HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of August 15, 2001 Committee of the WholeROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AUGUST 15, 2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on August 15, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 221 of the Community Center. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Cisewski, Klassen, Edwards and Riley present. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director Jim Parsons, .Finance Director May, City Planner Pearson, Human Resources Coordinator Graff, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, and Police Chief Kalstabakken. Set Dates for Public Works Director Interview HR Coordinator Graff presented information regarding the on -going Public Works Director recruitment and asked Council to review dates for scheduling an interview time. Council settled on a date for Public Works Director interviews at 10 a.m. on Saturday,. . September 8` ". Interviews will be held at the Rosemount Community Center. Commercial Zoning District City Planner Pearson presented proposed revisions to the Commercial Districts in the Zoning Ordinance. Further discussion of the Commercial Districts resulted in the following direction to staff 1 . Hotels and B &B's shall be separated by a minimum of 300 feet from churches and schools in the Traditional Downtown Overlay District. This does not apply to the Dakota County Technical College. However, the Council may have to consider an amendment to the liquor licensing standards to deal with DCTC. 2. "Educational Services" will be a conditional use in the C -1, Community Commercial District. The list will include: arts & crafts, dance and self - defense. Staff will work on "similar" language. This item will be on Tuesday's Council meeting agenda. Sidewalk Policy Parks and Recreation Director Schultz presented background information regarding process for reviewing of sidewalk development plans. Currently no written policy for sidewalk review exists. Mayor Busho outlined the process as she understood it to be. Council directed staff to formalize this process into a written policy, making sure to indicate what the responsibilities of the developer are. Councilmember Klassen said that the underlying principle for the policy is that neighborhoods should be connected. A policy will be drafted by Parks and Recreation Director Schultz and then brought back to Council for further review. Boulevard Plantings Parks and Recreation Director Schultz presented background information regarding the question of how the City deals with boulevard trees. Councilmember Edwards asked for development of a policy that absolves the City of liability. Council also stated that if the width of the right of way along the boulevard is wide enough to provide for tree health then this is acceptable. However, if the right of way is too narrow to assure sustainability, trees should be moved back into the resident's lawn. The policy should also indicate who is responsible for costs incurred if the tree dies. A policy will be drafted by Community Development staff and then brought back to Council for further review. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AUGUST 15, 2001 Proposed 2002 Budget Finance Director May presented the revenue side of the proposed 2002 budget. May indicated that changes in the tax laws this year will make setting the budget very challenging. Council's deadline for setting the preliminary levy is September 15 th, , however, levy limit information from the County will not be forthcoming until after September 0. If action is not taken at the September 41h Council meeting, then Council must hold a special meeting in order to satisfy the deadline. There is the possibility that the City can petition for an extension, but the additional time is limited to 15 -30 days. Council indicated that they are reluctant to set preliminary numbers until they know what the levy limit will be. Therefore, Council directed May to follow a dual track: begin a request for an extension of the September 15 deadline and make plans to hold a special meeting on September 12' the day of the September. Committee of the Whole meeting, if Council has had the opportunity to review levy limit information. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paula A. Graff, Human Resources Coordinator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2001- . K