HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Approve Plans & Spec's/Authorize Submitting of MN/DOT for ConsiderationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 1, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Plans & Spec's /Authorize, Submitting AGENDA SECTION: to Mn /DOT for consideration, TH3, 145 " Street to lower 147t Street. City Project No. 318. OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Bret Weiss, Interim City Engineer AGEN 7 , ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, memo, Response to Public APPROVED BY- Comment SEE ATTACHED MEMO RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE PLANS TO MN /DOT FOR TH3, 145 STREET TO LOWER 147 STREET. COUNCIL ACTION: F: \WPW IN \1191 -20' 0:3301 - rosemount.doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2001- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL TO MN /DOT FOR REVIEW FOR TH3 ENHANCEMENT PROJECT, 145 STREET TO LOWER 147 CITY PROJECT #318 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount have ordered the preparation of plans and specifications for the TH3 Enhancement Project, 145 Street to Lower 147 City Project #318 and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval: NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The plans should be submitted to Mn /DOT for their review and comment. Once comments have been received the plans will be modified and resubmitted to the City Council for consideration prior to bidding. APOPTED this 1" day of May, 2001. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Seconded by: Voted against: Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount Tom Burt, City Administrator From: Dave Hutton, P. E. Project Manager Date: April 25, 2001 Re: TH 3, 145` Street to Lower 14 fh Street City Project No. 318 WSB Project No. 1191 -20 In February, 2001 the City Council of Rosemount directed the preparation of plans and specifications for the TH3 Enhancement Project from 145 Street to lower 147 Street. In March, 2001 the City was notified by Mn/DOT that they had received the maximum funding of $540,000 from their Cooperative Agreement Program, although funding was delayed until their 2001 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2002). In discussing the project with Mn/DOT, they encouraged the City to complete the design as soon as possible as there is a good chance a portion of the money would be available this Fiscal Year (July 1, 2001) due to other project slippage, which is quite normal. Based on this discussion, it was felt that the project should be broken up into 2 phases with the segment between 145 to Lower 147 being designed for construction in 2001 and the segment from 147 to County Road 42 being designed for 2002 or 2003 construction. The plans for the segment located between 145 and lower 147 are now substantially completed and ready to submit to Mn/DOT for review and comment. Once comments are received, the revised plans would be presented to City Council for permission to bid, if Mn/DOT can advance this project to Fiscal Year 2002 (July 1 20011 If they can't advance the money into Fiscal Year 2002, then this phase cannot be bid until July 1, 2002 (Fiscal Year 2003). The design issues regarding the plans are as follows: The plans do not show the signal at TH3 being replaced as Mn/DOT does not have this item funded in their signal program (which is separate from their Cooperative Agreement Program). The City could include this signal replacement in the project, but the 50% Mn/DOT share of the signal (approximately $75.000) would come out of the Cooperative Agreement money already committed, reducing the ability to use the full amount of this money on other portions of the project. We will continue to discuss this item with Mn/DOT. This is a change from previous discussions with Mn/DOT based on new information. C: \windows \TEMP \042501 hmc.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount Tom Burt, City Administrator April 25, 2001 Page 2 2. No new trees are proposed for this phase. All existing trees will remain in their current location. 3. The driveway accesses are consistent with the layout approved by Council in February. The following driveways are shown on the plans: Rosemount Mall Terry's Hardware /Shenanigans Rosemount Floral Total Gas Station McDivitt's Complex Ratzlaffs = two 32' wide driveway = two 32' wide driveway = one 18' wide driveway = one 32' wide driveway = one 28' wide driveway = one 24' wide driveway Commercial home = one 18' wide driveway Commercial home = one 12' wide driveway 4. Storm sewer will be included in the project, on the east side of the road, but catch basins will be installed on the west side as well, including 2 stubs to pick up low drainage areas on the back side of the sidewalk on private parking lots -one each at Terry's and Rosemount Mall. 5. A small section of watermain will be replaced and upgraded to 8 ". 6. All sidewalks will maximize the walking area within the current right -of -way constraints outside of the street light bases. NSP WORK NSP has provided the City with two proposals. One is for undergrounding the overhead lines and one is for installing the decorative street lights. In regards to the decorative street lights, the estimate cost is $330,000 for 68 street lights, which go all the way from 145 street to County Road 42. The spacing is similar to that used on last year's project, approximately 75 -100' apart. The existing lights on top of the signals at 145 Street would be utilized. The exact location of each pole would be determined in the field. The proposed light poles consist of the following options on all poles 1. Flag Holders (68) 2. Banner Arms (68) 3. GFI Outlets (68) 4. Flower Pot Holders (22 poles) 5. Irrigation Lines (22 poles) CAwindows TEMP 042501 hmc.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount Tom Burt, City Administrator April 25, 2001 Page 3 The City Council should discuss whether they want all of these options. In regards to the irrigation lines on the poles, there would be additional costs to run water service lines along the sidewalks on both sides of the street and install shut off valves at each pole. These water line costs are not included in the original feasibility report costs, so these costs would be extra. We do not feel that the additional benefits achieved are justified due to the higher costs. Once the City decides on the final options, NSP will revise their costs and submit a new contract to the City for consideration. The second NSP contract calls for burying all overhead electric lines. This cost is estimated at $88,921. Attached are both tentative draft contracts. These contracts cover the entire project from 145` Street to County Road 42. The actual work would be done in two phases consistent with the City projects. It is planned to construct the project under traffic, with 1/2 the road closed at a time similar to last years project. There will be two times during the project that the road will be closed completely and traffic detoured; once when the storm sewer lines are installed across the street and once when the final paving is done. In both incidents, the work will be completed on a Saturday and be completed in one day or less. The Council is being asked to approve the plans and authorize the submission of them to Mn/DOT for review and consideration. C: \windows \TEMP \042501 hmc.doc Responses to Public Comments Received on the TH3 Commercial Enhancement Project 1. The safety benefits of reducing access points of TH 3 are not valid. Mn /DOT has extensive historical data that shows as traffic volumes increase, accident frequencies are directly related to the number of access points. The existing traffic volumes on TH 3 are approximately 11,500 vehicles per day and the traffic is projected to increase to 25,000 — 28,000 in 20 years, the normal design period for highways. While the number of accidents per year are not high today, as traffic volumes continue to increase, the number of accidents will continue to increase. Attached is a chart from County Road 42 study that illustrates this point. Roads are established on a hierarchy that goes from low volume local streets to high volume trunk highways. As streets increase in functional classification, the role of the street changes accordingly. Low volume local roads provide direct access to properties. On the other end of the spectrum, high volume state highways like interstates are designed to move traffic as opposed to providing direct access. City streets (unrestricted access) connect to arterials and county highways (reduced access) to state highways and interstates, (further access reductions). This type of road hierarchy is essential to providing a good transportation network. As a state highway, TH 3's primary role is mobility as opposed to access. 2. Reducing access points will harm businesses and lower property values. There has been no supporting data to support this claim. Currently, the commercial complex consisting of Terry's Hardware, Shenanigans, and the Rosemount Mall have seven (7) direct access points — six (6) located on T.H. 3 and one (1) on 145 Street. While these parcels are all individual properties, physically they are all connected via adjoining parking lots. The proposed project reduces these total driveways from seven (7) to five (5), with four (4) being located on T.H, 3. This plan still provides excellent access to all commercial properties. In some other cases, access points that are located too close to street intersections are being eliminated, but only if the properties have alternative access points available. 3. Mn/DOT has not requested additional access closures. This is incorrect. In Mn /DOT's January 26, 2001 letter to the City of Rosemount in response to the City's Cooperative Agreement submittal. Mn /DOT requests that the City consider closing. additional driveway points. (See attached letter dated January 26, 2001) 4. The reduction in access points will eliminate parking stalls. The parking study commissioned by the City in 2000 indicated that the reduction in driveways from seven (7) to five (5) would result in the loss of only one (1) parking stall in the combined parking lots of Terry's Hardware /Shenanigans/Rosemount Mall area. There would need to be some reconfiguration and restriping of the parking stalls to achieve this minor loss. 5. The light poles are located too close to the sidewalks. In Phase 1(143 to 145� the plans called for the decorative lights to be at the edge of the sidewalk, adjacent to the 2'sthp of brick pavers. In the commercial areas where the sidewalks are wider and extend all the way to the building, the light poles are not a problem for pedestrians. FAWPWIN\Hutton\Comments regarding TH 3 commercial enancement.doc In non - commercial areas, the standard city sidewalk of 5' was utilized. Given that the light pole bases are 18 -20" wide, the location of the lights at the edge of the sidewalk results in a reduction in walking area on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, in certain cases, the sidewalk could not be installed wider due to restraints such as topography, available right -of -way, and obstructions such as retaining walls, etc. It is recommended that future phases of the TH 3 project use a minimum of 6' wide sidewalk, outside of the light bases where adequate right -of -way exists. 6. Trees should not be utilized on the project. There will be no new trees installed on Phase 11 of the project (145 to lower 147) due to lack of available space. On Phase lll, boulevard trees could be utilized in areas where they are appropriate and generally will be in the southern half of the project, south of the existing commercial businesses. 7. The brick pavers and decorative street lights should be eliminated. These are the only remaining elements from the enhancement plan. If these items are eliminated, there are no other beautification elements remaining. Of the $3.8 million dollar project, the street lights are approximately $330,000 and the brick pavers are approximately $140,000 or about 12% of the project today. 8. What are the costs to bury the overhead lines to the businesses? Most of the existing businesses have their service lines in the rear as opposed to along TH 3. The only properties that have to modify their service lines due to undergrounding are the three (3) home businesses just north of lower 147 on the east side of TH 3, Flugels, and Kwik Trip. In all cases, NSP will be extending the underground wires to the existing buildings and the only modification needed is to convert their service meters on the outside from overhead to underground. The City is currently obtaining quotes from electricians to do this work and will be negotiating these costs directly with the property owners. Typically, these costs are relatively low (less than S2, 000 per property), but until they have been inspected the exact costs for each property are not known. 9. The proposed assessments are higher than the increased property values. As part of the special assessment process at the end of the project, the property owners have the right to challenge their assessments and the City has an obligation to show that assessments do not exceed the increase in property values. Until this process is completed, the exact benefit or increased property value to each property is somewhat subjective. The assessment rates utilized are standard for the City of Rosemount and have been used successfully in many projects over the past several years. 10. Sidewalks are not necessary. One of the goals of the enhancement project is to make the entire TH 3 corridor form the business district to County Road 42 pedestrian friendly. The addition of sidewalks will achieve this goal. 2 FAWPWIMHutton\Comments regarding TH 3 commercial enancement.doc Mob i I ity vs. Access R ITI �a 0 a Cn 0 V H Freeway Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector Local Increasing Access 2 �t 12 Segments 13 Miles 21 Segments 5 Segments 4 Seg ments g G ___. 12 Miles 4 Miles — 4 Miles 1 468 Crashes 1,148 Crashes 427 Crashes 570 Crashes { } 'y }� tip t �1?y� 05�(n}���i Source: Mn/DOT and BRW, Inc. E2,613Total ments Statewide Avg. Crash dway Miles Rate for Category = 4.6 rashes t �t F igure 6 -9 Crash Rate vs. Access Density . o Minnesota Department of Transportation V Q� Metropolitan Division 2 �� r ov rn► Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B2 FrA 0 2 9001 Roseville, MN 55113 S tea y , y _. 651 -582 -1661 January 26, 2001 Mr. David Hutton Project Manager WSB & Associates, Inc. 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 RE: TH 3 Project Phase II — 145'' Street to CSAH 42 FY 2002 Municipal Agreement Candidate Project WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Dear Mr. Hutton: We have reviewed your request for inclusion of the above project in the Fiscal Year 2002 Municipal Agreement Program. The materials you submitted were routed to a number of our functional groups for comment. Please review the following comments and decide whether they can be incorporated into you proposed project. Keep in mind that the projects are rated on their benefit to the Trunk Highway System as well as to the local community. Comments were received from the following functional areas: Transportation Planning — Paul Czech: Waters Edge Office, (651) 582 -1771. It would be nice if they could close a couple more driveways between 145` and 147 on the east side of TH 3. In addition, the connection of the proposed frontage road to 147' is awfully close to the intersection. If the frontage is needed, it would be nice if they could eliminate the current northerly drive and extend the frontage road to the shared driveway at Master Transmission. The City should also plan to close all three driveways between 145` and 147 on the east side of TH 3 when the property redevelops. Preliminary Design — Steven Adamsky: Waters Edge Office, (651) 582 -1660. Has any consideration been given for bikes? Right of Way — Harold Larson: Waters Edge Office, (651) 582 -1267 1. The "Public/Private" frontage road at 147 Street should become a reconveyance, or at least close the entrance on 147 Street for safe turning movements. It is essentially a "parking lot ". 2. Has consideration been given to the loss of parking spaces from closing the third entrance at the two locations between 145` Street and 147 Street? An equal opportunity employer 3. At the NAPA store, does the new curb take out the existing parking along the front of the store. If. so, there could be a claim of damages to the business? 4. What is the plan to replace truck access to the trucking site at the northeast corner of CSAH 42, if the TH 3 entrance is closed? 5. Right of way may be needed at street corners with 30 foot radius curbs. Maintenance Operations — Jeff Gibbens: Waters Edge Office, (651) 582 -1594. Please insure that ALL slopes constructed within Mn/DOT right of way are 3 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical or flatter. Slopes steeper that this become erosion problem areas that we are left with. Traffic Studies — Wayne Lemaniak: Waters Edge Office, (651) 634 -2147. Accident Crash Summary: 1. CSAH 42 crashes were low! 2. Crashes totaled 7 at 145' Street — most rear ends and right angles, only 1 injury. 3. Crashes between these two intersections totaled 7. Five were rear ends. In conclusion; signals at 145' would NOT meet threshold of 5 correctable crashes per year. All crash levels are low! However, combining accesses is always desireable! We are planning to make presentations to the Fiscal Year 2002 Selection Committee in late February or early March. Please submit any changes to your proposed projects by February 19, 2001 so that the Selection Committee can review the most up to date material If you have any questions about this project please call me at (651) 582 -1661. Si?ca ly, P. Kowski, P.E. Cooperative Agreement Engineer Metro Division cc: Bob Brown, Mn/DOT -Metro State Aid Project File /7/ 1W Northern States Power Company Outdoor Lighting 1971 Gateway Boulevard Arden Hills, MN 55112 -2750 Telephone (651) 634 -7807 November 20, 2000 Mr. Thomas Burt City of Rosemount 2875 145' Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Dear Mr. Burt; RECEIVED NOV 2 1 2000 WSB & ASSOCIATES I'm submitting you a cost for the lighting project on Hwy 3 from 145 to 150" Street West that we have discussed recently. The cost includes all of the labor to install, and materials that I am listing below. We will be plowing most of the wiring and conduit with the exception at road crossings where we will use the directional boring method. To include the following materials. 66 ea. —100 watt HIPS HP Acorns 2 ea. — 150 Watt Rectilinear Fixt. 68 ea. — 6" Screw -in anchor bases 68 ea. — Flag Holders 68 ea. — GFI receptacles 2 ea. — MN DOT Feed point cabinets 66 ea. — 15' Fluted Fiberglass Poles 2 ea. — 30' Aluminum Poles 2 ea. — 8" Screw -in anchor bases 68 ea. — Banners Arms 22 ea. — Pot Holders All fixtures, poles, and other accessories will be Green in color. Also irrigation will be installed in (22) twenty - two of the light poles for flower pots. The estimate cost to complete this project as it is specified above will be $331,250. This cost does reflect 2001 pricing for labor and materials. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this service to the City of Rosemount. I would very much like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss this proposal. At that time we could make any necessary changes needed, and provide you with a final proposal and design for this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (651) 634 -7807. Sincerely, hn ygrell L g Consultant CC David E Hutton CA /1 — n 'J '7'a1 TT�_r l •^kir ­1 11 1— I . .-. __ _ STATEMENT OF WORK REQUESTED Form 17 -n12 (1-0O) MP Northern States Power Company WORK REQUESTED 9Y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DATE: 12-4 WORK TO BE AT TH 3 ENHANCEMENT PROJ (WSS PROJ #1191 - 003) 2000 ADDRESS 2875 145TH ST W, ROSEMOUNT. MN. 55068 ATTN' TOM BURT CONSISTING OF; REMOVE ALL OF THE OLD WOOD POLES AND CIRCUITRY ALONG THE PROJECT CORRIDOR AND REPLACE WITH EQUIVALENT UNDERGROUND CIRCUITS, TRANSFORMERS, TERMINATIONS AND LABOR, THERE IS NO RESTORATION COST INCLUDED IN THIS PRICE FOR ANY OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY AREAS, THERE IS RESTORATION COST ASSOCIATED TO XCEL ENERGY RESPONSIBLITIES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. IT IS ASSUMED THAT THAT CITY PROJECT WITH ALLOWXCEL ENERGY ADEQUATE TIME AND WILL PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE IN WHICH TO INSTALL ITS FACILITIES. IT IS ASSUMED THAT NEW CONST SURFACES WILL BE INSTALLED ONLY AFTER XCEL ENERGY IS ABLE TO INSTALL ITS FACILITIES OR BE PROVIDED CONDUITS UNDER SURFACES WHOSE CONST CAN NOT DELAYED. PROJECT COVERS HWY 3 FROM SOUTH SIDE OF 145TH ST W, SOUTH TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF 150TH ST W. THIS PROPOSAL ALSO ASSUMES THAT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WILL PROVIDE FOR THE UNDERGROUNDING REQUIREMENTS OF ALL PRIVATELY OWNED ELECTRIC SERVICES WHICH IS ESSENTIAL IF ALL POLES ARE TO BE REMOVED. DEC , '.. 2000 Crfy OF N The facilities installed or removed by the Company shall be the property of the Company and any payment by customer shall not entitle customer to any ownership interest or right therein. The undersigned hereby requests and authorizes the NORTHERN STATES COMPANY to do the work described and in consideration thereof, agrees to pay EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE ($ 88,921.00 ), in accordance with the following terms: TO B E BILLED BY INVOICE AFTER COMPLETION OF PROJECT Credit Approval DWS Receipt of the above amount hereby acknowledged on behalf of NSP by NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Customer CITY OF RO SEMOUNT By Q u� By NSP Representative DAN SCHULTZ * * * * * * x ac * * W x x W * * * a s * Division 1211 IR# 7022 NSP Proj. No. TH03 -RMT Cont. S 87AV.00 Rem. S 1,994.00 MeinL S O.CO Oper, S 0.00 Transf. $ Total 5 88,921.00 ORIGINAL - DIVISION ACCOUNTING COPY CUSTOMER COPY - DIVISION DISTRIBUTION ENGINEERING se�sa d ©aLTT>'s GL •3NI S31bI30SSU 2 ESM ST:©T T ©OE- LT- 6dH -- I I i XI I / tit I I 1 11 1 "% 15" RCP CONI LL & 0 ERU 15" RCP m ! � Y912 rr / in 0 0 i 0 N m E 11 0 II L 50 I I 1100 1 1 1 1 1 - 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 84 Wayzata Boulevard Mi nneapolis, MN 55428 - 612-641 ASS A Associates, rrM:. FAX 541 -1700 I NFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS �` , ► ► Ili '� I I I F" ; � Street Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Pond Construction, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Construction TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -201 Date: November 21, 2000 City Project No. 318 Proposed Street & Sorm Sewer Figure Number 9 J