HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Development PlanCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE «'HOLE MEETING DATE: March 14, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: St. Joseph's Catholic Church Development Plan PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner ATTACHMENTS: Concept Site Plan reduction SUMMARY St. Joseph's Catholic Church has requested this item to gauge Council support of their concept site plan for development of 30 acres of land east of Biscayne Avenue. Immediately north of Biscayne Pointe, the land is zoned R -1, Low Density Residential. Churches and similar uses are a conditional use in the district. The Church officials are prepared to embark on the Conditional Use Permit process, similar to the old PUD concept review. Council may recall that the CUP process was added to the residential districts so that the City could avoid the Comp Plan amendment requirement needed for a rezoning. St. Joseph's officials have been working with Staff regarding a number of technical issues including the Connemara Trail alignment previously discussed by the Council on February 14, 2001. However, the Church is interested in the relative level of Council acceptance of the land use issue. The Conditional Use Permit requires a 4/5 affirmative vote by the Council to be approved. If the "super majority" is not available, then the Church needs to be aware, before devoting significant resources to architecture and engineering of the site. While it is inappropriate to request a motion, Staff is requesting that Council members might share any misgivings they might have regarding the land use. If the issues appear to be insurmountable, the discussion should provide the Church and Staff with the direction needed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Intended for discussion and direction only. COUNCIL ACTION: J St. Joseph's Church and Education Center Entry Image from South R o s e m o u n t, M i n n e s o t a 2000.080 B W B R A r c h i t e c t s 2.20.01 St. Joseph's Church and Education Center Site Location R o s e to o u n t, M i n n e s o t a 2000.080 B W B R A r c h i t e c t s 2.20.01 �,- o r C Q e m : � � � Entry /Exit Exit Only mraens - Chapel ��— Phase 2% u xn m (305 Parking U (85) aP / v r Worship G t er Hall „ dmi duca a [ 0 nt Center � v Phase 2 P G CI M2 Se ' 2 Par 9 5) 1 Phase 2 i Future Development App. 6 Acres 5oftball EI mentary / School B se all Fields \ P as 2 Soccer Phase 2 / • 1 f.. .......... .. R c s i d e n t i a I D e v e I o P to e n t St. Joseph's Church and Education Center Site Master Plan a DD R o s C M O L I n I , M i n n e s o t a 20 00.080 11 W B K A r c h i t c c t s 2.20.01 0' 50" 100' 150' c , t 4 f� °n f + f� St. Joseph's Church and Education Center Entry Image from South R o s e m o u n t, M i n n e s o t a 2000.080 B W B R A r c h i t e c t s 2.20.01 .I St. Joseph's Church and Education Center Site Location R o s e m o u n t, M i n n e s o t a 2000.080 B W B R A r c h i t e c t s 2.20.01 4 r I o n n e m Entry /Exit Exit Only varaens Chapel Phase 2 o� C3 nrkir U (305) m Entry /Exit Pa I "J' Worship 6 t er Hall nt dm l ducatioll� a0 nt Center vv Phase 2 Y Se Phase 2 a 2 Par 9 5) Phase 2 Future Development App.6 Acres oftball EI mentary / School B se all Fields PI lase 2 Soccer Phase 2 Mr r r n a r r r r r r r r ..wgr R d t I) I o P m n t St. Joseph's Church and Education Center Site Master Plan R o s e m o u n t, M i n n e s o t a 2000.080 B W B R A r c h i t e c t s 2.20.01 0' 50' 100' 150' i aD