HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Ordinance B Amendments Regulating Outdoor Storage and Parking, 2nd Reading4 { r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: March 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance B amendments regulating Outdoor AGENDA SECTION: storage and parking. Old Business PREPARED BY: Sheila O'Bryan, Code Enforcement Official AGENT , S ATTACHMENTS: Draft of code amendments, Copy of current APPROVED BY- language SUMMARY Jr Y These code amendments have been through the public hearing process on February 13, 2001. No one from the public was present for the public hearing. Changes based on Planning Commission recommendation have been made. The changing of "hard surface" to "impervious surface" in the woodpile ordinance was the recommendation. During the first reading of the above amendments, Council expressed interest in the idea of allowing snowmobiles and boats to be parked /stored in driveways for a limited time. Staff has drafted possible additional language to address this concern.. Possible Additional Language Seasonal Parking 4.9C 1. Boats are permitted to be parked on the driveway or an impervious surface, meeting the following conditions: a) Only from March 1 to December 1 of a calendar year b) On top of a properly licensed trailer c) Meets appropriate setbacks 2. Snowmobiles are permitted to be parked on the driveway or an impervious surface, meeting the following conditions: a) Only from October 1 of a given year to April 1 of the following year b) On top of a properly licensed trailer c) Meets appropriate setbacks RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt proposed zoning ordinance that amends section 3.2, 4.9, 6.5, 6.6, and 8.1 OR 2. Motion to add new language and have a second reading at the next Council meeting on March 20, 2001. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: , Ir Recreation Vehicles 4.9 c (page 28 currently states) RVs not be stored outdoors in any but the "AG and "R" Districts. Within "R" Districts RVs shall not be stored in the front yard or nearer the front lot line than the principal building Or less than five feet (5) from a lot line. RV storage is limited to RVs owned by those residing on the premises. Proposed Change - Except as otherwise permitted, recreational vehicles shall not be stored outdoors in any but the "AG" and "R" Districts. Wlthin "R" Districts recreational vehicles shall not be stored in any portion of the front yard. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on public property, public fight-of-way or the boulevard. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on the street between the hours of 2a.m. and 6a.m. Parking setbacks must be followed as designated by district. This storage is limited to recreational vehicles owned by those residing on the premises. Recreation Vehicle Currently Defined (page 20) A vehicle which meets the criteria for "recreation" class registration and license plate as established by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Proposed Change Recreational vehicles include, but are not limited to: travel trailers, stock car trailers, campers, motor homes, tent trailers, vehicles converted to motor home, boat trailers, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailer, boats, watercraft, all - terrain etc. Except as specifically authorized by this ordinance, all equipment, merchandise, materials, supplies, unlicensed vehicles, junk vehicles, trash and junk, and finished and semi- finished products shall be stored within structures as defined herein. This provision does not apply to clothesline poles, lawn furniture, picnic tables and playground equipment as associated with residential use. 1 w+ Proposed Change Except as specifically authorized by this ordinance, all equipment merchandise, materials, supplies, unlicensed vehicles, junk vehicles, trash and junk, and finished and semi - finished products shall be stored within structures as defined herein. This provision does not apply to clothesline poles, lawn furniture, picnic tables and playground equipment as associated with residential use. Construction materials may be stored outdoors only during construction, and such materials must be for use in construction on the property on which they are stored. Construction Materials Defined (not curre defined) Materials that are commonly used in the construction, repair, - remodeling or landscaping of a building or building site. Examples of such materials include, but are not limited to, plywood, brick, concrete, tools, roofing materials, dumpsters, landscaping items etc. Woodpiles 4.9 A. (currently states) Woodpiles shall be maintained in a neat, safe and orderly fashion. They shall not be stored in the front yard or nearer the front lot line than the principal building or less than five feet (5) from a lot line. Proposed Change In all districts — Firewood shall not be stored in the front yard or nearer the front lot line than the principal building or less than five feet (5) from a lot line. Firewood shall be stacked on an impervious surface or be elevated at least four inches (4') off the ground. Stacks shall not exceed six feet (6) in height and shall be so contained as not to constitute a safety hazard. Setbacks for Surface parking (currently states) AG: 5 feet RR: 5 feet RL: 15 feet R -1: 10 feet R -1 a: 10 feet R2: single &two family 5 feet Multiple, townhouse 10 feet Proposed Change R -1: 5 feet R -1 a: 5 feet E CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO OUTDOOR PARKING AND OUTDOOR STORAGE; AMENDING ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE B SECTIONS 32, 4.9, 6.5 AND 6.6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section l . Ordinance B, Section 4.9, paragraph Cis amended to read as follows: Except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance; recreational vehicles shall not be stored outdoors in any but the "AG" and "R" Districts. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on public property, public right -of -way or the boulevard. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on the street between the hours of 2 am. and 6 am. Parking setbacks must be followed as designated by district. This storage is limited to recreational vehicles owned by those residing on the premises. Within "R" Districts, recreational vehicles shall not be stored in any portion of the front yard. Section 2 . Ordinance B, Section 3.2, definition of RECREATION VEHICLE is amended to read as follows: RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: Recreational Vehicles include, but are not limited to: travel trailers, stock car trailers, campers, motor homes, tent trailers, vehicles converted to motor homes, boat trailers, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers, boats, watercraft, and all- terrain vehicles. Section 3 . Ordinance B, Section 4.9, first paragraph is amended to read as follows: Except as specifically authorized by this ordinance, all equipment, merchandise, materials, supplies, unlicensed vehicles, junk vehicles, trash and junk, and finished and unfinished products shall be stored within structures as defined herein. This provision does not apply to clothesline poles, lawn furniture, picnic tables and playground equipment as associated with residential use. Construction materials` may be stored outdoors only during construction, and such materials must be for use in construction on the property on which they are stored. Section 4 . Ordinance B, Section 3.2 is amended by adding definitions as follows: FINISHED PRODUCT: The end result of a manufacturing process that is ready for utilization or consumption by the ultimate consumer. SEMI- FINISHED PRODUCT: The end result of a manufacturing process that will become a raw material for an establishment engaged in further manufacturing. CU- 190938v1 I RS21= -1 I y CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Materials that are commonly used in the construction, repair, remodeling or landscaping of a building or building site. Examples of such materials include, but are not limited to, plywood, brick, concrete, tools, roofing materials, dumpsters, and landscaping items. Section 5 . Ordinance B, Section 4.9 paragraph B is amended to read as follows: Firewood shall not be stored in the front yard or nearer the front lot line than the principal building or less than five feet (5') from a lot line. Firewood shall be stacked on an impervious surface or be elevated at least four inches (4 ") off the ground Stacks shall not exceed six feet (6') in height. Section 6 . Ordinance B, Section 6.5F. 5c is amended to read as follows:. c. Surface parking, including driveways ... 5 feet Section 7 . Ordinance B, Section 6.5F. 6c is amended to read as follows: c. Surface parking, excluding driveways ... 5 feet Section 8 . Ordinance B, Section 6.6F. 5c is amended to read as follows: c. Surface parking, including driveways ... 5 feet Section 9 . Ordinance B, Section 6.6F. 6c is amended to read as follows: c. Surface parking, excluding driveways ... 5 feet Section 10 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of . 2001. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ATTEST: Cathy Busho, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of . 2001. CLL- 1%939v1 RS21- 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DRIVEWAYS; AMENDING ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE B SECTION 8.1 BY ADDING NEW PARAGRAPH M THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Ordinance B, Section 8. 1, is amended by adding new paragraph M as follows: M. Driveways on Certain Corner Lots: Driveways for one and two family dwellings on corner lots having one side on a street named in this paragraph and one side on a street having a lower volume of traffic shall be constructed and maintained to the street with the lower volume of traffic and no closer than 63 (sixty - three) feet from the corner of the lot nearest the intersection of the two streets. This requirement shall apply to such corner lots having one frontage on any of the following streets: a. Auburn Ave k. Diamond path u. 126' St W b. Akron Ave 1. Emery Ave v. 130 St W c. Bacardi Ave m. Evermoor Parkway w. 140' St W d. Bloomfield Path n. Fahey Ave x. 145' St W e. Chippendale Ave o. Fischer Ave y. 160' St W f. County Rd 38 p. McAndrews Rd z. STH 3 g. County Rd 42 q. Pine Bend Trail aa. STH 52 h. County Rd 46 r. Rich Valley Blvd bb. STH 55 i. County Rd 73 s. South Robert Trail j. Connemara Trail t. Shannon Parkway Section 2 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of , 2001. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ATTEST: Cathy Busho, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 2001. CLL- 192212v1 RS215 -20 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DRIVEWAYS, AMENDING ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE B SECTION 8.1 G THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Ordinance B, Section 8.1, paragraph G is amended to read as follows: G. Backing Into a Street: 1. One family and two family dwellings having a driveway on a street listed in this paragraph G, shall be provided with, and shall maintain, a driveway that has a paved turn-out or turn- around area that is so designed and located as to allow the safe and convenient turning of vehicles on the lot of the dwelling so that cars may avoid backing into such streets. No certificate of occupancy will be issued for any such dwelling until such driveway is completed. The requirement of this paragraph applies to dwellings that have not been issued a certificate of occupancy before the effective date of this ordinance. This requirement applies to lots having a driveway on any of the following streets: a. Auburn Ave k. Diamond path u. 126' St W b. Akron Ave 1. Emery Ave v. 130' St W c. Bacardi Ave m. Evermoor Parkway w. 140' St W d. Bloomfield Path n. Fahey Ave x. 145` St W e. Chippendale Ave o. Fischer Ave y. 160` St W f. County Rd 38 p. McAndrews Rd z. STH 3 g. County Rd 42 q. Pine Bend Trail aa. STH 52 h. County Rd 46 r. Rich Valley Blvd bb. STH 55 i. County Rd 73 s. South Robert Trail j. Connemara Trail t. Shannon Parkway 2. Except for one family and two family dwellings, backing from a parking lot directly into a street shall be prohibited. Section 2 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of CITY OF ROSEMOUNT L►111H CLL- 1920280 RS220 -17