HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Improvements to Trunk Highway 3 from 145th Street to CSAH 42, City Project #318CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Improvements to Trunk Highway 3 from 145 AGENDA SECTION: Street to CSAH 42, City Project 318 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Jim Parsons AGENDA NO. Community Development Director 7. ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Report dated Nov. 21, 2000 APPROVED BY: Background The City Council directed the City's consulting engineers, WSB & Associates, to prepare a feasibility report on improvements to Highway 3 (South Robert Trail) from 145 Street to County Road 42. The report breaks the project into two segments, one from 145 Street to Lower 147 Street and the other from Lower 147 Street to south of County Road 42. The total cost of the project as estimated in the report and including land acquisition for related storm water ponding is $3.8 million. The project is a continuation of the infrastructure installed from 143 Street to 145 Street on Highway 3. The segment from 145 Street to Lower 147 Street is a mill and overlay of the highway surface. It includes complete replacement of curb - and - gutter, sidewalk and driveway aprons. It would bury all overhead power lines and replace the street lights with the decorative lights installed from 143 Street to 145 Street. Some storm sewer and water main replacement is proposed. The segment of the project south of Lower 147 Street to County Road 42 is more extensive, in that it involves complete re- construction of the highway. The project would convert that segment of the highway from a rural section with ditches to an urban section with storm sewer, curb - and - gutter and sidewalks. Right turn lanes would be added at Co. Rd. 42. Some water and sanitary sewer main replacement is proposed. The report includes boulevard trees. The locations of proposed decorative street lights are shown in Figures 7 -9. On completion of the public hearing, the Council would have the following options: 1. Table the project. 2. Table for further information. 3. Order plans and specifications for a portion of the project. 4. Order plans and specifications for the entire project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Order plans and specifications for the entire project and direct staff and consultants regarding project phasing and financing. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: C ;ftV44 0 WrMF C/D I � 1 /1XVZ_ - bp Alit I A�Ve Trunk Highway 3 C.S.A.H. 42 to 145th Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, W ermain &Appurtenant Work Rosemount City Project Number 318 WSB Proi. No. 1191 -201 November 21, 2000 Submitted to: City of Rosemount 2875145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 - 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 11441 Wayzata Boulevard Mi nneapolis, MN 55426 PHONE: 763 - 5414800 & Associates, Inc. FAX: 763 -541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS for the City of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FEASIBILITY REPORT TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 CSAH 42 TO 145 STREET WEST STREET RECONSTRUCTION, STORM SEWER, POND CONSTRUCTION, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 318 November 21, 2000 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office Park 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 (763) 541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 Feasibility Report ,A,A CSAH 42 to 145" Street West WSB Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 fVSB Project No. 1191 -201 ' & Associates, Inc. I November 21, 2000 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 tel: 763 - 541 -4800 fax: 763 - 541 -1700 I City of Rosemount Port Authority B.A. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, PE. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. ' 2875 145th Street West ' Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Re: Feasibility Report ' CSAH 42 to 145" Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 ' Dear Port Authority Members: ' Transmitted herewith is the feasibility report which addresses improvements associated with the City of Rosemount's Street Reconstruction and Appurtenant Work on TH 3 from CSAH 42 to 145 Street. ' We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (763) 541 -4800 if you have any questions regarding this report. ' Sincerely, ' WSB & Associates, Inc David E. Hutton, P.E. 1 Project Manager Enclosure bba Minneapolis St. C l o u d ' Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: November 21, 2000 Reg. No. 19133 Feasibility Report ,A,A CSAH 42 to 145' Street West WSB Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 David E. Hutton, P.E. 1 TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................ ............................... 1 • 145" Street to Lower 147" Street 1 • Lower 147" Street to South of CSAH 42 1 2. INTRODUCTION ........................ ..............................2 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS ................. ..............................3 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ........... ............................... 4 4.1 Street 4 4.2 Storm Sewer & Pond Construction 4 4.3 Sanitary Sewer 5 4.4 Watermain 5 4.5 Signals 6 4.6 Sidewalk and Streetscape 6 4.7 NSP 6 4.8 Easements, Right -of -Way and Land Pond Acquisition 6 4.9 Access Modifications 7 5 . FINANCING ............................ ..............................8 5.1 Opinion of Cost 8 5.2 Funding Options 8 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE ................. ............................... 11 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION .............................. 12 APPENDIX .................................. .............................13 Figures APPENDIX .................................. .............................25 Detailed Opinion of Cost APPENDIX .................................. .............................30 Special Assessment Calculations and Estimated Assessment Roll APPENDIX .................................. .............................31 Mn /DOT Cooperative Agreement Submittal APPENDIX .................................. .............................32 Parking Lot Analysis Feasibility Report A CSAH 42 to 145"' Street West WSB Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 & A—wa 1- WSB Project No. 1191 -201 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Project No. 318 includes improvements adjacent to Trunk Highway (TH) 3 from the south side of CSAH 42 to the north side of 145` Street West. The project location is shown on Figure 1. The project consists of two segments: • 145" Street to Lower 147' Street This segment consists of a mill and overlay project. Some new storm sewer will be installed and a small section of watermain will be replaced. • Lower 147" Street to South of CSAH 42 This segment consists of complete street reconstruction. The existing ditches will be replaced with storm sewers and curb and gutter. Additional right turn lanes will be installed at CSAH 42. Some watermain and sanitary sewer will be replaced in this segment. ' Also included in both segments are streetscaping elements. The streetscaping elements include new curb and gutter, sidewalks, concrete aprons, brick pavers, decorative street lighting, with buried electrical cable and trees with tree grates. The estimated project costs with all the improvements outlined in this report is $3,475,000 which includes a 10% contingency and 30% indirect costs. Funding for the project would be provided by a combination of special assessments, core utility funds and general tax levy. Funding from Mn/DOT through their Cooperative Agreement Program may also be available. The project can be completed in one construction period or spread out over two years depending on financing and Mn/DOT funding. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost - effective from an engineering standpoint, and should be constructed as proposed herein. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145 " Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 1 2. INTRODUCTION The Rosemount Port Authority and City Council authorized preparation of an engineering feasibility report to address the project costs and issues associated with the Street Reconstruction Project on Trunk Highway (TH) 3 from the south side of CSAH 42 to the north side of 145` Street. The improvements includes complete reconstruction of TH 3 south ' of lower 147` Street West, a mill and overlay of TH 3, from Lower 147`' Street West to the north side of 145` Street West, and construction of concrete sidewalks with brick pavers, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer, pond construction, sanitary sewer, watermain, ornamental street lighting with buried electrical cable, landscaping and appurtenant work. This project has been designated as City Project No. 318. ' The general concepts proposed to be included with the improvements were developed by the City in the Summer of 1999 as part of the Commercial Area Design and Enhancement Plan. The primary goal of the plan was to strengthen the City's core commercial area by enhancing ' the TH 3 corridor, as well as other areas, through the addition of decorative lighting and streetscape elements. In 2000, Phase I of the project was completed from 143r to 145' Street, using similar concepts and streetscape elements. This project is considered Phase II and will complete the Commercial Area Enhancement Plan to improve the image of the TH 3 corridor through downtown Rosemount. Feasibility Report ' South of CSAH 42 to 145' Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 2 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS TH 3 from 145" Street to CSAH 42 is a two -lane highway with a center dual left turn lane or essentially a three -lane highway. The segment from 145' Street to Lower 147`' Street is a urban street section with curb and gutter, storm sewers, sidewalks and existing utilities. The segment from Lower 147" Street to CSAH 42 is a rural section with gravel shoulders ' and ditches. Because there is no curb and gutter, many of the business have continuous access to TH 3 across their property. Their are no sidewalks or pedestrian facilities. n There are existing overhead power lines and the standard cobra style street lights on tall, wooden poles. The land use adjacent to the project is predominantly commercial. There is a large vacant property in the northwest quadrant of CSAH 42 and TH 3. The railroad right -of -way abuts TH 3 right -of -way on the east side of the highway for the southern portion of the project. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 14Y Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 W.SB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 3 1 fl 1 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4.1 Street (See Figures 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9) Modifications will be made to TH 3 from Lower 147" Street West to the north side of 145`" Street West to accommodate the placement of sidewalks, streetscape elements and eliminate and combine driveway entrances onto TH 3. The existing concrete curb and gutter will be removed and replaced with new B624 curb and gutter. A 2 -foot section of the bituminous street will be removed on each side of TH 3 to accommodate curb replacement. Concrete aprons will be constructed at all new driveway locations. Once all other improvements are completed, TH 3 will be milled to accommodate a 2 -inch (2 ") overlay. The portion of TH 3 lying south of Lower 147' Street West to CSAH 42 will be completely reconstructed with 6" bituminous pavement on 10" Class 5 Aggregate Base (100% Crushed Limestone) and B624 curb and gutter. Additionally, based on soil borings taken, a 2 -foot subcut will be required and replaced with 2 -foot granular material (sand). Right turn lanes at the intersection of TH 3 and CSAH 42 will be constructed, two on TH 3 and two on CSAH 42 (Figures 4 and 5). The existing parking lot and footage road area in the Southwest Quadrant of Lower 147" Street West and TH 3 will be reconstructed with new B618 curb and gutter and driveway relocations. An additional 10 -foot wide right -of -way will have to be obtained on the south side of CSAH 42 West of TH 3 for the construction of a right -turn lane and reconstruction of bituminous path. It is proposed that several access modifications will be made as part of the project for safety and traffic considerations (see Section 3.9). 4.2 Storm Sewer & Pond Construction (see Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9) The TH 3 project is currently served with storm sewer at the intersections of CSAH 42, Lower 147" Street West and 145' Street West. A. Overlay Segment -- 145`" to Lower 147th It is proposed to install a 15 -inch (15 ") storm sewer approximately 120 feet south of 145" Street on the east side to connect roof drains that outlet into existing curb. An 18" storm sewer will be constructed from existing 18" stub north of Lower 147' Street West north to approximately 110 -feet north of 146`" Street West to connect roof drains that outlet Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 14y Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 PVSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 4 into existing curb. Two 15" storm sewer crossings are proposed on TH 3 for the drainage from street and parking lot areas on the west side of TH 3. B. Reconstruction Segment -- Lower 147`" to CSAH 42 There are two storm sewer systems proposed in the reconstruction segment. The northern segment consists of a proposed 18 -inch through 27 -inch storm sewer on TH 3 from approximately 550 -feet south of Lower 147" Street West to the existing 27 -inch storm sewer stub south of Lower 147`" Street West. 1 1 C I ' The southern segment consists of an 18 -inch through 33 -inch storm sewer from approximately 800 feet south of Lower 147" Street West to the north side of CSAH 42. The proposed 33 -inch storm sewer proceeds west along the north side of CSAH 42 to a new 7.8 acre -ft pond to be constructed on the north side of CSAH 42 approximately 400 -feet west of the intersection of CSAH 42 and TH 3. The pond will outlet to the existing 27 -inch storm sewer in CSAH 42. A 20 foot permanent easement will need to be acquired north of the north right -of -way of CSAH 42 West approximately 200 feet, from the west right -of -way of TH 3. An approximate 2.5 acre parcel will have to be acquired in the Northwest Quadrant of TH 3 and CSAH 42 for ponding area. 4.3 Sanitary Sewer (Figure 10) A section of approximately 605 feet of existing 8 -inch VCP (clay) pipe and two manholes will be replaced with new 8 -inch PVC and two new manholes. Also new 8 -inch x 6 -inch PVC wyes and 6 -inch PVC services will be replaced as required south of Lower 147"' Street on the east side of TH 3. 4.4 Watermain(See Figure 11) A section of approximately 280 feet of existing 6 -inch watermain will be replaced with 8- inch watermain north of Lower 147" Street West of the west side of TH 3. A section of approximately 650 feet of existing 6 -inch watermain will be replaced with 12- inch watermain south of Lower 147" Street West on the west side of TH 3. Also a section of approximately 650 feet of 8 -inch and 12 -inch watermain will have to be lowered because of the change in street grade south of Lower 147t Street West on the west side of TH 3. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145'' Street West Street Reconstruction, Stornn Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Waterniain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 5 I� I� 4.5 Signals ' The existin g signal system at CSAH 42 and at 145` Street West will be replaced if required. g Y Mn/DOT will verify whether the complete system needs replacement or if only portions will need replacement. The railroad signal in the Northeast Quadrant of CSAH 42 and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad may need to be relocated to construct right -turn lane on CSAH 42. As part of the final design, this issue will need to be resolved. 4.6 Sidewalk and Streetscape (See Figures 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9) L n 11 A 6 -foot concrete walk with 2 -foot wide brick pavers shall be constructed on both sides of TH 3 from CSAH 42 to 145t Street West. Trees, 2 -1/2 inch diameter with tree grates shall be planted on both sides of TH 3 from CSAH 42 to 145" Street West. 4.7 NSP (See Figures 7, 8 and 9) Decorative street lights are recommended to be constructed on each side of TH 3 from CS AH 42 to 145" Street West. The overhead electrical service will be buried along TH 3 at this time also. This work shall all be completed by NSP. The costs in this report are rough estimates. NSP has been contacted to provide the City with a more detail /cost estimate. 4.8 Easements, Right -of -Way and Land Pond Acquisition (See Figures 4, 5 and 6) A 10 -foot additional right -of -way acquisition will be required on the south side of CSAH 42 west of TH 3. For an approximate distance of 480 -feet. A 20 -foot permanent easement for storm sewer will be required on the north side of CSAH 42 west of TH 3 for an approximate distance of 200 feet. An approximate area of 2.5 acres will be required for ponding area in Northwest Quadrant of CSAH 42 and TH 3. This acquisition could be at the west side of this parcel as shown on Figure 6 or on the south side of this parcel as desired. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145` Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Paul Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 6 4.9 Access Modifications As part of this project, a number of accesses will be consolidated or closed to improve safety and traffic flow. The City of Rosemount commissioned a parking study in June, 2000 to determine any potential impacts on off - street parking lots downtown as a result of any access ' modifications. This study went through an extensive public input process including several open houses and individual property owner meetings. The final layout reflects the final access modifications as approved by the Port Authority and City Council. The completed ' parking lot report can be found in the Appendix. ' Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 149' Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 7 5. FINANCING 5.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed cost opinions can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions of cost incorporate 2000 construction costs and include a 10% continency factor and related indirect costs. The indirect costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, administrative, and financing items. No indirect costs were included for the street lighting and cable burial since NSP would do the design of these items. A summary of the project costs is as follows: Overlay Seg- Reconstruct Description Total Amount ment (145' to Segment (Lower Lower 147th) 1477' to CSAH 42) 1. Pavement, Base and Curb $1,584,000 $318,000 $1,266,000 and Gutter 2. Storm Sewer, Pond Excava- $320,000 $48,000 $272,000 tion 3. Watermain $182,500 $7,500 $175,000 4. Sanitary Sewer $32,000 $0 $32,000 5. Signals $536,000 $214,500 $321,500 6. Sidewalk $96,000 $31,000 $65,000 7. Streetscape $213,000 $100,000 $113,000 8. NSP $511,500 $150,000 $361,500 Total $3,475,000 $869,000 $2,606,000 In addition to these costs, there will be the need to acquire the 2.5 acre ponding site. Assuming $3.00 per square -foot, the land acquisition costs will be around $325,000. 5.2 Funding Options A. Special Assessments The pavement, base and curb and gutter portion of the project may be partially funded by special assessments. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 14Y' Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 8 1. Overlay Segment Current City policy require structural overlays to be assessed at a rate of 35% of the project cost. Using this formula, the assessment rate would be approximately $66 per front foot. 2. Reconstruction Segment Per City policy, a front foot assessment rate is established by the City Council annually. The current assessment rate for commercial properties is $82.16 per front foot. B. Core Funds u Core funds will be used to fund all sanitary sewer and watermain replacements, along with any new storm sewer installations. C. Traffic Signal Funding Per existing State and County policies, a portion of the two signals at 145` Street and CSAH 42 will be funded by the Mn/DOT and Dakota County. At 145 the City will be responsible for 50% of the signal. At CSAH 42, the City will be responsible for 45% of the County's share of the signal (50 %). D. Non - Assessed Funds All remaining costs will be funded by General City Revenues, either as property taxes, franchise fees or other funding sources. E. Cooperative Agreement Funds -- Mn/DOT The City has applied for Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Funds for this project. The maximum amount that can be received is $500,000 per project. For purposes of this funding analysis, this report assumes that the City will only receive half of that amount or $250,000. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 14Y' Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 9 t 1 1 1 F. Summary The estimated funding source for each item of the project is as follows: Non- Core Mn/DOT Dakota Totals Item Assessments Assessed Funds County 1. Pavement, Base, Curb and Gutter 2. Storm Sewer, Pond 3. I Watermain 4. Sanitary Sewer 5. Signals 6. Sidewalk 7. Streetscape 8. NSP 9. Land Acquisi- tion for Pond $250,000 $1,584,000 (assumed) $320,000 $182,500 $32,000 $214,500 $59,000 $536,000 $96,000 $213,000 i $511,500 $325,000 $464,500 $59,000 $3,800,000 It should be pointed out that of the total project costs of 3.8 million, only items 7 and 8 are (totaling $725,000) not considered basic infrastructure replacement costs. The City's Finance Department and Financial Advisors should review these funding sources and fund balances to determine if they can absorb these costs, as well as identify the appropriate finding sources to fund the non - assessed amounts. An estimated assessment roll is included in Appendix B. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145 ° i Street West Street Reconstruction, Storni Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of'Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 $325,000 $1,009,000 I $320,000 $182,500 $32,000 $262,500 $96,000 $213,000 $511,500 $325,000 Page 10 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE (This schedule is based on the City completing the project in two phases rather than one.) Submit Proposal to City for Review .......................... November 10, 2000 Accept Feasibility Report and Order Hearing .................... December 5, 2000 Public Hearing to Order Plans and Specifications .................. January 16, 2001 Design Completed -- Phase 1 ....... ............................... April, 2001 Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Award ............................ April, 2001 Prepare Cooperative Agreement .............................. July- August, 2001 Bid Phase I (Overlay) ........ ............................... September, 2001 NSP Undergrounding, Decorative Lighting & Buried Cable . September- October, 2001 Complete Phase I ............ ............................... November, 2001 Design Phase II ......... ............................... January- March, 2002 Bid Phase II (Reconstruction) ...... ............................... April, 2002 Construct Phase II ....... ............................... May- November, 2002 Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 14Y' Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page I1 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION This project is consistent with the goals of the Commercial Area Design and Enhancement Plan. The work consists of new pavement, sidewalk, curb, storm sewers, streetscape items and replacement of portions of sanitary sewer and watermain. The project is a continuation of Phase I, between 143 d and 147` Street, which was constructed in 2000. This project is feasible, necessary and cost - effective from an engineering viewpoint. A financial analysis should be done to determine the adequacy of all fund balances and the net impact on the overall City tax rate. Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 14V Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 12 1 APPENDIX A Figures C w Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145" Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 12 7 42 IN M = M = = = = == M i M M M= M = M 74' VARIES 12' _ 6' Walk I 14' Right Turn Lane 12' Thru Lane 4:1 i �� � Brick —1 13624 �— 21/2 Trees Pavers with Grates i 13' 12' Center Two Way Left Turn Lane Thru Lane 5' Shldr 2' 6' 2' Walk T' 13624 — 56' Face to Face 0. Brick with with Trees Grates Pavers Proposed (Lower 147th Street to CSAH 42) Not to Scale WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 - 350 Westwood Lake Office Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, City Projed No. 318 'A ,�� 6441 Wa Boulevard Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction i � / � Minneapolis, MN 55426 E � 812 -541 -48W Typical Section & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Rosemount, Minnesota Figure Number 2 M = = = M 0.835 6' ' Walk 2' 5' 12' 66' R/W 13' 12' 5' 2' 6' 0.835' 2 1/2" Trees —J Brick 47' Face to Face — `— 2 1/2" Trees Pavers Brick with Grates Pavers with Grates Proposed (W. 145th Street to Lower 147th Street) Note: Sidewalks Sidewalks will be re Not to Scale to the buildings in areas the existing walks are greater than 8' wide. 350 Westwood Lake Office r ��� 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 E 612- 541 -0800 & Associates, rnc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Typical Section Figure Number 3 Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction CJ J� OBTAIN 10' RM �3-1 PID #347115002104 Keystone Properties k LLC t 8' BITUMINOUS PATH M"50TA `7 w � Z Z F 3 i I I ' I PID # 44745066000 a j I Leo Lund i 30'R. o 4 i _ y 30' R. 0 50 900 - 350 Westwood Lake Office A Minneapolis, MN 55426 WS B 6441 Wayzata Boulevard Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction,Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date, November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Right Turn Lanes @ CR42 - 612- 541-4800 & Associates, lnc. FAX 541 -1700 Figure Number 4 TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Rosemount, Minnesota \ � i I L _ 33" RCP I i I i D- \ - o i I ofd MU NMA O 1 w \ 2Brro0 r 0 • f� d �F \ O 4P \ 0 k 4 a 30' \ \ << \ \ Z \ \ \ \ I p I I I I I J I 0 50 100 - Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 20D0 350 Westwood Lake Office City Project No. 318 A WSB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Pond Construction,Sanitary Sewer, Minneapolis, MN 55426 and Watermain Construction Right Turn Lanes @ CR 42 612 - 541 -4800 Assoc FAX 541 -1700 TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS PLANNERS Figure Number 5 � Rosemount, Minnesota � r r rr r r r rr r r r r Ir r r r r r r ■r U I � 27 I 18" SKIMMER- - Ir << I� I I I N L =94 .0 �I ^ H L =95 10 PROPOSE POND NG AREA I I - - - -- I Z 1 20' P.E. REQUIRED Z a I AREA TO BE ACQUIR D FOR PONDING AREA I I (APPROX. 33" RCP PID # 34 745066000 j Leo Lund 0 50 100 i 0 350 Westwood Lake Office c, A � 8441 Wayzata Boulevard 'A,` Minneapolis, MN 55428 E /, 612- 541 -0800 & Associates, T FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Stormwater Pond Figure Number 6 j = M = = = M = = = = M = a M = = M 0 0 0 �, 0 N Z c 0 0 0 N E - 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Mi nneapolis, MN 55426 - 612 - 541 -4800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota 0 50 100 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Street & Storm Sewer Figure Number 7 M = = = = = = = = = = = =1 ' = = M M I El a I I 18" CP CONSTR CT PARKING LOT WIT C. 8 CURB & GUTTER 15" RCP I 27" RCP 24 18" R " RCP • — N l: o FK 4945 60a I r4r. WD 1547 +00 — 0 73 -� - cc1r — ' --� O P I a I I I I 0 50 ,00 , Decorative Street Light Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Street & Storm Sewer Figure Number 8 N 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 - 612 - 541 -0800 & Associates, 1w.. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Street & Storm Sewer Figure Number 8 I1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = M C. e F7T CROSSING " DE TRIAN ° F' 15" CP FF ��(]O O- M LL I 1 ♦ x A o ( ICt C N ER ' RCP 1 1 P VE E E BORDER) i 1 l Ali � O 0 v - -00 556 +0 30 13 D 3 5�' 18" R 0 11 L 50 100 r-F-L7 I I -06 corati a treet Light - 350 Westwood Lake Office A Minneapolis, MN 55428 WSB 8441 W ayzata Boulevard 612- 541 -4800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 \ INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Street & So r111 Sewer Figure Number 9 / TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota C O U 0 E 0 50 100 - 350 Westwood lake Office WSB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Mi nneapolis, MN 55426 - 612-541 -4800 & Assn wtes, Im. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Sanitary Sewer Figure Number 10 m 0 0 50 100 0 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis � , MN 55428 � 612s41a800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Watermain Figure Number 11 M = = = = = M = = r = = = M a� ,D ar 07 45 a� 3 J . _ _ - _ "�°0_ 2•� _27.5 28.7 — N U) CID i+ r 21.3 130 55 SS 110 316165102001 8 « 316165001301 8 a n 346465OD1401 T.H. 3 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 6441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 — 612 -541 -4800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Property Frontages Figure Number 12 Cambian Avenue 310370005161 6 310370001051 1 162.5 121 310370001060 115.5 B 55 a 1 55 $ x 55 S5 $ 310370001033 3 310370001032 121.3 . _ _ - _ "�°0_ 2•� _27.5 28.7 — N U) CID i+ r 21.3 130 55 SS 110 316165102001 8 « 316165001301 8 a n 346465OD1401 T.H. 3 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 6441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 — 612 -541 -4800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Property Frontages Figure Number 12 Cambian Avenue M M = = = = M r = = = = = = = I a N NT 2 Q T.H. 3 347115002104 j \ \ ` 4° CNICACO, ROCK I 6 PACIFIC P.R. 0 i 0 i 0 N A 3 8441 Wayzata a and W ` Q Minneapolis, MN 55426 - 612 -541 4600 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS 342465003001 \ 342465002001 399 � t62.9 340360001015 360 340370003062 340370001065 Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Property Frontage Figure Number 13 n APPENDIX B Detailed Opinion of Cost Feasibility Report ' South of CSAH 42 to 14Y" Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 H'SB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 25 G 1 li 1 10/31/003:13 PM M:\ 1191 -301 \excel \CostOpinionFeas.xls 10/31/003:13 PM 2 M: \1191 -201 \excel \CostOpinionFeas.xls Item No. Description Unit Unit Cost TOTAL 145TH - LOWER 1471711 LOWER 147TH TO CSAH 42 ROADWAY ROADWAY STORM SEWER WATERMAIN SANITARY SEWER Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost SECTION D - WATERMAIN 76 REMOVE WATERMAIN LIN FT $5.00 1590.00 $7,950.00 280.00 $1,400.00 1310.00 $6,550.00 77 SALVAGE HYDRANT & VALVE EACH $500.00 8.00 $4,000.00 3.00 $1,500.00 5.00 $2,500.00 78 WATERMAIN TRENCH EXCAVATION EACH $300.00 5.00 $1,500.00 5.00 $1,500.00 79 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $500.00 13.00 $6,500.00 3.00 $1,500.00 10.00 $5,000.00 80 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE EACH $150.00 9.00 $1,350.00 9.00 $1,350.00 81 HYDRANT EACH $1,400.00 8.00 $11,200.00 8.00 $11,200.00 82 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $500.00 17.00 $8,500.00 17.00 $8,500.00 83 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $650.00 3.00 $1,950.00 1.00 $650.00 2.00 $1,300.00 84 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,100.00 3.00 $3,300.00 3.00 $3,300.00 85 LOWER WATERMAIN (8 ") LIN FT $30.00 100.00 $3,000.00 100.00 $3,000.00 86 LOWER WATERMAIN (12 ") LIN FT $40.00 550.00 $22,000.00 550.00 $22,000.00 87 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWER CL 52 LIN FT $20.00 845.00 $16,900.00 845.00 $16,900.00 88 8" DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWER CL 52 LIN FT $2100 380.00 $8,360.00 380.00 $8,360.00 89 12" DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWER CL 52 LIN FT $27.00 660.00 $17,820.00 660.00 $17,820.00 90 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SO YD $20.00 30.00 $600.00 30.00 $600.00 91 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $1.50 8500.00 $12,750.00 8500.00 $12,750.00 Sub -Total $127,680.00 $5,050.00 $122,630.00 10% Contingency $12,768.00 $505.00 $12,263.00 Sub -Total $140,448.00 $5,555.00 $134,893.00 30% Indirect $42,134.00 $1,667.00 $40,468.00 Total $182,582.00 17,222.00 ® ® $175,361.00 SECTION E - SANITARY SEWER 92 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH $700.00 1.00 $700.00 1.00 $700.00 93 REMOVE 8" VCP SANITARY SEWER LIN FT $5.00 605.00 $3,025.00 605.00 $3,025.00 94 REMOVE SANITARY MANHOLES EACH $200.00 2.00 $400.00 2.00 S400.00 95 8" PVC SDR 35 LIN FT $20.00 605.00 $12,100.00 605.00 $12,100.00 96 6" PVC SDR 26 LIN FT $15.00 50.00 $750.00 50.00 $750.00 97 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES LIN FT $180.00 22.00 $3,960.00 22.00 $3,960.00 98 J CN , �STRUCT X6" PVC WYE EACH $100.00 5.00 $500.00 5.00 $500.00 99 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $300.00 2.00 $600.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.00 $600.00 Sub -Total $22,035.00 $22,035.00 10% Contingency $2,204.00 $2,204.00 Sub -Total $24,239.00 $24,239.00 30% Indirect $7,272.00 $7272.00 Total 1 $31,511.00 S ECTION F - SIGNALS 100 1FULL T ACT T CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM SIG SYS $150,000.00 2.00 S300,000.00 1.00 $150,000.00 1.00 $150,000.00 101 IRELOCATE RAILROAD SIGNAL LUMP SUM $75,000.00 1.00 $75,000.00 1.00 $75,000.00 Sub -Total $375,000.00 $150,000.00 $225,000.00 10% Contingency $37,500.00 $15,000.00 $22,500.00 Sub -Total $412,500.00 $165,000.00 $247,500.00 30% Indirect $123,750.00 $49,500.00 $74,250.00 Total r 536,250.00 14,500.00 $321,750.00 10/31/003:13 PM 3 M:\ 1191 -201 \excel \CostOpinionFeas.xls r C L n 0 I n 0 1 10/31/003:13 PM Item No. Description Unit ;$2.00 TOTAL 145TH - LOWER 147TH LOWER 147TH TO CSAH 42 ROADWAY ROADWAY STORM SEWER WATERMAIN SANITARY SEWER Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost SECTION G - SIDEWALK 102 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 30700.00 $61,400.00 10700.00 $21,400.00 20000.00 $40,000.00 103 3" BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 3900.00 $5,070.00 3900.00 $5,070.00 Sub -Total $66,470.00 $21,400.00 $45,070.00 10% Contingency $6,647.00 $2,140.00 $4,507.00 Sub -Total $73,117.00 $23,540.00 $49,577.00 30% Indirect $21,935.00 $7,062.00 $14,873.00 Total $95,052.00 $3_602.00 $64,450.00 SECTION H - STItEETSCAPE 104 8" WIDE CONCRETE BORDER LIN FT $8.00 520.00 $4,160.00 520.00 $4,160.00 105 BRICK PAVERS (2.5 ") SQ FT $8.00 10000.00 $80,000.00 3600.00 $28,800.00 6400.00 $51,200.00 106 BRICK PAVERS (4") SQ FT $12.00 1600.00 $19,200.00 1600.00 $19,200.00 107 SAND BACKFILL CU YD $25.00 140.00 $3,500.00 140.00 $3,500.00 108 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5" CAL B &B TREE $300.00 60.00 $18,000.00 20.00 $6,000.00 40.00 $12,000.00 109 TREE GRATE & FRAMES EACH $400.00 60.00 $24,000.00 20.00 $8,000.00 40.00 $16,000.00 Sub -Total $148,860.00 $69,660.00 $79,200.00 10% Contingency $14,886.00 $6,966.00 $7,920.00 Sub -Total $163,746.00 $76,626.00 $87,120.00 30% Indirect $49,124.00 $22,988.00 $26,136.00 Total $212,870.00 $99,614.00 $1 3 25 .00 SECTION I - NSP 108 IDECORATIVE STREET LIGHT EACH $4,500.00 70.00 $315,000.00 22.00 $99,000.00 48.00 $216,000.00 109 IBURIED ELECTRIC CABLE LUMP SUM $150,000.00 1.00 $150,000.00 0.25 $37,500.00 0.75 $112,500.00 Sub -Total $465,000.00 $136,500.00 $328,500.00 10% Contingency $46,500.00 $13,650.00 $32,850.00 Total $511,500.00 150,150.00 $361,350.00 SUN MARY Grand Total $3,473,877.00 867,584.00 $2,126,907.00 $272,515.00 175,361.00 $31,511.00 Total (147th to CSAH 42) 2.606,294 M:A 1191 -201 \excel \CostOpinionFeas.xls u k C C APPENDIX C I Special Assessment Calculations and Estimated Assessment Roll C� C L u u I! Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145 Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 30 TH 3 - -145TH STREET TO CSAH 42 ASSESSMENT RATES I. FRONTAGE A. OVERLAY SEGMENT 1675 LF B. CONSTRUCTION SEGMENT 2630 LF !I. CITY ASSESSMENT POLICIES A. OVERLAY SEGMENT -- 35% ASSESSED B. RECONSTRUCTION SEGMENT --FRONT FOOT RATE ESTABLISHED BY COUNCIL CURRENT RATE -- $82.16/FF III. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS (FOR ROADWAY & CURB & GUTTER COSTS) A. OVERLAY SEGMENT (35 %) $111,300 B. RECONSTRUCTION SEGMENT -- $82.16/FF $216,000 IV. ASSESSMENT RATES A. OVERLAY SEGMENT $111,300/1675 LF = $66.45/FF B. RECONSTRUCTION SEGMENT C. IF NEW SIDEWALK ASSESSED MAI 191 -201\EXCEL\Assessment Rates.xis\Assess Rates $216,000/2630 LF = $82 /FF $64,450/2630 LF = $24.50 /FF TH 3 - FUNDING PLAN - OVERLAY SEGMENT -145TH TO LOWER 147TH M: \1191 - 201 \EXCEL\Assessment Rates.xls \Overlay Segment ITEM TOTAL COST ASSESSED - 35% NON- ASSESSED CORE FUNDS MN /DOT A. ROADWAY $288,300 $100,900 $187,400' B. CURB & GUTTER $29,6001 $10,400; $19,200 C. STORM SEWER $47,6001 $47,600' D. WATERMAIN $7,200! $7,200 E. SANITARY $0'; $0 F. SIGNALS $214,5001 $107,250; i $107,250 G. SIDEWALK $30,600 $30,600 H. STREETSCAPE $99,600 $99,6001 I. NSP (LIGHTS UNDERGROUND) $150,150 $150,1501 1 TOTALS $867,550 $111,300 $594,2001 $54,8001 $107,250 M: \1191 - 201 \EXCEL\Assessment Rates.xls \Overlay Segment T H 3 -- FUNDING PLAN -- RECONSTRUCTION SEGMENT -- LOWER 147TH TO CSAH 42 ITEM TOTAL COST ASSESSED NON- ASSESSED CORE FUNDS MN /DOT COUNTY j A. ROADWAY $1,200,000 $216,000 $984,000 ' $67,300 $67,300 B. CURB & GUTTER C. STORM SEWER $272,500 $272,5001 D. WATERMAIN $175,400 i $175,400 E. SANITARY $31,500 $31,5001 F. SIGNALS $321,750 $155,550" $107,250 $58,950 G. SIDEWALK $64,450 � $64,4501 i H. STREETSCAPE $113,300 $113,3001 j ' f. NSP (LIGHTS, UNDERGROUND $361,350 $361,350' ' TOTALS $ 2,607,550 $216,000 $1,745,9501 $479,400; $107,250 $58,950 M: \1191- 201 \EXCEL\Assessment Rates.xls \Reconstruction Segment C k TH 3 -- PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL 145TH STREET TO LOWER 147TH STREET TAXPIN NAME ADDRESS CITY /STATE ZIP CODE FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT $66.45/FF 346465001401 ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CO % D M O'ROURKE & ASSOC PO BOX 18144 SAINT PAUL, MN 55118 -0144 24.30 $ 1,614.74 346465001301 STEVEN D NIELSEN 14631 GLENDALE AVE SE PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 -1410 140.00 $ 9,303.00 340370001032 JAMES H & WILLIAM H GERAGHTY 1860 EAGLE RIDGE DR APT 304 SAINT PAUL, MN 55118 -4251 121.30 $ 8,060.39 340370002032 ROBERT R & JEANNE BOCHE 14525 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3136 27.50 $ 1,827.38 340370001049 E & E ENTERPRISESINC 1185 CONCORD ST N SOUTH ST PAUL, MN 55075 -1125 28.70 $ 1,907.12 346465001201 ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CO % D M O'ROURKE & ASSOC PO BOX 18144 SAINT PAUL, MN 55118 -0144 55.00 $ 3,654.75 340370001050 E & E ENTERPRISESINC 1185 CONCORD ST N SOUTH ST PAUL, MN 55075 -1125 27.50 $ 1,827.38 340370002048 E & E ENTERPRISESINC 1185 CONCORD ST N SOUTH ST PAUL, MN 55075 -1125 55.00 $ 3,654.75 346465101001 ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CO C/O D M OROURKE & ASSOC PO BOX 18144 SAINT PAUL, MN 55118 -0144 35.00 $ 2,325.75 346465102001 DUANE L BERGH 14590 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3132 130.00 $ 8,638.50 340370001051 E & E ENTERPRISESINC 1185 CONCORD ST N SOUTH ST PAUL MN 55075 -1125 55.00 $ 3,654.75 340370001052 E & E ENTERPRISESINC 1185 COND ST N SOUTH ST PAUL, MN 55075 -1125 55.00 $ 3,654.75 340370001053 E & E ENTERPRISESINC 1185 CONCORD ST N SOUTH ST PAUL MN 55075 -1125 15.00 $ 996.75 340370001054 FRANCIS C & PATRICIA DOLEJS 12756 DENMARK AVE SAINT PAUL, MN 55124 -8748 121.00 $ 8,040.45 346480007003 DONALD A RATZLAFF 14745 CAMEO LN BOX 152 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -0152 165.00 $ 10,964.25 340370001155 FRANCIS C & PATRICIA DOLEJS 12756 DENMARK AVE SAINT PAUL, MN 55124 -8748 2.50 $ 166.13 340370005161 HIGHWAY 3 PROPERTIES LLP ATTEN LARRY S SEVERSON 14700 DORY CT APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 -7750 162.50 $ 10,798.13 346480004003 ROSEMOUNT SAW & TOOL CO 14650 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3111 55.00 $ 3,654.75 346480003003 KURT WALTER HANSEN 12101 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3255 55.00 $ 3,654.75 340370001058 GARY THORSON 8900 PENN AVE S APT 101 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55431 -2068 55.00 $ 3,654.75 346480002003 KURT WALTER - HANSEN 12101 DODD RD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3255 55.00 $ 3,654.75 340370001060 LEO W & ALGENA D LUND 8900 PENN AVE S MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55431 -2068 145.50 $ 9,668.48 346480001003 KURT•WALTER HANSEN 12101 DODD RD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3255 88.00 $ 5,847.60 TOTAL ASSESSMENT 1673.80 $ 111,224.01 LOWER 147TH STREET TO CSAH 42 $82.16/FF 340370001063 FLUEGEL ELEVATOR INC PO BOX 4 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -0004 243.35 $ 19,993.64 340380013014 JOHN F RYAN LIVING TRUST 14745 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3127 282.20 $ 23,185.55 340370001062 CHARLES NOVAK ARCHITECT 14750 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3126 98.50 $ 8,092.76 342485001001 JOHN F & MARGIE M RYAN 3465 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -4090 290.00 $ 23,826.40 340370002062 ARLYN B & JOANNE J COPE 14760 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3126 196.00 $ 16,103.36 340370003062 CONVENIENCE STOREINVESTMENTS 1626 OAK ST LA CROSSE, WI 54603 -2308 360.00 $ 29,577.60 342485002001 DAVID LAWSON 445 CRYSTAL LAKE RD E BURNSVILLE, MN 55306 -5061 162.90 $ 13,383.86 342485003001 STEPHEN JENSEN 14805 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3108 399.00 $ 32,781.84 344745066000 LEO LUND 8900 PENN AVE S APT 101 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55431 -2068 567.50 $ 46,625.80 TOTAL ASSESSMENT 1489.40 $ 213,570.81 APPENDIX D Mn /DOT Cooperative Agreement Submittal Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145` Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 31 L u u u October 16, 2000 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 tel: 763 -541 -4800 fax: 763 -541 -1700 Mr. Kevin Hogland, P.E. Minnesota Department of Transportation Cooperative Agreements 1500 West County Road B2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Re: Fiscal Year 2002 Municipal Agreement Program TH 3 Project Phase II - 145t' Street to CSAH 42 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 B.A. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Dear Mr. Hogland: The City of Rosemount is requesting that the TH 3 project between 145' Street and CSAH 42 be formally ' considered for the FY 2002 Municipal Agreement Program. This would be an extension of the previously - approved project being constructed this year. The preliminary layout was submitted to you on September 19, 2000 for distribution to various Mn/DOT functional groups for review and comment. Upon discussing the proposed project with Mn/DOT staff, issues that came up that need to be researched and addressed include, but are not limited to, drainage, ' pavement condition, materials, traffic, accidents, access, and necessary improvements to the existing signals at 145 and CSAH 42. We are prepared to modify the layout upon receipt of any comments by Mn/DOT. ' Since the preliminary layout was submitted to Mn/DOT, the City Council has modified the layout slightly. On October 3, 2000, the City Council unanimously approved of the layout and directed WSB to complete ' a feasibility study on the project, along with formally applying to Mn/DOT for Cooperative Agreement Funding. Attached are eight copies of the final approved layout for your distribution and comment. ' Based on Mn/DOT data, the 1998 ADT on this portion of TH 3 is 11,500. With a 20 -year expected growth factor of 2.5 %, the 2018 ADT is estimated at 28,750: The three -year crash data averages (1997 -1999) are 2.32 for the crash rate and 3.97 for the severity rate. C ' Minneapolis ,fit. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners F: \WPWIN\I191- 20 \100900kh EQUAL OP- PORTUNITY EMPLOYER u C I ' Mr. Kevin Hogland, P.E. Minnesota Department of Transportation Cooperative Agreements Roseville, Minnesota October 16, 2000 Page 2 The proposed project consists of the following elements: 1. 145`' Street to Lower 147`' Street ® Mill and overlay the existing pavement ® Replace all curb and sidewalk ® Install brick paver edging ® Install storm sewers where needed ® Bury all overhead electric lines ® Install decorative street lights ® Access modifications ' 2. Lower 147t Street to CSAH 42 ' 0 Complete street reconstruction ® Adding new curb and gutter ® Adding new storm sewer to eliminate ditches ® Adding new sidewalks, trails ® Burying all overhead power lines ® Installing brick paver edging ' a Installing decorative street lights a Access modifications I The overall pavement width would generally stay the same and the road would remain a three -lane highway (two through lanes and one center left turn lane). The signals at both CSAH 42 and 145 Street would be replaced or modified at Mn/DOT's direction. At a minimum, LED's and EVP's would be added. At CSAH 42, the project would not include reconstruction of the intersection, but right turn lanes would be added on all legs. The City has conducted an extensive public involvement process on this project since April, 2000, which has included three open houses, presentation at the Chamber of Commerce, multiple Port Authority /City Council meetings and numerous one -on -one individual meetings with property owners directly impacted by the project. The exact cost of the project will be determined through the detailed feasibility report, which should be completed in 6 -8 weeks. But we have calculated the rough cost estimate of the project to be $3,300,000. A detailed summary of these costs is attached. 1 F:\VTWIN\l 191- 20 \100900kh ' Mr. Kevin Hogiand, P.E. Minnesota Department of Transportation Cooperative Agreements Roseville, Minnesota October 16, 2000 Page 3 ' The benefits to Trunk Highway 3 for this project include the following: 1. Replacement of defective curb and gutter. 2. Adding new pavement via a mill and overlay. 3. Increasing the pavement structure on that section from Lower 147' Street to CSAH 42 by reconstructing the road, adding a good base and installing storm sewers for drainage. ' 4. Elimination of ditches and adding curb and storm sewers, thereby improving drainage and reducing maintenance costs (i.e., mowing). 5. Deduced accesses by closing or consolidating a number of driveways, thereby improving the overall safety of the highway. A total of six driveways on TH 3 will be eliminated, along with two ' driveways on the side streets, which are extremely close to the intersection with TH 3. The City anticipates additional accesses may be eliminated as properties redevelop in downtown Rosemount. 6. Providing controlled access along TH 3, south of Lower 147' Street along the east side. Currently, with no curb and gutter along this portion of the highway, vehicles can drive off onto parking lots along the entire length between Kwik Trip and Lower 147" Street. By adding curb and gutter, accesses would be controlled at key locations. It should be noted that at one property, Napa, two one -way driveways are proposed, which was agreed to by the property owner previously as part of a development agreement. 7. The frontage road serving multiple properties along the west side of TH 3, south of Lower 147 " Street will be maintained to provide access control and parking. 8. Right turn lanes will be added to all legs at the intersection of TH 3 and CSAH 42. 1 9. If necessary (based on Mn/DOT direction), signal imp rovements will be made to both 145 Street � im p and CSAH 42. At a minimum, EVP's and LED's would be added. 10. Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks) will be added to that section between Lower 147`'' Street and CSAH 42, connecting the downtown area with the sidewalks on CSAH 42, thereby improving pedestrian ' safety. I 11. The project corridor will be enhanced and beautified by adding brick pavers, decorative street lights and burying all overhead power lines. 1 F:1 W P W IlV11191 -20\ ] 00900kh n n n Mr. Kevin Hogland, P.E. Minnesota Department of Transportation Cooperative Agreements Roseville, Minnesota October 16, 2000 Page 4 The City of Rosemount is requesting $500,000 for this project, along with 3% for engineering, for a total amount of $540,000. The City Council of Rosemount has approved the layout and authorized the request for Cooperative Agreement funds by the attached Resolution. The City and WSB have enjoyed working with Mn/DOT on past Cooperative Agreements and look forward to continuing this good relationship. Please contact me at (763) 277 -5795 if you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal or if you need any additional information for the selection committee. Thank you. I Sincerely, u n u �I David E. Hutton, P.E. Project Manager bba/nm cc: Tom Burt, City of Rosemount Bret Weiss, WSB c& Associates Jim Parsons, City ofRosemountl 1 F: \WPW1M1 1 91- 2 00 0 090 0kh I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! October 12, 2000 David E. Hutton, P.E. WSB & Associates, Inc. 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 RE: TH3 Enhancement —145 St. to CSAH 42 City Project 314 WSB Project 1191-201 Dear Dave: CIrl HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, h/iN 55068-4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax: 651-423-5203 Enclosed is the certified copy of the resolution supporting the cooperative agreement with MnDot for improvements to Highway 3 in Rosemount. Please submit this to Minnesota Department of Transportation in due process. Sincerely, Linda Jentink City Clerk Enclosures 6 I N I O CIrl HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, h/iN 55068-4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651-423-6219 Fax: 651-423-5203 Enclosed is the certified copy of the resolution supporting the cooperative agreement with MnDot for improvements to Highway 3 in Rosemount. Please submit this to Minnesota Department of Transportation in due process. Sincerely, Linda Jentink City Clerk Enclosures CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Corning Up Rosemount!! CERTIFICATE STATE OF MINNESOTA ' COUNTY OF DAKOTA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) is 1 o 1 AL' 2875 — 145th Street'Ve<_t Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651- 423 -6219 Fax: 651 -423 -5203 I, Linda J. Jentink, duly appointed, actin and qualified City Clerk of the City of Rosemount Y PP g � tY tY ' do hereby certify that I have examined the City of Rosemount records and the Minutes Book of said City for the meeting of September 19, 2000 hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution 2000- 108, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A COOPERATIVE ' AGREEMENT PROJECT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR E14PROVEMIENTS ON STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 (SOUTH ROBERT ) BETWEEN 145 STREET WEST AND COUNTY STATE ' AID HIGHWAY 42 is a true and correct copy of the City Proceedings relating to said Resolution. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said City this 12" day of October, 2000. l l ' Linda J. Jentink,"'C C erk City of Rosemount ' Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of October, 2000. �' suraa�;'�Je�;c- M;�lNESoT tary Public my yam riissiort F�� fires Jan. Wit, 2005 u CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONS 2000 _ 108 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A COOPERATIVE AGREEINIENT PROJECT WITH THE MENT- NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR lei LPRO EIVIEN 'S ON STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 (SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL) BETWEEN 145 STREET WEST AND COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 42 0 u k r] I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that the area on State Trunk Highway 3 ( South Robert Trail) between 145`'' Street West and CSAH 42 is an important entryway into the City, and its' commercial district, and WHEREAS, the concrete curb and gutter and storm drainage facilities on 'Trunk Highway 3 are failing and inadequate and the bituminous surface requires maintenance such as a mill and overlay, and WHEREAS, a portion of TH 3 south of Lower 147` Street is a rural section with open ditches and the City feels an urban section with curb and gutter, storm sewer and pedestrian facilities would be safer, provide better drainage and be an overall improvement, and WHEREAS, the City is willing to improve the lighting, sidewalks, and the aesthetics of the Trunk Highway 3 in this area by burying overhead utility lines, installing decorative lighting and constructing sidewalks and brick pavers to enhance the commercial district, and WHEREAS, the City is proposing to close or consolidate a number of driveways in order to improve the safety on TH 3 as traffic volumes continue to increase, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is aware of the needs and benefits of these proposed improvements, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount endorses the proposed TH 3 layout. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, requests the Minnesota Department of Transportation to participate in the proposed improvements on State Trunk Highway 3, and BE IT ETHER RESOUVVED, that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota is willing to participate in a Cooperative Agreement project with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and share the cost of the needed improvements. ADOPTED this 11th day of October, 2000. Ca* Busho, yor RESOLUTION 2000- 10 8 ATTEST: Linda Jentink, Citolerk Motion by: _ Voted in savor K l a s s e n Seconded by: Bush o Caspar, Edwards, Kiassen, C3sewski, Bush-0. Voted against: None. Member absent: N o n e . 2 APPENDIX E Parking Lot Analysis Feasibility Report South of CSAH 42 to 145` Street West Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Page 32 REPORT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DOWNTOWN PARKING STUDY FOR THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 LAYOUT AND FEASIBILITY REPORT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 314 August 2000 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office Park 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 (612) 541 -4800 (612) 541 -1700 (Fax) City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report A City Project No. 314 WSB WSB Project No. 1191.22 & A.s"W,r, Inc. B.A. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Re: Downtown Parking Study for the Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City of Rosemount Project No. 314 WSB Project No. 1191.22 Dear Mr. Burt and Port Authority Members: Transmitted herewith is the parking study which addresses access on Trunk Highway No. 3 for your ' consideration. This study was authorized as part of the preparation of the final TH 3 layout. We will attend the September 5, 2000 meeting to discuss this report with you. Please do not hesitate r to contact me at (612) 541 -4800 if you have any questions or comments regarding this report. ' Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. David E. Hutton, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosure bba cc: Bret Weiss ' Jim Parsons, City of Rosemount i Minneapolis St. Cloud ' Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: August 2000 Reg. No. 19133 City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report A City Project No. 314 WSB WSB Project No. 1191.22 David E. Hutton, P.E. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................. Page 1 1.1 Background ................. ............................... Pagel 2. ROSEMOUNT MALL /SHENANIGAN'S /TERRY'S HARDWARE PARKINGLOTS ................... ............................... Page 2 2.1 Existing Conditions ........... ............................... Page 2 2.2 Proposed Driveway Modifications .............................. Page 3 2.3 Property Owner Meetings ..... ............................... Page 3 2.4 Conclusions ................................................. Page 4 2.5 Recommendation ............................................ Page 4 3. COPE BUILDING (NAPA) ............ Page 5 3.1 Discussion ................... ............................... Page 3.2 Recommendation ............................................ Page 5 4. NOVAK -FLECK BUILDING ................ ......... ......... Page 5 4.1 Discussion .................................................. Page 5 4.2 Recommendation ............. ............................... Page 6 5. FLUEGELS PROPERTY ............ ............................... Page 6 5.1 Discussion ................... ............................... Page 6 5.2 Recommendation ............. ............................... Page 6 6. REVIEW OF 1994 PARKING STUDY (OSM) ......................... Page 6 6.1 Background ................................................ Page 6 6.2 Analysis ..................... ............................... Page 7 1 7. CONCLUSIONS ................... ............................... Page 7 APPENDIX City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City Project No. 314 WSB Project No. 1191.22 / SB k Atrocbfea, Inc. INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemount's Port Authority previously authorized WSB & Associates to complete a parking study of several commercial properties within the downtown corridor adjacent to Trunk Highway 3 (south Robert Street). 1.1 Background In 1999, a Commercial Area Design and Enhancement Plan was completed for the City of Rosemount which set forth the fi amework for enhancing the downtown commercial business district in order to promote economic development or redevelopment and to retain existing businesses. One of the goals of this study was to beautify the TH 3 corridor. In October, 1999 the City Council completed a feasibility study for the first phase of the project, namely that section of TH 3 between 143r Street and 145 ' Street. Subsequently, the City was successful in obtaining Cooperative Agreement Funding from Mn/DOT. The project is currently designed and out for bids with construction scheduled for this fall. The City Council/Port Authority directed that a preliminary layout for Phase 2 of TH 3 (from 145" to CSAH 42) be prepared in anticipation of submitting a Cooperative Agreement project to Mn/DOT in November 2000. Upon completion of the layout, a detailed feasibility report would be completed. The layout would not only address streetscape items, but also potential access modifications. Upon presentation of the preliminary layout to the public and commercial property owners, it became clear that access was a major issue with the proposed layout. Specifically, the proposed reduced access which was felt necessary due to the projected increase in traffic volumes on TH 3. The current ADT on TH 3 is approximately 13,000 to 14,000 vehicles per day and the 20 -year traffic projections is estimated at 25,000, according to Mn/DOT. The access modifications are felt to be necessary in order to increase safety as the traffic volumes continue to increase. The goal of the TH 3 study is to balance the needs of the commercial parking lots with the need to provide a safe highway for the traveling public. In order to fully determine any impacts to existing properties due to proposed access modifications, the Port Authority authorized this parking study for several property owners along TH 3. The properties specifically included in this study include: • Rosemount Mall Fluegels Feed Mill • Shenanigans Novak -Fleck Building • Terry's Hardware Cope Building Additionally, the Port Authority requested that the previous on- street parking study that was ' done in 1997 by OSM be reviewed to determine if the results were still valid. ' City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report O City Project No. 314 WSB WSB Project No. 1191.22 Page 1 k Aancm�a. Tm. 2. ROSEMOUNT MALL /SHENANIGAN'S /TERRY'S HARDWARE PARKING LOTS 2.1 Existing Conditions These three parking lots are interconnected, although no formal cross easements or agreements are in place to cover the movement of traffic between properties. Physically, cars can pass between all 3 parking lots unimpeded. This actually works to the benefit of the individual businesses as they do not need to provide all of their required parking. There are 7 current access points to these parking lots: 6 accesses are located on TH 3, with 3 driveways both north and south of Shenanigan's, and 1 driveway is on 145` Street. Based on the property boundaries, 4 of the driveways are on the Rosemount Mall parcel, 2 of the driveways are on Terry's Hardware property and 1 driveway is located on the property line between Shenanigan's and Terry's Hardware. The current number of parking stalls for each property is outlined in Table 1. In some cases, the number of stalls are estimated or taken from previous reports due to the lack of striping to delineate stalls. Table 1 — Number of Existing Parking Stalls Property Number of Stalls A. Rosemount Mall • North of building 15 • East of building 63* Total 78 B. Shenanigans • West of building 36 • South side of building 14 Total 50 C. Terry's Hardware • East of building 61 • North of building 10 Total 71 * Includes 14 stalls along north property line of Shenanigans, dedicated to Shenanigan's customers by agreement. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City Project No. 314 WSB WSB Project No. 1191.22 Page 2 &A+ 1"s,Im. 1 2.2 Proposed Driveway Modifications The goal of this study was to determine the impact of any proposed driveway modifications as part of the TH 3 enhancement project on the parking lots configuration and operation. The following driveway options were looked at: 1. Reducing the driveways on TH 3 from 6 total to 4 (2 on each side of Shenanigans). 2. Reducing the driveway on TH 3 from 6 total to 2 (1 on each side of Shenanigans). 3. Do nothing — leave driveways at 6. Within the parking lot areas, both 90 degree and diagonal parking stalls were evaluated. Based on the driveway options and stall configuration the following number of parking spaces can be achieved with each of the options: Table 2 — Projected Number of Stalls Please refer to the attached Figures 1 -4 for a detailed layout of the various parking lot configurations. 2.3 Property Owner Meetings As part of the study at least one meeting was held with each of the property owners (and in some cases two meetings) to get their input and concerns. Generally, speaking the property owners felt the existing situation (6 driveways) should be maintained. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City Project No. 314 WS WSB Project No. 1191.22 Page &A" Ud''Ire. Total Number of Parking Spaces Rosemount Option Mall Shenanigan's Terry's Hardware 1. 90 Degree Parking with 68 53 67 2 Driveways on TH 3 2. 90 Degree Parking with 74 53 71 4 Driveways on TH 3 3. Diagonal Parking with 64 50 56 4 Driveways on TH 3 4. Do Nothing (Existing 78 50 71 Situation — 6 Driveways) Please refer to the attached Figures 1 -4 for a detailed layout of the various parking lot configurations. 2.3 Property Owner Meetings As part of the study at least one meeting was held with each of the property owners (and in some cases two meetings) to get their input and concerns. Generally, speaking the property owners felt the existing situation (6 driveways) should be maintained. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City Project No. 314 WS WSB Project No. 1191.22 Page &A" Ud''Ire. 2.4 Conclusions In reviewing the proposed parking layouts and discussing the options with the various property owners, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Based on their customers vehicles, such as Contractors trucks with trailers, diagonal parking does not function well for the Terry's Hardware operations. 2. Option 1, which has two driveways on TH 3, results in the need to relocate the large signs for both Terry's Hardware and the Rosemount Mall. These signs may be difficult and expensive to move. 3. Option No. 2 (90- degree parking with the four driveways) results in the proposed number of parking stalls being equal or more than the existing number, with the exception of the Rosemount Mall. The existing number of the Rosemount Mall can not be verified due to the lack of striping and it appears it may be an inflated number from the original study. 4. None of the parking layout options seriously affect the number of stalls for Shenanigan's. But given the property line location, Option 1 (with only 2 total driveways) would result in none of the driveways being located on Shenanigan's property, essentially land - locking the parcel 5. Currently, the Rosemount Mall parking is somewhat diagonal based on actual vehicle usage (no stripes). Also, there are three existing stalls along the Value Auto Building. The diagonal parking option (Option 3) results in somewhat maintaining this existing pattern of parking, but Option 1 results in a greater total number of stalls (73 stalls versus 64 stalls), even with the loss of parking along the building. 6. The do nothing alternative allows three driveways to remain on TH 3 for each parking lot. Because the spacing of the driveway is very close (50 -60' apart each), as traffic continues to increase on TH 3, safety becomes a concern. 2.5 Recommendation As stated earlier, the parking lots function somewhat together. Not all of the parked cars are directly visiting the immediate adjacent business. For example, Shenanigan's customers park in all three lots. Also, the auto repair place uses several parking spots for temporary storage of vehicles in various stages of repair. Finally, it is also not uncommon for a customer to park in one of the three lots and visit other businesses in the downtown area. Therefore, it is felt that the maximum number of parking stalls should be achieved while still providing safe access to TH 3. Having four accesses to these parking lots as opposed to the City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report /� A YY City Project No. 314 SB WSB Project No. 1191.22 Page 4 & current 6 driveways, does not appear to create any undue business hardship on the use of the properties or its customers, yet creates a safer situation on TH 3. This report recommends Alternative No. 2, namely 90- degree parking with four total driveways on TH 3. The TH 3 layout that will be submitted to Mn/DOT for consideration as part of the Cooperative Agreement process this fall should reflect the recommended driveways. As traffic volumes continue to increase on TH 3 though, Mn/DOT may pursue further access reductions. 3. COPE BUILDING (NAPA) 3.1 Discussion In 1994, the City and the property owners signed a subdivision and Planned Unit Development Agreement outlying the terms and conditions of future improvements and access to TH 3. This PUD agreement calls for two, one -way driveways to serve both the front and rear parking lots for this building. The ingress driveway would be located on the north side of the building and the egress driveway on the south side. A meeting was held with the property owner to discuss this plan and she is in agreement with the driveway layout as shown in the PUD agreement. 3.2 Recommendation The TH 3 layout should reflect these two one -way driveways, per the PUD agreement. 1 4. NOVAK -FLECK BUILDING 1 4.1 Discussion Currently, their parking adjacent to the building has access via the northernmost Cope building driveway. It is proposed to maintain this access. Once the one -way driveways are installed, egress from this property will be by driving around the Cope building and exiting by the one -way egress driveway. This appears to have been agreed upon by the Cope PUD Agreement but cross easements between the two property owners should be executed if they have not been already. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City Project No. 314 WSB wSB Project No. 1191.22 Page 5 & A+ ia«s,1— 4.2 Recommendation The TH 3 layout continues to reflect the current driveway status. 5. FLUEGELS PROPERTY 5.1 Discussion Currently, this property has two driveways to TH 3 and one driveway to Lower 147 Street. The southerly of the two driveways on TH 3 is gated shut and only used as an as- needed basis by their operations. It would be proposed to maintain the one permanent driveway on TH 3 and close the one that is currently gated, reducing the total accesses on TH 3 from two to one. In discussions with the owners, they are considering a potential expansion/redevelopment as their business grows. Any additional driveway modifications for this parcel should be addressed as part of that development. 5.2 Recommendation The driveway that is currently gated shut should be closed as part of the TH 3 project unless a redevelopment plan supports a driveway there. The northern most driveway access should remam open. 6. REVIEW OF 1994 PARKING STUDY (OSM) 6.1 Background In 1994, OSM & Associates was hired to complete a parking study in the downtown area. The purpose of this study was to determine if on- street parking was necessary or essential. The study was initiated due to concerns raised by business owners regarding inadequate parking done after parking was eliminated on TH 3. The study collected hourly parking data on numerous parking lots within the downtown corridor. This data was collected during both peak and non -peak periods over several days. The study indicated that even at peak periods, the parking lots were only 45% full and no customer had to park more than a block from their destination. The report concluded that adequate parking exists in downtown Rosemount without on- street parking and it was recommended that the Chamber of Commerce and business owners develop a parking management plan to maximize parking lot usage. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report A City Project No. 314 i f�j v ,�/ WSB Project No. 1191.22 Page 6 1 6.2 Anal Upon review of the OSM report data and its conclusions and based on many spot checks to the downtown area, this report concludes that the parking lots in the down area are still not being used to their maximum capacity during the majority of the year. There may be occasional large events that draw additional people to the downtown area (i.e., Leprechaun Days, etc.) where parking may not be adequate but these situations are rare and certainly do not reflect the normal, day to day situation. There does not appear to be a shortage of parking spaces in the downtown area during normal business activities with the current uses. 7. CONCLUSIONS Based on the analysis in this report, the final TH 3 layout should reflect the recommended driveway modifications. j City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report Trunk Highway No. 3 Layout and Feasibility Report City Project No. 314 WSB WSB Project No. 1191.22 Pagel &As Zara, I.. t t t t 50 25 0 50 SCALE IN FE m= \1,191- 221 \Cad\ pork in g_Iats.dgn 350 Westwood Lake Office 90 ° PARKING OPTION - WITH ONE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PER LOT 4P� P roject 1 -221 Date: August 29, 20 WSB 84 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 763 -541 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL - PARKING LOT STUDY Figure Number & Associates, Ire. FAX 541 -1700 \ INFRASTRUCTURE I D ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Rosemount. Minnesota ' / 90 'PARKING OPTI - WITH TWO DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES PER LOT SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL - PARKING LOT STUDY Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -221 Date: August 29, 2000 City Project No. Figure Number 2 1 1 / u LL-1 LJ K-I LJ ITU m T R S M L I C H A F I 1 I TYPIC L DIMENSIONS 21 1161 21 1 2 16 21 21 6 21 Q CA I i II t 1 1 O S N ! N' w J ro, o a fl I 32' �o o a j A U E: 3 32' N , 3 T 12 RIVING LANE 1 or 1 ' CTWLTL L P . I ° I SI N 131 0B N ID I I E © � i 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE m: \1191- 221 \Cod \DIAGONAL- lots.dgn 350 Westwood Lake Office 6441 Wayzata Boulevard J B Minneapolis, MN 55426 - 763- 541-4800 cg Associa[es, /nc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS - PLANNERS x a �yNrs DIAGONAL PARKING OPTION SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL - PARKING LOT STUDY Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -221 Date: August 29, 2000 City Project No. Figure Number 3 w � _20_ 24 20 90^ PARKING Sill ■ A 21 16 21 21 m DIAGONAL PARKING m:\ 1191- 221 \Cad \DIMENSION_ DE TAIL. dgn - WSB Project No. 1191 -221 Date: August 29, 2000 350 Westwood Lake Office TYPICAL PARKING City Project No. !///SB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard LOT DIMENSIONS Minneapolis, MN 55426 ss 163 541 Figure Number X� Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 Rosemount \ INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS Minnesota 4 I 1 � MEL STORAGE ovoc Ic r 'AK, A N Z I . I I= "COPE P.U.D. AGREEMENT" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AREA OF BITUMINOUS PAVING -PHASE 1 �`f�`r �� � AREA OF BITUMINOUS PATCHING .......... AREA OF BITUMINOUS PAVING PHASE 2 "COPE P.U.D. AGREEMENT"