HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Rosewood Mixed Use Concept Planned Unit Development, Progress Land Companyf CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: October 16, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Rosewood Mixed Use Concept PUD; Progress AGENDA SECTION: Land Company Old Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA 9 ATTACHMENTS: Draft .Resolution, Location map, Plan APPROVED BY: Reductions, PC Minutes (9- 25 -01), Staff memo Applicant & Property Owner: Warren Isrealson of Progress Land Company Location: 107.87 acres of land west of Biscayne Ave., between CSAH 42 and 145` Street West. Comp Plan Designation: Urban Residential and 7 acres of Commercial @ southwest corner. Current Zoning: R -1 Low Density Residential and C -4, General Commercial (consistent with Comp Plan). Nature of request: Mixed uses including: Resulting Housing_ Mix Goal Residential uses — 50.41 acres including: 86 Single Family lots 73.4 % S. F. 65% 45 Bayhome (detached townhouse) Units 26.5 % Other 35% Future phases: Commercial site — 7.5 acres Church site —15.05 acres Exception — 39.01 acres Planning Commission Action: Recommendation of Approval (4 -1) SUMMARY Progress Land Company has purchased the former ` Eastbridge" development site from CMC Heartland Partners in cooperation with the Lighthouse Community Church. The project has been scaled back to a current development phase and a future phase(s). The current phase includes 131 housing units consisting of 85 single family and 46 " Bayhomes" (detached townhomes). The future phase covers all remaining undeveloped land including a fifteen -acre church site, 7.5 acres of commercial and the balance of the site. This is a concept review, which is intended to identify issues to be resolved through design and concept refinement. The required process will also be discussed because approval of the concept will depend on a comprehensive plan amendment. The attached memo provides details of the concept. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING AND REVIEW No one attended to public hearing to provide comment. The Planning Commissioners emphasized that all setbacks be met and that the City should not incur any expenses related to the development. Other concerns included sidewalks and ponding. Staff responded with an explanation of the preliminary plat process that would require those issues to be addressed. At the meeting, the Developer provided a larger scale plan which has since been examined in detail. Staff has identified four bayhomes with setback deficiencies along 145 Street and Biscayne Avenue. An additional recommended condition of approval has been added to the resolution. The motion to recommend was not unanimous. The dissenting Commissioner did not have any specific objections to the concept other than disagreeing with the overall land use. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the concept for "Rosewood ". CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2001- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PROGRESS LAND COMPANY, INC. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Progress Land Company, Inc. for approval of a concept planned unit development for a single and multiple family residential use development proposed for property located west of Biscayne Avenue and south of 145' St. W. in Rosemount, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2001, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Planned Unit Development for Progress Land Company, Inc. and adopted a motion to recommend approval, subject to conditions, to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on October 16, 2001, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Planned Unit Development for Progress Land Company, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Concept Planned Unit Development for Progress Land Company, Inc., subject to: .1) Increasing the setback for housing adjacent to the Greif Bros. industrial use to a minimum of 30 feet and provide extensive landscape screening with earthen berms and plantings. 2) Mitigation of the effects of the rail spur with earthen berms, landscaping and fencing. 3) Plan revisions as necessary to enhance circulation in the private driveways of the bayhomes. 4) Plans revisions as necessary to eliminate lot deficiencies for Lot 4, Block 1 and Lots 5, 6, 19 and 20, Block 2, as corner lots with increased depth along the private cul -de -sac. 5) Incorporation of recommendations of the Interim City Engineer relative to drainage, ponding and street design. 6) Incorporation of recommendations of the Fire Marshal concerning vehicular circulation. 7) Conformance with the requirements for preliminary plat for the residential uses and conditional uses for development of the church site. 8) All required setbacks shall be maintained throughout the development. The bayhomes and single family units shall maintain a minimum setback of forty feet from 145' Street and Biscayne Avenue. ADOPTED this 16 " day of October, 2001, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Seconded by: Voted against:_ Member absent: SITE MAP � MI. Oo -- —a 1 7 ` I b;a n I, --j, � 1 _ .. i ITE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot. N pyright 2001, Dakota County - s drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. s drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and Ie offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes 1. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are nd, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department Date: June 7, 2001 Parcels Updated: 51102001 Aerial Photography: Vii Lr e L ,+► l ye A ► - � y - ► E ��� ,�j�.� �� = •*mss it � �� fi IP ,� ,' ■ "1 oo f d ��+� `1� y • 1r77 ' � � .f �� '3 s JE AL I W ✓ lf rY g��•� i 3 l it r CITY O F RO S E M O U N T C145th 2875 West —1tv Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Planning Commission Fax: 651- 423 -5203 Regular Meeting Minutes September 25, 2001 Pur ant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeti of the Planning Commission was d y held on Tuesday, September 25, 2001, in the nquet Room of the Rosemount Comm it y Center in Rosemount, Minnesota. Chai erson Jeff Caspar called the meeting to rder at 6:35 p.m. with members Jeff veson, Myron Napper, Jana Carr, and Jeff Weisens resent. Also in attendance w City Planner Rick Pearson and Councilmember heila Klassen. There were no additiohkor correctiop Ito the agenda. Audience Input: None. Commissioner WeisensoxpresseaKis disappointment in reporting done by Town Pages newspaper concernin echnical Erect Town Pages erroneously reported that parking setback v ances were granted to applicant. MOTION Weisensel to approve the September , 2001 Regular Planning Comm ion Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Arveson. es: Arveson, Napper, Caspar, and Weisensel. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Public Hearing: Progress Land Company - Rosewood Chairperson Caspar confirmed that the recording secretary has placed on file with the City the Affidavit of Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Publication concerning the public hearing on the Rosewood Mixed Use Concept Plan. Warren Isrealson of Progress Land Company explained that the Concept PUD includes outlots to be planned at a later time. He introduced the Consulting Planner, Rick Harrison, to summarize the development plans. Rick Harrison provided background information on planning history, designs, and technology. He explained the nature of the coving design of development. The proposed single family lots would be a minimum size of 10,000 square feet and have increased front and side yards. The proposed bay homes are in a cluster development and would have three -stall garages. Pedestrian links are provided in the bay home area. Winding streets would provide a traffic calming effect. Mr. Pearson summarized the proposal for 86 single family homes and 45 bay homes. The single family homes are on deeper lots with larger front yards. Rear yard setbacks will be examined to ensure they meet city standards. Placement of the bay homes along Greif Bros. provides an opportunity for enhanced landscaping and buffering from the • Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes September 25, 2001 Page 2 industrial use. An additional challenge for this development is to work around the railroad spur. There are no proposals at this time for the commercial area of the site. Staff feels the proposal is the best development scenario for this site, taking into consideration the railroad spur and industrial use. The Fire Marshal may have recommendations which would influence the shared driveways. Chairperson Caspar opened the public hearing. There were no comments. MOTION by Carr to close the public hearing. Seconded by Arveson. Ayes: Napper, Caspar, Carr, Weisensel, and Arveson. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Discussions continued concerning access to CSAH 42 and Biscayne Avenue, ponding, street design, and sidewalks. Commissioners emphasized they want to ensure that all required setbacks are met. Mr. Pearson indicated the Parks & Recreation Commission recommended that park dedication be in the form of a cash contribution. The Commission wants pedestrian connections to the outer edge for access to Biscayne Park. Chairperson Caspar confirmed the developer will be required to pay all applicable city fees. In response to questions concerning future plans, Mr. Isrealson explained the developer has no timetable for development of the remaining site. Commissioner Weisensel offered his support for the style of the housing. MOTION by Caspar to recommend that the City Council approved the concept for "Rosewood" subject to: 1) Increasing the setback for housing adjacent to the Greif Bros. industrial use to a minimum of 30 feet and provide extensive landscape screening with earthen berms and plantings; 2) Mitigation of the effects of the rail spur with earthen berms, landscaping and fencing; 3) Plan revisions as necessary to enhance circulation in the private driveways of the Bayhomes; 4) Plans revisions as necessary to eliminate lot deficiencies for Lot 4, Block 1 and Lots 5, 6, 19 and 20, Block 2, as corner lots with increased depth along the private cul -de -sac; 5) Incorporation of recommendations of the Interim City Engineer relative to drainage, ponding and street design; 6) Incorporation of recommendations of the Fire Marshal concerning vehicular circulation; and 7) Conformance with the requirements for preliminary plat for the residential uses and conditional uses for development of the church site. Seconded by Arveson. Ayes: Caspar, Carr, Arveson, and Napper. Nays: Weisensel. Motion carried. Old Business: None CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! TO: Planning Commission FROM: Rick Pearson, City Planner DATE: September 19, 2001 RE: Progress Land Company Mixed Use Concept for "Rosewood" September 25, 2001 Regular Planning Commission Reviews CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651- 423 -6219 Fax: 651.423 -5203 BACKGROUND, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION AND CURRENT ZONING Last June, the Planning Commission reviewed a mixed -use development concept for this property that included additional commercial, industrial and residential uses. The City Council subsequently denied the concept based upon their unwillingness to amend the Comprehensive Plan. Most of the property is designated for Urban Residential use, however, seven acres between South Robert Trail and Business Parkway along CSAH 42 is designated for Commercial use. Most of the land is zoned R -1, Low Density Residential, consistent with the Urban Residential land use designation. The seven acres in the southwest corner is zoned C -4, General Commercial. CONCEPT — LAND USES The current phase focuses on residential uses. Two housing types are proposed — 85 single family houses and 46 "Bayhomes" which is a detached townhome sharing private driveways with other units. The rail spur effectively divides the property from north to south. Forty of the single - family homes are south of the spur, the balance of the housing is north. Thirty-four of the "Bayhomes" are located along the east and southerly edge of Geif Bros. The remaining 12 Bayhomes are in the northeast corner, backing up to the corner of 145t Street West and Biscayne Ave. The balance of the housing is single family residential. The future phases consist of the church site in the southeast corner, Commercial site in the southwest corner and the balance of the undeveloped property is labeled "exception ". ACCESS & CIRCULATION The street pattern is intended to be meandering, avoiding the character of a grid. Access occurs in three places, 145 Street, Biscayne and CSAH 42 via winding streets withcul -de -sacs. A small cul -de -sac opposite Biscayne Way is the exception. The intent is an efficient street pattern that attempts to eliminate the redundancies of a grid pattern. c September 25, 2001 PC Reviews — Progress Land Company "Rosewood" Concept Page 2. The single - family streets are all public, the Bayhome streets are private and would be maintained by homeowner's association. HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS The single - family homes are conventional. They do have varying setbacks that accentuate the winding streets. All of the S. F. homes are expected to meet the minimum required setbacks. Advantages • Added to the varying setbacks, most of the lots are deeper than usual, with an average lot area of 14,413 sq. ft. Concerns • Lots 19 and 20, Block 2 are functionally corner lots on either side of a private cul -de -sac with 12 Bayhomes. These lots should have thirty -foot setbacks of both frontages. • Lots 5 & 6, Block 2 share a side boundary line that is less than 125 feet in length. Lot length is measured at the setback line, however, and these lots may be acceptable. • Lot 4, Block 1 and lot 5, Block 2 are less than 10,000 sq. ft. in area. The Bayhomes are detached townhouses clustered around private driveways with eight to ten foot gaps between buildings. Setbacks vary, however, they tend to be more than the minimum requirements to streets or other uses. One feature of the Bayhomes is that they have front doors that open up to a sidewalk / trail system that loops the development. Advantages • The common space is maintained by a homeowners' association. This is desirable because screening landscaping will be necessary for the edge adjacent to Greif Bros. Concerns • Four of the bayhomes along the east and south edge of Greif Bros. are less than 30 feet from the propertyline. This is a particularly sensitive "edge" that needs extensive buffering or mitigation. This part of Greif Bros. is particularly unattractive as a loading dock area that has the potential for 24 -hour operation. • The shared driveways are "tight" areas limiting parking and turn - arounds. • Some of the homes along side the private street entrances are less than the 20 setback required from houses. to private shared streets / driveways. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION The primary challenge for developing residential use of this site is mitigation of the effects of the rail spur and the adjacent edges of the industrial use (Greif Bros). The following represents the recommended conditions if the Planning Commission were to adopt a motion recommending approval of the concept to the City Council: 1. Increase the setbacks adjacent the Greif Bros. industrial use to a minimum of thirty feet and provide extensive landscape screening with earthen berms and plantings. 2. Mitigation of the effects of the rail spur with earthen berms, landscaping and fencing. ra September 25, 2001 PC Reviews — Progress Land Company "Rosewood" Concept Page 3. 3. Plan revisions as necessary to enhance circulation in the private driveways of the Bayhomes: 4. Plan revisions as necessary to eliminate lot deficiencies for Lot 4, Block 1 and Lots 5, 6, 19 and 20 Block 2. 5. Incorporation of recommendations of the Interim City Engineer relative to drainage, ponding and street design. 6. Incorporation of recommendations of the Fire Marshal concerning vehicular circulation. 7. Conformance with the requirements for preliminary plat for the residential and commercial uses and conditional uses for the development of the church site.