HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. St. Joseph and Education Center Development ConceptIT 6191 A l b ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 14375 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 -4946 NON - PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID Rosemount, MN 55068 Permit No. 15 A BUILDING PROG' FOR ST. JOSEPH PAR Over the years, the following people have participated in one or more planning activities related to this building project. BUILDING COMMITTEE Liz Adams ............................ 651 - 463 -7676 David Berg ........................... 651 - 423 -7397 Fay Connors ...........................952 - 322 -2732 Donald & Rita Corrigan ............. 651 - 423 -2825 Joseph Duffy ..........................651 - 423 -4823 Bruce Falkenberg .....................612 - 432 -9047 Craig Francois .........................651 - 322 -4611 James Friend ...........................952 - 432 -1924 Deborah Goettig ......................952 -431 -7783 Jean Heinen ...........................651 - 423 -1573 Fr. Tom Hill .......................... 651 - 423 -4402 Janet & Phillip Holmes .............. 651- 423 -3425 Thomas Joseph ........................ 952 -898 -2634 Paula Krekelberg ..................... 651 - 423 -5759 Ann Loch .... ...........................952 - 423 -3754 Kelly Lord ........................... 651 - 423 -1234 Michael & Sarah Mardell............ 952- 423 -3332 Gary Mitchell ........................ 651 -423 -4402 Fr. Jim Notebaart .................... 612 - 824 -7606 Dennis & Joyce Quy .................. 952 -423 -1947 Jodie & Wayne Rychwalski....... 952- 423 -4866 Joanne Varey ...........................651 - 423 -2783 Sheila Wandersee ...................... 651 - 423 -4172 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Richard Brand ........................ 651 - 463 -8314 Thomas Hannasch ...................... 952 -322 -4236 Jeffrey Hawkins .......................651 - 455 -2865 James Herrick .........................651 - 452 -1090 Fr. Tom Hill .......................... 651 - 423 -4402 Gary Mitchell ........................ 651- 423 -4402 Theresa Palmersheim .................952 -688 -2451 Connie & Timothy Ring .............651- 688 -0608 Karen Rynerson ....................... 651 - 423 -4354 Mary Beth Snyder..... - - - 952-454-4803 Jim Wilson ........ ...................651 - 322 -5958 Other Groups involved in this project include the Parish Council, Finance Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, Education Committee, Worship Committee and Stewardship Committee. "...WE SHAPE OUR BUILDINGS. THEREAFTER. THEY SHAPE US. ° This booklet has been paid for through a generous contribution for this purpose from a parishioner. GROWING IN FAITH WINDOWS TO OUR PAST THROUGH THE ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS W ho could have imagined all that has happened since St. Joseph Parish was created in 1856? Those pioneers were rimaril ■ ■ Archbishop Flynn has inaugurated a $115 million campaign — Growing in Faith. Funds realized through this p primarily concerned with the harsh realities of daily life — clearing the land feeding appeal will enable the Archdiocese to address the challenges of an ever - increasing and more diverse populace the family and surviving the winter. They were sustained by their faith, and passed this commitment along in the Twin Cities and surrounding area. The Growing in Faith campaign will help to ensure the future to their children. financial stability of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, as we continue to provide quality Catholic Education, evangelization and pastoral care for those in need. From the beginning, St. Joseph's has been the parent church for Catholics in this area. The original 150 families — mostly Irish farmers and merchants — made major personal sacrifices to build our first church in St. Joseph Parish has made a commitment to support this special appeal. Therefore, a portion of our First Phase Building Campaign proceeds will be devoted to this purpose. Our share is $602,000, which will be 1868, while circuit - riding priests like Fr. Felix Tissot served Catholics from Wabasha to Rochester to Eagan. fulfilled over the next three years. WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY St. Joseph Parish is launching a special building fund appeal. The initial campaign goal is $10.9 million in outright gifts and pledges. Members and friends will be asked to make a sacrificial financial commitment that is over and above ongoing weekly or monthly stewardship support. Some people will be able to make an outright gift right away. Others will decide that it works best for them to spread their building fiend pledge over the next three years. 0 ur present church space comfortably seats 450. Weekend masses are held in the church and in the gymnasium. Even the most conservative population projections tell us this "make do" situation cannot last long. New home construction in this area projects an influx of almost 3000 families. Many of them will be Catholic. From the beginning of the planning process, our members have said that our worship space should present a welcoming and identifiable image as a Roman Catholic Community to all people, and to provide a setting of beauty which fosters a sense of mystery, prayerfulness, and a reverence as a holy place. Features: Some of the stained glass windows from our present church will be relocated to the new church. Our new church will comfortably seat 1200 in pews with kneelers. Other improvements include air conditioning, better acoustics and an easily accessible location with parking for 400 cars. Gifts of Cash. Remember that outright gifts — made now — are very important as this building project is being finalized. Money on hand reduces the amount that must be borrowed to pay contractors and other building vendors. The building committee wants to increase the cash reserve as quickly as possible. We gather to worship, to learn and to share Christian fellowship. While St. Joseph's present gathering area has served us well, it is no longer large enough or flexible enough to provide space for our growing ministries and activities. Our new church will offer an expanded gathering area at the main entrance. Immediately adjacent to the worship space, this gathering area will greatly improve opportunities for welcoming and hospitality. People will be able to visit with each other before and after Mass. This space can also provide room for many other functions, including visitation before funerals, small receptions, staging for processions and much more. Features: A service kitchen for hospitality and special events, handicap accessible main floor rest rooms with changing stations and a convenient drop -off area at the main entrance. St. Joseph's urgently needs more rooms for parish volunteers and groups to meet. We will also benefit from increased interaction with our hometown. Each year we open our doors to public service activities and community groups. There is much more we can do in terms of outreach to those in need, educational programs, immunization clinics and social events. Our young people are asking for a designated space where they can meet in a wholesome Christian atmosphere, where they can socialize and organize efforts in community service. Our growing Youth Group is excited about the new opportunities for retreats, outreach projects, social activities, and working with parish ministries. An expanding, diverse membership requires professional ministry and office staff to properly serve all that choose to be here with us. Offices are currently scattered in several locations. This widely separated administrative function is inefficient in terms of communication and duplicated services or equipment. We have an excellent staff. These people want to be of the greatest help to all that visit our parish. They can do so most efficiently in a consolidated administrative work area. Features: A large, flexible, multi - purpose space can be subdivided to accommodate groups of various sizes. The multi - purpose space can also be used for Sunday School classes. Features: First phase construction will provide ministry and administrative staff. The office wing visible, easily accessible offices for the pastor, will be located directly off the main entrance. T he first phase of the building plan encompasses a new church, gathering area, offices, meeting rooms, educational space, multi - purpose activities space and outdoor recreational fields. Future phasing will include a day chapel, expansion of the educational space with a gymnasium, as well as dedicated rooms for science, computers, art and music. Other longer -term options may include a Senior Center and senior housing. Phase 1 A new church, gathering area, offices, meeting rooms, educational space, multi - purpose activities space and outdoor recreational fields. < ENTRY I0005F Im 5F CL I'm F L o w e r L e v e I 1�l�5}y — �T� / YV f3R3HIP P A,71 F ENTRY 5r�3 r1AAe` , 005, Eff MECHANICAL pl ' <xrt)SF GATHERING W ss.....:.� _.r LJ �` TOILET MULTI- PURPOSE/ 51°A MEETING TOILET LARGE Igoe sF TOILET T5T LIBRARY/ LO MEETING COMMONS _ MEETING'. ImSF TS ORA6E TOILET CLASSROOM "m,F CLA55ROOM 8285E CLASSROOM 8205E < ENTRY I0005F Im 5F CL I'm F L o w e r L e v e I 1�l�5}y — �T� / YV f3R3HIP P A,71 F ENTRY 5r�3 GATHERING pl <xrt)SF W ss.....:.� _.r LJ AECE+noN OPEN OFFt[E MEETING PASraA TOILET T5T MEETING , ;Sass MEETING'. i 2,tx 5F PASTOR TOILET a,TH L ` � PASTgtAL - M STER AUSINES tSTER IS AGIST Ir ADM orna Mh5'A IT ORMARON WOAIWQOM MEETING I2 "a SF MEETING i 2.^Nr SF i MEETING t2m 5F M a i n L e v e I W e are acquiring about 30 acres situated between Connemara Trail and Biscayne Avenue. BWBR Architects have prepared a site plan, conceptual sketches and a preliminary floor plan. It is important to note that these are only preliminary concepts at this point — subject to revisions as individual areas and items are evaluated. The site plan is shown here only to give the reader an overview of the project's scope. Many specific details still must be worked out. Updated concept drawings will be provided as planning proceeds. Site Master Plan Phases 1 & 2 on about 30 acres of land north of Biscayne Point, on the east side of Biscayne Avenue C a � e m a G o � Entry /Exit Pond Exit Only a Pa m Entry /Ex Educati Center Y P Future Development App.6 Acres Softball /Elementary School Baseball Fields i T R e s i d e n t i a l D e v e l o p m e n t In an average week, some 1,800 people of all ages utilize our present Education Center. The current school enrollment is 230 in grades K -8, with a waiting list. Faith Formation enrollment is 750 students in grades 1 -10. There are approximately 100 adult catechists. The present Center is overcrowded and over - booked. Outstanding cooperation and support from parents, teachers and volunteers have kept these programs running up to this point, but something must be done. We must address the crowded conditions, the need for more liberal arts space, problems with accessibility for handicapped children and the growing need for adult faith formation facilities. Features: First -phase construction includes educational space that could accommodate the lower grades in our five -day school, as well as our faith formation programs, including Sunday pre - school. The interim step of creating these classrooms at the new site will allow for additional space for these educational programs. Athletic fields at the new site can be shared with the community. THE MASTER- PLAN 0 ver several years, many members have worked with church planners, architects and others. Visits have been made to various prospective building sites, as well as to other parishes that have recently completed building programs. Much prayer, study, listening and discussion have gone into determining what is best for our parish. One critical concern has been the logistics of scheduling sufficient masses each weekend to accommodate our growing congregation. Another is the critical shortage of adequate meeting space for parish groups. A third concern is the urgent need to provide more room for education, administrative offices and volunteer The Planning Committee carefully examined all possibilities, including (1) new construction at the present site, (2) a split campus, and (3) new site and new campus. Growth expectations led to the inescapable conclusion that St. Joseph's would be best served by a new campus — church, administration /meeting rooms /hall, education center — at a new location. 4 ""�