HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. Large Public Gathering on City Parkland OrdinanceCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: December 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Large Public Gatherings on City Parkland Ordinance AGENDA SECTION PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. IF ATTACHMENTS: Current Ordinance and Parks Reservation Forms APPROVED BY- At the September Committee of the Whole meeting, staff brought forward a concern about the Large Public Gatherings on City Parkland Ordinance. It is the opinion of staff that the current wording of the ordinance would require the council to review and approve an abundance of regularly scheduled activities because they attract over 500 people at one time on park plan. Staff is recommending that the number of possible participants that triggers the ordinance to take effect be increased to 1,500 people. The Parks and Recreation Department staff would screen all events that will not or are not attempting to attract 1,500 people or more. Parks and Recreation staff currently require renters to provide detailed information about their proposed use and to sign a contract for the use of the park. Also currently in place are the means to require renters to order extra portable toilets, maintenance staff and other items to fulfill the needs of their rental. RECOMMENDED ACTION \ NOTES: Discussion only 4 -5 -1 CHAPTER 5 LARGE PUBLIC GATHERINGS ON CITY PARKLAND SECTION: 4 -5 -1: Purpose 4 -5 -2: Definitions 4 -5 -3: License Requirements 4 -5 -4: Application For License 4 -5 -5: License Fees 4 -5 -6: Conditions Of Approval 4 -5 -7: Additional Regulations 4 -5 -8: Penalty 4 -5 -3 4 -5 -1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate and control the assembly of numbers of persons on City parkland and to establish regulations which promote the health, safety and welfare of large public gatherings organized on City parkland. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -2: DEFINITIONS: Large assembly means a gathering numbering more than five hundred (500) persons; or actions by one or more persons the intention of which is to attract and assemble a gathering of persons in excess of five hundred (500) persons at a single time on City parkland. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -3: LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: No person shall permit, maintain, promote, conduct, advertise, manage, sell, barter or give tickets to an actual or reasonably anticipated assembly of five hundred (500) or more people on City parkland unless a license to hold the assembly has been first issued by the City Council as provided herein. In addition to the permit required herein, the applicant must possess and submit to the City any other necessary State, County or City licenses and /or permits necessary to carry on the assembly. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 1097 City of Rosemount 4 -5 -4 4 -5 -5 4 -5 -4: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: The application for a large assembly license shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk no less than sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed date for the large assembly, upon forms provided by the City Clerk. The application shall contain, without limitation, the following information: A. The name, age, residence, social security number and mailing address of the applicant, if an individual, all partners if a partnership and all officers of the corporation if the applicant is a corporation. B. A full description of the nature, purpose and extent of the proposed large assembly. C. The maximum number of persons which the proposed large assembly will attract at any given time, together with the dates and hours during which the proposed large assembly will be conducted. D. A full description of plans for sound amplification and sound control to be utilized by the applicant. E. Plans for food or other concessions which will be provided. F. A detailed - plan to ensure waste - disposal, sanitary facilities, inspections of vehicle or equipment, post -event cleanup and other necessary precautions to prevent pollution to land or ponds. G. All other information required or requested by the City Council or the parks and recreation department. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -5: LICENSE FEES: The license fee shall be set from time to time by City Council resolution. A. The license fee shall be nonrefundable. B. As a condition of granting a license the City may require establishing of a cash escrow to be deposited with the City Clerk. The cash escrow shall be used to guarantee payment by the applicant of the City's costs for planning, sanitation, health, traffic control, law enforcement services and other City costs which are directly attributable to the large assembly. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 1097 City of Rosemount 4 -5 -6 HIM 4 -5 -6: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The City Council may impose any condition reasonably required to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public and the persons assembled. A violation of any of the conditions shall be a violation of this Chapter. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -7: ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS: The following regulations must be complied with: A. No person granted a permit pursuant to this Chapter shall gain a vested right to obtain such permits in the future. B. By making application, the applicant consents to permitting officers and agents of the City to enter the event area at all times to investigate the activities and to determine whether the conditions of the permit and all applicable laws are being complied with. C. A surety bond or other financial guarantee approved as to form by the City Clerk in an amount deemed sufficient by the City Council to guarantee performance by the applicant of the conditions may be imposed by the City Council in granting the large assembly license. D. A comprehensive general liability insurance policy, naming the City as an additional insured, covering any and all damages, claims or other liabilities arising out of the operation of the large assembly whether incurred by the City or by any other association or person. Government agencies do not apply to this condition. E. No person holding a large assembly license shall permit and no participant in a large assembly shall remain overnight at the location of a large assembly, except for a reasonable number of persons required for security purposes. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -8: PENALTY: Any person violating any provision of this Chapter 'is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by law. (Ord. XV1.37, 4 -15 -1997) 1097 City of Rosernount C� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Rules and Policies for Conducting a Tournament Rosemount PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES The fields will be dragged initially before the start of the first game(s) of the scheduled tournament. Fields will NOT be chalked /lined. It is the tournament director's responsibility to line the fields, as well as provide the materials /equipment to line the fields if he /she wishes to do so, unless otherwise arranged with the Parks and Recreation Department. 2. Base lengths are set at sixty -five feet (65') unless requested otherwise. If different base lengths are scheduled during a tournament, games must be scheduled so that the base length distance decreases (ie. 75' to 65'). Unless special permission is approved, the base paths will remain the same each day of the tournament per each field. Additional maintenance services may be contracted with the City of Rosemount, providing the City has available staff. This fee includes one (1) city employee with access to a tractor drag. Dragging of the fields during the tournament is based upon weather conditions, timing of the tournament (if it is not running behind, etc.). This person is NOT responsible to pick up litter, run errands, and similar types of tasks. TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS AND CREWS MUST COMPLY WITH AND ENFORCE THE FOLLOWING RULES 1. NO GLASS CONTAINERS are permitted in the parks (including food or beverage containers). This includes containers used to serve food in at the concession stand. 2. Charcoal fires permitted in barbecue grills only. NO WOOD FIRES ALLOWED! 3. Motorized vehicles are prohibited in the parks off the parking lot areas. NO cars may be parked around the concession area. Use of the entrance by motorized vehicles should be only to drop off supplies. Vehicles are not to obstruct the emergency entrance into the shelter area. 4. All litter MUST be picked up throughout the entire day(s) of the tournament. A special effort must be made at the end of the day. This includes parking lots and all ball fields being used for the tournament (not just the fields by the shelter). Garbage bags are not provided. All equipment and supplies that a tournament director brings in to the shelter specifically for the weekend are to be removed from the park on the last scheduled day of the tournament (ie. popcorn machine, coffee pots, kegs, semi - trucks /coolers that food and /or beer is stored in, etc.). A request must be made PRIOR to the tournament for an.extension to leave equipment in the shelter longer than this time period. 5. Except for initial dragging, the tournament director must provide the maintenance of fields (and /or coordinate efforts of field maintenance with city staff if this service has been contracted). BASES MUST BE TAKEN OFF FIELD prior to dragging it (every time it is dragged). Set the bases along the side of the fence area. Reset the base after the field has been dragged. 7. Give the Parks and Recreation Department a copy of the publicity (flyers) being sent out for the tournament. 8. A tournament schedule must be on file with the Parks and Recreation Department the Thursday prior to the tournament. This schedule can be dropped off when you check out the keys for the shelter. over- 9. Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled league games on Friday evenings. Tournaments will not be permitted use of fields on Friday evenings. 10. No game may start before 8:00 a.m.. Erickson Park closes at 11:00 p.m. All games must be completed, lights off and all users and participants must leave the park and parking lot area at this time. 11. Selling of alcoholic beverages is not allowed without a liquor license purchased through the City of Rosemount at a fee set by the City Council. If you wish to obtain a liquor license, the city requires a Certificate of Dram Shop Insurance from all tournament directors showing they have in force a liquor liability policy and meet the city's minimum coverage requirements. For information in obtaining a liquor license please contact the City Clerk's office at 651-423-4411 12. Beer trophies are prohibited. 13. No smoking or alcohol is allowed on the playing fields. Only smoking is allowed on the benches 14. Flyers cannot be put on vehicles (windshields, windows, etc.), establishments, or other. Tournament directors or vendors must receive approval to do so by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department by calling 651 - 322 -6000. 15. The tournament director must enforce all Parks Ordinance, including the following portions of Rosemount's animal ordinance: RESTRAINT lord. XIV.9, 7 -5 -89) "...a dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on park property only when it is controlled with the use of a leash no longer then 10 feet (10') or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the City." SANITATION (7 -413-8) All persons in control of an animal on park property shall have in his /her possession at all times an apparatus which can be used for cleaning up feces and /or a bag for proper disposal of feces. The person in control of an animal is responsible for picking up his /her animal's feces and disposing of it properly." 16. The tournament director's copy of the approved tournament form must be in the possession of the user at all times while in the park and made available to park personnel or police upon request. 17. During the course of the tournament, it is the responsibility of the tournament director to ensure the cleanliness of the.restrooms and shelter /concession area. The tournament director is responsible to keep all equipment in clean, working order. At the conclusion of the tournament, it is the responsibility of the tournament director to ensure that all equipment in the restrooms and shelter /concession area are in clean, working order lie. toilet are unclogged and flushed, garbage dumped, counter tops wiped clean, etc.). See Separate checklist for specific cleaning instructions. 18. The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to accept or reject applications based upon past performance or cooperation of the applicant or factors determined because of field conditions, priority of applicants, etc. -over- A 21117 0 FACILITY NAME: DATE OF USE REASON FOR USE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount Parks and Recreation FACILITY RESERVATION REQUEST FORM(Parks) TIME OF USE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION (If any) CONTACT NAME: ADDRESS CITY ZIP HOME # WORK# ALCOHOL REQUESTS Will there be alcohol consumption - Name of Home Owners Insurance (Individuals) General Liability Insurance Carrier (Groups)_ Agents Name RESIDENCY: RESIDENT NONRESIDENT WAIVED (If waived, why) Yes No (if yes, continue below) hone Number SPECIAL REQUESTS - EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES /SERVICES PORTABLE TOILET NO YES Additional unit - $55.00, required for groups over 100 participants. PORTABLE TOILET NO YES Special service on weekends (Cost is $ 30.00 per unit.) VOLLEYBALL SET NO YES Set includes net, ball and standards OTHER: Check # CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount Parks and Recreation FACILITY RESERVATION REQUEST FORM (Leagues) LEAGUE NAME: FACILITY /PARK: FIELD (S REQUESTS (base paths, pitching distances, etc.) DAY OF LEAGUE START DATE OF LEAGUE END DATE OF LEAGUE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION (If any): LEAGUE COORDINATOR /CONTACT NAME NAME ADDRESS TO SECOND CONTACT NAME NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP HOME # WORK# LEAGUE STRUCTURE INFORMATION (Circle all that apply) Mens Womens Corec Youth Boys Youth Girls TIME(S) OF USE CITY ZIP HOME # WORK# # of Teams Total in League # of 'Rosemount' Teams Sanctioning: ASA USSSA Other Classification: A B None C D E Open 0 . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1 Rosemount Parks and Recreation FACILITY RESERVATION REQUEST FORM (Tournament) Tournament Directors are to fill this form out completely and return it to the Parks and Recreation Department at 13885 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068 -3438 by TOURNAMENT NAME: TOURNAMENT DATE(S): SPONSORING TEAM /ORGANIZATION: TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP HOME # WORK# FIELD REQUEST (Field Usage is $20.00 /field /day) (Circle Erickson Park fields being used) TOURNAMENT SANCTIONED T HROUGH ASA USSSA NONE OTHER INSURANCE COVERAGE YES NO POLICY HOLDER POLICY # Note Field #6 is located at the "Old City Hall" park. Fields on SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 TIME(S) OF USE: SAT Fields on SUNDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 TIME(S) OF USE: SUN OTHER PARK FACILITIES: (Field #'s and times of use) SPECIAL REQUESTS - EQUIPMENT /SUPPLIES /SERVICES BASE LENGTHS are set at 65 feet. If a different base length is desired, list your per field. Call the office for available distances per field. (Attach additional sheets if needed to list specific field sizes) CHALK ..................... NO YES CHALKER ................. NO YES CHALKING FRAME..... NO YES GRILL (outside) .......... NO YES GRILL (inside) ............ NO YES FIELD MAINT............ NO YES QUICK DRY .............. NO YES PORTABLE TOILET..... NO YES BEER SALES ............ NO YES KEG COOLER ............ NO YES 0 If yes, how many bags (Cost is $6.00 /bag, applied towards fee.) If yes, how many ? (5 chalking frames size = 3'x 6' are available). If yes, $50.00 cleaning deposit and tank refill deposit required. If Yes, $50.00 cleaning deposit and tank refill deposit required. If yes, fee of $11 /hour will be applied to tournament fee. If yes, how many bags (Cost is $6.00 /bag, applied towards fee.) Special service on weekends (Cost is $ 30.00 per unit.) If yes, Call City Clerk at 423 -4411 for license and insurance requirements. If yes, $50.00 CO2 tank Refill deposit will be required. City of Rosemount Rosemount Parks and Recreation Facility User Contract I understand I am fully responsible for the conduct of the people involved in the planned event. This includes the use of alcohol. If authorization is not given in this request for alcoholic consumption. I will be responsible to prohibit its use by people involved in this event. I also understand that I am responsible for the safe and proper use of the reserved facility as per the purpose of the request. - I understand the facility is to be left in proper state of cleanliness and lack of damages. If any damages are incurred, I will be responsible to pay for the replacement of the articles or property damaged. An inspection of the reserved facility will be made by a member of the Parks and Recreation Staff the morning following the event. Permit for use of park property and facilities may be canceled if any of the attached rules and regulations are violated. I understand that no refunds will be issued due to inclement weather. The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to accept or reject applications based upon past performance or cooperations of the applicant on factors such as response to deadlines, facility maintenance and following established rules. I have read and fully understand this form, all rules and regulations as stated in the attached material listing the City of Rosemount Parks Ordinance pertaining to facility use requirements and will abide by them. Signature Date Print Name: Address City Home Phone Group /Tournament Name Zip Work Phone Permit # Check # Date Fee Recieved Date Permit Sent