HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. 2001 Resident SurveyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: MARCH 14, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: 2001 RESIDENT SURVEY AGENDA NO: PREPARED BY: PAULA GRAFF, HR/ COMMUNICATIONS COORD. f ATTACHMENTS: MEMO TO DECISION RESOURCES APPROVED BY: Attached you will find questions that staff is proposing to be asked during the upcoming 2001 Resident Survey. Please review the questions to determine they sufficiently meet the information needs of Council. I have submitted this draft of the questions to Decision Resources for further development; they must make changes that capture household demographic information and assure survey validity. The more complete draft is expected from Decision Resources in time for Wednesday's meeting. Once questions have been finalized, the item will come before the Council at the next regular meeting for the purpose of establishing a contract with Decision Resources. Cost of the survey is driven by two factors: sample size and questionnaire length. A study with parameters of a maximum of 80 questions administered to a 400 household random sample in the City of Rosemount would cost $8,800. Each additional question unit beyond the initial allotment would cost $130.00. If questions can be finalized soon, Decision Resources hopes to complete the survey in late April to early May. This would assure results by June or July. If the survey is not completed before school lets out, Decision Resources has indicated that the timeline becomes extended due to the many households that begin to take summer family vacations. RECOMMENDED ACTION / NOTES: MEMORANDUM DATE: March 6, 2001 TO: Diane Traxler, Decision Resources FROM: Paula A. Graff, Human Resources / Communications Coordinator RE: Questions for 2001 Resident Survey Following are the questions that we have selected to be asked in the upcoming Rosemount Resident Survey. If the questions have developed from a previous survey, I have referenced that survey and the question number whenever possible. The four surveys I have referenced are: ' City of Rosemount (RSMT) 1997 Community Survey ' City of Chaska Residential Study Final June 2000 • City of Lakeville (LKVL) 1999 Issues Study Final Draft ' City of Richfield (RFLD) 1998 Community Survey We are hoping to have a draft copy for the Council to review at the March 14 Committee of the Whole meeting. Please contact me at (651) 322 -2002 if you have any questions . GENERAL 1. Approximately how many years have you lived in Rosemount? (RSMT #1) 2. As things stand now, how long in the future do you expect to live in Rosemount? (RSMT #3) 3. Thinking back when you first moved here, what factors were most important to you in selecting Rosemount? (RSMT #4) 4. How would you rate the quality of life in Rosemount? (RSMT #6) 5. What do you like most about living in Rosemount? (RSMT #8) 6. What do you like least about living in Rosemount? (CHASKA #7) 7. In general, what do you think is the most serious issue facing the community today? (RSMT #9) 8. Thinking about the past five years, would you say the City of Rosemount has changed for the better, changed for the worse, or remained about the same? (RSMT #18) 9. Why do you feel that way? (RSMT #19) List of City services. Please rate the quality from 1 to 5.... 10. Police service? (CHASKA #17) 11. Animal control? (RSMT #42) 12. Code enforcement on housing maintenance? (RSMT #29) 13. Code enforcement on housing maintenance? (RSMT #30) 14. Building inspection and obtaining permits? (RSMT #31) 15. Fire service? (CHASKA #18) 16. Storm drainage and flood control? (LKVL 1'717) 17. Park maintenance? (LKVL #18) 18. City- sponsored recreation programs? (LKVL #19) SERVICE DELIVERY 19. How much first -hand contact have you had with the Rosemount City staff — quite a lot, some, very little or none? (CHASKA #64) 20. From what you have seen or heard, how would you rate the job performance of the Rosemount City staff -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? (CHASKA #65) 21. Why did you rate city staff as ? (CHASKA #66) TAXES 22. How would you rate Rosemount City services in comparison with the previous place you lived — much better, somewhat better, about the same, somewhat worse, or much worse? (LKVL #13) 23. When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? (LKVL #14) 24. Would you favor or oppose an increase in } city property tax if it were needed to maintain city services at their current level? (RSMT #20) PUBLIC WORKS Would you rate each of the following as excellent, good, only fair, or poor... 25. City street repair and maintenance? (LKVL =H34) 26. City snow plowing of streets? (LKVL #35) 27. City sanding of streets? (LKVL #36) 28. City snow plowing of trails and sidewalks? (LKVL #37) 29. To facilitate snow removal, the neighboring cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville and Eagan do not allow parking on City streets during certain hours from November through March. Would you support or oppose such a parking ban in Rosemount? (LKVL #40) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 30. If the City of Rosemount were to attract more development, what kind would you prefer it to be? (RSMT #66) 31. Do you favor or oppose Rosemount pursuing additional heavy industrial development in the Pine Bend area? (RSMT #67) 32. Would you still oppose it if the expanded tax base would result in keeping residential property taxes lower? (RSMT #68) Rate the City of Rosemount on a scale of 1 to 5.... 33. To find housing which fits the budgets and lifestyles of most people. (RSMT #69) 34. To find full -time employment opportunities for the head of a household. (RSMT #70) 35. To start a business. (RSMT #71) 36. To raise children. (RSMT #72) 37. To spend one's retirement years. (RSMT #73) 38. What do you like the most about the commercial/ shopping areas of Rosemount? (RSMT #74) 39. And, what do you like least about the commercial/ shopping areas of Rosemount? (RSMT #75) 40. In general, do you approve of disapprove of the zoning and land use decisions made by the City? (RSMT #94) 41. Can you tell me why you feel that way? (RSMT #95) 42. Do you feel that Rosemount residents have an adequate opportunity for input into the zoning and land use decision - making process? (RSMT #96) 43. Do you think the pace of development in the city has been too rapid, about right, or not fast enough? (RSMT #97) 44. Does the development throughout the City seem well planned for the future of Rosemount? (RSMT #98) 45. Do you think that Rosemount currently has a wide range of house choices to offer its residents? (RSMT #99) 46. What types of housing do you feel are missing from the community? (If answer to 99 is no.) (RSMT #100) SNOWMOBILES 47. Do you or anyone in your household own a snowmobile? (LKVL #99) 48. Would you support or oppose banning snowmobiles in residential areas so that snowmobilers would be required to trailer their snowmobile to specific parking areas in the City for access to designated trails? (LKVL #100) 49. If support, could you tell me why you feel that way? (LKVL #101) 50. Would you support or oppose a total ban of snowmobiling in Rosemount? (LKVL #102) PUBLIC SAFETY I would like to read a short list of possible traffic safety concerns about traffic on residential streets in your neighborhood. For each one, please tell me if you feel it is a very serious problem on your neighborhood's residential streets, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious problem on your neighborhood's residential streets. If you have no opinion just say so... 51. Excessive speeding? (RFLD #148) 52. Excessive through traffic? (RFLD #149) 53. Too much traffic? (RFLD #150) 54. Dangerous intersections? (RFLD #152) 55. Unsafe pedestrian street crossings? (RFLD #153) 56. Unsafe streets for walking pedestrians? (RFLD #154) 57. Please tell me which one you consider to be of the greatest concern in Rosemount? (CHASKA #62) 58. Which do you consider to be the second major concern in the City of Rosemount? (CHASKA #63) Assault Auto Theft Bicycle Theft Burglary - Home Break -ins Drugs Juveniles loitering or mischief Loud Parties Robbery Theft from autos Traffic Issues Vandalism and graffiti (The list of choices has been slightly modified.) For each of the following locations, tell me if you would feel safe walking there alone during the night. Then, tell me if you would feel safe walking there alone during the day... (Variation of LKVL #51 -54 & RFLD #210 -220) 59. Your own neighborhood? 60. The park closest to your home? 61. Jaycee Park? - (Shannon Parkway & 155th St.) 62. Community Center - including the parking lot? 63. Central Park? (144th and South Robert) 64. Carroll's Woods? 65. Downtown Rosemount? 66. Commercial/Retail area on County Road 42? 67. Is there any other area not mentioned where you are fearful of walking? The Rosemount Police Department offers several programs and services in an effort to meet the needs of the citizens. Please tell me if you are aware of the following programs... (Variation on LKVL #41 — 44) 68. School Resource/Liaison Officer at Rosemount Senior High and Middle Schools? 69. Neighborhood Watch? 70. National Night Out? 71. DARE? 72. Public Safety Nights i.e. visits, in the parks? 73. Children's Safety Camp? 74. Police Chaplains? 75. Speakers Bureau? 76. In relation to Rosemount's neighboring communities, do you believe that the level of crime in Rosemount is more, less or about the same as the neighboring cities? PARKS & RECREATION The Rosemount park system is composed of trails; athletic facilities such as ; large community parks, such as ; and smaller neighborhood parks. Of these four types of facilities, which do members of your household use? (RSMT # 77. Trails? (RSMT #79) 78. Athletic facilities? (RSMT #80 &81) 79. Larger community parks? (RSMT #77) 80. Smaller neighborhood parks? (RSMT #76) 81. Given the limited funds for the development of recreation facilities, what do you feel the City should focus its spending on: preserve open space with minimal development, develop neighborhood parks, expand the trail system, develop major community parks, or expand and improve the Community Center? (Variation on RSMT #89 & 90) 82. Should the City acquire additional land for parks before land values become too high? 83. Would you be willing or unwilling to see your property taxes increased slightly to help fund the acquisition of additional park land? 84. Should the City develop ways to preserve natural resources such as major wood stands and wetlands before they are purchased for development? 85. Would you be willing or unwilling to see your property taxes increased slightly to help fund the preservation of natural resources? 86. Which of the following prospective park project, if any, would you give top priority? (RSMT # 89) 87. Which project would you give second priority? (RSMT # 90) 88. Are there any recreational facilities or programs not currently in use in Rosemount that are needed: (If yes, what would they be ?) RSMT # 92) COMMUNICATIONS 89. The City of Rosemount and the Parks and Recreation Department publicize information and activities through a variety of means. What is your principal source of information about the City and its activities? (Variation on RSMT #108) 90. Do you have access to the internet through a home of office computer? (LKVL #174) 91. (If yes) did you know that the City has a web site that contains information about the community, City government and meetings? (LKVL #175) 92. Have you visited the City of Rosemount's web site? (LKVL #176) 93. What additional information would you like to see on the City's web page? (LKVL #177)