's lives. These qualities are valuable in the short term, during the planning, design, and construction, as well as to the long term where sound technical judgment endures. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount u ' Careful, thoughtful Another valuable component during project management is flexibility. consideration to your Our engineers have the flexibility to accommodate design changes during ' needs ... it's what you the process. We understand and value that during the process (i.e. may expect from WSB. neighborhood meetings, public hearings) where the public's expectations are voiced, ideas are created and need to be implemented. Careful, ' thoughtful consideration to changes is necessary to achieve balance. At WSB, you can have total assurance in our capabilities. Following is a ' list of the services we can provide to the City. Our services can be categorized into the following areas: 1. Planning: a. Comprehensive systems /facility plans and studies for streets, sanitary sewer, water, and park systems. b. Environmental worksheets and other environmental studies, applications for various funding programs, including cooperative agreements, federal programs, and other grant programs. c. Permitting applications. 2. Design Services: a. Preliminary engineering and feasibility reports. b. Project layouts and mapping. c. Detailed construction plans and final design. d. Easement descriptions and surveys for rights -of- way /easements. e. Detailed technical specifications. f. Cost estimates. g. Contract documents and construction documents. h. Preliminary assessment reports. 3. Construction Services: a. Bid services. b. Construction engineering and construction observation services. c. Contract management, pay vouchers, etc. d. Coordination with utility companies. e. Soil investigation and testing firm coordination. f. Weekly construction meetings and all other construction engineering requirements. g. Preparation of final record plans and contract closeout. h. Final assessment roll and public hearing. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount L L n II I. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES "WSB has shown a strong commitment to our community. They provide the expertise we need and the quality of services we expect. They work diligently with the City to achieve the goals and standards of living we strive for within our community." - Ms. Sue Vergin, City Administrator City of Hanover an7�e 4. Survey Services: This Group supports municipal and all facets of public improvements projects, including the following areas: a. Perform preliminary topographic surveys for design purposes. b. Provide legal descriptions and assist in the acquisition of all necessary easements. c. Perform construction staking and location surveying for all projects. d. Complete record drawings at the conclusion of the project. 5. Public Participation: A big part of our municipal services encompasses the public participation process. Our engineers excel at public involvement and will bring extensive experience in the following public processes: a. Public hearings regarding feasibility reports or special assessment hearings. b. Open houses. c. Neighborhood meetings. d. Individual one -on -one property owner meetings. e. Mailings and emails regarding weekly follow -up, weekly construction progress reports. f. Technical presentations at City Council and Planning Commission meetings. 6. Miscellaneous Services: Our municipal group can provide any miscellaneous services the City of Rosemount is requesting, a sampling of which is as follows: a. Evaluating alternative financing methods for projects to preparing capital improvement programs and plans. b. Evaluating fee schedules and other financing charges. c. Assistance in the management of Municipal State -Aid System. d. Assisting in the maintenance of all city maps. e. Providing GIS services for City. f. Any other general municipal services that the City may request. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount Outlined below are various projects that WSB is working on within the City of Rosemount. TH 3 Reconstruction and Streetscape between 145th St. and CSAH 42 This $4.0 million dollar project consists of reconstruction of the existing trunk highway, adding storm sewer and curb, replacing sewer and water, replacing all sidewalks, upgrading any signal systems and adding streetscape elements such as decorative lighting and brickpavers. WSB has performed all of the necessary project elements including: feasibility. reports, layout, preliminary design, final design, easement negotiations, conducted neighborhood meetings and Council presentations, individual property owner meetings, negotiating street lighting and NSP undergrounding design and contracts, developing a funding package, applying for and receiving Cooperative Agreement funds from Mn/DOT - $500,000 - one of only 3 projects to receive the maximum amount from Mn/DOT. Construction is scheduled for 2002. Marcotte Pond Improvements and Appurtenant Work, Rosemount, MN The City of Rosemount prepared a Storm Water Management Plan in 1997. The plan demonstrated a need to pump water from Marcotte Pond to Birger Pond at the rate of 15 cubic feet per second. The storm water will be conveyed to Birger Pond via a combination of a forcemain and gravity system. Preliminary and final design are anticipated to be completed in the near future to facilitate construction and startup prior to the spring of 2002 thaw. Hawkins Pond Lift Station and Forcemain, Rosemount, MN The City of Rosemount prepared a Storm Water Management Plan in 1997. Hawkins Pond is part of the overall City Storm Water Management System and was part of the 1997 plan. Hawkins Pond is landlocked, so water level reduction is entirely dependent on seepage or evaporation. To better control water level in Hawkins Pond, a lift station and forcemain are being added to the City of Rosemount storm water system. The new lift station and associated forcemain will make it possible to discharge flow from Hawkins Pond into an existing gravity storm sewer system at County Road 42. The new lift station was designed by WSB as a single pump installation capable of pumping storm water at a rate of 3 cubic feet per second. The facility is currently under construction and will be fully operational prior to the spring thaw of Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES 2002. WSB is providing construction observation during construction. Due to the proximity of the lift station directly adjacent to residential properties, the lift station was sunk rather than constructed, using an open cut to reduce disruption of adjacent residents. The construction costs for the new Simplex lift station and approximately 1,100 feet of forcemain is approximately $247,000. Water Well and Water Tower Siting Study, Rosemount, MN Due to increased water usage and to meet both diurnal demand and ISO fire flow classification needs, a new water well and elevated water storage facility is needed. WSB is currently preparing a siting study for the addition of a new well and elevated water storage facility. As a part of the study, WSB is reviewing existing well logs in the area, preliminary wellhead protection criteria, and the effect of a new well site on the existing water distribution and groundwater source system. The potential of establishing a well field is also being reviewed. Similarly, additional water storage capacity, elevation and site location are being reviewed with respect to the impact on the existing and future water distribution systems. Site recommendations for a new water well and elevated water storage facility will be available in the next two months. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount REFERENCES Following is a list of WSB & Associates, Inc. Municipal projects and references: CLIENT PROJECTS -IN- PROGRESS PROJECT TYPES COMPLETED City of Prior Lake Ring Road Traffic Studies 16200 Eagle Creek Ave SE feasibility study, right -of -way, design, construction of new collector, State- Street and Utility Design Prior Lake, MN 55372 Aid street, regional pond, storm sewer and utilities Municipal State -Aid 952- 447 -9890 TH 13 Intersection Park Development Mr. Bud Osmundson, P.E. corridor study, intersection analysis, TEA 21 application and Cooperative Construction Observation Public Works Director Agreement Application Water Well Well No. 6, Well House Pumphouse Design and design and construction of a new municipal well, well house and associated Construction piping Construction Observation all new developments — Deerfield, Wilds South, Woods on the Wilds, Creekside Estates, and Wensmann 1 st City of North Branch New Municipal Well and Treatment Water System 6408 Elm Street. feasibility study, preliminary design Modeling /Planning North Branch, MN 55056 New Water Tower Lift Stations 651- 674 -8113 feasibility study, preliminary design Municipal State -Aid Ms. Julie Dresel, P.E. Grand Avenue /CSAH 14 Improvements Sewage Treatment Facility City Engineer Municipal State -Aid street improvements, trunk sanitary sewer, and storm Planning sewer, feasibility study, final design, and construction Construction TH 95 Bridge over TH 35 Observation /Surveying layouts, environmental documentation, abd preliminary/final design Street and Utility Design and Construction Transportation Plannin Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount City of Shakopee CR 17/Marschall Road Traffic Studies 129 South Holmes Street design and construction, State -Aid, intersection modifications, signal, and Traffic and Utility Design Shakopee, MN 55379 channelization Municipal State -Aid 952 -445 -3650 CR 16183 Intersection Trails Mr. Bruce Loney, P.E. layout, alternatives, feasibility study, and design of realignment of CR16/83 Construction Observation/Surveying intersection and new collector street development Cooperative Agreement Public Works Director/ Right -of -Way Permitting TEA 21 Application Preparation, City Engineer A WSB engineer is currently working full -time in Shakopee administering and Design processing their Right -of -Way ordinance. Sanitary Sewer Studies TH 169 Pedestrian Bridges Comprehensive Stormwater Analysis preliminary and final design of TEA -21 project to construct two pedestrian and Updating bridges over TH 169 Right -of -Way Ordinance/Permitting Construction Observation Assistance • 3 Avenue Reconstruction • Dublin Square 2 " and 3rd • Brittany Village City of St. Anthony Sanitary Sewer III Reduction Program Street Reconstruction 3301 Silver Lake Rd NE feasibility study, capacity analysis, educational program, and technical assistance Municipal State -Aid St. Anthony, MN 55418 to residents, monitor program effectiveness New Development/Plan Reviews Mr. Michael Mornson Harding Street Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Storm Water Studies/Lift Stations City Manager design and construction, Metropolitan Council Agreement, capacity Construction Observation/ Surveying evaluation Cooperative Agreements City Engineering Services Legal Descriptions Budget Assistance /Capital Im rovement Plannin Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount WSB was retained by the City of Rosemount for design and construction services for the 2000 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project. The project con- sisted of reconstructing 3,600 feet of rural section roadway to an urban section roadway. The project also included sani- tary sewer, storm sewer, and water main improvements. The project included sig- nificant public involvement to coordinate the improvements with existing residents and business owners. The alteration to an urban section created a challenging drainage design situation. Much of the roadway was lowered three to five feet in order to drain the sur- rounding area onto the roadway and into the newly constructed storm sewer sys- tem, accommodating state -aid standards. The $800,000 project was completed in November, 2000. Funding was secured through Mn/DOT, local funds, and assessments to the benefiting property owners. & .4mociata, Inc. wca & Associates. Inc. The Bloomfield Addition was initiat- ed in 1998. This first phase of the project consisted of developing 53 acres of the ultimate 226 acre resi- dential development. The project included site grading and construc- tion of street, storm sewer, water - main, sanitary sewer, concrete side- walk, and bituminous pathway. In addition to the lateral system improvements, trunk watemain and storm sewer facilities were designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Plan. These trunk facilities serve the development as well as to provide future service to adjoining properties. The total project cost exceeded two million dollars. Funding for the proj- ect was attained through special assessments and from the city's storm sewer and watermain core funds. The project was constructed during the 1998 construction season. WSB 2001 A WSB & As"cWes, lw. The City of Rosemount upgraded CSAH 42 (Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue) from a divided four -lane rural section roadway to a four -lane urban sec- tion roadway. The project included widening the existing roadway to include eight -foot shoulders, adding turn lanes, bituminous mill and overlay, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer, and path- ways, all while leaving the north side concrete curb in place. This was the ini- tial phase completion of the three phase project that will be completed within the City of Rosemount. The project includ- ed construction under full traffic and requires signified strom sewer installa- tion to upgrade the existing ditch system. The $1.3 million project included signifi- cant public involvement to coordinate the improvements with the development of the adjacent commercial property. Project funding was secured through Mn/DOT, Dakota County, local funds and special assessments. _ s WSB ?033 WSB i� & , Usodatw, Inc. The City of Rosemount, Minnesota and WSB started working with the Evermoor Development early in the year 2000. The Evermoor Development is 515 acres with over 1200 proposed lots. When completed, the land will be transformed from a sheep farm into one master - planned community with thirteen unique neighborhoods. These neighborhoods will consist of twin homes, single - family homes, association maintained living and assisted living. Neighborhoods will be linked by tree -lined streetscapes, side- walks and meandering trails. Great effort in preserving the mature trees and rolling landscape as well as providing parks, interconnected open spaces and path- ways, provide Rosemount with a devel- opment of character and quality. Construction of the Evermoor develop- ment began during the 2000 construction season. Infrastructure has been provided for over 400 lots. Approximately six mil- lion dollars has been invested in Rosemount's infrastructure during last two construction seasons. Future phases of the Evermoor Development are antici- pated to progress until completion in the year 2003. A WSB & Associates, Inc. WSB & Associates assisted the City of North Branch with the reconstruc- tion of Grand Avenue, a Municipal State -Aid roadway totaling one -half mile in length. The project included the construction of trunk storm and sanitary sewer to accommodate future development, along with the con- struction of lateral watermains. This project was significant for the City because of the high school, mid- dle school, church, and bus garage adjacent to the roadway that generate significant traffic volumes. Construction of the expanded road- way section helped relieve traffic congestion in the area. The total project cost was approximately $1.2 million dollars. z� n n 0 III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES Traffic /Transportation WSB & Associates, Inc. transportation group provides an important Services element of WSB's services to municipal clients. WSB has completed all traffic /transportation related work within the City of Rosemount for the past six years. Some of the key services that are provided by the transportation group include: "WSB has provided ' personalized services, tailored to meet the needs of each project and of our community. ' WSB's ability to communicate enabled us to adequately address community concerns ' and incorporate feedback into a successful project." n - Mr. Don Theisen, P.E. Director of Transportation, Dakota County ,_ C4 - ➢ Site Plan Review — review of developer's plans for access, on -site circulation, intersection capacity, vehicle queuing, traffic control, and other adjacent street traffic operation impacts. ➢ Traffic Impact Studies — Forecasting of traffic from proposed development and analysis of impact on adjacent street system. This also includes identifying required street improvements to accommodate the additional traffic. ➢ Signal Justification Reports — A report to review the whether a traffic signal is warranted at a specific location. ➢ Traffic Signal Design —Preparation of Signal Construction Plans, preparation and installation of timing plans and administration of the signal construction. ➢ Neighborhood Traffic Studies — Studies that look at neighborhood traffic issues such as traffic speeds and cut through traffic and methods to reduce or eliminate the problem. ➢ Pedestrian /Bicycle Facility Study and Design — Studies ranging from location for pedestrian crossings and methods for providing safe crossings to development of comprehensive bicycle or pedestrian trail plans to the development of construction plans for trails and pedestrian bridges. ➢ Preparation of Funding Applications for TEA 21 and Cooperative Agreement Projects ➢ Preliminary and Final Design for Cooperative Agreement, Turnback and Federal Aid Projects — Preparation of Environmental Reports and Construction Plans for cooperative agreement, turnback and federal aid projects from trails to highways. This would include plans where city systems interface with the county and MnDOT systems. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 I I I I ➢ Air Quality, Noise and other Environmental Analysis for State and Federal Environmental Documents. ➢ Transportation Plans — Comprehensive transportation planning covering issues such as traffic forecasts, facility types and needs, functional classifications, jurisdiction, right -of -way needs, access management, and capital improvement plans. The Traffic /Transportation Group provides services for numerous communities in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area including Rosemount, Savage, Shakopee, Prior Lake, Bloomington, Richfield, Minnetonka, Shorewood, St. Louis Park and Monticello. Specifically in the City of Rosemount, the WSB Traffic/Transportation Group has prepared the Western Rosemount Transportation Plan, several traffic impact studies, Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement projects and several site plan reviews. WSB staff is experienced with all of the latest transportation planning and traffic engineering software. Including: ➢ Tranplan ➢ HCS ➢ Synchro ➢ SimTraffic ➢ CORSIM ➢ NETSIM ➢ TRANSYT ➢ SignCAD ➢ Passer ➢ TEAPAC Warrants ➢ SOAP Traffic /transportation engineering professional staff includes six registered professional engineers with significant experience ranging from seven years to 22 years. They will be supported by four engineers in training (E.I.T.) with experience in traffic /transportation engineering and design. In addition, WSB's technical staff includes two senior CADD technicians, one with more than 30 years experience with Mn/DOT, the last 15 years of which were in the Signal Design Unit reviewing and preparing signal justification reports and signal design. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES 1 Transportation Planning L Traffic Impact /Mitigation Analysis WSB believes that the development of a community transportation plan is an important component to the overall comprehensive plan for the City. We understand that this is a high priority for the City in 2002. The current City transportation plan is in need of updating considering that the original traffic forecasts are for the year 2010. There has also been a significant amount of new development in the City. With our knowledge of the City and its issues as well as our relationships with key individuals, Dakota County, Mn/DOT, and Metropolitan Council, WSB would be the logical choice to prepare the updated plan. WSB prepared a portion of the previous City of Rosemount Transportation Plan and has also completed transportation plans for other metropolitan communities including the City of Monticello and the City of St. Louis Park. WSB would propose to work with the City of Rosemount to develop an updated transportation plan at an economical cost. This plan would then be the framework for City officials to make good transportation decisions. Below is a summary of transportation planning projects WSB has prepared. • Western Rosemount Transportation Plan — Rosemount, Minnesota • Monticello Transportation Plan — Monticello, Minnesota • St. Louis Park Transportation Plan — St. Louis Park, Minnesota • Shakopee Transportation Plan, Shakopee, Minnesota WSB traffic impact studies follow the standard study approach outlined below. • Documentation of existing conditions including number of lanes, traffic control, traffic volumes, and level of service. • Estimate of future background traffic. • Estimation of Site Trip Generation • Trip Distribution • Traffic Assignment/Forecast volumes • Analysis of Alternatives • Recommended Mitigation Measures Our services in this area have included both preparing the traffic studies as well as reviewing developer prepared traffic studies. Some specific project examples are included on the following pages. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount r 0 C III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES • McNamara Addition - 225,000 SF Commercial, 135 Multi family Units - Rosemount, Minnesota • West Dean Lake/Valley Green Business Park - 3,000,000 SF Office /Commercial - Shakopee, Minnesota • Crossroads Center - Sears and Target Expansion - St. Cloud, Minnesota • School Boulevard - 2 Mile Corridor - Monticello, Minnesota • CSAH 17 Area - 2,500,000 SF Mixed Uses - Shakopee, Minnesota • Minnetonka Ice Arena - 2000 Seat Capacity, Community Center - Minnetonka, Minnesota Site Plan Layout and WSB provides site plan review and analysis for many of the communities Analysis listed above. These services include review of parking, on -site circulation, access, capacity, and impact to adjacent street intersections. Some examples of site plan reviews completed by WSB include: • Chippendale Avenue Retail Center - Rosemount, Minnesota • Cub Foods - 100,000 SF Retail - Shorewood, Minnesota • Shakopee Crossings - 900,000 SF Office, 500,000 SF Retail, 600 Housing Units - Shakopee, Minnesota • Oppidan Development - 350,000 SF Retail - Shakopee, Minnesota • Dearfield Addition - 540 Housing Units - Prior Lake, Minnesota • Monticello High School - Monticello, Minnesota Signal/Sign Justification WSB has prepared traffic signal design and SJR's for numerous street Reports (SJR) intersections. On many projects, WSB is responsible for preparing signal plans and administration of the traffic signal construction in addition to the preparation of the SJR. We are familiar with Mn/DOT State Aid requirements for SJR's and signal plans and are Mn/DOT certified for traffic signal construction. Below is a summary listing of traffic signal design and SJR's that WSB has recently prepared. • CSAH 60 at Kenyon Avenue - Temporary System - Lakeville, Minnesota • CSAH 17 at Vierling Drive - Permanent System - Shakopee, Minnesota • 77 Street at Meridian Crossing - Permanent System - Richfield, Minnesota • 36 Street at Park Center Boulevard - Revised System - St. Louis Park, Minnesota Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount n TH 13 Corridor - 3 Permanent Systems, Interconnection - Savage, Minnesota 17` Avenue at Sarizan Street - Permanent System - Shakopee, Minnesota The following are descriptions of some of the Rosemount projects completed by WSB. McNamara Addition - 225,000 SF Commercial, 135 Multifamily Units Client, Rosemount, Minnesota Chippendale 42 Partners proposed the construction of the McNamara Addition south of CSAH 42 between Chippendale Avenue and Shannon Parkway in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. The proposed site development consisted of approximately 225,000 square fee of commercial uses, 132 multi - family residential units and a 3.5 -acre city park. The purpose of the traffic impact study was to document and determine what impact the proposed development would have on traffic operations on adjacent streets and what improvements would be necessary to safely and efficiently accommodate both site and non -site traffic, now and in the future. ' Western Rosemount Transportation Plan, Rosemount, MN The City of Rosemount, located in the southeastern Minneapolis /St. Paul metropolitan area, has experienced tremendous growth over the past several years. Based on this, the City initiated a transportation study of the western half of the City. This included modeling the City using the Tranplan Modeling software; collecting background traffic data; reviewing existing and projected land uses; analyzing traffic impacts; and ' developing a transportation improvement program. Traffic Impact Study, Chippendale Avenue Retail Center, Rosemount, Minnesota A traffic impact study was prepared for the Chippendale Retail Center located south of CSAH 42, between Chippendale Avenue and Canada Avenue. The development included a grocery store and several other retail uses. The study included a trip generation analysis, site traffic distribution and development of recommendation for improvements to adjacent roadways. The project also included the review of the proposed site plan for parking and circulation. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount REFERENCES Following is a list of WSB & Associates, Inc. Traffic/Transportation projects and references: CLIENT PROJECTS -IN- PROGRESS PROJECT TYPES COMPLETED Dakota County CSAH 56 1Concord Boulevard Public Involvement 14955 Galaxie Avenue preliminary design, public involvement, traffic analysis, detail design for Traffic Analysis Apple Valley, MN 55124 reconstruction of roadway Preliminary Design 952- 891 -7101 Final Design Mr. Donald Theisen, P.E. Signal Justification Report County Engineer Signal Design Scott County CSAH 16 Corridor Study Traffic Analysis 200 4 Avenue West roadway alignment study, cross section study Signal Justification Report Shakopee, MN 55379 CSAH 21 at CSAH 27 Signal Design 952- 496 -8346 traffic signal design and construction Signal Construction Mr. Brad Larson, P.E. TH 13 at CSAH 16 County Engineer revised traffic signal design and construction Washington County CSAH 13 (Hinton Avenue) Traffic Analysis 11660 Myeron Road North Project documentation, preliminary design, final design, Federal Funded project Public Involvement Stillwater, MN 55082 coordination Preliminary Design 651- 430 -4300 Final Design Mr. Douglas Fischer, P.E. Signal Justification Report Assistant County Engineer Signal Design Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 u WSB & Associates, I= The $2.0 million improvement included the reconstruction and expansion of approximately 1.4 miles of CSAH 75 from CSAH 18 to Hennepin Street and Interstate 94 Eastbound off -ramp modifi- cations. The improvement included the re- configuration of the 1 -94 eastbound off -ramp; extension of the four -lane CSAH 75 from Hennepin Street to CSAH 18 with turn lane channelization; extension of Hart Boulevard Frontage Road; and construction of a new signal- ized intersection with turn lanes for the Monticello Middle School and Big Lake - Monticello Hospital. The work was completed under traffic in the busiest County Road in Wright County. The project also included a linear path- way system as part of the pedestrian enhancements and safety improvements. The CSAH 75 pathway connects to a pathway along CSAH 18 and a new pathway over 1 -94. WSB services included the concept development, final design, and construction administration. Construction was complete in the sum- mer of 2000. Washington County Transportation and Physical Development identified the need for the extension and/or improvement of Hinton Avenue from 70th Street (CSAH 22) to Dale Road for a distance of approx- imately 2.0 miles. WSB was retained by Washington County to provide prelimi- nary and final design services for this project. The project also involved the development of an environmental assess- ment and an extensive public involvement process. This improvement includes the develop- ment of a 4 -lane limited access facility with channelized left turn lanes, separated 10 -foot pathway, a storm sewer system including treatment and storage ponds, and a traffic signal system at CSAH 20 (Military Road). WSB & Associates worked extensively to incorporate the City of Woodbury's water resource plan goals into the roadway improvement to resolve existing drainage issues and future development concerns. This plan was also coordinated closely with the City of Cottage Grove. The project is scheduled for construction in 2002. wsa 2020 WE A WSB do As"dwes, Inc. WSB was retained by the City of Savage to develop plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway 13 from County State Aid Highway 42 to Trunk Highway 101. The $6.8 million project included expanding the roadway from a two -lane to a four -lane facility north from CSAH 42 for 2.3 miles to TH 101. The detail design involved extensive storm sewer design, roadway design, new and revised signal systems, frontage roads and raised concrete median. The project also included access revi- sions on TH 101, west of TH 13. This project included an extensive public involvement process in coordination with the City of Savage, Scott County and Mn/DOT. Construction staging was developed to handle traffic during construction over a three -year period and construction of a trunk storm sewer system, which was over 30 -foot in depth under the roadway, within sub - standard soil conditions. WSB services included the concept development, environmental assessment, final design and a public involvement process along with limited involvement in construction services. Construction was completed in the summer of 1999. 3.. WSB 2011 PJ A WSB & Associat", Inc. The City of Shakopee has experienced sig- nificant growth over the past several years, with a large amount of this growth along the Marschall Road (CSAH 17) cor- ridor, adjacent to TH 169. Most recently, the Shakopee Valley Marketplace develop- ment was approved. This prompted the City to prepare a traffic study for the Marschall Road (CSAH 17) corridor from Vierling Drive to south of Valley View Road. The recommendations from that traffic study included potential roadway improvements, toaddress the impacts of the proposed and future developments along (CSAH 17) and adjacent roadway corridors. A feasibility report was then prepared which outlined the proposed improvements on Marschall Road (CSAH 17) and cost sharing agreements between the City of Shakopee and Scott County. In addition to preparation of the traffic study, feasibility report and final construc- tion plans, WSB was involved in construc- tion administration for the project. Throughout the project WSB worked with the City of Shakopee and Scott County, and the local businesses and residents along the corridor. The final construction cost for this project and the adjacent corridors was $1.6 mil- lion dollars. Final plans were completed in the spring of 2000 and construction was completed in the fall of 2000. ti�F n L Water Resource Services The staff within WSB's Water Resources group has a combined total of over 100 years of experience in the water resource engineering field. Many of the staff within the water resources group have been working together for over 10 years and have worked with over 40 municipalities and/or watershed districts during that time. Some of our staff have over 20 years of individual experience in this field of expertise. WSB has been involved in some of the largest stormwater conveyance system design projects in the state, has developed detailed stormwater management plans for over three dozen municipalities and/or watershed districts in the state, has implemented some of the largest lake and non - point source pollution management projects in the country, and has received awards bringing the firm national recognition for excellence in these areas. Outlined below is a more specific listing of the services WSB's water resource management team provides: • Comprehensive Water Resource Management Planning and Design • Storm Water Conveyance System Design • Computer Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling and Design • Storm Water Treatment System Design • Retention and Detention Pond Design • Water Quality Monitoring (Modeling) • Wetland Management / Mitigation /Delineation/Inventory • Non -Point Source Runoff Modeling • Environmental Impact Analysis • Financial Analysis and Evaluation of Stormwater Management, Funding Options • Administration of Stormwater Management and Wetland Permitting Programs Outlined on the following pages are various projects WSB has worked on in the City of Rosemount. Wetland Management Services We presently provide expertise regarding administration of the Wetland Conservation Act to the City of Rosemount. We are extremely familiar with local, State, and federal wetland rules. We are intimately familiar with the City's Wetland Management Plan, which provides additional guidance on wetland management beyond the State Wetland Conservation Act. WSB is also monitoring replacement wetlands within Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCI{. /REFERENCES n L Water Resource Services The staff within WSB's Water Resources group has a combined total of over 100 years of experience in the water resource engineering field. Many of the staff within the water resources group have been working together for over 10 years and have worked with over 40 municipalities and/or watershed districts during that time. Some of our staff have over 20 years of individual experience in this field of expertise. WSB has been involved in some of the largest stormwater conveyance system design projects in the state, has developed detailed stormwater management plans for over three dozen municipalities and/or watershed districts in the state, has implemented some of the largest lake and non - point source pollution management projects in the country, and has received awards bringing the firm national recognition for excellence in these areas. Outlined below is a more specific listing of the services WSB's water resource management team provides: • Comprehensive Water Resource Management Planning and Design • Storm Water Conveyance System Design • Computer Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling and Design • Storm Water Treatment System Design • Retention and Detention Pond Design • Water Quality Monitoring (Modeling) • Wetland Management / Mitigation /Delineation/Inventory • Non -Point Source Runoff Modeling • Environmental Impact Analysis • Financial Analysis and Evaluation of Stormwater Management, Funding Options • Administration of Stormwater Management and Wetland Permitting Programs Outlined on the following pages are various projects WSB has worked on in the City of Rosemount. Wetland Management Services We presently provide expertise regarding administration of the Wetland Conservation Act to the City of Rosemount. We are extremely familiar with local, State, and federal wetland rules. We are intimately familiar with the City's Wetland Management Plan, which provides additional guidance on wetland management beyond the State Wetland Conservation Act. WSB is also monitoring replacement wetlands within Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount r I I L n the Evermoor Residential Development, photographing the wetland replacement sites, and providing an annual wetland monitoring report. Keegan Lake Outlet Project, Rosemount, Minnesota WSB & Associates has been investigating the feasibility of providing an outlet from Keegan Lake and its surrounding watershed by spray irrigating this water on the Brockway Golf Course and/or other city property in this area. WSB also took the initiative to make application for and obtain a $150,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that the City can now use to assist to assist in the construction of this spray irrigation system. This very unique and innovative approach toward managing storm water in the City of Rosemount reflects WSB's ability to not only assist the City in funding these projects with non -tax dollars, but also reflects our understanding of the City's drainage system and the current problem the City experiences regarding the lack of a downstream outlet for its storm water runoff. WSB is continuing to work with property owners in the area to also secure right -of -way necessary to build not just a storm water management system, but also acquire the right -of -way necessary to build future sanitary sewer and watermain improvement projects. Stormwater Management Plan Update, Rosemount Minnesota WSB is currently in the process of updating the City's Stormwater Management Plan. The City requested WSB to update the Stormwater Management Plan that was previously done by others in an attempt to reflect the current needs of the City. Specific concerns that were brought to the attention of the City related to the need for adjusting pond design standards to 1) incorporate infiltration, 2) develop guidelines to allow the development of these basins to become environmental areas, which would include vegetative buffers and wetland habitat enhancements, and 3) design many of the landlocked basins to accommodate critical duration storms such as a 10 -day snowmelt or longer periods of wet weather instead of single isolated rainfall events so flooding will not occur in these areas in the future. Toward this end, WSB has been working with the Utility Commission and Council to update the storm water policies (which has been completed) and is currently updating the City's future drainage system layout to reflect these updated policies. It is the intent of this effort to allow the City to more cost - effectively manage storm water runoff throughout the City by reducing the need for lift stations, and reduce the need and/or frequency for use of a downstream outlet. The study will also provide further refinement on anticipated future costs for the construction so that appropriate trunk fees can be Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount III. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES r I I L n the Evermoor Residential Development, photographing the wetland replacement sites, and providing an annual wetland monitoring report. Keegan Lake Outlet Project, Rosemount, Minnesota WSB & Associates has been investigating the feasibility of providing an outlet from Keegan Lake and its surrounding watershed by spray irrigating this water on the Brockway Golf Course and/or other city property in this area. WSB also took the initiative to make application for and obtain a $150,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that the City can now use to assist to assist in the construction of this spray irrigation system. This very unique and innovative approach toward managing storm water in the City of Rosemount reflects WSB's ability to not only assist the City in funding these projects with non -tax dollars, but also reflects our understanding of the City's drainage system and the current problem the City experiences regarding the lack of a downstream outlet for its storm water runoff. WSB is continuing to work with property owners in the area to also secure right -of -way necessary to build not just a storm water management system, but also acquire the right -of -way necessary to build future sanitary sewer and watermain improvement projects. Stormwater Management Plan Update, Rosemount Minnesota WSB is currently in the process of updating the City's Stormwater Management Plan. The City requested WSB to update the Stormwater Management Plan that was previously done by others in an attempt to reflect the current needs of the City. Specific concerns that were brought to the attention of the City related to the need for adjusting pond design standards to 1) incorporate infiltration, 2) develop guidelines to allow the development of these basins to become environmental areas, which would include vegetative buffers and wetland habitat enhancements, and 3) design many of the landlocked basins to accommodate critical duration storms such as a 10 -day snowmelt or longer periods of wet weather instead of single isolated rainfall events so flooding will not occur in these areas in the future. Toward this end, WSB has been working with the Utility Commission and Council to update the storm water policies (which has been completed) and is currently updating the City's future drainage system layout to reflect these updated policies. It is the intent of this effort to allow the City to more cost - effectively manage storm water runoff throughout the City by reducing the need for lift stations, and reduce the need and/or frequency for use of a downstream outlet. The study will also provide further refinement on anticipated future costs for the construction so that appropriate trunk fees can be Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount I III. RF,PRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE /REFERENCES charged as development takes place that will cover capital costs for these systems. Wensmann Pond Bank Stabilization Project, Rosemount, Minnesota WSB & Associates has been working with the property owners, the Utility Commission, and the Council for the purpose of responding to property owner concerns regarding erosion along Wensmann Pond. As part of this review, various bank stabilization practices were reviewed and discussed with the Utility Commission and a shoreline stabilization concept was developed. WSB is in the process of developing final plans and specifications for this project, which will be implemented in the winter /spring of 2002. Birger Pond Bank Stabilization Project, Rosemount, Minnesota WSB has been working with the City Staff to develop a restoration plan for Birger Pond that would reflect both the need for shoreline stabilization, as well as the desire of the City and residents to create regional storm water retention and treatment areas that could also be used as environmental areas. WSB's ecologist, Lee Marlowe, has been instrumental in developing restoration plans for Birger Pond, as well as other ponds within the City to create a wide variety of habitat in these storm water ponds for birds, amphibians, mammals, and other wildlife. Through these efforts, WSB has demonstrated an ability to create storm water ponds that have a wide variety of functions and values that serve not only residents, but also wildlife in the area. Wetland Monitoring for Evermoor Residential Development, Rosemount, MN WSB has been retained by the City of Rosemount to conduct monitoring on the wetland mitigation sites created as part of the Evermoor Residential Development. This work includes monitoring the hydrology of the sites in the spring, identifying and quantifying the vegetation present in the Summer, and providing recommendations in an annual report that is provided to the City. This monitoring is being conducted in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount = = = = M M M M REFERENCES Following is a list of WSB & Associates, Inc. Water Resources projects and references: CLIENT PROJECTS -IN- PROGRESS PROJECT TYPES COMPLETED City of St. Anthony 29` Avenue Reconstruction Engineering Analysis Flood 3301 Silver Lake Road feasibility study, XP -SWMM Hydrologic /Hydraulic Analysis, I% chance storm Protection Areas St.Anthony, MN 55418 sewer design, traffic calming, landscape, pedestrian and lighting improvements, Public or Storm Sewer Task 612 - 789 -8881 water and sewer improvements, conflict resolution with regional utilities Force Coordination Mr. Mike Mornson Harding Pond and 2001 Street and Utility Construction Coordinate Funding with FEMA, construct I% flood protection pond in an established neighborhood, construct I% MDNR, and County Grants — City Manager Chance Storm Sewer, sanitary and water improvements, property acquisition totaling more than $66 million assistance Preliminary Design Well Head Protection Plan Park Development coordinate with Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, develop cooperative agreements Final Design with adjacent communities, MN Dept. of Health coordination for approval Assessment Hearings 2002 Street and Utility Improvements Construction Management, feasibility study, I % chance storm sewer improvements, sanitary and water Observation, and Surveying improvements Gun Club Lake WMO Revision of GCLWMO Watershed Management Plan Watershed Management 3830 Pilot Knob Road update Capital Improvement Plan, complete operational plan for GCLWMO Planning Eagan, MN 55122 Nicols Fen, Kennealy Creek, Harnack Creek Evaluation Water Quality and Rate 651 -681 -4600 coordinate data collection, agency and special interest participation, agencies Monitoring Mr. Eric Macbeth include - Metropolitan Council, MDNR, Mn/DOT, US Fish & Wildlife, Dakota Sediment Monitoring GCLWMO Chair County, Friend of the Minnesota River, Trout Unlimited, City of Eagan, Agency Coordination and GCLWMO, LMRWD, Dakota SWCD Cooperation Storm Water Sedimentation Rate and Composition Study monitor storm water ponds in Eagan, Mendota Heights, Inver Grove Heights, develop maintenance recommendations for storm water treatment facilities Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount M = = = = = = M City of St. Louis Park Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan Analysis of Flood Problem Area 5005 Minnetonka Blvd. Hydrologic/hydraulic analysis of City, P8 model natural resource Preliminary and Final Design St. Louis Park, MN 55416 inventory, capital improvement plan, implementation plan, and public Permitting and Environmental 952- 924 -2500 education program Assessment for Projects Mr. Carlton Moore Water Quality Monitoring Wetland Management Plan Superintendent of Developed water quality monitoring plan to calibrate P8 models in anticipation of Engineering NPDES Phase II Wetland Management Plan Evaluation of wetland functions and values, development of management categories for wetlands City of Shakopee Feasibility Study and EAW for Blue Lake Watershed Outlet Comprehensive Storm Water 129 South Holmes Street Completion of feasibility study and EAW that analyses alternatives to ponding an Management Plan Shakopee, MN 55379 outlet for land locked subwatershed, evaluation of environmental impacts of Environmental Assessment 952 - 445 -3650 alternatives Worksheets Mr. Bruce Loney, P.E. Dean's Lake Water Quality Study Feasibility Studies City Engineer Conduct sampling and analysis of water quality of Dean's Lake, determine Transportation Planning impact on increased development on Lake City of Richfield Ordinance Development Analysis and Implementation 6700 Portland Avenue Develop draft ordinance in conformance with Watershed District Improvements for Flood Problem Richfield, MN 55423 Standards, review ordinance with City Staff and Public Areas (612) 861 - 9700 Richfield Lake Water Quality Improvements (EA W, Preliminary and Final Trail and Water Quality Mr. Michael Eastling, P.E. City Engineer y g Des i g n � Analysis, preliminary and final design of water quality improvement, Improvements Comprehensive Storm Water coordination with permitting agencies to obtain permits Management Plan Wetland Assessments Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount e n WSB's project team worked with the City of Shakopee and Mn/DOT on the design of the Upper Valley Drainageway Project. The Upper Valley Drainageway is the trunk storm sewer system which serves the 8,000 -acre Blue Lake Watershed. This system provides the drainage for the new TH 169 Shakopee by -pass. This system meanders for near- ly six miles through the City of Shakopee and was designed with antici- pated flow capacity of 1,000 cfs. The storm water conveyance system is com- prised of open ditch, ponding, large box culvert, and large- diameter concrete pipe segments throughout its length. In addition to water quantity issues, a management plan to address water quali- ty was developed for the Upper Valley Drainageway. As a result of this water quality plan, the MPCA issued the first municipal NPDES discharge permit for a storm water system in the State of Minnesota to the City of Shakopee. These pictures show the scour basin located at the outfall of this system into Mill Pond just upstream of the Minnesota River. WSB personnel were involved in the roadway design, utility redevelopment, street light- ing, and contract administration while with another firm. As a result of substantial flooding in July 1999, St. Anthony Village received a Presidential Declaration of Disaster from President Clinton. St. Anthony Village turned to WSB & Associates to analyze the City's existing storm sewer system and to work with a task force comprised of citizens within the Village to deter- mine available options that would pro- vide I% flood protection to all residents. WSB & Associates completed an Engineering Analysis of Flood Problem Areas within St. Anthony Village that highlighted a number of improvements ' to provide the necessary flood protec- tion. These improvements include pur- chasing homes in flood prone areas, low- ' ering existing parks to provide storm water storage in addition to park uses, and reconstruction of the City's storm ' sewer system. This approach to the proj- ect assisted St. Anthony Village in secur- ing $6 million in outside grant funding ' from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, FEMA, and county agencies to assist in the construction of these flood improvements. WSB & 1 Associates was also retained to complete final design and provide construction observation and construction manage- ' ment for the $12 million flood improve- ment project. The pictures show installation of 72" RCP storm sewer within Silver Point Park in St. Anthony and the installation ' of new trunk storm sewer systems on 29th Avenue. WSB's project team has extensive experience with analyzing existing storm sewer systems, maintain- ing existing storm sewer systems, and the reconstruction of these systems with- in fully developed urban settings. WSB 2027 WSB & Associates, Inc. 1 The City of South St. Paul recently completed the Simon's Ravine Restoration Project in an effort to address severe erosion and slope fail- ures within the ravine. At the same time, the City created recreational opportunities with the construction of a pedestrian trail to allow the public access to this scenic area. The trail, when fully completed, will connect Kaposia Park to a trail system con- structed adjacent to the Mississippi River. To control the erosion, a large- diame- ter pipe was installed in the bottom of the ravine to convey storm water runoff during heavy rainfall events. A portion of the flow is diverted at the upstream end into a channel con- structed as part of the project. The channel is lined with fieldstone and consists of pools, rapids, and water- falls along its length. The majority of the project was designed in the field and required close communica- tion between the construction observ- er and the contractor. WSB personnel project management, construction administration and design engineering on this project while at another firm. I [11 1 7 FEESTRUCTURE City Engineering Services Compensation and the cost of providing engineering services is an area that WSB takes great pride. We consistently provide one of the lowest and easiest to use fee schedules in the consulting engineering industry. Not only are our billing rates lower than our competition, it should be noted that we do not bill separately for word processing, vehicle mileage and cell phones. Virtually every other consultant bills for these services and others, including computer usage, standard survey equipment and vehicle usage. While we realize these are significant costs that can be tracked and billed to our clients, we have chosen to add those costs into our overhead and incorporate them as a part of our individual billing rates. It is not uncommon for WSB to be at least 4% to 8% less expensive on a project than our competition, which does add up to significant dollars that can be put to better use for city projects. Considering the City of Rosemount completes projects in the neighborhood of $4 to $6 million each year, a 4% savings on $4 million amounts to $160,000 in engineering fees and a 4% savings on $6 million amounts to $240,000. These amounts assume only a 4% savings on each project, which we feel is the low end of the potential savings. These dollars are saved through the efficient use of personnel, our lower fee schedule and the fact that WSB does not bill mileage, reproduction and cell phone usage. While we are very proud of our efforts to maintain a low overhead and very desirable billing rates, it is important to note that this is achieved while maintaining an extremely talented staff of engineering and technical professionals. We have only the highest quality individuals working at WSB and are paying the ever -rising salary expenses associated with maintaining this high level staff. Our clients receive the best engineering services at a low cost because WSB works extremely hard to maintain a low overhead environment. WSB is proposing to provide a registered professional engineer to serve as in -house city engineer for the City of Rosemount, with the City of Rosemount providing office space and other office- related supplies. WSB will be responsible for all payroll and fringe benefits for this engineer. In return, the City of Rosemount will sign a two -year contract with WSB to provide city engineering services, including, but not limited to, serving as the city engineer and completing all public improvement projects not otherwise designed or constructed by the City of Rosemount. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount IV. COMPENSATION I [11 1 7 FEESTRUCTURE City Engineering Services Compensation and the cost of providing engineering services is an area that WSB takes great pride. We consistently provide one of the lowest and easiest to use fee schedules in the consulting engineering industry. Not only are our billing rates lower than our competition, it should be noted that we do not bill separately for word processing, vehicle mileage and cell phones. Virtually every other consultant bills for these services and others, including computer usage, standard survey equipment and vehicle usage. While we realize these are significant costs that can be tracked and billed to our clients, we have chosen to add those costs into our overhead and incorporate them as a part of our individual billing rates. It is not uncommon for WSB to be at least 4% to 8% less expensive on a project than our competition, which does add up to significant dollars that can be put to better use for city projects. Considering the City of Rosemount completes projects in the neighborhood of $4 to $6 million each year, a 4% savings on $4 million amounts to $160,000 in engineering fees and a 4% savings on $6 million amounts to $240,000. These amounts assume only a 4% savings on each project, which we feel is the low end of the potential savings. These dollars are saved through the efficient use of personnel, our lower fee schedule and the fact that WSB does not bill mileage, reproduction and cell phone usage. While we are very proud of our efforts to maintain a low overhead and very desirable billing rates, it is important to note that this is achieved while maintaining an extremely talented staff of engineering and technical professionals. We have only the highest quality individuals working at WSB and are paying the ever -rising salary expenses associated with maintaining this high level staff. Our clients receive the best engineering services at a low cost because WSB works extremely hard to maintain a low overhead environment. WSB is proposing to provide a registered professional engineer to serve as in -house city engineer for the City of Rosemount, with the City of Rosemount providing office space and other office- related supplies. WSB will be responsible for all payroll and fringe benefits for this engineer. In return, the City of Rosemount will sign a two -year contract with WSB to provide city engineering services, including, but not limited to, serving as the city engineer and completing all public improvement projects not otherwise designed or constructed by the City of Rosemount. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount ' This is an area of the City Engineer's workload that varies from time to time depending on many different factors. This has been addressed through the cooperative effort of the engineering staff, the public works staff and WSB over the past two years ' and should continue to be addressed in that manner. IV. COMPENSATION ' related project work, we determined that there are four areas that WSB WSB is very excited to be considered for this important position and is ' committed to developing this opportunity into a successful partnership ' for both the City and WSB. Accordingly, we will propose contract terms ' herein that are subject to negotiation to best meet the needs of the City. ' This is an area of the City Engineer's workload that varies from time to time depending on many different factors. This has been addressed through the cooperative effort of the engineering staff, the public works staff and WSB over the past two years ' and should continue to be addressed in that manner. In evaluating how best to address the City engineering services and ' related project work, we determined that there are four areas that WSB has provided service to the City of Rosemount over the past two years. ' Those areas are as follows: ' 1. General City Engineering ' This is the area that will benefit the most from the reestablishment of a full -time City Engineer. This area involves the following items: • Long -range planning. This area includes the development of long -range plans for ' implementation of the City infrastructure in planning of capital improvement budgets. This work has been completed during ' our interim City engineering role but will be able to be ' completed in more detail with a full time in -house engineer. Resident Contact ' This is an area of the City Engineer's workload that varies from time to time depending on many different factors. This has been addressed through the cooperative effort of the engineering staff, the public works staff and WSB over the past two years ' and should continue to be addressed in that manner. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount Meetings ' This item includes the various City meetings such as development review committee, department head, Utility Commission, Planning Commission, Council meeting and other ' project or planning related meetings. City staff has been gracious over the last two years to schedule meetings around Bret's schedule. Bret has worked hard to attend all Council meetings and Utility and Planning Commission meetings as necessary. Additional WSB staff has filled in for Bret when necessary. Placement of an in -house City Engineer will provide ' for more convenient scheduling of meetings. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 L IV. COMPENSATION • Commercial Site Plan Review This work has been completed cooperatively between engineering staff and WSB on the commercial projects. The staff time associated with the General City Engineering duties is typically not reimbursable by developers and is a City administrative cost. • General City Engineering with Outside Consulting Assistance This item includes traffic and transportation studies, stormwater analysis and other general planning activities that are not directly project related. These costs are typically born by the specific utility fund or in the case of transportation, out of the street budget. The magnitude of the need for this area, is variable from year to year but has increased somewhat due to the new development areas that still require analysis of planned improvements. 2. Plan Review This item addresses the review of developer's plans for new subdivisions or developments. This cost is typically considered a pass - through expenditure to the developer and includes activities such as preliminary and final plat review, plan checks for comprehensive plan compliance, preparation of subdivision agreements and general coordination with developers and their representatives. These costs are typically billed directly back to the developer and do not involve an out of pocket expenditure by the City of Rosemount. 3. Project Design This area includes the design of all public improvement projects and has been in the past typically completed 100% by consultants. Some small design and seal coating projects are completed by City staff depending on their availability. On those projects the City Engineer would serve as the design and engineer of record. The costs associated with this work are mostly paid for by developers, with the exception of City initiated projects such as street reconstruction. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount IV. COMPENSATION I Proposed Compensation n 4. Construction Phase Services Construction phase services include construction staking, observation and administration of construction projects designed by City staff or consultants. The City of Rosemount participates in construction observation through Rich Lonnquist for City- initiated projects and other work depending on his availability. WSB provides construction staking, administration and observation as necessary to fill in the gaps for the work the City is unable to perform. These costs are typically billed directly to developers or projects. Upon placement of the City Engineer into the City offices on January l it will be important that an understanding of the expectations of the engineer is developed. There will be some catch up on activities that have not been completed over the past two years, however, much of the groundwork has been laid and the transition should be very smooth for the proposed WSB City Engineer. It is anticipated that the City Engineer will spend at least 40% of his time working on developer - related issues, minor construction coordination and plan review for design plans. Depending on the workload and the project load in the community, this could be higher or lower than this estimate. These hours are directly billable to developers or projects and would not constitute general or administrative services. For this work, WSB would propose to bill those hours according to the current Fee Schedule which in Andy's case would be $86/hr. The remaining general engineering work would be billed at a reduced rate of $60/hr. not including benefited hours such as vacation, sick leave, and holidays. It is estimated that if Andy worked only on general engineering work full -time, the total annual cost to the City would be $110,000. We are proposing to establish an annual not to exceed cost of $90,000 for the general engineering. This will be billed monthly at the hourly rate of $60/hr. It is likely that the actual cost to the City will be much less based on the anticipated project related hours that can be directly billed to developers or projects. Because of WSB's low overhead environment, the cost to developers will also be 4 -8% less than our competition. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Summary of Proposal Compensation for City Engineer Position 1. General City Engineering - $60 /hr - $90,000 /yr maximum 2. Plan Review - $86/hr 3. Project Design - $86 /hr 4. Construction Phase - $86 /hr Items 2, 3, and 4 are typically billed back to the developers or projects and will not constitute general fund expenditures. With regard to the method of billing projects, a combination of fixed percentage and hourly project work will be most effective. We are willing to negotiate the terms of the project work to limit the engineering design fees for small City initiated projects as well as all other types of projects. In summary, WSB is committed to this process and will endeavor to provide the best service and fees to the City of Rosemount. If our concept is not acceptable, we would ask for the ability to develop one that is acceptable. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount 1 2002 Rate Schedule Billing RatelHour Principal $108.00 ' Associate $102.00 Sr. Project Manager $94.00 ' Project Manager /Engineering Specialist III $86.00 Registered Engineer/Engineering Specialist II $77.00 ' Project Engineer/Engineering Specialist I/Sr. Construction Observer $69.00 Graduate Engineer $60.00 Construction Observer $62.00 Engineering Technician IV /Scientist 111 $57.00 Engineering Technician III/Scientist II $53.00 ' Engineering Technician II/Scientist I $47.00 Engineering Technician I $41.00 ' Office Technician 11 $50.00 Office Technician I $28.00 Registered Land Surveyor $97.00 Survey (Two- Person Crew) $115.00 Survey (Three- Person Crew) $135.00 ' GPS Equipment $38.00 All costs associated with word processing, vehicle mileage, cell phones, reproduction of ' common correspondence and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification and report reproduction. Rate Schedule is adjusted annually. Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount AFFIRMATIVE WSB promotes an Affirmative Action Program, providing equal ACTION employment opportunity to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, or the presence of a non- ; job related physical or mental disability, under the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the provisions of PL 92 -500. WSB intends that all matters related to job advertising, recruitment, hiring, training, testing, compensation and benefits, promotion, transfer, social clubs and programs, and all other terms and conditions of employment be free of discriminatory practices. a gt r a ., _ rrm mTTiT( F2� ��i La �';3 fii "IiYii iTi'il CER'T'IFICATE OF COMPLIANCE The WSB & Associates, Inc. is hereby certrn ied by the Department of Human Rights, State of Minnesota, as havin_q an aff rmative action plan approved d y the Commissioner. This certification shalf &x nd for two years beyinniny October I Q. z000 and is subject to revocation or suspension by the Commissioner of Human Righti for failure to make a yood filth effort to implement the affirmative action plan. V` .a'- C P"al. Conimiaaioaea. of Human fhot— Statement of Qualifications Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemount President Education: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering University of Minnesota Registration: Minnesota Associations: ➢ Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) ➢ Professional Engineers in Private Practice President MSPE -PEPP Experience: Mr. Weiss is a registered Professional Engineer with over 15 years of diverse experience in many types of municipal and general civil engineering projects, including storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, site grading, parking facilities, and municipal State -Aid systems. He is an experienced project manager responsible for the planning, coordination, design and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Mr. Weiss has extensive experience in public and assessment hearings and deals effectively with government officials. Selected Project Experience: Street and Utility Improvement Design • Southbridge Parkway, Shakopee, MN • School Boulevard, Monticello, MN • 7th Street and Minnesota Street, Monticello MN • Valley Park 13th Addition, Shakopee, MN • West Dean's Lake Ind. Pk. Feas. Study, Shakopee, MN • 1997 Street and Utility Reconstruction, Rosemount, MN • 1996 Street and Utility Reconstruction, Rosemount, MN Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater: • Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Study, Monticello, MN • Comprehensive Water Studies: • City of Northfield • Carleton College • Inver Grove Heights Storm Water: • Meadow Oaks Outlet, Monticello, MN • Hart Boulevard Storm Water Study, Monticello, MN • Industrial Park Storm Water Study, Monticello, MN Site Development and Review: • Site Development and Review: • Monticello, MN • Shorewood, MN • Eagan, MN • Rosemount, MN • Hanover, MN - & Associates, Inc. ➢ City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) ➢ American Public Works Association and Minnesota Chapter (APWA and MPWA) Experience: Mr. Weiss is a registered Professional Engineer with over 15 years of diverse experience in many types of municipal and general civil engineering projects, including storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, site grading, parking facilities, and municipal State -Aid systems. He is an experienced project manager responsible for the planning, coordination, design and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Mr. Weiss has extensive experience in public and assessment hearings and deals effectively with government officials. Selected Project Experience: Street and Utility Improvement Design • Southbridge Parkway, Shakopee, MN • School Boulevard, Monticello, MN • 7th Street and Minnesota Street, Monticello MN • Valley Park 13th Addition, Shakopee, MN • West Dean's Lake Ind. Pk. Feas. Study, Shakopee, MN • 1997 Street and Utility Reconstruction, Rosemount, MN • 1996 Street and Utility Reconstruction, Rosemount, MN Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater: • Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Study, Monticello, MN • Comprehensive Water Studies: • City of Northfield • Carleton College • Inver Grove Heights Storm Water: • Meadow Oaks Outlet, Monticello, MN • Hart Boulevard Storm Water Study, Monticello, MN • Industrial Park Storm Water Study, Monticello, MN Site Development and Review: • Site Development and Review: • Monticello, MN • Shorewood, MN • Eagan, MN • Rosemount, MN • Hanover, MN - & Associates, Inc. n C Education: Experience: Bachelor of Science in Mr. Brotzler has over seven years of experience in the area of Civil Engineering municipal and transportation engineering. As a project manager, Mr. North Dakota State Brotzler is responsible for the coordination and design of projects University ranging from local municipal projects to state aid and Mn/DOT Registration: cooperative agreement projects. His responsibilities also include the Minnesota review and preparation of project specifications, engineer's estimates, and permitting. Selected Project Experience: Municipal State Aid Projects and Mn /DOT Cooperative Agreement Projects: • CSAH 3 for Hennepin County located in Hopkins & Minnetonka, MN • CSAH 1 Storm Sewer Improvements, Sherburne County, MN • CSAH 12 Reconstruction, Sherburne County, MN • 171 st Avenue Street & Storm Sewer Improvements, Elk River, MN • Business Center Drive Frontage Road Improvements, Elk River, MN • 185th Avenue /Joplin Street Frontage Road & Signal System, Elk River, MN • 197th Avenue/TH 169 Signal System, Elk River, MN • Proctor Avenue/TH 10 Signal System Improvements, Elk River, MN • Upland Avenue/TH 10 Signal System & Intersection Improvements, Elk River, MN • TH 169 Fencing & Lighting Improvements, Elk River, MN • 171st Avenue/TH 10 Signal System, Elk River, MN • CSAH 17 Street & Storm Sewer Improvements, Shakopee, MN • Freeman Park Access Closure at TH 7, Shorewood, MN Federally Funded Projects: • TH 169 Pedestrian Bridge, Elk River, MN • Tyler Street & CSAH 13 Realignment, Elk River, MN • McNamara Addition, Phase 11, Rosemount, MN • Klein Farms 2nd Addition, Monticello, MN " & Associates, Inc. Project Manager Local Municipal Projects: • East Elk River Planning Study, Elk River, MN • East Elk River Phase 1 Improvements, Elk River, MN • Southbridge Parkway Street & Utility Improvements, Shakopee, MN • Southbridge Parkway Landscaping, Shakopee, MN • 17th Avenue Street and Storm Sewer, Shakopee, MN • Valley Green Corporate Center, Shakopee, MN • Chelsea Road West Street and Utility Improvements, Monticello, MN WSB & Associates, Inc. Project Manager C I Education: Experience: ' Site Development and Review: • Development Review, Rosemount, MN • Development Review, Monticello, MN Parks: • Lakefront Park and Busse Park, Prior Lake, MN • Lake Minnewashta Park, Carver County, MN A WSB I & Associates, Inc. Project Manager Bachelor of Science in Mr. Erichson is a project manager with over five years of experience Civil Engineering in municipal and other civil engineering projects including streets, ' University of Minnesota storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, site grading, park improvements, development review, and Registration: municipal state -aid systems. His responsibilities include the design ' Minnesota and/or preparation of project plans, specifications, engineer estimates, and permitting. Associations: ' MN Surveyors & Selected Project Experience: t Engineers Society Municipal State Aid Projects and Mn /DOT Cooperative Agreement Projects: • 2001 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project, Rosemount, MN ' • CSAH 42 Street 6 Utility Reconstruction Project • 2000 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project, Rosemount, MN • Conley Avenue Street and Utility Improvements, Rosemount, MN ' • 7th Street Construction, Monticello, MN • Chippendale Avenue Reconstruction, Rosemount, MN ' • 2000 Street and Utility Improvements, St. Anthony, MN Municipal Projects: Local • Evermoor Development, Rosemount, MN • Bloomfield 2nd Addition, Rosemount, MN • Wensmann 11th and 12th Additions, Rosemount, MN • Southbridge Parkway, Shakopee, MN ' • Shannon Pond South, Rosemount, MN • Birger Pond Outlet, Rosemount, MN • McNamara Addition, Phase II, Rosemount, MN • Klein Farms 2nd Addition, Monticello, MN ' Site Development and Review: • Development Review, Rosemount, MN • Development Review, Monticello, MN Parks: • Lakefront Park and Busse Park, Prior Lake, MN • Lake Minnewashta Park, Carver County, MN A WSB I & Associates, Inc. Project Manager Education: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering University of Wisconsin Registration: Minnesota Wisconsin Associations: ➢ American Public Works Association - Minnesota Chapter ➢ American Society of Civil Engineers ➢ National Society of Professional Engineers Minnesota Chapter ➢ City Engineer's Experience: Mr. Hutton brings 22 years of engineering experience to WSB with 16 of those years spent as the Public Works Director /City Engineer for the Cities of Shakopee, Savage and West Bend, Wisconsin. While serving these Cities Dave was responsible for the administration and management of all public works and engineering operations. Dave's extensive technical and managerial expertise along with his clear understanding of public works and engineering will help to ensure your project's success. Selected Project Experience: Municipal State Aid Streets: While with the City of Savage and Shakopee, Dave had extensive experience in the administration, design and construction of the MSA System. Since both Cities experienced substantial growth in the 90's, he developed a MSA CIP that projected not only revenues and projects, but also mileage and expansions of the systems to maximize the allotments of the Cities. He also was instrumental in Savage becoming one of the first Cities to become certified by Mn/DOT to design and construct MSA streets without Mn/DOT plan review (Certified Acceptance Program). Selected Project Experience Include: • Design and construction of Vierling Drive, from CR 16 to CR 79, project -$ 2 million, Shakopee. • Design and construction of Connelly Parkway, from CR 27 to Boone Avenue, project — $2.5 million, Savage. • Design and construction of Dakota Avenue, from CR 42 to Dufferin Drive, project - $800,000, Savage. • Design and construction of Century Boulevard, project - $300,000, City of Chanhassen. Environmental Issues /Legislative Effort: The City of Savage contains numerous environmental resources, including the Savage Calcareous Fen, on of the last remaining fens in the metro area, Eagle Creek, a designated trout stream, Boiling Springs, a source of water for Eagle Creek, the Credit River, 300+ wetlands and the Minnesota River. Because of the development of the City, Dave had to work with all regulatory agencies to arrive at a consensus on every project undertaken as to the level of protection of the resources and acceptable mitigation if necessary. Dave developed and has maintained good relationships with the State and Federal agencies. WSB & Associates, Inc. Municipal Group Manager n The City of Savage completed the first public Alternative Urban Area Wide Review document in the state as part of their MUSA expansion in 1994 and 1995. Dave was actively involved in the preparation of the document, the numerous public meetings, preparing responses, and getting the document adopted. Due to the additional costs of the projects to protect the state resources, the City Council initiated a legislative effort to obtain funding to help offset these costs. The legislative team consisted of a paid lobbyist, the City Administrator, and PWD Dave Hutton. Through those efforts, including many committee meetings and direct conferences, the City obtained over 3.5 million in funds during a 3 -year period. The City has recently hired WSB & Associates and specifically Dave Hutton, to assist them in obtaining state and federal funding for the upgrading of TH 13 near the Ports of Savage area. The various projects in the corridor totaled $100 million. Local Streets / Special Assessments: While with the City of Savage and Shakopee, Dave was responsible for the design and construction of numerous local street improvements. As part of this process, he prepared and gave the presentations on all feasibility reports, oversaw the design and construction, prepared the final assessments in accordance with City policies and conducted the final special assessment hearings. He has presented literally hundreds of public hearings either at the feasibility report stage or assessment hearings during his years in public service. Selected Project Experience: Annual Street Reconstruction Program, Shakopee — Approximately $1 -2 million annually was completed in Shakopee as part of their Street Reconstruction Program in the older portion of the City. Downtown Streetscape, Shakopee — This $6 million project consisted of replacing all basic infrastructure, along with adding streetscape, items such as brickpavers, planners, benches, streetlights, etc. A portion of this project was assessed Installation of City utilities into rural subdivisions in Savage. — Dan Patch, Sherwood Forest, Cates Oak Island and Quebec/Rhode Island were a few. These projects consisted of replacing on site systems with City utilities and upgrading the street and storm sewer systems to urban standards. - WSB & Associates, Inc. Municipal Group Manager Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Projects and Corridor Studies: In March of 2001 Mr. Hutton was instrumental in securing Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Funds totaling $500,000 for the City of Rosemount, one of only three projects to get the maximum amount. In 2000, Mr. Hutton obtained $100,000 for Phase I of the project. This project consists of both reconstruction and rehabilitation of TH 3 through downtown Rosemount, including adding streetscape elements (decorative lights, brickpavers, etc.), access consolidation and connecting portions of TH 3 from rural sections (ditches) to urban (curb and gutter). The project required extensive public involvement, neighborhood meetings, open house, individual meetings all conducted by Mr. Hutton. • Phase I — 143"' to 145', $300,000, overlay and streetscape designed Municipal Group Manager and constructed in 2000. ' • Phase II —145` to 147"', $300,000, overlay and streetscape design done in 2001. Currently out for bids. • Phase III - $3,500.000, reconstruction. Currently under design for ' 2002 ' With the Cities of Shakopee and Savage, Dave was very involved in numerous Trunk Highway improvements and corridor studies. While at WSB he has worked with Cities of Chanhassen, Shorewood, Excelsior, Prior Lake, and Rosemount. ' TH 13, CR 101 to CR 42, Savage Selected Project Experience: Municipal Group Manager • Kenyon Avenue Alignment, Dakota County, City of Lakeville ' TH 7/41 Intersection, Shorewood • Downtown CR 169 bridge and mini bypass, Shakopee — Review and Approval • Shakopee Bypass (TH 169), Shakopee — Review and Approval • County Roads 17, 79 and 15, Shakopee — Cooperative Agreement, Review and Approval TH 13, CR 101 to CR 42, Savage — Design (City lead agency) and Construction — Cooperative ' Agreement • CR 42 Corridor Study — A multi- agency effort consisting of 6 cities, 2 counties, Mn/DOT and met Council to study CR 42 from Rosemount to Shakopee • TH 13 Corridor Study, Savage — Along with the City of Burnsville, Dakota County, Scott County and Mn/DOT ' TH 3 Enhancement Project, Rosemount — A Cooperative Agreement project, Design and Construction ' Comprehensive Storm Water Planning: WSB ' & Associates, 1w. Municipal Group Manager ' With Savage and Shakopee, Dave was responsible for the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plans, as prepared by consultants. In Savage, a Comprehensive Wetland ' Management Plan was developed and also a Credit River Erosion Survey and Implementation Plan. In both cities, a stormwater utility was developed and utilized for projects. ' Through the efforts of these plans, the following selected projects were implemented: • Upper Valley Drainage System, Shakopee - $1.2 million ' — A project to improve an outlet for 8000 acres of developing area Dan Patch Lake Outlet project, Savage - $800,000 — A project to outlet several land locked basins in Savage ' Park Facilities: Design and construction of the following parks: • Freeman Park Shelter, project - $350,000, City of Shorewood • Lakeville Trails, project - $400,000, City of Lakeville Vine Hill Trail, project - $200,000, City of Shorewood ' Design layout for the following project: • East Bush Lake Trail, City of Bloomington ' 1996 American Public Works Trunk Sewer and Water Facilities: Association - National Award Selected Project Experience: for 5 Million Gallon . Well No. 6 and Wellhouse, City of Prior Lake ' Underground Reservoir . Shady Island Lift Station, City of Shorewood Woodhaven Well, City of Shorewood • Excelsior Boulevard Lift Station, City of Excelsior • Freeman Park Watermain, City of Shoreview ' • Design and construction of the following Trunk facilities in Savage as a result of the MUSA Expansion n — 5 million gallon underground reservoir — 1 1 /2 million gallon underground reservoir — 500,000 elevate water tower — Booster station — Trunk sewer and water lines — Expansion of Water Plant No.I Designed and Constructed the following expansion projects in Savage: • Water Plant No. 3 4 new wells Completed an Alternative Water System study to use other water sources to minimize impacts on the drawdown on shallow wells on the Savage Fek J44S & Associates, 1w Municipal Group Manager J Education: Hennepin Technical College 1979 -1981 Inver Hills Community College 1985 -1987 Registration: Registered Land Surveyor Minnesota and South Dakota Associations: Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors Experience: Mr. Ische is a Registered Land Surveyor with over 20 years of experience in the surveying profession. Mr. Ische serves as WSB & Associates Survey Group Manager where he manages the day -to -day operations of up to six survey crews. In addition, he has prepared numerous boundary and topographic surveys, plats, land title surveys, preliminary design surveys for street improvement projects. Mr. Ische also has extensive experience with the right -of -way acquisition process. Selected Project Experience: West River Road, City of Brooklyn Park, MN Mr. Ische performed the research and prepared the easement descriptions and exhibits for the 102 parcels affected by the planned reconstruction of West River Road City -Wide Sanitary Sewer Collection System, City of Kellogg, MN Mr. Ische managed the preliminary design surveys for this project. He also prepared the parcel mapping, records research and easement preparation required for the easement acquisition for over 70 parcels. Southeast Area Sanitary Sewer Project, City of Champlin, MN ' This project involved the design and construction of approximately 7,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer improvements in the Southeast area of Champlin along the Mississippi River. Mr. Ische managed 7 the preliminary design surveys, and parcel mapping. He also prepared over 60 easement descriptions and exhibits needed for right -of -way acquisition. WSB & Associates, Inc. Survey Group Manager 0 Education: Experience: Bachelor of Science in Mr. Bray is a project manager with over 18 years of experience in Civil Engineering transportation engineering, including all elements of preliminary University of Minnesota, design and design services related to traffic, roadways, and bridges. Minneapolis, MN He is aware of current design standard, the Highway Project Development Process (HPDP) established by the Minnesota Registration: Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT), and state and federal Minnesota regulations. Mr. Bray supervises a staff of engineers and technicians in the design and construction administration of all WSB Associations: transportation projects. ➢ American Society of Professional Engineers Selected Project Experience: ➢ Minnesota Government Project Manager, C.S.A.H. 75 (T.H. 23 Turnback), Stearns Engineers Council County, Minnesota ➢Minnesota Surveyors and Project Manager, C.S.A.H. 16 (Valley Creek Road) Engineers Society Reconstruction, Woodbury, Minnesota, ➢ Transportation Alliance Washington County Project Manager, Cedar Lake Road Reconstruction, City of St. ➢ American Public Works Louis Park, Minnesota Society Project Manager, Reconstruction of T.H. 12 in Cokato, Howard ➢Minnesota Asphalt Lake, and Waverly, Minnesota Paving Association Project Manager, 77th Street Reconstruction, City of Richfield, Minnesota ➢ Transportation Studies Project Manager, T.H. 63, Rochester, Minnesota Research Council on Project Manager, T.H. 210, Staples, Minnesota Transportation Project Manager, T.H. 210 Infrastructure Project Manager, T.H. 25 ➢ University of Minnesota • Project Manager, T.H. 71 Center for Transportation • Project Manager, T.H. 10 Study • Project Manager, T.H. 169 C.S.A.H. 75, 39 and C.R. 118, Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota • C.S.A.H. 23 (Lake Drive), Circle Pines, Minnesota • T.H. 7 at Old Market Road, Shorewood, Minnesota • T.H. 10, St. Cloud, Minnesota WSB c& Associates, Inc. Vice President I Education: Master of Environmental (Sanitary) Engineering Iowa State University 1 Bachelor of Civil Engineering Iowa State University r 0 u n Registration: Minnesota Iowa North Dakota Wisconsin Associations: ➢ American Water Works Association ➢ Central States Water Environment Association ➢ Water Environment Federation ➢ Minnesota Wastewater Operators Association Experience: Mr. Dimitracopoulos has over 18 years of experience in all phases of project development and management. Responsibilities have included client and public contacts, project planning, report preparation, preliminary and final design, specifications, cost estimating and construction observation. Projects have ranged in size from several thousand dollars to multi - million dollar facilities. General project types include construction of wastewater treatment facilities, water treatment, water storage and distribution facilities, and solid waste facilities. Selected Project Experience: Preparation of wastewater treatment planning studies for Minnesota and Iowa Communities. Studies include preliminary design of transport and treatment systems and associated system cost analysis. Facility planning studies have included the following: ➢ Ames, IA ➢ Avon, MN ➢ Biwabik, MN ➢ Blooming Prairie, MN ➢ Bloomington Siphon Interceptor, MCES ➢ Blue Lake WWTF, MCES ➢ Browerville, MN ➢ Buffalo, MN ➢ Dover, Eyota, St. Charles Area Sanitary District Pretreatment ➢ Faribault, MN ➢ Hoyt Lakes, MN ➢ Mayer, MN ➢ Moorhead, MN ➢ Waterloo, IA ➢ West Meter Odor Control, MCES Design of various systems for wastewater facilities ranging in size from 0.1 MGD to 40 MGD. Work scope includes final design and preparation of plans and specifications. Design work has been performed for the following facilities: ➢ Ames WPC, Ames, IA ➢ Blue Lake WWTF, MCES, Shakopee, MN ➢ Buffalo WWTF, Buffalo, MN ➢ Cold Spring WWTF, Cold Spring, MN WSB & Associates, Inc. Water /Wastewater Group Manager ➢ Faribault WWTF, Faribault, MN ➢ Henderson WWTF, Henderson, MN ➢ Holdingford WWTF, Holdingford, MN ➢ Mayer WWTF, Mayer, MN ➢ West Meter Odor Control, MCES Preparation of water treatment plant and distribution system improvements and special projects. ➢ Water Treatment Plant Improvements, International Falls, MN ➢ Water Pretreatment Study, International Falls, MN ➢ Water Storage Facility, International Falls, MN ➢ Watermain Looping Project, International Falls, MN ➢ Water Treatment Pilot Plant, International Falls, MN ➢ Water Treatment Plant Taste and Odor Study, International Falls, MN WICR & Associates, Inc. Water /Wastewater Group Manager n L Education: Bachelor of Science in Transportation Engineering North Dakota State University Registration: Minnesota Associations: Institute of Transportation Engineers - Past Section President National/Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers Experience: Mr. Rickart is a project manager in our transportation engineering department with over 18 years of experience in his area of expertise. Mr. Rickart's project experience has included project management for transportation planning and engineering projects, construction engineering, site traffic engineering studies, parking studies, traffic signal design and warrant analyses, project documentation, and environmental documentation. Selected Project Experience: Traffic Analysis Prepared traffic input, studies included: Traffic Generation, Trip Distribution, Capacity/Level of Service Analysis, and Recommendations for litigation. Represented projects include: • West Dean Lake/Valley Green Business Park, Shakopee, MN • Crossroad Center, St. Cloud, MN • CSAH 17 Area, Shakopee, MN • Minnetonka Ice Arena, Minnetonka, MN • Cub Foods Site, Shorewood, MN • Shakopee Crossings, Shakopee, MN • Chippendale Avenue Retail Center, Rosemount, MN • Oppidan Development, Shakopee, MN • Dearfield Addition, Prior Lake, MN • Monticello High School, Monticello, MN • I -94 at CR 118 interchange, Monticello, MN • I -94 at TH 25 interchange, Monticello, MN • Vierling Plaza Site Traffic Study, Shakopee, MN • TH 25 at 7` Street Intersection, Monticello, MN • McNamara Site Traffic Study, Rosemount, MN Signal Design and Warrant Analysis Prepared traffic signal - warrant analysis, signal justification reports, preliminary and final design plans, construction services, and signal timing services. Projects included Permanent Signal Systems, Revised Signal Systems, Temporary Signal Systems, Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) Systems, and Traffic Signal Interconnection Systems. Represented projects include: • CSAH 60 at Kenyon Avenue, Lakeville, MN • 36 Street at Park Center Boulevard, St. Louis Park, MN • 17` Avenue at Sarizan Street, Shakopee, MN • 77 Street at Meridian crossing entrance, Richfield, MN WSB & Associates, Inc. Transportation Engineer ' • CSAH 17, Shakopee, MN • 17 Avenue, Shakopee, MN • West River Road, Brooklyn Park, MN ' • Cedar Lake Road, St. Louis Park, MN • Vierling Drive, Shakopee, MN • CSAH 14, Hennepin County, MN WSB ' & Amociates, Inc. Transportation Engineer • TH 13 five signal system, Savage, MN ' • Radio Drive at Pioneer Trail, Woodbury, MN • 87 Lane at Washington Avenue, Blaine, MN • CSAH 31 at CSAH 16, Prior Lake, MN ' • CSAH 16 at CR 83, Shakopee, MN • Vierling Drive at CSAH 17, Shakopee, MN ' Transportation Planning Developed transportation plans for agencies including development of goals and objectives, forecasting /modeling, and development of ' projects for Capital Improvement Programs. Represented projects include: • Hinton Avenue Corridor, Washington County, MN ' • Shakopee Transportation Plan, Shakopee, MN • School Boulevard Corridor Study, Monticello, MN • Monticello Transportation Plan, Monticello, MN ' • Western Rosemount Transportation Plan, Rosemount, MN • Clearwater Creek Area Transportation Study, Hugo, MN ' Project Documentation Preparation of project documentation for Federal (Project ' Memorandum, Environmental Assessment, Study Report, etc.) and State (environmental assessment worksheet) projects for roadway improvements and pedestrian facilities. Represented experience ' include: • TH 25 EA/EAW, Monticello, MN • TH 13 EAW, Savage, MN ' • Hinton Avenue Connection EA/EAW, Washington County, MN • CSAH 17, CSAH 79 Pedestrian Bridges, PM, Shakopee, MN Roadway Design: Development of Plans, Specifications, and Estimates for ' Federal, State, State -Aid, and local projects. Represented experiences include: ' • CSAH 17, Shakopee, MN • 17 Avenue, Shakopee, MN • West River Road, Brooklyn Park, MN ' • Cedar Lake Road, St. Louis Park, MN • Vierling Drive, Shakopee, MN • CSAH 14, Hennepin County, MN WSB ' & Amociates, Inc. Transportation Engineer r Education: Experience: Bachelor of Science in Mr. Willenbring is a registered Civil Engineer with over 23 years of Civil Engineering ! experience in the Water Resources Engineering field working on University of Minnesota projects dealing with the management of surface water and groundwater quantity and quality. He has developed Comprehensive Registration: Storm Water Management Plans for over 50 communities, Minnesota Watershed Districts, or Watershed Management Organizations within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and numerous plans and Associations: follow -up outside of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These plans ➢ American Society of typically include computer hydrologic modeling of multiple Civil Engineers watersheds to meet water quantity and quality objectives, establishment of high water elevations, open channel flow profiles, ➢ American Water storage requirements and peak discharge rates. Water quality, Resources Association wetland management, and erosion control design issues were also typically analyzed and addressed. ➢ North American Lake Management Society Mr, Willenbring has also completed Water Quality Management Plans for numerous communities within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. These plans typically include modeling non- point source pollutant loadings from watersheds, designing treatment basins to accommodate pollutant loadings, and modeling in -lake water quality. Mr. Willenbring has also developed plans and specifications, handled contract administration, and managed the construction of a wide variety of municipal improvement projects including street construction and reconstruction, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and other underground and overhead utilities. Mr. Willenbring was involved with assisting the Board of Water and Soil Resources in the development of Rules for the State of Minnesota regarding preparation of comprehensive Storm Water management plans in the Seven - County metropolitan area. As part of this effort, an advisory committee made up of 50 representatives from over 50 federal, state, regional and local agencies were brought together to provide input on a monthly basis over a one -year period to respond to various drafts of proposed rules governing Storm Water management. Now completed and adopted, these rules provide specific guidance for local communities and WMO's in the development of comprehensive Storm Water management plans- WSB & Associates, Inc. Vice President, Water Resources Group Manger L Mr. Willenbring is a former employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He served as an Environmental Engineer in the Region V Surveillance and Analysis Division. He conducted inspections of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants in Minnesota and Wisconsin which included an engineering evaluation of waste treatment processes, equipment, analytical laboratory procedures and data from air and water investigations. Other duties included performing surface water quality studies on selected lakes and streams in Minnesota and Wisconsin, participating in groundwater contamination investigations, and providing field response for major spills of oil and hazardous materials. Selected Project Experience: Water Quality Planning and Lake Restoration: Crystal Lake Hypolimnetic Withdrawal and Chemical Treatment System, Burnsville, MN Sunfish Lake Water Quality Monitoring Program, Sunfish Lake, MN Golden Lake Wetland Treatment System, Circle Pines, MN Pleasant Lake Outlet Project, Clearwater River Watershed District Moore Lake Restoration Project, Fridley, MN Comprehensive Storm Water Resource Management Plans: ' Southwest Oneka Lake area, Hugo, MN City of Maplewood, MN Dean's Lake Watershed, Shakopee, MN ' Mill Pond Watershed, Shakopee, MN Blaine Gun Club Lake WMO Savage Black Dog Lake WMO Shakopee ' St. Louis Park Circle Pines C Wetland Management: Richfield Bloomington Brooklyn Park Wetland Management Plan, Savage, MN Wetland Inventory and Classification, Shakopee, MN Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan for Eagle Creek Trout Stream, Shakopee and Savage, MN Wood Lake Wetland Enhancement, Richfield, MN Palmer Lake Wetland Management Plan, Brooklyn Center, MN WSB I & Associates, Inc. Vice President, Water Resources Group Manger J [I Education: M.S., Plant Pathology University of Minnesota B.A., Biology College of St. Catherine Associations: Society of Wetland Scientists Minnesota Wetland Delineators Association Experience: Ms. Moffatt has a variety of experience in field and research biology. Her experience includes wetland delineations, wetland management plans, wetland function and values assessments, permitting, mitigation plans, Environmental Assessment Worksheets (EAW's), Alternative Urbanwide Area Review (AUAR's), stormwater management, and field and laboratory research. Ms. Moffatt has experience with state and federal wetland rules and regulations such as the Wetland Conservation Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. She has utilized aerial photo interpretation and on -site field surveys for habitat identification and assessment. Ms. Moffatt successfully completed Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS) training and wetland delineation training. Selected Project Experience: Environmental Assessment Ms. Moffatt has prepared, submitted, and responded to comments for numerous EAW's and AUAR's including Logger's Trail Golf Course in Grant, Heritage Square Residential Development in Shakopee, Everton Avenue Neighborhood AUAR in Hugo, Seagate in Shakopee, ADC Telecommunications in Shakopee, Bald Eagle Industrial Park in Hugo, Gold Nugget Development in Monticello, Groveland Development in Monticello, East and West Crow River Heights in Hanover, Richfield Lake Water Quality Project in Richfield, and Palmer Lake Water Quality and Trail Improvement Project in Brooklyn Center. Wetland Management City of Savage Comprehensive Wetland Protection & Management Plan Ms. Moffatt worked closely with City of Savage Staff, agencies, and residents to prepare a user - friendly Comprehensive Wetland Protection & Management Plan in conformance with the Wetland Conservation Act. This project involved evaluating the functions and values of over 300 wetlands in Savage using the Minnesota Routine Assessment Method 2.0, placing wetlands into management categories, and preparing the plan based on the City's and review agencies' needs and requirements. City of St. Louis Park Comprehensive Wetland Protection and ' Management Plan Ms. Moffatt worked with City Staff and Watershed District staff to develop a Comprehensive Wetland Protection and Management ' WSB & Associates, Inc. Wetland Biologist Plan in conformance with the Wetland Conservation Act. This project involved evaluating the functions and values of over 40 wetlands and developing a management plan for wetlands within a fully developed community. City of Richfield Wetland Management Plan Ms. Moffatt worked with City Staff to develop a wetland management plan to meet the needs of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the City of Richfield. This project involved evaluating the functions and values of approximately 20 wetlands within the City and developing a management plan for wetlands within a fully developed community. Palmer Lake Water Resources Study, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota Ms. Moffatt conducted field surveys, a functions and values assessment, and obtained water and sediment samples from Palmer Lake as part of a water resources study for the City of Brooklyn Center. This project involved studying the wetland, obtaining public input, and making recommendations to manage the wetland resource. Clearwater Creek Wetland Enhancement Project, Hugo, Minnesota Ms. Moffatt conducted field surveys and developed functions and values assessments for wetlands adjacent to Clearwater Creek in Hugo, Minnesota. She prepared permit applications for wetland enhancements in the project area, met with regulatory agencies regarding the project, and monitored the wetland. Wetland Delineation and Permitting Ms. Moffatt has extensive experience in wetland delineation. Many of these projects also included obtaining permits from local, state, and federal agencies: • County State Aid Highway 11, Crow Wing County, Minnesota • County Road 105/125, Crow Wing County and Cass County, Minnesota • Grand Avenue Road Improvement Project, North Branch, Minnesota • Kenyon Avenue and CSAH 60 Project, Lakeville, Minnesota • Southwest Oneka Lake Project, Hugo, Minnesota • County State Aid Highway 14, Hennepin County, Minnesota • Trunk Highway (T.H.) 25 Road Improvement Project, Monticello, Minnesota • Trunk Highway (T.H.) 55 Road Improvement Project, Buffalo, - Minnesota WSB & Associates, Inc. Wetland Biologist L� L • County State Aid Highway 19 Road Improvement Project, Wright County, Minnesota • County State Aid Highway 13 (Hinton/Tower Drive), Washington County, Minnesota Comprehensive Water Resource Management Ms. Moffatt has been involved with preparing, submitting, and responding to comments for numerous Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plans for the following communities: ' • City of Blaine . City of Shorewood • City of St. Anthony . City of Hanover • City of Hugo • City of Bloomington • City of Shakopee • City of Circle Pines ' • City of St. Louis Park • City of Richfield • City of Monticello ' . Richfield- Bloomington Watershed Management Organization ' Watershed Management Plan ' • Gun Club Watershed Management Organization Watershed Management Plan • Elm Creek Watershed Management Commission Watershed ' Management Plan . Pioneer -Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission ' Watershed Management Plan Research Experience ' Habitat Evaluation Ms. Moffatt conducted field surveys of vegetation along cultivated wild rice paddies in northern Minnesota for the presence of a fungal pathogen. In addition, Ms. Moffatt conducted laboratory research on the host range of the pathogen, designed sampling methods, and ' identified grass species present. Ms. Moffatt vegetation developed detailed maps of Scientific and P g ' Natural Areas (SNA's) for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. She utilized aerial photo interpretation and on -site field surveys and identified common, rare, and non - native plant species. ' Ms. Moffatt created and conducted a research project regarding the effects of prescribed burning on prairie plant succession at Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield, Minnesota. She designed sampling ' methods, identified prairie plant species, and prepared and presented a report. - ' WSB & Associates, Inc. Wetland Biologist WSB ' & Associates, Inc. Project Engineer Education: Experience: Bachelor of Science in Mr. Anderson is a registered professional engineer with extensive Civil Engineering experience in all phases of municipal engineering, particularly in the ' University of Minnesota handling and treatment of water and wastewater. His experience includes the design of numerous wells, water towers and standpipes Registration: throughout the metropolitan area. ' Minnesota The following projects are representative of Mr. Anderson's ' Associations: MN Surveyors & experience: Engineers Society Selected Project Experience: ' Water System Analyses /Studies for the following communities: Hugo Golden Valley /Crystal/New Hope Shoreview Richfield Bloomington Burnsville ' Shorewood Tonka Bay Northfield Circle Pines Ground and Elevated Storage Facility Design for the following communities: ' Richfield New Hope Bloomington Monticello Burnsville West St. Paul ' Golden Valley Crystal St. Louis Park Shoreview Tonka Bay Brooklyn Park ' Well Design for the following communities: Bloomington Robbinsdale Brooklyn Park St. Louis Park Burnsville Shoreview Eagan Shorewood Richfield Inver Grove Heights ' Tonka Bay Prior Lake WSB ' & Associates, Inc. Project Engineer ' Education: Bachelor of Science in ' Civil Engineering University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Associations: American Society of Civil Engineers Women in Transportation Seminars Experience: Ms. Khera has over four years of experience as an aviation and municipal project engineer. Her experience in municipal engineering and design includes water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, site grading, street and storm sewer design, park improvements and municipal state -aid systems. Her responsibilities include preparation of project feasibility reports, design and preparation of project plans, specifications, engineer estimates, permitting and assessment projects. Ms. Khera also has related airport experience with projects at Minneapolis -St. Paul (MSP) International Airport. Ms. Khera has been involved in several phases of airport project development, including preliminary and final design, project management, preparation of plans and bid documents, and field inspection. Selected Project Experience: ' Municipal Projects: • Grand Avenue Street and Utility Construction, North Branch, MN • Eastside Watermain Extension, Rosemount, MN ' . Water Distribution Modeling, North Branch, MN • Sanitary Sewer Study, Monticello, MN • Ring Road Street and Utility Improvements, Prior Lake, MN ' . Various local street and utility improvement projects for the Cities of Rosemount, North Branch, Chanhassen, Prior Lake, Grant, Monticello, and Hanover. L Airport Projects: Project Engineer, Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport (MSP), Minneapolis, MN for the following three projects: • Runway 12R De -Icing Pad. Responsible for storm sewer design, grading, utility relocation design, preparation of plans and estimated quantities and costs. • Runway 12L De -Icing Pad. Field inspection of all utilities, grading and concrete and bituminous paving. Project management including coordination with contractors, private utility companies and Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). • Runway 17 -35 Infield Apron. Responsible for drainage and site grading design for new construction of an infield cargo apron as part of the proposed north -south runway. - WSB & Associates, Inc. Project Engineer ' Education: € Experience: Bachelor of Science in Ms. Hauschild is a project/design engineer in our transportation ' Civil Engineering North Dakota State department with over four years of experience. She is involved with all phases of a project such as preliminary design including University environmental documentation, geometric layouts, public involvement coordination, final design consisting of construction ' Associations: plans and profiles, traffic signal design, and striping and signing Women's Transportation plans; traffic analysis consisting of traffic impact studies, warrant ' Seminar, Director of Fund Raising analyses, signal timing simulation, and intersection level of service analysis. Institute of Transportation Prior to joining WSB, Ms. Hauschild was employed with the Federal Engineers Highway Administration where she provided project management services on federally- funded state projects. Certification: ' Mn/DOT Traffic Signal ! Selected Project Experience: Construction Inspection Preliminary Design Project Experience: ' • Hinton Avenue Corridor, Cottage Grove/Woodbury, MN 55th Street Reconstruction, Rochester, MN Trunk Highway 13, Savage, MN • Trunk Highway 25, Monticello, MN • TH 8 /CSAH 23, Chisago County, MN ' • CSAH 75, Monticello, Minnesota Signal Design: Robert Street at 50th Street, Inver Grove Heights, MN ' . Trunk Highway 13 at Trunk Highway 101, Savage, MN • Coon Rapids Boulevard (CSAH 1) at Hanson Boulevard (CSAH 78), Coon Rapids, MN ' Marschall Road (CSAH 17) at Vierling Drive, Shakopee, MN • Trunk Highway 25 at Oakwood Drive, Chelsea Road and School Boulevard, Monticello, MN ' Trunk Highway 7 at Trunk Highway 41, Shorewood, MN • CSAH 75 at Hadrian Road, St. Cloud, MN Trunk Highway 23 at 6 t ' Avenue, Waite Park, MN ' • CSAH 1 (Proctor Avenue) at County Road 77 and School Blvd., Elk River, MN • TH 95 at Oakview Avenue, North Branch, MN • CSAH 22 at CSAH 82, Alexandria, MN TH 13 CSAH 16 (Revised), Savage, MN • at WSB &Aawdaer,1w. Transportation Engineer Traffic Analysis: • I -494 at Penn Avenue Interchange Modification Request, Richfield, MN • TH 55 Traffic and Crash Analysis, Buffalo, MN • CR 73 at Manitou Street Traffic Analysis, Big Lake, MN • CR 83 and CSAH 16 AUAR Traffic Analysis, Shakopee, MN • TH 95 Traffic Analysis, North Branch, MN • Minnetonka Ice Avenue Site Traffic and Parking Impact Analysis, Minnetonka, MN • CSAH 81 (3rd St. North) Traffic and Crash Analysis, St. Cloud and Waite Park, MN A WSB & Associates, Inc. Transportation Engineer I 1 ' Education: Bachelor of Science in ' Civil Engineering Drexler University, Philadelphia, PA ' Registration: Pennsylvania ' Minnesota (pending) Associations: American Society of ' Professional Engineers ' National Society of Professional Engineers Experience: Mr. Hardy is a civil engineer with over 17 years of experience. Mr. Hardy works in the Municipal Group as a project engineer where his technical experience is used in the design of roadways, storm sewers and other utilities and site grading. Mr. Hardy has been involved in all phases of project development, including preliminary and final design, permit acquisition, project management, preparation of bid documents, and construction monitoring. Selected Project Experience: Mr. Hardy has been involved with site design for commercial development for sites ranging in size from under 1 /a acre to over 45 acres. His responsibilities included site layout, parking layout, site grading, utility layout and design and storm water management layout and design. Mr. Hardy has also been involved in designing both residential and commercial subdivisions. These projects ranged in size from under one acre to over 500 acres. His responsibilities included roadway and lot layout, utility layout and design, grading and storm water management layout and design. Mr. Hardy is involved in preparing feasibility reports, preliminary and final design of street, utility and storm sewer improvements. Selected Project Experience: • Smithtown Road Overlay Project, 2001 Road Improvement Project, City of Shorewood, MN • Grand Avenue Reconstruction, City of North Branch, MN • Northwoods Park Improvements, City of North Branch, MN • Riverwalk Park Trail Improvements, City of North Branch, MN • West 33 Street & Texas Avenue Storm Sewer Project, City of St. Louis Park, MN • West 33 Street and Dakota Avenue Storm Sewer Project, City of St. Louis Park, MN Utility Layout CSAH 83 /CSAH 16 Reconstruction, City of Shakopee, MN WSB & Associates, Inc. Project Engineer r Education: Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Emphasis in Hydrology and GIS University of Minnesota, In Progress: Master of Geographic Information Science u u u Experience: Mr. Mackiewicz's extensive Geographic Information Systems (GIS) experience includes using Arc /INFO and Arc View for hydrologic modeling, computer mapping, aerial photography interpretation, and remote sensing. He is also experienced as a CAD Technician in the Water Resources and Transportation areas utilizing Microstation to produce surface models, alignments, profiles, cross - sections, construction limits and earthwork. Mr. Mackiewicz has utilized GIS for analysis in a wider variety of areas including natural resource planning, transportation, water resource, mining, and aviation engineering. Selected Project Experience: GIS Services: Mississippi Valley Natural Wildlife Refuge Mr. Mackiewicz used ArcView and Arc/INFO to evaluate parcels for potential refuge expansion. A natural resource inventory was conducted by means of site investigation and aerial photograph interpretation, land use, natural heritage, soil, topographic, land stewardship, and parcel maps were used to rank parcels for acquisition. Canisteo Mine Hydrology Study GIS, Grand Rapids, MN Mr. Mackiewicz completed all of the GIS data collection, creation, analysis, and distribution for the Canisteo Mine Hydrology Study. In addition to creating base layers, Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle (DOQ), Digital Elevation Model, (DEM), AutoCAD, TechBase, ARC/INFO, and Access databases were combined into a single system. ArcView was used to prepare watershed characteristics and evaluate numerous outlet channel placements. Mr. Mackiewicz distributed this data to diverse sources such as the United States Geological Survey, Army Corps of Engineers and the Iron Range Resource & Rehabilitation Board. WSB & Associates, Inc. GIS Specialist n Wetland Management Plans Mr. Mackiewicz developed the GIS database for the Lakeville Wetland Management Plan and the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study Wetland Management Plan. The GIS databases contain spatial and attribute data for all the wetlands in the study areas, including quality, management classification, and location. Data was presented in county coordinates. Mr. Mackiewicz has also provided GIS Support for wetland mitigation in numerous counties in Minnesota Watershed Modeling Mr. Mackiewicz prepared watershed runoff calculations based on land use and soil types for watershed modeling (HydroCAD and XP- SWMM) for the Review of the City of Eagan's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Off Highway Vehicle Park (OHV) Trail Location Mr. Mackiewicz used ArcView GIS to help establish trail locations for the OHV Park in Virginia. This included using a DEM and data collected using a Trimble GPS unit to best place trails considering cover types, watershed characteristics, future water levels and housing locations. Iron Ore Cooperative Research GIS, Hibbing, MN. Mr. Mackiewicz provided bedrock mapping and watershed modeling for the Iron Ore Cooperative Research Study. The DEM was hydrologically corrected and then modeled using Spatial Analyst. This data was then used for informational purposes and for ground water modeling to better characterize regional ground water flow patterns. Watershed Modeling for Butler Mine Pit Mr. Mackiewicz assisted in the hydrologic modeling of the Butler Mine pit using ArcView GIS. Vegetative cover types were digitized using DOQ's and merged with soils and DEM data to provide runoff data for the watershed. Airport Plans Mr. Mackiewicz has worked with WSB's Aviation Group to provide GIS support for the Fillmore County and Ely Airports. A WSB & Associates, Iw GIS Specialist u u u Education: Accounting/Computer Sciences Mankato State Universit- Experience: Mr. Cartony has over nine years of experience in Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD). For the past seven years Tim has focused on Municipal and General Civil Engineering projects which include site grading plans, storm sewer, water distribution, trunk highway, city street reconstruction, and State aid plan preparation. He utilizes many CADD Software programs, most extensively Microstation J, Eagle Point 2001. Tim also possesses a working knowledge of AutoCad and WaterCad. Mr. Cartony is responsible for plan preparation and quality control for a wide variety of design projects. He works closely with both the project manager and design engineer to produce plans that will meet the client's standards. Tim also serves as the Network Administrator for the company. He is educated in the applications of Windows NT Work Station and Server, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and 95, as well as Microsoft Office products. Selected Project Experience: • CLJSTC — Computer Sciences /General • Excelsior — Course Work • Grant — University of Minnesota ' Crow River Heights 1 St Addition AAS Degree in Mechanical • Monticello — Drafting Dunwoody Institute NT Network Administrator ' KRS Computer & Business School Experience: Mr. Cartony has over nine years of experience in Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD). For the past seven years Tim has focused on Municipal and General Civil Engineering projects which include site grading plans, storm sewer, water distribution, trunk highway, city street reconstruction, and State aid plan preparation. He utilizes many CADD Software programs, most extensively Microstation J, Eagle Point 2001. Tim also possesses a working knowledge of AutoCad and WaterCad. Mr. Cartony is responsible for plan preparation and quality control for a wide variety of design projects. He works closely with both the project manager and design engineer to produce plans that will meet the client's standards. Tim also serves as the Network Administrator for the company. He is educated in the applications of Windows NT Work Station and Server, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and 95, as well as Microsoft Office products. Selected Project Experience: • CLJSTC — Reconstruction of Main Lift Station and Forcemain • Excelsior — 2000 Watermain Extension • Grant — Storm Sewer and Street Improvements • Hanover — Crow River Heights 1 St Addition Crow River Sanitary Sewer/Watermain Crossing • Monticello — Bridge Park Lift Station and Sanitary Sewer Cedar Street Reconstruction 7 th Street Improvements • Blaine — Naples Street NE Street and Utility Improvements • North Branch — 379 Street Reconstruction 376 Street Construction Char Croft Addition Grand Avenue Street and Utility Construction Gateway North • Rosemount — TH 3 Reconstruction 2001 Street Reconstruction • Shakopee — Southbridge Parkway Valley Green Industrial Park SPUC Water Policy Details WSB & Associates, Inc. CADD Specialist Shorewood — 2000 Water and Utility Improvements Smithtown Road • St. Louis Park — Storm Sewer Corrections • St. Anthony — 1999 — Street and Utility Reconstruction 2001 — Street and Utility Reconstruction 29` Avenue Reconstruction Harding Street Lift Station Rehabilitation Site Development and Review: • Development Review, Rosemount, MN Development Review, Monticello, MN Parks: Lakefront Park and Busse Park, Prior Lake, MN Lake Minnewashta Park, Carver County, MN & Associates, Inc. CARD Specialist n ' Education: Experience: Construction Observer Business Administration, Mr. Crawford is an engineering technician with over 20 years of Commercial Trades experience in the construction of municipal improvements. Steve excels ' Institute- Computer at construction observation, client communication, project Programming documentation, and contractor coordination and has served as the Lead University of Minnesota Construction Observer for many municipal projects including the Cities ' of Bloomington, Elk River, Hastings, Lonsdale, Mankato, Plymouth, Civil Engineering/ and Savage, among others. Surveying Basis ' Hennepin County Vo -Tech Selected Project Experience: Street & Utility Improvement: ' Certifications: • Ridgemount Avenue Street & Utility Improvements, Minnesota Department Plymouth, MN of Transportation • South Shore Drive /174th Street, Street and Sanitary Sewer Construction, Spring Lake Township, MN ' Grading and Base/ • Mushtown Road Reconstruction, Prior Lake, MN Concrete/Bituminous • 221 Street Realignment, Elk River, MN ' American Concrete • County Road F Reconstruction Arden Hills, MN Institute • Trail Improvements, Chanhassen and Prior Lake, MN • Elevated Water Storage Tank, Lonsdale, MN • County Road 82 Watermain Improvements, Prior Lake, MN • Joint Powers Board Trunk Watermain Improvement, St. Michael /Albertville, MN ' • Water Tower Construction, Owatonna, MN • Sump Pump Inspections, Prior Lake, Edina, Plymouth and Savage, MN ' Storm Sewer: • Creekside Estates Storm Sewer • Industrial Park Storm Sewer, Prior Lake, MN • Northern Area Trunk Storm Sewer Improvements, Lonsdale, MN ' Private Developments: Numerous private street and utility improvement projects for the t following cities: Prior Lake Hastings Champlin Eagan ' Elk River Rosemount ' WSB ' &Associates, 1w. Construction Observer Education: Experience: Two year - Political Mr. Keeling has 15 years of experience as a Surveyor Crew Chief. Science Kevin has been a staff member of WSB & Associates, Inc. staff Inver Hills Community since April of 1996. College Selected Project Experience: Two -year Civil Technology Certification Crew Chief.• St. Paul Technical College • 77 Street, Richfield • Rosemount Associations: Minnesota Society of - Bloomfield Addition Professional Surveyors o - Wensmann 11 and 12 t Additions (MSPS) - McNamara Addition - Reconstruction of C.S.A.H. 42 - Conley Avenue - Shannon Pond South Addition • Monticello - School Boulevard Klein Farms 1 st through 4 th Additions WSB & Associates, Inc. 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J dqj djaq uuo OM 4 S paau S,X)!D aqp Inoqu ona puu puuisiopun aM 4 PHIS aaiu AuM 64 S,�uM[u - nOIl0E3sllus jwip ioijAns aprnozd aM„ 4 p3snoo3 auailD 4 uzrAwd iium u l aa,�ojdwa anTSUDIXg 4 ,&heMA P H3S �! OqM ilunowasoH ui JaoM of lueM sa�uxoud uotjusuodwoo puu sauowu &ssu puts uo XI!D q suogsagiins of uodp 4 aouldlo3li m ui OAppodwoo puu pooczd XIquuosuaj ogmpud uoilusuodwoD 4 &H3S aaiu AuM 44 saoafoid aunowosog op of pouiu i guis poddnS 4 wjU paurjdiosip -plm `uosiod 009 3o Suploug 4 �HDS aaiu AuM AL Proposal for 1 Engineering Consulting Services City of Rosemount, Minnesota October 19, 2001 n I =SEH 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110 -5196 651.490.2000 651.490.2150 FAX AW architecture engineering environmental transportation November 5, 2001 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Consulting Engineering Services SEH No. P- ROSEMO202.00 Ms. Paula Graff Human Resources Coordinator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Paula: Thank you for your time and consideration during our interview for consulting engineering services last week. We enjoyed the opportunity to discuss Rosemount's future, and how SEH could be part of that future. As a follow up to the interview, several thoughts come to mind. Although SEH is considered a large engineering firm, our size does not result in a loss of personal service to our clients. Rather, it provides for a wealth of experience and resources that can be made available on short notice. Some of our competitors have tried to relate our size to higher costs, but have failed. Surveys of our clients have shown that our total costs after project completion are comparable with other firms having similar qualifications. Our value proposition at SEH is to "provide superior client satisfaction — always ". Providing a full time City Engineer in the City of Rosemount is consistent with our corporate philosophy to place offices and/or people close to our clients. We are committed to a long term relationship with our clients, and have demonstrated that commitment in Rosemount since the 1940's. In addition, we are flexible and open to any changes in the staff assignments and the compensation package that may be suggested by the City to better meet the City's needs or desires. If you have any questions, please call. Thank you again for your consideration. Respectfully submitted 4 V--2 � - J1W �. David F. Simons, P.E. Principal C Michael P. Foertsch. P.E., L.S. Principal Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Your Trusted Resource Equal Opportunity Employer City Engineer for the following cities *Becker hired an Engineer on staff as of 1999. SEH still does all of the design work for them. Year SEH Started as City of SEH Engineer Eng ineer Population Albertville Peter Carlson, P.E. 1994 3,621 Atwater Richard Romness, P.E. 1978 1,079 Avon Joseph Bettendorf, P.E. 1980 1,242 Becker* Richard Pedersen, P.E. 1979 2,673 Belgrade Randy Sabart, P.E. 1995 750 Clear Lake Joseph Bettendorf, P.E. 1981 266 Clearwater Richard Romness, P.E. 1982 858 Freeport Richard Romness, P.E. 1980 454 Gaylord Thomas Homme, P.E. 1969 2,279 Gibbon Thomas Homme, P.E. 1962 808 Glencoe Douglas Parrott, P.E. 1962 5,453 Grey Eagle Richard Romness, P.E. 1980 335 Hamburg Thomas Homme. P.E. 1962 538 Henderson John Wingard, P.E. 1969 910 Holdingford Richard Romness, P.E. 1975 736 Kimball Richard Romness, P.E. 1975 635 Lester Prairie Eric Parrott, P.E. 1962 1,377 Montgomery Douglas Parrott, P.E. 1989 2,794 Paynesville Peter Carlson, P.E. 1994 2,267 Renville Douglas Parrott, P.E. 1999 1,323 Richmond Richard Pedersen, P.E. 1979 1,213 Rockville Richard Pedersen, P.E. 1997 749 Rogers Scott Lange, P.E. 1991 3,588 Sauk Rapids Terry Wotzka, P.E. 1975 10,213 Silver Lake John Wingard, P.E. 1965 761 Spicer Randy Sabart, P.E. 1985 1,126 St. Augusta Joseph Bettendorf, P.E. 1995 3,065 St. Joseph Joseph Bettendorf, P.E. 1979 4,681 Waite Park Terry Wotzka, P.E. 1967 6,568 Winsted Thomas Homme, P.E. 1966 2,094 Winthrop Thomas Homme, P.E. 1961 1,367 *Becker hired an Engineer on staff as of 1999. SEH still does all of the design work for them. I AW 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110 -5196 651.490.2000 651.490.2150 FAX .AAM'm rwr F architecture engineering environmental transportation October 19, 2001 RE: Engineering Consulting Services Rosemount, Minnesota SEH No. P- ROSEMO202.00 Mr. Thomas D. Burt City Administrator City of Rosemount Rosemount City Hall 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Tom: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) is pleased to present this proposal for Consulting Engineering Services to the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. We are proud of our long history of service to the City of Rosemount, and we look forward to continuing that service in the future. Since the 1940s, SEH has been providing professional engineering services for Rosemount. Our roots go deep in the community, and we greatly value this long -term relationship. Over the next 10 years, the City of Rosemount will expand at a rapid pace. The City will need a City Engineer with leadership abilities, together with the backing of a consulting firm which has the horse power to get the work done. Important decisions will need to be made about Rosemount's future, and the City Engineer will need to be a seasoned individual with the ability to think on his feet, who has previous experience as a leader in a growing community. The cost of providing engineering services needs to be reasonably priced, but competitive in the market place. We understand these issues. We intend to address them in this proposal. We propose to offer a seasoned City Engineer candidate with excellent leadership skills and a proven track record as Engineering Manager in a growing community. Supporting this individual, we offer the City an experienced Project Manager and a strong design team that is already trained to do Rosemount projects. In addition, we commit the full resources of our over 600 person firm to the City of Rosemount to make sure that the work will get done on time. Our track record on previous projects in Rosemount speaks for itself. Finally, we propose a compensation package that fits within the City's budget for the City Engineer position, and also provides a discount to the City as the total volume of projects engineered by SEH increases. Although we feel that the staff assignments and compensation package being proposed is in the best interests of the City, we are whole - heartedly open to any changes in the team make -up and/or the compensation package that may be suggested by the City to better meet the City's needs or desires. We believe that SEH is the right firm for Rosemount. We look forward to a favorable review of our proposal and a continued long -term relationship. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your ■ convenience. Respectfully submitted, avid F. Simons, P.E. Michael P. Foertsch, P.E., L.S. Principal Principal J I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Your Trusted Resource Equal Opportunity Employer r N L Tabl of Contents Corporate Overview ........................ ............................... 1 Office Locations and Addresses Areas of Expertise List of Principals II Project Team .................................... ............................... 5 Staff Assignments Key Individuals Support Staff III Compensation ............................... ............................... 12 Compensation Package Retainer 2002 Hourly Billable Rates IV References ....................................... .............................17 Appendix Sample of Rosemount Project Experience Resumes of Project Team Service Area Brochures /Flyers © 2001 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. The information contained in this Proposal was prepared specifically for you and contains proprietary information. We would appreciate your discretion in its reproduction and distribution. This information has been tailored to your specific project based on our understanding of your needs. Its aim is to demonstrate our ideas and approach to your project compared to our competition. We respectfully request that distribution be limited to individuals involved in your selection process. SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendr Inc. t i Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. www.sehinc.com Page 1 SEH's broad -based capabilities are built on a solid foundation of client Established Corporate Overview Se" service. This high level of personal, professional service is the thread of Multidisciplined Firm. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) is a multidisciplined firm of engineers, Single Source. architects, planners, and scientists providing a full range of quality services. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 3535 Vadnais Center Drive Founded in 1927, SEH has grown in size, the variety of clients served, and in Saint Paul MN 55110 capabilities —by anticipating and meeting client expectations. 651.490.2000 800.325.2055 toll free Amon the values SEH founders instilled in the firm are the prerequisites of g P q 651.490.2150 fax listening, understanding, and communicating with our clients for complete t www.sehinc.com satisfaction. Today, SEH continues to hold those values in the highest regard. t i Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. www.sehinc.com Page 1 SEH's broad -based capabilities are built on a solid foundation of client Established service. This high level of personal, professional service is the thread of 1927 continuity that enables all work to flow more smoothly, more efficiently, and with greater client satisfaction. Primary Contacts David F. Simons, P.E. Currently, SEH has a full -time staff of more than 600 qualified professionals, Principal in 23 offices. At the end of this section is a list of the 38 principals of the 651.490.2066 firm. SEH provides a dynamic team environment designed to foster dsimons @sehinc.com continuous individual skill and personal development. Michael P. Foertsch, P.E. Principal As an equal opportunity employer, SEH embraces diversity in its corporate 952.912.2620 culture and recognizes the many benefits diversity brings to our clients. mtoertschQsehinc.com In Fiscal Year 2001, SEH posted $54.5 M in revenues from approximately 2,850 contracts. These contracts for professional services included a variety of project types. Construction projects associated with these contracts had an estimated total construction cost of over $200M. MONTANA MINNESOTA NORTH DAKOTA *Virg, Grand Rapids• • Bozeman Dulul St. Cloud• WISCONSIN SI. Paul •Rice Lake 'I Mika— Is* OWnusa SOUTH DAKOTA Glencoe SGaylnr wa Chippe Falls •R ester Appl t WYOMING Sioux Fall.; • *Worthington Mil. kee Madison MICHIGAN IOWA Chicagu � NEBRASKA ke Fort Collins • Canty •Denver ILLINOIS INDIANA ,... COLORADO t i Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. www.sehinc.com Page 1 Office Locations and Addresses Cloud 120025 th Avenue S St. Cloud MN 56301 -4806 800.572.0617 rf� fax 320.229.4301 Duluth 831 E 2 Street Duluth MN 55805 -2103 888.722.0547 fax 218.722.1514 Virginia 901 8 Street S, Ste 400 Virginia MN 55792 -3233 218.741.4284 fax 218.741.4286 Grand Rapids 15 NE 5 Street Grand Rapids MN 55744 -2601 218.326.4508 fax 218.326.1883 Glencoe 1008 Greeley Avenue N Glencoe MN 55336 -2128 320.864.2885 Rochester 3240 East River Rd NE, Ste 102 Rochester MN 55906 -3422 507.529.7200 fax 507.529.7201 Wisconsin Chippewa Falls 421 Frenette Drive Chippewa Falls WI 54729 -3374 800.472.5881 fax 715.720.6300 Rice Lake 1207 W Knapp Street Rice Lake WI 54868 -1307 715.234.0092 fax 715.234.4069 Wausau 1500 Merrill Avenue Wausau WI 54401 -2681 715.675.1131 fax 715.675.1771 Madison 6418 Normandy Lane, Ste 100 Madison WI 53719-1149 800.732.4362 fax 608.274.2026 Appleton 5485 W Grande Market Dr, Ste E Appleton WI 54913 -8430 920.954.9476 fax 920.954.9513 Milwaukee Indiana Lake County 380017 9th Street Hammond IN 46323 -3035 219.554.4000 fax 219.844.2044 Illinois Chicago 727 S Dearborn Street, Ste 312 Chicago IL 60605 -3822 312.588.0940 fax 312.588.0941 South Dakota Sioux Falls 140 North Phillips Ave, Ste 205 Sioux Falls SD 57104 -6704 605.338.8016 fax 605.338.8071 Montana Bozeman 215 W Mendenhall Street, Ste C -1 Bozeman MT 59715 -3478 406.587.4554 fax 406.587.4381 Colorado Denver 9191 Sheridan Boulevard Westminster CO 80031 -3023 303.487.1757 fax 303.487.1810 Fort Collins 2637 Midpoint Drive, Ste F Fort Collins CO 80525 -4415 970.484.3611 fax 970.484.41 18 Gaylord 310 Main Avenue W Minnesota Corporate Headquarters St. Paul 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul MN 55110-5196 800.325.2055 fax 651.490.2150 Minneapolis Butler Square Bldg., Ste 710C 100 N 6th Street Minneapolis MN 55403 -1505 612.758.6700 fax 612.758.6701 Minnetonka 10901 Red Circle Drive, Ste 200 Minnetonka MN 55343 -9301 800.734.6757 fax 952.912.2601 Cloud 120025 th Avenue S St. Cloud MN 56301 -4806 800.572.0617 rf� fax 320.229.4301 Duluth 831 E 2 Street Duluth MN 55805 -2103 888.722.0547 fax 218.722.1514 Virginia 901 8 Street S, Ste 400 Virginia MN 55792 -3233 218.741.4284 fax 218.741.4286 Grand Rapids 15 NE 5 Street Grand Rapids MN 55744 -2601 218.326.4508 fax 218.326.1883 Glencoe 1008 Greeley Avenue N Glencoe MN 55336 -2128 320.864.2885 Rochester 3240 East River Rd NE, Ste 102 Rochester MN 55906 -3422 507.529.7200 fax 507.529.7201 Wisconsin Chippewa Falls 421 Frenette Drive Chippewa Falls WI 54729 -3374 800.472.5881 fax 715.720.6300 Rice Lake 1207 W Knapp Street Rice Lake WI 54868 -1307 715.234.0092 fax 715.234.4069 Wausau 1500 Merrill Avenue Wausau WI 54401 -2681 715.675.1131 fax 715.675.1771 Madison 6418 Normandy Lane, Ste 100 Madison WI 53719-1149 800.732.4362 fax 608.274.2026 Appleton 5485 W Grande Market Dr, Ste E Appleton WI 54913 -8430 920.954.9476 fax 920.954.9513 Milwaukee Indiana Lake County 380017 9th Street Hammond IN 46323 -3035 219.554.4000 fax 219.844.2044 Illinois Chicago 727 S Dearborn Street, Ste 312 Chicago IL 60605 -3822 312.588.0940 fax 312.588.0941 South Dakota Sioux Falls 140 North Phillips Ave, Ste 205 Sioux Falls SD 57104 -6704 605.338.8016 fax 605.338.8071 Montana Bozeman 215 W Mendenhall Street, Ste C -1 Bozeman MT 59715 -3478 406.587.4554 fax 406.587.4381 Colorado Denver 9191 Sheridan Boulevard Westminster CO 80031 -3023 303.487.1757 fax 303.487.1810 Fort Collins 2637 Midpoint Drive, Ste F Fort Collins CO 80525 -4415 970.484.3611 fax 970.484.41 18 Gaylord 310 Main Avenue W 5395 North 118 Court Milwaukee WI 53225 -3085 414.465.1200 fax 414.465.1201 www.sehinc.com Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 2 Gaylord MN 55334 -0776 800.838.8666 fax 507.237.5516 Worthington 2259 th Street Worthington MN 56187 -2368 507.376.5888 fax 507.376.3310 5395 North 118 Court Milwaukee WI 53225 -3085 414.465.1200 fax 414.465.1201 www.sehinc.com Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 2 Ll y r Areas of Expertise Consistet t client satisfaction is a key benefit of SEH's multidisciplined, single source approach. An abbreviat ;d overview of the firm's areas of expertise includes: Architec :oral ♦ Aviatior Buildings ♦ Buildin€ Code Services ♦ Commei vial and Industrial Buildings ♦ DOD Bi ilding Design Services ♦ Educati( nal Facilities ♦ Interior )esign and Space Planning ♦ Landsca )e Architecture ♦ Municip tl Buildings ♦ Religiou ; Centers ♦ Roof M, nagement Services Engineer ing ♦ City Enl ineering Services ♦ Coastal "ngineering ♦ Compre. tensive Utility Planning ♦ Dams ♦ Flood C mtrol/Navigation and Levees ♦ Downto vn Revitalization ♦ Electrici 1 Engineering ♦ Federal )OD Engineering and Planning ♦ Floodph in Mapping/Insurance Studies ♦ Geotech iical Engineering ♦ Hydrolo ;ic and Hydraulic Modeling ♦ Infiltrati m/Inflow Studies and Sewer System. ;valuation Surveys ♦ Park an( Recreation Planning ♦ Pavemei .t Management ♦ Site Stun .ies, Surveys, Platting, and Mappin! ♦ Streets a ad Drainage ♦ Utility F ate Studies ♦ Value E igineering ♦ Water ai d Sewer Systems Environmental ♦ Agricultural Chemicals ♦ Air Quality ♦ Brownfields ♦ Contaminated Sediments ♦ Environmental Compliance and Management ♦ Environmental Site Assessments ♦ Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) ♦ Expert Testimony ♦ Lake Management ♦ Landfills ♦ Mining Support Services ♦ Petroleum ♦ Regulatory Permitting and Compliance ♦ Remedial Investigation and Design ♦ Risk Assessments ♦ Solid/Hazardous Waste ♦ Storm Water Management ♦ Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) ♦ Wastewater Treatment ♦ Water Treatment ♦ Wellhead Protection/Groundwater Modeling ♦ Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Transportation ♦ Airport Planning and Engineering ♦ Bridges and Structures ♦ Corridor Studies/Planning ♦ Highways and Freeways ♦ Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) ♦ Multi -Modal Planning ♦ Parking Facilities ♦ Project Development Documentation ♦ Railroads ♦ Traffic Engineering ♦ Transportation Planning, Design and Operations ♦ Transit Facility and Capital Improvement Plans ♦ Transit Operations and Patronage Studies ♦ Travel Demand Management (TDM) Specialty Services ♦ Community Development ♦ Community Planning ♦ Design/Build ♦ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ♦ Global Positioning Systems (GPS) ♦ Protective Coatings Management (PCM) ♦ SEH Communications Services ♦ Telecommunications Site Development ♦ Training and Management Consulting Services (TMCS) ♦ Virtual Reality Imaging (VRI) Brochure; which further highlight our services are included in the Appendix. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 3 List of Principals SEH Principals Experience I t 1 t Gary R. Gray, P.E. — President, CEO 36 years David J. Pillatzke, P.E. — Executive Vice President 26 years Sam L. Claassen, P.E. — Vice President 28 years James C. Newman, P.E. — Vice President 28 years Gary A. Lidgerding — Chief Financial Officer 32 years Glenn G. Schreiner, P.E. — Senior Principal 22 years Lawrence E. Anderson, P.E. — Water/Wastewater Manager 31 years Glen S. Bengtson, P.E. — Structural Engineering Manager 28 years Mark D. Benson, P.E. — Transportation Planning Manager 15 years Joseph R. Bettendorf, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 34 years Todd M. Blank, P.E. — Senior Civil Engineer 14 years Daniel R. Boxrud, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 29 years Steven D. Campbell, P.E., CCCA — Civil/Water Manager 27 years Peter J. Carlson, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 19 years Jeffery T. Davis, P.E. — Civil/Water Resources Manager 22 years John E. Fisher — Wastewater Operations Specialist 34 years Michael P. Foertsch, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 17 years Bradley E. Forbrook, AIA — Architectural Manager 26 years Steven A. Gausman, AIA — Architectural Manager 15 years Scott R. Harri, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 28 years Jeff A. Johnson, P.E. — Structural Engineering Manager 20 years Rocky J. Keehn, P.E. — Water Resources Manager 15 years Michael R. Kraemer, P.E. — Dir. of Civil Engineering Services 27 years Harry Koutsoumbos, P.E. — Structural Engineering Manager 30 years Mark L. Lobermeier, P.E. — Corporate Resources Manager 18 years Susan M. Mason, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 18 years James P. Norton, P.E. — Water Engineering Manager 35 years Barry C. Peters, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 25 years David F. Simons, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 17 years Thomas A. Sohrweide, P.E. — Transportation Engineering Mgr. 27 years Robert W. Stark, P.E. — Wastewater Engineering Manager 18 years John D. Steenberg, P.E. — Structural Engineering Manager 26 years John H. Stodola, P.E. — Wastewater Engineering Manager 28 years Allen H. Sunderman, P.G. — Senior Hydrogeologist 15 years Kirby Van Note, P.E. — Waste Management Manager 22 years Glen Van Wormer, P.E. — Senior Transportation Specialist 36 years Terrance S. Wotzka, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 19 years Michael A. Zagar, P.E. — Civil Engineering Manager 31 years I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 4 We propose to assign Mike Foertsch, P.E. /L.S. as the City Engineer representative in Rosemount. Mike is a registered engineer and land surveyor, and previously worked as the Manager of the Engineering Division in the City of Eagan for 10 years. In addition, he worked as Engineering Manager for the City of Brainerd for 3 years. Mike lives only 7 miles from Rosemount City Hall, and is intimately familiar with neighboring communities and with Dakota County. His experience in the fast growing community of Eagan will be invaluable in his role as Rosemount City Engineer. There is often more than one technical solution to an engineering design. The interaction of design professionals and City maintenance personnel is critical to the long -term success of any construction project. Mike's 13 years of interaction with City maintenance personnel brings this expertise to the table. The input from City maintenance personnel often times provides "insight" into the design which will be in the best long -term interests of the City. Design and maintenance needs to go hand in hand to provide the best possible solutions for the City. Mike will need significant support from SEH to complete the engineering workload that is anticipated to occur in Rosemount. We propose that Mike work closely with an experienced project manager from SEH to make sure that projects get completed on time, within budget, and with no surprises. The project manager assigned to complete the project work will play a role that is equally important as the City Engineer role. We propose to assign Dave Simons, P.E. to Rosemount as the project manager for all project work. Dave has been SEH's representative in Rosemount since 1989. He is familiar with members of the community, staff and City Council, and he knows Rosemount's engineering standards. Dave has extensive project management experience as well as City Engineering experience. He has been a consulting City Engineer or Interim City Engineer in four different communities, and has held office hours at City Hall in one of those communities. Dave will fill a crucially important role, because he will support and serve as a backup for Mike at City Hall, and will also manage the Rosemount project team back at SEH's St. Paul office. We propose that Mike and Dave work hand in hand in these dual leadership roles. Dave will lead a team of SEH professionals and support staff who will be available to work on Rosemount projects. Most of the team members are already trained on Rosemount engineering standards and have experience with previous Rosemount projects. In addition, we commit the full resources of our 600 plus person firm to the City of Rosemount to make sure that the I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 5 Staff Assignments The most significant asset that we have at SEH is our personnel. They are the key reason that we share success with our clients. Staff assignments are made to best match the experience required for each project. This practice means that our clients receive the best service that can be offered — always. We propose to assign Mike Foertsch, P.E. /L.S. as the City Engineer representative in Rosemount. Mike is a registered engineer and land surveyor, and previously worked as the Manager of the Engineering Division in the City of Eagan for 10 years. In addition, he worked as Engineering Manager for the City of Brainerd for 3 years. Mike lives only 7 miles from Rosemount City Hall, and is intimately familiar with neighboring communities and with Dakota County. His experience in the fast growing community of Eagan will be invaluable in his role as Rosemount City Engineer. There is often more than one technical solution to an engineering design. The interaction of design professionals and City maintenance personnel is critical to the long -term success of any construction project. Mike's 13 years of interaction with City maintenance personnel brings this expertise to the table. The input from City maintenance personnel often times provides "insight" into the design which will be in the best long -term interests of the City. Design and maintenance needs to go hand in hand to provide the best possible solutions for the City. Mike will need significant support from SEH to complete the engineering workload that is anticipated to occur in Rosemount. We propose that Mike work closely with an experienced project manager from SEH to make sure that projects get completed on time, within budget, and with no surprises. The project manager assigned to complete the project work will play a role that is equally important as the City Engineer role. We propose to assign Dave Simons, P.E. to Rosemount as the project manager for all project work. Dave has been SEH's representative in Rosemount since 1989. He is familiar with members of the community, staff and City Council, and he knows Rosemount's engineering standards. Dave has extensive project management experience as well as City Engineering experience. He has been a consulting City Engineer or Interim City Engineer in four different communities, and has held office hours at City Hall in one of those communities. Dave will fill a crucially important role, because he will support and serve as a backup for Mike at City Hall, and will also manage the Rosemount project team back at SEH's St. Paul office. We propose that Mike and Dave work hand in hand in these dual leadership roles. Dave will lead a team of SEH professionals and support staff who will be available to work on Rosemount projects. Most of the team members are already trained on Rosemount engineering standards and have experience with previous Rosemount projects. In addition, we commit the full resources of our 600 plus person firm to the City of Rosemount to make sure that the I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 5 0 The following describes the key support staff that will be assigned to Rosemount, and their specific role on the project team. Detailed resumes are located in the Appendix. i 1 1 t I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 6 Staff Assignments, cont. work gets done on time. Our track record on previous projects in Rosemount speaks for itself. Finally, we are open to the City's needs and desires regarding the staff assignments. Many of our employees have worked with the City over the years, and have developed strong relationships with some of the City staff. As a result of these relationships, we understand that the City may have some staff assignment preferences. Although we feel that the staff assignments being proposed are in the City's best interests, we are whole - heartedly open to any changes in the staff assignments that may be requested by the City to better meet the City's needs and desires. This includes the City Engineer r , position. The following describes the key support staff that will be assigned to Rosemount, and their specific role on the project team. Detailed resumes are located in the Appendix. i 1 1 t I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 6 t Key Individuals Michael P. Foertsch P.EJL.S. — City Engineer � y g f L 1 1 1 I t t I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. We propose Mike to serve as the City Engineer for Rosemount. Mike has 13 years of previous experience serving as the Manager of two City Engineering Divisions; Brainerd (1984 — 1987) and Eagan (1987 — 1997). He has the knowledge and experience necessary to assist the City in the challenges facing them in the years to come. We understand that the City's needs range from meeting the challenges of new growth, to the development of a program for infrastructure repair and replacement. Financing the repair and replacement is often times more of a challenge than determining what needs to be done. Mike's familiarity with the communities surrounding Rosemount are critical to successfully serving as Rosemount's City Engineer. His past experience with Eagan has provided him with hands -on working knowledge of the neighboring cities of Apple Valley and Inver Grove Heights, as well as Dakota County as a whole. Mike is in tune with the issues facing Dakota County communities, Mike lives in east central Eagan, just 7 miles from Rosemount City Hall. This proximity provides the City with almost immediate access to Mike if the need should arise in a time of emergency. David F. Simons, P.E. — Project Manager Dave has 17 years of experience in the field of municipal engineering, is a registered professional engineer in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and is a principal of the firm. Dave has worked on many Rosemount projects since he started with the firm in 1989. Dave is a member of the Minnesota Public Works Association and the City Engineers Association of Minnesota. Currently, Dave serves as City Engineer for the cities of Lakeland, Lake St. Croix Beach and St. Mary's Point, Minnesota. In addition, Dave served as Interim City Engineer in River Falls, Wisconsin from 1997 through 1999. In his role as Interim City Engineer, Dave held office hours at city hall two days per week. Dave's responsibilities have included management of the engineering departments, attendance at council and planning commission meetings, overseeing staff, establishing capital improvement budgets, applying for state aid funds, meeting with the public, and designing and overseeing construction projects. Dave's familiarity with the residents of Rosemount, the Rosemount engineering standards, and City Council and City staff will be an invaluable asset to the project team. In addition, Dave's past experience as City Engineer for four different communities will bring valuable experience to the project team. Dave's project management and leadership abilities have been demonstrated through years of successful projects completed on time, within budget, no surprises. Page 7 1 a t c I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Support Staff Jason R. Raverty, P.E. — Project Engineer Jason is a registered Civil Engineer who has worked for SEH since 1997. He has experience on a number of Rosemount projects in a variety of capacities (survey ` crew, field inspector, staff engineer and project engineer). Jason's familiarity with Rosemount's engineering standards and policies will be an added benefit to the project team. Jason will serve as a project engineer for Rosemount projects and will specialize in the preparation of plans and specifications as well as construction administration. Shelly Petermann, EIT — Staff Engineer Shelly Petermann is an Engineer in Training (EIT) who has been with SEH since 1998. Shelly has also worked on a number of Rosemount projects as a staff engineer. Shelly will assist Jason with the preparation of plans, specifications and bidding documents. An example of Shelly's recent work includes the Biscayne Pointe Third Addition, which was constructed in 2000. Shelly prepared the plans and specifications. Margie A. Wass — AutoCAD Technician Margie is an AutoCAD technician who has been with SEH for 10 years. She has participated in plan preparation for many Rosemount projects, and she knows Rosemount's drafting standards. She is also experienced in the preparation of as -built plans and in the procedure for submitting electronic as- builts to the City. Margie has a track record of completing as- builts and submitting them to the City in a timely fashion after the completion of the project. Brian E. Mitchell — Field Technician Brian served as the SEH field representative in Rosemount during 2001. Some of the projects that Brian worked on include the Section 31 Trunk Sewer, Carousel Plaza Street and Utility Improvements, County Road 46/Trunk Highway 3 Reconstruction Project, Shannon Pond Grading, and the Rosemount Business Park, Phase II. Brian has an associate's degree from Dunwoody Institute and is a Mn/DOT certified technician for state aid projects. Page 8 Support Staff, cont. Nicholas Domiano — Surveyor 1 a 1 1 a Nancy's work on city hall renovations, space needs studies, public works facilities, fire stations, pump houses, and other municipal buildings will be invaluable to the City of Rosemount. Nancy has project experience on a wide variety of building types including municipal, federal, housing, and commercial/retail projects. Nick is a survey crew chief with 12 years of experience and is also the survey coordinator for the SEH St. Paul office. When construction projects are in full swing, the scheduling of a survey crew on short notice becomes very important. Nick will be the point person responsible for scheduling survey crews in the City of Rosemount. Nick's extensive experience as a survey crew chief will enable him to match the firm's resources to the survey needs in the field. Rocky J. Keehn, P.E. — Water Resources Engineer Rocky is experienced in many aspects of Water Resources engineering including planning and construction of projects ranging from backyard drainage problems to large highway projects. His experience includes master watershed planning, hydrology and hydraulic models, and has presented one -day seminars on detention and retention pond design. Over the years, Rocky has participated in storm water modeling and design for projects in Rosemount including the Rosemount Business Park, Wachter Pond Outlet, Section 32 Storm Water Analysis, and Biscayne Avenue Storm Drain. Allen H. Sunderman, P.G. — Contamination Specialist Al has over 16 years of environmental consulting experience. Al is a Geologist responsible for Phase I and II environmental site assessments, wellhead protection and brownfields. Special expertise includes soil and groundwater contamination. Extensive experience on municipal street and utility projects encountering contaminated soils and groundwater. Recently, Al obtained and analyzed contaminated soil samples from a building that was removed near the intersection of Trunk Highway 3 and County Road 42 in Rosemount. Nancy G. Schultz, AIA — Architect a Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 9 L Support Staff, cont. 1 r 1 �1- s 1 Glenn R. Eisenbrandt, Jr., P.E. — Electrical/Lighting Engineer Glenn is SEH's Electrical Engineering Services Leader, and is experienced in a wide variety of electrical, power, process control, and SCADA projects for municipal and industrial applications. Types of projects include municipal water, municipal and industrial wastewater, batch manufacturing, utility services, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and pulp and paper. Rebecca L. Blue — GIS Operations Manager Becky has more than 8 years of varied experience in GIS Implementations, Data Integration and Automated Mapping. As GIS Operations Manager at SEH, she supports all departments and clients to develop automated mapping, facilities management and Geographic Information Systems. Experienced in ArcGIS, ARC /INFO, ArcView, ArcCAD, ArcPad by ESRI®, and several database management systems. Dan Cornejo — Planner Dan Cornejo is Director of Community Planning Services for SEH. He has over 28 years of community planning and urban design experience, with particular expertise in neighborhood development and downtown- commercial area revitalization. Dan demonstrates strong leadership in working with the business community, residents, and public officials James P. Norton, P.E. — Water Systems Engineer Jim is Responsible for the management of the Water Department at SEH. Jim's project management and design experience on drinking water projects includes wells, surface water intakes, storage tanks, treatment plants, trunk water main, master water system plans, hydraulic analysis, tank rehabilitation, rate studies, and telecommunication. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 10 Support Staff, cont. L. Patricia Van Gorp — Public Involvement Specialist Ll Todd is one of our wetland specialists at SEH. Todd is trained in identifying, delineating and mapping different types of wetlands. He is also an expert at wetland permitting. Recently, Todd prepared wetland permits for the Rosemount Business Park and the Shannon Pond excavation project. Todd will work closely with Chad Donnelly, the City's Water Resources Coordinator, on all wetland issues. Pat is a trained public involvement specialist. When specialized public involvement services are needed, Pat will fill that role. She will assist in facilitating meetings to draw public support for any controversial projects. Pat is also a certified instructor for "Successful Public Involvement ", and has done extensive training for many SEH clients. Mark D. Benson, P.E. — Transportation Engineer Mark has 16 years of varied transportation planning and preliminary design experience. Many of these years were spent as a Principal Engineer at Mn/DOT where he was in charge of Planning and Preliminary Design. Mark is familiar with all aspects of transportation planning and project development including the state and federal environmental review process, TEA -21, and regional planning processes. Kameron A. Miller — Virtual Reality Imaging (VRI) Specialist Kam has over seven years of experience with the digital world through high end graphics. She develops graphic interfaces for both multimedia projects and the internet. Other graphic experience includes the creation of still and moving computer graphics for the architectural and engineering community, and creation of multi -media programs and presentations. Todd Udvig — Wetland Specialist I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 11 Based on our discussions with City staff, we know that the City needs an experienced individual to serve as City Engineer. It is understood that the level of experience desired does not come without cost to the City. We also recognize the constraints that the City has to operate under from a budgeting perspective. In reviewing the City's CIP to determine the extent of professional engineering services which the City may need over the next two years, we have developed a compensation scheme which, after reaching a certain level of project fee, provides for a reduction in the retainer. rl r� 1 a 1 I 11 I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 12 e Com Compensation Package 9 �( Compensation for City Engineering Services needs to be in concert with the , 'value" the City receives for those services. The cornerstone of our success is our ability to listen to what the client is asking for and then provide that service at a cost which provides the best possible return on the client's investment. Based on our discussions with City staff, we know that the City needs an experienced individual to serve as City Engineer. It is understood that the level of experience desired does not come without cost to the City. We also recognize the constraints that the City has to operate under from a budgeting perspective. In reviewing the City's CIP to determine the extent of professional engineering services which the City may need over the next two years, we have developed a compensation scheme which, after reaching a certain level of project fee, provides for a reduction in the retainer. rl r� 1 a 1 I 11 I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 12 E L abed (algel ale. , pnoq uo paseq) saa3 ;aafoad junuuV 000`000`Z$ 000`OOS`1$ 000`000 000`OOS$ (000`OS$ tunuquiW `000`08$- .iauie;ag umunxcW) aauiejag alqui.UA pasodo.id •.taliunb lsuj agl jo pua oql 1p 3uLun000 luautlsnfpu luut3 all gltm `mX .tupuajuo oql Suunp .zauunb goua jo pua aql 1p in000 pjnoo luau Aud •ptud si junuup aauiulal aql uogm pup moq jo stuns ut ojgixoU wu aM '000'009` i $ 3o ssaoxa ut poloajloo saa3 junuuu Ilu .to3 luulsuoo sutumm pup `lunoutu utnutturut 000`09$ oql sjunbo .tautul -oi all `lutod stgl ld 'lutod 000`009`1$ oql sagouol aaj loofoid junuup aql plun uotlonpat autj- lq�?tu.zis p st .tautu all ` 000`009$ o ql IV 'saa3 l oafozd junuuu ut 000`009$ 0 1 0$ uto.tJ luplsuoo sutuutaa 000`08$ 3o ioutplat junuup oql lugl aloN •ldoouoo sigl solualsnIp otgdu i? iutmojjoj oqZ 'saotn.tas Iuuotssajoid 103 HgS sXud XltD agl 1pgl janaj uo all uo pospq poonpa.t oq llim gotgm nutulat p osodotd om `saspalout saotnaas luuotssajoid .t oj paau s ,Xlt:) oql sV - duo 000`08$ up glim .tautplat junuup « ajquupn„ p 2utsodoid a.tu aM 0$ 000`OZ$ 000`0£$ 000`0b$ 000`OS$ 000`09$ 000`OL$ 000`08$ 000`06$ 000`001$ 000`Oi It 7d �o a e� 0 n a vo ti .oul uos )JalJpuaH A IJ aauielaa t 1 2002 Hourly Billable Rates ■ All project time will be billed to projects based on the schedule of rates shown on the following page. The rates include a slight increase over 2001 rates due to salary adjustments that are anticipated to occur in 2002. As the City is aware, the job market for civil engineering professionals is highly competitive. As a result, salary rates for SEH staff need to be comparable to those in the marketplace to avoid significant turnover of personnel. The City Engineer will bill his time as a "Project Manager" when working on specific projects. This project time will be billed in addition to the retainer described in the previous section. D 1 �J I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 14 2002 Hourly Billable Rates, cont. ' Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 15 Expenses Mileage $0.345 /mile Classification Billable Rate Project Manager $115.00 Reproduction (at cost) Project Engineer $107.50 Staff Engineer $95.00 For: Rosemount, Minnesota Registered Land Surveyor $96.50 Lead Technician $95.00 Senior Technician $86.50 Technician $75.25 Word Processor $64.00 Project Specialist $68.00 - $165.00 (Project Specialist Rate Equals Actual Employee Salary Rate Computed with Standard Multiplier) ' Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 15 Expenses Mileage $0.345 /mile Daily Auto Allowance $10.00 /day Per Diem (at cost) Reproduction (at cost) Geodmeter $25.00 /hour Survey Van Rental $4.50 /hour For: Rosemount, Minnesota Issued: January 1, 2002 Expires: December 31, 2002 Note: City Engineer will be classified as a "Project Manager" when working on specific projects. ' Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 15 1 t t I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 16 2002 Hourly Billable Rates, cont. Although we feel that the compensation package being proposed i in h g p p g g p posed s the best interests of the City, we are whole - heartedly open to any changes in the compensation package that may be suggested by the City to better meet the City's needs and desires. 1 t t I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 16 I� LJ 1 1 References City engineering requires interaction with a number of various City departments as well as staff levels within City departments. The following references represent a variety of City staff positions which we have interacted with. The listing of project types is a sampling of the types of projects which Rosemount may experience in the years to come. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Page 17 CR 42/TH 52/TH 55 INTERCHANGE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT REFERENCES DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Highway 52 ♦ System Alternatives ,' ,:• �....... 1 I � as Fe Option K 1... w in.,wm op _ 1 ..F1 l" essl t, s it -`' gl .. � �o H�ln9ibrwey t - - - a u s. pn I 'lull of f I i lie'fiil I ik -. .. + N Ia spw noto 0.9+ni full i °I I ;al interChaige`l Bic access spfl nM-kY -:- I GGh Rigfn- irv4ighl -oul H1 I' 4 f lndus[ra I Higg hway 42 diamontl "' - I nterchaoge upgrade s r- °n tl I (includes hgn -type connections tolrom F fire nodh and east for predominant movements) ' Clients: . Dakota County, Minnesota . Minnesota Department of Transportation ' Contacts: Sherry Narusiewicz, Mn /DOT Phone: 651.582.1400 ' Fax: 651.582.1368 Email: sherrynarusiewicz @dot.state.mn.us Kristine Vieth, Dakota County Highway Department Phone: 952.891.7104 Fax: 952.891.7127 Email: kristine.vieth @co.dakota.mn.us Description: . Mn /DOT, Dakota County, and the City of Rosemount, assisted by the consultant SEH, are conducting a study of the transportation system in Rosemount and Nininger Townships that include the triangle formed by three major roadways: TH 52, TH 55, and CSAH 42. The goal of the study is to identify an ultimate transportation system improvement plan for the study area that can accommodate traffic volume growth over the next 20+ years. Base don this ultimate plan, individual projects can be efficiently staged over time as needs arise. I COUNTY ROAD 28 CORRIDOR STUDY - REFERENCES EAGAN, MINNESOTA r] I I I I I I I I I k [I I I 1 L' f Coun Road 26 4, C'0'7 r sw� Ch, 8—" i sm 'W A W aIAW iL __ .(CK63 Inver Grove Heights 3 foo Owner: v City of Eagan, Minnesota Contact: Russ Matthys, City Engineer Phone: 651.681.4646 Fax: 651.681.4612 Email: rmatthys@ci.eagan.nm.us Description: v The proposed County Road 28 Corridor Study reviews the feasibility of the extension of County Road 28 between TH 149 and TH 3 in northern Dakota County. This segment of CR 28 is the missing link between the eastern and western Dakota County lines along the CR 28 corridor. The purpose of this study is to analyze traffic operating conditions on roadways surrounding the proposed CR 28 extension and identify a preferred solution that the public, State, regional and local agencies can support. Preliminary concept alignments were developed to complete the missing segment. These concepts were based on engineering evaluation, environmental constraints, community input, and neighborhood involvement. The project is proposed to be constructed in 3 phases over the next 3-5 years at a total estimated cost of $10.6 million. Phase 1 of the project is currently under design at an estimated cost of $3.0 million. SENF "�`ia� rj 1 11 TURNERS CROSSROAD //(ENIA AVENUE - REFERENCES GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA Owner. • City of Golden Valley, Minnesota t� Contact: Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works ° ° r Phone: 763.593.8034 Fax: 763.593.8109 ° Email: jclancy@ci.golden- valley.mn.us Features: v Unique design incorporating roadway geometrics, ,• t 7' "I , . landscaping and alignment to provide traffic calming I�{ I . Regional ponding for existing and redeveloped properties v Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and asbestos o o inspection �}��� Construction Cost: 1 "� - i _ ' "''tea • $3.4 million ft�b' "FWOM$ b SEH Services: v Area -wide traffic study v Extensive public involvement, task force, newsletters, �b meetings and VRI • Signal design v Easement preparation v Preliminary and final design v Construction services v Landscaping design and implementation v Permitting and agency coordination AAMW LAKELAND MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM - REFERENCES LAKELAND, MINNESOTA I I P, 1 L JI I Owner: . City of Lakeland, Minnesota Contact: Jim Gilles, Water Superintendent Phone: 651.436.4430 Fax: 651.436.8118 Email: lakeland@isd.net Features: .380 -foot deep well . Over 100,000 -feet of water main and 34,000 -feet of water services . 300,000 gallon storage tank . 750 gallon per minute water treatment plant . Backwash reclamation system . Automated meter reading system Cost: . $5 million SEH Services: • Public involvement • Feasibility report • System hydraulic analysis • Well and treatment design • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) • Utility coordination • Plans and specifications • Contract administration Award: . Honorary Award, 1992 Minnesota Consulting Engineers Council DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION - REFERENCES ' ROBBINSDALE, MINNESOTA F� Yvup 6R�GI� V. �c I � � �l �a� Note: Sample work completed by Dan Cornejo previous to SEH Robbinsdale Downtown Revitalization Livable Communities Projects Owner: Robbinsdale Economic Development Authority City Hall - 4100 Lakeview Avenue North Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422 Contact: Dennis Kraft, City Manager Phone: 763.531.1204 Fax: 763.531.1291 Email: dkraft @ci.robbinsdale.mn.us Description: . As Development Director, Dan Comejo directed and managed the economic revitalization of the downtown of this older, inner -ring suburb of Minneapolis. West Broadway functions as "Main Street." . Market analysis used as the base for public investment and regulatory strategy. • Commercial loan and grant program. • Architectural Design Guidelines. • Public strategy and design workshops. • Transit transfer station, new mixed -use senior housing, streetscape improvements, farmers market. . Grant application to Livable Communities Program (obtained $780,000). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 References, cont. City of Cambridge Mr. Gordon Heitke Administrator -Clerk 626 Main Street North Cambridge, MN 55008 763.689.3211 City of Eagan Mr. Russ Matthys City Engineer 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 651.681.4600 City of Golden Valley Ms. Jeannine Clancy Director of Public Works 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 763.593.8034 City of Hugo Mr. Mike Ericson Administrator 5524 Upper 146"' Street North Hugo, MN 55038 City of Lake St. Croix Beach Ms. Linda O Donnell Clerk P.O. Box 158 Lake St. Croix Beach, MN 55043 651.436.7031 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. City of Lakeland Mr. Jim Gilles Public Works Director P.O. Box 321 Lakeland, MN 55043 651.436.8044 City of Maplewood Mr. Chuck Ahl, P.E. City Engineer 1830 E. County Road B Maplewood, MN 55109 651.770.4500 (formerly with Burnsville) City of Shoreview Mr. Mark Maloney Director of Public Works 4600 Victoria Street North Shoreview, MN 55126 651.490.4600 Hudson Water Utility Mr. Dennis Christophersen Director 505 Third Street Hudson, Wl 56016 715.386.7319 Page 23 1 7 Appendix Sample of Rosemount Project Experience BISCAYNE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA r Owner . City of Rosemount, Minnesota Features . Reconstruction of an existing gravel road into a 52 -foot wide Municipal State Aid street . 8 -foot wide bituminous trail . Rubber railroad crossing installed at the L P Railroad . Replacement of trunk sewer, water and storm sewer facilities . Jack /bore four (4) utility crossings beneath railroad and county road . Adjacent parking lot construction Cost . $1,444,600 SEH Services • Feasibility report • Construction documents • Construction observation • Regulatory agency coordination • Coordination with adjacent owners and private utilities • Applied for and obtained federal safety funds for construction of signals at railroad crossing . Permitting services 1 CV210 027 BUSINESS PARK - PHASE ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA I k F 1 Owner . Rosemount Port Authority Features • Prime location situated at the intersection of Dakota CSAH 42 and STH 3 • Flexible design that allows for a variety of lot sizes and configurations • Landscaping and decorative acorn style lighting • Looping pedestrian trail system • Wildlife habitat pond • Entrance monument Cost . $1,015,000 SEH Services • Site evaluation • Concept plan preparation • Feasibility report on infrastructure • VRI computer imaging • Preliminary and final plats • Wetland delineation • Construction documents • Construction observation • Marketing assistance • Regulatory agency coordination =SE ES K�,� CV210 022 fl fl LJ VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET - PHASE 1 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Owner . City of Rosemount, Minnesota Features • Interconnected storm water ponds located in a residential area • Combines the function of a storm water pond with the aesthetics of a wildlife pond • Ducks Unlimited and Koch Refinery provided a grant to construct the wildlife components of the project • Wildlife nesting islands • Prairie grass establishment • Dedication sign • Landscaping Cost . $210,000 SEH Services • Public involvement • Feasibility report • Regulatory agency coordination • Erosion monitoring • Construction documents • Construction observation • Easement preparation AEW CV210 003 wndl Idaford fo sdwnsad I xipueddd I n t t u 1 C Michael P. Foertsch, P.E. /L.S. Principal /Client Service Manager >• Education General Background Bachelor of Civil Engineering- North Dakota State University Project management and design experience on a variety of civil engineering (1984) ro ects including Infiltration/ Inflow Analysis I/I street and infrastructure P J g y � ( ); evaluation and upgrade; street, utility and drainage design. Special expertise Associate of Applied Science in implementation, design and management of publicly owned infrastructure Degree - Civil Engineering Technology rehabilitation and redevelopment, from development of concepts and North Dakota State College of financing o ptions through design and construction. Detailed p roject g P 1; g p j Science (1974) management experience on projects involving coordination of public /private and governmental communications. Professional Registration Professional Engineer in In addition, the following management responsibilities with SEH: Minnesota ■ Minnetonka Civil Department Manager (1997 — 2000) Professional Land Surveyor in Minnesota ■ Corporate Civil Service Area Team Leader (2001) ■ Board of Directors Selection Team Leader (2000 — 2001) ■ Client Service Team (On- going) Professional Associations City Engineers Association of Experience Minnesota Penn Avenue and 76th Street Traffic Analysis, Geometric Concept Minnesota Society of Design and General Project Coordination Associated with Best Buy Professional Surveyors Development — Richfield, Minnesota. Client Service Manager responsible for linking up the respective professional services required for the Minnesota Society of needs of Professional Engineers the project. Overseeing that the project is being delivered as desired by the Minnesota Public Works City of Richfield. Association Lexington Avenue — Eagan, Minnesota. Client Service Manager responsible for linking up the respective professional services required for the needs for this project. Is overseeing that the project is being delivered as desired by the City of Eagan. Denmark Avenue — Eagan, Minnesota. Client Service Manager responsible for linking up the respective professional services required for the needs of the project. Is overseeing that the project is being delivered as desired by the City of Eagan. City Water System Chlorine Study — Apple Valley, Minnesota. Project Manager for an analysis of the chlorine levels in water system resulting from public concerns associated with odors. Storm Water System Flooding Mitigation — Hopkins, Minnesota. Project Manager for development of flood mitigation improvements and street and utility reconstruction. ' Storm and Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation — Eagan, Minnesota. Project Manager for the rehabilitation of 6 storm water and 2 sanitary sewer lift stations which flooded during the July 2000 storm rainfall event. The identified improvements included new telemetry controls, raising the wet wells, inlet control structures and power supply relocation. L� I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Michael P. Foertsch, cont. Storm Water Analysis — Castle Rock Township, Minnesota. Y p, Project Manager for the development of a storm water management plan for the portion of Castle Rock Township tributary to the City of Farmington storm water system. j Experience prior to joining SEH City of Eagan Minnesota (1987 -1997) Manager of the Engineering Division of Public Works. Some of the responsibilities included the following: ■ Served as the City's project manager for all public infrastructure installations within the City. r ■ Annual budget and CIP preparation and administration. ■ Represented the City at District Court hearing proceedings relative to ' condemnation hearings, final assessment appeals and related public infrastructure disputes. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ■ Project assignments to in -house and consultant personnel. ■ Administered the City's Municipal State Aid street program. ■ Provided technical on -going support to the City's Advisory Planning Commission and the City Council. ■ Represented the City's interest with other governmental agencies, developers and the general public. ■ Served as a board member of the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization. Assistant City Engineer City of Brainerd, Minnesota (1984 -1987) Responsible for the design, planning and execution of all public works city improvements. (Prior to 1984) Three private surveying and engineering companies. Provided a diverse cross - section of surveying experience. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. David F. Simons, P.E. Principal /Project Manager Education General Background Bachelor of Science Experience in a wide variety of civil and municipal engineering projects as a Civil Engineering design and project engineer and project manager. Responsibilities have University of Minnesota (1984) � P J g P 1 g P ranged from project conception to completion including scoping and University of Wisconsin, planning, feasibility report preparation, design calculations and layout, plan I Platteville and specification preparation, cost estimating, contract administration, construction observation and supervision of field services. Types of projects Professional Registration include water supply, storage and distribution systems; drainage systems; I Professional Engineer in sanitary collection systems; roadway systems; site grading improvements, Minnesota and Wisconsin general municipal engineering, and parks. I Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Update — Rosemount, Minnesota. City Engineering Services. Currently serving Lakeland, St. Mary's Point, Prepared an update to the city's outdated 1980 Comprehensive Sewer Plan, Professional Associations and Lake Saint Croix Beach, Minnesota as Consulting City Engineer. ' American Public Works Responsibilities include attendance at City Council and Planning sewer conditions were documented, and the existing system was analyzed for Association Commission meetings, and workshops. Miscellaneous city engineering duties I for street, drainage, and municipal water systems. City Engineer's Association of Minnesota Past Interim City Engineer — River Falls, Wisconsin. Duties included I attendance at City Council meetings, Plan Commission meetings, and workshops. Held established office hours at City Hall two days per week. Was responsible for the supervision of a small engineering staff. Performed a wide variety of city engineering activities. Experience Marion Road Trunk Sewer — Rochester, Minnesota. Assisted with the I preliminary and final design of a 27 -inch diameter trunk sewer, extended to the southeast portion of Rochester. Land use, steep slopes, and flood prone areas were studied to determine pipe sizes. A draft Environmental ' Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was prepared for the area. Badger Run Trunk Sewer — Rochester, Minnesota. Preliminary and final design of this segment of 21 -inch trunk sewer located upstream of the I Marion Road Trunk Sewer. Permits included DNR stream crossing permit, MPCA permit for sewer extension, Olmsted County permit for crossing County right -of -way, and a wetland permit for installing a pipe in a wetland area. Downtown Street and Utility Improvements — Stillwater, Minnesota. Designed curb and gutter grades on streets and intersections. Developed I details for street, sidewalk, boulevard, and crosswalk areas. Project cost: $5.5 million. I Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Update — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared an update to the city's outdated 1980 Comprehensive Sewer Plan, as a result of significant development in several key areas of the city. ' Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan — Lakeville, Minnesota. Existing sewer conditions were documented, and the existing system was analyzed for 1 capacity and infiltration/inflow. Phasing out of temporary lift stations was studied and future trunk needs were identified. All work was coordinated I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Water Distribution System — Lakeland, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for 17 miles of water main to serve the entire cities of Lakeland and Lakeland Shores. Design included computer analysis using WATERWORKS computer software. 300,000 - Gallon Groundwater Storage Tank — Lakeland, Minnesota. Performed storage calculations and assisted with the preparation of plans for the ground storage tank. Water System Improvements — Newport, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for a high zone feeder main, two water storage tanks, an in -line booster pump and an update of the SCADA system. Water System Study — Mounds View, Minnesota. Assisted the city's engineering staff in setting up the water system on KYPIPE computer software. Also used the software to prepare a study on a new water storage facility. Lift Station No. 5 — Rosemount, Minnesota. Reviewed progress of lift station during construction and coordinated connection of remote sensing equipment to the city's computer. ' 160th Street Trunk Water Main — Rosemount, Minnesota. Analyzed city's water system with KYPIPE computer software to determine the size of a new trunk water main. Prepared feasibility study and plans and specifications, and observed construction. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. David F. Simons, cont. ' with regulatory agencies and with city's Strategic Growth Management Plan. A Capital Improvement Plan was developed and a final report was prepared. ' Armory Sanitary Sewer Study — Rosemount, Minnesota. Study evaluated five different alternatives for serving a new armory with sanitary sewer. The recommended alternative involved constructing a new trunk sewer and relocating an existing lift station. Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Facilities — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility report, construction plans and specifications, and easement documents. Project included abandonment of temporary lift station, construction of a new lift station, and construction of a mile of 16 -inch sewer ' and 12 -inch forcemain. Brockway Draw Trunk Sewer- Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility study, plans and specifications, and reviewed construction for a ' 30 -inch diameter trunk sewer to serve the northwest part of Rosemount. Water and Sewer Rate Study — Rosemount, Minnesota. Conducted a comprehensive study of water and sewer rate structures. Set up an interactive computer model that allowed a number of different rate "scenarios" to be quickly compared. Analyzed debt service, capital improvement projects, unaccounted for water, etc. Compared quarterly versus monthly billing cycles. Reviewed results with Utility Commission and City Council. ' Prepared a final report with recommendations on water and sewer rates for the next five years. Water Distribution System — Lakeland, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for 17 miles of water main to serve the entire cities of Lakeland and Lakeland Shores. Design included computer analysis using WATERWORKS computer software. 300,000 - Gallon Groundwater Storage Tank — Lakeland, Minnesota. Performed storage calculations and assisted with the preparation of plans for the ground storage tank. Water System Improvements — Newport, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for a high zone feeder main, two water storage tanks, an in -line booster pump and an update of the SCADA system. Water System Study — Mounds View, Minnesota. Assisted the city's engineering staff in setting up the water system on KYPIPE computer software. Also used the software to prepare a study on a new water storage facility. Lift Station No. 5 — Rosemount, Minnesota. Reviewed progress of lift station during construction and coordinated connection of remote sensing equipment to the city's computer. ' 160th Street Trunk Water Main — Rosemount, Minnesota. Analyzed city's water system with KYPIPE computer software to determine the size of a new trunk water main. Prepared feasibility study and plans and specifications, and observed construction. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. I David F. Simons, cont. ' 202nd Street Improvements — Lakeville Minnesota. Designed a sanitary P � g sewer lift station and force main for a 35 -lot development along Lake Marion. Valley Oak Ponds — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility study and plans and specifications for three storm water ponds and the interconnecting piping. Project included site grading and utility construction along with establishment of prairie grass and landscaping. Jaycee Park — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications and managed construction of grading and utilities for a new city park including soccer and softball fields, lighting, and irrigation systems. Parking area included landscaped islands constructed of concrete curb and gutter. McDonough Homes Improvements, Public Housing Agency of St. Paul — St. Paul, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for landscaping, utility improvements, and playground areas. Project included demolition of existing structures, construction of new screen walls, wrought iron fencing, sidewalks, and playground equipment. downtown commercial area. Rosemount Business Park — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared a concept plan including layout of sewer, water, street, and drainage facilities for a 480 -acre light industrial park. Prepared a feasibility study, preliminary plat and final plat for Phase I of the Business Park. Also. prepared plans and specifications and observed construction of Phase I. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. North Park Improvements — Lakeville, Minnesota. Designed a new parking lot, lighting, landscaping, and utility improvements for North Park, which is located adjacent to children's playground area. ' Shannon Hills First Addition — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility study, and plans and specifications for streets and utilities in a new 30 -lot residential development. O'Leary's Hills 5th Addition — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility report, plans and specifications for street and utility construction in a new 35 -lot housing development. West Ridge 4th Addition — Rosemount, Minnesota. Designed a 32 -lot subdivision including trunk utilities and bituminous street paving. Prepared ' feasibility study and plans and specifications, and observed construction. West Ridge 3rd Addition — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility report, plans and specifications for street and utility construction in a new 41- lot housing development. Chippendale Avenue Construction — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared ' plans and specifications for the reconstruction of a 1 -mile collector street. Plans included a parking lot area for a neighborhood park. Ortonville CBD Improvements — Ortonville, Minnesota. Assisted with plan preparation for a major street and utility reconstruction through a downtown commercial area. Rosemount Business Park — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared a concept plan including layout of sewer, water, street, and drainage facilities for a 480 -acre light industrial park. Prepared a feasibility study, preliminary plat and final plat for Phase I of the Business Park. Also. prepared plans and specifications and observed construction of Phase I. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. I David F. Simons, cont. River Falls Industrial Park — River Falls, Wisconsin. Assisted with the conceptual layout of infrastructure for the city's industrial park. Planned for future utilities and streets by evaluating several different layout options. Assisted with the preparation of a feasibility study. ' Village of North Hudson — North Hudson, Wisconsin. Reviewed plats, prepared plans and specifications for annual street and utility projects, general engineering. Comprehensive Water Study Plan — River Falls, Wisconsin. Assisted with the preparation of a comprehensive water plan that included capital improvements and financial planning. Prepared a CIP detailing the costs and timing of improvements. Recommendations were also made regarding the adequacy of the existing water rates to fund the proposed improvements. Northwest Utilities and Roadways Extension — Owatonna, Minnesota. A $3.5 million utility and roadway construction project located in the northwest part of Owatonna. This project involved the extension of trunk, sewer and water main to a large development anchored by a new Cabela's store. Included three sanitary sewer lift stations, one potable water pumping station, and utility trunk mains up to 21 -inch in diameter. In addition, approximately 1 mile of County State Aid Highway was relocated as part of the project. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was also prepared. Project included extensive coordination and permitting involving the City of Owatonna, Owatonna Public Utilities, Steele County, Owatonna Township, and Clinton Falls Township. Biscayne Avenue Construction — Rosemount, Minnesota. Designed a 1.5- mile State Aid reconstruction project, including a roadway realignment, railroad crossing approaches, guard rail, and new curb and gutter. Hoffman, Rose, and Ninth Street Bridge Approaches, Owatonna — Steele County, Minnesota. Design of concrete approaches, and traffic control on. bridge rehabilitation project. Automated Water Meter System Installation — Robbinsdale, Minnesota. As a follow -up to a water rate study and water meter automation study, prepared plans and specifications for several different automated metering systems. Based on a review of the bids, the drive -by radio -read system was selected. Over 5,000 automated meters were installed to replace the existing manual read units. The change over has allowed the City to read all 5,000 meters in less than one day's time. Water and Sewer Rate Study — North St. Paul, Minnesota. Study made recommendations for adjusted sewer and water rates based on a 5 -year projection of expenses and revenues. Assisted the City with the development of a 5 -year CIP, and presented the study to the City Council in a workshop setting. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ' Jason R. Raverty, P.E. Project Engineer Education General Background Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering Project Engineer with experience in a variety of municipal engineering I University of Wisconsin — projects. Responsibilities include the preparation of feasibility studies, Platteville (1997) preliminary and final design, cost estimating and construction observation. Project types include site grading, water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer I Professional Registration and street construction. Professional Engineer in I Minnesota and Wisconsin Experience Project Engineer for: I Woodland Place — Lake St. Croix Beach, Minnesota. Design, construction documents and construction observation for storm sewer, water main and street improvements in a 10 lot residential development. I Dakota County Shop Sanitary Sewer Service — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared plans and technical specifications for sanitary sewer service to the new Dakota County Maintenance Facility. 1 North Main Street Improvements — River Falls, Wisconsin. Analyzed options for pavement rehabilitation on a one mile section of a four lane, high volume arterial roadway. Designed and prepared specification for double chip seal rehabilitation. Provided construction observation for chip sealing and striping reconfiguration. Shannon Pond Excavation — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared grading plan and bidding documents for the excavation and grading to increase the detention volume of Shannon Pond. 9th Street Drainage Improvements — River Falls, Wisconsin. Design and construction documents for parking lot reconstruction and concrete lined drainage swale to provide a positive overflow to eliminate flooding problems. Carrousel Plaza — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility report and plans and specifications for sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and street improvements in a new 38 unit town home development. Special features include a 150 -foot subsurface crossing of the CP Railroad and a 100 - foot subsurface crossing of TH 3. Section 31 Sanitary Sewer Improvements — Rosemount, Minnesota. Feasibility report, design and construction documents for a 12 -inch diameter trunk sanitary sewer, including a 140 -foot subsurface crossing of the CP Railroad. Rosemount Business Park Phase II — Rosemount, Minnesota. Assisted in the preparation of feasibility study and plans and specifications. Observed construction for site grading and street and utility improvements. This project included a quarter mile extension of an MSA roadway. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 1 I Jason R. Raverty, cont. ' Biscayne Pointe — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility studies, P Y plans and specifications, and observed construction for street and utility improvements for 3 phases of a new 145 lot housing development. Special features include a quarter mile extension of an MSA roadway and a 150 -foot subsurface crossing of the UP Railroad. Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan — Cambridge, Minnesota. Project included layout of future trunk facilities and future flow calculations. The existing system was analyzed to determine what areas would be inadequate at ultimate flow. Oakridge Estates — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility report, plans and specifications and observed construction for a new 10 -lot rural residential development. Rosemount Commons — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility study, plans and specifications, and observed construction for street and utility improvements in a new 121 unit town home development. The Enclave Addition — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared feasibility study, plans and specifications, and observed construction for street and utility improvements in a new 128 unit detached town home development. Brockway Draw Trunk Sanitary Sewer — Rosemount, Minnesota. Assisted in feasibility report and plans and specifications ,preparation and observed construction Hawkins Pond — Rosemount, Minnesota. Observed construction of street and utility improvements in a new 68 -lot residential development. fl 1 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. �I ' Michelle L. Petermann, E.I.T. Graduate Engineer Badger Run Sub Trunk Sanitary Sewer — Rochester, Minnesota. Preliminary and final design of this segment of 21 -inch diameter trunk sewer, extended to the southeast portion of Rochester in Marion Township. Permits included DNR stream crossing permit, MPCA permit for sewer extensions, Olmsted County permit for crossing County right -of -way and a wetland permit for installing pipe in a wetland area. County Road E and Labore Road — Vadnais Heights, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for Ramsey County and State Aid. Design included widening County Road E and adding curbed medians and turn ' lanes. Superelevated street section, sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer, and curb and gutter were added to Labore Road. I; I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Education General Background Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Project engineer with general civil engineering experience. Responsibilities University of Wisconsin - have ranged from feasibility rep preparation, desi n calculations and g Y P P P g Madison (1998) layout using EaglePoint software, plan and specification preparation, cost estimating, and construction observation in the field. Types of projects include sanitary sewer collection systems, 1/1 removal studies, water supply, Professional Registration drainage systems, roadway systems, site grading improvements, and general Engineer -in- Training municipal engineering. Experience Biscayne Pointe Third Addition — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for the third phase of the Biscayne Point development. Project included the design of 1,000 feet of Biscayne Avenue, a State Aid road. Entire project included watermain, storm sewer, and a section of trunk sanitary sewer. Rosemount Business Park — Rosemount, Minnesota. Prepared preliminary report, plans and specifications. Design included sanitary sewer, watermain ' street, storm sewer and site grading. Also included adding and extending turn lanes and medians on County Road 42 and adding curbed median on Biscayne Avenue. Rochester Pilot Project UI Study — Rochester, Minnesota. Analyzed results of flow monitoring, manhole inspections, televising using SSMS flow modeling software to identify UI problems with downtown area sanitary sewer system. Assisted in completing and presenting final report, including recommendations for 1/1 removal to the City. Badger Run Sub Trunk Sanitary Sewer — Rochester, Minnesota. Preliminary and final design of this segment of 21 -inch diameter trunk sewer, extended to the southeast portion of Rochester in Marion Township. Permits included DNR stream crossing permit, MPCA permit for sewer extensions, Olmsted County permit for crossing County right -of -way and a wetland permit for installing pipe in a wetland area. County Road E and Labore Road — Vadnais Heights, Minnesota. Prepared plans and specifications for Ramsey County and State Aid. Design included widening County Road E and adding curbed medians and turn ' lanes. Superelevated street section, sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer, and curb and gutter were added to Labore Road. I; I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ' Education Studies in Geology, Cartography, Physics, and Liberal Arts University of Minnesota, Duluth Computer Aided Drafting and ' Design (AutoCAD) St. Paul Technical College ' Training Eagle Point Software MicroStation Software Margie A. Wass CADD Technician General Background CADD Technician with a background in civil technology. Responsibilities include drawings for feasibility reports, design calculations and layouts using Eagle Point design software, and plan preparation. Types of projects include street rehabilitation, utilities, city mapping, site development and construction. Experience Rosemount Business Park — Rosemount, Minnesota. Project include official plat, easement drawings, site grading, utilities, and street construction. Lakeville City Mapping — Lakeville, Minnesota. Project included streets, zoning, and landuse. Oakdale Street Improvements — Oakdale, Minnesota. Rehabilitation projects include utility locates, easements, utilities, street rehabilitation or reconstruction, and signing and pavement marking. New construction projects include official plat, easement drawings, grading, lot layout, utilities, street construction, signing and pavement markings, and traffic signals. Hudson Water Distribution System Mapping — Hudson, Wisconsin. Annual updates to city base map and water distribution system. ' Downtown Street Project — Cambridge, Minnesota. Project included utilities, street reconstruction, signing and pavement marking, street lighting, traffic signal revisions, and streetscaping. Experience gained prior to joining SEH: Houston Engineering, Inc. — Fargo, North Dakota. Experience included ' rural water distribution systems for much of eastern North Dakota, pumping stations for these systems, certificates of survey, site designs and utility and street layouts. ' Minnesota Department of Transportation — Duluth, Minnesota. Four years technician experience in both the location department and the preliminary design department. Experience included alignment and ' earthwork computations, preliminary calculations for the I -35 Highway system in Duluth, and drafting existing topography and design information. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ' Section 31 Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Phase I and II) – Rosemount, Minnesota. Inspection of trunk sanitary sewer line for future service to the Rosemount Business Park. This multi -stage project involves installation of sewer pipe ranging in depths from 18 to 40 feet, along with a subsurface crossing under the Canadian Pacific Railroad. (2001) Carrousel Plaza Townhome Development – Rosemount, Minnesota. ' Inspection of current project involves construction of utility and streets to serve the new development along with a trunk watermain line along hwy 3. This project includes two (2) subsurface crossings, one under hwy 3 and the other under Canadian Pacific Railroad. (2001) 1 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Brian E. Mitchell Associate Technician ' Education General Background Civil Technology /Land Surveying — Dunwoody Four years experience with SEH and the civil department. Experience in all ' Institute (1997) stages of preliminary and final plan production for municipal projects through the use of drafting and design software. Various projects involved assisting with feasibility studies and plan production for street and utility ' improvement projects and drafting and design support for the construction and rehabilitation of liftstation projects. Experience in providing RPR services on municipal projects involving: utility and street construction, grading projects, subsurface crossings, and mill and overlay projects. ' Experience Resident Project Representative for: Phase 4 Street Reconstruction – Crystal, Minnesota. Inspection of residential utility and street improvements. (1998) Dutch Knoll (Weber Farms) – Rogers, Minnesota. Inspection of utility and street work for new residential development. (1998) Xenium Lane Utility Extension Project – Minnetonka, Minnesota. Inspection of a sewer and water extension for a Habitat for Humanity housing development. (1999) ' 66 " Ave. and Camden Street Improvements – Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Inspection of street and utility improvements for a new controlled intersection at 66 Ave. and Camden, and rehabilitation of ' Camden Ave. through street and utility improvements. (1999) 2000 Street and Utility Improvements – Brownton, Minnesota. Assisted project RPR with the inspection of street and utility improvements for a residential neighborhood. (2000) ' Section 31 Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Phase I and II) – Rosemount, Minnesota. Inspection of trunk sanitary sewer line for future service to the Rosemount Business Park. This multi -stage project involves installation of sewer pipe ranging in depths from 18 to 40 feet, along with a subsurface crossing under the Canadian Pacific Railroad. (2001) Carrousel Plaza Townhome Development – Rosemount, Minnesota. ' Inspection of current project involves construction of utility and streets to serve the new development along with a trunk watermain line along hwy 3. This project includes two (2) subsurface crossings, one under hwy 3 and the other under Canadian Pacific Railroad. (2001) 1 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ' Nicholas Domiano Survey Crew Chief ' Education General Background Civil Tech Certificate He Technical College Performs a wide variety of preliminary and construction surveys with ' TOTAL Stations as a main tool. Types of surveys include sewer, water, storm sewer, highway, bridge, airport, parking lots, building layouts, section Hennepin County Land Survey corner breakdowns, aerial survey control, data collection for preliminary ' Tech I plans. Passed Civil Service Exams for Anoka and Hennepin Counties; Experience Minneapolis and St. Paul City ' positions; and State Highway Crew Chief for Technician. 35E/University Sewer Separation Project in State Capitol Area — ' St. Paul, Minnesota. Training Certificate of Completion in 69th Avenue Street Reconstruction and Utilities — Brooklyn Center, Lotus Minnesota. ' Anoka Technical College 65th Avenue Park and Ride Pond Trail — Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Certificate of Completion in AutoCAD Market Street — Golden Valley, Minnesota. Metric construction plan St. Paul TVI staking. Trimble 117th Street/TH 52 - Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. GPS Training 7th and Cedar — St. Paul, Minnesota. Tunnel construction. Pro XL Biscayne Avenue — Rosemount, Minnesota. Owatonna Bridge over I -35 — Owatonna, Minnesota. Managing People University of St. Thomas Amery Airport Runways and Taxiways Layout — Wisconsin Bureau of Management Center Aeronautics. ' Team Member Skill Sterling Street Reconstruction and Utilities — Maplewood, Minnesota. Development Training University of St. Thomas Preliminary Data Collection for Design Purposes — Various Projects. ' Management Center University of Minnesota parking lots; City of St. Paul Sewer Separation Confined Space Training Project, Cleveland/Magoffin; and City of St. Paul Sewer Separation Project, Certificate University /Mississippi. it I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Rocky J. Keehn, P.E. Principal /Manager, Water Resources Services Education General Background Master of Science Experienced in watershed management and related civil works projects as a Water Resources Iowa State University (1987) ro ect engineer and desig engineer. Proficient in urban hydrolo P J g � g _ hydraulics, and related software applications. Project experience includes Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering comprehensive storm water management planning, storm sewer system ' University of Nebraska, Lincoln analysis and design, hydraulic and hydrologic studies, detention basin design, (1982) flood routing, flood plain analysis, open channel designs, and plan and specification preparation for urban drainage improvement projects. Rocky is Professional Registration currently the Service Area Leader for the Water Resources Department. Professional Engineer in Minnesota and Wisconsin Experience ' Professional Hydrologist in Project Mana e r for Wisconsin Water Resources Project Coordinator. Experienced in the coordination of ' Professional Associations Water resources staff to participate in municipal and transportation projects. The project coordinator makes sure that the correct staff and resources are American Society r Civil Engineers- Member i assigned to complete the water resources aspects of the ro projects. This g P P P J requires the knowledge of permit requirements, wetlands, detention and ' Minnesota Chapter American retention pond construction, hydraulic and hydrologic design methodologies Society of Civil Engineers - Board Member - President and most important, constructability of projects. As part of the team, participates in meetings with the external clients and the project design team. Committee Member Minnesota ASCE Water Resources Following is a list of current projects in which the water resources aspect of Committee (1992 Chairperson) the project was managed: . State Highway 100 (Segment 3) — Mn/DOT/ Robbinsdale ' Continuing Education . County State Aid Highway 101 — Hennepin County Supervisory Leadership Series Larson Allen Corporate ■ State Highway 23 near Spicer — Mn/DOT ' Learning - Brooklyn Center, Minnesota (Monthly 1999 - ■ State Highway 197 — Bemidji ' 2001) Design Infrastructure and Flood Reduction — Cowern School Detention Ponds — North St. Paul. Prepared drainage study, plans and specification and observation of Implementing Practices for construction for a detention pond project aimed to reduce localized flooding Stormwater Quality Improvement - Department of in residential neighborhoods. The total project cost of the project was near ' Engineering Professional $750,000 and consisted of the construction of four detentionlretention ponds Development - University of to reduce to flows to downstream storm sewer system. The flow reduction Wisconsin, Madison (May allowed for the existing storm sewer system to handle localized flow and ' 1999) thus reduced flooding in low points in the streets. A unique component to the Course Instructor for "Using project was the coordination required with Cowern Elementary School. Natural Resources Three of the ponds where constructed as educational amenities to the school Conservation Service (NRCS) environmental programs. — Based on Methods for the Design of Detention and Local Water Management Plan, Lino Lakes, Minnesota — Rice Creek Retention Basins." Earle Brown Watershed District. Preparation of a phased local water management plan in Continuing Education Center, accordance with the Rice Creek Watershed District. Phase I included a policy ' St. Paul Campus — University of Minnesota (October University document, creation of water quality task force, and researching existing hydrologic data. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Rocky J. Keehn, cont. ' Storm Sewer and Drainage Improvement Projects — Maplewood, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. Prepared plans and specifications for three major drainage improvement projects including: Footprint Lake Outlet ($2 million) in Maplewood, Minnesota; County Road B in Maplewood, Minnesota ($1 million); and Tower Avenue Storm Sewer Trunk Line in ' Superior, Wisconsin ($1.9 million). Tower Avenue Storm Sewer Trunk Line — Superior, Wisconsin. Prepared feasibility study and plans and specifications for construction of storm sewer to . intercept runoff to reduce flow to existing undersized drainage system. Used EDS Storm Sewer program to size new storm sewer system and analyze its impacts on the existing storm sewer system for 5,000 feet of pipe. Total project cost was $1.4 million with pipe sizes from 12" to 72 ". Hydrologic Engineer for ' Kraemer Box Culvert — Burnsville, Minnesota. Analysis of 1,400 acres of watershed area to verify size of culvert discharging to Minnesota River. 44,300 feet of storm sewer were modeled using XPSWMM and EDS storm ' sewer program. Final culvert was determined to be a 12' by 12' box culvert. Study also determined impacts of the Minnesota River on the upstream storm sewer system once the box culvert is installed. Storm Water Management Planning. Analysis of lakes, ponds, and wetlands to determine the water surface elevations for the 100 -year storm event using the SCS TR -20 computer program in conjunction with ' comprehensive plans in Roseville, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, North St. Paul, Lino Lakes, and Mounds View, Minnesota. Each study addresses both present and future land use. Based on the data obtained from computer ' analysis, problem areas are recognized, reviewed and analyzed for possible solutions. Drainage Studies for Lakeland, Lino Lakes, Maplewood, Mounds View, Ramsey, and St. Paul, Minnesota and Chippewa Falls, . Wisconsin. Detailed hydrologic analysis of drainage systems which had previously experienced flooding problems or could affect downstream drainage facilities. Several of these studies discussed water quality concerns, recreational benefits and capital improvement needs. Comprehensive Storm Sewer Project — Becker, Minnesota. Used EDS Storm Sewer computer program to determine future storm sewer needs for the City of Becker. Project determined all future needs based on proposed and existing development. Hydraulic Engineer for Several Projects Using HEC -2 Computer Program. Performed detailed water surface profile analysis for drainage systems in Roseville, Mounds View, and Anoka County- Blaine Airport, in Minnesota; and River Falls, Wisconsin. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 1 Allen H. Sunderman, P.G. Principal /Senior Hydrogeologist Education General Background Bachelor of Science, Geology principal/Hydrogeologist responsible for soil and groundwater contamination University of Minnesota investigations, remediation, hydrogeologic studies, groundwater monitoring Duluth (1981) plan design, installation of monitoring systems, groundwater monitoring, Post Graduate Study, sampling and analysis, soil and subsurface exploration. Wellhead protection ' Univer geology plans, delineation, groundwater modeling, brownfields, risk assessment. University of Minnesota (1985) P ' g g, MODFLOW 3 -D Groundwater Experienced in soil and groundwater remediation, site assessments, Modeling, NGWA (1992) environmental audits. ' Ground Water Geochemistry, NGWA (1993) Experience ' Remediation of NAPL's in Metropolitan Council Environmental Services — Environmental Site Groundwater NGWA (1994) Assessments, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. Responsible for Remediation of Chlorinated completion of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of three proposed 8- ' Compounds NGWA (1998) mile corridors. Project included site reconnaissance of corridor and adjacent Professional Registration/ properties, files searches, and historical review with recommendations. Certification Magnamet, Inc. — Duluth, Minnesota. Phase II Remedial Investigation of Professional Geologist, metal scrap yard. Conducted drilling and sampling to characterize potential Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana soil contamination. Project also included evaluating waste disposal options of Professional Geologist - AIPG shredder waste at Iowa site. Andover and Columbus Township, Minnesota. Project manager for the design, plans and specifications for two new fueling facilities and the removal and disposal of twelve USTs and one AST. Project included design of a canopy, working with three separate County departments, planning ' meeting with the County to determine tank sizes, facility layout, tank types, facility locations and to address unique concerns. ' Plymouth, Minnesota. Responsible for developing the groundwater framework for the City's Water Quality Management Plan. Elements of the Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Blaine, Minnesota. Project manager responsible for investigating source and ' Waste, Certified and Supervisor Certification extent of petroleum and hazardous waste release in soil and groundwater of city -owned property. Contaminants included chlorinated compounds from Professional Associations unknown source. Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District. Project included (AGWSE) coordinating, overseeing, and documenting all field work including ' National Ground Water Geoprobe sampling, well installation, and soil and groundwater sampling. Association (NGWA) The QAPP included all field and laboratory methodologies and QA/QC. The Minnesota Ground Water Health Site and Safety Plan was prepared as a separate document. ' Association (MGWA) Minnetonka, Minnesota. Responsible for project management of design, American Institute of plans and specifications of the fueling facility at the City of Minnetonka's Professional Geologists (AIPG) Operations and Maintenance Facility. Unique issues with this project Minnesota Chapter AIPG included designing the system to it could be utilized by existing dispenser National Brownfield island and later upgraded to a new dispenser island at a different location. Association The design incorporated the existing leak detection and fuel management ' systems into the new fueling facility. Plans and specifications were also prepared for an AST system for the lift station on site. Andover and Columbus Township, Minnesota. Project manager for the design, plans and specifications for two new fueling facilities and the removal and disposal of twelve USTs and one AST. Project included design of a canopy, working with three separate County departments, planning ' meeting with the County to determine tank sizes, facility layout, tank types, facility locations and to address unique concerns. ' Plymouth, Minnesota. Responsible for developing the groundwater framework for the City's Water Quality Management Plan. Elements of the Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 1 Alien H. Sunderman, cunt. groundwater framework included; wellhead rotection, groundwater P �' emergency and conservation plans, groundwater sensitivity analysis, geology ' and hydrogeology overview, groundwater /surface water interaction, and an action plan. Goodhue County, Minnesota. Prepared Phase I, IL and III hydrogeologic evaluations and work plans for Wanamingo Landfill. Project responsibilities included project management; well design, installation, groundwater monitoring and sampling, hydrogeologic evaluation of groundwater, geology, perched groundwater, and receptors. Developed environmental monitoring system. Hudson, Wisconsin. Project included the delineation of five existing municipal wells, two proposed wells, and one non - system well; and contaminant source inventory and wellhead management strategies. ' Responsibilities included project management, meetings and presentations to Utility Commission, Council, and citizens. Edina, Minnesota. Working in coordination with Minnesota Department of Health, Hennepin County Conservation District, and City of Edina to delineate wellhead protection areas for 18 municipal wells in a complex multi - aquifer system. Conducted aquifer and well vulnerability assessments, ' and delineated 18 drinking water supply management areas within Edina's GIS system. Completed a final Wellhead Protection Plan in accordance to Minnesota Wellhead Protection Rules. ' Minnesota Department of Transportation. Phase I ESA for Mn/DOT as part of the State TH 22 improvement study. Site assessment was conducted along on approximate 9 mile corridor from St. Peter, Minnesota to Mankato, ' Minnesota. In addition, a Phase I Site Assessment along a one mile corridor on State Highway 99 west of St. Peter was conducted. Industrial Landfill — St. Paul, Minnesota. Project hydrogeologist for hazardous waste landfill capping project along the Mississippi River. Responsibilities included soil testing, clay borrow, analysis, construction monitoring, and regulatory compliance. ' Red Wing Land Disposal Facility — Goodhue County, Minnesota. Completed Phase II, III, and IV hydrogeologic work plans and evaluations. Currently conducting remedial groundwater investigation for a corrective ' action plan. Project included Geoprobe ® , well and piezometer design and installations, and groundwater analysis. Shoreview, Minnesota. Responsible for project management of tank removal, remedial investigation, soil remediation, plans and specifications for tank installation, Petrofund reimbursement assistance. Project included spill and overfill protection, leak detection product level, and warning system designed to be compatible with existing monitoring system. Ingersoll-Rand Company — Phillipsburg, New Jersey. Supervised design and installation of 400 -acre storm water management plan, NPDES permits and local /state regulatory compliance. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Professional Registration 20 -Unit Senior Housing — Traverse Care Center, Wheaton, Minnesota. Registered Architect in The need to provide housing for the frail and elderly became imperative as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, housing options for these citizens reduced. Full architectural and construction ' Michigan management services were provided to design a 20 -unit elderly- housing complex to be attached to an existing nursing home. There were some NCARB Certification services and amenities, which would be provided by the nursing facility. Some remodeling of the nursing care center also occurred during this project. Professional Associations Project completion: 1997. Construction cost: $97,970. American Institute of Architects Various Senior Apartment Projects — Southcentral Minnesota Housing National Association for and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), Madelia, Minnesota. Lead Housing Redevelopment architectural team working on senior apartments in: Madelia, adjacent to the Officials (NAHRO) hospital (20 units); Arlington, adjacent to the hospital (26 units); Trimount, Minnesota Facilitators Network renovation of a closed hospital (12 units); and Gibbon, free standing (10 -12 units). Project also involved independent senior apartments in several communities in Southcentral Minnesota. Project completion: 1992. Construction cost: $420,000. New Maintenance Facility — Richfield, Minnesota. Ten years ago, the city of Richfield began discussing the need to replace their maintenance facility, which at the time was 24 years old and already inadequate to meet the community's maintenance needs. Design of the facility includes "tiering" on the building wall facing the park as well as "embedding" the building into the ' bank on the Portland Street side. These planning features serve to minimize visual impact on the park and provide for minimal obstruction of view. Responsible for programming, schematic design, and plans. Project scheduled for completion: December 1998. Construction cost: $5,590,100. Water Treatment Facility — Mounds View, Minnesota. This facility features a 2,000 -gpm, high rate filtration, multiple well supply, iron and ' - manganese removal to non - detectable levels, backwash water reclaim, and complete automatic operation. SEH provided various services including I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Nancy G. Schultz, AIA Principal /Manager, Architectural Services ' Education General Background Bachelor of Architecture Montana State University Architectural Services Group Leader responsible for marketing, staffing, (1986) continuous improvement, quality control, and development of architectural group members. Project experience on a wide variety of building types with Bachelor of Science, current emphasis on municipal, federal, housing, and commercial/retail Technical Illustration Bemidji State University (1978) projects. Specific responsibilities have included project management, facilitation, contract documents, bidding procedures, presentation drawings, SDIC Public Involvement model building, conceptual designing, master planning, code researching, Training - CPO and CPO 2 programming, promotional graphics, organization of job specifications and Technology of Participation - construction administration services. Group Facilitation Methods Experience ' 40 -Hour Facilitators Training Rush City Housing, Rush City, Minnesota — Chisago County Housing Quality Control and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). Assisted the HRA with project coordination and design for 24 units of general occupancy housing in 10 Federal Procurement and Contract Managing Training buildings. Responsible for project coordination, and design. Project completion: 1998. Construction cost: $22,100. Professional Registration 20 -Unit Senior Housing — Traverse Care Center, Wheaton, Minnesota. Registered Architect in The need to provide housing for the frail and elderly became imperative as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, housing options for these citizens reduced. Full architectural and construction ' Michigan management services were provided to design a 20 -unit elderly- housing complex to be attached to an existing nursing home. There were some NCARB Certification services and amenities, which would be provided by the nursing facility. Some remodeling of the nursing care center also occurred during this project. Professional Associations Project completion: 1997. Construction cost: $97,970. American Institute of Architects Various Senior Apartment Projects — Southcentral Minnesota Housing National Association for and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), Madelia, Minnesota. Lead Housing Redevelopment architectural team working on senior apartments in: Madelia, adjacent to the Officials (NAHRO) hospital (20 units); Arlington, adjacent to the hospital (26 units); Trimount, Minnesota Facilitators Network renovation of a closed hospital (12 units); and Gibbon, free standing (10 -12 units). Project also involved independent senior apartments in several communities in Southcentral Minnesota. Project completion: 1992. Construction cost: $420,000. New Maintenance Facility — Richfield, Minnesota. Ten years ago, the city of Richfield began discussing the need to replace their maintenance facility, which at the time was 24 years old and already inadequate to meet the community's maintenance needs. Design of the facility includes "tiering" on the building wall facing the park as well as "embedding" the building into the ' bank on the Portland Street side. These planning features serve to minimize visual impact on the park and provide for minimal obstruction of view. Responsible for programming, schematic design, and plans. Project scheduled for completion: December 1998. Construction cost: $5,590,100. Water Treatment Facility — Mounds View, Minnesota. This facility features a 2,000 -gpm, high rate filtration, multiple well supply, iron and ' - manganese removal to non - detectable levels, backwash water reclaim, and complete automatic operation. SEH provided various services including I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Nancy G. Schultz, cont. ' planning report, preliminary layouts, final plans and specifications, construction inspection, and start-up assistance. New Pumphouse and Water Treatment Plant — Hudson, Wisconsin. Due to the extreme amount of growth of new residence's moving into the City of t Hudson the city needed to provide for the increased in demands for new water. SEH was hired to provide professional services to design a new water treatment facility for the City of Hudson. ' City Hall Ambulance Addition — Saint Charles, Minnesota. It became apparent during construction of the City Hall that ambulance staff required more space than had initially been programmed into the project. Because available funding was limited, the ambulance service addition was designed as space to be added in the future (approximately two years later). Responsible for plans. Project Completion: 1998. Construction cost: $112,098. ADA Upgrades to City Buildings — Rush City, Minnesota. An information gathering study for three facilities within the City, which entailed an ADA upgrade report, examination of existing conditions, sketches, cost estimates, and recommendations. The facilities included the City Hall (built in 1963), the existing High School (built in the 1950s- vacant and unheated), and the ' Municipal Liquor Store/Lounge building (built in the 1950s). Responsible for ADA upgrades report, examination of existing conditions, conclusions, recommendations, cost estimates, and sketches showing upgrades. Project completion: 1995. Construction cost: $16,500. ' Senior Center /City Hall — Ham Lake, Minnesota. A new 10,000 -sq. ft. combination senior center /city hall was added to the City's existing facilities. The addition included a commercial kitchen, council chambers, and offices, as well as the senior center. The addition's exterior facade was designed to match the existing structure. Responsible for plans and specifications. Project completion: 1990. Construction cost: $433,900. Corporate Headquarters — Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. This 67,500 -sq. ft. office complex houses the corporate offices of SEH in Vadnais Heights. The lower level houses a reproduction room, training/meeting rooms, storage vault, and parking garage. The two upper levels house SEH offices and work areas, and rented spaces for smaller service - oriented businesses. The building is equipped with a specialized security system, computer networking, and satellite receiving capabilities. Project completion: 1990. Construction cost: $4,000,000. Renovation of City Hall Offices — Red Wing, Minnesota. This 1907 Renaissance revival -style structure served as the city hall and contained the administrative offices as well as the jail and fire station. The two -story brick ' structure is presently used only for City Hall offices. Responsible for examination and evaluation, condition analysis report, ADA upgrades, recommendations, cost estimates, sketches showing upgrades, and VRI computer imaging. Project completion: 1996. Construction cost: $210,000. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Glenn R. Eisenbrandt, Jr., P.E. Manager, Electrical Engineering Services Education General Background Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering Experience in a wide variety of electrical, power, process control, and Milwaukee School of SCADA projects for municipal and industrial applications. This experience Engineering (1974) includes project management, project definition, planning, feasibility analysis, cost estimation, contingency planning, design and specifications, Theme Modular Presentations construction management, application program development, system startup Theme Modular Sales and shake down, and training requirements. Types of projects include municipal water, municipal and industrial wastewater, batch manufacturing, ICS Group Project utility services, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and pulp and paper. Management SPC, SQC, CIM, and Plant Experience Automation Seminars Process Control System Master Plan — Cannon Falls, Minnesota. Project Instructor for Gould Application Manager for the development of a city -wide Process Control System Master Classes Plan. This plan will define an integrated process control system for the City's Continually Present Papers at water and wastewater systems and the migration path required to implement Technical Seminars it. Wastewater and Water Utility Extensions — Cannon Falls, Minnesota. Professional Registration Technical lead for the design of the electrical and process control that are part of the booster station, lift station, and water tower associated with the Registered Professional Engineer in Minnesota, south expansion project. This design will be completed per the approved Wisconsin and Michigan Process Control System Master Plan. Professional Associations Experienced gained prior to joining SEH: National Society of Manager of Project Development — LifeSavers Company. Working Professional Engineers (NSPE) manager of a multidisciplined department that lead the development of all Institute of Electrical and Corporate Engineering projects from inception through design and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) procurement of major equipment. The goal of this senior level engineering group was to develop "out -of- the -box" cost effective solutions to projects. Instrument Society of America (ISA) This process involves active participation and leadership of cross - functional teams. Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Manager of Process Controls — Planters LifeSavers Company. Working manager of a Corporate Engineering Department that designed, developed, ' and implemented all process control projects for Planters LifeSavers Company with an annual departmental budget exceeding $4.5 million. ' Project Engineer — Campbell Soup Company. Responsible to the Director of Manufacturing Technology for the development and implementation of innovative process automation and other CIM related projects. Senior Application Engineer — Gould, Inc. Responsible for providing customers with technical application support and training on PLCs and color graphic operator interface products. Senior Engineer — Miller Brewing Company. Involved in the design, construction, and startup of power distribution and process control systems for five $200 million+ new facilities and major expansions. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ' Rebecca L. Blue GIS Operations Manager Education General Background Associate of Science, Geographic Information Eight years of varied experience in GIS Implementations, Data Integration Systems (GIS) — Alexandria and Automated Mapping. As GIS Operations Manager at SEH, supports all PP g P g PP Technical College (1994) departments and clients to develop automated mapping, facilities management and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In -house systems Course Curriculum included: "C" Programming, DBase IV, include ARC /GIS, ARC /INFO, PC- ARC /INFO, ArcView3, ArcCAD, Land Records Management, ArcExplorer by ESRI, and several database management systems. Remote Sensing, LIS /GIS Experience writing ArcView Avenue scripts and ArcView varied interface Legal Issues, and Data customization. In addition, she has worked with clients and Cityworks Conversion (1994) implementations for the last 3 years. Certified ESRI ArcView and ArcCAD Instructor 1 Certifications As a certified ESRI ArcView and ArcCAD Instructor, conduct training for ESRI Authorized ArcView state, county, and city representatives on an annual basis. Instructor (1996) ESRI Authorized ArcCAD Experience Instructor (1996) GIS Consultant — City of Hopkins, Minnesota. As the GIS Consultant for Avenue Programming (1996) the City of Hopkins, organized a GIS Users Group within the City and attend GIS Instructor monthly meetings with the Group. She is responsible for assisting the City North Hennepin Community with creating their GIS plan. Making recommendations for software and College (2000 — 2001) database management systems. She maintain their parcel base map, updates zoning maps, is assisting with pavement management coordination in GIS, and utility management. Professional Organizations Wisconsin Land Information GIS Services —City of Oakdale, Minnesota. Provided weekly GIS support Association (1995) by traveling to Oakdale one day per week to update City GIS water and sewer data, produce needed maps and utilities and to provide support to all Ramsey County Users Group departments as needed. (1996) Comprehensive Plan — City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota. The City of Lino Metro GIS Participant (1995) Lakes retained SEH to prepare a GIS model for their comprehensive plan. Minnesota GIS /LIS Consortium First, we utilized the Anoka County tax parcel files to determine vacant and (1995) agricultural land uses. Next, the year 2000 Metropolitan Urban Service Area Hennepin County GIS Users boundary, National Wetland Inventory Data, Sanitary Sewer districts, and Group (2000) seven planning districts were added to the GIS model. Third, the wetlands and hydric soils were subtracted from the available lands. Tabular data was prepared summarizing all potential developable land for each sanitary sewer district. Colored maps were prepared depicting potential developable land and land with environmental constraints. The use of ArcView GIS technology allowed SEH to efficiently prepare the information which the City of Lino Lakes required as a part of their comprehensive plan effort. Housing Action Plan — Fridley, Minnesota. The City of Fridley elected to participate in the Metropolitan Liveable Community Act to address community development and housing opportunity issues. This Housing Action Plan was developed to identify the housing trends in Fridley; present housing objectives that address affordable housing, lifecycle housing, and density; and identify the strategies that the City will utilize to maintain the benchmarks identified in the Liveable Communities Program. The Housing ' Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Rebecca L. Blue, cone. ' Action Plan is designed to provide basis for the housin g component of the P Fridley Comprehensive Plan so that it is relevant to today's conditions. The project made extensive use of census and assessor record data overlaid on an existing tax parcel coverage. Sanitary Sewer Master Plan — Rochester, Minnesota. Study of existing and future sanitary sewer collection systems based on parcels, assessors data, future land use and flood plane. ARC /INFO coverages were provided by Olmsted County and supplemented by SEH to include flow monitor districts, ' existing sewer districts, and 3 incremental expansion areas. GIS efforts included workstation ARC /INFO, ArcCAD and ArcView2 softwares. Approximately 1,125 manholes and 60 miles of pipe were modeled in SSMS HYDRA software. The project also included GIS goals and directions for five Rochester area public entities. Lakeville Pavement Management Studies — Lakeville, Minnesota. SEH completed a study of 42 miles of local streets in 1994 and 106 miles in 1995. The 1995 study used the Braun Intertec ICON software. The results of these studies are being used to drive the City's Capitol Improvements Program. Both studies utilized Dakota County files, street centerline files refined by SEH in 1993, and graphics were displayed in ArcView. Street Centerline GIS Database — Lakeville, Minnesota. Project involved importing Dakota County Centerline files, updating the streets, and adding tabular information to the database for functional classifications, seal coat district, and others. The City used this data for its 1995 State Aid Needs reporting. Alexandria Light and Power Pilot Project — Alexandria, Minnesota. The electrical utilities were automated by digitizing the company's utilities from section maps to place all utility line work and text into an AutoCAD format. In addition, the utility line work was registered to the city's base map in half section segments. Blocks were created for features such as junction boxes, single phase transformers, phase transformers, three phase transformers, and banks. 1 Highway Access Control — Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Madison District 1. This project prepared Access Control Plans for four 10- mile segments of trunk highway located in Iowa, Rock, and Sauk Counties. The project components included parcel mapping of the adjacent properties, GPS locations of the access points (entrances), public hearings, records research, legal documents in Microsoft Access, the use of ODBC drivers and electronic deliverables in an ArcView format. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Dan Cornejo Director of Community Planning Education General Background Master of Arts, Community and More than 28 years of increasingly - responsible experience as a community Regional Planning, University of British Columbia — Canada g and regional planner in urban suburban and rural settings, primarily for local (1975) governments, and also as a private consultant. Expertise in comprehensive and strategic planning, downtown and neighborhood revitalization, economic ' Bachelor Arts, Sociology, development, heritage conservation, zoning /land use analysis and regulation, Jamestown n College —North Dakota (1968) development negotiations and plan review, and urban design. Strong track record of leadership and creative problem solving. Demonstrated abilities in Professional Associations public consultation and consensus building, work program and budget American Planning management. Excellent verbal and writing communication skills. Association, Minnesota Chapter Board Member (1992-94) Experience Urban Land Institute Comprehensive Plan — Gaylord, Minnesota (2000- 2001). Project Manager for preparing Comprehensive Plan for Gaylord within the general framework ' Preservation Alliance of of the Met Council Regional Blueprint requirements. Worked with the Minnesota, Board Member, 1998 - present Comprehensive Planning Commission to develop goals and policies for an overall growth strategy, a mixed -use approach to Downtown revitalization, National Trust for Historic housing, parks and open space, transportation, and utilities. One major focus Preservation is to determine ways to link newly developing areas to the existing Sensible Land Use Coalition neighborhoods through parks and pathways. Lambda Alpha International Comprehensive Plan Implementation — Vermillion, South Dakota (2000 - Land Economics Society 2001). Project Manager for identifying the activities and projects for the first stage of implementation of the Vermillion Comprehensive Plan. This project Awards includes a series of community workshops to determine short-, medium -, and American Planning Association long -term performance expectations, the preparation of a strategic plan, and Minnesota Chapter — Distin Distin guished Planning Project the identification of opportunities for artnershi s pp partnerships. Award (1993) Community Planning Services — Hugo, Minnesota (2000). Provided "staff Educational — Study - Travel planner" services for the Hugo Planning Commission, responsible for Award, Dayton- Hudson Foundation /Center for Arts reviewing development applications. Collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in the Urban Wildland Urban Criticism (1996) Interface project to create land development and management tools that Community Involvement Mixed Blood Theatre, Board better incorporate natural resource conservation goals. Prepared application to the Metropolitan Council for funding of a design charrette process for new Member (1995- present) residential development in their 2020 MUSA expansion area. Citizens League ' Experience gained prior to joining SEH: Public Art St. Paul Comprehensive Plan — St. Paul, Minnesota (1990 -94). Directed staff in the development of the Land Use, Transportation, and Housing chapters of the Comprehensive Plan Update, and in the preparation of Small Area Plan chapters for the Lowertown Historic District, West Seventh area, Railroad Island, Selby- Snelling, Shepard- Davern, Lexington- Hamline, Phalen Village, and other neighborhoods. Development and Zoning Framework for North Shore of False Creek — Vancouver, British Columbia (1980 -83). Project Director for a team of urban designers and planners in the preparation of the development and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Dan Cornejo, cont. zoning framework for a 224 -acre site on the Vancouver downtown waterfront, adjacent to the historic Yaletown warehouse district and Chinatown. This urban village plan called for 8000 housing units, office development, retail services, and a system of urban parks and public realm designed as special places to connect each of the new neighborhoods with ' each other and the existing city grid of streets and sidewalks. Downtown District (DD -1) Zoning and Design Guidelines Overlay District — Robbinsdale, Minnesota (1998). Prepared a new Downtown ' District zoning text, based on New Urbanist and Livable Communities principles for Robbinsdale's downtown, as well as the Design Guidelines Overlay District that incorporated the Robbinsdale Architectural Design Guidelines. Both of these zoning amendments implement the Downtown portion of the Comprehensive Plan that calls for new regulations to guide new development and redevelopment/renovation toward contextual design and siting that repairs and connects private development to the pedestrian - and transit - oriented public realm. Mixed -use Redevelopment Concept for Valley Square Area B — Golden Valley, Minnesota (1997). In collaboration with an architectural/urban design firm, prepared the redevelopment concept for an 11 -acre site for high density housing, mixed use and mixed income housing, traditional streets /parking, shared public structured public parking, ponding and storm water retention to function as an amenity, pedestrian and transit connections, and trail and park development that takes advantage of Area B's proximity to ' Bassett Creek. (1997) Livable Communities Demonstration Projects — Robbinsdale and Golden Valley, Minnesota (1996 -97). Prepared two successful applications for Livable Communities Demonstration Account grants, one each for Robbinsdale and Golden Valley, to implement comprehensive planning activities. The Robbinsdale application focussed on development of a transit transfer facility and a new mixed -use retail and housing project with underground parking, as part of implementing the Downtown Master Plan. The Met Council' awarded $780,000 to Robbinsdale. The Golden Valley ' application focussed on a redevelopment concept plan for Valley Square Area B, the final component in their Comprehensive Plan for their downtown -civic center area at Olson Highway and Golden Valley Road. The Met Council awarded $550,000 to Golden Valley to assist with implementation of several mixed -use projects. r 1 I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Construction of Hydropneumatic Tank and Building — Newport, Minnesota. Due to reduced pressures in an isolated part of the water system, ' a separate pressure zone was established. Pressure to the area is supplied by a hydropneumatic tank and booster pump system. Operating pressures in the new zone now range from 35 to 55 psi. Work was completed in the spring of i 1993 and the system was put on line in July 1993. Comprehensive Water Study Plan — River Falls Municipal Utilities, River Falls, Wisconsin. Comprehensive study addressing water system demands, supply evaluation, water treatment review, distribution system modeling, and capital improvements /financial planning. Municipal Well No. 3 and PumpHouse No. 3 — Lino Lakes, Minnesota. To meet growing water demands, a new Jordan Well was designed and constructed to supply 2,000 gallons per minute. Also prepared detailed design plans and specifications for the construction of Pump House No. 3. Design included future ability for iron and manganese removal capability Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. James P. Norton, P.E. Principal /Manager, Water Department Education General Background Bachelor of Science SEH Water Department Manager, Project Manager and/or Project Engineer Civil Engineering University of Minnesota (1972) directing the planning, design, and preparation of plans and specifications and contract administration of potable water projects. Potable water projects Dunwoody Industrial Institute include monitoring and supply wells, pneumatic pressure systems, high (1967) service pumping facilities, distribution systems, raw water intake structures, ground storage reservoirs, elevated towers, iron and manganese removal Registration facilities, lime softening treatment plants, and lime sludge dewatering plants. Professional Civil Engineer in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Experience Mississippi Project Manager for Professional Associations Citywide Water System Analysis and Recommendation — Rush City, Minnesota Society of Minnesota. Initial study reviewed groundwater source of supply and new Professional Engineers well locations, hydraulic analysis of distribution system, additional storage, ' (MSPE) pilot plant, and iron/manganese treatment plant. Three bid packages recently National Society of received proceeding to construction. System will also supply water to new Professional Engineers (NSPE) 1,400 bed prison northeast of town. American Water Works Elevated Tank at North Park/City Improvement No. 94 -11 — Lakeville, Association (AWWA) Minnesota. Included design plans and specifications for new 1 MG water spheroid in North Park. Work included park improvements and inspection American Public Works services for tank erection. Association (APWA) Two 1 MG Composite Elevated Tanks — Melrose, Minnesota. Design City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) plans and specifications for two new 1 MG composite elevated tanks. Jump formed concrete shaft and steel bowl. Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society (MSES) Heather Hills 7 MG Water Tower Reconditioning — Burnsville, Minnesota. Design specifications and inspection services for sandblasting Construction Specifications and repainting. Included special design considerations and precautions to Institute (CSI) protect more than 50 radio antennas mounted to the tower. Construction of Hydropneumatic Tank and Building — Newport, Minnesota. Due to reduced pressures in an isolated part of the water system, ' a separate pressure zone was established. Pressure to the area is supplied by a hydropneumatic tank and booster pump system. Operating pressures in the new zone now range from 35 to 55 psi. Work was completed in the spring of i 1993 and the system was put on line in July 1993. Comprehensive Water Study Plan — River Falls Municipal Utilities, River Falls, Wisconsin. Comprehensive study addressing water system demands, supply evaluation, water treatment review, distribution system modeling, and capital improvements /financial planning. Municipal Well No. 3 and PumpHouse No. 3 — Lino Lakes, Minnesota. To meet growing water demands, a new Jordan Well was designed and constructed to supply 2,000 gallons per minute. Also prepared detailed design plans and specifications for the construction of Pump House No. 3. Design included future ability for iron and manganese removal capability Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. l James P. Norton, cont. Iron and Manganese Treatment Plant — St. Joseph, Minnesota. The City of St. Joseph had an existing treatment plant. The filter media had become contaminated from petroleum products leaking into the water supply from underground tanks. Designed and constructed a new gravity filtration system using Tonka Equipment. Treatment equipment was installed in existing building. Design included additional office, lab, and storage space and backwash reclaim. Water Treatment Plant Expansion — St. Cloud, Minnesota. Project Manager for complete plant expansion from 9.0 MGD to 16.0 MGD, ultimately to 24 MGD. Modifications included doubling the raw water intake capacity with a new raw water pump station on the west bank of the Mississippi River. New high service pump room, 1.5 MG ground storage reservoir, horizontal plate and frame dewatering presses and the management of all mechanical and electrical work. Completion date 1994. s t i r� L Sludge Dewatering Building for the Richfield Water Treatment Plant — Richfield, Minnesota. Construction of a new sludge dewatering building with two horizontal plate and frame presses. Successfully operating since completion in 1988. Average cake solids - 60 percent. Building construction involved the removal of unsuitable soils and the design and replacement of an engineered backfill. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Projects for Water Systems — Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Golden Valley and New Hope, Minnesota. Projects involved the collection of flow data, tank levels, security information and alarms from all water installations by local PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) with the transmission of information by radio transceivers to a central computer console in the Water Superintendent's office. Re- Painting of Dakota Heights Reservoir and Valley Park Standpipe — Lakeville, Minnesota. Included the removal of old paint by sand blasting and painting the interior and exterior of the tanks. On the Valley Park tower, the paint sample analysis showed the lead content to exceed the threshold where total containment is required. The design and contract documents identified the process and procedure for removing and disposing of the sandblasted material in conformance with the MPCA requirements for lead painted structures. Water and Sewer Rate Study /System Control and Treatment Facilities Study — Robbinsdale, Minnesota. This study reviewed the iron and manganese treatment plants and a proposed automatic radio transceiver control. system to operate the entire water system. An updated water and sewer rate study was prepared to help identify how the improvements could be paid for. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. L. Patricia Van Gorp Public Involvement Manager i Education General Background Master Arts Public Stakeholder Involvement Specialist and Consultant for a wide range of ' Administration Portland State University within the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Responsibilities projects p P P P (1980) include research and assessment of stakeholder disposition; design and implementation of stakeholder involvement strategy plans; design, ' Bachelor Arts Psychology authorship, and production of communication tools such as newsletters, Illinois College (1970) exhibits, news releases, surveys /questionnaires, and public meeting agendas; monitoring of public input/opinion on critical issues; and evaluation of public ' Additional Training informational outcomes /effectiveness. Additional responsibilities include Institute of Participatory project partnering facilitation and project communication management. Management and Planning — Experience also includes successful controversy management, extensive SDIC (Systematic media relations, public speaking, and liaison services to public officials, Development of Informed Consent) and CPO (Citizen agencies, and advisory boards. Experience prior to joining SEH includes 26 Participation by Objective) years of stakeholder participation responsibilities and 20 years as a private Citizen Participation and consultant. Grassroots Planning Strategies University of Washington Experience Communication Methodology Community Development and Controversy Management Consultant to Courses Mayor Sensenbrenner regarding South Madison, Wisconsin. Grantsmanship Center Community Development and Citizen Participation Director, Statewide Health Care Agency, Wisconsin. Professional Associations Community Development and Planning Specialist, State of Illinois, Jo International Association for Davies, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties, Illinois. Public Participation Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution Public Involvement and Pro ect Communication Experience i p TSP UPDATE (Transportation System Plan) — Minneapolis /St. Paul, American Association of Minnesota Communicators STH 15/USH 45 Corridor Preservation Study — Outagamie County, ' American Society for Training Wisconsin and Development 1- 39 /USH 51 Corridor Study — Marathon County, Wisconsin Access Control Projects, STH 12 and STH 14 — Iowa and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin ' STH 10, Urban Highway Improvement Study — Stevens Point, Wisconsin Hennepin County Transportation System Plan - Hennepin County, Minnesota r STH 76, Urban Highway Improvement Study — Outagamie County, Wisconsin STH 59, Urban Highway Improvement Study — Waukesha County, Wisconsin East Bridge, Traffic Improvement Study — Chippewa County, Wisconsin Cass Street Bridge, Bridge Location Study — La Crosse County, Wisconsin I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 1 r L1 Mark D. Benson, P.E. Principal /Transportation Planning Group Leader Education General Background Bachelor of Science Mark has 16 years of varied transportation planning and preliminary design Civil Engineering Iowa State University (1985) experience. Man of these ears were spent as a Principal Engineer at al En p y y p P g Mn/DOT where he was in charge of Planning and Preliminary Design. Marks SDIC and CPO Public experience has included coordinating and managing the preliminary Involvement Training planning, environmental impact documentation, geometric design, and public Context Sensitive Design involvement activities of numerous major highway corridor projects. In this role, Mark has become familiar with all aspects of transportation planning and project development including the state and federal environmental Professional Registration review process, TEA -21, and the regional transportation planning process. Professional Engineer in Minnesota Experience Professional Associations Project Manager for Minnesota Surveyors and TH 169 EIS/Preliminary Design — Mille Lacs Lake. Environmental Impact Engineers Society Statement for the reconstruction of 16 miles of 2 -lane to 4 -lane around the American Society of Civil west shore of Mille Lacs. The project area consists of extremely challenging Engineers environmental and cultural issues. TH 23 EA/Preliminary Design — Minnesota Department of Transportation, District 8. This major project includes the reconstruction of 12 miles of TH 23 from two lanes to four lanes. The project includes alternatives development, Environmental Assessment, water resources special study, and extensive public involvement. TH 13 Corridor Study — Burnsville and Savage, Minnesota. Long -range corridor study for this heavily congested four -lane urban arterial in the south suburban Twin Cities area. The plan includes short-range improvements and funding options. TH 197 Preliminary Design — Bemidji, Minnesota. This major project for the City of Bemidji and Mn/DOT involved the development of alternates, Environmental Assessment, and public involvement for the reconstruction of the TH 197 corridor along the south side of Lake Bemidji. This highly visible project includes bridges over the Mississippi River and the development of public amenities and enhancements. Red River Bridge Corridor Study — Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota. This corridor study identified the preferred route for a controversial new river crossing and roadway approaches across the Red River. The study involved alternatives development, corridor preservation techniques, and public involvement. Valley Creek Road/Cottage Grove Drive Corridor Study — Woodbury, Minnesota. This joint study with Washington County and the City of Woodbury identified the future alignment for these roadways in the rural portion of Woodbury. The scope of the study included alternatives development, technical analysis, and public involvement. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Mark D. Benson, cont. County Road 28 Corridor Study — Dakota County, Minnesota. This joint study with Mn/DOT and the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights identified the future location for County Road 28 on new alignment. The study included alternatives development, environmental screening and public involvement. CSAH 22/TH 61 Feasibility Study — Chisago County, Minnesota. This joint (Mn/DOT /County /City) study of the CSAH 22/TH 61 interchange with I -35 evaluated the feasibility of several alternatives for revising the interchange. The study included land use analysis, traffic forecasting, preliminary design and public involvement. ' Prior Experience with the Minnesota Department of Transportation: Project Manager _ for TH 36 St. Croix River Crossing — Stillwater, Minnesota. Led all the project development activities for this joint project with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The project involved the construction of a new $60 million four -lane river crossing and $40 million in approach roadway construction in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Prepared the final environmental impact statement, managed all public involvement activities and coordinated the project through the design stages leading up to permitting. TH 101 Reconstruction — Rogers to Elk River, Minnesota. 8 -mile 1 reconstruction from a two -lane highway to a four -lane expressway including an additional bridge across the Mississippi River. Responsible for preparation of the environmental assessment, geometric design layouts, and all public involvement leading up to final plans preparation. TH 10 — Blaine, Minnesota. $70 million, 6 -mile, four -lane freeway corridor on new alignment in the northwest suburbs. Updated existing environmental documentation, preliminary design and managed the public involvement activities leading up to final plans preparation. TH 7 Corridor Study — Minnetonka, Minnesota. Worked with the communities and counties in implementing the corridor strategies identified in the plan. This plan concentrated on lower cost improvements to this high accident, high travel demand corridor. Specific improvements included ' reconstruction and signalization of the CSAH 19, Vinehill Road and Christmas Lake Road intersections. L Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ' Kameron A. Miller VRI Specialist Education General Background Bachelor of Science Technical Graphics Kam has over seven years of experience with the digital world through high Purdue University (1997) end graphics. Developing graphic interfaces for both multimedia projects and the internet, she is also responsible with the project management. Other graphic experience includes the creation of still and moving computer Computer Experience graphics for the architectural and engineering community. Processes include 3D Studio VIZ the development of computer - generated graphics from sketches, plans, and 3D Studio MAX surface CAD models. Creation of multi -media programs and presentations. Alias Wavefront (First Level Certification, May 1997) Experience Photoshop Director Lake Wissota Business Park — Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. A complete QuickTime VR® web site was developed for the County Economic Development Department FreeHand (matching their existing site) to assist with the marketing efforts for the Lake Dreamweaver Wissota Business Park. The industrial park was 3D modeled for QuickTime PageMill VR nodes to show prospective owners the land available. To drive traffic to HTML the website, a multimedia CD was created with a brief introduction to the Acrobat Chippewa Falls area with a link the site. PageMaker Substation Site Selection — Xcel Energy, Minnetonka, Minnesota. Four QuarkXPress different sites, with a minimum of two vantages per site, were 3D modeled PowerPoint with several different types of substation design. Images were created at the AutoCAD request of the City for site selection. Once complete, the images along with a Microstation multimedia presentation will be used for public meetings for final site selections. Professional Associations Calvary Baptist Church, St. Cloud, Minnesota. One image was produced American Institute of Graphic to display the architect's design of a 30 -year master plan of building Artists (AIGA), Minnesota additions to the existing church. The existing church and the proposed Chapter additions were 3D modeled for high detail. SIGGRAPH, volunteer I -35W, Minneapolis, Minnesota — Phillips Partnership. Four multimedia presentations were developed for public open houses with the neighborhoods around I -35W. Each presentation was set up on a separate computer for the public to view and control at their leisure. Each presentation highlighted a different area with several QuickTime VR nodes of the existing site conditions as well as the proposed build options including new bus station, highway design, entrance /exit ramps and green space with landscape. These images and presentations were also used at committee and council meetings with the mayor to discuss the different issues within the neighborhood. TH 100, I -494, TH 371, TH 12 — Mn/DOT. Created multimedia CDs to ' accompany proposals for additional information. The CDs included several QuickTime VR ° . nodes of the highways to point out important issues for consideration for the engineer. Pedestrian Bridge — University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Two images were created to show the removal of the existing rail and a new railing option for a pedestrian bridge at the University. 1 I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Todd T. Udvig, P.S.S. Senior Wetland Scientist 1 II I F -1 L t u Supplemental Courses Environmental Law Water and Wastewater Treatment Wetland Creation and Design Professional Registration Certified Professional Soil Scientist, Wisconsin Professional Associations Society of Wetland Scientists Soil Science Society of America General Background Senior Wetland Scientist with more than 16 years of consulting and regulatory experience. Has conducted numerous wetland assessments, natural resource inventories and site assessments throughout the United States. Has developed wetland creation and restoration plans that have been successfully implemented. Has conducted ecosystem and soil investigations involving hydrologic, soils, vegetation, and wildlife. Has completed numerous EA and EAW and sections of EIS documents for various projects in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Also has completed numerous wetland and waters permit applications for a wide range of projects in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Experience TH 60 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) — Worthington, Minnesota. Completed assessments of highway alternative impacts on wetlands, threatened and endangered species (T &F), fish and wildlife and vegetation (habitat) for the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS was conducted on a 10 -mile segment of TH 60 that included five potential alternatives and several sub- alternatives. Draft EIS assessments include identification and mapping of wetlands along the proposed alternative routes, coordinating permit requirements, coordinating T &F species with regulatory agencies and identification of potential habitat in the corridor routes. Sections covering each of these proposed segments and the potential impacts was prepared and included in the draft EIS. Additional investigation and data collection will be completed upon selection of the preferred alternative. American Society of Agronomy Habitat Restoration Feasibility Study — University of Wisconsin, River Falls. A feasibility study was completed for habitat restoration and Consulting Engineering Council improvement and flood control along the South Fork south of campus. The Environmental Committee South Fork is a designated trout stream but has been degraded along the Minnesota Wetland Delineators length south of campus. The project included an innovative design of Association, Board Member wetland systems as restoration along the flood plain, incorporating different wetland systems to serve as a "living laboratory" for students, improvements to water quality prior to entering the South Fork, and modeling of the stream to determine flood parameters. A critical component was to reduce the water temperature entering the South Fork. The design included development of a forested wetland with an underground cooling system to reduce the input water temperature. TH 169 Environmental Impact Studies — Minnesota Department of Transportation. Data analysis, drafted text, facilitated interagency subgroup meetings, and coordination for the natural resources sections of the draft and final EIS for the proposed reconstruction of 21 miles of TH 169 along the west side of Lake Mille Lacs. The project location is an environmentally sensitive and high priority natural resource abundant area that includes a whole suite of important potential impacts and issues. Wetlands, threatened and endangered species, wildlife habitat, fish communities and spawning habitats, rare ecological communities, surface waters and streams, and I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Education Master of Science Forestry Southern Illinois University (1986) Bachelor of Science Environmental Biology University of Wisconsin River Falls (1980) 1 II I F -1 L t u Supplemental Courses Environmental Law Water and Wastewater Treatment Wetland Creation and Design Professional Registration Certified Professional Soil Scientist, Wisconsin Professional Associations Society of Wetland Scientists Soil Science Society of America General Background Senior Wetland Scientist with more than 16 years of consulting and regulatory experience. Has conducted numerous wetland assessments, natural resource inventories and site assessments throughout the United States. Has developed wetland creation and restoration plans that have been successfully implemented. Has conducted ecosystem and soil investigations involving hydrologic, soils, vegetation, and wildlife. Has completed numerous EA and EAW and sections of EIS documents for various projects in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Also has completed numerous wetland and waters permit applications for a wide range of projects in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Experience TH 60 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) — Worthington, Minnesota. Completed assessments of highway alternative impacts on wetlands, threatened and endangered species (T &F), fish and wildlife and vegetation (habitat) for the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS was conducted on a 10 -mile segment of TH 60 that included five potential alternatives and several sub- alternatives. Draft EIS assessments include identification and mapping of wetlands along the proposed alternative routes, coordinating permit requirements, coordinating T &F species with regulatory agencies and identification of potential habitat in the corridor routes. Sections covering each of these proposed segments and the potential impacts was prepared and included in the draft EIS. Additional investigation and data collection will be completed upon selection of the preferred alternative. American Society of Agronomy Habitat Restoration Feasibility Study — University of Wisconsin, River Falls. A feasibility study was completed for habitat restoration and Consulting Engineering Council improvement and flood control along the South Fork south of campus. The Environmental Committee South Fork is a designated trout stream but has been degraded along the Minnesota Wetland Delineators length south of campus. The project included an innovative design of Association, Board Member wetland systems as restoration along the flood plain, incorporating different wetland systems to serve as a "living laboratory" for students, improvements to water quality prior to entering the South Fork, and modeling of the stream to determine flood parameters. A critical component was to reduce the water temperature entering the South Fork. The design included development of a forested wetland with an underground cooling system to reduce the input water temperature. TH 169 Environmental Impact Studies — Minnesota Department of Transportation. Data analysis, drafted text, facilitated interagency subgroup meetings, and coordination for the natural resources sections of the draft and final EIS for the proposed reconstruction of 21 miles of TH 169 along the west side of Lake Mille Lacs. The project location is an environmentally sensitive and high priority natural resource abundant area that includes a whole suite of important potential impacts and issues. Wetlands, threatened and endangered species, wildlife habitat, fish communities and spawning habitats, rare ecological communities, surface waters and streams, and I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Todd T. Udvig, cont. Cloquet Golf Course - Cloquet, Minnesota. Completion of the delineation of wetlands within a 150 -acre proposed golf course expansion site. Thirty three wetlands were delineated on the property. Prepared the federal and state M permit applications and developed the site mitigation and wetland monitoring plan. Responsible for construction inspection and monitoring of created wetlands. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. recreational interests were analyzed utilizing GIS and on site studies. Interagency and public sector facilitation was ongoing during the analysis through meetings and review with the Natural Resources Subgroup, as established through the NEPA and Federal Highway Administration's Streamlining process. ' City of Hugo, Minnesota. Conducting MLCCS land cover typing and field checking under a Minnesota DNR grant. This project is a pilot project in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area for implementing a new land cover classification system. The project is on -going to include up to all 36 sections in the City. Bad River Indian Reservation, Wisconsin. Completed Environmental Assessment (EA) for the expansion of the Tribal Wastewater Treatment Plant. The EA required extensive evaluation of water quality impacts from plant discharge. The EA was prepared in conjunction with a Tribal HUD Block Grant application following HUD guidelines. City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Review of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for a sanitary sewer extension line. The sewer line was proposed to cross the Crow River and be placed in wetlands within the sewerline corridor. Wright County Highway Department. Completed an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for a state aid highway bridge replacement. Wetland impacts, storm water, and impacts on the Crow River were the main issues of concern. City of Albertville, Minnesota. Review of a wetland permit application for a residential development project with wetland impacts. Acting as Local Government Unit (LGU) for the City. Experience gained prior to joining SEH: Wetland Delineation/Assessment Shoreview Post Office — Shoreview, Minnesota. Site /civil design for a new branch facility. Furnished site layout, grading and drainage design plus water main and sanitary sewer site services. This site has several challenging features including a city well and pumphouse, 30 -inch diameter water reservoir supply pipeline, and grade changes. Close proximity of a major wetland required design of a 14 -foot high retaining wall, and design of a regional ponding facility adjacent to the site and the major wetland. Cloquet Golf Course - Cloquet, Minnesota. Completion of the delineation of wetlands within a 150 -acre proposed golf course expansion site. Thirty three wetlands were delineated on the property. Prepared the federal and state M permit applications and developed the site mitigation and wetland monitoring plan. Responsible for construction inspection and monitoring of created wetlands. I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. li t s- rad'1llso.in yawgr na.IV ddl"dg I xipuaddy � L 11 A WS B & Associates, Inc. 1 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Minneapolis Minnesota 55422 763 541-4800 763-541-1700 FAX Memorandum To: Rosemount City Engineer Selection Committee Front: Bret A. Weiss, PE A F' 7 President Date: Compensation Program Re: October 31, 2001 WSB & Associates, Inc. are committed to providing the best, low cost engineering services to the City of Rosemount. Our ability to provide these services over the past 2 years at a cost of $26,000 and $59,000 (estimated) for 2000 and 2001, respectively, attests to our commitment to the City. These past 2 years have been a few of the biggest years of development in the history of the City. Our proposal is set up to charge the City a low $60 /hr rate for City related work in an effort to make sure the City needs are addressed first and foremost. Our annual not to exceed cost should be set at $65,000. This arrangement is subject to negotiation to best meet the City needs. It should be further noted that the savings in hourly fees and miscellaneous costs are substantial and will make a large difference on City funded as well as developer funded proj ects. F.IWPWINIbaw110310] -rsmt c.e.s.c..dot Minneapolis St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer be ensixonments in which we lice. Architecture , Engineering ! Environmental Transportation ' i Multidisciplined. single source. Building strong partnering relationships. AAASEH Corporate Headquarters St. Paul, Minnesota (612) 490 -2000 (800) 325 -2055 Minneapolis, Minnesota (612) 912 -2600 (800) 734 -6757 St. Cloud, Minnesota (320) 252 -4740 (800) 572 -0617 Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (715) 720 -6200 (800) 472 -5881 Madison, Wisconsin (608) 274 -2020 (800) 732 -4362 Lake County, Indiana (219) 838 -7097 www.sehine.com An abbreviated overview of the firm's areas of expertise includes: Architecture • Educational Facilities V Municipal Buildings • Religious Centers V Housing V Commercial and Industrial Buildings V Interior Design and Space Planning V Aviation Buildings V Downtown Renovation Engineering V Site Studies, Surveys, and Mapping V Water and Sewer Systems V Streets and Drainage V Utility Investigations and Design V Pavement Management V Geotechnical Engineering • Dams, Flood Control Navigation, and Levees V Hydrologic and H Modeling V Value Engineering V Marinas Specialty Services V SPI® Public Involvement V VRI® Computer Imaging and Animations V Geographic Information Systems (Gl, V Coatings Evaluation • Global Positioning Surveys (GPS) • Federal DOD Engineering, Planning and Building Design Services V Telecommunications Site Developmeni An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 10% total recovered fiber. All post consumer fiber. POINTED WITH A -to SOYINK Environmental • Wetland Delineation and Mitigation • Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) V Storm Water Management V Lake Management V Landfills, USTs, and Environmental Site Audits V Hydrogeologic Studies V Remedial Investigation and Design V Wastewater Treatment V Water Treatment V Regulatory Permitting V Solid /Hazardous Waste Management V Wellhead Protection v Air Quality Transportation V Comprehensive Planning V Project Development Documentation V Traffic Engineering V Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Planning and Operation V Multi -Modal Planning V Highways and Freeways • Bridges and Structures 1 1 we help 1 1 you 1 1 plan, 1 1 -'SEfI a nd achieve. i \ !i 0 c o � O CD p Cd C1 O_ � C77 _ _m O L W (n E D_ Cn 7 _cz C O N Cll > O Cll - co E = Cll O C E C r O O C U C p L E2 po U L CM C O X U - Q C Q7 Cll p cD O _C -M O C cu Cd U_ ? R Cl QJ c-, > ' > C U ¢ O u) C v U C 9J _> L L q U E .� c -C:3 -M o 2 D c O "� Q w? Q E p v c .E u) a _ C6 +� O H aX.) U Cm 'pp C� cn N i O O ` " O O cz U Q Cm U .— J U 0 cn 0 0 � •` � U m It W CU � W U U �+ Cll E _ O a cn O O O_ lQ C UO — C O_ cz a c m .O- � cm O a C= Ca ' c o O a� o g; Rs �o C C7 -O C� Y O U tf C_ C C Cn O c c � > N U co Q Qr: U cif 0 cn 0 0 � •` � U m It C O CU � U U U �+ Cll E _ O a cn O O O_ lQ C UO — C O_ cz a c m .O- � cm O a C= Ca ' c o O a� o g; Rs o C C7 -O C� Y O U tf C_ C C Cn O c c � > N U co Q Qr: U cif Cv c 2 U C O CU � U U U � Cll E _ O_ cn O O O_ C pU C UO — C O_ c O .O- O cm O C= Ca U O C.' O_ Cn i cn U w C C7 -O C� Y O ' a) tf C_ C C Cn O C Cll � > N U co Q a`� E _> Cv Co c Q o Cn v7 C E CD C Cll E cn O Cll > O C c QJ - U (ll � r r Cn En O E C� LID L c> Q7 Cn U O C Cn (ll U CO o O U E C O_ U .L U �i o � v z i i i U ` — > -C:3 ,33 O C= c O .O- O cm O C.' > i C C7 (31 tf . O C:I) W Q o O 7= C E C > Cn > L t` CD O CT CT W = O. = W - � V� M CD >. a U') C O U C Cl- C C C L CZ _ Q Cll O '2 Q U ° ° w °' E cz E R a� c-; M O C7 cn O O Cll � O Chi aj y C Cd C U CD G1 aD C1 Cll C Cn — = p E (n y O_ U O O- O — a L 2 CU CD- Cd cu O I CJ m _C a i i i Teamwork that works efficiently for you. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.° (SEH) takes a total team approach that includes the building of strong, productive partner- ships, not only between SEH and its clients, but with the various regulatory agencies as well. We believe in providing the proper communication and responsiveness that maintains a long- lasting relationship with all of our clients. Rely on SEH to work for you to produce an effective transportation project. SEH Multidisciplined Services: Architecture Aviation Buildings Building Code Services Commercial and Industrial Buildings DOD Building Design Services Educational Facilities Interior Design and Space Planning Landscape Architecture Municipal Buildings Religious Centers Roof Management Services Engineering Assessment Rolls City Engineering Services Coastal Engineering Comprehensive Utility Planning Dams, Flood Control, Navigation, and Levees Downtown /Urban Redevelopment Electrical Engineering Feasibility Studies Federal DOD Engineering and Planning Floodplain Mapping/ Insurance Studies Geotechnical Engineering Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Infiltration /Inflow Studies and Sewer System Evaluation Surveys Land Use Planning Marinas Park and Recreation Planning Pavement Management Site Studies, Surveys, Platting, and Mapping Streets and Drainage Utility Rate Studies Value Engineering Water and Sewer Systems Environmental Agricultural Chemicals Air Quality Brownfields Contaminated Sediments Environmental Compliance and Management Environmental Site Assessments Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) Expert Testimony Hazardous Waste Lake Management Petroleum Remediation Risk Assessments Solid Waste Storm Water Management Wastewater Treatment Water Treatment Wellhead Protection /Groundwater Modeling Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Transportation Airport Planning and Engineering Bridges and Structures Corridor Studies /Planning Highways and Freeways Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Multi -Modal Planning Parking Facilities Project Development Documentation Railroads Traffic Engineering Specialty Services Community Development Community Planning Geographic Information Systems (GIs) Global Positioning Surveys (GPS) Interactive Media /Virtual Reality Imaging® (VRI) Protective Coatings Management (PCM) SEH Communication Services Successful Public Involvement® (SPI) Telecommunications Site Development � Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. AAsef I n design, We help you p a , d g , and achieve. Offices located throughout the Upper Midwest. 1- 800 - 325 -2055 • www.sehinc.com �y An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. «� 10% post- consumer content SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. I I Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Multidisciplined. Single Source. =5E�1 I SEH Transportation Services m CU CM m C D O I E cz CM- i cu LLJ CD %i QJ Q N C C U 4) O U Co \ w w o a, o C/) C rn c Q p CD W O •� a� a •` Cb C = CD O O .E Q O CO O C Q N rn O � . C +�, c a Q E W � CZ C a aa E CZ a L m cn Q 6 CL ai c-D Cn cl) vs ? °J E a, w U c U a U U c Q ° 7° �? c O H CIO C ° M v CD w cm o o C W C C L U R, • cz Q C o cz O c o c G. Q o a c c� W Q cn 62 c Q ;.. c -o C35 Cl cd 'C c > — C W - c � o cz a, o E C ° a 'c E cD C:) O a .0 + O C o .o •°' .� °' :F c E a3 ct, •� �' a E Q ccQ ca H C3 cd a v cn ° w m � W W U I U I Q C co I � � , ;. 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Tom Sohrweide, P.E. Project Managers ' John Gray, P.E. John Hagen, P.E. Roger Plum, P.E. I Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) ITS Planning I ITS Operations I ITS Project Manager Betty Papapanou, EIT Traffic Engineers Heather Kienitz, EIT Mike Martinez, EIT Street Lighting Technician Ken Taillon Transportation Planner Cynthia Drake Technician Grazyna Napiwocki Highway Design Concept Roadway Design I Preliminary Roadway Design I Project Documentation I Detail Roadway Design I Group Managers Mark Dierling, P.E. Curt Kreklau, P.E. Scott Weyandt, P.E. Project Managers Tiffany Dagon, P.E. Jim Hall, P.E. Bret Johnson, P.E. Brian Johnson, P.E. Greg Kern, P.E. Design Engineers Nate Blanchard, EIT Heather Clausen, EIT Scott Hotchkin, EIT Stephanie Jackson, EIT Eric Johnson, EIT Bill Klingbeil, EIT John Krysiak, EIT Landscape Architecture =SEH Transportation Group Leader Glenn Schreiner, P.E. 651.490.2159 Market Development Chuck Siggerud, P.E. 651.490.2141 Railroad Engineering Track Design I Railroad Structures I Grade Crossing Safety I Corridor Studies I Railroad Operations I Railroad Negotiations I Group Manager Dave McKenzie, P.E. Railroad Structures Bob McFarlin Sr., P.E. Railroad Specialists George Nick Leroy Vague Administrative Assistant Tammy Orf 651.490.2089 Group Managers Mark Benson, P.E. Scott McBride, P.E. Project Managers Ross Harris, AICP Chris Hiniker, AICP Brent Rusco, P.E. Preliminary Design Engineers Matt Engstrom, EIT Peter Rafferty, EIT Transportation Planners Bob Rogers Jennifer Ulmer Jeff Lutz ' I Location Studies I Environmental Reports (EIS, EAW, EA) I Corridor Studies I Travel Demand Forecasting I Comprehensive Planning I Public Involvement Transportation Planning Group Manager John Steenberg, P.E. Project Managers Jeff Johnson, P.E. Jon Miller, P.E. Gaylen Perkuhn, P.E. Paul Steward, P.E. Structural Engineer Arielle Garfinkel, EIT Technicians Mark Wick Doug Forster David Hughes Steve Oslund Chadd Larson, EIT Aaron Moniza, EIT Dick Luhrsen, CET Technicians Tim Georgeson Kim Midthun Dave Dickson Tom Bunkers Cory Flor Paula Meier My Tran Julia Thompson I Concept Sensitive Design I Visual Impact Assessments I Bicycle and Pedestrian Studies I Tourist Facilities I Scenic Byways Planting Design I Highway Aesthetics Group Manager Craig Churchward, RLA, ASLA Project Managers Theresa Hegland, RLA, ASLA Laurie McRostie, RLA, ASLA Mark Salzman, RLA, ASLA Designers Veronica Anderson, ASLA Gus Blumer, ASLA Nancy Jacobson, ASLA Conceptual Design Studies I Preliminary Design I Detail Design I Bridges I Dams I Reservoirs I Buildings I Retaining Walls I Bridges and Structures SEH Minnesota Transportation Group Virginia Grand Rapids DuluthQ 4 d St. CloudQ SEH Offices St. Paul 0 SEH Offices with Minneapolis Transportation Staff GlencoeJti 3Gaylord Worthington* 7 Rochesl 6 Corporate Headquarters St. Paul Glenn Schreiner, P.E. 651.490.2159 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul, MN 55110 -5196 800.325.2055 651.490.2150 fax Duluth Scott Weyandt, P.E. 218.279.3017 831 E 2nd Street Duluth, MN 55805 -2103 888.722.0547 218.722.1514 fax Rochester 3240 East River Road NE Suite 102 Rochester, MN 55906 -3422 507.529.7200 507.529.7201 fax Minneapolis Scott McBride, P.E. 952.912.2623 10901 Red Circle Drive Suite #200 Minneapolis, MN 55343 -9301 800.734.6757 952.912.2601 fax St. Cloud Curt Kreklau, P.E. 320.229.4391 1200 25th Avenue South St. Cloud, MN 56301 -4806 800.572.0617 320.229.4301 fax Grand Rapids 15 NE 5th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 -2601 218.326.4508 218.326.1883 fax Glencoe 1008 Greeley Avenue N Glencoe, MN 55336 -2128 320.864.2885 Gaylord 310 Main Avenue Gaylord, MN 55334 -9734 800.838.8666 507.237.5516 fax Virginia 901 South 8th Street Suite 400 Virginia, MN 55792 -3233 218.741.4284 218.741.4286 fax Worthington 225 9th Street Worthington, MN 56187 -2368 507.376.5888 507.376.3310 fax Ij 1 5/2001 1 r :. � a Providing a lifeline to ualit q y Clean, clear drinking water is one of the essential staples to a healthy and drinking enjoyable life. Providing a lifeline to quality drinking water is one of the critical responsi- bilities your community faces. Your community is relying on you to deliver. Rely on SEH water is one to help. of the critical Increasing demands, tougher regulations, system maintenance, budget constraints and responsibilities funding ... when it comes to drinking water solutions, we have found the answers to help your community solve these problems. f aces . We listen to you. What challenges are you currently facing? What are your community's needs... now... and in the future? We want to hear what you would like for your community. We learn. What ideas do you have in mind? What spells success for your community? By asking these questions and listening, we come to understand the unique needs of your community. Then we take action to deliver on time. From evaluation, design, and funding assistance, to construction observation and administration, SEH is your trusted resource. 1 Project Types Water Treatment Plants Water Supply (Wells, Surface Water) Hydraulic Analysis Distribution Systems Comprehensive Water Studies Storage Tanks Tank Rehabilitation ' Planning Water System Analysis Laboratory Analysis Energy Studies Comprehensive Water Reports ' Grant Applications ' Feasibility Studies Public Involvement Programs Laboratory Analysis Regulatory Requirements ' Wellhead Protection 1 Water Rate Studies ' Operations Computer Analysis We come to understand the unique needs of your community. We care about and understand your needs because SEH is regionally based and locally focused. We live, raise families, and work in your community. From a single deep well to a comprehensive master plan, SEH will help you plan, design, and achieve your goals. Design Project Management Contract Documents Regulatory Permitting Owner /Staff Coordination Value Engineering Cost Estimates Bidding and Award Construction Contract Administration Construction Observation Staking Materials Testing Payment Vouchers Final Inspection Start -up Supervision Above: Water treatment plant in a residential area. Laboratory Analysis On -Site System Analysis 1 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Compliance Inventory Control ' Maintenance Schedules and Mapping We come to understand the unique needs of your community. We care about and understand your needs because SEH is regionally based and locally focused. We live, raise families, and work in your community. From a single deep well to a comprehensive master plan, SEH will help you plan, design, and achieve your goals. Design Project Management Contract Documents Regulatory Permitting Owner /Staff Coordination Value Engineering Cost Estimates Bidding and Award Construction Contract Administration Construction Observation Staking Materials Testing Payment Vouchers Final Inspection Start -up Supervision Above: Water treatment plant in a residential area. Teamwork that works efficiently for you. 1� 11 1 1 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.® (SEH) takes a total team approach that includes the building of strong, productive partner- ships, not only between SEH and its clients, but with the various regulatory agencies as well. We believe in providing the proper communication and responsiveness that maintains a long- lasting relationship with all of our clients. Rely on SEH to work for you to produce an effective water project. SEH Multidisciplined Services: Architecture Aviation Buildings Building Code Services Commercial and Industrial Buildings DOD Building Design Services Educational Facilities Interior Design and Space Planning Landscape Architecture Municipal Buildings Religious Centers Roof Management Services Engineering City Engineering Services Coastal Engineering Comprehensive Utility Planning Dams, Flood Control, Navigation, and Levees Downtown /Urban Redevelopment Electrical Engineering Federal DOD Engineering and Planning Floodplain Mapping /Insurance Studies Geotechnical Engineering Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Infiltration /Inflow Studies and Sewer System Evaluation Surveys Park and Recreation Planning Pavement Management Site Studies, Surveys, Platting, and Mapping Streets and Drainage Utility Rate Studies Value Engineering Water and Sewer Systems Environmental Agricultural Chemicals Air Quality Brownfields Contaminated Sediments Environmental Compliance and Management Environmental Site Assessments Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) Expert Testimony Hazardous Waste Lake Management Mining Support Services Petroleum Remediation Risk Assessments Solid Waste Storm Water Management Wastewater Treatment Water Treatment Wellhead Protection /Groundwater Modeling Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Transportation Airport Planning and Engineering Bridges and Structures Corridor Studies /Planning Highways and Freeways Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Multi -Modal Planning Parking Facilities Project Development Documentation Railroads Traffic Engineering Specialty Services Community Development Community Planning Design /Build Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Global Positioning Surveys (GPS) Grant Writing/TIF Plans Virtual Reality Imaging® (VRI) Park and Recreation Planning Protective Coatings Management (PCM) SEH Communications Services Successful Public Involvement° (SPI) Telecommunications Site Development Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Multldlsciplined. Single Source. Your Trusted Resource. 1.800.325.2055 • www.sehinc.com �y An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. 4F 10% post- consumer content SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 1� 11 11 11 11 11 SEH Water Services Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Multidisciplined. Single Source. =5E�1 Make You've spent weeks, months, perhaps even years working for this moment... defining the need, studying the alternatives, and focusing on the perfect solution for your unique sure your challenge, budget, and timetable. At last, your vision is crystal clear. Now it's time to win stakeholders the support you need to turn it into reality. see your Communication tools that convince... vision as At SEH Communication Services, we conceptualize, design and create powerful communi- clearly as cation tools that sell your ideas to the people who can make them happen. We focus on helping decision - makers see your vision ... with materials that stimulate imaginations, you do . whet appetites to get the backing you want. We'll use color, typography, photos, and artwork to create brochures, newsletters, and other print materials that will enhance the impact of your message. Powerful presentations, impressive results... We'll prepare spectacular planning graphics using AutoCAD, 9 � MicroStation files, GIS data, and aerial photography. We can include: comprehensive site analysis graphics, site forces - , j issues and transportation studies, topographical information s� r and detailed illustrative site plans, section drawings, project t ,-—` ;. __ I t' and aerial t�t Development Study IWA rw oca Ion maps, The Conditions of the Streets are Identified by graphics. We can also the severity of Various Distresses. incorporate the planning Alligator Cracking ; a Transverse Cracking graphics into both print _. AQ and visualization media. Condition Longitudim Cracking 1 1 1 1 Seeing is believing... When it takes a picture of your vision to convince your stakeholders, SEH visualization services delivers. Our visualization services include: 2 -D and 3 -D animation, web page design, VRR photo- composite imaging, multimedia CDs, and QuickTime VRO -360 photographs that can be navigated by the viewer. All from ' ��,. one single source... t r ! !. Count on SEH to get the job done. rM ' CC)i✓CIk RGE E I li We got the experience and the 00 . t..l l I N F LUCK F. -,E.,: expertise. And we're ready to go to HIAITH CUT work for you. Make sure your stake- holders see your vision as clearly you do. M OM , as Questions? Samples? Call SEH at 1- 800 - 325 -2055. 1 1 Teamwork that works efficiently for you. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.® (SEH) takes a total team approach that includes the building of strong, productive partner- ships, not only between SEH and its clients, but with the various regulatory agencies as well. We believe in providing the proper communication and responsiveness that maintains a long- lasting relationship with all of our clients. Rely on SEH to work for you to produce an effective communications project. SEH Multidisciplined Services: Architecture Aviation Buildings Building Code Services Commercial and Industrial Buildings DOD Building Design Services Educational Facilities Interior Design and Space Planning Landscape Architecture Municipal Buildings Religious Centers Roof Management Services Engineering City Engineering Services Coastal Engineering Comprehensive Utility Planning Dams, Flood Control, Navigation, and Levees Downtown /Urban Redevelopment Electrical Engineering Federal DOD Engineering and Planning Floodplain Mapping /Insurance Studies Geotechnical Engineering Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Infiltration /Inflow Studies and Sewer System Evaluation Surveys Marinas Pavement Management Site Studies, Surveys, Platting, and Mapping Streets and Drainage Utility Rate Studies Environmental Agricultural Chemicals Air Quality Brownfields Contaminated Sediments Environmental Compliance and Management Environmental Site Assessments Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) Expert Testimony Hazardous Waste Lake Management Petroleum Remediation Risk Assessments Solid Waste Storm Water Management Wastewater Treatment Water Treatment Wellhead Protection /Groundwater Modeling Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Transportation Airport Planning and Engineering Bridges and Structures Corridor Studies /Planning Highways and Freeways Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Multi -Modal Planning Parking Facilities Project Development Documentation Railroads Traffic Engineering Specialty Services Community Development Community Planning Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Global Positioning Surveys (GPS) Interactive Media/ Virtual Reality Imaging® (VRI) Park and Recreation Planning Protective Coatings Management (PCM) SEH Communication Services Successful Public Involvement® (SPI) Telecommunications Site Development Value Engineering Water and Sewer Systems i Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. We help you plan, design, and achieve. Offices located throughout the Upper Midwest. 1 -500- 325 -2055 • www.sehinc.com 1 1 1 1 1 Multidisciplined. Single Source. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. All iffim 4 1 10% post- consumer content SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. .�. Development Sludy a Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. I SEH Communication Services 1 t The SEH Wastewater Services Team's complete design -build and traditional services include Process Types Design Industrial Pre - treatment Plan and Specifications Preliminary and Primary Treatment Contract Documents Secondary Treatment: Regulatory Agency Review and Permitting Trickling Filters Value Engineering Activated Sludge RBC's Construction Observation Ponds Administration Tertiary Treatment: Surveying Shop Drawing Review Phosphorus Removal Ammonia Removal Operations Disinfection Plant Start -Up Assistance Effluent Filtration Operations Consulting Solids Handling /Storage /Dewatering /Disposal: Process Control Digestion Laboratory Programs Thickening Sludge Management Programs Reed Beds Operation and Maintenance Manuals Planning Maintenance Programs Facility Plans Operator Training Computerized Reporting Feasibility Studies Residual Solids Management Studies Project Delivery Infiltration /Inflow Analysis Design /Bid /Build Financial Planning Assistance Design /Build Sewer Use Ordinances User Rate Studies The SEH Wastewater Services Team offers a wide variety of =5Er1 services to meet our Clients' needs. 11141111E 41U1 G Engineering Environmental Transportation i4_i� Specialty Services services to meet our Clients' needs. F .=SEN Virtual Reality Imaging About SEH Virtual Reality Imaging... We believe that by providing visual solutions we bring our clients' vision to life. We make the vision real. SEH will create a customized set of visual communication tools that will communicate your project's goals and vision with impact. A common vision... Achieving a common vision for a project is often paramount to the project's success. One of the biggest challenges today, is how to effectively communicate the goals and designs of a project to the community it affects. Visual impacts, such as those created by land use and transportation projects, can be nearly impossible to communicate through 2 -D plans and conceptual drawings. In this increasingly visual world, the public now expects a visual representation. For projects to be approved by an over- expanding body of people, it is important that everyone share the same vision. By employing Virtual Reality Imaging® (VRI) from SEH, the vision becomes clear, so clear that members of the community do not have to imagine what a proposed improvement will do to their local landscape — they can see and experience it! VRI uses the power of computers, the creative talent of an artist, and the precision of an engineer to produce accurate visual communications tools that ensure everyone gets the same message. Communicating ideas, goals, and designs clearly and effectively is what SEH VRI is all about. 4 _Q VRI — Virtual Reality Imaging Virtual Reality Imaging is a comprehensive set of visualization tools trademarked by SEH to meet your communications needs. From enhanced computer images, interactive multimedia presentations, animations, to 3 -D computer modeling ... we create the elements you need to deliver your message visually. The SEH VRI Team has a widespread reputation for creating visual communication tools that explain, educate, open discussion, gain public consensus, and generate excitement for projects. We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of visualization technology. row, 'sul'jaindwoo elftjo )pewepaq pwa}sibej a s! awilpino 'AM all}elon -uou pue palloaIuoo e ul uolssnoslp a}Inul 01 Aem anyoaJ�a us We sa}ls qaM 'snsuasuoo pue ssauaaeme ollgnd of ainglaluoo AIan1109110 ueo nog( ' ssaooad agl Inog6noagl uollemolu 6ul}epdn � q - uol}ewaolul paimul pue siowni 6u!Iladslp Aq ssaooad lenoidde s �oafoad a juawlldwoo ollgnd ag} o} paincIpIslp aq of uoljewiqul pue s}oel aol shm }sag aq} jo auo 6ulwooaq sl a6ed clam wolsno y 'H3S Aq pau6lsap abed clam a g6noaq} uolsln pue 'u6lsap 'sleo6 s,}oafoad a a}eolunwwoo ' se4jS qaM , s}asse pasodond-ai ao 'sasegejep 'ejep SIE) 'sails lauaa}ul of sjull 'suoljejuasaid lulodaamod 'HA aw!l>lolno 'sgdea6ojogd 'sdew 'solgdea6 'Ixa} 's}aego 'olsnw 'punos 'oapin '6u16ewl a}Isodwoo -ojogd 'uol}ewlue Q -S ao Q -Z :Ioafoad anoA jo Aaols aqj I191 jsaq jegj sluawala aql asoog0 *paleaao Isn( aaam it �l se juawalloxa pue ssaugsaal aqj gllm squill jo spaapunq pasn aq ueo uollejuasaid opawl}lnw anyoeaaIul 916uls y 'aalsap Aaq} q }dap aq} of pue coed umo alagl le 00 aqj ajoldxa ueo lenpinlpul ue 'aslmaillq - epuabe ao 'uollewaojul 10 gjdap 'glbual � lej 'aoualpne Aue o} Mlle} a aollel of aaluasaad a bullgeua 'slanal Auew }e }llnq aq ueo uol}ewaojul s!ql saleolunuiwoo leq} abgoed a olul aaglabo} Ind 'elpaw jo sedfq juaaajjlp jo uolleulgwoo a sl elpawlllnw anl}oeaa}ul Lqpawi;jnw an.;oeaa;ul }uauoddo Isa}eaa6 aql uana aano ulm NO pue aoualpne anon( alzzep se Ilam se waolu! lllm H3S Aq pa}eajo solgdea6 pue 'Ixa} 'sueldiooll 'sdew 81ls 'HA ewll�oln0 jo buyslswo wuiboid elpawylnw anlIoeJaIul uy G - ueaw Alleaa (s)abuego pasodoad aqj Iegm jo bulpue}siapun o} gjdap 9n16 01 uoylpuoo pasodoad a pue uolllpuoo bullslxa ue uaamlaq gollmS . sasodind 6uluueld aol uolssnoslp uado pue 'suolllpuoo 6ul}slxa }uawnooa HA OWUNolnn asn o} suosea'd - ewwoued 99a6ap 09E aq} do a�ew ueo gloq }o uolleulgwoo a ao 'gdea6o}ogd ajll leaa e 'lapow Q -S y 'paalsap se }no pue ul wooz osle 'sawbap 09 Ilnj e 'unnop 'dn i ooq auaos aq} 10 10a}u00 alaldwoo seg aamaln aqj golgm ul gdea6ojogd alge6lneu a sl w dA awll>lolnp U aw11�o1np - u6lsap ao sanssl aqj alealsnll! Isaq o} aojewlue age Aq }as sl auaos aqj ul Inyoe aq} ao say ej eaaweo aq} q}ed aqj wslleaj pue oleos 10 asuas a aIeaao pue 'Iuawa}loxa aJeaau96 01 }uawuoalnua palapow aa}ndwoo Q -g a ul punos PUP 'jg61l '}uawanow eaaweo saulgwoo uol}ewlue aaindwoo 0-6 'aa}eaq} ag} ul salnow 8M!-I u014ewlue a -g - (pua o} 6uluul6aq woaj sung aouanbas aq} 'uoljoeaa}ul ou) aeaull ao (}oa} }a pue asneo aas ueo aamaln agT) anyoeaa}ul aq an uoljewlue jo adAl slgl •Ixal lewlulw pue 'uolleaaeu 'punos 's6ulmejp pajewlue gllm pajeolunwwoo aq ueo Ile 'sjlnsaa aqj 'saoald pue sued aqI 's)iaom 6ulglawos moH 'AIlensln ssaooad ao u6lsap '}daouoo a uleldx3 uoI;ewIue Q-Z u61sap ao uolsln anal aq} sa}eolunwwoo . swaolul pue sajeonP3 . ssaooad snsuasuoo aq} pue }uawanlonul ollgnd saouequ3 . uolssnoslp suad0 . :1egj loo} uoyeolunwwoo an1109112- a sl 6ul6ewl ajlsodwoo -ojogd sanssl Iew aqj uo pasnool aq of sal6aaua 6ulmolle pue suolldooaad aslej 6ulleulwllo Agaaaq} 'pasodoad 6u s 1egm puelsaapun o} uosiad a6eaane aqj salgeua H3S woaI 6ul6ewl ajlsodwoo - ojogd IHA .a6ewl agJ 01 wslleaa pue ajll 9n16 jegj sallgowolne pue aldoad '6uldeospuel se Bons ,sealxa,, aq} sppe uagj isllje lell6lp y •uolllpuoo 6ullslxa aqj � o gdea6 - ologd a olul palaasul pue anyoadsaad pue alms joamo aq} }e pajapuaj uagl sl lapow 0 aql 'u6lsap aqj jol payloads sleua}ew aq} glim a}aldwoo 's6ulmeip 6upeaul6ua ao leanjoajlgoae woo} palmo sl lapow p -g oleos Ilnj e heinooe Isowln ao3 '6ulmeap s,isllae ue ao 'sgdea6o}ogd 'slapow Q -g jo uolleulgwoo e aq ueo a6ewl slgl •uolsln a pue 'seapl 'u6lsap saleolunwwoo a6ewl ajlsodwoo -o}ogd IHA d 1 6ui6ew j a} isodwOO -0404d 1 L J ASSN Graphic Design About SEH Graphic Design... To help you clearly communicate your vision is the goal of SEH Graphic Design. Whether an ad, brochure, newsletter, or planning graphic— design impacts our everyday decision making. Well designed visual tools inform, communicate, and influence. SEH creates these tools. Enhance Your Message... How to communicate a project's vision to the audience it affects is a challenge. Often the ability to express an idea effectively can spell the difference between a project's success or failure. Offering a complete line of print materials, SEH is able to create communication pieces you can really use to reach your audience. SEH Graphic Design focuses on helping decision- makers see your vision ... We'll use creative concepts /solutions, color, typography, photos, and artwork to create brochures, newsletters, and other print materials that will enhance the impact of your message. Ads Ads are designed to persuade and inform target audiences about a product and /or service. Both concept and positioning of an ad are important elements to its success. SEH Graphics will design ad concepts that will communicate your ideas, stimulate your audience, and create a response to your message. The vehicle(s) used to deliver your message is also very important. SEH will help you determine how to strategically position your ad so that it reaches its intended audience. Brochures /Flyers Brochures and flyers are great marketing/ public informational pieces. Use them to announce a new service, introduce a new project, or to familiarize your reader with an issue. Whether a one -color flyer or a full -color brochure, SEH Graphic Design will create dynamic layouts that combine text, color, illustrations, and photos into interesting and informative publications. t C Corporate Identity /Collateral The basis of a corporate identity is the logo. SEH Graphics will create an image that successfully reflects the mission, vision, and personality of your organization, project, or product. Then we design and implement an identity system (letterhead, business cards, and marketing materials....) to reinforce your image. Newsletters Newsletters are public informational pieces. They are a great way to keep your audience advised of a project's status and issues. SEH combines various elements such as text, color, illustrations, photos, and format to create educational publications for you. Planning Graphics A message may also be enhanced through the use of planning graphics, a term which covers a wide variety of images. Streetscape and landscape design, comprehensive site analysis graphics, ographical information and detailed illustrative site plans are ust a few examples. Created by using base mapping information from translated AutoCADD and MicroStation files or GIS data, planning graphics can be incorporated into both print and visualization media, Benefits of incorporating planning graphics into your project or presentation include: • Illustrations that are detailed and make it easy to understand the content/project. • The images make it possible to analyze the design /project in a clear, concise manner. The graphics serve as a vehicle for discussion. Posters /Banners /Public Meeting Graphics Large format graphics such as posters and banners are useful for conference displays and public involvement meetings A variety of graphics can be displayed at conferences including photo boards, banners, brochures, and flyers. For public involvement meetings boards, 3 -panel tri -fold boards, and /or banners are often used. These graphics may be laminated or laminated and mounted on foam core. SEH Graphic Design incorporates a variety of elements into large format graphics to facilitate effective communica- tion. Text, graphics, illustrations, and planning graphics can be embellished with photo backgrounds and your logo can be incorporated into the — design to customize each presentation piece. r1l ` r -- � u Ll 1 1 I Community Development n r e t lfl V � rift.yl ��I! [I 1 A good idea, without the means to make it come to life, will remain just another idea. But when it comes to community development — We Make it Happen. Our Community Development team provides clients with over 55 years of experience in securing project financing for its clients. Our experts work with communities to secure the most advantageous and affordable financing for projects. To do this, we utilize a variety of local, state, and federal funding sources. And we do this for a wide range of projects, including: 1 Economic Development 1 Water /Sewer Projects 1 Public Infrastructure 1 Subdivision Development 1 Housing Rehabilitation 1 Planning /Financing 1 New Housing Development 1 Industrial Park Development 1 Downtown Revitalization 1 Feasibility Studies 1 Neighborhood Revitalization 1 Tax Incremental Financing 1 Project Management 1 Downtown Business Districts i New Construction 1 Business Planning 1 Project Administration 1 Administer Housing RLF's 1 Funding Source Administration 1 Administer Economic Development RLF's 1 Public Facility Projects 1 Storm Water Projects 1 Community Centers /Arenas 1 Impact Fees 1 Industrial /Business Parks SEH Community Development — We Make It Happen. Your ideas and dreams transformed into reality. SEH ... How can we help you? i ` sum. -_O ` =SEN Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 800.325.2055 • www.sehinc.com L Community Development management team Economic Development I Public Infrastructure I Housing Rehabilitation I New Housing Development I Downtown Revitalization Neighborhood Revitalization I Project Management I New Construction I Project Administration I Funding Source Administration Public Facility Projects I Community Centers /Arenas I Industrial Business Parks Water /Sewer Projects Subdivision Development I Planning /Financing I Industrial Park Development Feasibility Studies Tax Incremental Financing I Downtown Business Districts I Business Planning I Administer Housing RLF's Administer Economic Development RLF's I Storm Water Projects I Impact Fees Director /Community Development Bachelor of Science, Municipal Recreation and Community Education — Mankato State University Past President of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) Vice President of Community Revitalization and Development Committee of North Central Regional Council of NAHRO Community Revitalization and Development Committee Member for National NAHRO MHFA Commissioner's Award Minnesota NAHRO Outstanding Achievement Award Community Development Specialist International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Energy Conservation Service - Minnesota Energy Code Building Rehabilitation Specialist Tax Increment Financing Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Economic Development Association of Minnesota Community Development Specialist Masters of Science, Urban and Regional Planning University of Wisconsin- Madison Bachelor of Science, Public Administration and Policy Analysis University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point Wisconsin Economic Development Association American Planning Association Wisconsin Association of Consulting Engineers Richard J. Grabko Mr. Grabko has over 20 years of experience in the housing and community development field.As Executive Director of the Red Wing Housing Redevelopment Authority, responsibilities included the development of over 300 units of single family owner occupied and rental housing projects, downtown revitalization, and public facility developments. Expertise in public finance of housing an community development projects that would serve as a significant asset to any community seeking federal or state grants /loans, foundation and /or special legislative consideration. 1 f ' Ronald L. Seymour Mr. Seymour has over 20 years of experience in project management, construction management, redevelopment, and community development projects. Included in this experience are project planning and marketing, project finance, regulatory, requirements, tax increment financing, and a considerable knowledge of state and federal funding sources. His past experience with local, state, and federal programs provides a valuable resource to project administration on behal of SEH clients. David A. Carlson I Mr. Carlson brings over 15 years experience in community development and leads our Community Development Team in Wisconsin. His experience with state and federal funding agencies means maximizing grant, low interest loan, and other project finance opportunities for communities. He has experience in Land -Use Planning, Municipal Finance, and Economic Development. u 1 1 i Community Planning r L C J t it L �y f 1 1 _., n �1 -IdA At SEH, we provide a multidisciplinary planning approach to help communities make decisions about shaping their future. We bring together planners, engineers, urban designers, and landscape architects to analyze issues and develop plans that help communities achieve their dreams. Our Community Planning team provides guidance for how the mix of land uses can work together to create an exciting, attractive, and sustainable community. We work in partnership with elected and appointed officials, businesses, and citizens to explore opportunities for renewing existing assets and creating new development. Once plans are adopted, we use our knowledge, expertise, and experience to help identify and secure affordable financing to make the plans a reality. We work with communities to repair, to reconnect, and to reinforce community values. We ensure that their initiatives and investments produce special places with distinctive character and enduring quality. SEH ... We help communities grow and mature. SEH offers the following community planning services: 1 Comprehensive Planning 1 Neighborhood and Sub -Area Planning 1 Policy Planning 1 Redevelopment Planning 1 Downtown Revitalization 1 Urban Design 1 Land Use Analysis 1 Environmental Assessment 1 Zoning and Development Regulation 1 Transportation Planning 1 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Bluff Ridge MMMMIMM LOTS F OR SALE AW SEH Community Planning — We help neighborhoods, towns, cities, and counties, shape their future. =SEN Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 800.325.2055 • www.sehinc.com 1 Community Development management team Comprehensive Planning I Neighborhood and Sub -Area Planning Policy Planning Redevelopment Planning Downtown Revitalization I Urban Design Land Use Analysis Environmental Assessment Zoning and Development Regulation I Transportation Planning Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Director /Community Planning Dan Cornejo M.A. Community and Regional Planning Dan has over 28 years of community planning and urban design experience, with University of British Columbia B.A. Sociology particular expertise in comprehensive planning, neighborhood development, heritage Jamestown(ND)College preservation, and downtown - commercial area revitalization. Prior to joining SEH, Dan American Planning titu Urban Land nd Institute ! te K ' served as Robbinsdale Development Director St, Paul Director of Planning and Economic National Trust for Historic Preservation .- ` , Development, Planning Director for the Borough of Staten Island in New York City, Main Preservation Alliance of Minnesota Lambda Alpha International Street Project Manager in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Senior Planner in Vancouver, Canada. Land Economics Society Senior Planner Michael A. Wozniak, AICP Master of Planning has 17 years of experience as a community and regional planner in urban, suburban, University of Mt Mike of Massachusetts e s Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and rural settings. His professional expertise includes comprehensive planning, land use Michigan State University regulation, heritage preservation, downtown revitalization, and planning related use of American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners Geographic Information Systems. Mike is currently managing comprehensive planning projects in Mazeppa and Cronoco in Minnesota, and in Dresser, Wisconsin. Prior to joining SEH, Mike served as Planner for Rosemount, Community Development Director for Hastings, and Land Use Manager for Goodhue County. , Graduate Planner Dan Jochum Bachelor of Arts Local and Urban Affairs D y joined SEH. His experience includes assisting with the Maze a t) has as recen p g pp Saint Cloud State University a Comprehensive Plan and land use analysis for the Highway 52 Inter - regional Corridor, American Development tSoci Society s Community Development Society He has also had an internship with Hutchinson Minnesota where he performed p p land issues for research and analysis of use an update of that city's comprehensive plan. r 1 1 11 I Protective Coati 1 management 1 1 1 ngs Age, extreme changes in climate, chemical exposure, and normal daily use are among the many natural enemies to an applied protective coating meant to provide your facility or equipment with beauty or long -term use. Reliable analysis, sound planning, and the ' expertise of coating management professionals is a cost - effective way to maximize service life. SEH provides Protective Coatings Management (PCM) services with experience to meet your specific needs: 1 Elevated Water Storage Tanks 1 Ground Storage Reservoirs 1 Coatings /Linings for Concrete Structures 1 Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities / Municipal Buildings 1 Bridge/Transportation Structures 1 Petrochemical 1 1 From identifying coating failures to planning for failure prevention, rely on SEH. =SEN Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 800.325.2055 • www.sehinc.com y tP n of rt y f� N cp n m 0 A Protective Coatings management team Evaluation Studies I Coating Selection I Corrective Maintenance Organization I Plan & Specifications Estimates I Failure Analysis I AWWA & OSHA Compliance Assessment Containment Recommendations I Field Inspection & Testing Project Coordinator Daniel J. Zienty NACE- Coating Inspection Technician #3186 Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Mr. Zienty has over 10 years in coatings management, coatings application, and related #289 -194 -0535 field testing techniques in the industrial and water /wastewater field. At SEH, his project American Welding Society (AWS) involvement includes: facility evaluations and report development, project planning, Associate Welding Inspector #97040484 of construction documents cost estimat related to rehabilitation p reparation � g > and on -site inspection. Sr. Professional Specialist Lee Dornbusch Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Protective Coatings Specialist Mr. Dornbusch has over 25 years of experience on both municipal and industrial coatings #713- 618 -1093 related projects including water /wastewater, petrochemical, pulp and paper, transportation, and mining. Since joining SEH, he has specialized in plant surveys, failure analysis, specifi- cation development, training, and site inspection. Field Inspector ,�.. Gary Meyer Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Protective Coatings Specialist Mr. Meyer brings over 20 years experience in industrial coatings as a sub - consultant #654- 559 -1034 inspector, coatings developer, and general contractor. General Application knowledge in general industrial includes 100% solids, plural component spray -on, and floor coating systems. Since joining SEH, Gary has been involved with site management, and inspec- tion relative to water /wastewater field applications, with an emphasis in rehabilitation. 0 q N U v y !0 d a H LUOTOulgasAMM . 55oz .Oul uOSIalapuaH 11401113 IJOgS 135= samlonals bullslx3 to Alpbolul leinlonals 4 siasn oldlllnW aol buluueld al!S 4 aoueualuleW 4 4luno@S 4 ouluaaios /sollaulsay 4 suo 10 4 buluoz 4 :s@nssl asaul gbnoaul nog( dlau AJanllo@l pup AIlu@lolllo of weal luawdolanaQ ails uolleolunwwoo @lal e palmo Seu H]S @olna @S ssolwim em buloueuu@ @I!uM salliunwwoo Auew j01 anu@naa p@ppe 91eJaua6 01 padlau seu sall!I!oel asaul to luawdolanap aul 'S @!l!I!oel AJOIS J @leM pup salts bulpllnq ledlolunw le luawdlnba bulleaado palelai pue seuualue to uo!lellelsul aql to lslsuoo salts @Saul 'pla6 aneM pauueld a!aul II!l of suolleool alts ainoes loalas saluedwoo suo!l - eolunwwooalal - swalsAS uolleolunwwoo leuosJad to asn aul ui gwojb pldej aul ullM - h!unzuzaoo .moc uz ino ppznq ssapatzrn .9 yj 92vuvuc puv mpoucuz000v q�pazp 01 vroa)aYl rnYX3S F Imo.I' ..1 jugm(101-90.9p ayzs suoi�eaiunwwoaalel Telecommunications site development team [' Telecommunications Planning Assistance I Zoning Research and Guidelines I Regulatory Compliance Community Education I Land -Use Planning I Site Planning and Design I Structural Assessments Construction Coordinator Daniel J. Zienty B.S. Construction Technology, Purdue University Calumet, Mr. Zienty has over 16 years regional experience in site development including installa- A.A.S., Civil Engineering /Architectural Technology, lion of d und utilities remotes or nos e remote switching units RSU � d > f Illinois Bell h g ( )> and Purdue University Calumet. structural steel fabrication. Since joining SEH, he has specialized in evaluation and protec- American Concrete Institute. tive coatings inspections for water storage facilities, as well as reconditioning planning, American Welding Society. including structure evaluation and modification for use as telecommunications sites. Society for Protective Coatings Radio Frequency & " Garrett G. Lysiak, P.E. Communication Consultant Electrical Engineering, Mr. Lysiak is a Consulting Electronic Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the area New York University ` - of Telecommunications. He is a member of the Association of Federal Communications Polytech Institute of New York, University of Virginia. Engineers AFCCE ( )� b of S a member o the Society of Television Engineers SCTE �' f Cbl Tl � ( )• Association of Federal Communications He is recognized for his rapid adaptability to a wide range of engineering problems. Consulting Engineers, Much of his experience has bee in telecommunications which he received while in National Society of the employ of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) as a Regional Professional Engineers "Engineer-in-Charge." Registered Professional Engineer -MN Society of Cable Television Engineers National Association of Radio & Telecommunications Engineers Structural Engineer Paul E . Steward, P.E. B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota. _ Mr. Steward has 12 years of experience in civil engineering. He has developed a broad Registered Professional Engineer, MN, WI, IA. �` background in structural engineering through his involvement in a wide variety of struc- American Society of Civil Engineering tural projects, such as water tower construction observation, structural reviews of existing Construction Specification Institute 1. water storage facilities, preparing plans and specifications for safety railing, and antenna supports on existing water storage facilities. Senior Planner Michael A. Wozniak, AICP M.R.P., University of Massachusetts B.L.A., Michigan State University r� A Mr. Wozniak has over 17 years of experience in community and regional planning in American Institute of Certified Planners urban, suburban and rural settings. His expertise include comprehensive planning, land AICP �. use regulation, building code administration heritage reservation and planning related -r � g g P P g 1 use of geographic information systems (GIS). He has prepared telecommunication regula- tions for the City of Hastings, MN and Goodhue County, MN. As a local government planner he has coordinated site plan and /or special use permit review and permitting for many telecommunication facilities 1 1 u Environmental Assessment. Permits. Reclamation. Remediation. The needs of mining today are greater than M inino they've ever been. SEH can help. We have the team to offer our L Li clients a comprehensive set of mining services, all from one consultant. Your mining needs are diverse, the deadlines tight. With our multi - disciplined, single source approach to consulting, we can provide you solutions, on time and within budget. From planning to permitting, through mine operations, SEH can help at all stages of mining related projects. We're SEH. How can we help? 1 PJ 1 Planning/Permitting Mapping/surveying/platting Field investigations Regulatory familiarity (including permit application assistance or preparation) Data research, compilation, evaluation, and management (including electronic databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Virtual Reality Imaging° (VRI) Public involvement support, including application of the Successful Public Involvement° (SPI) approach Technical support for bonding and insurance Environmental Compliance Environmental analysis /research Field investigations (soil, surface water, wetlands, and ground water) Habitat evaluation Mitigation and environmental enhancement strategies Monitoring plan development and implementation Complete document preparation Engineering Analysis and Design Surface water hydrology and hydraulics Groundwater hydrology Geologic hazards identification and characterization Geotechnical and foundation engineering Civil engineering (including storm water management, water supply and distribution, water and wastewater treatment, ancillary facilities, roads) Structural engineering Preparation of plans and technical specifications Value engineering studies Cost estimating AW - �� Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Construction Support Construction management (CM) support Construction observation and quality control (QC) testing Construction staking and surveying Project Types The services are applied to meet clients' needs for planned or existing mines, mills, and ancillary facilities, and mine expansion, closure, and /or remediation, including the following project types: Environmental Assessments /Impact Statements (EA/EIS) Permits (NEPA, Section 404, ISP, RCRA/SHRA/CERCLA, etc.) Storm water management plans and designs Site assessments /audits Open pit high walls (stability design) Waste rock dumps (runon- runoff leachate controls) Tailings facilities (dikes, dams, liners, pumps /piping) Heap leach pads (stability and leachate col lection /monitoring) Haul roads Mine site infrastructure (water /wastewater supply and treatment, ancillary buildings, etc.) Waste rock and tailings facilities closure (stabilization, wet or dry capping, runon- runoff and leachate controls) Effluent capture and treatment systems (conventional and wetlands systems) Reclamation (grading, growth media, revegetation, runon- runoff control) Hazardous waste clean -up (removal, in situ treatment, etc.) ■ Monitoring systems (air, surface water, groundwater) Mapping/Surveying/Platting adjacent lands for mine expansion _,awl � Roof Design 1 Asset Management � Inspections I I 1 t 1 1 t Roof Asset Management Services A roof asset management plan maximizes the life of a roof and minimizes expenses by iden- tifying immediate repair needs, judging the expected performance of the roof and prioritizing re -roof- ing needs. A roof asset management plan will assist you in making informed decisions in managing your facilities. Roof asset management includes establishing a proper roof maintenance program. This includes the adoption of a periodic inspection schedule. The early discovery and correction of minor defects prevents major roof repairs and extends the date when re- roofing will be necessary. Regular inspections should be performed at least twice each year. An inspection should be performed in the spring to detect any damage that may have occurred during the winter. A fall inspection will note the provisions necessary to prepare the roof for the coming winter. In addition to scheduled semi- annual inspections, roofs should be inspected after exposure to unusually sever weather conditions. New and Re - Roof Design Services SEH roof design engineers use time - tested materials and systems. We review systems for compliance to applicable codes and standards. Most importantly, we design systems that are most suited to the project given the client's goals and objectives. Our design and construction services include the following: Existing Condition Survey A Verify the existing roof system. Determine the present condition including age and types of materials. Document leak history. A Observe the condition and integrity of the substrate. A judge the expected future performance of the roof systems. A Provide detailed roof plans. n Prepare a written report that includes our findings, observations and professional engineering opinions. Preliminary Design A Perform a structural review of the roof portion of the building. A Identify potential waterproof systems. A Review wind uplift design requirements for compliance to Factory Mutual guidelines. A Perform an energy analysis for compliance to applicable codes and ordinances, and identify potential concerns due to condensation. A Review building codes to identify the classification of the building based on type of occupancy and type of construction. A Prepare life cycles costing and service life prediction of potential roof systems. Upon completion of the preliminary design, the owner and engineer review the options, thus enabling the client to make an informed decision based on long -term goals and budgets. Preparation of Plans and Specifications SEH construction plans and specifications include the following: A Architectural drawings of roof details. A Materials specifications for the substrate, insulation, vapor retarder, membrane, carpentry, flashing and sheet metal. A Installation and execution requirements. Preparation of Bid Documents SEH bid documents ensure the owner receives comparable bids. We assist the owner by performing the following engineering services: A Pre - qualify contractors. A Conduct pre -bid meetings. A Assist in reviewing and evaluating the bids. A Compile and execute contract documents. Perform a pre- construction meeting with the selected contractor to formalize the proposed construction methods, procedures, time constraints and coordination with others that may be on site. Construction Monitoring Reviews are performed during construction to verify materials and to make sure the contrac- tor is installing the roof properly. Upon completion of the project, we perform a final inspection with the owner and contractor. If the project is accepted, all warranties are obtained from the contractor along with the final pay request. law Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Allow Aig a wAsai We help you plan, design, and achieve. 1 -500- 325 -2055 • www.sehinc.com An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. apps day4o uo panulluoD sai IMM A sdnoj2 aas fl A sjauinsuoD A s.iaumopup -I A saaxpom -oz) 'saaXojduig A sdnoj2 4saia4ui ItiaadS A s iaumo ssauisng A s.iaAvdxu j A :apnlaui salduutxg •saaqlo 3o suoiPt ailj Aq papaya si ogAi dnoi2 ao lienpinipui XUV saipoq Sunlem -kniod A sluiai33o ailgnd A sa@Xolduig A szaumo ssauisng A s4uauij.ivdap /saiauaSt' lU4uauzuaanoD A aldoad.iiegD 'siolumpaooa 'saaSL'UL l A s.iauueld 'saaauisua 'S4aa4lgD"V A :apnlaui salduuLxd •aaBap IsallUuis ail} 01 uana 'aldoad iaq;o pa;3u suo qDL asoqni dnoa2 zo lunpinipui XuV Z}uauianlonui ailgnd wozj lljauaq uL oqM •uuld Juauianlonui ailgnd ailj 3o fqilpnb aq4 o4 uop,zodo.zd pa up ui si aAl epiui Xuu uo ssaaans ananlaLI any ilanlM 01 aa.z2ap aqj 'XIa}lelLUi}Ifl •pajuanuinaaia jo pa4vTndiuvui'pazou2i 2uiaq a4t 4ou Illm Xaq.L •uiag4 of asaaajui 3o sanssi 2uip iv2a i Xlluuosaad o4 paua4sil pue X14sauoq q4!m }l - eap aq o4 ajisap aldoad Zjuauxanionui ailgnd azi}izoizd AqM •2uiIt?ui uoisiaap o} peal uaiuM sassaao .id ail; ui a}vdiDpied of suazilia ao3 saipurujoddo sajPaaa 4uauianlonui ailgnd •u-Tail} Iaa33t? 1Iai14M suoisiaap ui panlonui aq of 4uvm aldoad saziaoaaj ilanlne BaJIa4s V si }uauianlonui ailgnd Zjuauianlonui ailgnd si 4LgM ailgnd ,ino Lil!m 6ui )laoM a 1 IUM 43agv yatynz suo }stoop u} paaloaut aq o4 4uvo2 aldoad saz ya fi8a;vd ;s V sT 4uatuarzlorzu} ailgnd 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ['I !J 1 Llltimately, the degree to which we achieve success on any initiative is in direct proportion to the quality of the public involvement plan. What are the benefits of a public involvement program? v Use of a well - constructed public involve- ment plan will establish your leadership position as the entity guiding an initiative • Delays can be avoided. v Money can be saved. • Mediations, lawsuits and /or mitigations can be eliminated. v Politicking can be minimized. v Creative solutions can enhance the initiative. • A competitive edge can be earned for successful public involvement. St. Paul Corporate Office: 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul, MN 55110 (612) 490 -2000 1- 800 - 325 -2055 Minneapolis Office: 5909 Baker Road, Suite 590 Minnetonka, MN 55345 (612) 931 -9501 1 -800- 734 -6757 ©1993 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Six actions to successful public involvement Prioritize communications. Truly involving the public requires allocating resources for effective communication skills, i.e., public speaking, conflict management. Acquire knowledge and skill to effectively work with the public. Achieving public involvement is dependent upon appropriate methodology which facilitates maximum participation of the people impacted. Different methods are effective with different groups and circum- stances. Holding a meeting and/or mailing a newsletter may be insufficient. Accurately identify all segments of the public. Promote the self- identification of "potentially affected individuals." Develop an understanding of the public's issues. Analyze the motivations, fears, concerns and desires of the people affected. Such awareness allows for the responsive structuring of information and helps determine which public involvement techniques will be most productive. Involve the public in the process. Conduct the initiative in full view of the public. Educate people about the process. And, actively provide people opportunities to participate and give input. Share considerations which determine the course of action. Recap the goals and desired outcomes of the project and communicate the considerations which determine the recommended course of action. It is essential the public witness that the issues raised from their participation are reflected in For more the considerations information, contact and have received Patricia Van Gorp thoughtful and Public Involvement respectful analysis. s specialist. NA SHORT E L L I O T T H E N D R I C K S O N I N C. Chippewa Falls Office: 421 Frenette Drive Chippewa Falls, Wl 54729 (712) 723 -8506 1- 800 - 472 -5881 Madison Office: 6410 Enterprise Lane, Suite 120 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 274 -2020 1- 800 - 732 -4362 St. Cloud Office: 113 South Fifth Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56302 (612) 252 -4740 1 -800- 572 -0617 r' 1 C� LI 1 r� 1 1 1 it LJ I 1 one of the toughest issues facing city, county, state and federal governments and agencies is how to improve communications with the general public, constituents, regulatory agencies, public officials and coordinating bodies. Making "communications" a priority is an easy first step to take. Unfortunately, most have found that developing and implementing truly effective strategies is not easy. The solution is SPI® Succesftl Public Involvement — from SEH. SPI public involvement services are designed to create and implement opportunities for the public to actively participate in the processes which lead to decision - making. SPI must not be confused with public relations. PR is the selling of a predetermined position. As such, it is the very thing the public finds most objectionable. That is not SPI. The SPI concept is based on the principles of SDIC (Systematic Development of Informed Consent'). The key word is informed. SEH public involvement experts custom - design SPI strategies that will bring your public into the process, facilitate their ability to participate and expand your ability to respond effectively to their concerns. Whether it's for a single project or a broad -based program, consider SPr public involvement services from the professionals at SEH. We'll help you create a win /win environment where clear communica- tions, understanding, trust and public confidence can flourish. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT SERVICES • Proactive public involvement programs • Communications (printed, verbal and visual) • Effective public meetings /hearings • Public input /research /opinion • Skills- building (presentation, public speaking, listening) • Conflict management • Needs analysis • Training and consulting SPI BENEFITS • Assists project implementation by minimizing controversy • Can reduce costly delays, back - tracking and re -work • Establishes cooperative relations with regulatory agencies • Provides early involvement of the public • Demonstrates sensitivity to public concerns and opinions • Strengthens public trust and confidence AW AdW ANEW tSDIC was developed by the Institutefor Participatory management and Planning WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM SPI? • Any individual or group whose actions affect other people • Governmental agencies • Policy- making groups • Managers /coordinators • Public officials • Architects, engineers, planners • Any individual or group who is affected by the action of others • Taxpayers • Business /property owners • Special interest groups • Citizen /neighborhood groups SEH... M ULTIOISCIPLINED. SINGLE SOURCE. ARCHITECTURE • Educational Facilities • Municipal Buildings • Religious Centers • Commercial and Industrial Buildings • Interior Design and Space Planning • Aviation Buildings • Downtown Renovation ENVIRONMENTAL • Wetland Delineation and Mitigation • Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) • Storm Water Management • Lake Management • Landfills, USTs, Environmental Site Audits • Hydrogeologic Studies • Remedial Investigation and Design • Wastewater Treatment • Water Treatment • Coatings Evaluation and Inspection • Regulatory Permitting and Compliance • Solid /Hazardous Waste Management • Wellhead Protection • Air Quality ENGINEERING • Site Studies, Surveys and Mapping • Water and Sewer Systems • Streets and Drainage • Utility Investigations and Design • Pavement Management • Geotechnical Engineering • Dams, Flood Control, Navigation and Levees • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling • Value Engineering • Marinas TRANSPORTATION • Comprehensive Planning • Project Development Documentation • Traffic Engineering • Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Planning and Operation • Multi -Modal Planning • Highways and Freeways • Bridges and Structures • Parking Facilities • Airport Planning and Engineering • Railroads SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON I NC. St. Paul Corporate Office. Chippewa Falls Office St. Cloud Office.. 3535 Vadnais Center Dr. 421 Frenette Drive 113 South Fifth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55110 Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (612) 490 -2000 (715) 720 -6200 (320) 252 -4740 1- 800 - 325 -2055 1- 800 - 472 -5881 1- 800 - 572 -0617 Minneapolis office. 5909 Baker Road Suite 590 Minnetonka, MN 55345 (612) 912 -2600 1- 800 - 325 -2055 Madison Office. 6418 Normandy Lane Suite 100 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 274 -2020 1- 800 - 732 -4362 Lake County Office. 2001 Cline Avenue North Suite 206 Griffith, IN 46319 (219) 838 -7097 E-�i TH AT ! F OR ! A F YOUR PUBLIC .=SEN An Affirmative Action, Equal OpportumCvEmployer *W r•ix,e•wi,x Contains 5096 total recycled materials. 409b pre-consumer; 1096 post - consumer 01.0 �SOYINK- VRI ® (Virtual Reality Imaging), exclusively, from SEH, is a resource available to assist in your public involvement eorts. With VRI, the public can actually see the completed project (with photo - realism) at the earliest planning stage. BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR A WETLAND PLAN THAT MEETS STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS, RELY ON THE SPECIALISTS AT SEH. Wetland regulation is a complex issue. Federal, state and local government regulations now apply to projects of all types and sizes. When wetlands are near a project, the first step is to complete a wetland delineation - establishing the wetland boundary through analysis of vegetation, soils and hydrology. After wetland delineation, project planning is focused on avoiding wetland impacts. If impacts are unavoidable, a minimization effort should be conducted to determine the value, function, and distribution of wetlands on the site. Mitigation or wetland replacement then proceeds for lost wetland acreage, value and function. Last, and most important, local, state and federal permits are obtained. An established working relationship with regulatory agencies is critical for expediting permit processing. To fulfill these needs, SEH has established a team of wetland specialists- experienced Wetland Biologists, Ecologists, Engineers and Planners. These experts are trained in current field methods and restoration /creation technologies. WETLAND SERVICES Because SEH provides a multi- • Delineation disciplined approach to its services, • Mitigation design wetland planning can be efficiently • Monitoring integrated with other project tasks. • Value and function analysis SEH's wetland specialists work • Inventory and mapping to improve the environment while • NURP pond design implementing effective and appro- • Banking assistance priate wetland strategies that keep • Ordinance drafting projects moving forward. • Comprehensive management plans We're ready to help. • GPS or conventional surveying SEH ADVANTAGES • Team of experts, including Wetland Biologists, Ecologists, Engineers, and Planners • Certified Professional Wetland Scientists* • Experienced in all aspects of wetland services, including new technologies such as GPS surveying • Demonstrated working relationships with regulatory agencies Idw A *SEH Professional Wetland Scientists are Certified by the Society of Wedand Scientists Idlow • In -depth knowledge of federal and state regulations • Serving local, county and state government since 1927 • Multidisciplined approach to civil engineering, architectural, transportation and environmental services to provide "single- source" efficiency, convenience and expertise SEH... MULTIDISCIPLINED. SINGLE SOURCE. ARCHITECTURE • Educational Facilities • Municipal Buildings • Religious Centers • Housing • Commercial and Industrial Buildings • Interior Design and Space Planning • Aviation Buildings • Downtown Renovation ENVIRONMENTAL • Wetland Delineation and Mitigation • Environmental Studies (EA, EAW, EIS) • Storm Water Management • Lake Management • Landfills, USTs, Environmental Site Audits • Hydrogeologic Studies • Remedial Investigation and Design • Wastewater Treatment • Water Treatment • Regulatory Permitting • Solid /Hazardous Waste Management • Wellhead Protection • Air Quality ENGINEERING • Site Studies, Surveys, and Mapping • Water and Sewer Systems • Streets and Drainage • Utility Investigations and Design • Pavement Management • Geotechnical Engineering • Dams, Flood Control Navigation, and Levees • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling • Value Engineering • Marinas TRANSPORTATION • Comprehensive Planning • Project Development Documentation • Traffic Engineering • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Planning and Operation • Multi-Modal Planning • Highways and Freeways • Bridges and Structures • Parking Facilities • Airport Planning and Engineering • Railroads �SEN SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. St. Paul Corporate Office: Chippewa Falls Office: St. Cloud Office: 3535 Vadnais Center Dr. 421 Frenette Drive 113 South Fifth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55110 Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (612) 490 -2000 (715) 720 -6200 (320) 252 -4740 1- 800 - 325 -2055 1- 800 - 472 -5881 1- 800 - 572 -0617 Minneapolis Office: 5909 Baker Road Suite 590 Minnetonka, MN 55345 (612) 912 -2600 1- 800 - 734 -6757 Madison Office: 6418 Normandy Lane Suite 100 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 274 -2020 1- 800 - 732 -4362 Lake County Office: 2001 Cline Avenue North Suite 206 Griffith, IN 46319 (219) 838 -7097 YINDING PROJECT THAT WORK ,. o. =SE" An Arrirmadve Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. �^ PflINTEU WITN Contains 50% total recycled materials: 40 %pre- consumer,•10 %post-consumer RR WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN THA MEETS STATE An FEDERAL REGULATIONS, RELY ON THE SPECIALISTS AT Population growth, urban sprawl, agricultural chemicals and hazardous materials are threats to a community's water supply. The implementation of an effective Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) is major preventative action which can protect municipal wells from contamination. The U.S. EPA (1986 Safe Drinking Water Act) adopted provisions for wellhead protection. As a result, many states now have laws requiring wellhead protection plans. in the coming months and years, public water suppliers will need to face the wellhead protection issue. Anticipating this need, SEH has established a Wellhead Protection team of experts. This team includes experi- enced hydrogeologists, geologists, engineers and planners. Delineation of wellhead protection areas is a complicated process. SEH's professional staff is capable of delineat- ing wellhead protection areas even in the most complex hydrogeologic settings. And, because SEH offers a comprehensive array of engineering and planning services, wellhead protection plans can be efficiently integrated with other water system and environmental needs. Maintaining a dependable supply of dean, safe drinking water is essential to the quality of life for community residents. SEH is ready to help. WELLHEAD PROTECTION SERVICES • Wellhead protection area delineation • New wellhead siting • Community education • Wellhead planning assistance • Regulatory compliance • Hazardous waste management • Water use planning • WHPA zoning Y i 1 SEH ADVANTAGES • Wellhead protection team of experts including hydrogeologists, geologists, engineers and planners • Experienced in all aspects of wellhead protection • Full service water system engineering • in -depth knowledge of federal and state regulations • Serving local, county and state government since 1927 D MULTIDISCIPLINED. SINGLE SOURCE. ARCHITECTURE • Schools • City Halls • Libraries • Churches • Housing • Health Care Facilities • Commercial and Industrial Buildings • Interior Design and Space Planning • Historic Preservation • Downtown Economic Revitalization • Landscape Architecture • ADA Compliance CIVIL ENGINEERING • Site Studies, Surveys and Mapping • Water and Sewer Systems • Streets and Drainage • Utility Investigations and Reconstruction • Pavement Management • Geotechnical Engineering • Dams, Flood Control, Navigation and Levees • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling • Value Engineering • Railroad Services ENVIRONMENTAL • Wellhead Protection • Solid/Hazardous Waste Management • Regulatory Permitting and Compliance • Hydrogeologic Studies • Remedial Investigation and Design • Water Treatment • Environmental Studies (EAW, EIS) • Wetland Delineation and Mitigation • Storm Water Management • Lake Management • Landfills, USTs, Environmental Site Audits • Wastewater • Air Quality TRANSPORTATION • Highways and Freeways • Bridges and Structures • Parking Facilities • Comprehensive Planning • Environmental Studies • Traffic Engineering • Multi -Modal Planning • Airport Planning and Design =SEN SHORT RT L.L.IOT'T HENDRICKSON I NC. St. Paul Corporate Office: Chippewa Falls Office: St. Cloud Office. 3535 Vadnais Center Dr. 421 Frenette Drive 113 South Fifth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55110 Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (612) 490 -2000 (715) 720 -6200 (612) 252 -4740 1- 800 - 325 -2055 1- 800 - 472 -5881 1- 800 - 572 -0617 Minneapolis Office. 5909 Baker Road Suite 590 Minnetonka, MN 55345 (612) 931 -9501 1- 800 - 734 -6757 Madison Office. 6410 Enterprise Lane Suite 120 Madison, WI 53719 (608) 274 -2020 1- 800 - 732 -4362 An Affirmative Action, Equ Opportunity Employer Contains 5096 total recycled materials 4096 pre - consumer, 1095 post - consumer ► • �SEN