HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b1. Operationz a. MEMORANDUM DATE: November 8, 2001 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jeffrey A. May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Proposed 2002 General Levy Per your request here are some of the factors that contribute to the 30% increase in the proposed 2002 general levy: 1) Lost HACA - $600,000 (approximately) 2) Proposed New Positions - $222,614 (Includes the following positions: Accounts Payable Clerk (75% of salary — balance to Arena Fund); Building Inspector; Maintenance Worker; P/T Police Receptionist; Police Officer (1/2 Year)) 3) Salary & Benefit Increases for Existing Positions - $410,372 (approximately) . These 3 items total approximately $1,232,986 of the proposed $1,280,080 increase in the general levy. There were some adjustments to the internal revenues of the General Fund, but in general, this portrays how closely the actual operating budgets have been kept to "stand in place" for all items other than salaries and benefits. After reviewing the information received from the County, citizen's overall property taxes will be going down, even with the school district's successful levy referendum that was passed on November 6 This was a point of great concern when the City's preliminary levy was passed and although staff could not say for sure at the time, the thought was that this would indeed be the case, as it has turned out to be. I ran a sample of one residential property in the City and found that without the levy and without an increase in property value that property would have seen a decrease of approximately $966. With an increase in value of approximately 8.5% only the decrease becomes approximately $717. With the increase in value and the approved levy the decrease becomes approximately $308. As you can see, the increase in value (as always) and the increased levy contribute largely to the 2002 proposed property taxes., (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided by Dakota County (a) 2001 Projected Levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of 11001 6,027,742 / 10,129,958 = 0.595041 (b) Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 11/2101 11.640,655 (c) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 11/2101 (319,105) (d) Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 11/2/01 (1,191,592) ---- 10,129,958 Last Updated - 1118101 (2) These Figures Provided by Dakota County (3) These Estimated Figures Provided by ISO #196 CITYOFROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES (ISD #196 FIGURES) Market Value -- - ----- - -- ---- - 100,000 -------------- 150,000 200,000 250.000 Year 2000 - - 2001 -----------•---- 2002 Est ------------------ -------------- 2000 - - 2001 - --- - ------- - -- - 2002 Est 2000 2001 2002 Est 2000 2001 2002 Est Tax Capacity 1,156 1,156 1,000 1,981 1,981 1,500 2,806 2,806 2,000 3,631 3,631 2,500 Tax Capacity Rates: City 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% County 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 27,247% 25.320% 33.072% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% School District 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% Miscellaneous 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 6.455% 6,378% 5.040% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% --- Totals - - - - - -- - - - 126.268% --------------- - 121.500% 126.864% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% ------`-___-•" '----------------------------_' 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% City Market Referendum 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 ISO #196 Market Ref 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 ISO #196 Market Ref/200 n/a n/a 0.00176057 n/a n/a 0.00176057 n/a Na 0.00176057 Na n/a 0.00176057 Property Taxes: City 455 423 463 779 724 781 1,104 1,026 1,100 1,428 1,327 1,418 County 315 293 257 540 502 434 765 710 611 989 919 788 School District 285 312 227 665 665 384 1,104 1,104 541 1,543 1,543 697 Miscellaneous 75 74 39 128 126 66 181 179 93 234 232 120 ........ Total Property Taxes . . ..... 1,129 1,101 986 ------------------ ---- 2,111 - ---------- - 2,017 - -- 1,666 ----------------- --------- - ---- - 3,153 3,019 2,345 4,195 4.022 3.024 City Market Referendum 21 18 16 32 27 24 43 36 32 54 45 40 ISO #196 Market Ref 120 106 16 180 160 24 240 213 32 300 266 40 Grand Total All Taxes (Before 2001 Referendum $1,271 $1,225 $1,018 ---------- - -- - -- --------- $2,323 - - - - -- $2,204 - - ---------------- $1,714 ----------- - - - - -- - -- - ----- - -- - ----- - -------- - $3,436 $3,268 $2.409 $4.548 $4,333 $3,104 Projected ISO #196 Market Ref/200 n/a rVa 176 n/a n/a 264 n/a n/a 352 n/a rVa 440 Grand Grand Total All Taxes (After 2001 Referendum) $1,271 $1,225 $1,194 ----- - - --------- -- $2,323 --•--•"'•'- -------------------- $2,204 $1,978 --------------- -- - -- - ------- - -------- - ----- - - - $3,436 $3,268 $2.761 -----'-------'-------'------------------ $4,548 $4,333 $3.545 Market Value -- - --------- ---- - 300,000 - - - - ---- - - 350,000 History of Actual Tax Capacity Rates (Using ISO #196 Rates) Year 2000 - ----------------- 2001 2002 Est - --- - - ----- - - --------- 2000 - ----- - 2001 - ------------ - - - 2002 Est --- - ---- - ---- - - --------------- - 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Est --- Tax Capacity - ------------- - 4,456 ----- 4,456 3,000 - --------- - ----- ------------------ 5,281 5,281 - --------- - -- - --- 3,500 ---------•--•-- --------- - - -- - ------------- ---------- Tax Capacity Rates: City 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 35.627% 40.428% 41.710% 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% (1),(2) County 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 25.721% 27.349% 28.322% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% (2) School District 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 58.189% 58.462% 56.311% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% (2) Miscellaneous 6.455% 6.378% ,.5.040% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 4.995% 5.797% 6.702% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% (2) Totals 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% ------ - - - - - --- ---------- 126,268% - ------ 121.500% - ------- ------- - - 126.864% 124.532% 132.036% 133.045% 126.268% 121,500% 126.864% City Market Referendum 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0002706 0.0002532 0.0002342 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 (2) ISO #196 Market Ref 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 0.0010868 0.0009567 0.0008074 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 (2) ISO #196 Market Ref/200 n/a n/a 0.00176057 n/a n/a 0.00176057 n/a n/a n/a rVa n/a 0.00176057 (3) Property Taxes: City 1,753 1,629 1.737 2,077 1,930 2,056 Net Tax Capacity Percentages County 1,214 1,128 965 1,439 1,337 1,143 For Residential Homesteads: School District 1,982 1,983 854 2,421 2,422 1,010 Miscellaneous 288 284 147 341 337 174 First $76,000 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% ------------ --------------- -'-'------------- -------------- - -- -------------- - -- - ------------------ $76,000 - $500,000 1.65% 1.65% 1.00% Total Property Taxes 5,237 5,024 3.704 6,278 6,026 4,383 Over $500,000 1.65% 1.65% 1.25% City Market Referendum 64 54 48 75 63 57 ISD #196 Market Ref 360 319 48 420 373 56 Grand Total All Taxes (Before 2001 Referendum $5,660 $5,398 $3,800 $6,773 $6,462 $4,495 Projected ISO #196 Market Ref/200 rVa n/a 528 n/a n/a 616 Tax Credit for Homestead Properties: (For 1998 Through 2001 Credit Applied to School Districts Only) ------- - ------ - - ----------- - ----- -------- - - --- - - - --------- (Based on % of Tax Capacity) (For 2002 and On Credit Applied to All Organizations Proportionately) Grand Total All Taxes (After 2001 Referendum) $5.660 $5,398, $4,328 $6,773 $6,462 $5,111 ---------- ---- Less Than Initial Value of Tax Capacity 28.580% 26.274% n/a (2) Over Initial Value (Maximum Allowed) $390 $390 $304 (2) Initial Value Used to Calculate Credit $112,650 $119,900 $76,000 (2) (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided by Dakota County (a) 2001 Projected Levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of 11001 6,027,742 / 10,129,958 = 0.595041 (b) Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 11/2101 11.640,655 (c) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 11/2101 (319,105) (d) Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 11/2/01 (1,191,592) ---- 10,129,958 Last Updated - 1118101 (2) These Figures Provided by Dakota County (3) These Estimated Figures Provided by ISO #196 Market Value 214,500 ______ Year __________________________ 2000 _____ _________________. 2001 2002 Est Tax Capacity 3,045 3,045 2,145 Tax Capacity Rates: 200,000 ------- __------- _______ 2000 City 39.335% 36.553% 5R504% County 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% School District 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% Miscellaneous 6.455 %. 6.378% 5.040% Totals ---------- --------- 126.268% ---------- ---------- 121.500% ---------- ---------- 126.864% City Market Referendum 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 ISD #196 Market Ref 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 ISD #196 Market Ref /200 n/a We 0.00176057 Property Taxes: 6.378% 5.040% 126.268% City 1,198 1,113 1,192 County 830 771 663 School District 1,231 1,232 586 Miscellaneous 197 194 101 Total Property Taxes 3,455 3,31.0 2,542 City Market Referendum 46 39 35 ISD #196 Market Ref 257 228 34 Grand Total All Taxes (Before 2001 Referendum $3,758 $3,577 $2,611 Projected ISD #196 Market Ref/200 n/a n/a 378 Grand Total All Taxes (After 2001 Referendum) $3,758 $3,577 $2,988 Market Value 216 300,000 111 ------------------ Year -- 2000 ------- --'---- 2001 -- ---- .--------- . 2002 Est Tax Capacity 4,456 4,456 3,000 Tax Capacity Rates: 50 42 38 City 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% County 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% School District 53.231% 53.249% 29,248% Miscellaneous 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% __ Totals ------- _-------------- 126.268% _- --------- __ 121.500% ----- __ ------ , 126.864% City Market Referendum 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 ISD #196 Market Ref 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 ISD #196 Market Ref /200 n/a n/a 0.00176057 Property Taxes: City 1,753 1,629 1,737 County 1,214 1,128 965 School District 1,982 1,983 854 Miscellaneous 288 284 147 Total Property Taxes 5,237 5,024 3,704 City Markel Referendum 64 54 48 ISD #196 Market Ref 360 319 48 --------------- Grand Total All Taxes (Before 2001 Referendum -------------------- $5,660 --------------- $5,398 -- $3,800 Projected ISD #196 Market Ref/200 We n/a 528 -- Grand Total All Taxes (After 2001 Referendum) __ -- ------- ------ ---- -_ _ $5_660 - --- ------ --------------- -- -- $5_398 __ - - -_ $4_328 Last Updated - 1118101 350,000 ............ ................................... 2000 2001 2002 Est 5,281 5,281 3,500 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 53.231% 53.249% 29,248% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 n/a n/a 0.00176057 2,077 1,930 2,056 1,439 1,337 1,143 2,421 2,422 1,010 341 337 174 6,278 6,026 4,383 75 63 57 420 373 56 39.335% 36.553 % .59.504 % (1),(2) 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% (2) 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% (2) 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% (2) _ _ __ ___________ _____.__-- _.- -___ -_ 126.268% 121.500% 126.864 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 (2) 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 (2) n/a n/a 0.00176057 (3) $6,773 $6,462 $4,495 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.65% 1.65% 1.00% 1.65% 1.65% 1.25% 250,000 -------------------------------------------- 2000 2001 2002 Est 3,631 3,631 2,500 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 r1/a n/a 0.00176057 1,428 1,327 1,418 989 919 788 1,543 1,543 697 234 232 120 -- - --------------- --- 4,195 4,022 3,024 54 45 40 300 266 40 -- --------------- ----- $4,548 $4,333 $3,104 n/a n/a 440 (For 1998 Through 2001 Credit Applied to School Districts Only) (For 2002 and On Credit Applied to All Organizations Proportionately) 28.580% 26.274% Na (2) $390 $390 $304 (2) $112,650 $119,900 $76,000 (2) $4,548 $4,333 $3,545 History of Actual Tax Capacity Rates (Using ISD #196 Rates) ------------ -------------- ----- ---- ---- -- ---------------------------------------------- 1997 1998 1999. 2000 2001 2002 Est 35.627% 40.428% 41.710% 25.721% . 27.349% 28.322% 58.189% 58.462% 56.311% 4.995% 5.797% 6.702% 124.532% 132.036% 133.045% 0.0002706 0.0002532 0.0002342 0.0010868 0.0009567 0.0008074 n/a n/a n/a Net Tax Capacity Percentages For Residential Homesteads: First $76,000 $76,000 - $500,000 Over $500,000 n/a n/a 616 Tax Credit for Homestead Properties: ----- - --------- - ------------------------ - - - - -- ( Based on % of Tax Capacity) $6,773 $6,462 $5,111 __________ __________ __________ Less Than Initial Value of Tax Capacity Over Initial Value (Maximum Allowed) Initial Value Used to Calculate Credit (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided by Dakota County: (a) 2001 Projected Levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of 11/2/01 6,027, (b) Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 11/2101 (c) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 11/2101 (d) Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 11/2/01' (2) These Figures Provided by Dakota County (3) These Estimated Figures Provided by ISD #196 742 / 10,129,958 = 0.595041 11,640,655 (319,105) (1,191,592) - -- 10,129,958 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES (ISD #196 FIGURES) 232,400 200,000 ------- __------- _______ 2000 _______________________________ 2001 2002 Est __________________ ___ 2000 _______________________.._.____ 2001 2002 Est ------------- ----------- 3,341 -- -- 3,341 -----------'- 2,324 -------------- --------------- 2,806 2,806 ---_-__. 2,000 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 53.231% 53,249% 29.248% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 n/a n/a 0.00176057 n/a n/a 0.00176057 1,314 1,221. 1,306 1,104 1,026 1,100 910 846 726 765 710 611 1,388 1,389 642 1,104 1,104 541 216 213 111 181 179 93 ------------- ---------------------------- 3,828 3,669 2,785 ------------- --------------- 3,153 3,019 --'- -- 2,345 50 42 38 43 36 32 279 247 37 - 240 213 32 ---- ------------ - $4,156 ------------------------------- $3,958 $2,860 ------------- -----------------'---- $3,436. $3,268 ---_. $2,409 n/a n/a 409 n/a n/a 352 $4,156 $3,958 $3,269 $3,436 $3,268 $2,761 350,000 ............ ................................... 2000 2001 2002 Est 5,281 5,281 3,500 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 53.231% 53.249% 29,248% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864% 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 n/a n/a 0.00176057 2,077 1,930 2,056 1,439 1,337 1,143 2,421 2,422 1,010 341 337 174 6,278 6,026 4,383 75 63 57 420 373 56 39.335% 36.553 % .59.504 % (1),(2) 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% (2) 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% (2) 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% (2) _ _ __ ___________ _____.__-- _.- -___ -_ 126.268% 121.500% 126.864 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 (2) 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 (2) n/a n/a 0.00176057 (3) $6,773 $6,462 $4,495 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.65% 1.65% 1.00% 1.65% 1.65% 1.25% 250,000 -------------------------------------------- 2000 2001 2002 Est 3,631 3,631 2,500 39.335% 36.553% 59.504% 27.247% 25.320% 33.072% 53.231% 53.249% 29.248% 6.455% 6.378% 5.040% 126.268% 121.500% 126.864 0.0002142 0.0001808 0.0001616 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0001592 r1/a n/a 0.00176057 1,428 1,327 1,418 989 919 788 1,543 1,543 697 234 232 120 -- - --------------- --- 4,195 4,022 3,024 54 45 40 300 266 40 -- --------------- ----- $4,548 $4,333 $3,104 n/a n/a 440 (For 1998 Through 2001 Credit Applied to School Districts Only) (For 2002 and On Credit Applied to All Organizations Proportionately) 28.580% 26.274% Na (2) $390 $390 $304 (2) $112,650 $119,900 $76,000 (2) $4,548 $4,333 $3,545 History of Actual Tax Capacity Rates (Using ISD #196 Rates) ------------ -------------- ----- ---- ---- -- ---------------------------------------------- 1997 1998 1999. 2000 2001 2002 Est 35.627% 40.428% 41.710% 25.721% . 27.349% 28.322% 58.189% 58.462% 56.311% 4.995% 5.797% 6.702% 124.532% 132.036% 133.045% 0.0002706 0.0002532 0.0002342 0.0010868 0.0009567 0.0008074 n/a n/a n/a Net Tax Capacity Percentages For Residential Homesteads: First $76,000 $76,000 - $500,000 Over $500,000 n/a n/a 616 Tax Credit for Homestead Properties: ----- - --------- - ------------------------ - - - - -- ( Based on % of Tax Capacity) $6,773 $6,462 $5,111 __________ __________ __________ Less Than Initial Value of Tax Capacity Over Initial Value (Maximum Allowed) Initial Value Used to Calculate Credit (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided by Dakota County: (a) 2001 Projected Levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of 11/2/01 6,027, (b) Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 11/2101 (c) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 11/2101 (d) Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 11/2/01' (2) These Figures Provided by Dakota County (3) These Estimated Figures Provided by ISD #196 742 / 10,129,958 = 0.595041 11,640,655 (319,105) (1,191,592) - -- 10,129,958 2 f � � �, � "� j� L. � °? 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Xs ..aq$u8 au!gs ste a$ 'Uia9!l � y .................... suo!dweq:) sAij3q!q sa!Il!gll!H Claagrj itU 1 c ... sexa1 wolf J3113 -1 '' suow a a I of amaJe s 1 W3 i � s 1 4 4 II .3 p.8 g 1 • suolle4 341 °I I(amale j A,ua aauapuadapul ajetgala:) saogg813N e .................... smaN pooylogg3!DN .................... • loogdelaS s,.Cllaq! iooz anssl llPd 'I awnjon �nss� st uj { r` t a �. ��'`,r at�� _ 5 �{ '+�'. of •� �d. . � � � C';k•tS�`��r_• N �. r J I F _ `�v... z. -s,�i, Neighborhood News Neighbors Celebrate Independence Day Liberty on the L:ake's 2nd Annual 4t of Jul9 Parade, s onsored b P � McDon Homes, is Getting bier and .better Each Year Sporting his Boy Scouts' uniform and proudly waving the American flag, Desmond McKeown, a Liberty on the Lake resident, led this years 4th of July Parade. Tons of Liberty kids displayed their festively decorated bikes, strollers, scooters, and wagons while parading down Liberty Avenue and around Heritage Square. Floats, as well as convertibles, carried many of Liberty's young royalty waving enthusiastically to the crowd. Kel Cran, a Stillwater local resident, followed close behind in his old - fashioned fire engine- sirens blarin'l Neighbors gathered around the gazebo to hear their neighbor, Kirk Nelson, give a stellar performance of The National Anthem. The day was; made complete with additional festivities and treats including face painting, snow cones, and popcorn. Todd Bjersted, of McDonald Homes, and sponsor of the event, hosted a corn dog stand right outside McDonalds beautiful model home. "Its a perfect day for a parade,' Bjersted said, as he pulled up with his float that morning. All who participated would agree, it was a perfect day for a parallel Editors Note: A special thanks to all the Liberty kids who came on their bikes, ready and willing to help with anything. Your help and efforts play a big role in the success of our events. Also, a special thanks to Pat Carlson, who graciously and enthusiastically gives her time and assistance to ensure our events are successful. a �'- r� -� of •� �d. . � � � r J I Are you looking for something fun to do with your neighbors? Check out all of the great things going on in the neighborhood. Or if you have ideas of your own and would like some help getting them off the ground, please contact y y Liberty's Community Director, Beth lirovec (611) W -NM Farewell to the Daltons tv,, Liberty Bids Farewell to the Daltons One of Liberty's First Families is Honored_ with a Neishborhood Farewell Party The Liberty Hillbillies (To the tune of "Tke 6everly Hillbillies', with French pronunciation of'Target') Let me tell yd l'il story 'bout a man named fay A f ine young Man tryin to rustle up some pay And then one day he Was balin up some hay When in came a call from a store they call "Target Trayench* that is ... new stvles.. . big aides... Well, first thing you know 'ol Jay is summoned north The kinfolk said, "Hey pack up and go forth!' Said "Minnesota is the place you oughta be!* So they loaded up the Taurus and they moved to Libem On the Lake that is -- - canoe racks ... spoiled brats... Mell one day fay said he vvas headin south Couldn't take another clay of hearin Katherine's mouth Then \1r. Howard called, said he needed Jays expertise So they re loading up a truck and they're movie to Austin T Texas that is... bar b- clue...George Dubya, tool And now, here We are sending of our dear old friends Me cant hardly believe that ue've almost reached the end But one clay soon your visit Will be near It Will fed like forever 'ol ya "II are really here... h'll come back nov; hear ? ?? M Katherine Dalton recently wrote this letter to Liberty: Dear Liberty Friends and Neighbors, Greetings from the great state of Texas! We arrived safely and are now settling into our new home! A few weeks ago, we visited my parents and brother and his family in Houston. Their-church had recently finished its week long Vacation Bible School. The theme for this year was "Good Neighbors ". Well, of course, we sat up and listened carefully as the VBS ministry team explained what it took to be a "good neighbor ". They said good neighbors invite, help, share and give. These four qualities describe all of Liberty! We have been blessed to have spent the last four years of our lives in Minnesota. The best part of our experience was the time spent in Stillwater and the Liberty on the Lake ' neighborhood. That is because each of you in your own way have been inviting, helping, sharing and giving people! Thanks to all of you for a wonderful send off! It was a wonderful day and we will remember it always. We were so glad to spend it with you. The gift bags for the kids were terrific and the stain glass piece for our new home will always be treasured! We want you to know how truly difficult it is to leave a place and people you love. It is only made somewhat easier by returning to a place you hold dear to your heart -your home and family. Please know the welcome mat is always out should your travels bring you south and to Texas. We would love to see you! We remain your friends always, Jay, Katherine, Jessica & Mcgregor Dalton * Liberty's Champions * Liberty Stars Shine Bright Inline HocLq Team Emerges with a Successful Season This summer. the Liberty Stars completed evenings. of the St. Croix Valley Recreation their first season in the zoos St. Croix Volley Center in Stillwater. Congratulotions to the Inline Hockey program. Coached by left whole team on a fun and safe season! Burricl,e. Liken resident and dad, the kids Roster: Ryan & Blake Burridge, from Libert on the Lake skated to a Andrew & Danny Enright, Jude victorious season while exhibiting their skills Hull, Grant Koehler, Josef Stanton, to the rest of the volley. The tcam played Desmond McKeown, Alex Haas, one league game each on V- dnesdav Connor McIntyre, Alex Yohn Liberty on the Lake's. 1st Annual Golf Tournament Sponsored 6,9 Andersen Windows Liberty Golf Lessons Liberty Ladies Get Some Lessons on the Golf Course Ladies from Libery- on the Lake, ,here given the opportunity to bring their golf game up to -per - this summer. PGA professionals. Cathy LomL ritto and Robin \arclini. held mo golf clinics at Apple,00d 1 Golf Club this summer A\ Nether beginner or expert. e\o agreed they leorned something valuable. Look for, to more golf lessons nest summer. And guns, be,are. the Liberty ladies are sporting ne, swingsl -5- ( �• x '11 ' � jt �� D,;i, 3 KI'll MAI 11x1,1 3 Tncc �ma Pose I'l hkl l .,:c,a The Llbem L.1- G, !f d, Pro> fi i 4 lei must be , livers or, xl featuring. oc. !L nesses anJ Peo P !e Pedr San Pedro Cafe, located on Main St. in Hudson, serves up extra sPeciaf #: dishes guaranteed to satisfy even the; Pickiest of food critics. - m a. If you want to give your taste buds a special treat, like you would do if you Were vacationing in a different city, visit the San Pedro Cafe. It W p ill rovid �+. diners a taste adventure that is sure to make their ■ taste buds beg for more. ■ Vltlr a Caribbean flair, man signature items arc cooked in their Mood Fired Brick Oven, producing not only a distinctive taste but a wonderful wood smoke aroma that tempts your appetite. Get read: This is not the usual arel such as the Wood Roasted Bourbon I C Pork Loin as the San Pedro Ct Tenderloin will take your taste buds t new or the BB(:) Mustar. Pedro's famous Roast Banana lvlas height;. Dinner entrie are accotr Rasta Pasta is a fabulous dish featu ng jerk pi (td die For and Roasted i. _ Pd sta and fresh tomato. Be sure to leav e room for the Key Lime pie. Delicious food alone i It's a delec�� s not enough to make an unforgettable dining experienc . accompanied by courteous prompt service and great atmosphere. San Pedro & all counts. The service is exceptional and the taste bud adventure worth driving n, Liberty Cookbook Deadline Extended The Libem• on the We Cookbook continues to gro with delicious recipes from residents. To ensure the cookbook includes all new Liberty residents and their recipes, the deadline has been extended until further notice. if yeu have not submitted a recipe yet, please do! � off your recipe to Beth at the land of fice or email e' c" b j ir ovec @schererbros.co All A ,- - , OA .Town #� San at Liberty - Submitted 6,9 Sue Kuss In a medium saucepan, stir together all of the ingredicnts c set over low- heat. Cook and , until the mixture thickens. turn asp onto a hoard Knead w I,cn ct . and knead in food coloring if desired. Store in a c - creel, airtight container for several Wv A] t L FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) September 4, 2001 NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2001 2002 Adopted Proposed Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $85,500 $88,600 $3,100 3.63% Administration Budget 284,900 320,300 35,400 12.43% Elections Budget 10,000 23,000 13,000 130.00% Finance Budget 186,800 255,300 68,500 36.67% General Government Budget 294,800 298,700 3,900 1.32% Community Development Budget 571,700 684,700 113,000 19.77% Police Budget 1,495,400 1,688,000 192,600 12.88% Fire Budget 192,400 254,800 62,400 32.43 % Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 286,700 312,900 26,200 9.14% Fleet Maintenance Budget 357,900 395,500 37,600 10.51% Street Maintenance Budget 789,300 893,800 104,500 13.24% Parks Maintenance Budget 367,500 423,100 55,600 15.13% Park & Rec Budget - General Operating 650,800 771,300 120,500 18.52% Park & Rec Budget - Special Programs 89,500 91,600 2,100 2.35% Total Operating Budgets - General Fund $5,663,200 ------------------------------------- $6,501,600 $838,400 14.80% Building CIP Requirements 202,000 24,000 (178,000) - 88.12% Street CIP Requirements 570,000 315,000 (255,000) - 44.74% Equipment CIP Requirements 280,700 663,100 382,400 136.23% Insurance Budget Requirements 190,000 200,000 10,000 5.26% Bonded Indebtedness 798,179 1,065,379 267,200 33.48% Bonded Indebtedness - Fire Station Levy 152,508 154,482 1,974 1.29% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 7/25/01) 162,481 173,011 10,530 6.48% * *$95,000 + ($977,576,500 x.00798%)** Total Funding Requirements - - $8,019,068 - - - -- - ----------------------------------- $9,096,572 $1,077,504 13.44% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. N FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) September 4, 2001 Special Levies 2001 2001 279,704 25.13% General Levy Adopted Proposed 1,280,080 30.35% Types Budget Budget Difference Percentage Local Government Aid (LGA) $394,496 $394,723 $227 0.06% Homestead & Agricultural Aid (HACA) 577,707 0 (577,707) - 100.00% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 461,700 478,500 16,800 3.64% Intergovernmental 413,089 423,889 10,800 2.61% Charges for Services 456,100 481,400 25,300 5.55% Fines & Forfeits 100,000 90,000 (10,000) - 10.00% Recreational Fees 201,600 203,900 2,300 1.14% Miscellaneous Revenues 80,400 130,400 50,000 62.19% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% Total Internal Revenues 1,716,389 1,811,589 -------------------------- 95,200 5.55% Levy Sources: Special Levies 1,113,168 1,392,872 279,704 25.13% General Levy 4,217,308 5,497,388 1,280,080 30.35% Total Levy $5,330,476 $6,890,260 $1,559,784 29.26% Total Revenue Sources $8,019,068 $9,096,572 $1,077,504 13.44 % NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2001 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2002 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $4;295,288 BUILDING CIP FUND $24,000 STREET CIP FUND $315,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $663,100 INSURANCE FUND $200,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $5,497,388 BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized - $101,927) $101,927 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized - $7,178) $7,178 G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E (ICE ARENA) (Authorized - $264,141) $264,141 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1993A (Authorized - $3,314) $3,314 G.O. BONDS 1993E (Port Authority) (Authorized - $64,166) $64,166 G.O. BONDS 1994A (Port Authority) (Authorized - $171,610) $171,610 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1995A (Authorized - $20,687) $20,687 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1998C (Authorized - $7,314) $7,314 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1.999B (Authorized - $17,274) $17,274 G.O. BONDS 2000B (Port Authority) (Authorized - $238,104) $238,104 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2001A (Authorized - $118,837) $0 G.O. PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS 2001 C (Port Authority) (Authorized - $169,664) $169,664 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS - $1,065,379 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM -1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authorized - $154,482) TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 + ($977,576,500 x.00798%)) (AS OF 7/25/01) TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS GRAND TOTAL 2001 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $154,482 -------------------------- $154,482 -------------------- - - - - -- $173,011 -------------------------- $173,011 -------------------------- $6,890,260