HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b Centex PUD Amendment for BloomfieldCITY OF ROSEMOUNT t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Centex PUD Amendment for Bloomfield AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA N ffW 1 ATTACHMENTS: Concept Booklet (revised); Draft Resolution; APPROVED BY: P.C. Minutes (1- 23/2-13,2001); Memos; Corresnondence Applicant & Property Owner(s): Steve Ach of Centex Homes Minnesota Division Location: North of CSAH 42, south of Union Pacific Railroad, east of the current phase of Bloomfield. Area in Acres: 179 acres affected by concept revision, 226 acres total in PUD; 232 acres including 3.83 acres of proposed Rail Road acgisition. Number of Lots /units 590 overall, 413 in concept 291 single family detached, 122 twin home & quad townhome units Overall housing mix- 53.8 % detached single family 46 % attached (twin and quad units) Concept area mix - 70 % detached single family 29.5% attached (twin and quad units) Overall Density: 2.54 dwelling units per acre Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Urban Residential Current Zoning:" R -1 Low Density Residential SUMMARY Centex Homes is proposing a Planned Unit Development Amendment for the undeveloped portions of Bloomfield. Centex proposes a housing type that functions on a 70 ft. wide lot with no setback reductions. The revision accommodates the potential for a grade separated rail crossing as well as an at -grade crossing. The plan increases open space as a trade —off for increases of single family and attached units. Revised PUD Amendment CMC PUD as approved Percent increase Single Family 291 (70' lots) 272 (staff estimate)* 7 % Twin Homes 22 (11 buildings) Carriage Homes 100 (25 quad buildings) 76 Mansion Homes (quads) 60% 36.56 gross acres of oven space 11 acres gross 232% Total Units 413 348* 18.6% overall *estimate based upon conversion of 79 Patio Homes to 58 Single Family by Staff to reflect conditional approval. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING The northerly property owner expressed his objection to the concept of grade separating the railroad crossing. There were no other pertinent comments. The Commissioners were generally in support of the concept because of the increased separation of the housing from the railroad tracks. The concept is superior to the approved PUD Concept because it also increases the amount of open space along the outer edges of the development to mitigate the combined effects of CSAH 42, the refinery as well as the railroad. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Concept PUD Amendment proposed by Centex Homes. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2001- _ A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CENTEX HOMES WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Centex Homes for approval of a concept residential planned unit development for property in the Bloomfield development in Rosemount, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, on February 13, 2001, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Planned Unit Development for Centex Homes and adopted a motion to recommend approval, subject to conditions, to the City Council. WHEREAS, on March 6, 2001, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Planned Unit Development for Centex Homes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Concept Planned Unit Development for Centex Homes, subject to: _ - A, Adopting findings in support of the�€JD concept as required'in Section 12.6 -of the zoning ordinance. 2. Incorporation of recommendation by the City consulting Engineer relative to drainage, easements, grading, rights -of -way, streets, utilities, and all other applicable public infrastructure. 3. Recommendations relative to park facilities and dedication will be made separately by the Parks and Recreation Committee. 4. The proportion of housing units to open space shall not change in favor of additional housing units, and changes to the distribution of housing types will only be changed if the proportion of single family increases. For clarification, there shall be no reduction in open space and no increase in attached housing, although the number of single family dwellings could be reduced. 5. Approvals or cooperation as needed by Dakota County, Metropolitan Council and the Union Pacific Railroad. ADOPTED this 6" day of March, 2001, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Cathy Busho, Mayor Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Pearson, City Planner FROM: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: February 28, 2001 RE: Bloomfield Development - Centex Homes At the January 22, 2001 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, staff presented the new concept plan for the Bloomfield Development on an informational basis only. Staff indicated that the new concept plan provided for open space in addition to our current 8.7 acres park. Because there was not a park plan available at that time, very little discussion took place. The concept plan calls for 413 units. The park dedication requirement for land is 14.10 acres. If the City chose full cash and no land, the cash dedication would be $423,000.00: There is also the optj r mix of land and cash:�m' - -. . The developer did provide a detailed park plan that was mailed to the committee members for their review before the February 26, 2001 committee meeting. Staff did have numerous conversations with the developer about the park plan. As a result of the discussions, two new concept plans were brought to the meeting on the 26 h and reviewed by the committee. After a lengthy discussion by the Committee, it was decided that the concept plan does offer an opportunity to add some additional active recreation amenities. The Committee indicated they would be willing to work with the developer on a revised park plan, which might include accepting some additional land. I do agree with the Committee's idea of the concept plan offering some new opportunities for park development. However, it is my opinion that additional work is needed to come up with a suitable park plan. Pursuant due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting o e Planning Commission was duly hel Tuesday, February 13, 2001. Chairpe Bill Droste called the meeting to order a :32 p.m. with members Myro apper, Kim Shoe - Corrigan, and Jeffery Weisensel pre s Also in attend ,ere City Planner Rick Pearson and Code Enforcement Official Sheila 'Bryan. There were no additions o rrection the agenda. MOTION by isensel to approve the January 2001 Regular Planning Commission Meetin nutes. Seconded by Droste. Ares: Nap Droste, Shoe - Corrigan, and ensel. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Old Business: Centex Homes Concept PUP (Bloomfield) On January 23, 2001, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the Centex proposal to amend the Bloomfield Planned Unit Development. Action on the proposed amendment was tabled pending further information. Mr. Pearson presented comparisons between the approved PUD for Bloomfield and the revised concept plan. The concept plan was revised to accommodate the location for Connemara Trail and to provide sufficient space if the railroad crossing becomes grade separated. The housing mix was reviewed. The current proposal results in 18 less single family homes, 1 less twinhome, and 2 additional quad buildings from Centex's original proposal. Open space calculates at 18.37 acres of contiguous open space, excluding ponds, wetlands, and railroad right -of -way. 70 foot lots (291) as compared to 80 foot lots (272) result in an estimated 3 % increase in private open space and 4% reduction in building mass. Due to the lot depth, separation from the railroad tracks exceeds the minimum setback of 110 feet. The nearest quad unit is 460' from the tracks, and the single family homes range from 220' -225' from the tracks. Dwight Jelle of Westwood summarized the proposal for open space and park amenities. Mr. Jelle clarified that Centex would commit to no reduction in open space or in multi- family units, however, necessary revisions to the plan could result in a reduction in single family dwellings. Commissioner Shoe - Corrigan commented that preserving open space would maintain the value of the homes. Mr. Pearson further clarified the setbacks from the railroad tracks and the housing mix. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2001 Page 2 Chairperson Droste pointed out negative conditions affecting this development, including Hwy. 42, the railroad, and Koch Refinery. He found the new design more appealing because of the additional open space. He offered his approval of the new design, finding it to be superior to the approved PUD. Dan Blake of Centex Homes clarified that future changes to the plan as a result of the Connemara Trail location and railroad crossing will not reduce the number of attached homes or the amount of open space. Single family homes, however, may be reduced. MOTION by Droste to recommend that the City Council approve the concept for Centex Bloomfield subject to: 1) Adopting findings in support of the PUD concept plan as required in Section 12.6 of the zoning ordinance; 2) Incorporation of recommendation by the City consulting Engineer relative to drainage, easements, grading, rights -of -way, streets, utilities, and all other applicable public infrastructure; 3) Recommendations relative to park facilities and dedication will be made separately by the Parks and Recreation Committee; 4) The proportion of housing units to open space shall not change in favor of additional housing units, and changes to the distribution of housing types will only be changed if the proportion of single family increases. For clarification, there shall be no reduction in open space and no increase in attached housing, although the number of single family dwellings could be reduced; 5) Approvals or cooperation as needed by Dakota County, Metropolitan Council and the Union Pacific Railroad. Seconded by - � Weisensel. Ayes: Droste, Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel, and Napper. Nays: 0. Motion carried. _ Chaff erson Droste opened the public hearing on the propos amendments to Ordinance B -City o Rosemount Zoning Ordinance pertaining to ou or storage, recreational vehicle par ' g, surface parking, and driveway turnar ds. The recording secretary has placed the Af avit of Publication and Posting of ublic Hearing Notice on file with the City. Ms. O'Bryan presented overview of . recreational vehicle parkin outdo stor setbacks for surface parking. recommended changes pertaining to ;e of construction materials, woodpiles, and Commissioners inquired out speci situations concerning regulations for woodpiles, recreational vehicle p ing, and parking tbacks. A reduction in parking setbacks to 5 feet would legitim' a existing conditions. Di ussions also addressed what effect the proposed chan s may have on home occupatio Mr. Pe n explained the proposed regulations for dri%back orner lots would shift a dri way to the lesser - traveled street. For lots frontir street, regulations W Id require turnarounds, thereby avoiding the need ta busy street. 7 Chairpe rson Droste opened the public hearing, There were no comments. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Planning Commission Regular Meeting. Minutes January 23, 2001 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 -423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651- 423 -6219 Fax: 651- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission as duly held on Tuesday, January 23, 2001. Chairperson Bill Droste called th eeting to der at 6 :30 p.m. with members Myron Napper and Kim Shoe - Corrigan esent. Co ssioner Jeffery Weisensel arrived at 6:38 p.m. Also in attendance ere City Planner k Pearson, Code Enforcement Official Sheila O'Bryan, an ouncilmember Sheila Klass There were no adons or corrections to the agenda MOTION by Droste to rove the January 9, 2001 gular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Second by Napper. Zendments er, Droste, and Shoe - Corrigan. Nays: 0. Motion carried. New Business: Ordin Ms. O'Bryan presented for discussi osed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. The changes pertain to recreational vehi es, ou or storage, woodpiles, parking setbacks, and driveways. Commissioners recomme ed adding a time limit on king for recreational vehicles and limiting the numbe f recreational vehicles stored o side \heariing Storae of construction materials should be ' d into the building permit, requirinmaterials within 30 days completion of a project. Mr. Pearson xplained it is necessary for safety reasons tance to require driveway arounds for those homes having driveways et. Th dinance amendments will be considered further at on bruary Public Hearing: Centex Homes Concept PUD (Bloom field) Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing on the application by Centex Homes for approval of a revised concept plan for portions of Bloomfield. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Mr. Pearson provided background of the Bloomfield master plan and summarized the aspects of the proposed concept plan. The concept area consists of 309 single family detached units, 92 quad townhome units, and 24 twin home units. The 80 -foot standard lot width is reduced to 70 feet. The proposal includes park dedication of a 43 -acre green Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 23, 2001 Page 2 space corridor as a trade off for the 70 -foot lots. However, the Parks & Recreation Committee is interested in enhancing dedicated parks elsewhere and is not interested in the 43 acre corridor dedication. Unresolved issues concern the extension of Connemara Trail and the railroad crossing. Circumstances may require a change in the street location and grade separation for the crossing, which would affect the development plans in the northeast portions of the development. Approvals are required from the Met Council, Union Pacific Railroad, and Dakota County. The developer has purchased approximately 5%2 acres of railroad right -of -way, which will provide additional buffer along the northern edge. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the applicant. Steve Ach of Centex Homes provided corporate background information and summarized the current status of the development. Dwight Jelle of Westwood reviewed the development design. He suggested further discussions on the open space issue and indicated the developer would present alternatives to the proposal. Mr. Jelle reviewed the sidewalk and trail system, buffering and landscaping along CSAH 42 and the railroad, streetscape designs, and housing styles. He indicated that an overgrade railroad crossing would necessitate the redesign of the plan to capture lost single family lots. Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing Craig Minea co -owner of 155 acres north of the Centex development, expressed his opposition to the grade- separated railroad crossing. Mr. Minea explained that a 23 -foot high bridge that bisects the center of a residential development would reduce the development's desirability. Townhouses and apartments would be the only viable residential use in this area. While the direct costs for a grade - separated crossing may be considered less expensive, consideration must be given to the indirect costs of diminished property values. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the Commissioners. Commissioner Shoe - Corrigan requested clarification on changes in the number of housing units. Mr. Pearson explained the housing distribution and indicated the unit numbers are up about 7 -10 %. The housing mix ration for the original PUD was 56% single family and 42.8 %attached, compared to the current proposal of 55.7% single family and 44% attached. Discussions continued concerning the amount of open space provided Mr. Pearson explained the park was reduced to 8 acres. Because the Parks & Recreation Committee sees limited potential in this area, it prefers the balance of the park dedication in cash to create facilities elsewhere. Commissioner Weisensel confirmed that the trade -off for the 70' lots consists of 22 acres in open space. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 23, 2001 Page 3 Commissioner Shoe- Corrigan indicated an incentive must be present to support the 70- foot lots and additional units and that she did not want to see a loss in open space. She offered her support for this concept plan, but could not support an alternative concept resulting from a change in the Connemara Trail alignment and the railroad crossing. Mr. Jelle responded that the developer is willing to look at other concepts creating open space. The proposed plan provides flexibility to allow for the bridge at the railroad crossing. Chairperson Droste observed that the concept proposal provided increased separation of housing from the railroad compared to the approved PUD. Commissioner Shoe - Corrigan expressed her concern that private open space be preserved. Discussions continued concerning the affordability of the homes and the type of homeowner Centex would be marketing to. MOTION by Droste to close the public hearing. Seconded by Weisensel. Ayes: Droste, Shoe- Corrigan, Weisensel, and Napper. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Commissioners discussed concerns that modifications to the concept plan to accommodate a grade - separated railroad crossing would not result in an increase in overall density from the approved concept plan or a reduction in open space. Mr. Pearson was directed to revise staff recommendations to address Commissioners' concerns. MOTION by Weisensel to table action on the concept plan for Centex Bloomfield to February 13, 2001. Seconded by Shoe- Corrigan. Ayes: Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel, Napper, and Droste. Nays: 0. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before this Commission, upon MOTION by Droste and upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dianne G. Quinnell Recording Secretary 3i From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Interim CityEngine Date: February 14, 2001 Re: Preliminary Review of Bloomfield 2,.d Addition Street Issues City of Rosemount Project No. 299 WSB Project No. 2012 -21 T~ This memo is intended to provide comments related to the sketch plan for the above referenced F project with regard to street design. While we understand the plan is simply in sketch stage at this point, we would like to note the following issues: 1. t>oilector Streets: The extension of Bloomfield Path and future Aburn Avenue should be designed to collector street standards, with a minimum 80 ft. right of way and 42 ft. street. The extension of Bloomfield Path should mirror the design in Bloomfield first addition. The south portion of Auburn Avenue was originally designed to include a median to the first intersection. As long as the traffic issues are addressed, the median is not necessan from our perspective. 2. Eyebrow Cul -de -sacs: There are three eyebrow cul -de -sacs shown on the plan. While these eyebrows are useful to accommodate the construction of additional lots, they do create maintenance issues. We would prefer to see the installation of a standard cul -de -sac or an elimination of the eyebrows completely. 3. Cul -de -sac Islands: Every cul -de -sac in the plan is proposed with an island, which have been constructed in the past with limited success. We did construct some cul -de -sacs with islands this past year and need to check with public works on how the snowplowing worked. We would r also like to have the landscaping maintained by a homeowners association. We prefer to eliminate the cul -de -sac islands, however. if they are intended to remain in place they will need to be designed to an acceptable standard. F: \WPw 21\021d01rp-:012 ?l.doc Minneapolis - St. Cloud - Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Rick Pea ^ a, City Planner City of Rosemount February 14, 2001 Page 3 4. Street Widths: Street widths in the plan are difficult to discern but. appear to utilize the standards identified for the Evermoor Project, which include a 28 ft. face-to-face street n - ith a parking lane on one side. We have not discussed with the Council previously if this was the new standard for streets in the City of Rosemount and would need to reN isit that discussion prior to allowing the preliminary plat documents to move forward « this design. 5. Horizontal Curves: This project proposes to utilize many sharp corners throughout the layout of the lots. While these appear attractive on paper they do create issues from the standpoint of street maintenance, traffic visibility and on- street parking. We have previously proposed the use of 30 MPH horizontal design curves and have made some exceptions in certain situations. The proposed streets do not seem to meet any of those guidelines at this stage. 6. Landscaping In reviewing the landscaping plan, it appears that utilizing street plantings adjacent to the curb is proposed on this project similar to the previous Evermoor Project. There were some restrictions that were identified to allow that type of planting to occur on the Evermoor Project and we would need to discuss that issue in greater detail with this project before proceeding. Further, the landscaping plan identifies heavy planting on the street corners, which appear to impede sight lines, and would need to be revised to accommodate our corner sight line restrictions.. 7. Auburn AvenueICSAH 42 Intersection: The location of the future Auburn Avenue connection to CSAH 42 is proposed at a different location than was originally approved by Dakota County. This would need to be revisited for acceptance by the County. 8. Connemara Trail The potential Connemara trail overpass is in the process of being evaluated by the City Council. The proposed height and resulting sloping onto the Bloomfield 2nd Addition will need to be analyzed, along with the location of the crossing point of the railroad tracks. This will involve some coordination with property owners on both sides of the tracks. FAWPWM1 2012- 21 \021401rs 2012- 21.doc Mr. Rick PeF. ^ n, City Planner City of Rosemount February 14, 2001 Page 3 I understand that these comments are general in nature and will need to be formalized during the preliminary plat stage, but we did want to provide some preliminary observations. Please give me a call if you have any questions or clarifications regarding these comments at (763) 287 -7190. ak cc: Tom Burt, City Administrator Cindy Dorniden F: \WPWMOI2- 21\021401 rp- 2012- 21.doc . - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FO, _ ACTION Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 13, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Centex PUD for Bloomfield (Revision) AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA NO., }� , ATTACIiMENTS: Concept Booklet (revised), Memos, APPROVED BY: .-►/7 Applicant & Property Owner(s): Location: Area in Acres: Number of Lots /units Overall Density: Comp.. Guide Plan Desig Current Zoning: Steve Ach of Centex Homes Minnesota Division North of CSAH 42, south of Union Pacific Railroad, east of the current phase of Bloomfield. 179 acres affected by concept revision, 226 acres total in PUD; 232 acres including 3.83 acres of proposed Rail Road acqisition. 590 overall, 413 in concept 291 single family detached, 122 twin home & quad townhome units Overall housing mix - 53.8 % detached single family 46 % attached (twin and quad units) Concept area mix 70 % detached single family 29.5% attached (twin and quad units) 2.54 dwelling units per acre Urban Residential R -1 Low Density Residential SUMMARY Centex Homes has revised their proposed Planned Unit Development Amendment for the undeveloped portions of Bloomfield. The revision accomodates the potential for a grade separated rail crossing as well as an at -grade crossing. The end result is a reduction in the number of units. Revised PUD Amendment Original Pmposal CMC PUD as approved Single Family 291 (70' lots) 309 272 (staff estimate)* Twin Homes 22 (11 buildings) 24 (12 buildings) Carriage Homes 100 (25 quad buildings) 92 (quad units) 76 Mansion Homes (quads) Total Units 413 425 348* *estimate based upon conversion of 79 Patio Homes to 58. Single Family by Staff to reflect conditional approval The primary issue is still whether the Developer should be able to proceed with a 70 foot wide lot instead of the standard 80 ft. The trade -off is 34 acres of open space that could become a green space corridor which could accommodate a trail link to CSAH 42. On January 23, the Public Hearing was closed, and therefore, unless the concept was dramatically revised the Planning Commission should be able to discuss the recommendation and a motion. The attached memo details the revised amendment, breaks down the open space and attempts to respond to the concerns previously identified by the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the concept for Centex Bloomfield subject to: 1. Adopting findings in support of the PUD concept plan as required in Section 12.6 of the zoning ordinance. 2. Incorporation of recommendations by the City consulting Engineer relative to drainage,. easements, grading, rights -of -way, streets, utilities, and all other applicable public infrastructure. 3. Recommendations relative to park facilities and dedication will be made separately by the Parks and Recreation Committee. 4. The proportion of housing units to open space shall not change in favor of additional housing units, and changes to the distribution of housing types will only be changed if the proportion of single. family increases. 5. Approvals or cooperation as needed by Dakota County,lietropolitan Council and the Union Pacific Railroad. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: MEMORANDUDI TO: Planning Commission FROM: Rick Pearson, City Planner DATE: February 7, 2001 RE: February 13,'2001 Regular Reviews — Centex Revised PUD Amendment for Bloomfield BACKGROUND On January 23, 2001, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the Centex proposal for an amendment to the Bloomfield Planned Unit Development. The amendment was based upon Centex' 70 foot wide single - family lot design and open space presented as a trade - off. PUBLIC - HEARING Participation in the public hearing was limited to one adjacent property owner north of the railroad tracks, the Developer and his consulting Engineer. The Planning Commission expressed their concerns relative to the concept and provided staff direction to prepare a more detailed analysis of the open space relationships and recommendation. Those concerns are: • The open space provided as an incentive for the 70' wide lots should be quantified, and that space occupied by wetlands or otherwise required should be removed from the calculation. • The separation of housing from the railroad should be comparedbetwe _ .. cone t es. p _ • The open space should not be reduced in the event of plan modification or refinements. • Density should not be allowed to increase at the expense of open space as a result of plan modifications. PLAN REVISION The Plan has been revised in response to the Connemara Trail issues. The right -of -way locations have been shifted to the locations identified by Staff along the rail road right -of -way and the eastern boundary line. The street pattern has changed in this area resulting in large loop cul -de -sacs. v OPEN SPACE COMPARISON AND ASSESSMENT For the purposes of making this comparison, the 8.78 acres already dedicated for a neighborhood park have been subtracted. Proposed Concept as Revised Approved PUD 18.37 acres of contiguous open space 3 acres (estimated) 10.68 acres of ponds /wetlands 8 acres of ponds /wetlands 3.83 acres railroad buffer easement Existing railroad right -of -way L55 acres Private open space none 36.56 total acres of open space 11 total acres of open space The concept as amended exhibits a 18.6 % increase in housing units overall from the approved PUD and the contiguous open space excluding park and wetlands has been increased 8.8 % Proposed Concept as revised Percent change Approved PUD 291 Single Family (70') lots 7% increase 272 Single Family (80') lots* 122 Attached (Quad & Twin homes) 60% increase 76 Mansion Homes* * The Patio Homes included in the Concept were not approved and therefore, the s. f numbers were increased accordingly. The open space areas have been redrawn to show additional park facilities, in response to Park Recreation Committee discussions concerning a general need for additional active play fields. The Park and Recreation Committee will examine the concept and make a separate recommendation to the City Council concerning the disposition of Park facilities and amount of land dedication. RAILROAD SEPARATION/MITIGATION Typical railroad right -of -way (ROW) is 100 feet wide with the tracks in the middle. The ROW along much of the northern edge of the development is over 300 feet wide, which was possibly used for mining material to construct the high railroad embankment in this area. The Centex concept includes purchasing the additional or excess ROW, which is indicated above as 3.83 acres of railroad buffer. Centex Housing Separation from RR Tracks Approved PUD RR Separation 460 ft. from nearest Carriage (quad) units 230 ft. from Mansion Homes 110 ft.+ from nearest Single Family units 110 ft. + from 6 s. f. units lots (12) 240 -250 ft. deep lots* (6) 200 ft arxdt6) 220 ft. deep lots --q`l - * Given the depth of the lots, the separation is based upon minimum setrtiacks but will likely be increased because of the excessive lot depth. For example, a 240 ft. deep lot may have 160 feet of rear yard depth The proposed purchase of railroad ROW gives the Developer control of the space for screening, and density calculation. Staff would recommend excluding the 3.83 acres from the comparisons because they do not own the property now. RECOMMENDATION Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the PUD Concept Amendment requested by Centex for Bloomfield subject to: 1. Adopting findings in support of the PUD concept as required in Section 12.6 of the zoning ordinance (attached) 2. Incorporation of recommendations by the City consulting Engineer relative to drainage, easements, grading, rights -of -way, streets, utilities and all applicable public infrastructure. 3. Recommendations relative to park facilities and dedication will be made separately by the Parks and Recreation Committee. 4. The proportion of housing units to open space shall not change in favor of additional housing units, and changes in the distribution of housing types will only be changed if the proportion of single family increases. 5. Approvals or cooperation as needed by Dakota County, Met Council and U.P. Railroad. 02/08/01 10:31 FAX 95293 CENTEX HOM CENT'EX HOMES Minnesota Division Febn=ry5, 2001 3Sa)or and Cttiy Council Cityof Rosemount 2875145th Street Wist Rosemount, Ml` 55068 -4997 X002/003 12400 WhItewater oAve Sulte 120 Mlnnetonk.% WN 553 Pnonc; 452 - 936-7833 Fax: 952 - 93&7833 Dcar Miyor and Cry Council, As put of our application, we have submitted a comparison of Centex's concept Flan to CMC Heartland's apptuvrd concept plan. \% believe the comparison points our several advantages that Centex's plan has over the approved concept plan. In addition to the attributes of the physical phA there are advantages Centex Homes can bring to the Bloomfielld neighborhood that the City will find beneficial. - -_ Neighborhood-Are-biwtture , • Centex sill offer 7 to 8 single family floor plans all having 2 to 3 elevation choices. • Each elevation will offer options for brick or stone to supplement standard elevation materials. • Centex inrerraa ycontrols the mix of floor plans and elevation choices to make sure: the neighbor - is comple-.ed with a balanced mix of plans. • Siaglc family floor plans are designed in a from to back orientation. Therefore, patio doors or expansion opportunities do not exist on the side of the home eliminating any We of request for side yard variances that the City may have experienced wirh other 70' wide lots. • Separation between single family structures •vill be a minimum of 20' the sax as 80' wide lots would provide. Therefore, along the sweet frontage 70' wide lots will provide more open space. Sale Price • The price of all' the proposed produce is indicated in the neighborhood booklet. It should be pointed out that in a nearby neighborhood, the model home in the Paradc of Homes book is listed at $197,960.00 wkh others starting at 5260,000. In the short time Centex has been selling in Bloomfield, our average sale price of singe family homes s 5240,000.00. We believe this price point will increase throughout the remaining phases of Bloom= eld. Self Regulating • Protective cove are recorded against each homeshe in the neighborhood to make sure the iatcgriry of the neighborhood is maintained Items such as storage sheds, over night parking in clriveways, placement of recreatiomd vehicles and la. ^.dscaping of yards are all covered. • Since Centex wad be responsible for building and selling on every homesite, careful review his been given to rEe development design to make each homesite vmrks for Centex • Provide disclor --e to our customer about plans for Bloomfield and surrouncling properties (Le. bridge crossing railroad tracks). Advantages for the City • The higher sales price for single family homes will generate addition taxes. • With higher home values on 70' wide lots, the ary generates more tares per tun. l foot of sneer. -2_ February 6, 2001 X1003/003 • The budding inspections deparunent will .become familiar with the 7 to 8 single- Eat*floor plans and requires .less time for review but the same amount of permit fees for the city. This allows to inspectors more time in the field doing actual inspections and less time reviewing plans • Centex has a field .manager oor c that schedules all home corst=ion ac&kz This predetermined scheduling process assists the city inspectors so they know their workload vwl in advance o_ a building pewit being submitted • Centex will build homes on a consistent schedule that has an 'even flow?. This :gain can help the city manage their personnel needs based on a consistent development schedule. LastIN since purchasing Phase I and Phase II from CMC Heartland and obtaining an option to purchase the balance of the site if certain city approvals are obtained, Centex Homes has performed the folio sing: • Replaced all bonds and letter of credits with the Cny of Rosemount that (b:C -% re responsible in providing. • Paid off all special assessments that were past due in excess of a million dollars. • Paid Cuy Attorney legal fees that were past due. • Worked out an agreement with the Gity contractor for Phase II mars. • Completed all required landscaping around the 6 b L,r • At the request of the city and county corrected in erosion problem along Couar) 42. • Submitted a final plat for -the twin homes in Phase II and plan on commer cirg construction immediately in the, • Have sold all existing CMC single familyhomes and 15 Centex single fam- 2yho=es. In closing, Centex Homes is requesting the Cary Council's support of am amc::dme:.: to the concept plan for Bloomf`sela We believc the plan meets several of the Civ/s goals and creates a better •ncisrborhood' than the concept plan p.- evio;isly approved. We look forward to discussing the plan wi h you at your February 20ch meeting. If there are any quemns in advance of the meeting, please do not hesitate to co— me so �e appropriate infortnarion can be provided. Thank you for your time and consideration of our request. S= .cefely 5.. a Ach La=d Development Manager Centex I iomcs CEf4 TEX HOMES Minnesota Division 12400 WMtowater Drive Suite 120 Mmnetonks. MN 55343 Phone: 962-936-7033 Fax: $52-930-7939 February 23, 2001 Mr. Dan Schultz City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation 13885 South Roberts Trait Rosemount, MN 55068 -3438 RE: Bloomfield Phase )l Park Proposal Dear Dan, The concept plan that has been approved by the Planning Corr.mi:;sion and will be presented to the City Council on March o� has a variety of park and recreation opportunities. The plan focuses on preserving 45 acres of diverse open space that can be enjoyed by the p for many years to come. Centex Homes and Westwood Professional Services have assembled this conservation plan in a manner that wou =alkow --the Park -Board and City CO Ua [ to continue the open space further east with future deeveldoftnts as well connecting with the University of Minnesota property to the southeast. Centex Homes fully recognizes that the Park Board will find it difficult to give full park credit'fo the land dedication shown in our plan. Therefore, the park dedication proposal is to include a combination of land, cash and some immeciate improvements to the park system. However, to set a basis for our proposal the following is the calculation for the required dedication based on our czrrent plan: Required Park Dedication Per City Ordinance - • 413 units X.04 aeresr unit = 16.52 acres • Less 2.42 acres (credit from Phase 1) • 14.10 acres required land dedication or 14.10 acres X $30,0001acre = $423,000 The entire "package" Centex Homes would provide the City includes the following: • Dedicate 34.66 acres of useable open space along with 2.86 acres of wetland and 7.82 acres of ponding area (total acres 45.34) • Grading and seed the entire park area (valued at $434,000.00) • Construct all trails in the park (valued at $75,500.00) • Install playground equipment (valued at $30,000.00) • Install landscaping along trail corridor and in other areas of park (valued at $20,000.00) • Pay cash dedication of $93,000.00 sawoH xalu80 Jabeue jq luawdoleAeo puel yoy an lS '�tlaJaours "1146'u 4 EP U OIN NeOS �Jed a41 41!m sapiunpoddo 4jed a4l pue ueld mo 6uissnosip al PJeNUO; X i 'Gw 420 al aaJ{ laa; aseeid lesodojd jno 6uip.ie6ai suoilsenb Aue aney•noA ll "s4uawajinbaj ed a43 A;slles pjnom SjU= WaAojdwi Njed/4seo %0S pue pUei %0q `�tieO�seg 00'000'£6$ ;o lunowe ay; ul uol ;eolpea 4sie3 00*000'SL$ uoilonJlsuoo Beal - 00 luawlnba punoj6Aeld llelsul - 00'000'SoL$;a;unoWO ay; w ;!Para ;uawanoidwl 3 faed Jop!Jjoo iiejl a4l jo; puel ;o sajoe 5-Z - �ljed aloe 8L'8 luaz)efpe ail of aoeds uado elgeasn to sane S - sajoe S•L 10 uol;polpap pue-1 .s4uauodwoo 6UINto 1lo; a4l Jo; jipaJO lsanbei pinoM xaluao 'anvge pals ±l swab a4l woid pied ;o ajnlea; GAiloeJlle.ue awooaq of 6uipuod viols pue eaje puellam do uealo • CITY OF ROSEMOU NT TO: FROM: DATE: Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Planning Commission Rick Pearson, City Planner January 17, 2001 RE: Centex Revised Planned Unit Development Concept for Bloomfield January 23, 2001 Regular Meeting Reviews CITY HALL 2875 – 145th Street West — Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651423 -6219 Fax: 651423 -5203 BACKGROUND The Bloomfield development consists of approximately 232 acres of land north of 145E Street West and CSAH 42, east of the Dakota County Maintenance garage, and south of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. It extends up to %2 mile west of Akron Avenue. 53 acres has been platted and is in various stages of construction. Centex Homes of Minnesota has purchased much of the remaining undeveloped land in Bloomfield from CMC Heartland and has options on the balance. FIRST PHASE Started by CMC, Centex has indicated that the 53 acre first phase will be completed a manner consistent with the PUD. Lots are platted, and new building construction will "fit" the existing lots. Because Centex is a different builder, some of the new construction will be slightly different, but is required to conform with PUD requirements or request an amendment to the PUD. The first phase includes: • 120 townhouse units distributed in 20 six -unit buildings (two buildings completed). • 27 single family houses (five units are occupied). • 10 twin home units (one under construction). • Approximately 8 acres for park development. SECOND PHASE This phase finishes the twin homes with 20 units distributed between ten buildings. The single family component originally included by CMC is part of the concept revision requested by Centex. CONCEPT The third and future phases consisting of the remaining 179 acres will be arranged as follows: • 309 single family detached lots. 0 92 s. f. attached quad units (23 buildings). • 24 twin home units (12 buildings). Centex PUD Concept Review — Jan 23, 2001 Page 2. • 43 acres (24% of the 179 acres) of open space in the form of a corridor that connects the mitigated wetland area east of the park to the southeast comer of the site that lends itself as a storm water ponding area. The ability to create the corridor is a trade -off for a single family housing style that utilizes a 70 foot wide lot. This is a ten foot lot width reduction from the standard 80 ft. wide lot. However, the design concentrates a "front to rear" orientation with few side windows that allows the standard ten foot side -yard setback. Visually, the homes will maintain the combined twenty foot gaps between the housing units. Overall, the concept is dominated by the single - family (detached) lots which comprises 73% of the new housing units. The quad and twin homes are in the interior of the development, generally in the location previously earmarked for "Mansion Homes ". STREET DESIGN Bloomfield Path (a collector street) extends east to connect with a north/South collector street with access to CSAH 42, which will become Auburn Avenue. Auburn Avenue extends north from CSAH 42 to Connemara Trail which will cross the Union Pacific railroad tracks and (ultimately) connect to Akron Avenue %z mile to the east in a 140' alignment. All other streets in the concept are local streets for driveway access. The Developer has already revised the concept in response to previously identified Staff concerns about intersection alignment and frequency. The streets on the west half of the concept area are essentially the same as the original second phase, south of Bloomfield Path. STREET ISSUES 1. The railroad crossing may have to be grade separated. If the City Council determines that this is the case, then the northeastern portion of the concept will have to be revised to allow for increased right -of -way (ROW) widths needed for a bridge approach. As well, intersections would have to be shifted farther to the southeast to allow for the grade change and "touch- down" location. Housing in this area would also have to respond to the new land form.. The Developer's reaction may be to request higher densities to concentrate the housing. 2. Various topographic and collector street design considerations may require that the center of Connemara Avenue enter to property further west along the railroad ROW (approximately 1,075 feet west of the northeast corner) and further south along the eastern boundary (approximately 1,250 feet south of the northeast comer). 3. The Union Pacific Railroad would have to permit the crossing of the railroad ROW. 4. Parts of Auburn Ave. and an east -west local street are proposed to be located on the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (N 4CES) easement for the sanitary sewer interceptor. MCES would have to be involved in the approval process for those streets. Centex PUD Concept Review —Jan. 23, 2001 Page 3. 5. Dakota County will have to approve of the Auburn Avenue connection to CSAH 42. 6. The "double" cul -de -sac in the northeast comer of the development should be redesigned. The pipeline easement may preclude the cul -de -sac design. LOT AND OPEN SPACE CONSIDERATIONS The central issue is to allow 70 ft. wide lots in return for 43 acres of open space. The open space has potential for supporting elements of a green space corridor identified in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan which would align with CSAH 42 and the University of Minnesota Outreach, Research and Education Park. This corridor would not necessarily become parkland. The corridor could be homeowner association owned and maintained with a trail easement for the public function of the corridor. The Park and Recreation Committee will be examining the concept and making a separate recommendation to the City Council. The houses are intended to fit on the 70 ft. , %ide lots and meet the standard setbacks. Staff emphasized to the Developer than no side -yard setback variances would likely be granted, especially for design oversights such as side- located sliding doors. Further consideration might include ten -foot side -yard setbacks for driveways, garages and surface parking. The concept appears to include additional lot depth where it wouid be required along AH 42, the railroad ROW and Collector streets. There are two lots that traverse the pipeline that may be incapable of house construction. FINDINGS FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT In approving the concept plan, the Planning Commission must find as follows and forward its findings to the City Council: l.' The Plan provides sufficient open space and evidences a substantial preservation of natural features to warrant the granting of variances through Planned Unit Development. The proposed 43 acres of open space ivould be a created amenity that is intended to support this finding. The land will have to be graded and landscaped so that it will ultimately have a natural appearance. However, there are currently no significant natural features that need preservation, other than depressions that will accommodate storm water ponding needs. 2. The Plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The property is designated for Urban Residential use in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed development will not be detrimental to surrounding properties. The property is isolated from surrounding properties by CSAH 42 and the Union Pacific Railroad. The land to the east is an undeveloped farmstead that will be a future urban growth area. 4. The Plan is more creative and will proN ide a better living, working or shopping environment than is possible under strict ordinance requirements. Centex PUD Concept Review- Jan. 23, 2001 Page 4. The qualitative judgment of a "better living environment" should be based upon the relative benefit. the open space /condor would provide to the City and the development in particular, in contrast to 80 foot wide lots and no more open space than the neighborhood park. RECOMMENDATION Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the revised concept for Centex Bloomfield subject to: 1. Adopting findings in support of the PUD concept plan as required in Section 12.6 of the zoning ordinance (and suggested above). 2." Modification of the plan as necessary to accommodate a grade separated rail crossing as directed by the City Council �• Location and design of all drainage, grading, utilities, streets, right -of -way and all other applicable public infrastructure shall incorporate recommendations by the acting City Engineer. 4. Approvals or cooperation as needed by applicable agencies or affected property owners including: Dakota County, Metropolitan Council and the Union Pacific Railroad. 1 I- •�d • i . f� ® ti {' � - - -_ �- - -_ -�/ � / �� 1 { I • In �: ..� J r . rt.'.•.. r. rr: � :::N: t \ ,�lV�•f ; � � ' ii {:vj'�:%r+'{ • ��i }r . � Y ��,� ��''_ / / / /.yam - X f:• r rr :• f ::. if 'j�'� —�— � .as.,:.• e r'rr•f ,{ r r ....:::•: :��.• �l �'�� February 13, 2001 CITY OF RMPhnnI i niT u 11 -'Arrnvun[11 CITY HALL 2875 —145th Street West Rosemount, MV 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423-44 Hearing Impaired 651-423.6219 Fax: 651423 -5203 Steve Ach Centex Homes 12400 Whitewater Drive, Suite 120 Minnetonka, MN 55343 RE: Centex Bloomfield Concept Planned Unit Development Dear Mr. Ach: On January 23, 2001, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount tabled action re ardin the Centex Bloomfield Concept Planned Unit Development. g g As you may be aware, legislation adopted in July of 1995 requires cities to approve or deny requests for zoning approvals and sewer service within 60 daN•s. Extensions are available via notifi cation n b the city or at the request of a developer. y Please consider this correspondence your notification that the City is extending thew roval or denial deadline for another sixty (60) days, or until April 19, 2001. pp If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact me at 651- 322 -2052. Sincerely, Rick Pearson City Planner cc: Tom Burt o Rse M - I "I r4 l J : t F p� .y R r ! w 15 -..ice •''f 9 1k t �✓ 8 1 � ,�., � '�� y � . , �, +�x,. ,f� «A` �i `` _ •_;t" � � =i .3` , C T lit E l z} t u " Westwood — C E N T E X Professional Services, Inc. HOMES • _? i A;' i. lit E l z} t u " Westwood — C E N T E X Professional Services, Inc. HOMES • A;' i. t , e y �l �a Submittal For: City of Rosemount Council Meeting 3/5/01 BLOOMFIELD Rosemount, MN Master Plan SITE DATA TOTAL SITE AREA: 232.27 + /- Ac. Previously Platted Area: 53.20 + /- Ac. (Includes Park) Proposed P.U.D. Area: 179.07 + /- Ac. TOTAL UNITS: 590 Previously Platted: 177 S.F. 27 Twin Homes 30 6 Unit T.H. 120 Proposed P.U.D: 413 S.F. 291 Twin Homes 22 Carriage Homes 100 TOTAL GROSS DENSITY: 2.54 + /- Un. /Ac. Proposed P.U.D: 2.31 + /- Un. /Ac. OPEN SPACE: Proposed P.U.D: 36.56 + /- Ac. (20 %) Existing Park L I f t � �• y i r ILA �.\°"" r - - - - -r- 1 , T �4 It CS AH 42 - -- CENTEX HOMES r s � 1 3 BLOOMFIELD Rosemount, MN I Open Space, Parks, I SITE DATA TOTAL OPEN SPACE /PARK: Existing Park: TOTAL USABLE OPEN SPACE /PARK Less Wetland: Less Ponds: PRIVATE OPEN SPACE: OUTLOT: RAILROAD BUFFER EASEMENT: LEG END Sidewalks Trails 1 4�d V CENTEX BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN Park Concept Plan 9" A h, Open Play TT I ockey,.%� Ri nk i �7 4 1�1, RIM FIL e Soccer )Vdn.nln Picnic Shelter Tennis- Cou" A A w 0 Play Equip. Hard Courts wj CENTEX HOMES - 7 AI i OOMFIELD Rose m • The Classics Collection The Classics Collection provides strong architectural elevations and floor plans that deliver street appeal through distinctive variations in elevation massing. Focus on the customer contributed to home designs that provide exceptional value. Varying porch types also serve to accentuate the streetscape. Traditional architectural details heighten individuality and character. The exterior character of these designs is influenced by local traditional styles. This character is achieved by covered entrances or front porches with architectural columns, grilles in upper sashes of front facing windows, varying siding exposures, gable treatments, shutters, etc. Floor Plans Sizes: 1726 -2687 SF Price Range: $197K -$252K Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 35 -44 Household Size: 3 -4 Household Income: Avg. $75K Group: Upscale Suburban Families KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof. 6:12 Pitch with F -0" overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof: 8:12 pitch with 1 -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY /PORCH: Stepped back & traditional front load garages Covered entry with porch; front door with sidelights and/or transom Porch Columns: 24" masonry veneer base; Architectural columns EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: 4" Clapboard vinyl Accent Siding: 5" cedar grain shakes, vinyl; 3" Clapboard, vinyl Masonry Veneer: Optional main level wainscot at garage piers; Brick or cultured stone WINDOWS: Type: Single hung vinyl Window Grilles: Colonial grille pattern upper sashes of front facing windows EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: 5" vinyl Band Boards: 5" vinyl Window Trim: 3 1/2" vinyl Fascia: 4" aluminum clad Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables - vinyl CENTER BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN The Twinhomes Collection The Twinhomes reflects the next generation of traditional garden style townhomes. The design effort has produced aesthetic differentiation within the building elevation and gains street interest. Entry locations optimize the indoor /outdoor relationship. Exterior feature elements include: architectural columns, appropriate use of brick accents, varying siding exposures, gable treatments, window crossheads, shutters, etc. The interior character of these designs centers on the great room with its volume space and views through the home. Plan elements include main level owner suites, 2 - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, great room open to kitchen and dining areas, kitchens with eat -in island counters, and convenient laundry areas near the "activity zone ". Floor Plans Sizes: 1570 -1661 SF Price Range: $190K -$230K Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 55+ Household Size: 2 Household Income: Avg. $75K Group: Upscale Suburban Fringe Couples, Established Empty Nesters CENTEX HOMES KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof. 5:12 Pitch with F -0" overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof. 10:12 pitch with 1 -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY /PORCH: Covered entry with porch Porch Columns: 12" architectural column wrapped with fiber cement siding EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: 4" Clapboard vinyl Accent Siding: 3" Clapboard vinyl Masonry Veneer: Main level wainscot at front and side elevations; full height garage piers; Brick WINDOWS: Type: Single hung vinyl Window Grilles: Colonial grille pattern EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: 5" vinyl, front elevation Band Boards: 5" vinyl Window Trim: 3 '' /Z" lineal, vinyl, front & side elevation Fascia: 4" aluminum clad Frieze: 5" vinyl Shutters: Louvered Shutters, front elevation, vinyl Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables, vinyl BLOOMFIELD Rosemount, MN The Carriage Collection This product line is designed to emphasize a neighborhood setting through architectural enhancements on all sides of the home structure. Configured as "back to back" town homes the Carriage Homes present "front elevation" looks on all four sides of the building. The exterior character of these designs is achieved by using front porches /covered entries with architectural columns, and distinctive exterior detailing (appropriate use of brick accents, gable treatments, window grilles, window crossheads, shutters, etc). The interior character of these designs is informal, open and value - driven, focusing on the lifestyle needs of our selected customers. Plan elements include 2 -3 bedrooms, 1 '/� -2 '/z baths, living room open to kitchen and dining areas, kitchens with snack bars, loft areas, convenient laundry areas, and optional architectural fireplace /media niches. Floor Plans Sizes: 1455 -1532 SF Price Range: $130K -$139K Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 25 -34 Household Size: 1 -2 Household Income: Avg. $48K Group: Young Midscale Suburban Singles & Couples KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof: 5:12 pitch with 1'4' overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof. 8:12 pitch with 1 -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY /PORCH: Covered entry porch Porch Columns: 8" Architectural column wrapped with fiber cement siding EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: Wolverine Restoration Collection premium, Double 4" Clapboard, low -gloss wood grain finish, vinyl. The Restoration Collection is approved by many preservation commissions. Masonry Veneer: Main level wainscot at front and side elevations WINDOWS: Type: Single hung vinyl Window Grilles: Colonial grille pattern all windows EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: Wide 3 '' /z" outside corner post, vinyl Window Trim: Wide 3 '' /2" vinyl window and door surrounds reflect architectural tradition; Crown molding per front & side elevations, found on many historic homes Fascia: Wide 4" aluminum clad Shutters: Paneled Shutters, vinyl Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables, vinyl per elevation CENTER BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN FRONT ELEVATION - I2%II 5= ✓A Cl,, Street Sections 25' S.B. TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET SECTION (28' FF) I 60' ROW I TYPICAL COLLECTOR STREET SECTION (32' FF) I and anus I 16' 1 28' FF 8 ' 5' BLVD. WAI 25'513. CENTEx BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN TYPICAL MULTIPLE FAMILY STREET SECTION (28' FF) I 60' IZOw I 5' 6' 32' FF 6' 8' I OPEN SPACE W�KJ BLVD. I TRAIL Row TYPICAL RAILROAD BUFFERING SECTION CMC TOTAL A PARK R.O.W. UNITS EXECUTIVI TRADITIW TWINHOMI MANSION I TRADITIOI CENTER BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN Concept Plan Comparison Latest Revision: 2/13/01 CENTER BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN Centex CMC Concept Total Units 413 348 Total Site Area 179.07 + /- Ac. 173.27 + /- Ac. Single Famil 70' Lots 291 - 80' Lots - 272 Townhomes Twins 22 - Carriage 100 76 Gross Densily 2.31 + /- Un. /Ac. 2.01 + /- Un. /Ac. Avera e Lot Size 13,200 s.f. 15,000 s.f. Total Open Space Includes Park 45.34 + /- Ac. 21.00 + /- Ac. Usable Open Space less wetland & and 34.66 + /- Ac. 13.00 + /- Ac. Pond 7.82 + /- Ac. 5.14 + /- Ac. Wetland 2.86 + /- Ac. 2.86 + /- Ac. Off Street Trail Length 6,060 If. 3 895 If. Private Open Space 1.55 + 1- Un. /Ac. 0.00 Ac. Average Lot Depth/Railroad 261' 230' Average Lot Depth/Co. Rd. 42 195' 185' Lots Fronting Collectors 0 17 Lots Adjacent to Open Space 98 31 Area Dedicated to Monuments 0.40 + /- Ac. 0.00 + /- Ac. Boulevard Trees Along Collector Required lus additional 1 Tree /lot Min. Distance of Home to RR R.O.W. Single Family 167' 70' Multiple Family 410' 230' R.O.W. /Easement for Bridge Crossing 5.35 + /- Ac. 0.00 + / -Ac. Lots Impacted by Trunk Sewer Line 12 25 , Impervious Area per Lot 32% 36% CENTER BLOOMFIELD HOMES Rosemount, MN