HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of February 6, 2001 Regular City Council MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, February 6, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Busho called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Cisewski, Riley, and Edwards. Also in attendance were City Administrator Burt, City Attorney LeFevere, Community Development Director Parsons, Parks & Recreation Director Schultz, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Water Resource Engineer Morris, Code Enforcement Officer O'Brian and Engineering Consultant Hutton. Mayor Busho opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no public comments or response to public comment. One item was added to the Consent Agenda: Hiring of Part-Time Parks & Recreation Receptionist. Consent Agenda Councilmember Klassen pulled Consent Agenda Item 6.c. Minutes of January 27, 2001 for discussion and City Administrator Burt added Item 6. j. Hiring of Part-Time Parks & Recreation Receptionist. MOTION by Edwards to approve the Consent Agenda removing Item 6.c. Minutes of January 27, 2001 for discussion and adding 6J. Hiring of Part-Time Parks & Recreation Receptionist. Second by Riley. Ayes: Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of January 16, 2001 Regular City Council Meeting b. Minutes of January 10, 2001 Work Session C. Minutes of January 27, 2001 Special Meeting(PULLED FOR DISCUSSION) d. Bills Listing e. Donation Account Expenditure for Parks & Recreation f. 2001 Solid Waste Hauler Licenses g. On -Sale Liquor Licenses on Public Premise for Community Center h. Hire Operations Coordinator for Parks & Recreations Dept. i. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing for Carrousel Plaza Townhomes Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 322 j. Hiring of Part-Time Parks & Recreation Receptionist (ADD -ON) Council Member Klassen further reviewed the minutes of the goal setting session of January 27 2001,and found them to be accurate. Consensus was to approve the minutes. MOTION by Klassen to approve the minutes of the special meeting of January 27, 2001. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen, Cisewski. Nays: None. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2001 PUBLIC HEARING: Improvements to Trunk Highway 3 from 145 Street to CSAH 42 C P 318 Mayor Busho explained the Public Hearing process which begins with an overview, then questions from Council and audience, then the Public Hearing is opened for public comment, then the public hearing is closed and City Council discusses what was presented. The City Clerk indicated that the affidavits of published and posted notice were on file. Engineering Consultant David Hutton from WSB Engineering reviewed the feasibility report for City Project 318. Hutton noted that the purpose of this public hearing would be either to assign and build this project or not. The project includes improvements to Trunk Highway 3 from 145 Street to CSAH 42, probably to be done in two phases. The first phase would be continuing the set streetscape . theme as done north of 145" Street West and make improvements to street and utilities down Highway 3 to 147 Street. The second phase would be from 147 Street to CSAH 42 which includes changing a rural ditch system to curb and gutter vdth storm sewer. The City will be looking toward a cooperative agreement with MnDOT for partial funding. A pond is suggested in the northwest corner lot of Highway 3 and CSAH 42 for storm water. The location and size of this pond will likely be changed when additional facts are gathered. The signal lights at 145 and CSAH 42 would be upgraded. Right turn lanes would be added at CSAH 42 which would create a need to change the railroad crossing arms. The streetscape would include brick pavers, sidewalk, and trees where appropriate. Overhead power lines would be buried. Hutton reviewed estimated costs and funding of the project with the overall cost at $3.8 million. The Assessment Policy sets out for an overlay project a 35% assessment at $66.56 per frontage foot and for reconstruction $82.16 per frontage foot. Council asked some clarification questions of Mr. Hutton. Mark DeBeittignies, 4125 153` Street West, asked about sidewalk cost from 147 Street to CSAH 42. Hutton noted these costs were not included in the $82 per FF. It would be about an additional $24.50 FF. Mayor Busho opened the Public Hearing for audience input. Peter Terry, Ace Hardware. 14635 South Robert Trail. Terry noted they were not against the basic elements of City Project 318. Most parts of it are appropriate and beneficial. However, Terry had strong concerns about removal of street accesses because it would be detrimental to their business. There has not been any traffic accidents in front of Ace Hardware in 23 years, so traffic safety can not be a reason for eliminating highway access. Terry implied that funding from MnDOT was dependent on fewer accesses when in fact there are no set requirements from MnDOT to receive funding. Terry said that the timing and funding are not right for this project. Steve Casey, 15455 Danville Avenue. Casey agreed «ith most parts of the project. His concern was the placement of the street accesses. The accesses are so close together that sharp turns are necessary which cause sight line problems. Casey noted that there are no legal agreements for shared parking with any of the local businesses. The traffic report recently done indicated 3.9 accident incident per year. Casey figured that would take 4,197,000 trips for 2 -3 accidents. This is incredible safe traffic. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2001 Casey requested careful placement of trees on the boulevard so as not to cover store fronts or signage. Also, maintenance of the plantings are questionable. Brick pavers require more maintenance as well. Sarah Dostel, 14605 South Robert Trail, Shenanigan's. Dostel was concerned about accesses being removed creating less parking. Dostel noted that a face lift to the area is good but questioned how much of it was necessary. There is very little if any pedestrian traffic now. Dostel said that society now is convenience centered, easy in and out is necessary for a business to succeed. Joanne Cope, 14717 Danville Avenue West, owns business rental next to KWIK Trip. Cope recalls that the PUD for their property did not allow sidewalk along Highway 3. Cope noted that she and most other residents do not walk for shopping downtown but drive. Cope asked why design a pedestrian friendly downtown when everyone drives? Jean Boche, 12845 Bengal Avenue, owners of Dakota Engraving, 14525 South Robert Trail. Bocke asked to save tax dollars by taking out some of the decorative elements of the project. Boulevard trees need better trimming and they don't seem to develop well. Brick pavers can't be seen from moving vehicles. The street lights on the north end of the project are too close together. Boche would like to see half the lights with no trees or brick pavers. More efforts should be made by the City to bring new businesses in. Parking is in short supply and more is needed because there isn't any pedestrian shopping going on here now. Even the Rosemount Town Pages noted in an article that there was no one walking around at 147 and Highway 3. Removing the sidewalk from the project would save $213,000. John Fran, ED Enterprizes, Kenrose Mall owner. Fran was concerned about closing street accesses because it would be more difficult to exit because of the sharp turn necessary and limited view. Fran also noted that loosing 4 — 8 parking space would impact the businesses in the mall. Greg Fluegel, 15673 Crystal Court, represented Fluegel's Elevator Inc., 14700 South Robert Trail. Fluegel has been a resident for 40 years. Fluegel's is considering expanding to the south and access onto Highway 3 would be needed. Fluegel asked that the city coordinate with their development. Fluegel questioned why the improvements need to continue all the way down to CSAH 42? Thomas Terry, 15711 Chasewood Court. Terry noted that re- vitalization is good. The city should identify the healthy and strong businesses and assets and then build upon them. To remove any street access is an eliminate of the project that is injurious to healthy and strong businesses. Don Ratzlaff, 14630 South Robert Trail, 66 Station. Ratzlaff noted his business has been home for 37 years. He reminded city staff that all the downtown businesses rallied around the change to a three lane highway a few years ago. Ratzlaff said the highway should have 5 to 7 years more life in it, so why rebuild it now? Ratzlaff witnessed the reconstruction of Highway 3 back in the 40's, then it was Highway 218. He remembered they dug down 11 feet, so how could there be a need now to remove bad soil? Ratzlaff reported that it is very difficult to cross traffic on Highway 3 because it is very busy. Ratzlaff felt his business would be de- valued if a street access was closed. K3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2001 John Ryan, Genz -Ryan Plumbing, 14745 South Robert Trail. Ryan asked what would be done with snow when removal was necessary? There doesn't appear to be enough room on the sidewalk to leave it there. Ryan noted one newspaper article where a new resident said he didn °t care what happened to the downtown. And there are many others likely that are detached from the downtown area. Ryan said we are not that kind of a community, but it is changing. He referred to the movie "Field of Dreams ", if we build a pedestrian friendly downtown, it doesn't mean that "they will come." Ed McMenomy, 14450 South Robert Trail. McMenomy was pleased with the improvements made north of 145 Street West last fall. McMenomy inspected the Kenrose /Shenanigan's parking lot and thought it best to leave the accesses as is. Possibly waiting for a future time when re- development of the block is called for and the population is up to 34,000 and the market is there. McMenomy noted that there is no room for sidewalks and snow removal. McMenomy suggested considering a task force for finding common ground and further input. MOTION by Busho to close the public hearing Improvements to Trunk Highway 3 from 145 Street to CSAH 42, C.P. 318 at 9 "07 p.m. Second by Edwards. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mayor Busho noted that the public hearing had a good discussion of many major points. Council Member Edwards commended the citizens for participating. Edwards did note that at no time was street access sold as some had commented. MOTION by Council Member Riley to table City Project 318 for further information. No second. Motion was withdrawn. MOTION by Edwards to order plans and specifications for the entire project and direct staff and consultants regarding project phasing and financing. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klasen, Cisewski, Busho. Edwards. Nays: Riley. Motion carried. Engineering Consultant Hutton reviewed a time schedule and will include meetings - ,Kith residents. It will be determined how to phase the project and bid both phases at the same time. Preliminary drawings will be ready in March. Motion by Edwards for a 10 minute recess. Second by Busho. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. Motion carried. The meeting was reconvened at 9:25 p.m. Proposed Fee Amendments City Administrator Burt showed suggested changes to the annual fee resolution as reviewed by the City Attorney to insure collection of trunk area assessments. This would apply to Appendix I, 4.B.,C. and D. as follows: Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2001 plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to the sanitary sewer system/water system/issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for use of any property. Building Official Kaehler believes that all window replacements in residential housing needs an inspection to insure they are installed correctly. Staff requests that a fee of 447.50 be required for window replacement of the same size. If the window size is altered, this would be based on project cost. The weekday fees (Sunday - Thursday) were missed for an increase for 2001 for the auditorium with the banquet room and adjoining lobby in Appendix II. Class 2 was increased from $225 to $300, Class 3 — from $275 to $350, and Class 4 — from $550 to $600. MOTION by Edwards to add additional language to pages 5, 6, and 7 for Trunk Area Assessments, Appendix I; and add a fee of $47.50 for window replacement on page 16 of Appendix I; and increase Weekday Fee for use of the auditorium with the banquet room and adjoining lobby on page 3 of Appendix II; for the 2001 Fee Resolution. Second by Cisewski. Ayes: Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards, Klassen. Nays: None. Motion carried. City Code Amend ments for Clarification of Parkine/Storae-e Code Enforcement Official Sheila O'Brian presented proposed changes to the ordinances after the City Council had discussed it at a Committee of the Whole. This restricts vehicles for sale on public property or publicly zoned property; defines a commercial vehicle as a truck, truck- tractor , semi- trailer, van or bus having a licensed gross weight over 9,000 pounds; 48 hour parking in commercial districts; and a definition of a junked vehicle. This is considered the "first reading" of these ordinance changes and it will be brought back for council approval on the consent agenda at the next regular meeting. Amendment to Chapter 4 of the City Code, Section 5 -4 -1, Composting Water Resource Engineer Alyson Morris presented composting regulations which will allow residents to participate in a county- sponsored composting project. Backyard composting will divert organic waste from landfills. This will be added to the Rosemount City Code book. This is considered its "first reading" and it will be brought for council approval on the consent agenda at the next regular meeting. Mayor Busho adjourned the meeting at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2001 -05. 5