HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170117 ESTF MinutesENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 17, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on Janu ary 17, 2017 at 5:37 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Attendees included Members: Katie Koch-Laveen, Mark Glende, Rebecca Higgins, Wade Miller, Karen Malkowski. Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson, Interim Public Works Director John Morast. 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA b. Partners in Energy c. Green Corp volunteer d. Wetland buffers e. Environmental Assessment Grant funding, Star and Green Step 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Higgins Second by Malkowski. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried. 4. PRESENTATIONS None 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Sub Committees Anderson updated use of the Task Force on the Energy Misers; there are 6 machines at the Rosemount Ice Arena and Community Center. Going out to bid for a new contract this spring; will specify energy star as part of the specifications, including shutting down lights and additional energy usage when not being used. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Minnesota RETAP Retired engineers review buildings for energy improvements, look at the ice arena as a first building. Have to fill out forms and will need someone to complete the forms, John to review. They would like to go back a couple years of utility information including water bills, energy bills, and trash information. They tout that they can save a building such as the arena save about $2000 per year. They will help get the rebates. The Partners in Energy may also provide this service. This could work as a first stage and be able to help in planning for work under Partners in Energy. Turn time may be a few weeks to a month for RETAP. b. Partners in Energy Discussion on the Partners in Energy and thoughts on timing. Task force understanding that the Partners in Energy would be kicked off in the spring. c. Green Corp volunteer participation REST discussed options on Green Corp project that could work for Rosemount. Ms. Higgins wondered if a project that Green Corp could work on a leaf collection project. Green Corp could research and help on the composting of the leaves. What would be the composting options for leaves? Does the city have land for composting? Is there an option for partnering with the U of M for a composting site? Would like to have Green Corp research and prepare a proposal for the leaf composting option. d. Stormwater and wetland buffers Discussion on the stormwater and wetland buffer re-establishment and the need to reinstate the buffers. Is there a programmatic approach to reestablish the buffers? Discussed what is the best approach to take to make the re-establishment less confrontational. e. Environmental Assessment Grant Funding, Star and Green Step REST discussed the Environmental Assessment Grant funding and noted that it is for $15,000, to be used with the resiliency component within the Comprehensive Plan. With respect to the STAR or Green Step programs, the projects noted with the Energy Misers, RETAP, Green Corp Volunteers or Stormwater and Wetlands buffers would help as projects with either program. Discussion on the Partners in Energy and thoughts on timing. Task force understanding that the Partners in Energy would be kicked off in the spring. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS / DISCUSSIONS None. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.