HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Mixed Use UpdateCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: October 10, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Mixed Use Update PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner - '- ATTACHMENTS: (2) DSU Land Use Concepts and (3) Staff generated Land use / Intersection alternatives; Draft Mixed Use Industrial District SUMMARY Work is proceeding on the TH 52 / TH 55 / CSAH 42 Interchange Partnership Project which will result in a recommendation concerning the final disposition of realigning TH 55 with Th 52 and CSAH 42. As part of the study, a new intersection design will be included for TH 52 and CSAH 42. To date, Staff has participated in the various work sessions discussing the pros and cons of eight different scenarios concerning TH 55 and as many alternatives to the design of the TH 52 / CSAH 42 intersection. Part of the process is bringing other stakeholders into the loop and convincing them that the realignment is a good idea, namely, Ninninger Township and Hastings. Consequently, the pace of the process is very slow, counter to the Council's expectations. One of the key influences to land use planning in this area is access, which is influenced by intersection design. John Shardlow has assembled two land use alternatives based upon the existing "diamond" intersection, and a "folded diamond ". For the sake of discussion, Staff has assembled three additional land use alternatives based upon the most recent Council direction relative to the Industrial Mixed -use land use language that is in development. Given the widely divergent scenarios, Staff would suggest deferring the discussion until the Interchange Partnership Project recommendation is adopted, thus resolving the access and circulation issues. The mining moratorium is due to expire in December. It may be extended, or allowed to expire. Staff feels that minor adjustments to the mineral extraction standards could be prepared to coincide with the end of the moratorium based upon Council direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Intended for discussion and direction only. COUNCIL ACTION: ` ^ Open Space Office EUghway Rich Valley Golf Club CSAH E M mmmm AI XLI sndiae ied pep;snpu l ssaufsn sndu,e jupisnpul T ssauisng QIOO.IMOgS` I aJi{(o � anlD3loJ kDjjtA uoi2I aJrjO 1.` i �b HVSJ r �, N i� r N f I MEW L oc"f -v- 5 � Z r � Z � o -- �CvrL -E`f AV F . O N f I MEW L oc"f -v- 5 � u.s.sz _ -- �CvrL -E`f AV F . r z �v J 3 N f I MEW L oc"f -v- 5 � _Lnj 1U�'tzj N► 1N� "►� IF f. 1 Iz P - r ` rn - -- SSe�d zr a N n 13"9?JLS 7I V 1 Ma z I VA 1 �1 wt 1 � 1-5; Hi 0- -c J f 'l P IT o C o m z --1 J I a J IM Industrial/Mixed Use 6.XX IM- INDUSTRIAL /MIXED USE A. Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the Mixed Use District is to provide an area where commercial, office and industrial uses can be built in a mutually beneficial manner. This area is located on property peripheral to an intersection of principal arterial highways, and is intended to encourage the development of highway oriented commercial businesses and light industrial uses. Within this district it is desirable to protect areas adjacent to the highway from visual obstruction, smoke, dust, vibration, heat, glare, odor and other objectionable influence. Therefore commercial uses, dependent on thoroughfare travel, will be encouraged to develop on land adjacent to the highway, while property not directly adjacent to the highway will be reserved for more intense industrial uses. The area designated as IM District shall be further divided into three (3) districts. IM -1: The purpose of this district is to provide areas for commercial uses that are compatible with highway locations, and are dependant on thoroughfare travel. This district is located near highway interchanges, and provides for the establishment of office buildings, and commercial establishments such as highway oriented retail and wholesale and service uses. Uses are dependant on high visibility, higher standards and are incompatible with general industrial uses. IM -2: This district is intended to serve as a transition between highway commercial and light industrial uses, thus uses allowed in this district shall be limited to those areas which can compatibly exist adjacent to commercial and industrial uses. Located along roads leading to highway interchanges, this district provides for the establishment of custom manufacturing, offices and laboratory research and development. IM -3: The purpose of this district is to provide areas appropriate for low- intensity industrial uses, including light manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, and laboratory research and development. To protect these areas from the disruption and competition of space, this area is located on property not directly adjacent to highways or highway interchanges. This is a transition zone between highway commercial uses and general industrial uses. B. Permitted Uses: The following uses are permitted uses in the IM District. 1. IM -1 a. Automotive Sales and Service, provided the sales and service are enclosed within a building. b. Boat Sales and Service. C. Building Centers. d. Gasoline Stations, subject to standards of 6.XX.C.3 e. Hotel/Motel (located south of Hwy 42) 6 -22 IM Industrial/Mixed Use f. Indoor Commercial Recreation. g. Landscape Nurseries. h. Offices, Office/Warehouse, Office /Showroom, such offices shall have a maximum height limit of 3 stories or XX feet. i. Park & Ride Transit Facilities. j. Wholesale Business Establishments /Outlet Malls. 2. IM-2 a. Custom Manufacturing, with sales, or accessory to sales. The size of such facilities shall be no greater than XXX (10,000) square feet. b. Landscape Nurseries. c. Laboratories. d. Park & Ride Facilities e. Indoor Commercial Recreation. 3. IM -3 a. Custom Manufacturing, with sales, or accessory to sales. The size of such facilities shall be no greater than XXX (10,000) square feet. b. Landscape Nurseries. c. Laboratories. d. Light Manufacturing, assembly and packaging. e. Warehouses, excluding auto transfer stations. f. Park & Ride Transit Facilities. g. Indoor Commercial Recreation., C. Accessory Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses in the IM District. 1. Outdoor Storage and Display, provided that: a. Merchandise must consist only of finished products. b. Outdoor sales shall be conducted by the owner or lessee of the premises or with the written consent of the owner or lessee. 6 -23 IM Industrial/Mixed Use c. Disassembled merchandise parts may be displayed outdoors only when new products are customarily sold unassembled and are intended for customer purchase and assembly. d. There shall be no display of automobiles. e. Only merchandise that is normally manufactured, sold, or stored by the occupant on the premises shall be sold and/or promoted. f. Sales activity may be conducted within a required yard provided the area is paved and the activity does not interfered with parking. 2. Restaurants, accessory to hotels and motels. 3. Gasoline Sales, subject to: a. Gasoline fuel pumps shall be installed on pump islands located not closer than thirty- five (35) feet from any property line. b. A protective canopy accessory structure located over pump islands may be located on the property, provided that adequate visibility both on and off site is maintained. The canopy shall be consistent the principal building in design and character. c. Service stations with accessory car washes shall be planned so as not to permit water from the car wash to nin into the parking areas, a public street or accesses thereto. d. Vehicles waiting to be repaired shall be stored in appropriately designed and screened areas. e. Lighting shall be recessed or shielded so as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land, or the public right of way. f. Vehicular access points shall create minimum conflict with through traffic movement and shall be subject to the approval of the City. g. Parking of vehicles on public right -of -way shall be prohibited. 4. Service. 5. Warehouses, excluding auto transfer stations and inter -modal transfer facilities. A Conditional Uses: The following uses are conditional uses in the IM District, and are subject to the conditional use permit provisions as outlined in this ordinance. 1. Mineral Extraction, subject to the mineral extraction regulations found in this ordinance. 2. Essential Service Facilities a. Equipment must be completely enclosed in a permanent structure with no outside storage. 6 -24 IM Industrial/Mixed Use b. Such facilities shall be landscaped as required by this ordinance. 3. Truck Stops accessory to hotels /motels. E. Minimum Lot Requirements and Setbacks: 1 . Minimum Lot Area: .................................................................................... XX square feet 2. Minimum Lot Area: ................................................. . XX feet 3 Minimum Lot Depth: ............................................................................................. XX feet 4 Maximum Lot Coverage: .......................................................................................... XX% 5. Minimum Front Yard Setback: ........................................................................... XX feet 6. Minimum Side Yard Setback: ............................................................................... XX feet 7. Minimum Rear Yard Setback: ............................................................................. XX feet 8 Parking Setbacks: .................................................................................................. XX feet 9. Buffer Yard: 10. Maximum Building Height: .................................................................................. XX feet 11. Maximum Lot Coverage: .......................................................................................... XX% 12. District Size: .......................................................................................................... XX acres F. Additional Design Standards: 1. Architectural Standards: a. One hundred percent (100 %) of the exterior wall surface of buildings within the IM -1 district shall be constructed with one, or a combination, of the following materials: brick, decorative block, glass, stucco, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels. Any exterior metal used for the building shall have a factory- applied permanent finish. Any membrane structure that is not supported by a structural frame is prohibited. b. At least fifty percent (50 %) of the exterior wall surface of building within the IM -2 and IM -3 districts shall be constructed with one, or a combination, of the following materials: brick, decorative block, glass, stucco, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels. Any exterior metal used for the building shall have a factory- applied permanent finish. Any membrane structure that is not supported by a structural frame is prohibited. c. The use of wood as an exterior finish shall only be permitted as an accent material in all IM districts. 2. Signage, subject to the standards in the business park section of this ordinance. 3. Lighting: a. Lighting shall be consistent in character throughout the entire property site, in both design and bulb type. b. Any light fixture must be placed in such a manner that no light emitting surface is visible from any residential area or public /private roadway, walkway, trail or other public way when viewed at ground level. 6 -25 IM IndustriaUMixed Use C. Light directed upward is prohibited. Externally lit signs, display, building and aesthetic lighting must be lit from the top and shine downward. Lighting must be ._ shielded to prevent direct glare. d. The level of lighting shall not exceed 0.5 lumens at any residential property line or 1.0 lumen at any non - residential property line. e. The maximum height for exterior lighting is thirty (30) feet. f. All non - essential lighting will be required to be turned off after business hours, leaving only the necessary- lighting for site security. 6 -26