HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of Jamuary 2, 2001, Regular City Council MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS GULAR MEETING ITEM A A JANUARY 2, 2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Cisewski, Riley, and Edwards. Mayor Busho administered the Oath of Office for Councilmembers Riley and Klassen prior to the meeting. Also in attendance were City Administrator Burt, City Attorney LeFevere Community Development Director Parsons, City Planner Pearson, Parks & Recreation Director Schultz, Police Chief Kalstabakken, and Engineering Consultant Hutton. Mayor Busho opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no public comments or response to public comment. There were no additions to the agenda. Consent Agenda Councilmember Cisewski pulled Consent Agenda Item 61 Evermoor Parkway Minor PUD Amendment for discussion and Councilmember Klassen noted that for 61 Designation of Official Newspaper she will abstain from the Consent Agenda vote because she writes a youth column for one of the newspapers which could be construed as a conflict of interest. MOTION by Edwards to approve the Consent Agenda removing Item 61 Evermoor Parkway Minor PUD Amendment for discussion. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Klassen(not included in 61), Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards. Nays: None. Motion carried. Councilmember Cisewski asked. "Why was City Council being presented with so many amendments to the Evermoor Development ? ", regarding Consent Agenda Item 61 Evermoor Parkway Minor PUD Amendment. Cisewski noted she was not against this amendment, but wondered about the frequency that amendments are before the City Council. City Planner Pearson said this was a housekeeping matter and that although this issue was discussed earlier, it was not noted as a condition within the Planned Unit Development (PUD). However, the developer agreed that it had been discussed clearly prior to the signing of the PUD and would like it added as soon as possible. The issue being the driveway locations and configuration to homes on Evermoor Parkway. The request would allow encroachment of the driveway into the 5- foot(garage) side yard setbacks and drainage and utility easements to within 2 feet of the property line. Planning Commission and staff feel that a turnaround is needed to provide an alternative for vehicles backing onto Evermoor Parkway. The builder was not aware of this expectation by the city due to lack of communication of the developer and since it had not been stated in the conditions of the PUD. Nine homes had been issued building permits without a turnaround. Because this variance does not involve variances to buildings or changing the mix or style of housing, it is considered a minor amendment and only needs City Council approval. Pearson also noted that there were no underground pipes or utilities in these sideyard setbacks and easements, it only accommodates surface water runoff. Pearson said the driveways would not have any significant affect on the water runoff. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 2, 2001 City Administrator Burt noted that the City could not hold the builder responsible for homes already started because it was not in the PUD. However, since safety is the main issue, Council has the authority to make this PUD amendment to change driveway configuration for some of the remaining homes. Mayor Busho has received phone calls from those who do not « any more driveways on Shannon Parkway as well. Councilmember Edwards suggested a compromise, where the house almost completed would be relieved of the turnaround requirement, the eight homes already started would be granted the setback reduction. The remaining unsold lots «ill be required to have the turnaround and no variances granted. Council consensus was that there should not be any zero lot line building allowed. MOTION by Edwards to adopt a resolution approving the Administrative Minor PUD Amendment to Evermoor to allow the nine properties with building permits to proceed, to negotiate with the eight properties that have not received but have submitted building permit applications, and apply the condition requiring hammerhead driveways on the main streets of Evermoor to the remaining lots; and authorizing the execution of a PUD Amendment Agreement. Second by Cisewski. Discussion ensued. Mayor Busho requested a friendly amendment to state that the encroachments must allow a minimum of 2 feet from the lot line. The motion maker Edwards aueed. Motion second Cisewski agreed. City Attorney LeFevere suggested that the PUD Amendment needs some language re- worked and that a draft PUD Amendment could be presented to the developer and returned to City Council for review. Motion maker Edwards agreed. Motion second Cisewski agreed. The motion was changed as follows: MOTION by Edwards to adopt a resolution approving the Administrative Minor PUD Amendment to Evermoor to allow the six properties with building permits to proceed, to negotiate with the six properties that have not received but have submitted building permit applications, and apply the condition requiring hammerhead driveways on the main streets of Evermoor to the remaining lots, and the encroachments must allow a minimum of 2 feet from the lot line. The draft PUD Amendment will be further revievved by City Council. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen. Nays: None. Motion carried. Accept Feasibility Report, Set Public Hearing for Improvements to Trunk Highway 3 from 145 Street to CSAH 42, City Project 318 Engineer Dave Hutton from WSB Engineering presented an overview of City Project 318. City Administrator Burt noted that the brick pavers, ornamental trees. and parking study have been removed from the presented draft dated December 27, 2000. This feasibility report was requested to be divided into two reports, one for assessments, one without. Staff needs further direction on the ponding issue and on the feasibility report. Councilmember Cisewski was on the Downtown Scoping Committee and the trees and decorative brick were at the center of the project. Cisewski did not want to see these removed from the plan and 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 2, 2001 requested that the draft feasibility report dated November 21, 2000 be used. Councilmember Klassen agreed and stated that two reports were not necessary. Klassen requested that staff set the public hearing on February 6` 2001. The project includes street improvements, curb and gutter, water and sewer improvements, lighting, trees, and brick pavers. Only 9% of the project is being assessed to property owners. MOTION by Edwards to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT dated November 21, 2000 and SET PUBLIC HEAREXG FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TRUNK HWY 3 FROM 145 STREET TO CSAH 42, CITY PROJECT 318. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Busho noted the regular upcoming meetings and the Aggregate Task Force Meeting January 3, at 7 p.m. Parks & Recreation Director Schultz noted that the Winter Fun Day including a dog sled demonstration has changed its registration process to a call -in registration. The Parks & Recreation Dept. will start to take credit cards for payment of registrations this month. Public input is welcomed for the Mississippi River development on January 25 at 7:30 p.m. in Hastings. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2001 -01.