HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. SKB Interim Use Permit ModificationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: November 6, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: SKB Interim Use Permit Modification AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson City Planner AGENDA ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Draft PC minutes (10- 23 -01), APPROVED BY: Correspondence, WM District zoning excerpt, SKB Environmental Booklets. _7� Applicant & Property Owner(s): John C. Domke for SKB Environmental Location: TH 55 Industrial Waste Containment Facility Area in Acres: Approx. 235 acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Waste Management Current Zoning: Waste Management Nature of Request: Add a construction — demolition cell and increase capacity overall by utilizing the gaps between the existing cells. Planning Commission Action: Recommendation of Approval (4 -0) SUMMARY The applicant, SKB is requesting an amendment to the Interim Use Permit for the land fill that would add a construction demolition (C & D) cell. The four currently permitted cells occupy approximately 70.4 acres amounting to about 30% of the site. The new C & D cell would occupy about 38 acres, bringing the combined cell area to 108.4 acres or about 45.9 % of the site. The other half of the request concerns the overall design of the cells. Currently, the four cells are separated with gaps called "saddles" between them, forming a separate pyramid for each cell. The Interim Use Permit Amendment would fill in the saddle areas with materials essentially combining the four pyramids into one. The overall height would be raised about 35 feet, from a permitted finished elevation of 931 to 968 feet above sea level. The entire 235 acres is zoned for the waste containment facility. Therefore, the land use question is already settled. The issue is the impact of the redesign of the facility, the.traffic it will generate, the aesthetics and conformance with all regulatory requirements. Currently, the Waste Management District limits C & D volumes in the City to 200,000 cubic yards. The C & D cell is projected to contain at total of 5,750,000 cubic yards. Therefore, the Waste Management District section of the zoning ordinance will have to be amended. Lastly, the Interim Use Permit is up for renewal, which is on a five -year cycle. The request includes the renewal, thus extending the IUP to 2006. Related improvements such as buildings and driveways will be required to go through the site plan review process. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING On October 23, 2001, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending approval of the revisions to the Interim Use Permit. Comments were received from three area residents. Their concerns included height of the cells as requested, coordination of different cells and frustration over all of the various changes in ownership and the IUP itself. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution amending the Interim Use Permit for SKB. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA pp - p s F-r' RESOLUTION 2001 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE INTERIUM USE PERMIT FOR SKII WHEREAS, application was received by the Planning Department on October 5, 2001 for an amendment to the Interim Use Permit for SKB, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance on October 23, 2001, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received testimony from several area property owners and adopted a motion to recommend approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council reviewed the Interim Use Permit Amendment request on November 6, 2001. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount set the conditions for the approval of the Interim Use Permit Amendment: 1. Obtaining all necessary approvals and permits from applicable State and County regulatory agencies. 2. Amending the zoning ordinance to allow the increased amount of Construction & Demolition material cell. 3. Site Plan approval for any new buildings, related site improvements or access & circulation, and revised landscaping plan with securities for maintenance and replacement of plant materials and turf. 4. Incorporation of recommendations relative to traffic routing, access & circulation, drainage, storm water management, grading and erosion control made by the Interim City Engineer. ADOPTED this 6t day of November, 2001. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Resolution 2001 - Linda Jentink, City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by theCity Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 6 th day of November, 2001, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Seconded by: 2 ROSEMOU NT CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes October 23, 2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, October 23, 2001. Chairperson Jeff Weisensel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with members Jeff Arveson, Myron Napper, and Jana Carr present. Also in attendance were City Planner Rick Pearson, and Council member Sheila Klassen. Council member Klasssen explained her purpose in attending the Planning Commission meetings was to act as a liaison between the Planning Commission and the City Council. Tonight, should a tie vote occur, she would exercise her right to cast a vote to break the tie. There were no corrections or additions to the agenda. Audience Input: None. MOTION by Carr to approve the October 9, 2001 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Arveson. Ayes: Arveson, Napper, Caspar, and Carr. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Public Hearing: SKB Environmental — Interim Use Permit Modification. Chairperson Weisensel confirmed that the recording secretary has placed on file with the City the Affidavit of Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Publication concerning the public hearing for SKB Environmental — Interim Use Permit Modification. Mr. Pearson summarized the request from SKB to modify the current Interim Use Permit. This amendment would allow for the filling of saddle areas with waste, therefore combining the four pyramids into one, increasing the cell area to 108.4 acres and raising the finished elevation of 931 to 968 feet above sea level Models of the before and after were on display for viewing. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes October 23, 2001 Page 2 Commissioner Klassen requested clarification regarding the time frame for this modification versus the renewal of the permit. Mr. Pearson clarified by stating that if the applicant were not applying for this amendment they would be working on their renewal. Therefore, if this modification is approved it would count as the five year renewal requirement. Mr. Rick O'Gara, President of SKB Environmental, presented a computer enhanced slideshow of the cells as they would appear if this request was approved. The finished site would be landscaped to screen the height of the cell and ensure that the site was esthetically pleasing. Chairperson Weisensel opened the floor to the audience input. Frank Knoll, 4322 145 Street East, expressed concern with the amount of construction debris versus ash that could be disposed of at this site. Brenda Sugii, 13701 Courthouse Blvd., expressed concern over the number of times this business has been sold, the new owners continual requests for expansion, and the allowance of ash. Mr. Pearson explained the process regarding SKB's application for this amendment. This facility was sold as a non - hazardous waste facility. It was by MPCA's determination that ash was not considered to be hazardous waste, which allowed the city to accept ash. The Planning Commission determines how this facility will impact the City and the State determines if this facility meets safety standards. It is the responsibility of the MPCA to determine the impact to the environment Otto Ped, 4992 145 St. E., expressed concern with the number of times this property has changed owners — each owner upping the anti, and the height limitations of the cells not being adhered to. MOTION by Napper to close the public hearing. Second by Arveson. Ayes: Napper, Weisensel, Carr, and Arveson. Nays: None. Motion carried Chairperson Weisensel opened the floor to the commissioner for discussion. Commissioner Carr requested further information regarding the acceptance of ash. Mike Fullterton, Facility Manager, stated that ash was at one time considered special waste and could only be disposed of in special cells with a special design. That determination was challenged. The EPA tested ash and found it was not hazardous and is now classified as industrial waste. Mr. Fullerton recapped how the cells were constructed and indicated they test the leachate regularly. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes October 23, 2001 Page 3 Discussion ensued by the commissioners regarding the Interim Use Permit, trust funds, and associated fees. MOTION by Weisensel to recommend that the Interim Use Permit for SKB be amended to include the construction and demolition cell subject to - 1. Obtaining all necessary approvals and permits from applicable State and County regulatory agencies, and - 2. Amending the zoning ordinance to allow the increased amount of Construction and Demolition material in the new cell. Second by Carr. Ayes: Weisensel, Carr, Arveson, and Napper. Nays: None. Motion carried. Old Business: None. lew Business: Outlots of Evermoor Final Plat Mr. P son presented the final plat for Evermoor, which is an 1 measure that subdivi the remaining Kelley Trust property into large pa is of land that will be split up into sep to neighborhoods based upon housing type Mr. Jay LiBeracki, ce President of CPDC was sent to introduce himself and answer questions from the Co issioners. It is his re est that Connemara Trail be constructed in 2002 and feels that multi points of ac ss to the development are needed. MOTION by Carr to recommend t the City Council approve the final plat for the "Outlots of Evermoor" subject t 1. Co emara Trail alignment shall be approved by the Interim City Engineer. 2. e PUD and ing standards will transfer with the land to the prospective Builder/ r/ Second by eson. Ayes: Carr, Arveson, Napper and Weisensel. Nays one. Motion carried: Director's Repdrt: None. There ng no further business to come before this Commission, u�qn MOTION by W ' ensel and upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned A 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Stoffel Recording Secretary NOV. 1.2001 7 :26AM DAKOTA FENCE OF MINNESOTA NO.485 P.1 /1 October 31, 2001 Rosemount City Council % Tom Burt City of Rosemount 2875 145` St. West Rosemount Mn. 55068 RE: Modification Plan for the SKB Rosemount Industrial 'Waste Facility To Whom It May Concern: We understand SKB is proposing to make some industrial waste facility site changes in the near future. The facility has benefited Rosemount financially through their Trust Fund, both to the City (3% of gross revenues) and the Community (6% of gross revenues) since it opened in November 1992. They are very involved in Rosemount Community activities and are also members of the Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce. As a neighbor, we have found them to be good neighbors and we don't have a problem with their proposed plan, as long as it doesn't have any environmental problems attached to it They have always operated their facility within safe environmental guidelines in the past. It is our understanding that the proposed plan should increase the value and the final appearance of the facility, which in the long run benefits the Rosemount Community. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, -.,, 44 aro and Cyril Schmitz 140 0 Courthouse Blvd. Rosemount, Mn. 55068 4066 -151 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 November 1. 2001 Rosemount City Council 2875 -145` Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTIAL WASTE FACILTY MAJOR MODIFICATIONS Dear Council: I am aware that the Council will be taking action on the SKB proposal. As a former teacher and current administrator at Rosemount High School, and as a citizen of Rosemount, I want to encourage approval of this proposal. As a teacher, I was able to set up field trips at this facility. My students learned a lot about the precautions of dealing with industrial waste and, in turn, witnessed for themselves, the many steps taken to avoid any compromise of the environment. I have followed the project for several years and have never found any information stating that there has ever been any sort of shortcoming in terms of human or ecological safety. The fact that this facility has been operating so well for so long is a great indicator that they will continue to be safe and responsible. As a school administrator and coach, our students' have been enriched by the myriad of contributions made to our core as well as cocurricular groups from the trust. I am excited that the expansion will bring millions of dollars over the next several years particularly when budgets in the public sector are meager. In addition, L understand that the plan, when complete, will include environmental enhancements that will provide aesthetic pleasure. Again, I encourage you to vote in favor of the proposal. Sincerely, 7 Tim Conboy RECEIVED 2001 CITY OF ROSEMOUN T INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 October 30, 2001 ROSEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL 3335 - 142nd Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone (651) 423 -7507 FAX (651) 423 -7511 Rosemount City Council 2875 — 145 Street W. Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Member of the City Council: ■ MICHAEL J. MANNING, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR As a recent resident of the city of Rosemount and a long -time worker in the Rosemount community, I_wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts about an issue that is currently in front of the City Council. The topic is the SKI) Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility major modification proposal. As the athletic director at Rosemount High School, I have worked with this company and the Trust in the past and have found them to be a great community member and good corporate citizen. They were a tremendous help to Rosemount High School in helping us raise funds to adequately equip our weight room facility when it opened three years ago. Their commitment to the high school and their follow- through was exemplary and I know their long -term plans to help financially benefit the high school and the city are quite sincere. In looking at and understanding their request for this modification, I see the benefits to be a tremendous potential asset for our community. It is my hope that with the increased revenue that this generates that not only the high school but other community agencies and organizations will benefit dramatically from the funds that could be available. When we originally moved to the City of Rosemount in the Centex Development east of Highway 3, I would never have considered moving into this area without completely feeling secure about this waste facilities' safe and environmental practices of the past. From my understanding of this project, I think it not only will improve the final appearance of the facility, but the overall value to our community that this facility can bring far outweighs any negatives associated with the modification. I would ask that you give full consideration to approving this request. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, J. Mann Director int City Educating our students to reach their full potential nine! 1 — 2001 C;iiyOFP Q.; :Y0 z;q NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 3385 143RD. ST. WEST ROSEMOUNT,MN. 55068 NOV. 1, 2001 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL 2875 145TH ST.WEST ROSEMOUNT,MN. 55068 RE: SKB ROSEMOUNT WASTE FACILITY MAJOR MODIFICATIONS DEAR COUNCIL MEMBERS: I AM AWARE THAT THE COUNCIL WILL BE TAKING ACTION ON THE SKB PROPOSAL. AS A CITIZEN AND BUSINESSMAN IN ROSEMOUNT AND ALSO AS A COMMUNITY TRUST BOARD MEMBER I WOULD LIKE TO ENCOURAGE APPROVAL OF THIS.PROPOSAL. AS A FORMER PLANNING COMMISSIONER THAT SPEND 11 YEARS HELPING'THE.CITY WITH MANY AND VARIED ITEMS I WAS FORTUNATE TO BE ABLE TO TOUR THE THE ORIGINAL USPCI FACILITY IN OKLAHOMA AND WE SPENT A LOT OF TIME RESEACHING THE METHODS THAT WOULD BE USED AT THIS FACILITY. I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE AN EXPERT IN THIS FIELD, HOWEVER I FEEL THE MODIFICATIONS THAT ARE BEING REQUESTED ARE VERY APPROPRATE. IN CLOSING I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN AND I'M SURE CONTINUE TO BE GOOD NEIGHBORS IN OUR COMMUNITY. SINCERELY, STEVEN B. TOOMBS x .. "!n' 1- 2001 1TY OF ROSEMOUN E 3 4 4 t October 31, 2001 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Mr. William P. Keegan, P.E. Environmental Engineer SKB Environmental 251 Starkey Street PO Box 7216 St. Paul, MN 55107 RE: Construction Certification Report for Cell 2C at the SKB Rosemount Industrial Facility, Permit SW -383 Dear Mr. Keegan: With a letter of transmittal dated October 11, 2 00 1, SKB Environmental (SK13) submitted for Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) review, a report entitled, "Cell 2C Liner Construction Documentation" (Report), to enable SKB to begin filling in the new industrial cell. The Report, on page 15 deems the cell operational, and lists on its preceding page, minor deviations from the approved plans. The Report also contains appendices A -L and as -built plans dated October 2001, as prepared by your engineering consultant Foth and Van Dyke. The built cell, Cell 2C, is the third of four planned phases in Cell 2, and is permitted for industrial wastes. The completed cell as inspected by the MPCA on October 10, was found substantially complete, except for installation of the sand drainage layer. The Report describes how the new cell was constructed, and the quality assurance activities supporting the cell's construction to ensure its integrity. Construction activities include the placement of sub -base and structural fill materials, compacted clay liner, geosynthetic liner, geomembrane (both textured 60 and 80 mil), gecomposite and geonet, and a sand drainage layer. Construction also includes the positioning of a leachate sump (both primary and secondary) area with a withdrawal pipe trench leading directly therefrom. The quality of the construction is advocated through analysis of test results on these same features including the structural fill, sub - base material, clay and geomembrane liner, sand drainage layer, and the pipe bedding materials. The MPCA has reviewed the Report against the July 2, 1998, permit and its approved plans. The Report is hereby approved. SKB may immediately begin operations in the new cell pursuant to a verbal approval given on October 25, 2001. As a reminder, and as mentioned in the October 11, 2001, letter of transmittal, SKB is required to demonstrate adequate frost protection as required by Minn. R. 7035.2815 subp. 13, subitem U. To meet this requirement, the MPCA recommends SKB cease placement of waste material against the sideslope separating Cell 213 from Cell 2C. 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155 -4194; (651) 296 -6300 (Voice); (651) 282 -5332 (TTY) St. Paul • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Duluth • Mankato • Marshall • Rochester • Willmar; www.pca.state.mn.us Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed cn recycled paper containing at least 20 1 6 fibers from paper recycled by consumers. Mr. William P. Keegan Page 2 If there are any questions on this approval, please call the undersigned at (615) 296 -8584. Sincerely, ` ike . y . Senior Engineer Waste Management and Wastewater Sector Unit Regular Facilities Section Metro District MLL:ry cc: Mr. Richard O'Gara, SKB Mr. John Domke, SKB Mr. Mike Fullerton, SKB Mr. Terry Muller, Dakota County Mr. Thomas Burt, City of Rosemount EIYYIROAMENTAL October 31, 2001 City of Rosemount 2875 West 145` Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility Major Modification Permit No. SW -383 To interested persons: SKB Environmental Inc. (SKB) is proposing a major modification for the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility (Facility) permit number SW -383. A proposal describing this modification was submitted by SKB to the City of Rosemount on October 4, 2001. Subsequently, two main issues have been raised regarding specifics of this proposal. The intent of this letter and the attached drawings is to address and clarify these issues. One of the issues related to access to the Facility and the associated traffic patterns. The current access and exit is through our main entrance on State Highway 55. According to MNDOT, the capacity of this highway is 20,000 vehicles per day (vpd) and it is currently operating at approximately 12,000 vpd. We feel that there are two periods during the day when the traffic is congested. The morning rush hour from 7:00 -8:30 AM and the evening rush hour from 4:00 -5:30 PM. On average, SKB is proposing an additional 185 loads per day to the Facility. SKB would propose to have all trucks enter through our main gate and exit through our proposed exit onto 140th Street East during the peak hours, or as needed to help ease the congestion on State Highway 55. The main entrance has an existing right turn lane to handle the traffic entering the Facility. SKB has had conversations with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) and Dakota County to evaluate the proposed traffic patterns for the Facility and adjacent roadways. There is a general consensus that this proposed traffic pattern mentioned above is the most favorable means of easing the congestion on State Highway 55. The other issue related to the Recycling/Transfer Facility building and the specifics of its construction. To address this issue, SKB has developed a drawing of the proposed Recycling/Transfer Facility based on assumed traffic patterns and a typical design for the 251 Starkey St. - P.O. Box 7216 - St. Paul, MN 55107 651 - 224 -6329 - FAX 651 - 223 -5053 % Printed on Recycled Paper. Facility (Figure 20). The general concept (i.e. building size, placement, exterior aesthetics, etc.) of the Recycling/Transfer Facility will remain basically the same, with the specifics (i.e. number and location of doors, push walls, etc.) likely being modified, in accordance with City ordinances, to accommodate the agreed upon traffic patterns. As mentioned previously, SKB believes that this modification will continue to allow SKB to be a significant part of the State of Minnesota's integrated solid waste system. In addition, the modification will allow for the creation of the most aesthetically pleasing end use of the Facility. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed modification please do not hesitate to call John Domke or myself at 651- 224 -6329. Sincerely, William P. Keegan, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer John Domke Vice President : qtr i:: m Z F P` =.e . j�` � m S4 � g PER"l ORAWINGS FOR THE MAJOR M001FIC.T", AT THE SKB- ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACLITY ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA PROPOSED TRAFFIC FLOW ln0 m• w m A N O Z m – z �EhRFhf"IEhRE1tFRI",aS a� a. REVISIONS / REMARKS V Foth &Van Dyke ,. G Q R - .W.�.- ..r.v... RECORD M. KS 0 CO.PEETEO CONSIR—ON ONEORUmG TO C— AICTORS .x0/dl OWNERS RECORDS. a� A. 4 _ — A 1' 0.n Q 7 1 _t — _ fs AS 3 A — V _ l' p z� P s Cl N e m O p A n Q o n c) n r K m K C) z a -r, _ n e � x m K A , a z I , I i n` 8 A • T 8 j M MAJOR MOpiFIEA i1 OH AT THE A Y A A �O $ e g e A g I I I s$ I t n` 8 RERMIT DRdwwDS FOR THE 8 j M MAJOR MOpiFIEA i1 OH AT THE PECOPO OPAW— W CO —EiEO COHST"I.l CWOPAw10 TO CI- PACTOAS AA ,. o,KA, RECOPOS. 1: ENVIROAMENTAL October 4, 2001 City of Rosemount 2875 West 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility- Major Modification Permit No. SW -383 To interested persons: SKB Environmental. Inc. (SKB) is proposing a major modification for the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility (Facility) permit number SW -383. This Facility, which is located in Rosemount, Minnesota, currently accepts non - hazardous Industrial Waste and Municipal Solid Waste Combustor Ash (Ash). As part of this modification request, SKB is proposing to add a Construction and Demolition (C &D) cell along with a C &D recycling/transfer station to the Facility, which will allow for processing of the waste prior to disposal. In addition, SKB is proposing to fill the "saddle" areas between the currently permitted cells. The three saddle areas, Industrial Waste, C &D waste, and Ash, will be filled to enhance the end use and aesthetics of the Facility. Currently, the Facility would be completed and closed with four large "pyramids" (Figure 3), which would greatly reduce the end use capabilities of the Facility. The C &D cell, Cell 5, will be located in the southeast corner of the Facility (Figure 4) and will contain approximately 5,763,000 yd of debris (including saddle area). The cell will be progressively filled in five phases, 5A -5E, with an anticipated completion date of June 2019 (Figures 4, 5, and Table 1). The bottom liner system of the cell will consist of a two -foot layer of clay (or equivalent synthetic or geosynthetic liner) overlain by a three - foot layer of protective /drainage sand. Upon closure, the cell will be capped with a 40- mil LLDPE synthetic liner overlain by two feet of cover soils. The C &D saddle area will be located between Cell 5 and Cell 3, and Cell 5 and Cell 2, forming a linear shaped saddle (Figures 4, 6, 8). The interface area of the C &D saddle, which overlies the Industrial Waste Cell 3, will have an 80 -mil HDPE liner (Figures 6 & 8). In addition, a new landfill entrance and waste acceptance area for C &D will be built in the northeast corner of the property. This C &D recycling/transfer station will be used for additional processing and waste acceptance screening prior to final disposal. 251 Starkey St. - P.O. Box 7216 - St Paul, MN 55107 651 - 224 -6329 - FAX 651 - 223 -5053 40 Printed on Recycled Paper. The Ash Saddle area encompasses the areas between Cell 4 and Cell 1 and between Cell 4 and Cell 3 forming an "L" shaped saddle (Figures 4, 6, 8). The total volume of this saddle is approximately 788,000 yd with an anticipated closure date of February 2021. The Ash Saddle would have a bottom liner consisting of a 2 -foot clay liner overlain by an 80 -mil HDPE liner (Figures 6 & 8). This bottom liner system would be in addition to the Industrial Waste liner system consisting of two foot of clay, a 60 -mil HDPE liner, an 80- mil HDPE liner, and two feet of drainage /protective sand, which is below the Ash Saddle. Upon closure, the Ash cell and saddle area would be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE synthetic liner overlain by two feet of cover soils (Figure 6 & 8). The Industrial Saddle will be located between Cell 2 and Cell 1, Cell 2 and Cell 3, and Cell 1 and Cell 3, forming a "T" shaped saddle (Figures 4 & 7). The total volume of the Industrial Saddle is approximately 962,000 yd with an anticipated closure date of December 2025. The Industrial Saddle would have the same bottom liner system as described above for the currently permitted Industrial Waste cells (Figure 7). After reaching closure, the Industrial saddle would be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE liner and the two feet of cover soils, which would tie into the liner over the other areas of the Facility (Figure 7). After the cells and saddle areas have reached their final elevations (Figure 2), a final soil cover system consisting of up to 10 -feet of soil will be placed over the entire fill area (Figure 1). This additional soil layer will be placed with rolling swales and undulations to better simulate a naturally occurring hill and limit the erosion effects associated with the steeper geometric slopes of a traditional landfill. The depth of this soil will also allow larger trees and vegetation to be planted over the fill areas creating a more natural shaped hill blending more appropriately into the surrounding areas. We believe that this modification will continue to allow SKB to be a significant part of the State of Minnesota's integrated solid waste system. In addition, the modification will allow for the creation of the most aesthetically pleasing end use of the Facility. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed modification please do not hesitate to call John Domke or myself at 651- 224 -6329. Sincerely, O William P. eegan, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer . , , f), I je- John Domke Vice President TABLE 1 ESTIMATED CLOSURE DATES .:.:.:.:.:. ... .. ... . ::::::.:::....:......:.. A1flli= . itiil _( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ......;..$F�4R7:#]ATE:x:COIVIPi Ti4N:: DAVE *:::::;iJLOS :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::: :: *... IR .DAY- rit:;: Cell 1 Cell 1 338,442 Dec. '92 Sept. '01 Sept. '01 Total: 338,442 Cell 2 Cell 2A Cell 2B 245,884 Feb. '99 May'02 May'03 Cell 2C 231,487 Aug. '00 May'02 May'03 Celt 2D 567,505 377,323 May'02 Oct. '03 Oct. '03 '04 Oct. '04 Total: 1,422,199 Nov. Nov. '05 ll 3 r3C 825,000 Nov. '04 Aug. '07 Aug. '08 g 825,000 Aug. '07 Ma 10 y � M ay'10 Cell 3D 825,000 May'10 Feb. '13 Feb. '14 Cell 3E 825,000 Feb. '13 Nov. '15 Nov. '15 Industrial Saddle 841,635 962,000 Nov. '15 Aug. '18 Aug. '18 '21 Aug. '18 Total: 5,103,635 Oct. Cell 4 Cell 4A Cell 413 148,209 Sep. '99 Jun. '05 Jun. '06 Cell 4C 281,967 Sep. '01 Jun. '05 Jun. '06 Ash Saddle 412,487 788,000 Jun. '05 Dec. '10 Dec. '10 '20 Dec. '11 Dec. Total: 1,630,663 ll 5 Cell F5C 1,000,000 Jun. '02 May'05 May'06 1,600,000 May'05 Mar. '10 Mar. '11 Cell 5D 1,100,000 Mar.'10 Jun. '13 Jun. '14 Cell 5E 800,000 Jun. '13 Oct. '15 Oct. '16 1,250,000 Oct. '15 Jun. '19 Jun. '2Q Total: 5,750,000 at: Ash:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 41::::.:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; :....:.........•....• , :............ . a#:liiid istrii31:: �11 ....... .::::::::::::::::::::.... rite ....................7,.,8Zf, [Fz�l :..... • • .:......:::::::::::;:.:.:.:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 276.......... : :: :: : ; : :•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•::•:::•::•:::::::::::•::::::::::::::.:.:.:.;.;. :: :: :::::::::::::•::::::.; : ;. :............•...•.... . :.:.:.;.;.;.;.;:::::::;:::::.:. .... . D:::::: ::: :::::::........:::::::::::::::: •. i1it ::f tat ::::::: :::::::::: :::::::;:;:::::::::;: . 4_ . 159. , �J39 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::•:::::.:•:. Dates were estimated based on 77,000 cy/yr of Ash; 300,000 cy /yr of Industrial Waste; and 350,000 cy /yr of C & D. Note: All incoming -waste volume estimates are subject to market conditions ♦ Saddle volume will be filled simultaneously with adjacent cells OCT.15.2001 3:06PM SKH NO. 592 P.2 /2 Here are definitions for Construction and Demotion debris. These definitions were synthesized from language contained in city, county, state, federal, and governing bureau/agency definitions of construction and demolition debris, Construction Debris is defined as building materials, packaging, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, and repair of buildings, roads, and other man -made structures including but not limited to earth, blacktop, concrete, brick, lumber, sheetrock, plaster, glass, insulation, and packaging, Demolition Debris is defined as solid waste resulting from the demolition of buildings, roads, and other man-made structures, including concrete, brick, bituminous concrete, untreated wood, masonry, glass, trees, rock, and plastic building parts. DdIniaons wrimmi by Ry-an O'Gara. SKB L�nvironmental, Inc. 93 Acv*Z Ce \\ 2 C e\\ y ( C a 0) Le t\ 5 = 5• ACr es /acres 1 2, A� 3'3. /-sc s '70'. _ -, . , O la � w :�. ��•�Ga�, �„� �� it ����'\\ ��P�„�" �o�l� ., o �M Y Q O X A � O N O N 0 r� z ° Ul m to o m o tz) m Ln a y ° o c to a s `r v y P.; K + + F v � LEGEN _)P of EXISTING SITE CONTOURS CROSS - SECTION LOCATIONS j � s t } s r _ J + + {� I I <� �" ,%t "• �� _„i .�.. �c����� Grp!' i LEGEND �\ TOP OF CELL CONTOURS i I XIIIIIIJG 1 1 - CONIOURS CROSS- SECTION LOCATIONS f LEGEND t / �t .t ° <�, l� APPROXIMATE PHASE LIMITS v � f� L ��i TOP OF CELL CONTOURS \\ EXISTING SITE CONTOURS 'CA Ef \4 S SKB ROSE MOUNT INDUSTRIAL W ASTE FAC ILITY FIGURE 4 ► t f PROPOSED SITE PLAN -- ote: 09/05/0I By:WpK Elevation C�2 � I ?j I In D V --i D m A U n A A O O N x In I >I In m m n A O z 1- 9 m r 7 r — m <n 1 to C�2 � I ?j REVISIONS / REMARKS ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA v Br A— a 0 CELL 5 PHASING PLAN Elevation D V V, S SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY R Elevation SECTION C 7DU ADDITIONAL SOIL FILL 950 940 pROPOSED INDUSTRIAL WASTE AREA . ' .. ; ' 940 930 'PROPOSED ASH SADDLE AREA RR000$ED 930 920 �C & D SADDLE AREA .. 920 910 �� A��` • _ _ q 900 \� _:: 910 0 \\ ORIGINAL CELL 3 900 0 890 \ 'PROPOSED C & D CELL _INDUSTRIAL WASTE AREA ggp v 880 ORIGINAL CELL 4 880 y w 870 ASH. AREA _'_.�� - 870 w 860 - _ -- - 860 850 —_— . 850 840 9 -27 -2000 AERIAL FLIGHT 830 - OE - EXISTING CONDITIONS. 840 820 830 820 8 . 1 0 o d1 810 u Q 3N z =z O F� U w zo � U) �o U) =z O y � U c Y ownr+c r+orro scua DRAWING NO. 6 d LINER LEGEND as o 9Y �b 3 -FT OF SAND Y 2 -FT OF CLAY 3 fi o G gop 2 -FT OF SAND 80 -MIL HOPE LINER S DRAINAGE LAYER 60 -MIL HOPE LINER 2 -FT OF CLAY z a a d 3 2 4T OF SAND 80 -MIL HOPE LINER DRAINAGE LAYER o d a d 60 -MIL HDPE LINER 3 -FT OF CLAY 80 -MIL HOPE LINER 2 -FT CLAY LINER . 40 -MIL LLDPE LINER X7 x 3 REVISIONS / REMARK3 > = SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY n ROSEN! UNT. MINNESOTA Dr DATE �z s 1 1 0 0 D o z � CROSS— SECTION MAP a o DanY S W C—LETED CGi11a 1IDH iuc .D couTaacTDas nuDiro Dvxcas 8w OnTF Elevation m- N m m m m m m m LD c0 i0 FO iD c0 t0 W A N OI V m D O 0+ 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 +00 Z 2 +00 C ' L r SZ 3 +00 r Nm 4 +00 � 5 +00 / j 6 +00 . Z A Z Z 7 +00 A A 8 +00 9 +00 O D ! I v 10 +00 � % °j Z5 11+00 c O jA j/ 12 +00 N ° D D >j 73 +00. �D m jam/ 14 +00 A u. j o 17 +00 - - 18 +00 19+00 zo +oo z1 +00 22 +00 23 +00 m N m m m m m m m° m co co m m m co W N O) m a oo ° 0 o °oo ° 0 Elevation X7 x 3 REVISIONS / REMARK3 > = SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY n ROSEN! UNT. MINNESOTA Dr DATE �z s 1 1 0 0 D o z � CROSS— SECTION MAP a o DanY S W C—LETED CGi11a 1IDH iuc .D couTaacTDas nuDiro Dvxcas 8w OnTF r z ° m O CO r I D � r Z F — — � O O m = 2 4 < S Z . Z A Z Z A A X7 x 3 REVISIONS / REMARK3 > = SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY n ROSEN! UNT. MINNESOTA Dr DATE �z s 1 1 0 0 D o z � CROSS— SECTION MAP a o DanY S W C—LETED CGi11a 1IDH iuc .D couTaacTDas nuDiro Dvxcas 8w OnTF Elev m a m m a m a m w 0+00 1 +00 2 +00 r 3 +00 a +00 5 +00 6+0 7 +00 8a00 9 +00 10 +0 11 +00 12 13 +0 14100 15,00 16 +0 17,0 £ `. i 21 +00 \ �� 23x0 2 - 00 25 +00 26 +00 27+00 '•� I z 28 +00 29 31 32+00, 33 +00 '�;: • -•.. •'. f •`.' p 34 +0 35 36+0 37 t I I I I I 39 +00 � 1 rb o 0 0 o o ElevationS 0 F 0 ° o .n i � 7 a A - - - - C7 D - SKR ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY REVISIONS /REMARKS � DD vrta cone: ur-, ,a,..., DMxN B wRVCxeD Br: M,Y, 2000 Dore: Z ROSEMOU NT. MINNESOTA o By DPIi Q . Br DPIE ��, fl, D.rP: 0 o RECORD ORPVINGS CDNrDPNIr✓G to CDNTPP [B CONPLClCD CONSIRUCSIDN TM PN —EPS z CROSS- SECTION MAP RECDRDS. Br OPIE v o D. Uses Pe itted by Interim Use rmit: 1. Spent bauxite i sal facility as an accessory use only. (Ord. B -13, 9-17 - 91) 2 -Per unercial outdoor recreation -(Ord. B -32, 9- 21 -93) 6.16: WM WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: This District is intended to accommodate waste industries and the inherent environmental problems associated with waste management. B. Uses Permitted by Interim Use Permit: 1. Nonhazardous industrial waste containment facility. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) 2. Construction Demolition Waste Facility subject to the following restrictions: a. Facility construction debris do not exceed 200,000 cubic yards of total permitted waste volume within the Rosemount Corporate Limits. b. The facility is developed, operated and maintained in accordance with an approved Interim Use Permit by the City of Rosemount and all other applicable local, state and federal laws. c. Permits for the facility by the State of Minnesota and Dakota County are pending or have received approval. (Ord. B -64, 6- 18 -96) 6.17:\ p PUBLIC AND INSTITUTICAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose d Intent: This Distric ' primarily intended to accommodate major public and titutional u sofa governmental, educational, cultural, recreational, pub ' se a and health care nature that serve the entire community. Wher lable, structures shall be serviced by the public sewer and wate ystems. B. Uses P itted by Right: All publi d institutional uses, facilities and St res. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) City of Rosemount Page 87 ,sue E/YY /R01YME/YTAL October 4, 2001 City of Rosemount 2875 West 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility Major Modification Permit No. SW -383 To interested persons: SKB Environmental Inc. (SKB) is proposing a major modification for the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility (Facility) permit number SW -383. This Facility, which is located in Rosemount, Minnesota, currently accepts non - hazardous Industrial Waste and Municipal Solid Waste Combustor Ash (Ash). As part of this modification request, SKB is proposing to add a Construction and Demolition (C &D) cell along with a C &D recycling/transfer station to the Facility, which will allow for processing of the waste prior to disposal. In addition, SKB is proposing to fill the "saddle" areas between the currently permitted cells. The three saddle areas, Industrial Waste, C &D waste, and Ash, will be filled to enhance the end use and aesthetics of the Facility. Currently, the Facility would be completed and closed with four large "pyramids" (Figure 3), which would greatly reduce the end use capabilities of the Facility. The C &D cell, Cell 5, will be located in the southeast corner of the Facility (Figure 4) and will contain approximately 5,763,000 yd of debris (including saddle area). The cell will be progressively filled in five phases, 5A -5E, with an anticipated completion date of June 2019 (Figures 4, 5, and Table 1). The bottom liner system of the cell will consist of a two -foot layer of clay (or equivalent synthetic or geosynthetic liner) overlain by a three - foot layer of protective /drainage sand. Upon closure, the cell will be capped with a 40- mil LLDPE synthetic liner overlain by two feet of cover soils. The C &D saddle area will be located between Cell 5 and Cell 3, and Cell 5 and Cell 2, forming a linear shaped saddle (Figures 4, 6, 8). The interface area of the C &D saddle, which overlies the Industrial Waste Cell 3, will have an 80 -mil HDPE liner (Figures 6 & 8). In addition, a new landfill entrance and waste acceptance area for C &D will be built in the northeast corner of the property. This C &D recycling/transfer station will be used for additional processing and waste acceptance screening prior to final disposal. 251 Starkey St. - P.O. Box 7216 - St. Paul, MN 55107 651 - 224 -6329 - FAX 651 - 223 -5053 %1 Printed on Recycled Paper. The Ash Saddle area encompasses the areas between Cell 4 and Cell l and between Cell 4 and Cell 3 forming an "L" shaped saddle (Figures 4, 6, 8). The total volume of this saddle is approximately 788,000 yd with an anticipated closure date of February 2021. The Ash Saddle would have a bottom liner consisting of a 2 -foot clay liner overlain by an 80 -mil HDPE liner (Figures 6 & 8). This bottom liner system would be in addition to the Industrial Waste liner system consisting of two foot of clay, a 60 -mil HDPE liner, an 80- mil HDPE liner, and two feet of drainage /protective sand, which is below the Ash Saddle. Upon closure, the Ash cell and saddle area would be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE synthetic liner overlain by two feet of cover soils (Figure 6 & 8). The Industrial Saddle will be located between Cell 2 and Cell 1, Cell 2 and Cell 3, and Cell 1 and Cell 3, forming a "T" shaped saddle (Figures 4 & 7). The total volume of the Industrial Saddle is approximately 962,000 yd with an anticipated closure date of December 2025. The Industrial Saddle would have the same bottom liner system as described above for the currently permitted Industrial Waste cells (Figure 7). After reaching closure, the Industrial saddle would be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE liner and the two feet of cover soils, which would tie into the liner over the other areas of the Facility (Figure 7). After the cells and saddle areas have reached their final elevations (Figure 2), a final soil cover system consisting of up to 10 -feet of soil will be placed over the entire fill area (Figure 1). This additional soil layer will be placed with rolling swales and undulations to better simulate a naturally occurring hill and limit the erosion effects associated with the steeper geometric slopes of a traditional landfill. The depth of this soil will also allow larger trees and 'vegetation to be planted over the fill areas creating a more natural shaped hill blending more appropriately into the surrounding areas. We believe that this modification will continue to allow SKB to be a significant part of the State of Minnesota's integrated solid waste system. In addition, the modification will allow for the creation of the most aesthetically pleasing end use of the Facility. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed modification please do not hesitate to call John Domke or myself at 651- 224 -6329. Sincerely, 4 William P. eegan, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Z �� i)lje John Domke Vice President Elevation � -� 0 +00 w 00 N CA 0 0 00 DO 00 cc DO OD l0 CD CD CD c0 (D (D 41 cn Cr �1 00 (D (D — ND W -P UT m 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 +00 2 +00 3 +00 4 +00 5 +00 6 +00 7 +00 8 +00 9 +00 10 +00 11+00 12 +00 13 +00 14 +00 15 +00 16 +00 17 +00 18 +00 19 +00 r m > 0 20 +00 r O Ln O K r 21+00- r r U) rT� D r a 22 +00 O Z D Ln F 23+00 r z m 24 +00 cf) 25 +00 26 +0@ on CD m to w1p, 00 w w CD N co m cfl co c0 co co 0 m-2 w 0 0- m w� C> M 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Elevation a ::55 d s SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY REVISIONS / REMARKS CADD PRO] CODE: ICA FI N AME : DRAWN BY: DATE: MAY. 2000 SURVEYED BY: DATE: O BY DATE BY I DATE Q. Z Z o ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA SURVEY DATA: RECORD DRAWING S OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION o CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS z >E � CELL 5 PHASING PLAN RECORDS. o o "' BY DATE Elevation IV W � U] CP �I CO Lo O — ND W � (j 0) 0 +00 O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O 1 +00 i 2 +00 O 3 +00 n F >n D 4 +00 ; A O 5 +00 m 6 +00 0 D = > C CD / /m 7 +00 /D A 8 +00 m ` D 9 +00 LO v 10 +00 �j M x N z C C O O m 11+00-- zo G7 �o D z A n m D r D C 12 +00 z n n r L/� r A M r r 13 +00 r _ � W D D f m p / 14 +00 m o A D / r 15 +00 / N O — 16 +00 ' ' _T, r r 17 +00 •� cn o D M 18 +00 m:o ` D 19 +00 20 +00 °• P O' ' C:)" 21 +00:. .."' 22 +00' m 23 +00 24 +00 25 +00 2 6+0 0 O N W 0 00 00 W CD co o, CD Cfl Q0 co CO Cfl CO ro w D Co N N M O M N N W L iV w A CD m -2 07 Co O iN w A UT m F O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O r n Z m Elevation n = o r> F o o r 0 0 0 0 C7 -� = m = m = m = m m 7 z m O D r m D m D F­ m r D m < m z D m < m z D z Z A r � r O { r m r O O F9 z z z z m m m m d REVISIONS / REMARKS CADD PROD CODE: C FILE NAME cen si eplm.tlsg DRAWN BY: DATE: MAY. 2000 e� > SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY 0. BY DATE 0. BY DATE SURVEYED BY: DATE: z ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' ° ° SURVEY DATA: Z o RECORD DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION ° ° o CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS z CROSS— SECTION MAP RECORDS BY DATE OD Co W W Co N W CJ� O Elevation W 00 00 CO CD co CD N) co cD c.0 J 00 O � N W UT m co O� J O +QQ -P O O O O -P O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 +00 z b 2 +00 o Dz 3 +00 n� � m Mr / M F- 4+00- > / 5 +00 m D 6 +00 / 7 +00 of � N J 8+00- X N � O � O Z O "m 9 +00 /O 10 +00 o D �r jo/ _ 1 1+00- 12 o j +00 ;:u %> > c� m 13+00- > m r m m r 14+00-- / �D U / m n 15 +00 j 16 +00 D ° o 0 17 +OQ D r / GO O 18 +00 r r 19 +00 20 +00 21+00 22 +00 23 +00 03 co G7 m \ rn w o cfl co co co co m co Iv Ca cn o __2 co co o N co P Cr o Elevation 41 N O IV L� > r p m r = m r = O m n b r � D b M N z r_ Z m r Z F7 Z m m � C7 REVISIONS / REMARKS CADD PROD CODE: cen_viaa.n.a g DRAWN BY: DATE: MAY, 2000 9 z SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY O. By DATE 0 . By DATE SURVEYED BY: DACE: SURVEY DATA: z ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' Z o RECORD GS NF COMPLETED CONSTRUC Q Q z 0 CROSS— SECTION MAP CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /DR OWNE ING TO RECORDS. o a Q BY DATE Elevation OJ Lo W 0 co OJ 0 W W CO W 0 O O V7 u) V 00 00 00 -• O +OOO N W m 00 0 O -+ N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m � O J O O ^y /l 1+00. �.' 6 2 +00 3 +0 4 +00 5 +00 Dz �1 xy 6 +00 v r A Dr 7 +00 8 +00 9 +00 I, � 10 +00 ° J 11 +00 X N ti O z o 47 D n m / 12 +00 o a a A oT o 13 +00 z z o z p 14 +00 o Z In ° o A c N m A G1 D Z A D 15 +00 p g r m D 16+00 D w m A D D A 17 +00 D 18 +00 r 19 +00 pz 20 +00 21 +00 0; 22 +00 c ' 23 +00 " 24 +00 25 +00 ,• 26 +00 _u 27 +00 m •A p 28 +00 30 +00 �.; o 0 31+00 :• n 1 ' 32 +00 33 +00 34 +00 , 35 +00 (/ r' 7 / 36 +00 37 +00 38 +00 r I--I 39 +00 40 +000 0 N Du O 0 0 0 0 OJ 0 CO OJ O O D c6 6 6 CO O �_ ti W O Tp N O N O N N A O W L N W L. CP M 0 O O N W -A CT O O O W 2 O O �_ I I O O O O O O O O O O O O Elevation r o n r o o Z m 3 o o 3 Z m o c �•-•� o L 1 A x x = x m < Z m r D Z m - Z D I �••/ A A Z m z m z z m m A A A A d REVISIONS / REMARKS CADD PROD CODE: cw suapN.n a.e DRAWN BY: DATE: MAY, 2000 r� a z SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY D. BY DATE O. BY DATE SURVEYED BY: DATE: : z ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA � � SURVEY DATA Z o RECORD DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED CONS7RUC71ON Q Q o CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS CROSS- SECTION MAP RECORDS. 0 0 o By DATE s� ENVIRONMENTAL October 31, 2001 City of Rosemount 2875 West 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility Major Modification Permit No. SW -383 To interested persons: SKB Environmental Inc. (SKB) is proposing a major modification for the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility (Facility) permit number SW -383. A proposal describing this modification was submitted by SKB to the City of Rosemount on October 4, 2001. Subsequently, two main issues have been raised regarding specifics of this proposal. The intent of this letter and the attached drawings is to address and clarify these issues. One of the issues related to access to the Facility and the associated traffic patterns. The current access and exit is through our main entrance on State Highway 55. According to MNDOT, the capacity of this highway is 20,000 vehicles per day (vpd) and it is currently operating at approximately 12,000 vpd. We feel that there are two periods during the day when the traffic is congested. The morning rush hour from 7:00 -8:30 AM and the evening rush hour from 4:00 -5 :30 PM. On average, SKB is proposing an additional 185 loads per day to the Facility. SKB would propose to have all trucks enter through our main gate and exit through our proposed exit onto 140th Street East during the peak hours, or as needed to help ease the congestion on State Highway 55. The main entrance has an existing right turn lane to handle the traffic entering the Facility. SKB has had conversations with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) and Dakota County to evaluate the proposed traffic patterns for the Facility and adjacent roadways. There is a general consensus that this proposed traffic pattern mentioned above is the most favorable means of easing the congestion on State Highway 55. The other issue related to the Recycling/Transfer Facility building and the specifics of its construction. To address this issue, SKB has developed a drawing of the proposed Recycling/Transfer Facility based on assumed traffic patterns and a typical design for the 251 Starkey St. - P.O. Box 7216 - St. Paul, MN 55107 651 - 224 -6329 - FAX 651 - 223 -5053 % Printed on Recycled Paper. Facility (Figure 20). The general concept (i.e. building size, placement, exterior aesthetics, etc) of the Recycling/Transfer Facility will remain basically the same, with the specifics (i.e. number and location of doors, push walls, etc.) likely being modified, in accordance with City ordinances, to accommodate the agreed upon traffic patterns. As mentioned previously, SKB believes that this modification will continue to allow SKB to be a significant part of the State of Minnesota's integrated solid waste system. In addition, the modification will allow for the creation of the most aesthetically pleasing end use of the Facility. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed modification please do not hesitate to call John Domke or myself at 651- 224 -6329. Sincerely, / William P. Keegan, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer John Domke Vice President 'SONOJ321 S83NMO 40 /ONV S8013tl81N00 01 ONM803NOO NOU:)nN1SNOO 03131d"OJ 30 SONIMVUO 080338 :viva A3A8nS 1 31v0 'AS a3A3ANn5 IOOZ'8300100 :31 VO ZBtlr :AS NMY80 reousismo of co—.,0% 610510 1 3003 rOHd OOVJ S)MY43H / SNOISIA3H A 3Sn 03AOtlddYNn 'S3IYODSSV B- 3VAO NVA V NlC JO IVAONddY WhiPJM 3H1 IrONLIA 03sn 30 LON AV it 3NOd3N3HL '3sn 3YON30 NDd LON ONY NOIL"I& 3IA33d$ V LOA 03d013A30 N339 SVH LOW= SA S1N3nn000 AD 3Sn3V 4y4IyU4I.. - 4J4 4UI6Ua - 4jUO.jp�4... A& a� uRAV tpq j Y J W F F x x x W x x x x x x W x x rc W W W W W W W W W W W W 0. G 3 Z O Ln 2 W o �> W O O O O O O N W O O O O O N N a Nz� N N O 16 m P Oa LL W dU l2 y� W� a W M � - _- W ~ O Z N h MOIJ OIJJVNI a3SOdo8d N ° Z 0 Z V10S3NNIYV' MOMS08 AlllloVd 31SVM jvj8jSnoNi 1WOMS08 -6 )IS s �: 3H1 I v NoI1VoiAoon 8orm 3H1 803 SJNIMVUG I rAb 3d 0-- N. N CD Z W mmi z z Z CL z LJ 0 o m � o N W - W N - .-- - - - - -r - N '> 959.000 E LEGEND EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION N EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING DEPRESSION EXISTING TREES EXISTING BUILDING I I 1 F EXISTING ROAD EXISTING FENCE EXISTING CULVERT 0-4S -0� EXISTING MONITORING WELL - - - - __- - - APPROXIMATE PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPOSED FACILITY FOOTPRINT VEHICLE DIRECTION FLOW N IN LOADING ---------- ------ -------- ------ ------------- TI FF -- =2 L) 92 0 A I OSLE)�. LOADI NG FROO I I Q. L L - - - - - - - 3:: - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1 -- L 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tT 1 991-01, 21'-0" .11 12 0' 0 " <,Oz M li RECYCLING FACILITY (FLOOR PLAN) NOT TO SCALE ... . ............. . 1 pll �II�I� �tlll � � � o� �� s� ; Iltl� 111111 WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION T WT 10 O 'w a 93 7 -vt? c - H '- t: =2 L) Z < Q. 3:: ' V'& K<V) 3c y :3- t. <,Oz M Ld Z Of 125 0 W-'�mcr 0. <8 8 w ct: c6 V) O 6 SCALE AS SHOWN SCOPE 10 OISO19 DRAWING NO. 20 EXISTING SITE FOR RECYCLING FACILITY 0 too 200' ii Nd R O 6 EXISTING SITE FOR RECYCLING FACILITY 0 too 200' ii