HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b3. Capital Improvement Program-- -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- MSA Funds -- - - - -- - - - -- ---- - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- Building Street E ui mht Park Imp - - From -- - Water - -- Sew er -- Storm -- -- Water S ewer -' Storm - - -- ta Total Year Item - Description Department CIP Lev CIP Lev CIP Le Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utilit Utili Utili Donations _ Other Cost 2002 - 1995 Lease - Purchase (10 -Years ) - - - -- - Cou ncil - -- -- 50,800 - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - - - -- -- - 50,800 2002 - - -- 2002 1996 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) -- _ . 2001 Lease - P urchase (10- Years) Council • __. Council ._ - - -- - -- 64,900 115,400 - - -- -- - 6 115, 400 2 002 Replace City Software __- _ Finance 60,000 10 10 10 90, 000 2002 1/2 Ton Picky 4x4 Re lace 1990 Vehicle - - -- P - -( P - - - - - -� Fire - -- - - 30,00 -- - - -- - - - -- - - - 30,00 2002 Community Center Au VisuaLEq uipment Park & Rec 9,000 _ -- -- -- - -- - --- -- _ 9,000 2002 Replace Dallara Park Basketball Court _ Park &_Rec 16,000 _ 1 6,000 2002 Bandshe C oncrete Work - Park & Rec _ _ _ _ 26,000 20 0,000 _ - _ - - - -- _ - -- 26,000 - - - 3,000 2002 00 -- _ -. - -- -- Bloomfi Park -Phase 1 Re place 7 Cellular Phones in Squad Ca rs _ Pa rk &Rec Police _ _ _ 3,000 2002 Mo bile Radios for 2 Sq uads #9970& New Police _ 4,000 _ _ 4,000 2002 U grade Police D is pat ch Recei Site Police _ 1,000 _ _ 8,000 2002 Police Records, CAD & Mobile S/W (P mt 1 of 3 )_ Police 49,000 _ 49,000 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2 Sguads(Sell Back 1 Replace #9970 & 1 New) P Bldg Add'n Lease /Purch (Yr 4 of 20) Structural Overlays on Older Streets Street Recon -Dodd Court Street Recon - Chippendale -149th to 151 st South Rose Park Area Improvements Street Const - Biscayne = Conn to RR Tracks Commercial Streetscape - Phases 2 & 3 Street Const - Connemara Pkwy (S /P to Hwy 3) Pickup (Replace #335) Van emplace #320 -_Irrigation)____ Picku (Replace #337) Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works_ Pub Works 24,000 - - 48,000 160,000 58,000 33,000 33,000 3 3,00 0 17,000 12,000 471,250 200,000 327,300 2,360,000 370,000 300,000 - 182,500 120,000 32,000 320,000 645,000 10,000 10,000 21,500 200,000 - _ _ _ 50,000 130,000 47,250 _1,7_32 58,000 44,000 67,000 60,000 500,000 700,000 500,000 2,9_19,500 3,000,000 33,000 33,000 33,00 2002 Pickup (Replace #340) Pub Works 33,000 _ _ _ 33,000 2002 New Portable Generator Pub Works 30,000 _ 30,000 60,000 - 2002 2002 2002 Municip Tractor (Replace #408) Mower (Replace #68) We ll #12 Water Tower #4 P ub Wo rks Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works -_ 70 1 000 70,000 - _ 300,000 1,500,000 - 70,000 _ _3_00,_000_ 1,500,000 2002 T otals 24,000 208,000 770,100 3,387,550 226,0 670,000 302,500 352,000 645,000 20,000 41,500 210,000 3,789,950 10,646,600 Total Levy - Year 2002 1,002,100 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Other funding for the Chippendale Street Reconstruction Project comes from the County for their share of the project. (Assumes $92/FF assessment but no cost for ROW or legal) (3) Other funding for the South Rose Park Area Improvements comes from the County for their share of the project. (4) Other funding for the Commercial Streetscape - Phases 2 & 3 is coming from a MN /DOT contribution to the project, previously dedicated reserves, and from a Port Authority debt issue. (5) Other funding for New Generator is $30,000 encumbered forward from 2001 for unspent funds to enhance /enlarge generator budgeted for 2001. (6) Other funding for Well #12 & Water Tower #4 would come from a Water Revenue bond issue. Total Levy - Year 2003 1,585,100 (1) Other funding for Emergency Equipment for the Squad Cars is from the DUI Forfeiture Fund to help pay for the equipment for the squads. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. MSA Year - Item - Description -(10- Department Bu ildin g CIP Lev Street CIP Le Equipmnt CIP Lev Assess Park Im Fund From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water utility Swer e _ Utility Storm Utility Donations Other _-_ Total Cost 2003 2003 _ 2 003 2003 2003 2003 1995 Lease Purchase Years) -- - - -- _.__ _ 19 Lease Purchase (10- Years) _ 2001 Lease - Purchase (1 0- Years) - - - -- -- rmter eplacem ( From 1 998) PC File Server Replacements (Both -From 1999) PC Workstation Upgrades (From 1998 & 1999) - Radio Replace (Re place Obsolete) Council _. Counci . _ Council - " -- Fi nance Finance Finance Fire _ _ - 50,800 64,900 11 5,400 20,000 40,000 50,000 85,000 13,000 - - - -- - - - _ _ _ _ - 17,000 38,000 -- .360,000 540,000 - _ _ 30,000 _ - - - _- _ - -- - - - -- - 50,800 -- 64,900 - _- - - -- - - 115,400 20,000 40,000 50,000 - -- - 85,000 - -- 13,000 18,000 2003 2003 Re lace Co mmunit Center Ta bles &Chairs p - -� -- Replace C amfield Park Shelter _ - Park &Rec Perk &Rec _ 1 8,000 - -- 20 03 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 - 2003 20 03 2003 Erickson Park Upg rades (ADA Upgrades) Bloomf Park -Phase 2 Emer end Equipment for Squa &Installation Mobile Radios for 4 Squads E lectronic Tick Writer - Software & Hardware Po lice Records, CAD & Mob ile SAN (P ymt 2 of 3) 4 Squads S ell Back 4 #030, 040 080 &9920) - PW Bid _Add'n L ease /P urch - (_ Yr 5 of 20 - g - - - - _ -) - P ark &Rec Park & _Rec Police Police Police Police Police Works Pub - -- P ub Works Pub Works - W orks_ _ 24,000 - -- -- _ - - - 152,000 - -- 80,000 5,000 8,000 8 49,000 1 00,000 -- _ _- _ - _ - -- 600,000 - -- -- 15,000. 20,000 _ _ -_ - - -- - - _ - -- 10 000 - - - - - __ - -- _____ -- -- - - __ -- 10,000 -- 30,0 ____150,000 15,000 8,000 8,0 00 49,000 100 10,000 - - - - - - -- -- " - - -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- - 50 ,000 - _____ -- _ 44,000 67,000 -" 190,000 455,000 - 600,000 680,000 Structural Overlays on Ol der Streets Str Recon - Danbury Wa North of CR 38 -Y � Street Const- Biscayne - BP 3rd to Connem _Pu 20 03 2003 Co nnemara Parkway R ailro ad Crossin Connemara Parkway - Bis cayne to Herita Pub Wor ks Pub Works - - - 120,000 2003 Connemara Parkway - TH 3 to Biscayne - Pu_b W 400, 225,000 75,000 150 000 50, _ -..... - _ - 900 20,000 27,000 2003 2003 Motor Pool Vehicle LRepllace55) _ #30 Van Re place #319 - Park & Rec) Pub Works Pub Works 20,000 27 000 _ 2003 Roller Replacement #132 Pub Works 30 000 _ 30,00 _ - -_ - - 30,000 - - -- 30, 000 2003 Skidster Replacem (#420) Pub Works 2003 P ickup (Re place #341) Pub Works _ 15,000 16,000 30,000 2003 Pickup_(Addi Unit #344) P ub Work _ 33,000 _ 33,000 2003 Pickup (Replace #339) Pub Works 42,000 - - - - -- - - -- Totals - -- -- 42,000 752,000 1 - 791,100 1 18 0,000 ,0 - 180,000 -- 675,000 -- 50, 000 - 15 000 150,000 10 000 6 0,000 60,000 3,965,100 Total Levy - Year 2003 1,585,100 (1) Other funding for Emergency Equipment for the Squad Cars is from the DUI Forfeiture Fund to help pay for the equipment for the squads. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Year - Item - Description Department Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy Equipmnt CIP Levy Assess Park Imp Fund Funds From State Water Core - Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utility Sewer Utility Storm Utility Donations Other - Total Cost 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 Cit Re cord s Mana ement Software & Equi g q p - Compressor 19 95 Lease - Purchase (10- Years 1996 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) 200 Lease - Purch ( 10- Years) - - -- - Council Desig nated - Street Reserv 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement ('91 Vehicle Re lap ce C/ C arpetin g Re surface Claret and C harlie's Tenrns C ourts A A rena a Council Council Council - -- Council Fire Park & Rec Park & Rec _ 10,000 _ - _ _ 500,000 _ 25,000 _ 50,800 6 4,900 115,400 _ 29,000 12,000 -- - _ - - - -_ _ - - - -- - - - -- -___ - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -" "- 10,000 -- - -- - 25,00 - 1 0,000 50,800 64 - 115,400 500,000 29,00 10,00 0 12,000 2004 8 Hand -Held Radios (Replacemen - - - - Police - 49,000 _- - -- - - _ - -- _.." - 00 8,000 2004 2004 2004 Police Records, CA &Mobile S/W LPymt 3 of 3) - 2 S uads (Sell Back 2 - #9850 & 9860) PW Bid A dd'n Lease /Purch (Yr6 of 2 0� li Poce __ Police Pub Works _ 24,000 10,000 10,000 -- - - - - - -- 49,000 60,000 44,000 2004 2004 2004 2004 l S tructura l Over l Overl on Older Streets Street R econ - Chi p p endale - 145th to 14 9th P __. St reet Recon - C R 33 - CR 42 t 145th Street Str Const - Boulder Avenue Exten sion P ub Wor Pub Wor Pub Works Pub Works - _.. - 565,000 9,000 3 3,000 17,000 10,000 350,000 - _ -__ - - - -- - _ 50, 000 -_ - 50,00 ___ _ 50,000 1,150,000 3,0 67,000 6 75,000 1,500,0 3,000,000 9,000 2004 Sho Hoist Re place #1) _ Pu Wor ks - 2004 Pickup ( Replace #342)____ _ Pub Works _ _ 33,000 2004 - - - - -- 2004 P aver (R #128 - - -- - -- Paint Inside of Conn emara Wat Tow Pub Works -- Pub Works - -- 40,000 - - -- _ 20,000 -- - " - -- - 40,00 20,000 Totals _ _ -- 34,00011065,000 496100 27,000 350,000 20,000 60000 10000 50,0 4,210,000 6, 322,100 Total Levy - Year 2004 1,595,100 (1) Compressor funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Generator funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves and Equipment CIP levy. (3) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (4) Other funding for County Road 33 project from County share of project and City of Apple Valley share of project. (5) Other funding for Boulder Avenue extension will come from a Port Authority bond issue. Total Levy - Year 2005 1,589,100 (1) Funding for the New Fire Station #2 will come if a referendum is passed on the issue and bonds are issued. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (3) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project and City of Inver Grove Heights share of project. M SA Funds - -- - - - -- _ Build Street Equipmnt Pa rKlmp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Tot al Year _ Item - Description D epartme nt CIP Lev CIP Levy CIP Levi _ Assess Fund _State Core Core Core Utili Utility_ Utility _ Donations Oth er Cost 2 005 1995 Lease - P ( 10- Yea rs) Council 50, 800 50 2005 - _ 1996 Lease - Purc (10- Years) 2001 Lease - Purchase ( 10 -Years _ PC Printer Repla (From 1999 & 2000 Council Council Finance _ 64,900 115,400 20,0 _ _- - _ _ - _ _ _ - 64,900 _ 115,400 20,000 2005 2005 2005 PC Fil Server Replacement�Both_- - From 2 Finance 40,0 - -- _ _ _ 4_0,0_00 2005 PC Works tation U (From 2001) Finance 60,000 2005 Ne Fire Station #2 F ire 1,000 ,_000 1,000,000 2005 _ _ AE D_ U nit Defibulator)_ Fire 5,000 -_ _ _ 5,000 2005 Refurbish Unit #3590 15 Years Old) Fire 25 ,000 _ 25,000 2005 Rescue Truck _ Fire _ _ 145,0 _ _ 145,000 2005 MCD Replacements (7) _ Police 48,000 _ _ 48,000 2005 2 Squads (Se Bac 2 - #23 & 270 Police 55,000 55,000 2005 PW Bldg Add'n Lease /Purch (Yr 7 of 20)_ Pub Works 24,000 10 000 10,000 44,000 2005 2005 Structural Overlays - on Older Streets Street Recon - Camero Lane St reet Recon - Cambrian Avenue Pub Works Pub Wo Pub Works 44,000 52,0 17,000 66,000 98,000 50,00 67,000 110,000 15 2005 2005 2005 - - - 005 Street Recon - CR 73(Akron Ave) CR 42 to CR 31 Dump Truck (Replace #430) Dump Truck ( Additio n ) Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works __ -- 400,000 120,000 120,000 200,000 225,000 500,000 _ - 1 875,000 3,00 0,000 120,000 120,000 200,000 2005 2005 Loader (Replace #419) P aint Chip pendale W ater Tower Pub Works Pub Works 500 000 140,000 500,0 2005 Jetter Truck Re place #435) - - Pub Works - _ _ 140,0 _ 2 4,000 - - -- 496,000 - -- - 1,069,100_ - _. 406,000 -- - - -- - -5 - - 500,000 -- - 500 000 - - - 140 000 10,000 10, 000 :24 925,000 6,080,100 - -- - - -- - - - Totais - - -- - _- _ Total Levy - Year 2005 1,589,100 (1) Funding for the New Fire Station #2 will come if a referendum is passed on the issue and bonds are issued. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (3) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project and City of Inver Grove Heights share of project. Total Levy - Year 2006 1,585,300 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. IVISA Funds -- item Building _u B Street Equilpmnt Imp_ _EWk__p From Water Sewer Storm Water Se wer Storm T_ Total Year - Descripti Department IP L e v 0 Lev C�_ IP Levy C_ Assess Fund State Core "Or - Core - Utility utility Donations Other cost 6 Lease-Purchase (j9-_Yqxs)_ Council 64,900 2006 2001 Lease-Purchase (10-Years) Council 115,400 115,400 006 - Refurbish SCBA Compressor 5 5,000 20N - Council Designated - Street Reserves Council 200,000 200,000 2666 - M66 SCBA Unit Replacements (1991 Units) -- _ - --- --- -- Replace C/C Floor Scrubber Fire Park & Rec 10,000 85,000 - ' 000 __ 10___ - ' 000 2006 JC/C Banquet Room Floor Work Park & Rec 10,000 10,000 2006 Space Saver Storage Shelves - Property Room Police 20,000 20,000 2006 Image Software for Police Mug Shots Police 35,000 35,000 2006 4 Squads (Sell Back 4 - #320, 330, 340 & 380) Police 110,000 _ 110,000 2006 / chjYr 8 of 20) PWBId _AddMbeaseRur g _ Pub Works 24,000 - 10,000,. _ _ 44,000 26l% Structural Ov erla s on Older Streets Pub Works 17, 000 50,000 67,000 2006 CR 42 / US Hwy 52 (Year 1 of 4:) Pub Works 500,000 500,000 2006 Street Recon-Dodd Blvd-132nd to 120th­-------­ Pub Works 540,000 360,000 900,000 2006 70KW Standb GeneTifor(Rqplacq_#51)(City_Hall)_ Pub Works_ 33,666 33,boo 80,000 2666 2006 2006 Pickup (Replace #3 _ 06 ) __ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ Pickup (Rep lace #307 Mower (Replace #73) Pub Works _ Pub Works Pub Works 33,000 80,000 2006 M owe r _(A Adition Pub Works 80 ,000 80,000 2006 Sweeper (Replace #443) Pub Works 110,000 110,000 Totals 44,000 740,000 801,300 377,000 500,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 2,532,300 Total Levy - Year 2006 1,585,300 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Total Levy - Year 2007 1,640,400 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Funds Year 2130 2007 2007 2007 26N 2007 Ite - IDescription Department (10- Years) --------- 26011- Lease - P urchase - Council Designated - Street Reserves PC Printer Replacements (From 2003) PC File Server Replacements (Both - From 2005) PC Workstation grades (From 2003) 4x4 Grass Rig Vehicle) cou�ncij - ------- Council. Finance Finance Finance Fire Buddhnq CIP L �v Street _ CIP Levy ---- 200.000 Eguip Tnt CIP Lev -1-15*0 20,000 40,000 60,000 35,000 Assess Park Im Fund From state Water - co - re Sewer -core Storm Storm - re Water Utility ter 'l Sewer Utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total ---- CoMt 115, 400 200,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 35 , 000 2007 26 Tanker (AddMionL Command Post Vehicle (Joint Purchase) F�ire Police - - -- - ------- 190,000 2-5,0-0-0- - 56,660 190,000 25,000 56,000 2007 2 S uads (� Back 1 - Replace jff9� 2007 2607 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch (Yr 9 of 20) Structural Overlays on Older Streets Pub Works Pub Works 24,000 17,000 50,000 44-,060 67,000 2007 Street Recon - Chinchilla Ave & 127th Cf - ---- Pub Works 216,000 54,0 270,000 26 Recon - 138th Ct, Danville Ct & Darnell Ct Pub 224,000 56,000 100,000 100,000 70,000 --- 280,000 560 560,000 9,000 2007 2007 ---- CR 42 / USH�Year 2 of 4) Biscayne Way�Rieconst Recons truction Pub Works Pub Works 200,000 9,600 - 90,000 500,000 2007 Compactor (Replace #1931_ Pub Works 2007 Pickup (Replace #336) Pub Works 33,000 ---33,-00-0- 33,000 Z007 Pijckup (R_eplaceI338 Pub Works 33,000 66-,66-0- 100,000 2M7 - 20�7 Snowblower for Loader Replace #2201 P 60,000 100,0 Dump Truck ( Replac e Du a #427) Pub Work r24,06 Totals 840,IM 776,400 217,000 500,000 110 000 110,000 7�009 50,000 - 2 13W,400 Total Levy - Year 2007 1,640,400 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Total Levy - Year 2008 1,585,400 (1) Compressor and Refrigerator & Concession Equipment funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. -- - - - -- - MSA F unds -_ Year 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 Item - Description Compressor Refrigerator & Concession Equipment - ___ 2001 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) Hose Replacement Pumper (Addition - -. ---- Department Arena Arena Council Fire Fire Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy -- Equipmnt CIP Levy 115,400 6,000 350, - Assess - - Park lmp Fund From State -6 - r Water Core - Sewer Core - - -� Storm Core -- - Water Utility Sewer Utility Storm Utilit Donations Other 10,000 10,000 - -- Total Cos 10,000 10,000 115,400 6,000 350,000 2008 MDT Upgrades (Software) 2 Squads Sell Back 2 - #531 & 570 _ - q_ uad ( ) _ _ Police Police 50,000 55,00 _ 5 2008 2008 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch Yr 10 of 20 ( Pub Works 24,000 -_ 10,000 10,000 44,000 2008 Structural Overla on Older Streets Pub Works - _ 17,000 50,000 67,000 2008 2008 Street Recon - 155th Court S treet Recon - Clare Ave - Cornell to 155th Pub Wor Pub Works 20,000 137,500 15,000 37,500 67,500 92,500 -- 10,000 _ 10,000 10,000 -- 15,000 15,00 15,000 - 10,000 - - 10,0 10,000 - - - 35, 3 5,000 210,000 240,00 240,000 - - 2008 2008 - --- -- - Street Re - 1 56th St - Clare to Chi pendale _ Street Recon - Cornell Tr - 156th W to 156th E - - Pub Works Pub Works - - 137,500 112,500 - 2008 Street Recon - Cornell Tr - S/P to 156th St W Pub W orks 292,500 1 17, W 0 --- -- ­­­­---- 1 0,000 20,000 10,000 _ 450,000 2008 CR 42 / US Hwy 52 ( Year 3 of 4) _ Pub Works 500,000 500,000 2008 Trailer (Replac #51 R ace Fleet Vehicle (1998 Windstar Van) Tractor (Replace #406) MowerSReplac #&8 - Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works - 20,000 25,000 50,000 80,000 _ _ - - --- - - -- _ - --- _ _ _ _ _ - - -_ 20,000_ 25,000 50,000 80,000 110,000 2008 2008 2008 2008 Dump Truck (Replace #431) Pub Works 110,000 24,000 700,000 861,400 347,000 500,000 _50,000 75,000 40,000 70 000 2667,400 Total Levy - Year 2008 1,585,400 (1) Compressor and Refrigerator & Concession Equipment funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Total Levy - Year 2009 1,664,400 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. M SA Funds Building _ Stre K_I`mFm Park p Sew -Stonmn- T otal Year D CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy_ Assess Fund - Go - ne Core - C - ore - Utilit y - Utili ty DonationsOther * Co st Co st 200 2001 L ease - P urchase (10-Years) Council 115,400 _ 115 2009 - Council Designated - Street Reserves Council 300,000 300 :�00 00 209 PC Printer Replace From 2005) �_Tents Finance - Finance 20,06o -50-,-0--00-- ,0 2009 PC File Seer ReplacementjAjthmFr_o 2 ry , _20,000 50,000 00 PC Workstati Upgrades (From 2005 _4x4 fi 70,000 70,000 26 Grass Rig Rep acement ('00 V Fire 30,000 30,000 2009 Upgrade Holding Cells Police 100,000 100,000 2609 4 Squads (Sell Back 4 - #620, 630, 640 & 680) Police 120,000 120,000 2009 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch (Yr 11 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10 44,000 2006 Structural Overlays on Older S t reets Pub Works 17,000 50,000 67,000 260 CR 42 / US H 52 _ffeu4 of I Pub Works 500,000 500,000 2009 Street Recon - Danbur W ay W (South of CR 38 Pub Works 700,000 875,000 2006 Picku - p (Replace Building Department's) - ent's) Pub Works 25,000 25,000 2 009 Dump Truck (Replace #432) Pub Works 110,000 110,000 Jotals - 124,000 1,000,000 540,400 192,000 500,000 10,000 10,0 50,000 2,426.4010 Total Levy - Year 2009 1,664,400 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. Total Levy - Year 201 1,704,900 (1) Othe funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Street Recons From Above - 150th Street West, Damask Avenue, Damask Court, Dallara Avenue South of Dodd Funds Year Year- - Item - Description Department Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy Equipmnt CIP Levy_ _ Assess_ Park Imp Fund From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core water Utility -- se — wer Utility -- st®rm Utility Donations �Do n �at, n Other ota Totall Cost Cost 2 010 2010 20io 610 2 010 2010 2010 0 10 2010 _ 2010 2010 2010 — - 2010 2001 Lease-Purchase 12 of 20) Structural Overlays on Older Streets Street Recons - See Below Connemara Parkway Overpass Street Recon - Broback 2nd & 3rd Additions Pickup (Replace #343) Durno Truck (Replace #433) __PubWorks Dump Truck (Replace #434) oader (Replace 1995) ______ Pub Works Pub Works Pub W&ks Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Works 41 5,066 — 577,500 33,000 120,000 130,000 200,000 17,000 175,000 26-7,500 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 100,000 130,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 — 50,060 115 go 67,000 690,000 1,000,000 1,175,000 120,000 130,000 Totals 24,000 fj 992,500 _] 688,400 459,500 -- 1,000, 000 100,000 - 240,600 2 -206 '000 56 '006 Total Levy - Year 201 1,704,900 (1) Othe funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Street Recons From Above - 150th Street West, Damask Avenue, Damask Court, Dallara Avenue South of Dodd - Year -- - -- - - Item - Descri tion -- - - - - -- De artment Buil__ - CIPLevy _Street CIP Lev - Equipmnt CIP L� Assess Park lmp F und MSA Funds From - - - St - Water -- - -- Core - Sewer - -- -- Core - Storm - - -- Core Water - -- -- Utility Sewer Sew er -- e Utilit -- - Storm - --- --- _ Utility - -- - Donations - -- - - -... Other - -� Total - - - -- Cost 2011 2011 2011 __2011 20113 2011 2011 2001 Lease - Purchase (1 0 -Years -- PC Printer Replacements (From PC File Server Replacemen Both -From 2009) PC Workstation Upgr 2007 __ Sq uads (Sell Back 3 - #560, 831 & 8 70) - PW Bldg Add'n Lease /Purch (Y 12 of 20) C ity Sho Addition - Co uncil - Finance Finance Finance Police Pub Works Pub Works - 24,000 250,000 -- _ 115,40 --- 20 - ,000 50,0 70,00 96,000 - - -- -- - _ -- -- _ -- - - -- 300,000 - - -.. -- - - - _ 10,000 100,000 100,000 -- - __ 10,000 100,000 100,000 - - __ - -- 100,000 100,000 -- - ___ _ -- -- - - -- _ __ _ 50,00 - - - 115,40_0 20,000 -- -- 50,000 _7 96,000 44,000 250,000 67,000 950,000 1,255,000 120,000 300,000 2011 2011_ 2011 2011 _2011 - - Structural Overlays on Older Streets Street Recon Rahn's 1st, 2nd & 5th Additions Street Recon Rahn's 6th, 7th & 8th Additions Dump Truck (Addition) R� Vac Truck lacement (1995 Vehicle) _ Pub Works_ Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works - -- 495,000 737,500 120,000 17,000 155,000 217,500 - -- -- - Totals _ _ - 274,000 1,232,500 471,400 389,500 - - - 300,000 210;000 210, 000 200,0 50,000 3,337,400 Total Levy - Year 2011 1,977,900 (1) Other funding for Structural Overlays comes from SKB User Fees. (1) Future costs associated with the sanitary sewer will include extensive street reconstruction on the following streets: 124th St, 125th St, Blanca Ave W, 128th St, Bolivia Ave, 130th St W, Biscayne Ave, Bengal Ave, 129th St W, CR 38, 132nd Court and Bonnaire Path. Costs and funding are not available at this time. - - - - - -- - -- - - - T _ - -- -- - - MSA Funds - Year I tem - Descri - _ Deartment Building CIP Le Street CIP Levy Equipmnt CIP Levy Assess - Park Imp Fund - From State Water Core - Sewer Core -- Storm Core Water S ewer Util ity Storm Uti lity - Donations Other T otal Cost - - - -- -- -- 152,000 _Street Recon- CSAH _38 -Hwy 3, Bac ardi North Central Sanitary Sewer Extens Pub Works Pub Works 1,076,400 - - -- - --- - - - - - -- - - — — - -- 1,228,400 . - _ ....... .. ..... Totals - 1,076,400 - 152,000 - _ _ _ 1,228,400 Total Levy - Year ? ? ?? 1,076,400 (1) Future costs associated with the sanitary sewer will include extensive street reconstruction on the following streets: 124th St, 125th St, Blanca Ave W, 128th St, Bolivia Ave, 130th St W, Biscayne Ave, Bengal Ave, 129th St W, CR 38, 132nd Court and Bonnaire Path. Costs and funding are not available at this time.