HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of June 13, 2001 Committee of the Whole6 B ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 13, 2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on June 13, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 221 of the Community Center. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Cisewski, Klassen, Edwards and Riley present. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director Jim Parsons, Finance Director May, City Planner Pearson, Human Resources Coordinator Graff, Interim City Engineer Weiss, and Interior Design Consultant Terri Hirsch. Stormwater Update Interim City Engineer Bret Weis presented update on storm water management projects with his memo dated June 13, 2001. Weis discussed each of the nine storm water management projects and detailed the proposed courses of action. Council authorized placement of the DNR Grant Application for Keegan Lake on the agenda of the June 18, 2001 City Council meeting. The plans and spec's / authorization for quotes for Shannon Pond will also be included on the June 18 agenda. Commercial Zoning District City Planner Pearson presented Further discussion of the Commercial Districts resulted in the following direction to staff: 1. The purpose and intent paragraph will include the following language: "The district is intended to be compatible within a residential neighborhood context. Therefore, the number of permitted uses is limited and the scale of uses is comparatively small." 2. All neighborhood retail, office and personal service will be limited to 2,500 sq. ft. for consistency.. 3. Maximum heights for exterior lighting will be limited to 20 ft. for C -1 and C -2. C -3 and C -4 now limited to 30 ft. heights will have the following additional language: "The maximum height for exterior lighting within 100 feet of a residential use or district shall be 20 feet." 4. "Including" shall be added as needed - mostly in the C -2 and C -4 permitted uses. 5. Language relating to "compatibility in function, form and style" will be added to the Purpose Purpose and Intent paragraph of the Traditional Downtown Overlay District. 6. Special sales events will be permitted allowing semi - trailers according to the 4 suggested conditions with the addition of: e. Items for sale must be customarily manufactured, sold or stored within the principal structure. f. Such events will be permitted a maximum of three times annually from April through October, limited to seven days duration, separated by a minimum interval of 30 days (last part new). 7. There will be other corrections as a result of proof - reading, but there will be no other content changes without Council direction. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 13, 2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on June 13, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 221 of the Community Center. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Cisewski, Klassen, Edwards and Riley present. Staff members in attendance were Community. Development Director Jim Parsons, Finance Director May, City Planner Pearson, Human Resources Coordinator Graff, Interim City Engineer Weiss, and Interior Design Consultant Terri Hirsch. Stormwater Update Interim City Engineer Bret Weis presented update on storm water management projects with his memo dated June 13, 2001. Weis discussed each of the nine storm water management projects and detailed the proposed courses of action. Council authorized placement of the DNR Grant Application for Keegan Lake on the agenda of the June 18, 2001 City Council meeting. The plans and spec's / authorization for quotes for Shannon Pond will also be included on the June 18th agenda. Commercial Zoning District City Planner Pearson presented Further discussion of the Commercial Districts resulted in the following direction to staff: 1. The purpose and intent paragraph will include the following language: "The district is intended to be compatible within a residential neighborhood context. Therefore, the number of permitted uses is limited and the scale of uses is comparatively small." 2. All neighborhood retail, office and personal service will be limited to 2,500 sq. ft. for consistency. 3. Maximum heights for exterior lighting will be limited to 20 ft. for C -1 and C -2. C -3 and C -4 now limited to 30 ft. heights will have the following additional language: "The maximum height for exterior lighting within 100 feet of a residential use or district shall be 20 feet." 4. "Including" shall be added as needed - mostly in the C -2 and C -4 permitted uses. 5. Ce 7. S. Language, relating to "compatibility in function, form and style "" will be addea 'qo the Purpose and Intent paragraph of all the Commercial zonin Districts. Special sales events will be permitted allowing semi- trailers according to the 4 suggested conditions with the addition of: e. Items for sale must be customarily manufactured, sold or stored within the principal structure. £ Such events will be permitted a maximum of three times annually from April through October, limited to seven days duration, separated by a minimum interval of 30 days (last part new). There' will be other corrections as a result of proof - reading, but there will be no other content changes without Council direction. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 13, 2001 City Hall Status Report a. Furniture Human Resources Coordinator Graff and Space Planner Consultant Hirsch presented information regarding new furniture for the remodeled/expanded City Hall. Total cost for new furniture throughout is $225,494. Following discussion of whether MINNCOR was the best source for furniture, Council directed staff to prepare a listing of furniture and to justify replacement of all current furniture with new. This information will be prepared by Graff for the July work session. City Hall Status Report b. Budget Community Development Director Jim Parsons presented an update of the budget for the City Hall remodel/ expansion. He reviewed the activities to date on various items within the budget and stated that some of the cost estimates have been coming in lower than originally budgeted. In response, Cisewski asked if Council could review additional budget information in the future. Parsons stated that plans have been made to have an AMCON representative attend the monthly work sessions to provide a forum for a timely review of the remodeling budget for Council. Public Works Director Recruitment HR Coordinator Graff presented information requesting that the City initiate a new recruitment process for the Public Works Director/ City Engineer position. After review of the information, Council suggested that the position remain open until filled. No salary information will be posted; the pay will be reviewed when the new Stanton survey becomes available at the end of June. Performance Standards Council reviewed the 2001 — 2002 Performance Standards prepared by the City Administrator. Individual council members made suggestions for additional standards; the Administrator will incorporate these suggestions into the final document. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paula A. Graff, Human Resources The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2001- 22. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 Interim City Engineer Weiss noted that the subdivision agreements are now the standard model used requiring payment for infrastructure prior to development. Evermoor 7th Addition does discharge into the Marcotte Pond but at present it is sandbagged to prevent that. Evermoor 6 Addition drains away from the Marcotte Pond. Council Member Klassen noted that she had stated that she would not approve any development at Evermoor until the AUAR compliance is met and erosion concerns are mitigated. The City held a joint meeting with environmental agencies on May 16, which then referred the developers of Evermoor to a MPCA Board Forum for action on the violations. A stipulation agreement, with a minimum fine of $7,500 is being negotiated. Mike Martindale from the MPCA has inspected the Evermoor site and said that they have gone above and beyond the requirements for erosion control. An inspection report was submitted showing all areas have been corrected and Martindale said they would be using Evermoor for educating other developers on the right way to install erosion control measures. Klassen asked about the endangered Blanding turtles noted in the AUAR. City Administrator Burt said that hand outs had gone to all contractors on the job stating they must check for Blanding turtles before they back fill and that their habitat must be restored foll development. Klassen asked about sediment removal from µ ms' al of the ponds Burt said the DNR will help identify the amount that needs to be removed The City has also entered into i an agreement with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation Dept to review the site for erosion and wate uali . Weiss said permits with the DNR will be applied for when the lift station is to be installed. Klassen thanked staff for working with the environmental agencies and correcting erosion problems. Klassen was now willing to support action for the development of Evermoor. MOTION by Cisewski to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR EVERMOOR 6T H ADDITION. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Riley, Edwards, Klassen, Cisewski, Busho. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Cisewski to adopt A RESOLUITON APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR EVERMOOR 7 TH ADDITION. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Edwards, Klassen, Cisewski, Busho, Riley. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Busho to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with Contractor Property Developers Company for the Evermoor 6` Addition and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Klassen, Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Busho to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with Contractor Property Developers Company for the Evermoor 7 th Addition and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Cisewski to adopt A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVERMOOR 6th AND 7 TH ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 336. Second by Riley. Ayes: Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion carried.