HomeMy WebLinkAbout 3.a. Parks, Trail and Open Space Master Plana L CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: July 11, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update AGENDA NO. - Progress Report PREPARED BY: Dan'Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director;; ATTACHMENTS: Staff memo, timeline and questions. APPROVED BY Attached is an informational update on the Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update. RECOMMENDED ACTION \ NOTES: None, informational item only. V MEMORANDUM DATE: July 5, 2001 TO: Cathy Busho, Mayor Sheila Klassen, City Council Jon Edwards, City Council Mary Riley, City Council Ena Cisewski, City Council Thomas Burt, City Administrator FROM: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: Progress Report - Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update The Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update process is underway. The consultant is currently finishing up task one which includes an inventory and analysis of our current system. At the June 25th Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, Greg Ingraham from Ingraham and Associates provided a series of questions for the Commission and staff to discuss. The dialogue was very useful and many interesting issues were addressed. I have attached a copy of the questions. We have also started on task two of the update that involves extensive public input. Because the input will help shape the plan, the project timeline was revised so that we could include the results of the City Survey into the public input process of the update. Staff will soon be publishing the dates for the neighborhood open houses where the public will interact with staff, commission members, and the consultant. At this point in the plan, we are in the mode of gathering information relating to demographics, mapping and system trends. Once we have all of the necessary data to create presentable information, I will be able to provide regular updates for the Council. Attachments 'A. ROSEMOUNT PARK AND TRAIL PLAN UPDATE The Commission, staff and the consultant are to discuss the following items pertaining to the Park and Trail Plan update. 1. Project status update. By staff and Greg Ingraham. 2. Review schedule and upcoming tasks. By staff and Greg Ingraham. 3. Set dates for neighborhood meetings. 4. Review public opinion survey results. 5. Discuss park and trail system policy direction (a) and vision (b). a. Policy questions for the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Commission - Please review the following questions and provide us with your initial input. This will help set the direction for the plan update. The neighborhood meetings and meetings with stakeholder /partners will also influence the plan direction and content. For general planning purposes we divided parks and recreation facilities and areas into ten categories. We are interested in your opinion and direction regarding future needs for each category and our planned approach (in italics). New Parks - New park needs are to be determined through analysis of projected population and household growth forecasts (from City Comprehensive Land Use Plan), use of national and local service area standards (i.e. 4 ofparks or facilities per 1,000 people or geographic area), analysis of existing park and recreation facility supply and use, public opinion survey results, city staff input, Commission input, public input from neighborhood meetings), group and stakeholder- interviews field observation and analysis of amenities and suitable terrain. Community Parks - Neighborhood Parks - Active Parks - Passive Parks - Park Revitalization - Park revitalization needs are to be determined through on -site observations, staff input, Commission input and public input from neighborhood meetings). Open Space, Greenways and Conservation Areas - Identification of sites for preservation and/or enhancement will be determined through site observations, staff and Commission input, stakeholder input, biological inventories, and neighborhood meetings. Prioritization will be done by staff and the Commission. Trails - Preparation of the City trail plan will be based on the location of existing trails, identification of desired routes and destinations, desired connections to regional and adjoining community's trails, and staff, Commission and public input. Special Use Parks - The need for special use parks or facilities will be determined through staff, Commission, stakeholder and public input (survey and meetings). Indoor Facilities - The need for additional indoor facilities will be determined through a supply and demand analysis based on forecast growth, recreation trends, facility use data and a competitive market analysis of other public and private facilities in the area. Staff, Commission, stakeholder and public input along with a cost - benefit analysis will help determine facility needs and feasibility. Implementation - The implementation section of the plan will be based on facility needs, prioritization and resources. This will involve the public, staff, Commission, stakeholders and the public. Funding - The funding strategy is tied to facility needs and identification of available resources. The Commission and staff will be asked to prioritize projects and to provide input regarding potential funding sources. Park Dedication - Define acceptable land dedication criteria and standards based on staff and Commission input and park, open space and trail needs. Incorporate into city policy /ordinances as appropriate. Review park funding needs and dedication funding amounts and adjust as needed. Communications and Public Involvement - The public will be involved in the park and trail planning process through a series of area /neighborhood meetings and a community open house meeting. A total of seven public meetings are planned. Project status memos will be prepared at key points to keep the City Council, other Commissions and other city staff aware and involved in the park and trail plan update process. Stakeholder interviews are planned with the athletic associations, adjacent cities, Dakota County Parks, School District, and the U of M. b. Vision for Rosemount Parks and Recreation - The Commission is asked to discuss the existing park, trail and recreation system, the nature of the community and the needs for the future. Is there an over all vision or theme for the Park and Trail Plan Update? Plan Content - What elements of the Park and Trail Plan are needed to make your, job as Commissioners and staff easier and more efficient? j 0 X - u I-4 O C) - u -4 0 0 -1 v 00 --4 TT ° D00 5 Dj-i (D (D a O - A) (D ; O (D o o - 0) O 7 o - < 7 N 3 n m (D C O (a �, :3 " N 7 7 0 0 (ll n 0 0 W Q 7C 7 N 7C 7y 7 77 v a a-0 x .< C �_ 177 Q N I O " � O D)• "O S to . .n. (D —1 C , : (D :S y O (p f/J ..» 7 (D - N? ' (D N (D (D O A CIO S (D N j w O O CD C (D a (D (D < (D 0 o (D ' N (D C 7 I ' n w o c o y. a) (n C o = i C c�D __ a v m Z y o 2. ti °' m 3 CD CD is t? n n- m' � O o C I a m `� O O 0 'O > Q v Cl ) .» O n' 7C =3 CD m > j c (D3 ° ai :3 CD .o QD �. a a � a v m a 0 �� °;,�� o a m :r CL 0 CA CD CD I ate : a x m e , 3 - � (D of m to C o' 'a a v a D p l O ss> cn m p f D `< `< 3 I o (° m ( a G7 n ° O (n N y N (C m co O@ i 4 CD C7 v c °« m c i o! a � i o C v m m o d 0) o l c l ° Al :3 o -► O' CD = to N N ` (B N Q <. CD ID CD CD V) 901 0 N' I< r ? 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