HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Stormwater Management Plan Updatef' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 20, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Stormwater Management Plan Update AGENDA SECTION: Department Head Reports PREPARED BY: Bret Weiss, Interim City Engineer AGEND ATTACHMENTS: Work Plan from WSB & Associates, Inc. APPROVED The Utility Commission has been working through stormwater issues related to the July, 2000 storm since last July. Through this process it was determined that the Stormwater Management Plan should be updated to address policy and financial issues that are facing the City in regard to stormwater. Because of Rosemounts rolling terrain, providing positive outlets to the City's numerous ponds is very expensive. Further, the financial analysis of how these improvements will be funded is not currently based on the available developable property. These and many other policy issues need to be addressed to better set the course for how the City deals with stormwater into the future. This work plan involves significant policy development that should involve the City Council, but will help serve the City's goals for stormwater management. The Utility Commission has recommended moving forward with the update and is requesting Council authorization. The financial analysis is proposed to be completed by Springsted and will include a 20 -year financing plan and a recommendation for short and long -term trunk and utility fees. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE WORK PLAN AS ADAPTED AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FROM STORM SEWER UTILITY OR CORE FUND. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 ?1 iV1ir s A I a 763 February 5, 20001 Rosemount Utility Commission and Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Re: Work Plan Associated with Update of City's Stormwater Management Plan WSB Project No. 1275 -00 Dear Utility Commission Members and Honorable Mayor and City Council: As requested by the Utility Commission at theirmeeting on January 8, 2001, outlined below is a work plan that outlines the activities associatedwith updating selectedportions of the City's Stormwater Management Plan. The tasks associated with this work plan are focused on: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Updating the City's policies regarding storm water management. Providing a detailed review and analysis of the flood problem areas not previously addressed and developing proposed solutions. based on updated City policies.' Updating the City's trunk storm water drainage system design and layout to reflect the updated policies and allow for the construction of proj ects that address drainage needs throughout the City in the future. Updating the costs associated with the future construction of the trunk storm drainage system. Developing a fundh*financing plan that will assurethe City has adequate financial resources to construct, in a timely manner, the future trunk system improvements that are necessary. Developing an implementation plan. Outlined below, please find a more detailed description of the work plan. Task 1: Update the City's policies regarding storm water management: As part of this task, WSB will review the policies and design standards that were utilized to develop the City's current Storm Water Management Plan and define whether or not those standards are currently adequate to meet the City's needs. As part of this effort, policies will be presented to the Commission and/or Council that outline options for managing water quality, water quantity, storm water runoff volumes, the funding of improvements, and other related issues. Trade -offs will be discussed concerning the benefits and impacts associated with increasing discharge rates, decreasing discharge rates, acquiring storm water storage are;, purchasing property and/or homes as opposed to building improvements to protectmuc=es. Policies regarding how the City should address the loss of vegetation aroundponding systems and other related issues will also be defined Minneapolis - S_ C oud - Equal Opportunity EmFioVT�W1275- 00\020701 tail comethmc.wpd Rosemount Utility Commission and Honorable Mayor and City Council February 5, 2001 Page 2 Task 2: Provide a detailed review and analysis of the flood problem areas not previously analyzed and develop proposed solutions based on updated City policies: Once the City Council's and Utility Commission's perspectives regarding storm water management policies are formulated, an updated analysis ofthe City's flood problem areas will be undertaken, paying specific attention to addressing the flood problem areas in light of the updated policies. Task 3: Update the City's trunk storm water drainage system design and layout to reflect the updated policies and flood problem area analyses: Based on the updatedpolicies and analysis of problem areas, the trunk system design and layout will be updated as necessary to reflect existing and future needs for the City. Task 4: Update the costs associated with the future construction of the trunk storm drainage system: The costs associated with constructing the future segments ofthe trunk drainage system will be estimated as part of this task. Task 5: Develop a funding/financing plan that will assure the City has adequate financial resources to construct future trunk system improvements that are required in a timely manner: Based on the costs developed in Task 4 that are associated with the construction of the trunk drainage system, and the development of a plan that will specify when the various improvements will be constructed, a funding/financing plan will be prepared with the assistance ofthe City's financial consultant. This plan will identify the specific sources of revenue that will be utilized to fund the various capital improvements and/or maintenance costs, as well as identify to what extent bonding will be needed to implement these improvements. Task 6. Develop implementation plan: As part of this task, information developed from Tasks 1 through 5 will be compiled and summarized In addition, the implementation plan will clearly define or outlinethefollowing: A prioritized listing ofthe projects that will need to be constructedthroughout the City of Rosemount between now and when it is fully developed. Preliminary estimate of cost for each of these projects. The anticipated date for which the prof ect is anticipatedto be constructed and/or the activities that would need to be undertaken to trigger the need for the project. F: \WPWM1275- 00\020701 utilcommhmcwpd Rosemount Utility Commission and Honorable Mayor and City Council February 5, 2001 Page 3 • A description ofhowthe City intends to address drainage problems m areas for which capital improvement projects are not able to be constructed in the short term. • The revenue sources and financing plan for the implementation of these projects. The cost associated with the preparation of the information outlined above is estimated at $45, 740. A breakdown of the hours and costs associated with this. work plan is attached, along with an anticipated schedule for completion of this work. We look forward to discussing this work plan with you further. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (763) 287 -7188. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Vice President nm FAWPVMAI2 00\020701 util comet hmc wpd t City of Rosemount Stormwater Management Plan Update Estimate of Cost Project Principal pproxtmate $99 Task Estimated Hours Billing Rate Subtotal 40 $0 Project Principal 40 $99 $3,960 Project Manager $83 $0 Project Engm $72 $0 Engineering Tecbni ' 20 $65 51.300 Project Principal 60 $99 $99 $5,940 Project Mang 40 $0 $83 $3,320 Project Engineer $0 Engineering Technician $72 $0 Engineering Technician 60 40 $65 $3,900 subtotal 160 1 Project Principal $13,160 4 $5,940 Project Manager $83 $0 Project Engineer $72 $0 Engineering Techni ' $65 Project Principal 411 60 $99 $3,960 Project Mang 40 $83 $3,320 Project Engineer $72 $0 Engineering Technician 40 $65 $2,600 Subtotal 120 $9,880 X 20 Project Principal $99 $1,980 Project Manager 20 $83 $1,660 Project Eagin $72 $0 En ' eerie Teclmici 60 $65 $3,900 subtotal 80 1 17 sIn Project Principal 40 $99 $3,960 Project Mgt $83 $0 Project Engineer $72 $0 Engineering Technician $65 $0 Subtotal 40 $3,960 . _., >� w Project Principal 60 $99 $5,940 Project Manager $83 $0 Project Engineer $72 $0 Engineering Techni ' $65 $0 Subtotal 60 $5 ESTIMATED PROJECT HOURS & COST 520 $45,740 W: 001CostEst020501 /Cost Est City of Rosemount Stormwater. Management Plan Update Schedule WA 275- 00 /CostEW20501 rrimellne