HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Commission By-LawsCITY OF ROSEMOL NT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE: April 11, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Commission By -Laws AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGEN �, is ; z ATTACHMENTS: Draft Selection Policy, By -Laws, Job APPROVED BY: Description/Qualifications, Resolution for Port Authority, Sample Application Forms _ 5 f Staff seeks council direction on the updating of all commission by -laws and the selection policy. The documents have been marked with strike through for recommended removal of language and underline where additional language is recommended. Please review the attached documents for changes and further input. Samples of Lakeville's and Eagan's commission application form are also included for your review. NOTES: I Policy AD -1 Page 1 May 16, 2000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE POLICY NUMBER PROPOSED BY DATE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATE AMENDED BY CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE SELECTION POLICY AD -1 ADMINISTRATION December 3, 1991 Ala 10 2000 April 17, 2001 PURPOSE The City of Rosemount wants to assure equal and open access to the selection process for all City Council appointed standing Commissions and Committees. This policy will set a regular and formal recruitment and selection process for eligible applicants to all City Council Commissions and Committees. It will provide applicants for Citizens Advisory Commissions and Committees with basic information on the application procedures and the appointment process. POLICY This policy will provide guidelines governing the application procedure and the appointment process for Citizens Advisory Commissions and Committees. The commissions and committees shall be advisory bodies to the City Council, charged with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on related issues. PROCEDURE 1. All persons making application to the City Council for a position on a Citizens Advisory Commission or Committee shall be residents of the City of Rosemount. 2. Persons interested in being considered for appointment or- r-ea}p to a City Commission or Committee shall complete an "Application for Appointment to City Committee /Commission" form furnished by the City. Submit a letter of interest. The letter will identify which commission they are seeking appointment existing and past volunteer service or other pertinent information that shows their qualifications for the appointment 3. Appointments to °xpir -e' to shall be made annually by the City Council at their first regular meeting in April. Terms shall run from April to March. All members, regular and alternate, shall be appointed to tefm s as desig% to .,beve a one year term however, the term may be terminated early by the Council. Compensation for members shall be set by the City Council. Policy AD -1 Page 2 4. When an individual's regular employment and current activities appear to cause a conflict of interest with the business of a City commission or committee for which the individual has applied, the individual shall divulge such apparent conflict in writing prior to consideration for appointment. Prior to making an appointment, the City Council shall determine whether the apparent conflict of interest would preclude the applicant from effectively taking part in the affairs of the City commission or committee. 5. Anyone already holding an elective county, state, or federal office shall not be eligible to serve in a regular voting position on any of the City commissions or committees. 6. No permanent full -time or part-time City of Rosemount staff employee shall hold a regular voting position on any commission or committee except that a staff member may serve as an ex- officio member. 7. An effort shall be made to have a diversity of professions and occupations represented on all commissions and committees and, as a general guideline, at no one time should one -third of any one commission or committee be comprised of individuals of like professions or occupations. As a general guideline, the members of each commission/ committee should be comprised of members representing a wide range of civic groups and interests. 8. Attendance at the meetings of these advisory bodies is critical to their effectiveness; therefore, missing three consecutive meetings or attendance at less than 75% of the meetings in a six -month period will cause the committee /commission chairman to review the nature of the absences and, pending the outcome of that review, it may be necessary to forward a recommendation to the City Council that the member of the committee /commission be removed for poor attendance. In the event an absence cannot be avoided, commissioners shall notify the City Gler- Chair or staff liaison in advance. 9. Commissions filled for mid -term vacancies shall complete the year term. 10. Commission/committee members may be removed by the City Council at any time when, in the judgment of the Council, the public welfare will be promoted by such removal. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Ninety days prior to the expiration of commission terms each year, the Council shall be advised of the pending vacancies and the attendance record of the individuals whose terms are expiring. should these individuals be eligible fef r-eappointiment. Should the individuals Mer-it reappe Upon the decision of Council to reappoint those persons will be contacted to determine if he /she wishes to seek reappointment. New ., s a be e p b t h e If there is a vacancy, Council will a6e announce to the general public the vacancies on the City Commissions at least sixty days prior to the expiration of commission terms each year and applications will be accepted from all interested citizens of Rosemount. Prior to the expiration of commission terms, the City Council will meet to review all applications and interview applicants, aftFluding ine mben* b h ose + a L _ , to seek reappointment. The qualifications of the members of the commissions shall be those who in judgment of the Council are representative of the community and are qualified by training, experience and interest useful for the fulfillment of the Commission's responsibility. l7 Policy AD -1 Page 3 EFFECTIVE DATE This policy will go into effect the day following its adoption by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota. • Policy AD -1 Page 4 A COMMISSION MEMBER'S CODE As a commission member, I believe that the primary purposes of a commission as advisory boards to the City Council, are to achieve effective and wise guidance of the City through group thinking and action, to raise the standards of commission membership and to improve the level of services to the community which supports it. I realize that mine is a community trust, that I represent all the people and that I have a duty to the community as well as to the commission I pledge myself. Therefore, to cultivate an "educated heart" so that I may be sensitive to my obligations and relationships in this trusteeship, I subscribe to the code of an ethical person, remembering that ethics refers to what a person is morally obliged to do or not to do in a given situation. I believe that commission service can be an expression of democratic citizenship, signifying a willingness to accept community responsibility and the charge to preserve popular control of American public services. Respecting the dignity and worth of the individual, I shall base my relations with people on their qualities as individuals without distinction as to race or creed or gender or color or economic or social status. I believe that a person's greatest possession, as well as his/her greatest contribution to society, may lie in the ways in which he /she differs from me, rather than in the ways in which we are similar. I shall accept these differences and try to build a useful relationship upon them. I uphold the principles of my organization, recognizing and assuming my responsibility to establish and administer the best possible program and policies for my commission. I shall learn its programs and objectives, give to it a fair share of my time and personal abilities, keep a community wide perspective knowing that, for sound community service, my commission's work must be coordinated with the total community. I promise to be loyal to my own organization and a good neighbor to other agencies. My attitude shall be one of cooperative open- mindedness and objectivity. In carrying out my assignments, I shall be professional in realizing that it is not possible to lay down absolute rules for all situations. I shall be willing to think things through with the other commission members, weighing alternatives and exercising good judgment in choosing among them. BYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION Article I. 'Name of Commission The name of the committee shall be the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article II. Membership The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the City Council in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 1 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD -1. Article III. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to a one (1) year term. as 'ffee (3) _yeai7s. The term of a Planning Commissioner shall begin the first meeting inApril ea ;~ebrdary T of the yeaf of the appointmefit and expire on March 31 St of each year. T Tpe fulfili may Article IV. Officers Section 1. Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the City Council for a one -year term. Section 2. Vice - Chairperson The Vice - Chairperson shall, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson, exercise all the powers and perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice - Chairperson shall be appointed by the City Council for a one -year term. Section 3. Vacancies Should the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Commission shall elect a presiding officer for the regular meeting or until the City Council appoints a new Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. i PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Article V. Council Liaison A City Council member will serve as liaison to the Planning Commission. The liaison shall have the same right to participate in discussions and deliberations as appointed members, but without the power to make yy t ieffis or- vete in the event of a tied vote the liaison may vote to break a tie. The role of the liaison is to serve as a communication link between Council and Commission. Article VI. Administrative Structure Section 1. Staff Liaison The City of Rosemount shall provide a staff member who shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the Commission, subject to the direction of the City Administrator and City Council. The Staff Liaison is also responsible for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of business matters to be considered by the Commission. The Staff Liaison shall also serve as advisor to the Commission and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position. Section 2. Recording Secretary The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Commission. Article VI. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held at the time and date specified by the City Council Section 2. Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson or by any two (2) commission members by written request filed with the staff liaison who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 3. Quorum. A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken by a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. Section 4. Governance of Meetings The meetings of the Planning Commission shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Planning Commission flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Article VIII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Planning Commission shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be recorded in the minutes. Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Commission, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Audience Input 4. Discussion 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Public Hearings 8. Adjournment Article X. Amendments to Bylaws These bylaws may only be amended by the City Council. Approved by the Rosemount City Council on Mar —eh 6 ; 2000 at a regular City Council meeting. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 3 BYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Article I. Name of Committee The name of the committee shall be the Parks and Recreation Committee of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article II. Membership The Parks and Recreation Committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the City Council in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD -1. Article III. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to as ---- --____" \ y e ar s h ee � a one (1) year term. The term of a Parks and Recreation Committee member shall begin on €ebmary -4 the first meeting in April and expire on March 31" of each year, of the year of th Upon fulfillment of a thfee (3) year tefm, the Fnember-'s temiinatien date shall eeeuf on Januat=y 31 of the third yeair or- until a new.appointment is made by the City couneil. Article IV. Officers Section 1. Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the City Council for a one -year term. Section 2. Vice - Chairperson The Vice - Chairperson shall preside at all meetings, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson, exercise all the powers and perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice - Chairperson shall be appointed by the City Council for a one -year term Section 3. Vacancies Should the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Parks and Recreation — Committee shall select a presiding officer at the next regular meeting. PARKS & RECREATION COMMIT'T'EE BYLAWS Article V. Council Liaison A City Council member will serve as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee. The liaison shall have the same right to participate in discussions and deliberations as appointed members, but witheut th powef te make meti In the event of a tied vote the Council Liaison may vote to break the tie The role of the liaison is to serve as a communication link between Council and Committee. Article VI. Administrative Structure Section 1. Director of Parks and Recreation The City of Rosemount shall employ a Director of Parks and Recreation who shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the department, subject to the direction of the Administrator and the City Council. The Director of Parks and Recreation is also responsible for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of business matters to be considered by the Committee. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall serve as advisor to the Committee and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position. Section 2. Recording Secretary The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Committee. Article VII. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be held at the time and date specified by the City Council. Section 2. Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson or by any three (3) Committee members by written request filed with the Director of Parks and Recreation who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 3. Quoru m. A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken by a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. r Section 4. Governance of Meetings The meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Parks and Recreation Committee flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. 40' PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE BYLAWS Article VIII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be recorded in the minutes. Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Committee, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Additions to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Audience Input 5. Discussion 6. Old Business 7. New Busines 8. Adjournment Article X. Amendments to Bvlaws These bylaws may only be amended b - the City Council. Approved by the Rosemount City Council on n4afeh -6 , 2000 at a regular City Council meeting. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor 3 PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS BYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Article I. Establishment The Public Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, sections 412.321 through 412.391, which sections are hereby expressly accepted, is hereby established. Article II. Name of Commission The name of the Committee shall be the Public Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article III. Membership The Public Utilities Commission shall consist of three (3) members appointed in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 4 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD -1. Article IV. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to staggered terms of three (3) years. The term of a Public Utilities Commissioner shall begin on F the first meeting in April of the year of the appointment and expire on March 31 at the end of the three years. Upp X fill en t h fee �3) ._�_ +� r- - — �-ircrsrr- t�7- yc- q�- tCYti� -cne membef's tefminatien date shall eeeuf on januai�' 31 of the thir-d year- er- until a new appointment-tis iiau y th City r,,,,., a. i Article V. Officers Section 1. President The President shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The President shall be elected by the Commission members at the annual meeting. Section 2. Vacancies Should the office of President become vacant, the Commission shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting. Such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS Article VI. Administrative Structure Section 1. Executive Director The Ci ty Th P e Utilities C - n i s i' - shall employ a Public Works Director who will serve as Executive Director. The Executive Director shall have general supenision over the administration of the business and affairs, subject to the direction of the Commission. The Executive Director shall also serve as advisor to the Commission and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position. The Q to the Utilities Commission at the apmual meeting and at giat time the Commission membefs, ean ais of this i3 Section-'). Ex Officio Members The City Administrator and Mayor shall serve as Ex Officio members of the Public Utilities Commission. Ex- Officio members shall have the same rights to participate in discussion and deliberations as appointed members and shall have the ability to make motions and vote. Section 3. Recording Secretary. The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretan whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Commission. Article VII. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings The Commission will meet at least once monthly at a time and place set by majority vote of the Commissioners. Section 2. Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Commission shall be held at a regular meeting in the month of F ebfu April at the regular meeting place Section 3. Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the President or by any two (2) Commission members by written request filed with the Executive Director who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 4. Quo rum A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting. action may be taken by a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. Section 5. Govemance of Meetings The meeting of the Public Utilities Commission shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Public Utilities Commission flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. J- 2 r PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS Article VIII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Public Utilities Commission shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be entered upen recorded in the minutes. Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Commission, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Correction to the Agenda 3. Audience Input 3. Approval of Minutes 4, Old Business -S-. New Business 6- President's Report Executive Director's Report 9. Adjournment Article X. Powers The Public Utilities Commission may exercise all of the powers contained in the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 412.321 through 412.391. Article XI. Amendments to Bylaws The Bylaws may be amended by a vote of a majority of the Commission members only when the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to all the Commission members two weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered- Article XII. Approval of Bylaws These Bylaws and any amendments to them shall be subject to the approval of the Rosemount City Council. Adopted: February 26, 1992 at a special meeting of the Rosemount Public Utilities Commission. AMENDMENTS: Approved by the Rosemount City Council on meeting. 2001 at a regular City Council 3 ATTEST: PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS Mayor City Clerk t Commission Policy ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY The Port Authority (the "Authority ") is a commission which is appointed by the City council. The purpose of the Authority is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding housing, redevelopment and economic development projects and implements those development projects. The Authority is expected to work closely with the Administrative, Planning and Finance Departments of the City of Rosemount. ORGANIZATION The Authority consists of seven (7) members who are appointed by the City Council. Those elected to City Council Member positions and mayor will have concurrent terms on the Port Authority unless they request not to serve due to their own circumstances. The remaining two positions will be citizens at large as well as any vacancies that need to be filled. The chairperson is appointed by the City Council. Meetings are held twice a month, the first being a regular meeting and the second a work session. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson. MEMBERS ROLES The work of the Authority covers a broad range of issues. While many issues must be acted on quickly, others are very involved project issues and take time to carry on to completion. The wide variety of issues causes regular attendance and participation by members to be essential for the completion of necessary task. occasionally, the formation of "task" groups (often an Authority member and staff members) becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Assignment to these groups is voluntary. Perhaps the most significant responsibility the members have is to keep an open mind to all issues. Listening, learning and discussion of issues are important qualities of commissioners. Decision making should be based on information gathered and what can be seen as working towards the betterment of the City. Maintaining objectivity in the face of special interest groups is often difficult, but essential for a balanced approach to economic development. Both long term objectives and short term benefits should be considered on all issues. Although the Authority acts as a group, debate and divergent view points among commissioners are expected and desirable. However, personal viewpoints are not to be represented to outside organizations /individuals as being of the Authority, the City or and City departments. Special interests, which may not represent the betterment of the community, must remain separate from the commissioners' obligations. Conflicts of interest must be avoided and will not be tolerated. RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY The Authority has the powers granted under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469, et seq., Section 462 and Section 472A.10. This includes all the powers of a housing and redevelopment authority, an economic development authority and a port authority. Commission Policy The Authority is a creation of the City Council with the responsibility of economic development. The Authority reviews proposed economic development projects, oversees Rosemount Redevelopment Districts and advises the City Council on, and/or participates in, special programs such as grants and other funding available to encourage economic development within the City of Rosemount. STAFF The City Administrator acts as the Executive Director of the Authorit The Community Development Director acts as the Assistant Director of the Authority. The City Planner and Finance Director also work very closely with the Authority. The Rosemount City Administrator oversees the day to day and long term operations of the offices of the City of Rosemount. As this position relates to the Authority he /she is the Executive Director ( the "Director "). The Director acts as an administrator of the community development activities, budgets, and as a liaison to the City council for the recommendations made by the Authority. He /She provides direction and input to the Authority concerning economic development projects and programs. It is also the Director's responsibility to attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Authority and to assist in the development of meeting agendas. The Community Development Director prepares information regarding proposed economic development for presentation to the Authority. He /She is required to attend all re scheduled and special meetings of the Authority. The Community Development Director develops meeting agendas and prepares packet materials for all Authority meetings. The Community Development Director also performs research for projects and programs brought before the Authority. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY JOB DESCRIPTION / QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must ....... 1. Be a resident of the City of Rosemount. 2. Have a willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal energy to the Authority. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Have an interest in housing and economic development issues (commercial, retail, industrial development and re- development). Have a desire to provide a broad range of economic development services to the citizens of Rosemount. Have an interest in and knowledge of the community of Rosemount. Recognize that economic development fulfills a vital role in the quality of life for both the business persons and citizens of Rosemount. Have a willingness to seek and accept input from citizens, organizations, and those directly affected by housing and economic development issues which come before the Authority. i 2 Commission Policy RESPONSIBILITIES: Applicants must........ 1. Attend and participate in regularly scheduled meetings and special meetings. 2. Attend and participate in appointed study committees which may be required to conduct the affairs of the Authority. 3. Work closely with City Staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council. 4. Review and make recommendations concerning housing and economic development and those programs which assist this development. 5. Annually review the Authority budget, providing suggestions to staff. 6. Port Authority Commissioners report to City Council. PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION 1. Self evaluation by the Authority. 2. Regular attendance and participation. 3. Knowledge and satisfaction that the Authority is fulfilling a vital role in the community. DUTIES OF CHAIR 1. To preside over regularly scheduled and special Authority meetings. 2. To call special meetings of the Authority when required to conduct the responsibilities of the Authority. 3. To act as spokesperson for the Authority. 4. To assign members to special task committees. 5. To advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation on the Authority. DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE PORT AUTHORITY 1. To act as an administrator of economic development activities, budgets, and liaison to the City Council for the recommendations made by the Authority. 2. To provide direction and input to the Authority concerning economic development projects and programs. 3. To attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Authority. 4. To assist in the development of meeting agendas. DUTIES OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THE PORT AUTHORITY 1. To assist in the development of meeting agendas and to prepare packet material for all Authority meetings. 2. To perform fundamental research for projects and programs before the Authority. 3. To attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Authority. Commission Policy PORT AUTHORITY TERMINOLOGY By -Laws: A legal document outlining the powers and procedures of the Rosemount Port Authority. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): A grant program administered to the City of Rosemount through the Dakota county Hosing and Redevelopment Authority. The funds are intended to be used for the elimination of slum and blight (redevelopment). Comprehensive Guide Plan: Required by the Metropolitan Council, the City of Rosemount prepared a "Comprehensive Guide Plan" for the City. Information regarding industrial, commercial, and retail development can be found in various segments of said plan. Funding: Funding for the Rosemount Port Authority comes from property taxes generated through tax increment financing and through various grant programs from Dakota County and the State of Minnesota. P.U.D.: A planned unit development is an agreement between a City and developer / land owner to develop the land included in the agreement according to a specific criteria; including residential densities, park land, and commercial /industrial areas, with a proposed time frame for development. Rosemount Redevelopment Plan: A document adopted in 1979 targeting the Rosemount Central Business District and surrounding contiguous areas for housing and economic development. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance: All of the land «ithin the City of Rosemount is zoned for specific uses to promote compatible land uses and the orderly development of the City. Tax Increment Financing (TIF): A method of financing public and/or private development projects, involving a freeze by a local government of the tax base within a designated district; the revenues generated by reassessment or new development are placed in a special redevelopment fund to finance community improvement projects (i.e. Rosemount Redevelopment District No. 1 and Amendments I -V, and Rosemount Development District No. 1). . Commission Police ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION The Utilities Commission's purpose is: 1. to provide direction as to level of service 2. to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and cable. 3. to monitor the cable company's performance as to level of service 4. to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning use of franchise fees. ORGANIZATION The Commission consists of three (3) members who are appointed by the City Council for three (3) year terms. There are two ex officio members, the Mayor and the City Administrator, who are able to participate and vote at meetings. The Public Works Director will act as the Executive Director. The commission will meet at least once a month, which the commission has set as the first Monday after the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and is held at City Hall. JURISDICTION The Commission has jurisdiction over city operated water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems. This jurisdiction and powers are outlined in Chapter 4 of the City Code and Minnesota Statutes Section 412.321. Included in the commission's jurisdiction is the following: 1. Review and adopt operating budgets. 2. Authorize expenditures for funds specifically set out for use in the operation and maintenance of the utilities. 3. Make recommendations to the City Council on the hiring of personnel, construction of new infrastructure, purchase of additional equipment, and construction of new buildings for operation and maintenance of the utilities. 4. Review all proposed developments in the City and make recommendations to City Council as to the availability of utilities to the proposed developments. 5. Review all user fees, connection charges, and all other forms of revenue and present recommendations to the City Council regarding these fees. MEMBERS ROLE Because of the small size of the Commission, the limited number of meetings, and the need to act in a timely fashion, attendance and participation is very important. The Commission is also the last resort for complaints from utility users. The Public Works staff attempts to resolve as many complaints as possible, however there are times when the complainant wishes to address the policy makers, such as the Commission. Members of the Commission need to realize that policies they make are for the good of the whole and based on Commission Policy facts and well researched and documented data. Maintaining objectivity is sometimes difficult but it is essential to keep good and well thought out policies intact. Although the Commission acts as a group, there will undoubtedly be times when individual members disagree with the majority" view. When dealing with outside organizations and committees, it is extremely important that the individual' disagreement must not be taken as the representative view of the Commission. STAFF The Public Works Department provides the staffing needs for the water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer operations. The Public Works Director provides direction for implementing the Commission's policies and deals directly with the Commission. The Public Works Secretary takes minutes at all meetings. There are full -time maintenance employees who are responsible for the daily operation of the utilities. The Public Works Supervisor provides daily assignments for the maintenance employees. A portion of the Public Works Director, Finance Director and Accountant's salary are financed through utilities, while the secretarial and maintenance positions are fully supported through utilities. UTILITIES COMMISSION JOB DESCRIPTION / QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS 1. Must be resident of the City of Rosemount. 2. If a customer of Rosemount Water & Sewer Utilities, then must be in good standing. 3. Must possess willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal energy to the commission. 4. Must have interest in and knowledge of the community of Rosemount. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attend and participate in regular monthly meetings and special meetings. 2. Attend and participate in appointed study committees which may be required. 3. Set policies concerning operation and maintenance of water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems. 4. Approve rate structure for water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems, i.e. user fees, connection charges, etc. 5. Set policies regarding billing procedures and methods. 6. Approve annual utilities operating budget. 7. Review and recommend the availability of water and sanitary sewer to new developments. 8. Recommend approval to city council of public improvement projects involving water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer construction. 9. Support and keep updated Comprehensive Plans for water, sanitary sewer. and storm sewer. 10. Approve natural gas, electric, and telephone franchise agreements. r r Commission Policy 11. Review and adopt operating budgets with respect to the amount of revenue the City receives form the franchise fee. 12. Authorize expenditures for funds specifically budgeted by the Commission. 13. Conciliate disagreements among the cable company, subscribers and users of the system. 14. Submit an annual report to the cable company and City Council assessing the company's performance according to the terms of the franchise agreement. (Ord VII.6, 2- 18 -92) REPORTS TO: 1. All users of the utilities, and 2. City Council. PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION 1. Occasional customer surveys 2. Self - evaluation by Commission 3. Knowledge and satisfaction that the Commission is fulfilling a vital role in the community DUTIES OF CHAIR 1. Preside over regularly scheduled and special commission meetings. 2. Call special meetings when required to conduct the responsibilities of the Commission. 3. To act as spokesperson for the Commission. 4. Establish, with the Public Works Director, a tentative agenda for monthly meetings. 5. Assign members to special study committees, if necessary. 6. Advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation on the committee. DUTIES OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1. Assist in the development of the agenda and prepare packet material. 2. Act as administrator of Utilities policies, rates, and budgets and is liaison to the City Council for recommendations made by the Commission. 3. Provide direction and input for the Commission. 4. Perform fundamental research when needed. 5. Attend all meetings of the Commission and study committee when directed. 6. Assist Commission in development of maintenance and operation policies, setting rates, preparing budgets, etc. Commission Policy ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION The purpose of the Commission is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding land use policy, zoning and all development proposals. The Commission works directly with the Planning Department. ORGANIZATION The Commission consists of five (5) members who are appointed by the City Council. The Commissioners are appointed to a one (1) year term. MEMBERS ROLES The Commission work covers a broad range of issues. While many issues must be acted on quickly, others are very involved project issues and take time to carry on to completion. The wide variety of issues causes regular attendance and participation by members to be essential for the completion of necessary task. Occasionally, the formation of "task" groups (often a Commission member and staff members) becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Assignment to these groups is voluntary. Perhaps the most significant responsibility the members have is to keep an open mind to all issues. Listening, learning and discussion of issues are important qualities of commissioners. Decision making should be based on information gathered and what can be seen as working towards the betterment of the City. Maintaining objectivity in the face of special interest groups is often difficult, but essential for a balanced approach to economic development. Both long term objectives and short term benefits should be considered on all issues. Although the Commission acts as a group, debate and divergent view points among commissioners are expected and desirable. However, personal viewpoints are not to be represented to outside organizations /individuals as being of the Commission, the City or the Cin_ departments. Special interests, which may not represent the betterment of the community, must remain separate from the Commissioner's obligations. Conflicts of interest must be avoided and will not be tolerated. RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY The Commission has powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.351 to 462.3358. The Commission is a creation of the City council with the responsibility of land use development. The Commission reviews proposed development projects administers the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan, the Critical Area Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivisions and Planned Unit Developments, Guide Plan Amendments, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance Amendments. STAFF The Community Development Director is responsible for the day to day administration of the Planning Department. The director manages inspection policies and procedures, and planning r Commission Policy and zoning functions in the City. It is the responsibility of the Community Development Director to advise the Commission regarding all matters relating to planning, zoning and subdivision of land or land development within the City. The Director attends regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Commission. The Community Development Director is also responsible for the general supen over the administration of the business and affairs of the commission, subject to the direction of the Commission. As assistant to the Secretary, the Community Development Director shall keep the records of the Commission. It is the responsibility of the Community Development Director to prepare the Agenda and to review the business matters to be considered by the Commission. ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION JOB DESCRIPTION / QUALIFICAITONS QUALIFICATIONS Applicants must...... 1. Be a resident of the City of Rosemount. 2. Have a willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal energy to the Commission. 3. Have an interest in comprehensive community planning, zoning, and subdivision of land. 4. Have a desire to assist in implementing City of Rosemount Land Use Controls including the Comprehensive Guide Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance for the purpose of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. 5. Have a willingness to seek and accept input form citizens, organizations, and those directly affected by land use related actions made by the Committee. 6. Have the ability to maintain an objective approach to community development issues in order to promote the highest "quality of life" possible for residents of Rosemount. RESPONSIBLITIES 1. The general purpose of the Planing Commission is to advise the City Council on all development matters in the community. 2. Specific duties include the preparation and administration of the City's comprehensive guide plan, zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance. 3. Specific powers include direct approval authority on site plan applications (required for all non - residential building permit applications). 4. The Planning Commission is required to make formal recommendations on all zoning and subdivision applications. 5. The Planning Commission acts as the Broad of Appeals and Adjustments, which is empowered to act upon all variance applications. 6. Attend and participate in regularly scheduled meetings and special meetings. 7. Attend and participate in appointed study committees which may be required to conduct the affairs of the Commission. 8. Work closely with city staff, the City Council, and the Port Authority, and other City committees and commissions. 9. Annually elect a secretary to the Commission. 10. Planning Commission reports directly to City Council. N Commission Policy PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION 1. Self evaluation by the Commission. 2. Regular attendance and participation. 3. Kno« and satisfaction that the Commission is fulfilling a vital role in the community. DUTIES OF CHAIR 1. To preside at all meetings of the Commission and to preserve order and enforce required Commission procedures. 2. To submit such recommendations and information that would be consider proper concerning the business and procedure of the Commission. 3. To act as spokesperson for the Commission. DUTIES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO THE COMMISSION 1. Responsible for day to day administration of the Planning Department. 2. Manages inspection policies and procedures, planning and zoning functions and economic development opportunities in the City. 3. To advise the Commission regarding all matters relating to planning, zoning, subdivision of land or land development within the City. 4. To attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the Commission. DUTIES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO THE COMMISSIONERS 1. Responsible for general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the Commission, subject to the direction of the Commission. 2. As assistant to the Secretary, the Community Development Director shall keep the records of the Commission. 3. Responsibility for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of the business matters to be considered by the Commission. 4. To serve as advisor to the Commission on all matters subject to Commission consideration. 5. To attend regular scheduled and special meetings of the Commission. E Commission Policy ROSE MOUNT ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE The Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee is an appointed committee of the City Council of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the committee is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning both parks and recreation issues. In addition, the committee provides input to City staff, in affect, acts as an advisory board on community interests concerning recreation and parks. ORGANIZATION The committee consists of 5 members who are appointed by the City Council for a one (1) year term. MEMBER'S ROLE The Advisory Committee work involves a broad range of issues. All need to be acted upon in a timely manner. To accomplish this work, regular attendance and participation by members is essential. Occasionally, the formation of "task" or "study groups" becomes necessary to look into or work further on more complex issues. Assignment to these groups is voluntary. Perhaps the most significant responsibility the members have is to keep an open mind to parks issues. Listening. learning and discussion of issues are important aspects of committee work. Decision - making should be based on information gathered and what can be seen as working towards the betterment of the City and parks and recreation system. Maintaining objectivity in the face of special interest groups is often difficult, but essential to a balanced approach to parks. Both long -term objectives and short-term benefits should be considered on all issues. The Advisory Committee acts as a group; disagreement and divergent views are expected and desirable. HONrever, these views are not to be represented to outside organizations /committees as being representative of the views of the Advisory Committee or City. Members need to be certain that they do not express personal views and interests as that of the City or the Parks and Recreation Department. RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY The Committee does not have statutory powers, as do "park boards." It is a creation of the City Council with the responsibility of parks and recreation. The commission review residential development for recommendation of park dedication, annually reviews the budget, provides input regarding programming, hear citizens' requests and investigates issues for recommendation. In addition to the general responsibility of parks and recreation, the committee will perform "special" responsibilities as well. STAFF The City employs a professional administrator for the Parks and Recreation Department whose responsibility includes the day to day direction and operation of the department. Directly responsible to the City Administrator, the director prepares the operational budget, purchases major equipment items, oversees the forestry department, weed control program, plans parks 11 Commission Policy maintenance and development activities, as well as give direction to the effective operation of recreational programming, etc. As the position relates to the Advisory Committee, the director prepares the committee's agenda and support information concerning agenda items. Items that require committee action; informational items on parks and programs are presented by the director and communicated to the appropriate parties. The City Administrator occasionally attends meetings of the Advisory Commission and «ill comment on council directives, as well as background information pertaining to City development. ROSEMOUNT ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COIW IITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION /QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS 1. Resident of the City of Rosemount 2. Willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal energy to the committee 3. An interest in both parks and recreation issues 4. Desire to provide a broad range of parks and recreation services to citizens of the community 5. Interest in and knowledge of the community of Rosemount 6. Recognize that parks and recreation fulfills a vital role in the quality of life for Rosemount 7. Willingly seeks input from neighborhoods, organizations and individuals 8. Ability to maintain an objective approach to parks and recreation issues RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attend and participate in regular monthly meetings and special meetings 2. Attend and participate in appointed study committees which may be required to conduct the affairs of the Advisory Committee 3. To make recommendations concerning parks acquisition and development to council and staff 4. To review and make recommendations concerning recreation programming 5. Annually elect officers of the Advisory Committee 6. Provide input into park site planning 7. Annually reviews the department budget, providing suggestions to staff 8. Performs fact finding tasks for City Council 9. Reports to City Council. PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION Self evaluation by commission 12 Commission Policy 2. Regular attendance and participation 3. Knowledge and satisfaction that commission is fulfilling a vital role in the community. DUTIES OF CHAIR: 1. To preside over regularly scheduled and special committee meetings 2. To call special meetings of the Advisory Committee when required, to conduct the responsibilities of the committee 3. To act as spokesperson for the committee 4. With the Director of Parks and Recreation; establish a tentative agenda for monthly meetings 5. Assign members to special study committees 6. Advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation in the Committee DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION TO THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 1. To assist in the development of the agenda and prepare packet material 2. To act as an administrator of Parks and Recreation programs, budgets, park development and as a liaison to the City Council for the recommendations made by the Committee 3. Provide direction and input to the Committee concerning park dedication and recreational programming 4. To perform fundamental research in the study of parks and recreation issues 5. To attend meetings of the Advisory Committee and study committees TERM DEFINITIONS Park Dedication The City has enacted an ordinance under Minnesota laws, which grants a community the authority to receive land for park purposes from residential developers. This dedication is set at 4% times the land value times the density of development. In instances in which suitable land for park purposes is not available or the amount of land is not sufficient to support a park, a cash dedication is based on the type of land use. The committee annually reviews the fees for possible adjustment. The cash collected goes into the "park dedication" fund for purchase and/or development of parks throughout the community. Comp Plan Required by the Metropolitan Council, the City prepared a "Comprehensive Guide Plan" for the Rosemount. One segment of the plan includes parks. Neighborhood service areas were defined to help determine what park needs might be for each portion of the City. Funding Funding for park development comes from the general taxes and park dedication fees. P.U.D. A planned unit development is an agreement between a City and developer;Iand owner to develop the land with a proposed time frame for development. Included in the agreement according to a specific criteria are residential densities, parkland and commercial area. 13 .Ioh `ogsng Xgluo IOOZ `Ti .idd 3o SUP IPLI sigh QHZdOQV F - pounoo agP Jo Iuasuoo puu Ipnoiddu of joofgns ioXutu aqi paiuioddu aq Ilpgs iugtuaoplda.i u `po u noo t otp jo iagwow p saui000q aauo I;DgM paIpa.zo Xouuoun u 2uipnloui `paluioddu os Iuas ui sin000 XoupopA p JT •S Ipax (£) iql jo stuial ioj pajuioddu aq Ilpgs pounoo oqj jo sioquiaul jou aju oqm s.iauoissituuioD (Z) ttoupopn 1 paIpa.IO 33110ISSLUIUI03 p Sp aAJ3S of iou u omoop Io uopru2isa.I 3soT4m aagtuaul pounoo Ipinipui aqj jo aogjo ui aunl agz glinA sopiomoo goigm tuiaj u .Ioj aq llugs opuul os )uliuioddu agZ • pounoo oqj jo juasuoo pup iuno.iddu oip pm aohm age Xq 1uauliuioddp pajlij aq Ilpgs g oigAA pg1rolo SI XoupopA p `IauoiSSTUTwoo su uoilisod .I jo Si Wa g RISOJ Io `.I p Sp 3AJ3S of sauiloap .Iagw;)w pounoo 30 joAtu p jI '.zagtuatu unoo so .Iohul su aoiJ3o jo uuai nagl gaits Sapiouioo goigm tuial u ioj siauo luioddu oq XITuopuuioinu Ilugs pounoo Rio 3141 jo sioquiow pup s.ioxau iId (I) :snnollo3 su an.zas pup paiuioddu oq hugs pup junotuaso21 jo XI!D aqj jo sluapisoi aq qs `.Iaquinu ui (L) uanas aq llugs snuoissiunuoo Bons `£ Puu i •sPgnS `090 uoiloos `SaiumS ►sauuTw of luunsind •sasod nd Ilu lo3 tuiuonb u ainipsuoo Ilpgs wogm jo Xii.Iofuw u `gum V' aoiWo u Joa.zagl .iauo issiululoo aq1 II pa aq hugs , [ii.zogjnV oqj 3o sigmod oq L pog uiu.zan00 • S 1101103S :snnolloj su puaa 01 papuoum si S uoiloaS £S oil uounloso -d `junouioso -d jo tiiD alp lugs (IaA'IoSgU ZI 2,g `aHoAaH5lH.L `AA ON :papino.id iapupiaq su f4uoglnu iiod otp 2uigsilqujso uopnlosai oql puaum 0141 jo isololui agp ui puu mpdoiddu si li iugj paupuaalap suq pounoD oqj `SVHHa IAA `L T u ` T Z aioi� id ` 16Z ialdpgD '1661 smu-I piosauuiW jo �Iiotpnu agl of luunsind id 7aod iunotuasoN ag1 pagsilgmsa £S •oN uopnlosag pounoD f4iD `SVaNaHAA £S — 1661 'O\ ,LIOIJLl1'IOSHH ONI(I 2[WV !A.LIHOHJnVV 1110d JXaoj1 -3SOH alU OZ ONI.LVrjau NOI.LR'IOS3m V - 1002 Nolla'IOSau .LKI'lo IaS02I 10 AID : Xq puooaS D XiiD iunowosog `xuilua f • f upui-I - uoissassod ,iw ui filIo pits jo spiooaz aqj Sq posoiosip st `100Z `TijdN piaq `Joajagl Supo;Dw pazijoglnL ,Kinp E ju junouzasog 3o iiounoD f4io oq paluoso.id uotlnios;Dj L jo Moo loasjoo put onil r si 2uioi?3ioj otp jugj Iq I�iOIZ��I3IS?I�� �ijai� APP -05 -2001 08:31 612 985 4499 P.02iO3 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 952/985 -4400 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO AN ADVISORY COMMISSION /COMMITTEE TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CHECK THE BODY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON: Environmental Affairs Committec Planning Commission Park & Recreation Committee P &R Hunting Subcommittee NAME ADDRESS PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT Telecommunications Comm. Economic Development Commission PHONE ZIP CODE PHONE HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY SERVED ON ANY COMMITTEES TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF LAKEVILLE? IF SO, PLEASE LIST AND GIVE THE TIME SERVED. HAVE YOU SERVED ON ANY PUBLIC BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS IN ANY OTHER CITIES? IF SO, PLEASE LIST. WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND? HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE 014 'V=D 4477 Y. UZ /Uj 4 k HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDEti'T OF LAKEVILLE' WHY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THIS COMMITTEE? LIST ANY EDUCATION, SPECIAL INTERESTS OR PAST EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE THAT WOULD BE OF BENEFIT TO YOU IN SERVING ON AN ADVISORY BODY TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ANY OTHER COMMENTS Signature Date Please return this application to the City Clerk, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044. Copies will be made and seat to each member or the City Council when there is a vacancy on the advisory body you wish to serve on. TOTAL P.03 r CITY OF EAGAN 6516814612 04/04 1 01 14:52 NO.066 02/03 CITY OF TAGAN BACKGROUND INFORMATION FORM *Please type or Print clearly in ink Name Date JD order that the Mayor and Counci.lm.embers have a better understanding of your background and interests, please provide the fol-lowing information: (Attach extra sheets if necessary). Home Address Phone (H) Zip Code How long have you lived in. Eagan.? years Employer Occupation Phone (W) Please indicate which Committees/Commissions you are applying for. List only those you would be seriously interested in. serving on. I" Choice 2 nd Choice 3 rd Choice 4 Choice Prior experience on City Commissions, City Boards, etc. (Please complete both sides of application) i,lii ur cruAN o.� ioo 111+0 is U4 /U4 ' U 'l "14:52 N0.066 03/03 0 Provide a short paragraph. summarizing why you are seeking an appointment to a Commission in the City of Eagan.. Briefly describe your background, experience and any other. information not previously given which you. believe should be considered regarding the appointment you are seeking. Return to: City Admixxi.strator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Tate Received (For. Office Use Only) Telephone: (651) 681 -4613 Fax: (651) 681 -4612 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR CITY COMMISSION /COMMITTEE ❑ Parks and Recreation ❑ Planning ❑ Port Authority ❑ Utilities ❑ Other: Name: Address: Home phone: _ - ji) a�`2. Education: List educational background: Work phone: t _x_ Current employer: Position /occupation: Other related work experiences: List volunteer organizations /civic groups you are a member of or have been a member of: from: to: from: to: from: to: from: to: Have you read the position statement of the commission or commission member code? Please write a statement as to why you wish to serve on the commission /committee. Also, state what vision you have or goal you would like to accomplish while serving on the indicated commission. Please return this form to: City Clerk City of Rosemount 2875 145 St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 C O U N T Y Part 1: Applicant Information Applicant Name: Last Name Home Address: Street City Commissioner District: Telephone /Fax: ( ) Home E -mail Address: Part 2: Committee Selection First Name State Zip ❑ Mr. D Mrs. ❑ Ms. County of Residence (Leave blank if you do not know the number of your commissioner district.) Business No Fax Indicate below the name of the committee(s) for which you are seeking appointment. If more than one, nL :-:,er them acwrding to preference (1 being your first choice). ❑ Child Abuse Prevention Council ❑ Parks and Recreation Advisory C,=mittee ❑ Child Care Advisory Committee ❑ Community Corrections Advisory Board ❑ Extension Committee ❑ Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board ❑ Human Services Advisory Committee ❑ Library Board ❑ Noxious Weed Control Program Appeal Committee ❑ Planning Commission ❑ Shoreland Zoning Board of Adjust/ -ent ❑ Solid Waste Management Advisor: Committee ❑ Special Board of Equalization ❑ Workforce Council ❑ Other: Part 3: Your Rights as a Subject of DatalApplicant Declaration Minnesota Statutes Ch. 13 on data privacy requires that you be informed that the following information wh :r_� you are asked to provide in this application is considered private data: home telephone number, e-mail address, business /financial interest, status as recipient of human services. This means it is available only to you and county officials who have a bona fide need :cr it This data will be used to 1) contact you regarding your application or 2) determine your eligibility for appointment. Furnishing your home telephone number, e -mail address, business /financial interest information, and status as recipient of human services is voluntary. Failure to provide the information requested in Parts 5-10 of this application may result in denial of eligibility. All information you supply on this application, with the exception of that which is private data as indicated above, will become public if you are appointed to serve on a Dakota County citizen advisory committee. I hereby declare that I have read the statement `Your rights as a subject of data" regarding the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Ch. 13). Signature of Applicant Page 1 Open Appointments Application for Citizen Advisory Committees /Commissions /Boards Date - Please continue... Part 4: Statement of Qualifications (You may supplement this section by attaching a resume or additional information.) Business /Emnlover: Business Address: Job Title: Current Responsibi Street City County State Zip Previous Work Experience: Vocational /Educational Background: Community Service: Inte Some committees require additional information. Please review parts 5-10 and complete those that apply to the committees you indicated in Part 2. Page 2 Please continue... �`t 5: Community Corrections Advisory Board Applicants Only Minnesota Statutes Section 401.08, Subdivision 1 requires that the board "shall be representative of law enforcement, prosecution, the judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, the social services, and the lay citizen." Which do you represent? (Check all that apply.) ❑ Citizen ❑ Corrections ❑ Education ❑ Social Services ❑ Ethnic Minorities ❑ Prosecution ❑ Judiciary ❑ Law Enforcement Part 6: Human Services Advisory Committee Applicants Only Minnesota Statutes Section 402.03, requiring appointment of a human services advisory committee, requires that the committee consist of representatives of persons receiving human services from Dakota County, providers or employees of providers of human services in Dakota County, a member of the health advisory committee, a member of the Community Corrections Advisory Board, and citizens of Dakota County. In lieu of appointing a health advisory committee pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 145A.10, subdivision 10(b), Dakota County includes representatives of health care providers in Dakota County on the Human Services Advisory Committee. Which do you represent? (Check all that apply.) ❑ Persons receiving human services from Dakota County (does not require status as current recipient of human services) ❑ Providers or employees of providers of human services in Dakota County • Community Corrections Advisory Board • Citizens of Dakota County ❑ Health care providers in Dakota County Part 7: Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Applicants Only 1. In accordance with County Ordinance No. 120, through which the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was established, anyone owning land within or adjacent to a county park or having other financial interests in such land, shall not be eligible to serve on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Do you own land within or adjacent to a County Park or have other financial interests in such land? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Anyone already holding an elective city, county, state or federal office shall also not be eligible to serve in a regular voting position on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Do you currently hold an elective city, county, state or federal office? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meetings are occasionally scheduled to be held on weekday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. to allow for daylight tours of county recreational facilities throughout the year. Will you be able to attend meetings at this time? ❑ Yes ❑ No Part 8: Planning Commission Applicants Only Minnesota Statutes Section 394.30, Subdivision 1, the statutory authority under which the Dakota County Planning Commission has been created, requires that: "No voting member of the commission shall have received, during the two years prior to appointment, any substantial portion of income from business operations involving the development of land within the county for urban or urban related purposes." During the last two years, have you received any substantial portion of your income from business operations involving the ;development of land within Dakota County for urban or urban related purposes? ❑ Yes ❑ No 'age 3 Please continue... Part 9: Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee Only Minnesota Statutes Section 473.803, subdivision 4, requiring appointment of a solid waste management advisory committee, requires that the committee consist of citizen representatives, representatives from towns and cities within the county, representatives from private waste management firms, and residents from towns or cities containing solid waste disposal facilities (i.e., Burnsville, Inver Grove Heights, and Rosemount). Which do you represent? (Check all that apply.) • Citizen • Town or city in Dakota County • Private waste management firm • Resident of Burnsville, Inver Grove Heights, or Rosemount Part 10: Workforce Council Applicants Only 29 U.S.C. § 1512(C)(1)(A) requires that private sector representatives on the Council shall be selected from among individuals nominated by general purpose business organizations. "Such nominations, and the individuals selected from such nominations, shall reasonably represent the industrial and demographic composition of the business community. Whenever possible, at least one- half ... shall be representatives-of small business, including minority business." Private sector applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from a general purpose business organization (e.g. Chamber of Commerce). Public sector applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from the parent agency. For further information on the Workforce Council, please call the Dakota County Workforce Center Administrator at 651 -450 -2622. Nominating Agency: Which do you represent: (Check all that apply.) ❑ Private Sector /Small Business ❑ Private Sector /Large Business ( >500 employees) • Private Sector /Minority Business • Organized Labor • Community-Based Organizations ❑ Educational Agencies • Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies • Public Assistance Agencies ❑ Economic Development Agencies ❑ Public Employment Service Thank You! Page 4 o:\board\openappt\applicafion0l.doc Office Use Only Date Received: Appointment Date: Date Entered: Term Ended Date: Appointed: ❑ Yes ❑ No Retention Date: Committee: Page 4 o:\board\openappt\applicafion0l.doc 412.341 STATUTORY CITIES 49B 412.341 COMMISSION; MEMBERSHIP, ORGANIZATION. Subdivision 1. Membership. The commission shall consist of three members appointed by the council. No more than one member may be chosen from the counci membership. Each member shall serve for a term of three years and until a successor is appointed and qualified except that of the members initially appointed in any city, o 3 shall serve for a term of one vear, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of three years. Residence shall not be a qualification for membership on the commission unless the council so provides. A vacancy shall be filled by the council for the unexpired term. Subd. 2. Rules; officers, salary. The commission shall adopt rules for its own proceedings which shall provide among other things for at least one regular meeting by the commission each month. I: shall annually choose a president from among its own members. It shall also appoint a secretary for an, indefinite term. The secretary need not be a member of the commission and may be the city clerk. No member of the commission shall receive a salary except as fixed by the council. The secretary shaA receive a salary fixed by the commission. History: 1949 c 119 s 44; 1951 c 378 s 12; 1973 c 123 art 2 s 1 subd 2, 1986 c 444 412.35 [Repealed. 1949 c 119 s 1101 412.351 COMMISSION, JURISDICTION. The council shall, in the ordinance establishing the commission, decide which of the following public utilities stall be within the commission's jurisdiction: (1) the cit; water system; (2) light and power system, including any system then in use or later acquired for the production and distribution of steam heat; (3) gas system; (4) sanitary or storm sewer system or bot_. including the city sewage disposal plant; (5) public buildings owned or leased by city; (6) district heating system. As used subsequently in sections 412.351 to 412.391. the term "public utility" means any water, light anc power, gas or sewer system, or public buildings thus placed by ordinance under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission. Any public utility not placed under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission by the ordinance establishing the commis- sion may be placed under the ::risdiction of the commission by an amendment to the original ordinance. History: 1949 c 119 s 45: 19:1 c 378 s 13; 1973 c 123 art 2 s 1 subd 2; 1981 c 334 s 3 412.36 [Repealed, 1949 c 119 s 1101 412.361 SPECIFIC POWERS. Subdivision 1. The cos sion shall have power to extend and to modify o; rebuild any public utility and to do anything it deems necessary for its proper ani efficient operation: and it may enter into necessary contracts for these purposes. The provisions of section 412.311 relating to advertisement for bids shall apply to contract of the public utilities commission.. Subd. 2. The commission shall have power to employ all necessary help for the management and operation oi the public utility, prescribe duties of officers ant employees and fix their compen-sation. Subd. 3. The commission shall have power to buy all fuel and supplies, and it Mal purchase wholesale electric energy, steam heat, hot water energy, gas or water, as the case may be, for municipal disMCution. Subd. 4. The commission shall have power to fix rates and to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for service supplied by the municipally owned public utilities within its jurisdiction. Subd. 5. The commission shall have power to enter into agreements with the council for payments by the ci-: for utility service, compensation for the use by eithe the commission or the city of c_ildings, equipment, and personnel under the control o 2 -1 -1 CHAPTER 1 PLANNING COMMISSION SECTION: 2 -1 —1: Establishment of Commission 2 -1 —2: Organization and Meetings 2 -1 —3: Zoning Powers and Duties 2 -1 -2 2 -1 -1: ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION: A City Planning Commission for the City is hereby established. The Commission shall be the City Planning Agency. Such Planning Commission shall consist of at least five (5) members to be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by a four - fifths' (q%) vote of the Council. Terms of the Commissioners shall be determined in the Planning Commission bylaws. Compensation for the members shall be determined by the City Council. 2 -1 —2: ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS: Thy �`�y JEr �t'nz I/ A. Officers Elected: T- e- mmissrorrsfraf elect - a - chairman- w frorr-among1t. -appointed - members for a term of one year and the Commission may create and fill such other offices as determined in the bylaws. B. Supporting Staff: The City Council shall provide adequate personnel to assist the Commission in fulfilling its duties as stated herein. C. Meetings, Records, Expenditures: The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions and findings, which record shall be a public record. Expenditures of the Commission shall be within amounts appropriated for certain purposes by the City Council. 2 -1 -3 2 -1 -3 2 -1 -3: ZONING POWERS AND DUTIES: A. Prepare Comprehensive Plan: It shall be the function and duty of the Planning Commission to prepare and update a comprehensive City plan for the physical, economic and social development of the City. The plan shall be submitted to the City Council for adoption according to procedures set forth by the City Council. B. Prepare Zoning Ordinance: After the adoption of a land use plan for the Municipality, the Planning Commission, for the purpose of carrying out the policies and goals of the land use plan, may, and upon instructions by the City Council, shall prepare a proposed zoning ordinance and submit it to the governing body with its recommendations. C. Development Review: The Commission shall review and act upon all development proposals in the City according to the authority and procedures set forth in the zoning and subdivision regulations. The Commission shall annually review the five (5) year capital improvement program and submit its recommendations to the City Council. (Ord. XVII -1, 3 -4 -71; amd. 1983 Code) 2 -2 -1 CHAPTER 2 PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE SECTION: 2 -2 -1: Committee Established; Composition 2 -2 -2: Organization and Meetings 2 -2 -3: Oath; Compensation 2 -2 -4: Powers and Duties 2 -2 -1: COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED; COMPOSITION: 2 -2 -3 A. Establishment: A Park and Recreation Committee is hereby established for the ity. (Ord. VIII -1, 10 -5 -71) s� B. CompositionThe Park and Recreation Committee shall consist of not more than se4P47) members appointed by the City Council. Terms of the members shall be determined in the Committee bylaws. (Ord. VIII.2, 2 -6 -73; amd. 1983 Code) C. Purpose: The purpose of the Committee is to assist the City Council in establishing a park and recreation system throughout the entire City for all citizens of the City. 2 -2 -2: ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS:/\The Committee shall elect vice chairman from its members together with such other officers it deems necessary. The Committee shall meet at least once a month and shall submit its official meeting minutes to the City Council each and every month. 2 -2 -3: OATH; COMPENSATION: Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take an oath that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. Compensation for the members shall be determined by the City Council. (Ord. VIII -1, 10 -5 -71; amd. 1983 Code) i 2 -2 -4 2 -2 -4: POWERS AND DUTIES: 2 -2 -4 A. Advice and Recommendations: The Committee shall have the duty to advise the City Council in the acquisition and maintenance of parks, playgrounds and other public lands. It shall also have the duty of making recommendations and supervising the City recreation system. The Committee shall recommend to the City Council expansion and plans for the development of the City park and recreation system. The Committee shall further make recommendations as to desired regulatory ordinances and make recommendations as to any matters relating to the park and recreation system of the City. B. Investigate Needs of System. The Committee shall have no power to make contracts, levy taxes, borrow money or condemn property, but shall have the full power and responsibility to investigate requirements and needs of the City park and recreation system and to assist the Council in formulating the terms of and the procedure for accomplishing that goal. (Ord. VIII -1, 10 -5 -71) 2-4 -1 CHAPTER 4 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SECTION: 2-4 -1: Establishment of Commission 2-4 -2: Organization 2-4 -3: Compensation 2-4-4: Powers and Duties, Jurisdiction 2-4 -1 2-4 -1: ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION: The Public Utilities Commission of the City as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, sections 412.321 through 412.391, which sections are hereby expressly accepted, is hereby established. The Commission shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the City Council. r 'W - City C ouncil said ent to a for a th ( of the year appointed. (Ord im one new memDer eacn year, ie (3) Year term to co mmence on VII.5, 4 -5 -88) - Ex officio members of the Commission shall be the City Administrator and the Mayor. (Ord. VII.6, 2- 18 -92) The Public Works Director for the City will act as the Executive Director for the Utilities Commission. In that capacity the Executive Director will take direction from the Commission, report to the Commission with information and recommendations on all matters at the direction of the Commission or on his /her own initiative. Secretarial service to the Commission shall be provided by City staff as directed by the Commission Executive Director. 492 2-4 -1 2-4-4 The Commission will meet at least once monthly at a time and place set by majority votes of the Commission. These will be considered public meetings. 2 -4-2: ORGANIZATION: The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section 412.321 shall apply to the composition, terms, appointment, qualifications and removal of members of the Commission. 2-4 -3: COMPENSATION: Each member shall receive a salary -e€ — twenty - -five - dollars - ($25. per meeting payable at such times as may be prescribed by the Council. The City Council hereby ,I reserves the right to regulate said salary and to adjust or abolish the C tA f-,C F same at any time. Compensation to the Executive Director and support staff will be determined by motion passed by the Commission and approval granted by the City Council. 2 -4 -4: POWERS AND DUTIES, JURISDICTION: A. The Public Utilities Commission shall have responsibility over the following public utilities of the City:' 1. City operated water systems. 2. City operated sanitary sewer systems. 3. City operated storm water systems. 4. Other utility systems serving the general public in Rosemount where the City has a determined part in determining the need and level of such service. 5. Any public buildings owned and operated by the City for functions directly relating to items in subsections Al - A4 above. B. With respect to the Public Utilities Commission areas of jurisdiction enumerated above, the Public Utilities Commission shall have the powers prescribed by law and more specifically as follows: 1. See Title 4 of this Municipal Code for water and sewer system regulations. 2. M.S.A. §216A.05. 492 2-4-4 2-4-4 B) 1. To review and adopt operating budgets and authorize expenditures for funds specifically set out for use in the operation and maintenance of the above referenced utilities. 2. To make recommendations to the City Council on the hiring of personnel, construction of new infrastructure, purchase of additional equipment and construction of new buildings for the operation and maintenance of the above referenced utilities. 3. To review all proposed developments residential, industrial and commercial i recommendations, as part of that review Council on these proposed developments needs of the community in all areas of utilities. These reviews being a required process for proposed developments. in the City including i nature and make process, to the City as they relate to the the above referenced part of the approval 4. At least annually, at the Commissions' regularly scheduled 4r' ,Laauar-y meeting, or more frequently if deemed necessary by the Commission, review all user fees, connection charges and other associated forms of revenue to these utilities and present recommendations to the City Council regarding these fees. Adding or deleting of such fees will also be determined, through this process. (Ord. V11.5, 4 -5 -88) C. The Public Utilities Commission shall also be responsible for review of cable services within the City for the following purposes: 1. To monitor the cable company's performance as to level of service. 2. To advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning use of franchise fees. D. The Commission jurisdiction is limited to what is specified in the cable franchise agreements. It has no power to adjust or approve cable rates or to require the cable company to improve level of service or to expand into new service areas within the City. The Commission may do the following: 1. Review and adopt operating budgets with respect to the amount of revenue the City receives from the franchise fee. 2. Authorize expenditures for funds specifically budgeted by the Commission. 492 2-4-4 2 -4-4 D) 3. Conciliate disagreements among the cable company, subscribers and users of the system. 4. Submit an annual report to the cable company and City Council assessing the company's performance according to the terms of the franchise agreement. (Ord. VII.6, 2- 18 -92) 492