HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Animal Control OrdinanceCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: December 12. 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Animal Control Ordinances. AGENDA SECTION: Discussion. PREPARED BY: Charlie O'Brien AGENDA NO. Code Enforcement Official ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinances. APPROVED BY: League of Cities Model Animal Ordinances Research documentation. l Due to a previous animal control enforcement matter, related to monkeys, council directed a review and clarification of the City's animal control ordinances related to non - domesticated animals. Upon review, and discussion with other staff from Community Development, Planning, and the Police Chief it became apparent that the animal control sections in general required a general update. Sections 7 -4 -A, 7 -4 -B, 7 -4 -C, of City Code and section 3.2: of the Zoning Code have been extensively rewritten. In this proposed revision, the animal control portion of the Zoning Code has been moved to City Code to facilitate enforcement action by reducing the council appeal and variance process and moving directly to court action to resolve issues of animal control, if necessary. The last revisions to the animal control ordinances appear to have been in the early 70's and mid 80's. There have been dramatic changes to State Statute, Minnesota State Rules, terminology, and Judicial Guidelines since the last updates of these ordinances. Direction related to the keeping of non - domesticated animals has been sought from animal control, public health, and other agencies. NOTES: For discussion only. 7 -4A -1 74A -1 CHAPTER 4 DOGS AND CATS ANIiNIAL CONTROL ARTICLE A. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT SECTION: 7 -4A -1: Definitions 7 -4A -2: Animal Pound Shelter Provided 7 -4A -3: Officers appointed To Enforce Chapter 7 -4A -4: Interference With Officers 7 -4A -5: Rabies, Animal Bites 7 -4A -6: Exemptions From Provisions 7 -4A -7: Impounding, Disposal of Animals 7 -4A -8: Penalties 7 -4A -1: DEFINITIONS: As used in this Chapter, the following terms have the following meanings: ANINIAL Animal shall mean anv non -human mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish bird (including all fowl and poultry) or other member commonly accepted as a part of the animal kinadom. Animals shall be classified as follows: A. Domestic. "Domestic Animals" shall mean those animals commonl accepted as domesticated household pets. Unless otherwise defined such animals shall include dogs, cats, spayed or neutered ferrets, caged birds, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, domesticated rabbits, fish, non - poisonous. non - venomous and non - constricting reptiles or amphibians. and other similar animals. B. Non- Domestic. "Non- Domesticated animals" shall mean those animals commonly considered to be naturally wild and not naturally trained or domesticated, or which are commonly considered to be inherently dangerous to the health, safetv and welfare of people. Unless otherwise defined such animals shall include: 7 -4A -1 7-4A-1 1. Any member of the large cat family (family felidae) including but not limited to. lions, ti cry s, cougars, bobcats, leopards and jaguars but excluding_ commonly accepted domesticated house cats. 2. Any naturally wild member of the canine family (family canidae) including, but not limited to, wolves, foxes, coyotes dingoes and jackals, but excluding commonly accepted domesticated dogs. . 3. Any crossbreeds such as, but not limited to, the crossbreed between a xN olf and a dom or a wildcat and a domestic cat, unless the crossbreed is commonly accepted as a domesticated house pet. 4. Any member or relative of the rodent family including but not limited to, an% skunk (whether or not descented) raccoon, or squirrel, but excluding those members otherwise defined or commonly accepted as domesticated pets. 5. Any poisonous. venomous, constricting, or inherently angerous member of the reptile or amphibian families including, but not limited to, rattlesnakes, boa constrictors, pit vipers, crocodiles and alligators. 6. Any primates (non -human primates) including but not limited to; Family PonUida- all species, including orangutans, chimpanzee and gorillas; Family Hytobatidae- all species, including gibbons and siamangs; Family Cercopithecidae- all species of Genus Macaca (macaques). Genus Papio (mandrills, drills, and baboons), and Genus Theropithecus (gelada baboon) or any other ape or monkey. 7. Any other animal which is not explicitly listed above but which can be reasonably defined by the terms of this subpart, including but not limited to bears, deer, badgers, wolverines, and game fish. ANIMAL, DANGEROUS A domestic, non - domestic, or wild animal that habitually charges, chases, or approaches humans or other domestic animals in and attitude of attack, or attacks and kills another domestic animal, or attacks and causes substantial or great bodily harm to humans or other domestic animals. 7 -4A -1 7 -4A -1 ANIMAL, FARM Cattle, horses, ponies, mules, sheep, goats, swine (including potbellied pegs and other miniature varieties), ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, and other animals of husbandry ANIMALS, WILD AND EXOTIC: Animals other than domestic and farm animals that are customarily found in the wild or are defined as non- domestic animals in this Chapter. AT LARGE And dog et animal is considered to be at large at any time when it is not under restraint as herein defined. (Ord. XIV.4, 12 -3 -74) � A T'TERY A p la c e he F (4) e ats (6) crrrr�rcr � Y u�,. v. - 1�,1�, lviir � viTn" mo nths ., f age a e kept pl .,t ,,,hi th„ u lJ v cl��, VNJ1l1l.JJ of Jlilllllr„ beardi breeding, she �eats isevnduEted when t" -,- arc—( l -1�vr fnere c-ais being sold, hb-Aar-d-ed for shown. (Ord-. XRT. 9, 7 5 89) COMMERCIAL KENNEL A place where more than three (3) dogs cats, or ferrets over six (6) months of age are kept, and where the business of selling, boarding, breeding, showing, treating or grooming such animals is conducted GREAT BODILY HARM For the purposes of this chapter, relating to animal control, there shall be two definitions, as mandated by Minnesota State Statutes. 1. As relates to Dangerous Dogs in MN SS Chapter 347.50 to 347.56 the term "Great Bodily Harm" has the meaning_given it under MN SS 609.02 (Sub. 8). 2. As relates to prevention of cruelty to animals "Great Bodily Harm" shall have the meaning given it under MN SS 343.20 (Sub. 9). HORSE Any breed of horse, pony, mule, ass or similar animal 7 -4A -1 7-4A-1 KENNEL NUISANCE The keeping of three or more dogs cats or ferrets on the same premise causing a nuisance by way of discomfort to persons in the area by, smell, noise hazard, intrusion, and general aesthetic depreciation LOFT The term loft includes any and all quarters in which pigeons are housed. Lofts must be licensed. OWNER Aim person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning, keeping, --e} harboring or in custody or control of a deg oF cat animals within or being transported within the city. (Ord. XIVA, 12- 3-74) PET OR COMPANION ANIMAL Pet or companion animal includes any animal owned, possessed by, cared for, or controlled by a person for the present or future enjoyment of that person or another as a pet or companion, or any stray pet or stray companion animal. PUBLIC PROPERTY: Any street or Highway and includes the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained for the purposes of vehicular travel, and shall also mean any other publicly owned property or facility. PIGEON The term pigeon refers to and includes any and all varieties of pigeons. Lofts, quarters for the keeping of pigeons, must be licensed. RESIDENTIAL KENNEL A place where four- {4} - three er3�or more dogs, cats, or ferrets over six (6) months of age are kept on premises which are zoned and occupied for residential purposes, and where the keeping of such animals is incidental to the occupancy of the premises for residential purposes. Except that a fresh litter may be kept for a period of three (3) months before such keeping shall be deemed to be a "kennel ". 7 -4A- I 7 -4A -1 RESTRAINT A dog, cat or ferret is said to be under restraint if it is controlled by a leash; if it is under voice or signal command of a competent person, providing that the dog, -er -_cat or ferret will obey such voice or signal commands, it is within the limits of the e e 's owner's property, or while it is confined within a vehicle being driven or parked in the street. A dog, - er-cat or ferret is considered to be under restraint on a right of way, park or public property only when it is controlled with the use of a leash no longer than teen six feet 40 or when it is under voice or signal command in the exercise areas designated by the city. Retractable leashes must be kept to the 6' maximum lenuth when anv person or animal is present. (Ord. XIV.9, 7 -5 -89) RIGHT OF WAY: A street, alley or easement permanently established for the passage of persons and vehicles including the traveled surface of lands adjacent that are formally dedicated to such usage. SERVICE ANIMAL Service animal means an animal trained to assist a person with a disability. SUBSTANTIAL BODILY HARM USE PERMITTED BY RIGHT: Substantial bodily harm means bodily iniury which involves a temporary but substantial disfigurement, or which causes a temporary but substantial loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ, or which causes a fracture of any bodily member to a service animal or a pet or companion animal A use which is unconditionally permitted in the district under which it is listed. YARD OR SETBACK: A required open space on a lot which is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided for herein. The measurement of a yard shall be construed as the minimum 7 -4A -1 74A -5 horizontal distance between the lot line and the buildiniz line. YARD, STREETSIDE: A side vard which is adjacent to a street 7 -4A -2: ANIMAL POUND SHELTER PROVIDED: The City Council may provide for a City-owned animal pettrad shelter or may designate as an animal pemad shelter a suitable kennel whether within or outside the limits of the City. 7 -4A -3: OFFICERS APPOINTED TO ENFORCE CHAPTER: The City Council may fieffl time t *' appoint Community Service Officers, Animal Control Officers Humane Agents or other Officers to assist the police officers of the City in the enforcement of this Chapter, and no person shall interfere with, hinder or molest them in the exercise of such powers. 7 -4A -4: INTERFERENCE WITH OFFICERS: It shall be a violation of this Chapter for any unauthorized person to break open a petxld shelter or attempt to take from any officer any deg e+- at aninaal -taken up by him in compliance with this Chapter, or in any manner to interfere with or hinder such officer in the discharge of his duties under this Chapter. 7 -4A -5: RABIES, ANIMAL BITES: �- Emergency Proclamation: Whenever the prevalence of rabies renders such action necessary to protect the public health and safety, the Council shall issue a proclamation ordering every person owning or keeping a pet to keep the pet confined by chain or enclosure. No person shall violate such proclamation and any pet not confined as described above, shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided. Per Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule and section 7 -4A -7, section B -5. &A. Reports of Animal Bites: It shall be the duty of every physician or any other person to report to the City Healdi O ffi e - rPolice Department the names and addresses of persons treated for bites inflicted by animals within the City together with such other information as will be helpful in rabies control. Per Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule and section 7 -4A -7, section B -5. 7-4A -5 7-4A7 C—. B. Veterinarian Reports of Rabies Suspects: It shall be the duty of every licensed veterinarian to report to the A nimal l War °"City Police Department his diagnosis of any animal within the City observed by him as a rabies suspect an the An \U.,,-d shall i i n fo,-,:B th Cit.- Health Offi o repo,—t. Per Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule and section 7 -4A -7, section B -5. 7 -4A -6: EXEMPTIONS FROM PROVISIONS: A. Hospitals, clinics the designated city animal shelter and other premises operated by licensed veterinarians exclusively for the care and treatment of animals are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter, except for such duties as expressly stated. B. The registration requirements of this Chapter shall not apply to any dog, -elF cater ferret belonging to a nonresident of the City and kept within the City for not longer than thirty (30) days. Provided that all such dogs, -er cats or ferrets shall at all times while within the City be kept under restraint. C. The keeping or maintaining of animals for exhibition to the public by a traveling circus carnival, educational zoo progyram or other exhibit or show holding a permit issued by the Commissioner of Natural Resources pursuant to Minnesota Statute 97.611 D. The keeping or maintaining of any animal by a bona fide educational or medical institution for the purpose of instruction or study, provided such animals are securely confined treated in a humane manner, and the Police Department is notified in writing of their presence. 7 -4A -7: IMPOUNDING, DISPOSAL OF ANIMALS: A. Impoundment for Violations: 1. Impoundment. ^ fly dog er eatAny animal found in violation of this Cchapter may be taken up by the ^ ,,;.,,., WaFd °n or „th°,. officers designated by the City Council to enforce this Chapter and impounded in the petrol shelter, and there confined in a humane manner. 2. Notice. Immediately upon the impounding of a animal deb of eat wearing a current registration, every reasonable effort to notify the owner of such impoundment and of the conditions wherebv the owner may re .vain custody of the dew er ear animal shall be made. Anv verbal notices shall be immediately confirmed in writing 7 -4A -7 7 -4A -7 3. Right of Entry: To enforce this Chapter, the ^ ninial War-den of ^ *he designated officers may enter upon the private premises where it appears or where there is reasonable cause to believe that an deg of ea animal is not registered or is being kept, confined or restrained as required herein, or in pursuit of an deg of cat animal running at large. Any owner shall produce for the ",,;,,,.,1 «',, ^toff officer's inspection, his registration or receipt upon request. B. Impoundment of Rabies Suspect: Any dog cat or ferret that has bitten person shall immediately be impounded for a period of time as r-eee niend ' required by the City u °a'*" r'fffl^ Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule and kept apart from other animals, until it is determined whether or not said deg of e animal has e. ha could have transmitted rabies at the time of the bite. Such impoundine ma% be by the owner and need not be at the Citv Animal P-o m Shelter, at the discretion of the city animal control authority, but if it is not at the City Animal 1?aund Shelter, the owner shall notify the City en Police Dmartment and shall furnish proof in writing that such animal is being _ so o impounded. 2. After a period of time as Fe enipaend reauired by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health rile, if the de*or -eat animal does not have rabies. lie it may be released, and -the City Animal Nklaf °n Police Department shall be notified such and deg er eai the animal may be reclaimed as hereinafter provided. 3. Any animal dog-of-� iliat has been bitten by a-rabid animal OF belie'Ved to h , been e e d to the rabies shall b ; . d a kept in the safne manner a nd for the s ^"f tim °.other than a domestic dog, cat or fetter that has bitten a person and is considered a rabies suspect must be humanely euthanized for rabies examination if the victim of the bite does not choose to receive rabies post exposure prophylaxis, in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule. The determination of what constitutes a rabies suspect, or exposure, should be made in consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, and the victim's ohvsician. 4. Any animal that has been bitten by a rabid animal or believed to have been exposed to rabies shall be quarantined as required by Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule. 7 -4A -7 7 -4A -7 5. The Minnesota Board of Animal Health rules governing impounding quarantine, vaccination, euthanization, and all matters relating _ to the transmission or control of rabies shall apply to this section and chapter. 6. Placement of any animal suspected of rabies exposure or Quarantined for rabies exposure shall be at the discretion of the city animal control authority under guidance of the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and the Minnesota Department of Health. 7. Any expenses incurred in quarantine or testing of animals shall be borne by the owner of such animal. C. Length of Impoundment: Any animal deg or- t which is impounded in the peu shelter shall be kept in the City Pound Shelter for at least five (5) business days unless sooner reclaimed by its owner. If such dog or cat is known to be or is suspected of being rabid or has bitten a person, it shall be kept for a period as recommended by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health rule D. Reclaiming or Disposing of Impounded Animals: Redemption fines are to be based on number of offenses within a one -year period. Fines shall be determined by Council resolution and reviewed annually. If the animal door ea - requiresd a City registration, such registration shall also be obtained beferebefore the animal jai is released. If at the end of the impounding period the animal is not reclaimed by the owner, such animal -c-4 shall be deemed to have been abandoned and may be sold to any person. 1. If the purchaser will obtain or harbor the animal deg -ef-ea in this City, a registration shall also be obtained before possession of the animal is given to the purchaser. 2. Anyone purchasing unclaimed animals must also have the animal spayed or neutered prior to release, or as soon as conditions of health or age of the animal permit. Failure to do so shall be a violation of this chapter. 3. If such animal is not sold, then it maybe euthanized in a humane manner. 4. The cost of disposing of any animal at the specific request of the owner shall be paid for by such owner. Requests of this nature must be made in writing to the City Clerk. Proof of ownership or an affidavit to this effect must be made by the person requesting 7 -4 -A -7 74A -8 such disposition. Payment of the cost shall be made by the owner upon filing of the request for disposition to the Clerk. E. Killing Animals Which Cannot Be Impounded: If a animal deg OF cat is diseased, vicious, dangerous, rabid or exposed to rabies and such animal deg e Fat cannot be captured or impounded after a reasonable effort, or cannot be captured or impounded without serious risk to the person attempting to capture or impound, such animal dog -eat may be immediately killed by a police officer. (Ord. XIVA, 12 -3 -74) 7 -4A -8: Penalties: Any person(s)-who shall violate the terms or provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five - one thousand hundred dollars ($500.00 S 1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days in jail, or both. (Ord. XIVA, 12 -3 -74; amd. 1983 Code) 1. Exception: Penalties greater than those set forth in this section are imposed by Minnesota State Statute for various sections of this Chapter. In such cases the more severe penalties shall be applied. :uoijuoijddd - 'paplAo.l LIIa.Iag se pauiulgO uaaq SBLI V)op gams .10j U0IjB.1jsl as no(I snoa323uBa jtJ 10115 u ssalun 'A lto 5g1 utglim 2354 sno.ta uBQ pazajsiaa i B ooN . .ioq.reLl urno ag ui uos.ta ON q 68 6'AIX T• 'paziltials ag jsnlu 115 aul U!gl!An JO SLIluoLU g xis Jo a n 3111.13235 slat. 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`slLUi!uu lld MORBUlooLA soiq>;g •:1 Z i-gib-L •.131 EqD S!Lll Ol X IM Ilugs L9'9t PUB £t7£ JQjCI aouuua puu 3.IE3 oqj o sa l ula.i sd •sig2ig �13o i3 o Ipo ;o - 0op Xuu lluuad io osnuo .ape--7 `luuiiup Cup asngn osiAu3glo .io luauuol `,CIlanio lu3il `Ipagq * i itpgs uosiod ON t7L - £ - Z t 'P lIo all Xq p3luu, ls3p 13II3LIS IBLUIUL' aLII lE .10 'XI!3 3L UI1111M 3.I3 UE iL'LLIIUL' XUB LIOpuL'gV 'Z •luauuluail puu win ouBwnq qj!m puyu — o `2uuajjns Iuanazd oI popaau u3gm oin f.zuuuala�,h — q `a0Lllu0Ax aLII wo.zj uoilooloid pup iollogs iodoijd - E `.talum pup pool 3iqulo luaiogjns ql!m IBWI Xuu apiAo.zd o iiu3t � 1 .Iiuigs 13umo ON :S.LNNab aulflbau 33N VN H LNIIVN (IN V auva :£ •.I3lc S LID S!ql of XIM Hulls Zg'Lt£ .Ial ELID SS NW .lapun sno.i3i3LIEQ .IO Sno.I3 UEQ llpllLi3lOd p3.1E133p ZOP E,10 S3SILU3.1 3ql UO sW% - ,Mj'u.luM JO ZW11SOCI pLIE UI ILI3o13ILU LII El 3LIl LIIp.1E531 SUOISIAO.I pLIE EInill3 3L1 j '0 (b L - £ - Z `b'AIX 'PLO) ' S — saunl iip 1 13.1.13] o'wo 4o 7 2op aLII Xq Luom ag Isnul goigm `ssouiuq .Io zulloo `uiugo 3Nogo s,I3.i.I3j .IO s v 7 Iuo 4o 'Sop aLII of pauolsuj Xlwnoas &I pilpA u do;DN oI pwinba.L sL nu .WAg •g •panssL goigm aoj zuoX pup 13gtunu aul ql!m paduiuls 1 9pl Iuauuuuod u numo aLII of panssi ag IIBgs 3'3gl `I - L u01130S JO SUOISlAoid aLII ql!m SuiXjduloo uodn • £ P - Z -g f- aqI JO lua I ltagl 10 laumo X:PZ)dO.ld XUR as1ApLI Isntu OS'Lt7 Tal BqD SS N N 3o Lilaltlo aql lapun snoaa u>?Q pa11?lo3p uaaq s>;q jvqj vop Xu7a 3o numo aql •}, - luotuouguoo put; utlzzntu jutul;s31 Tugsod.ioj sluatuo.ttn a1 IlB glim laleipatutui Xjdwo5 jsntu Ing lio aql ut ouopisoi dn utNe1 jo s >?p Of u►glim luatullt aQ aailod lid aql of sigl 110 a1 llt?lls numo aqj alt?Is aql uiq}iAk lily toiuntu 1agIouu ut OS'Lt Tal nqj SS MIN jo i3poji.m aql lapun snO1a uLCl IlL'iIualOd 10 . snoaa u>?Q paleloap lsnoinat uaaq siJq pue lio aql ui ouapisal olui sawoo op u 3i TO io agl uitllim tunti aligm 0S Lt£ Tal eqD SS NM.Io mill to atll lapun snoaa ueQ II13!Rua1od 10 snoaa uuQ pa.z>;loap uaaq sL op X u>; 3I £ •pougop uia.taq SL' pz)Lts!uiiil pu>? 151 eqj sigl jo uoitUloiA t aq IpAN uotstnOl stgl gltm Xldwoo of al ptj I!D all Xq paujBjumw saolA.tas Bans jo s.IapiAO.z Jo Isil U tuo1J uiuit?JI uoiJnogipoul l>?1oiAntlaq l>? m' aial will PUB pumw of palm a1 aq ll>;gs loumo sli PuP OS'Lt£ 1aj rqD SS Kwjo t;ilalpo all lapun snoaa eCl Xiluiluolod 10 snoaa ura paluloop si jugl zop Xuv Z 'ZS'Lt 13 1 0 4:) SS NW Xq pagiaosa.t zauuuul aql ui j ail oq lials 0S - Lt£ 1al uqD 3151T31S 3ILIS ulosouulw lapun snoaa urQ IIB!lualod 10 snoaa u>?Q paleloap op ud - 1 . -uos.13d luau tool L jo lolluoo aql aapun puu pagstoj `polzznw Xlalnoas si luuuut; gons ssolun alnsoloua gons jo Ino lt;uziun gons aN1;l lou put, Ino 10 2op snototA 10 snoiaguup `aolag KIOAO oinsoloua alnoos 10 guippnq tL uiglim ouguoo llt,gs laumo Xiang •V :SNOISIAONJ .LAIHICINUM03 :S - SI7 - L I >? OSiL ilUtls luouzauguoo puu ` ut mite lumilsa1 uRIB a1 ZS'Ltb 1aI ULD SS IOW JO SWau131111 a1 aql 09'Lb£ Tai uqD SS Nw 3o >;ilali.to aql lapun snoaa uLQ pa1>?loap s op jo osez) aqa ul q nm 3o jq i1 .to `slaumo op aql uall nillo ita o1 aILIA11 11a o1 otlgn uL uo .tai >;qo sigl ut paugap si « Iui>?1lsa - a„ sd - L , (t `VAIX 'PTO) - sauul il>, It luiailsoi Tapun wo 10 iiop joq/siq dowl ii 'egs Taumo agZ :QaHlIlbaH jNIVHjLSaU :f S b-Bt,-L `zaumo aul uLgl zatllo suos +ad zo fgjc)doid uo tauuuw 3Ul2?uwt?p L ut possudsa +l Xllunliquq .zo Xltadozd poXotlsop suq luwiuL aql lugjL 'I :lsixa slot?J i?utmolloj atll Jo XUu IuuI UIO)it'Q JO Iqunoo oql ui ai?pnf /Clunoo v of uos.zad Cut; Jo luivIdwoo uaoms uodn :osuo jo slou j -d :SrlvlvINv NivLHaa 30 NOLLaf12LLS:IQ HO ,LN:Ilv(lNfIOdwi HOd SONIIQg1302id L (OPOD £861) :_ a.lnluo.13 X uL , ao slUunuULLI .laglo sp.uq IMoJ Xq poln.m sas[ou .m.pulis 101110 10 ' ?Ulxl3 +6 liup.IL'q Xq sng sXoUUL L wqA , , Xj!D atll Ul IL'LUIUL' X ULI ao l7ao +e r5op 7a togiuq .to dowl 11 uosiod oN :Sg3NVSIfll\I gSION :9 (i *AIX 'P +0) 'Buipitnq L uttllim sosodind ftpoa.zq .Loj ldooxa lutuiu>; .zatllom glim louluoo ui awoo lo=3 3juw33 dons I .tauuuw dons ui poutguoo 163I aq IILgs lu3q ui jtm zo fop OIBU13J XGang •g •u1a13q paUi}ap sU 5jqL'LjS!UII puU .t31 UqD S!111 10 uoIlUlOIA U 3q Iii 0S'Lt£ .1a1 Ut1J SS MIN Jo sompaow PUB slu3LU3ain 3.z 041 IV: - Idt - L l0 l uaul3.lnl 3.13g1 Baru o1 a.inl►Ud .9 .s UP 0i ultll!,m luz)w)ju aQ aotlod X jjD all of polliLups aq l SIIW UL'1.1L'Ul.]a1aA paSU301I L' LUO.1J 11AL'p1IIL' UL' S31p op og1JI q '13UM0 MaU atll JO pa lln 3.1 uogvul.10jul uollU:)u!jU3pl .13gl0 AUB pue ssatppU `au1L'LI atll Jo luatul.lL� 3Q 33 11 0 d MID aql 01 aoiloU aAiZ� XIDIRIPOLULL11 IIUtIs JZ)UAXO atll UAL, UV ul p iloismi si op dons Jo igsaaumo .lo UaAlc pIOS .0 st OS'Lt,£ .131 ULIJ SS NIN Jo L'11011.13 atll lapun snoa3 uUQ IlUllualod to snol3 uU4 p3�Ulo3p Uaaq sUtl lUtI1 op uUJI 'S atll u[tI1[.�� 1.13 oa �u1sUal .to ullual a�olaq IUnliuU a13g1 Jo S111U1s 04 sno.la UUQ L-Hf -L S -St-L ef' i �Q O cd U O O O 3 O L U ccs 7r O Ty U cC (CS c� U I 05 U a ti U Y a� v "C O O V U � 11- (V � e F; C C O 'Z L F U r O � T � C o � a? T � C L c ° c U U < r" T7 T C) c Ty � O � 03 - vi i cG 3 -p s o ]aI G . • � •� L U O cz ct - m E U E 0 U U cz •'�'' ��„ •� U in - O U �O of Ct V Y c . L c ct a � c C � , U 7 c c- Y Y c Y � 05 Y V Zd o c U U > U . U O c3 U U ,� E U U p CZI 3 c � O cc rA p � � '" O :.d •� N � cn N U U to w 4: O >~ N Il cIJ - O cz A cd 0 0 3 0 �'•� cc �. •O U + U + rA b W fa •� Ts � cri .O � U o C d •6U 1 i 03 b y 4 El U rn c� p cz im b cn ri vi E� cl En o o o U-; 3 "o O T7 �1, ti T7 o 05 U a ti U Y a� v "C O O V U � 11- (V � e F; C C O 'Z L F U r O � T � C o � a? T � C L c ° c U U < r" T7 T C) c Ty � O � 03 - vi i cG 3 -p s o ]aI G . • � •� L U O cz ct - m E U E 0 U U cz •'�'' ��„ •� U in - O U �O of Ct V Y c . L c ct a � c C � , U 7 c c- Y Y c Y � 05 Y V Zd o c U U > U . U O c3 U U ,� (68 `6'AIX 'p.iO) 'T n ILiluopcsai t; ui sinog (t Z) .Inoj Xluaml C.Iana kpodoid loti/sig wolf sooaj iiL uvolo of paiinbw sI .zaumo XI.Iado.Id d :dflNlVg'I3 CMV)L :6 (68 `6'AIX 'PJO) 'XIjadold li jo fuisodsip put sooaj s,Iuultur .ioq/siq do 2?uI>loid .Ioj algisuodsa.i sI 11✓uliulu ul; jo lo.iluoo ui uos.iod ag,L 'sooaj jo It✓sodsip .Iadozd zoj & L .io/put saoa3 do Summlo ioj pasn ag meo goigm smaluddu saLuil lit, IL uoissossod zaLl/siq ui aAULI IlL'gs ABA\ jo ILIaI.I .io , Ija o.i ollgn , uL jO f,113do.Id >I.md uo Imim uL 3o Io.Iluoo ui suoszad IId :AIOI.LV.Lll VS :8 '.Io1a>;go sigl ui pailoan aq hugs IL'S£ PUB S£Z'£t£ 9S'L17£ OS'Ltr£ JQILI "qD SS N JNJO SIuaLUa.im as pTe- ep'llpo all .Iapun sno.ia uL G pzmeloop s oP3o I sip puu a.inzios agI of palnla.I slsoj .Z £86I "PLO ial egJ sigl JO SLLI.IaI aLIJ Jo XULIJO UoiILIIO!A u[ I a>l aq of punoj sl IL'IUIUL' p lLS Ji 'IL'LUIUL' 0111 .10 .laUA10 all ISU[L? u possosst? aq IIaIs UoiloaS siLll Aq paijioa s sPLllpaaoo.I 1111 jo STSOJ • j :SISOD -3 , �I!o aLII InoLlgnolLll Xlddu Ilugs puL .ialdi3g3 svgIjo suoisino.Id aaglo of lquoulolddns pu>; of uoilipPE uI OJB u sIgj JO SUOISInoid oqj :uo jo fgiliq •(I •aal ngo sILII uI XIM3 IImIs oQ snon uecl t; JO ).mz!as pu> aUilso Uilzznui 6 lui>?.11sa.i •JUaLUaUUUOO Jo a.lnlitl3 oI uil>;Ia.i 9S'Ltb£ - 13 I nLIJ SS ITW UI 1 1 110J L as sa.inpaoo.lc puu L>>aali.Ia aLI.L 'Z '.Talc PLID slgl3o uom3101A .IOJ Itlaulgsiun agI of alq>;il aq UOISIAO.I aLII ZUIIUIOIA JO Ilink punoj uiaq .ialjt; pue pa agosip si3m .Iap.lo p!Ls Ingl Tuplo 11 lu!Lj uioo L? jo fmiIIJ aql LIO n II>;LIS ag .Lap.io Bans s agosip puu ziould pojaMoisop n of pa iguoo lm!Lie agI aa>l of pa.zap.IO si .IO A IID agI Luoi3 jauiuL, aLII a:koumj of pa.iap.Io si .iauAko 3gjjl - 1 :lap -iO gliA1 XldwoO of 3 .mliu3 -3 1aI L'gD slgl ul X IIMIS SIL'LLIM1 paLLIMI - OU11 10 [tso sip pun `sls03 '00uyvag o.inzlos nulpae�,a.I IL'S£ PUB S£Z'£S£ 9S'Lt�£ �aI U g� SS 1\IYV UI L I aS SILIaLLIa.IIIl ai pug sa.mpaoo.i aLII 'S :6 P - L : L t'-L •lut.la�ulu 3AIj0a133l IO upll Ip alL'll of L' I110L1l1M A 3o 1g it otlgn uu uissolo to uolu ast.iuns 3o .moll aql 3lo3aq puu Iasuns 3o Inog aqj l3l373 3SIOLI u 3AIIp I o op Oj- uosiod RIB .too In3MU1un aq llugs 1 I £ a.in Z oml la auo p000x3 ;ou XBui soslog 3o Iaguinu 3g1 Z salon S aAg si azis jol Lunluiu[LU aqZ I :p3ptnol SjotljStp U1UOZ lutjU3pis3-1 pain puu lu.milnotl d agj ut asn pomollu uu alu s3s.10H :suoiWpll a-d 3S.10H •R •SlOiIISip ;110 XUL UILI ;IM paM011u 3IL SLLLiL3 Ill3 IO SL[011[glgxo IELUIUL' SLLLiu3 3UJI SOOZ Z) IBAll oN -Cl 10 3gl3o situ llu ut p3;tgtgol 3Iu sluLUtuu p31L'3llsauzop -UON •D - suopuln o-j utuoZ Jo opoo atD3o uopoos Uu to l u qD Slgl ut gl.ioj ps SL - jummisal PUB LIOI ;uI ;SI a I aoLluua�Lnuul 'aluo niuJ55U65 ajnjujS ajujS of s3ouala3ai pun soouruiplo o1qoilcicit lagJo glint aouup.l000u ut siotllstp utuoz 11u ut ION oq Xuw Sluulruu 311s3uioQ •g Iaa1Iu3 3qj Xq p3suol to pauMo lou aulllaMp lut;uaptsal XuBjo ,00 p 1533 palpung auo uipm auiplinq to 101 p353 U3d u Ul paul3uoo aq jou XBtu spuluiuu Lulu, £ loam u all ssal asuo OU LII puL s3iII3o u I o s Luo13 aouusinu ptoAU ol ou;) 3 1 3 JU3I0U311S LIJIM paAOU.ia.l ag Hugs a.InueW Z •UUapo 1 ay aq of su .iouuuuz u Bons ui poululuim aq llugs ION 3IU slulutuu LU.IU3 AUU l 0 31lIuo S3SIOq gotgA1 ui u3l plu Io uluq olquls ud p Pjmul e a.1L' Slutulud Lulu3 3IagM sjOIIjSip Xue u - sosoffi nd goluaso .10 lulnjlnotl u .103 paS11 31!gM BJOS3U 1i sl3Alurl 5111 Xq poumo aIa o uo pu luinilnoil u su lto aqj Xq pouoz Xpado Ilu uo p3lltlLua om S WIL'3 •d IODULLu UlAkolloj aqj Ut p3juln al SI SlutuluB p3ju0l;S3LUop -UOU PUB IMo3 SUO3 1 SIBWIUL 01JOx3 put pl !m SIL'LUILm 311smop S tu1u ut 3q agZ :S lNv AO OAIId :43M :01 O l - L :01-Of-L s lUW!Ll>; oLli jo lzojtuoo pun gIivaLl aql gjim 51clpu utoo p 1pil pun pajul!jU;)A 311lJe.ia Lu a1 0 su pallO.IIUOD •.nu a.i Pon Ui p umjulew Z •POAIOAUI s Iucuiuu aql .ioj ale!a of e st su letaaiuw Bons jo palon.Iisuoo I :aq llugs s lul.utun ulsnoq .to3 s5tjillou3 x s lumiuu agj Iolluoo puu .Ioj a.zuo Apps puu Xpunbopu of aoubpo xa pun a palmouj 55e laalog3ns 3o aq Ilegs s Imm XUL 10j ui.luo uos.za aLIZ T acunLuwoo all jo jopu 10 Ll�luaq aq� .ia uupua ao aouuslnu n asneo aq� }� ail aq you uIU siuunud .l •paiuool On SluuIIL1u aql a .IaLIM 101.11Stp utuoz aql ui pazi.logmu JI saso in lu!o.launuoo .1oj ;)3I aq Xluo MU SIMILId A '1 ;)N Oupq s lul.utue all puopi puu Lunt o.t aLI, u► uoijn iotjau .11agj Jo Ut Iu aQ aoilod 31 -11 !Iou isnLu Luunai aqj u► juu 1otIju — all IaAOMOq 'paM011n 5.1e SlautUn gons alojag •SIat1IS1p zju!uoZ Ile ui asn p5mollu pun a.lu sIua.Md .131sOd aJtIPIiM Pasua017 2Ij,�Q 10 swat Id auaoop ooz ou1OD Inud -is s,u3pjuq 11331nlooz ujosouuiW aqj jo 1j uct su 1 ail uiaq SIULUiud •D l.ia o.i jt jo uiso stp pue s000j s juLUi1m nfl/siq dn futNlot ao3 algtsuo sa.t st luquu uu jo lo.iluoo ut uosaa aLIZ saaal3o Iuso stp as of ioj Mcl u io/puu saoa dn uiuealo .toj pasn aq uuo LIoILIM snjuau n SO JIu ju uotssasso 13II /stq LU anuq hugs eA1 jo iLl y .io Ain oilclnu Ame uo I Lwtuu LIE jo 1 0.11UO3 Llt s IIV 3 •.IaUte aupluls io nq atisul paluas u u► pa uptd SI aanuuLu ag1,I► aloud aoai aIsuM otlgn u ui .10 •:1I.ta oa S,uos.ta aql uo X IJOdOJd 3o Paso sip puu as.tOLI e Jo K)A►ap JO .iapt.l .tauMO aqj Aq laInipa Panouia.z oq llnLls Atmjo jq i.1 oilgn .10 s umpuo.t spwjs oilclild u a.znunw g og3naj aloigaA .IOJOLU - UIIUItl at S31111eIS aIu1S nIosaULIIIN puu apOD I!D XIIJO SUOISIAO.t alqu 135 qns aq llnLls alatgaA umn.Ip as.totl n M i , Aijp .to z)sjoq n UIPt.t UOSJOCI AJOAg s sl;)Ojls oggn 3o X13m, jo Iq t 1 aql u1411m aoxa 'Aii5claid oilgnc aatllo Jo N.n2 oilgn uu olui os.ioLl L I�L'I asi,lliaq�o .to a:1up aptz oa ttosla uu .to3 ln3mulun aq Ilugs lI ib 0I-at -L 01-HP-L E Bons u IO Oq I O U X tw suoa i d •UOISIAIpgns Slgl glim 35uq uioo ui 1 05x3 uoa i .Ioq.lEg 10 C1 3ON Am UOs. ou puu uoll5as s►LIl Ul POP!AOICI Se 3SU30tl E uiUiel lsig 1 1 13 5g1 ul s3siul5.i uu uo suoa l aaigl uLgl a.iow 55N Am uos.la ON •suon!d 3suoo!-I tb •ALLIES aL ul o3sl pue uipuno uu jo isoo agl Xieff iiEgs piiq .Io lmoj papuno LUi ue Ouiuliulool uosl5 d •plos .lo paziueglna l3ueun q aq Eta 13Limo 3g1 Aq p3Lu►ulo3z ufoq lnopm 3.ioui .io s Ep ss3uisnq 3Ag .iOJ papuno w! npqI3jjp puE 1►5 3g1 Aq papuno Lut aq X t5w uop3s stgl JO uoilulOIA Ul oBilal le p.1iq .io IA' V •sp.Iiq .io lmo3 jo Auipunoci (£ g1I!� zo zopo asrou Jo UOSEa.i q 1 lUi3iA 5qj Li! 1.Ia o.i .Iaglo uo suosio of aouE ouue .IO Aintui 3snu5 of SE .iauum E ui posiu.i .10 IO aq XBW spnq io lAxoj Bons ON •sioglo of oouu ouuu.io A.m Z 'Liolloos Slgl SUOISIAOla agl .Iapun asu3oll u o l uuns.m suoa i jo Suiclxq aLp o A lciclu lOu s3op uo ll e liulil Stgl l io a gl ui pz) o.1 Iu►lu0pts3a X uu uo paSIE.I .lo z aq Xi3w spiiq .io lmoj 35igl uEgl 3.1oui oR •.lagwtiu uo uoilquJi I 'E31B LIIpuo JIIgn io 351 >lIE laails uu uo oil of p5jj!wa3 zo pastu.l ldq aq spiiq ao l.�wj g5ns Xi ,�PLLI .IO 'UOISSILui;)cl l no gl im a3 jo sosiLuoi a uo n .lalua .10 a 1el I un.i of aLUUs a gl lltul ut sp.nq ao Imoj . io suoa i 3saa sy3np suo -piLlo ula3a5l .zo auiumo uosioct ou `uoiligigOld •spirg puE lmodJo aauEU3jUlCW - W 68 - 6 g 'PLO 'aouuuip.lp stLll q popiAol SLIOl a.I agl O l LLO[11 ui slauua)l puE S O l a .10J SUOIIuIlI ai glim 33uepao35e ut IO 3q llegs slauuoS..io s oLls la uI 1031 siBultuV 'rI 9 *V'Z'L u0933s -SPIE JE pu sp.re aprs s uiplillq .lossa55u ioj spiEpuuls SIoEg13s ouil lia o.i ogl Luaojuoo Ism sluuque oils3ulop u!uUuoo sainsoloud 9 - saupu aanpa.l puE sp.luzEg 3SE3Sip azilulunu of puE uJaIz )qj p3utuluo5 s IELUiuE OqI JO UOIIEUILUEIuo3 IU3Aa.1 O IESS333u SE ualjo S pauualo S - su. 1 3 1jud ao lme pq luLu.louqu ao ssol lr[Igap jo uollipuoo ioo •uoppinulm 3o 33113ptA3 Xq p31Eoiput aq Mau 550s 31En opuul • jO LUop,55 ij alun ape glim s 1E100S Pub' IE.Il11S0 IELU1oU 351L'LLI Ol IuLUILie g3Ea mollE Ol ozis luatz)gj ls3O 17 0 1 - H t 0 I -g b-L •posnoq WE SUOOZ!d aql Llo►gm uo SZ)SlLuz)jd aqj uo ljol ogl3o souguoo aql uigliAN paj aq llegs suoa ld Z l!ep pouealo aq isniu s u!punoi.ins sp pue ljol aqj l •saiuiI lie le sluopo.! loe.il)e Aeui LloigM aoueasgns X up pue o eq.le gl1l3 Luoi3 uealo lEfol oq llegs paulejuieui pue I 351 are suoa i goigm uo sosiuia.zd •suoiIoi.ijsal .iagj0 8 •asuaoil oqj ui pazilopne .iagiunu aqj uegj sosnua.i pasuaoil uo suonici alow mol of uo►;oasgns SigI jO uOIJL'IOiA e Sl ;l •.iaquinu .lassal e .l oj osu3oil e onssl A B L U pounoo oqj aanaMoq osuaoil aqj umssi jo owil aql Id -s5S!W3.ld posuaoil ue uo 1=j oq Aeu! suoaBla SZ uega 31 IoN •1;Dquinu uo uoijulnui l (L - lwunuJ aql Xq XpaoX paMaiA;)l pue jas aq llegs aaj osuooil lenuue oql •a - X ll3do.ld 3111 uo uotIeool S,Jt pue �3ol poso o.! .lo [ISIXa aLll utMOgs UU10 31 IS e apnlaul lleLls uotjeo!l e asuaoq aq j •p - uOljw)!jddp aqj Medwoom Ilegs SIBAOJCtdl3 asaq j, •jq nos Si asuaoq aql golgm .Ioj sosiuloi aql upjnqu ajelso lea.1 pauMO X 131BALICI lle 3o slurctn000 aqa Aq LIOi�e�il e Bons 30 leno.i e U a��tam ag1 Maas lleLls �ueoil e age •o •siseq lenuue pue uo ponssi aq llegs sasuaoi q asua�i� ai{i Auap .lo i!w!l lue.i eua tlo!gM liounoa X jp aqj of pa.uajaa aq uaga llegs pue XP5 aqJ jo saoump.io aqj qj!M aoueil WOO autu - off jms pale= !sap aql Xq paje gsanu! aq lings uotleoil e oql •>? •aaj 3su3011 paq!oa s aql Xq po!ue Luooae pue N.lalo Xlp all of apuLu aq flags suoowd cl ooN of asuaotl e .ioj u011eoil d •uolluoil a asu33!7 g - JoI eqo s!ql jo suoiliuilap aqJ uT UOAM s . ulueaul aqj aAeLl llegs UOMI!d pine Ijol SW.131 aq; uo►Ioas sigl ui pasn sd s sa[l�a of ivaoe slue n000 aqj o; aouesmu u ajnjijsuoo of se aauueui 0 I 01-gb-L 7-4B-10 7-4B-10 3 The pigeons must be confined to the loft except for short periods of exercise during which time they may be permitted to fly outside the loft. 4) Grains and food stored for the use of pigeons on any licensed premises shall be kept in rodent proof containers. 5) The loft must be constructed as to be fly free and rodent proof 6) The loft shall be elevated a minimum of six inches (6 ") and a maximum of twelve inches (12 ") above grade to insure freeway beneath the loft. 7) The loft shall rest upon concrete footings, have a maximum hei hit, and conform to setback requirements as required for any similar sized accessory building. I *. Proposed Change for Zoning Ordinance Related to Animal's (Selected definitions related to this proposal) 3.2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain words contained herein shall be defined as follows: DO MESTIC! b heasell New definition in City Code 7 -4A -1. ,4NENIALS 'rM Cattle, hogs heFses, sheep, geats, Fabbitse1iiekens a rc� o theF farm ani New definition in Citv Code 7 -4A -1. ANIMALS, WILD AND EXOTIC: Animals other than domestic and farm animals that are customarily found in the wild c kiding b ak , b eat . ` `' tige s and other - such a �,� or are defined as v�.u� o uii non - domestic animals in this Chapter (This definition Moved to 7 -4A -1) KE NNEL: Any lorei PFefflises ferthe sale, b ear - di n g b di b r degs ea o f lia pet's —K enti l sh a l l m three (Replaced by Commercial Kennel definition in 7 -4A -1) PUBLIC PROPERTY: Any street or highway and includes the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained for the purposes of vehicular travel, and shall also mean any other publicly owned property or facility. (This definition copied to 7 -4A -1) RIGHT OF WAY: A street, alley or easement permanently established for the passage of persons and vehicles including the traveled surface of lands adjacent that are formally dedicated to such usage. (This definition copied to 7 -4A -1) USE PERMITTED BY RIGHT: A use which is unconditionally permitted in the district under which it is listed. (This definition copied to 7 -4A -1) YARD OR SETBACK: A required open space on a lot which is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided for herein. The measurement of a yard shall be construed as the minimum horizontal distance between the A lot line and the building line. (This definition copied to 7- 4A_ 1) YARD, STREETSIDE: A side yard which is adjacent to a street. (This definition copied to 7 -4A -1) 4.10: ANIMALS See 74A, 74B, and 74C. . IMMAMAMINUMS . . ft1Y 1 7-4C -1 7-4C -1 CHAPTER 4 DOGS n ern CATS TS ANIMAL CONTROL ARTICLE C. KENNELS AND r TTERIES AND LOFT REGISTRATION SECTION: 74C -1 Registration Provisions 74C -2 Premises Requirements 7 -4C -3 Violation, Revocation and Hearing 7 -4C -1: REGISTRATION PROVISIONS: A. A. Requirement, Fee: No person shall operate a commercial or residential kennel or loft for the keeping of pigeons of-c- y in the City without first obtaining a registration as provided in this Article. 1. — Application to register such kennel oFeattef or loft shall be made to the City Clerk and shall be accompanied by the specified registration fee any documentation of neighboring property owner's consent required and any site plan, which may be required ?_The Clerk shall refer the application and documentation to the proper staff for review. After inspections and reviews as may be required are completed the application, documentation, and recommendation of staff shall be forwarded to the City Council, which may grant limit, or deny the request. Registrations issued for kennels, ^r eattefies dangerous dogs, or lofts shall be on an annual basis fi ^ p .:j 1 to M afe h 31 . The term for which shall be set by council. B. Application: The application for a kennel or- eatteFy registration shall state the name and address of the owner of said kennel or- eatteFy, the location where the kennel OF eatter is to be kept and the number of dogs, of-cats or ferrets proposed to be kept. 9 74C -2 74C -2 C. Transfer: The kennel or e-attery registration is not transferable except on application of both the old and new owners and the payment of the sum, as set forth by Council resolution, to the City Clerk. Each kennel oi eattery registration shall be posted conspicuously on the premises where said kennel ei eattff is kept. D. D. Consent Required: A residential kennel or- eattei registration shall not be issued unless the application for such registration is accompanied by the written approval of the occupants of all privately owned real estate abutting the premises on which the kennel or eattei is to be located or unless the applicant's property is three hundred feet (300') or more from any structure used as a home. (Ord. XIVA, 12 -3 -74) E. Requirements and regulations for the keeping of fowl, birds and Lofts may be found in 7- 4B -10. F. Requirements and regulations for the registration and keeping; of dangerous dogs may be found in 7 -4B -1, 7 -4B -2, 7 -4B -4, 7 -4B -5, and 7 -4B -7. 7 -4C -2: PREMISES REQUIREMENTS: A. Fence for Confinement: No permit shall be granted to any owner for the operation of a kennel ei eatte{y unless the area within which the animals are to sleep, eat or exercise shall be enclosed completely with a wire mesh fence of sufficient height and gauge to insure the confinement of said animals. B B. Sanitation, Noise: Every kennel eF eattefy shall be maintained and operated in a neat and sanitary manner. 1. All ' garbage and animal waste shall be removed at regalar inter a-ls daily so as to keep the surrounding area free from obnoxious odors. 2. No owner shall permit any of his animals to create any unusual noise from barking, crying, howling or screeching, or create any disturbance or nuisance of any kind whatsoever which unduly impairs the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the surrounding area by other residents. Violation Of this subpart would be a Kennel Nuisance Violation. TIO) 'u .poi 2uilooLu aql jo alp oql of ioud shp (S) ang IsLIal it' pal!uw puI3 `uoiluoilddu aql ui gpoj las sv zaumo agl3o ssoippu aqI of poputu `iiuilljm ui .zaumo aql oI uantO oq llt i?uilaauz Lions3o aoiioN– - Z p z�aq oq of ,Cltunpoddo uU uaniS aq Is zg hugs oq `EupaLu Lions Iu Iuasaid si numo agjp puu `pajaptsuoo aq ll!Al uoilUoona.z Lions goigm Iu Sup= aqI Jo aailou WATT aq IILgs .zaumo aqI `uoil�.zlsi�a� llol .�o �a�a -+e Iauua�I � �ui�Ionaz a.�o�ag � I •uoilvIn5o.z .io mul `iopio `ooutuipio oout to Llllt jaglo Cur jo uoilUloin oql jo uosua.z Xq io rnjdvgo - sigl jo uotlrloin -10 - pl -gl, -L ul s130I 103 suollept!Ioi pue sluauiann o, oql jo uoilLIloin aouL'smu lauuaN XuL jo uosuaz Xq pounoo oqI Xq p33lon3.1 aq Xuw uoijailsiOw ll 44a1jua jo 13uu311 Xud :DNIHVaH (INV AIOLLVOOAaH `NOIZV" IOIA £ £ £Dtb-L Table 1 - Zoonotic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates Table 1 Zoonotic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates Page 1 of 2 Zoonosis Agent Route of Transmission Diarrhea; gram Enterobacteriaceae: Fecal -oral; best prevented by negative sepsis careful handwashing; especially Salmonella spp., hazardous to Shigella spp., immunocompromised individuals. Campbylobacter spp. Escherichia spp. Pneumonia; skin and other Gram positive cocci: Oral, parenteral, best prevented abscesses; by careful handwashing; pharyngitis with Staphylococcus spp., hazardous to immunological sequelae; Strptococcus spp. immunocompromised and endocarditis and splenectomized individuals. septicemia. Tuberculosis Mycobacteria spp. Aerosol; best prevention is aggresive TB surveillance program. Masks may lower probability of human to monkey transmission. Herpes B Virus Herpesvirus simiae Bite, scratch, splash exposure of Encephalitis mucous membranes. A minority of cases without documented route of exposure. Late recrudescence of dormant infection reported in one case. Aerosol transmission has not been documented. Prevention: Avoidance of contact with macaque saliva. Careful restraint; vigilance; protocols for dealing with scratches and bites established in advance. High index of suspicion in cases of idiopathic febrile illness in animal workers. Viral Multifocal Papova viruses Only of concern in Leukoencephalopathy including SV 40 immunosuppressed individuals. http://oacu.od.nih.gov/ARAC/clotabs/clotabl.htm 10/11/2001 Table 1 - Zoonotic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates Page 2 of 2 Hepatitis Hepatitis B virus (HBV, Hepadnaviridae) Hepatitis A virus (HAV, Picornaviridae) Parenteral innoculation (HBV). Sharps precautions, vaccination possible. Fecal -oral (HAV). Table 1 Cont. Return to Text http: / /oacu .od.nih.gov /ARAC /clotabs /clotab l .htm 10/11/2001 Table 1 (Continued) - Zoonotic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates Page 1 of 1 Table 1 (Continued) Zoonotic Diseases of Nonhuman Primates Zoonosis [ Agent Route of Transmission Measles Eubeola virus Aerosol. Immunization of monkeys and workers recommended. Monkeypox, Yaba, BEMP Pox viruses Direct contact. Polio Polio virus Fecal -oral. Retrovirus infection Simian Parenteral inoculation, possibly (Possible immunodeficiency virus mucous membrane immunosuppression) (SIV) contamination. Sharps precautions, gloves. Influenza Paramyxoviruses Fecal -oral, respiratory. Dermatomycosis Trichophyton spp. Direct contact. (Ringworm) Histoplasmosis Histoplasma capsulatum Aerosol from contaminated soil. Cryptococcosis meningitis Cryptococcus Aerosol from contaminated soil. neoformans Immunologically compromised humans are especially vulnerable. Pneumocystis carinii Pneumocystis carinii Aerosol. Only of concern in infection immusuppressed individuals. Amoebic Dysentery Entamoeba histolytica Fecal -oral. Malaria Plasmodia spp. Arthropod borne. Top of Table 1 Return to Text http: / /oacu .od.nih.gov /ARAC /clotabs /clotab 1 c.htm 10/11/2001 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES MODEL ANIMAL ORDINANCE VERSION 5/25/99 Chapter 100 - {XE "Animals "}Animals 100.01 {XE "Definitions: Animals " } Definitions {tc "100.01 Definitions" X12). As used in this Chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following words shall be defined to mean: Subd. 1 Animal. "Animal' shall mean any mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish, bird (including all fowl and poultry) or other member commonly accepted as a part of the animal kingdom. Animals shall be classified as follows: A. Domestic. "Domestic animals" shall mean those animals commonly accepted as domesticated household pets. Unless otherwise defined, such animals shall include dogs, cats, caged birds, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, domesticated rabbits, fish, non - poisonous, non - venomous and non - constricting reptiles or amphibians, and other similar animals. B. Non - Domestic. "Non- Domestic animals" shall mean those animals commonly considered to be naturally wild and not naturally trained or domesticated, or which are commonly considered to be inherently dangerous to the health, safety, and welfare of people. Unless otherwise defined, such animals shall include: (1) Any member of the large cat family (family felidae) including lions, tigers, cougars, bobcats, leopards and jaguars, but excluding commonly accepted domesticated house cats. (2) Any naturally wild member of the canine family (family canidae) including wolves, foxes, coyotes, dingoes, and jackals, but excluding commonly accepted domesticated dogs. (3) Any crossbreeds such as the crossbreed between a wolf and a dog, unless the crossbreed is commonly accepted as a domesticated house pet. (4) Any member or relative of the rodent family including any skunk (whether or not descented), raccoon, squirrel, or ferret, but excluding those members otherwise defined or commonly accepted as domesticated pets. (5) Any poisonous, venomous, constricting, or inherently dangerous member of the reptile or amphibian families including rattlesnakes, boa constrictors, pit vipers, crocodiles and alligators. (6) Any other animal which is not explicitly listed above but which can be reasonably defined by the terms of this subpart, including but not limited to bears, deer, monkeys and game fish. C. Farm. "Farm animals" shall mean those animals commonly associated with a farm or performing work in an agricultural setting. Unless otherwise defined, such animals shall include members of the equestrian family (horses, mules), bovine family (cows, bulls), sheep, poultry (chickens, turkeys), fowl (ducks, geese), swine (including Vietnamese pot- bellied pigs), goats, bees, and other animals associated with a farm, ranch, or stable. Subd. 2 Cat. "Cat" shall be intended to mean both the male and female of the felidae species commonly accepted as domesticated household pets. Subd. 3 Dog. "Dog" shall be intended to mean both the male and female of the canine species, commonly accepted as domesticated household pets, and other domesticated animals of a dog kind. Subd. 4 Owner. "Owner" shall be intended to mean any person or persons, firm, association or corporation owning, keeping, or harboring an animal. Subd. 5 {XE "Animals:At Large ")At Large. "At Large" shall be intended to mean off the premises of the owner and not under the custody and control of the owner or other person, either by leash, cord, chain, or otherwise restrained or confined. Subd. 6 {XE "Permits: Release of Animals") [XE "Animals: Release Permit ") Release Permit. "Release Permit" shall mean a permit issued by the Police Department for the release of any animal that has been taken to the pound. A release permit may be obtained upon payment of a fee in accordance with that regular license requirement if the animal is unlicensed,.payment of a release fee, and any maintenance costs incurred in capturing and impounding the animal. The release fee shall be as established from time to time by resolution of the city council, but not less than twenty -five dollars ($25.00) the first time an animal is impounded, fifty dollars ($50.00) the second time it is impounded, and seventy -five dollars ($75.00) for the third and each subsequent time the same animal is impounded. For the purpose of a release permit, any change in the registered ownership of an animal subsequent to its impoundment and release shall reset that animal's impoundment count to the beginning of the fee scale. 100.02 Dogs and Cats(tc "100.02 Dogs and Cats" \12). Subd. 1 {XE "Animals:Running at Large Prohibited" )Running at Large Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for the dog or cat of any person who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog or cat, or the parents or the guardians of any such person under 18 years of age, to run at large. Dogs or cats on a leash and accompanied by a responsible person or accompanied by and under the control and direction of a responsible person so as to be effectively restrained by command as by leash, shall be permitted in streets or on public land unless the City has posted an area with signs reading "Dogs or Cats Prohibited." Subd. 2 {XE "Licenses: Animals") JXE "Animals: License ") License Required. A. All dogs over the age of six months kept, harbored, or maintained by their owners in the City, shall be licensed and registered with the City. Dog licenses shall be issued by the Clerk- Treasurer upon payment of the license fee. The owner shall state, at the time application is made for the license and upon forms provided for such purpose, his or her name and address and the name, breed, color, and sex of each dog owned or kept by him or her. No license shall be granted for a dog which has not been vaccinated against distemper and rabies, as provided in this Section. Vaccination shall be performed only by a doctor qualified to practice veterinary medicine in the state in which the dog is vaccinated. A veterinarian who vaccinates a dog to be licensed in the City shall complete a certificate of vaccination. One copy shall be issued to the dog owner for affixing to the license application. B. It shall be the duty of each owner of a dog subject to this Section to pay to the Clerk- Treasurer the license fee as imposed by the Council by resolution. C. Upon payment of the license fee, the Clerk- Treasurer shall issue to the owner a license certificate and metallic tag for each dog licensed. The tag shall have stamped on it the year for which it is issued and the number corresponding with the number on the certificate. Every owner shall be required to provide each dog with a collar to which the license tag must be affixed, and shall see that the collar and tag are constantly worn. In case a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the Clerk- Treasurer. A charge of two dollars ($2.00) shall be made for each duplicate tag. Dog tags shall not be transferable from one dog to another and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee or tag because of death of a dog or the owner's leaving the City before the expiration of the license period. D. The licensing provisions of this Subdivision shall not apply to dogs whose owners are non - residents temporarily within the City, nor to dogs brought into the City for the purpose of participating in any dog show, nor shall this provision apply to "seeing eye" dogs properly trained to assist blind persons for the purpose of aiding them in going from place to place. E. The funds received by the Clerk - Treasurer from all dog licenses and metallic tags fees shall first be used to defray any costs incidental to the enforcement of this Section; including, but not restricted to, the costs of licenses, metallic tags, and impounding and maintenance of the dogs. Subd. 3 Cats. Cats shall be included as controlled by this sub - section insofar as running - at- large, pickup, impounding, boarding, licensing and proof of anti - rabies vaccine is concerned. All other provisions of this Section shall also apply to cats unless otherwise provided. Subd. 4 {XE "Cats: Vaccination ") Vaccination. A. All dogs and cats kept harbored, maintained, or transported within the City shall be vaccinated at least once every three years by a licensed veterinarian for: 1. Rabies - with a live modified vaccine; and 2. Distemper B. A certificate of vaccination must be kept on which is stated the date of vaccination, owner's name and address, the animal's name (if applicable), sex, description and weight, the type of vaccine, and the veterinarian's signature. Upon demand made by the Clerk- Treasurer or a police officer, the owner shall present for examination the required certificate(s) of vaccination for the animal(s). In cases where certificates are not presented, the owner or keeper of the animal(s) shall have seven days in which to present the certificate(s) to the Clerk- Treasurer or police officer. Failure to do so shall be deemed a violation of this Section. 100. 03 {XE "Animals:Non- Domestic ")Non- Domestic Animals (tc "100. 03 Non - Domestic Animals" \l 2). It shall be illegal for any person to own, possess, harbor, or offer for sale, any non - domestic animal within the City limits. Any owner of such an animal at the time of adoption of this Code shall have thirty days in which to remove the animal from the City after which time the City may impound the animal as provided for in this Section. An exception shall be made to this prohibition for animals specifically trained for and actually providing assistance to the handicapped or disabled, and for those animals brought into the City as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a licensed show or exhibition. 100.04 {XE "Animals:Farm ")Farm Animals (tc "100.04 Farm Animals" X12). Farm animals shall only be kept in an agricultural district of the City, or on a residential lot of at least ten (10) acres in size provided that no animal shelter shall be within three hundred (300) feet of an adjoining piece of property. An exception shall be made to this subsection for those animals brought into the City as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a licensed show or exhibition. 100.05 {XE "Animals: Impounding ") Impounding. Subd. 1 Running at Large. Any unlicensed animal running at large is hereby declared a public nuisance. Any police officer may impound any dog or other animal found unlicensed or any animal found running at large and shall give notice of the impounding to the owner of such dog or other animal, if known. In case the owner is unknown, the officer shall post notice at the City office that if the dog or other animal is not claimed within the time specified in Subd. 3, it will be sold or otherwise disposed of. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, it shall be unlawful to kill, destroy, or otherwise cause injury to any animal, including dogs and cats running at large. Subd. 2 (XE "Animals:Biting" )Biting Animals. Any animal that has not been inoculated by a live modified rabies vaccine and which has bitten any person, wherein the skin has been punctured or the services of a doctor are required, shall be confined in the City Pound for a period of not less than ten days, at the expense of the owner. The animal may be released at the end of such time if healthy and free from symptoms of rabies, and by the payment of all costs by the owner. However, if the owner of the animal shall elect immediately upon receipt of notice of need for such confinement by the officer to voluntarily and immediately confine the animal for the required period of time in a veterinary hospital of the owner's choosing, not outside of the County in which this city is located, and provide immediate proof of such confinement in such manner as may be required, the owner may do so. If, however, the animal has been inoculated with a live modified rabies vaccine and the owner has proof of the vaccination by a certificate from a licensed veterinarian, the owner may confine the dog or other animal to the owner's property. Subd. 3 (XE "Animals:Reclaiming ")Reclaiming. All animals conveyed to the pound shall be kept, with humane treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five regular business days, unless the animal is a dangerous animal as defined under § 100.11 in which case it shall be kept for seven regular business days or the times specified in.§ 100. 11, and except if the animal is a cruelly- treated animal in which case it shall be kept for ten regular business days, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners or keepers as provided by this Section. In case the owner or keeper shall desire to reclaim the animal from the pound, the following shall be required, unless otherwise provided for in this code or established from time to time by resolution of the city council: A. Payment of a twenty -five dollar ($25.00) release fee and receipt of a release permit from the police; B. Payment of maintenance costs, as provided by the pound, per day or any part of day while animal is in said pound; and C. If a dog is unlicensed, payment of a regular license fee and valid certificate of vaccination for rabies and distemper shots is required. The twenty -five dollar ($25.00) release fee in A is in addition to the release permit fee specified by § 100.01, Subd. 6. Subd. 4 {XE "Animals:Unclaimed" }Unclaimed Animals. At the expiration of the times established in Subdivision 3, if the animal has not been reclaimed in accordance with the provisions of this Section, the officer appointed to enforce this Section may let any person claim the animal by complying with all provisions in this Section, or the officer may sell the animal to the University of Minnesota, or cause the animal to be destroyed in a proper and humaine manner and shall properly dispose of the remains thereof. Any money collected under this Section shall be payable to the Clerk- Treasurer. 100.06 {XE "Kennels " } {XE "Animals:Kennels" }Kennels(tc "100.06 Kennels" \12 }. Subd. 1 Definition of Kennel. The keeping of three or more dogs on the same premises, whether owned by the same person or not and for whatever purpose kept, shall constitute a "kennel;" except that a fresh litter of pups may be kept for a period of three months before such keeping shall be deemed to be a "kennel." Subd. 2 Kennel as a Nuisance. Because the keeping of three or more dogs on the same premises is subject to great abuse, causing discomfort to persons in the area by way of smell, noise, hazard, and general aesthetic depreciation, the keeping of three or more dogs on the premises is hereby declared to be a nuisance and no person shall keep or maintain a kennel within the City. 100.07 {XE "Nuisances:Animals "} (XE " Animals:Nuisances ")Nuisances{tc "100.07 Nuisances" \12 }. Subd. 1 Habitual Barking. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor a dog which habitually barks or cries. Habitual barking shall be defined as barking for repeated intervals of at least three minutes with less than one minute of interruption. Such barking must also be audible off of the owner's or caretaker's premises. Subd. 2 Damage to Property. It shall be unlawful for any person's dog or other animal to damage any lawn, garden, or other property, whether or not the owner has knowledge of the damage. Any animal covered by this subdivision may be impounded as provided in this Section or a complaint may be issued by anyone aggrieved by an animal under this Section, against the owner of the animal for prosecution under this Section. Subd. 3 Cleaning up litter. The owner of any animal or person having the custody or control of any animal shall be responsible for cleaning up any feces of the animal and disposing of such feces in a sanitary manner whether on their own property, on the property of others or on public property. Any person violating this section shall be punishable by a fine of ten dollars ($10.00) or five (5) hours of public lands fecal clean- up. Any person who is found guilty of subsequent violations of this section shall be punished by a fine of at least twenty -five dollars ($25.00) but not more than fifty dollars ($50.00). Subd. 4 Other. Any animals kept contrary to this Section are subject to impoundment as provided in § 100.05 100.08 Seizure of Animals. Any police officer or animal control officer may enter upon private property and seize any animal provided that following exist: A. There is an identified complainant other than the police officer or animal control officer making a contemporaneous complaint about the animal; B. The officer reasonably believes that the animal meets either the barking dog criteria set out in 100.07, subd. l; the criteria for cruelty set out in 100.13; or the criteria for an at large animal set out in 100.01 subd. 5; C. the officer can demonstrate that there has been at least one previous complaint of a barking dog; inhumane treatment of the animal; or that the animal was at large at this address on a prior date; D. The officer has made a reasonable attempt to contact the owner of the property and those attempts have either failed or have been ignored; E. The seizure will not involve the forced entry into a private residence. Use of a pass key obtained from a property manager, landlord, innkeeper, or other authorized person to have such key shall not be considered unauthorized entry; and F. Written notice of the seizure is left in a conspicuous place if personal contact with the owner of the dog is not possible. 100.09 Animals Presenting a {XE "Animals: Danger to Health and Safety of City" }Danger to Health and Safety of City(tc "100.09 Animals Presenting a Danger to Health and Safety of City" \12). If, in the reasonable belief of any person or police officer, an animal presents an immediate danger to the health and safety of any person, or the animal is threatening imminent harm to any person, or the animal is in the process of attacking any person, the officer may destroy the animal in a proper and humane manner. Otherwise the person or officer may apprehend the animal and deliver it to the pound for confinement under § 100.05. If the animal is destroyed, a charge of seventy -five dollars ($75.00) to dispose of the animal is payable by the owner of the animal. If the animal is found not to be a danger to the health and safety of the City, it may be released to the owner or keeper in accordance with § 100.05, Subd. 3. 100.10 {XE "Animals :Diseased" }Diseased Animals (tc "100.10 Diseased Animals" X12). Subd. 1 Running at Large. No person shall keep or allow to be kept on his or her premises, or on premises occupied by them, nor permit to run at large in the City, any animal which is diseased so as to be a danger to the health and safety of the City, even though the animal be properly licensed under this Section. Subd. 2 {XE "Animals: Confinement ") Confinement. Any animal reasonably suspected of being diseased and presenting a threat to the health and safety of the public, may be apprehended and confined in the pound by any person or police officer. The police officer shall have a qualified veterinarian examine the animal. If the animal is found to be diseased in such a manner so as to be a danger to the health and safety of the City, the officer shall cause such animal to be painlessly killed and shall properly dispose of the remains. The owner or keeper of the animal killed under this Section shall be liable for at least seventy -five dollars ($75.00) to cover the cost of maintaining and disposing of the animal, plus the costs of any veterinarian examinations. Subd. 3 Release. If the animal, upon examination, is not found to be diseased within the meaning of this Section, the animal shall be released to the owner or keeper free of charge. 100.11 Dangerous Animals Subd. 1. Attack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for any person's animal to inflict or attempt to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present. This section shall not apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on -duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent. Subd. 2. Destruction of dangerous animal. The animal control officer shall have the authority to order the destruction of dangerous animals in accordance with the terms established by this ordinance. Sube.3. Definitions. (1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has: a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; or b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to personal safety; or c. Exhibited unusually aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; or d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic animals. (2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has: a. Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private property; or b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public property in an apparent attitude of attack; or c. Has engaged in unprovoked attacks causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals. (3) Proper enclosure. Proper enclosure means securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house, garage, or other structure that would allow the animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens are the only barriers which prevent the animal from exiting. The enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum specifications: a. Have a minimum overall floor size of thirty -two (32) square feet. b. Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and be constructed of 11 -gauge or heavier wire. Openings in the wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, support posts shall be one - and - one - quarter -inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground eighteen (18) inches or more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of eighteen (18) inches in the ground. c. A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constructed of the same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. d. An entrance /exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all times when the animal is in the pen or kennel. (4) Unprovoked. Unprovoked shall mean the condition in which the animal is not purposely excited, stimulated, agitated or disturbed. Subd. 4. Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The animal control officer shall designate any animal as a potentially dangerous animal upon receiving such evidence that such potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a person or a domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(2). When an animal is declared potentially dangerous, the animal control officer shall cause one (1) owner of the potentially dangerous animal to be notified in writing that such animal is potentially dangerous. Subd. 5. Evidence justifying designation. The animal control officer shall have the authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following: (1) That the animal has, when unprovoked, bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1). (2) That the animal has been declared potentially dangerous and such animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a person or domestic animal as stated in subparagraph (c)(1). Subd. 6. Authority to order destruction. The animal control officer, upon finding that an animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposition of the case, that the animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one (1) or more of the following findings of fact: (1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack without warning or multiple attacks; or (2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in order to prevent injury to persons or other animals. Subd. 7. Procedure. The animal control officer, after having determined that an animal is dangerous, may proceed in the following manner: (1) The animal control officer shall cause one (1) owner of the animal to be notified in writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make such orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties bitten, and shall be given fourteen (14) days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before the city council for a review of this determination. a. If no appeal is filed, the orders, issued will stand or the animal control officer may order the animal destroyed. b. If an owner requests a hearing for determination as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the hearing shall be held before the city council, which shall set a date for hearing not more than three (3) weeks after demand for the hearing. The records of the animal control or city clerk's office shall be admissible for consideration by the animal control officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the city council shall make an order as it deems proper. The city council may order that the animal control officer take the animal into custody for destruction, if such animal is not currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall immediately make the animal available to the animal control officer. c. No person shall harbor an animal after it has been found by to be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction. Subd. 8. Stopping an attack. If any police officer or animal control officer is witness to an attack by an animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent further injury to the victim. Subd. 9. Notification of new address. The owner of an animal which has been identified as dangerous or potentially dangerous must notify the animal control officer in writing if the animal is to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification must be given in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. The notification must include the current owner's name and address, the relocation address, and the name of the new owner, if any. 100.12 Dangerous animal requirements. Subd. 1. Requirements. If the city council does not order the destruction of an animal that has been declared dangerous, the city council may, as an alternative, order any or all of the following: (1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in section 100. 11, Subd. 3(3); (2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; (3) Provide and show proof annually of public liability insurance in the minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00); (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six (6) feet in length) and under the physical restraint of a person sixteen (16) years of age or older. The muzzle must be of such design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or animal, but x ill not cause injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; (5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as dangerous affixed to its collar at all times as specified in Minnesota Statute 347.51; (6) All animals deemed dangerous by the animal control officer shall be registered with the County in which this city is located within fourteen (14) days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide satisfactory proof thereof to the animal control officer. (7) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccination. Subd. 2. Seizure. Animal control shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not meet each of the above requirements within fourteen (14) days after the date notice is sent to the owner that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court by serving a summons and petition upon the city and filing it with the district court. Subd. 3. Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under subsection 100. 12, Subd. 2, may be reclaimed by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees, and presenting proof to animal control that each of the requirements under subsection 100. 12, Subd. 2, is fulfilled. An animal not reclaimed under this section within fourteen (14) days may be disposed of as provided under section 100. 11, Subd. 6, and the owner is liable to animal control for costs incurred in confining the animal. Subd. 4. Subsequent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under section 100.11 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may request a hearing as defined in section 100. 11, Subd. 6. If the owner is found to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the animal control officer shall order the animal destroyed in a proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the animal under the provisions of subsection 100. 12, Subd. 3. If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner within fourteen (14) days after the date the owner is notified that the animal may be reclaimed, the animal may be disposed of as provided under section 100. 11, Subd. 6 and the owner is liable to the animal control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal. 100.13 {XE "Animals:Basic Care" }Basic Care{tc "100.13 Basic Care" \12). All animals shall receive from their owners or keepers kind treatment, housing in the winter, and sufficient food and water for their comfort. Any person not treating their pet in such a humane manner will be subject to the penalties provided in this Section. 100.14 Breeding Moratorium. Every female dog or female cat in heat shall be confined in a building or other enclosure in such manner that it cannot come in contact with another dog or cat except for planned breeding. Upon capture and failure to reclaim the animal, every dog or cat shall be neutered or spayed prior to being transferred to a new owner. 100.15 Enforcing Officer (tc " ❑ 100.14 Breeding Moratorium. Every female dog or female cat in heat shall be confined in a building or other enclosure in such manner that it cannot come in contact with another dog or cat except for planned breeding. Upon capture and failure to reclaim the animal, every dog or cat shall be neutered or spayed prior to being transferred to a new owner. ❑ 100.15 Enforcing Officer" \12). The Council is hereby authorized to appoint an animal control officer(s) to enforce the provisions of this Section. In the officer's duty of enforcing the provisions of this Section, he or she may from time to time, with the consent of the Council, designate assistants. 100.16 {XE "Pound, (see animals) "} Pound {tc "100.16 Pound" \12 }. Every year the Council shall designate an official pound to which animals found in violation of this chapter shall be taken for safe treatment, and if necessary, for destruction. 100.17 {XE "Animals: Interference with Officers" } Interference with Officers {tc "100.17 Interference with Officers" \12 }. No person shall in any manner molest, hinder, or interfere with any person authorized by the Council to capture dogs, cats or other animals and convey them to the pound while engaged in such operation. Nor shall any unauthorized person break open the pound, or attempt to do so, or take or attempt to take from any agent any animal taken up by him or her in compliance with this Chapter, or in any other manner to interfere with or hinder such officer in the discharge of his or her duties under this Chapter. 100.99 {XE "Animals: Violations and Penalties "}Violations and Penalties {tc "100.18 Violations and Penalties" \12}. Subd. 1 Separate Offenses. Each day a violation of this Chapter is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such under this Section. Subd. 2 Misdemeanor. Unless otherwise provided, violation of this Chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $700 or imprisonment for up to 90 days. Subd. 3. Petty Misdemeanor. Violations of §§ 100.02, 100.07, 100.13 and 100.14 are petty misdemeanors punishable by a fine up to $200. Return to Library Index MVMA Recommends Against the Keeping of Wild and Exotic Animals Since ancient times man has had a fear of being bitten by a "mad" dog. The dog and cat have been domesticated for thousands of years and their close relationship to man accounts for the continued fear of people contracting rabies from these animals. However, there are many other species that should be of greater concern to the animal lover. With the advent of effective rabies vaccines for the immunization of dogs, cats, ferrets, sheep, cattle and horses, the number of reported rabies cases in these animals has been greatly reduced. There is no federally licensed or approved rabies vaccine for use in any other animal species. Veterinarians -or any other person who injects any species other than those listed with a rabies vaccine are acting contrary to the recommendations prepared by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, I nc. This brings us to the main part of our discussion: Wild and Exotic Animals As Pets. To repeat, there is no aj ej We aseasip aqj jo swo}dwAs pue subis doIanap 01 uibaq nog( aouo saigea woaJ bUIJanooaJ 10 saouep a noA �snjin aqj buiaogaeq aq Am u000m e ao 'xoj e '� un� s e 'jeo -qoq e `Aa�uow jaaainbs e Jegj anaijaq of uagj abueals os 1! si 'smoao ay} jpl jou soop snjin aqj_ - sllnpe Aq slseu eqj o} lgbnoaq snain ay) ql!M pajeuiwejuoo uoiaaeo awnsuoo Aaqj uegm saigea of pesodxa aae smoao bunoA eqj - saigea JOI anilisod aaaM sisal eqj 'sak •smojo bunoA;o poolq ay} palsal Allejuapooe uoi}elndod aj!lpl!m aqj ui suoiloap saigea ;o IanaI eqj ainseaw of buildwalle siauojeasaa Ieoipaw fGeuualan :buipuij abueals siul JapisuoO snain aql 5uiaogaeq }o algedeo si jewiue papoop -wieM /Gana `Alle01501018 - snain seigea eqj buuogaeq si jewpe ppm e j! awns aanau aae no k - seigea seq lewiue ue j! 6uiuiwJaIap 10 pou}aw piIen paziubooaa Aluo eqj si seigea aol anssi} uweaq buiul wexe ue siewiue aqj 5uiziueyln3 jewiue oiloxe ao ppm e Aq ua11iq buieq Aq seigea buijowjuoo ;o aabuep au} woa; a }es Alml aanau aae noA sled se wagj buisiea pue slewpe pl!m `bunoA buianldeo woaj oldoed sebeinoosip uoi}eioossy IeoipaW AJeuiaaIan elosauuiW ayl •spuauj maul pue Aj!Wej aiauj 'san19swauj 01 � SIJ JeWb le os op `pIinn au} woaj auo uielgo ao jewiue ppm e asegoand oqm `ainjeu of }xau lab o} Idwalle jiegl ui 'ajdoad - slewiue oiloxa pue pI!M JOJ auiooeA saigea pasuaoiI panoidde - saigea 6uiaogaeq aq Aew jegj jeu.wiue oiloxe ao pl!m e of sjeglo ao jlesanoA 6uisodxa Aq ain}eu Idwa} jou op nog( legl spuawwooaa VAAA aqi - a6uegoxe ao aa:peq `ales aiagl pue sled oiloxa pue pl!m jo 6uidaa� ay} }igigoad of ainjelsibal aql pue oilgnd jeaaua6 eqj 6ui6an 086 � ui pue t � `OL6 � ui suoijnjosaa passed uoileioossy jeoipeN tieuualan elosauuiW ayl `}eo pue bop aqj o} paaedwoo se sled algeaisap aNew }ou op slewiue oi}oxe pue pl!m jegj pue piezeq seigea aql jo oilgnd aqj liale of - wagj of uaddeq l,upinoo (seigea) j! anaijeq ao :}oe; aqj aaoubi of asoogo ao :s}sixa piezeq e }egj anailaq l,uop ogAA eldoad aae aaagl `uoilewaolui 1e01paw anisuaIxa a}idsaa