HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Receive Bids/Award Contract - for Broback 3rd Addition Storm Sewer Improvements, City Project #319CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 15, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Bids /Award Contract - Broback 3`d AGENDA SECTION: Addition Storm Sewer Improvements, City Project #319 Old Business PREPARED BY: Bret Weiss, Acting City Engineer AGE ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation, Resolution APPROVED BY: On Thursday, August 10, 2000, bids for the referenced project were received and read aloud publicly. Three (3 ) bids were received on the project. This project was bid with the base bid for storm sewer improvements and an alternate bid for the street construction. The plans were developed in this manner to allow for elimination of the street portion in 2000 and incorporation into a future reconstruction project, depending on the bid cost. The apparent low bidder for the project is Municipal Contracting Services of Faribault, Minnesota in the amount of $74,775.50. The bids ranged from the low bid to a high bid of $91,804.00 and the Engineer's Estimate was $50,000.00. The firm of WSB & Associates, Inc., the Consulting Engineers for the project, will be at the meeting on Tuesday evening to discuss the bids and their recommendation because the cost is relatively higher than the Engineering Estimate_ A brief overview of the prs�ject will be given. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Will be discussed at meeting. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 A CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA QV , 1 RESOLUTION 2000 0 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE BROBACK 3 RD ADDITION STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #319 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. All bids on construction of the Broback 3' Addition Storm Sewer Improvements are hereby received and tabulated. 2. The bid of Municipal Contracting Services in the amount of $74,775.50 for the construction of said improvements are in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of all successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED this 15th day of August, 2000. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: HUU- IU - ,dnee ed ; e f(f r= o o 2.di ?!`,. W ' 3b 4 HSSUC i H TES ! NC. rb 35411'ri71J t'. blibl /" ' .. : :. • j 1 .... Ma ... w. v1A ,..,,.•.:..:.�w...��tiC..uw�,J. , :.w - t j � _ � i 1 . 5.. atiyri+ ..nn.fi n±•qy vT �t•t.. + � • ti7Y I. � J s .. �y �,�( ^ ":,1i..yryt K +'>�f y t a y w 1 � ' r•- - � • J �1�•~1 ..'411 . '+ W i • Bids Opened: 9.00 am. WSB & Associates, Inc. AUgUSt 10, 2000 Project No. 1235-00 Contractor �� Bid Security Total Bid Arcon Construction Co., Inc. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. 0 1113.00 C) I ,SO y. 0 Design Excavation a Friedges Landscaping, Inc. •la' �, ? �, c�c !� 8S 2 . UO McNamara Contracting Northwest Asphalt, Inc. Richard Knutson, Inc. Ryan Contracting Engineer's Estimate $ - 50,000.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received Tom Burt, Administrator on August 10, 2000. Linda City Clerk Bret Weiss, P.E. Date Denotes correctedfigure /.�srullus�saof.r+.i.�r TOTAL P.01 Subj: cub -foods Date; 811010014:03:31 PM Central Daylight Time From: Ksmkmc To: MCBUSHO Dear Mayor, You krww by nowwhed happened at the planning meeting. I was very disapointed to say the least. The question is not wether or not a cub belong here, its a question of how cub Its into the the P. U. D. This doccument was deWoped for a reason to guide the use of this property. Mayor, you told me you wanted this to be the "eye of rosemount ". Does a 68,000. 80,000 sq. ft. store it into this plan? Many of the P. U. D. agreements have bW uolated , right from the P.U.D. are: foster our small town ambiance .... (I think not....) press" and enhance the downtowns identity ... (it may close some stores there...) support existing viable businesses .... (ask knowians, dakota floral.....) to rrid irrtize commercial traffic impacts on residential streets..( 151 wiil be a freeway) the architectural plan is to create a "neighborhood" look and feel ... (ask the residents to the south and east...) signaae.., each freestanding building is allowed ONE sigrL..(not three...) wdlgreens set a precident for restricted hours because of the residents to the west.... (cub has had no restrictions applied..) dumpsters mist be internal ... (cubs are outside—just look at the back of a cub sometime...) use pitched hip roofs on accent roofs...(cub has none...) if a building changes more than 20 % or is moved more than 60 feet from the orig. P.U.D. it requires an ammendment and the process has to start from the beginning....( changing from 40,000 retail to 68,300 supermarket applies dont you think ?) "extrodirwy balferirg" to the residents to the south ... (very,very little if any...) a traffic study that was done in 1996 with 40,000 retail as a model...(hey, were talking about 68,000 to 80,0o0 supermarket here... we need a new study... ) Kathy, look at the P. U. Q. that you signed and tell me that they have met the conditions of the P. U. D. Some of the comrrissioners had probably not read the complete P.U.D. or the architectural guidelines ...."make sure the council has read them please... then you can retake a informed decision, l have learned aiotfrom this process, arrd alot of people are waiting for a good decision ton council. You said no to Town and country homes when they threatened to sue... Lets not be afraid of cub.... lets let them abide by the terms I the P,U. Q. Please feel free to show this to the other council members. I will wait you reply. Thanks, Kelly Mcgivem Subj: Proposed Cub Foods Date: 319/00 3:11:35 PM Central Daylight Time From: dkconneily@foodsys.com (Diana Connelly) _ To: mcbusho@aof.com (mcbusho@aol.com') Dear Cathy, thaw lived in Rosemount for the last 7 years. We built our house in 1993, Men our backyard was bordered by a comfield. lam concerned about the new Cub Foods that is proposed for the location on Claret. I litre behind the proposed Cub on 152nd Street West. I am concerned about the added traffic and noise of a business that is open 24 hours a day. l have head sew reasons why we should welcome a Cub Foods in Rosemount: Convenience: A guy went to get ice cream for his kids. It was 9:30 at night and KnoMans was closed. He had to drive all the way to Apple Valley. Well, Apple Valley is only 4 miles. They also seem to sell ice cream at the Dairy Queen, Holiday, SA, KWk Trip, etc. Revenue: With a large business like this one coming here, we will attract other businesses and will grow. That is probably not true, Knowlanrs WN either go out of business and the building there will be abandoned or Cub will realize that they aren't making the money they should and will abandon their building. Either way the town suffers. Remember, Super Value and , Knowians combined were too much for Rosemount and one of them went out of business. Wouldn't we just be killing another thriving business that has served us so well? The building won't be as large as proposed. I know of several people that live in Eagan and Burnsville that don't go to their Cub in town and opt to drive several miles to shop the Apple Valley store because of the larger building and more selections. How can this store thrive with another one so close not to mention larger than the proposed one? We are going to see about having the Cub only open until midnight. Well it sounds like the planting commission already okayed this to be a 24 hour /day store. Will we be able to ever open our windows at right in the summef? The traffic won't be any worse than it already is. 1 would think there WxAd be some kind of a bottle neck with people slowing to turn into and out of the store. VMII there also be an additional stop light added? There will be a lovely buffer between the store and the homes. Is this the same buffer that was put around IGndercare and Waigreens? This really needs to be discussed before the okay is ever given. There is a park within a few feet of the land proposed, there are people that would like to keep a quiet neighborhood. This buffer should riot only be nice looking, but a buffer that actually blocks the view of the store to our homes to reduce the sound and fights of the store and traffic, such as a large fence. Two years ago we had to go through this same thing when we fbund out that there would be hundreds of townhouses put behind us. As an added bonus to our neighborhood, we were promised a rice park where our children cold Play. That at the time sounded rice but as of today, almost all the Ouodw. Aunu" 13.2W - &nwg n On"= UMMMO war 1 townhouses are complete and the park sits there unfinished. The park consists of a tennis court and a jungle gym. The lot is still dirt wid of any grass, trees, or shrubs. I would like to know Men this is to be completed? What are the final plans for this park? Please try to answer my concerns about the park. Thank you, Diana C Tielly 3769152nd St. W Rosemount, MN 55068 Headers Return-Path: <.dkconnelly@foodsys.com> Received: frorn dy- yg01.mx.aol.com (dy yg01.fneil.aol.com [17218.147.1]) by air- rgol.maii.aoi.com (v75 b311) Wth ESMTP; Wed, 09 Aug 200016:11:35 -0400 Received: from spi %isd.net (spiro.isd.ret [ by dy-YlO1.mx.aol.com (v75_W.9) with ESMTP; Wed, 09 Aug 200016:11:09 -0400 Received: from rruskie.isd.net (mail foodsys.com {]} by spiro.isd.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id PAA16077 for <, mcbasho@aol.com >; Wed, 9 Aug 200015:10:58 4500 Received: by MUSKIE with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) id <.QQM7V66V >; Wed, 9 Aug 200015 :06:56 4500 Message -!D: < IIAF7B00600691A48E02E6D6 @MUSKIE> From: Diana Connelly <.dkconnelly ys.com> To. '"mcbusho@aol.com " <.mcbusho@aol.com> Subject: Proposed Cub Foods Dater Wed, 9 Aug 200015:06 :55 -0500 Retum -Receipt To: Diana Connelly <.dkcorureliy@foodsys.com> MIME Version: 1.0 X-Mailer. Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) Content Type: text/plain Subj: Cub Foods Date: $18(001 :21:56 PM Central Daylight Time From: Meredth.Johnsson@westgroup.com (Johnson, Meredith) _ To; mcbusho@aol.com rmcbusho@aol.com) Hello Mayor Cathy Busho - You haw probably heard an earful regarding Cub Foods, but l have a flew questions that I would like addressed: My biggest concern is for the safety of the children that live in the area If Cub does go through, are there any plans for painting crosswalks across 151st & Shannon Parkway? If Shannon Parkway has increased traffic it may become unsafe for children to cross Shannon Parkway to get to the ParkAce fink• Stpp-lights might be necessary - is this in the plan? - What amount of light pollution will there be with the 30' lights constantly being on? VVIII the homes located in the back and front of Cub constantly be lit up? - V% ill the protected Wetland between 151st & 153rd be affected? When we first purchased our house, we were shown great blueprints of a pond with a Walkwaay Found it. After we bought the house, we were told that Rosemount declared that area a wetland and no changes could be made to that area If all of the extra run-off i s directed to that area, the wetland will be flooded more often - does this affect the plant/animal life? I drow around to other area Cub Foods - none of which were located in such a predominately residential area - and at each location Cub had rusted semi trailers used for storage located around the outskirts of the building - is this addressed in their contract? I have lived in Rosemount my entire life (27 years). 1 chose to purchase a house in Rosemount so I could raise my family in a small town atmosphere. It apps that the money generated from Cub Foods moving into Rosemount talks louder than the voices of Rosemount Otizens. Thank you for your ti me - Meredith Johnson Headers Rein- Path: <.Meredith.Johnson@westgroup.com> Received: from rly- yhOC3.mx.aol.com (dy- yhO3.mail.aol.com [17218.147.36]) by air- yho3.n4f.ad.com (v75 b3.11) with ESMTP; Tue, 08 Aug 200014:21 :56 -0400 Received: from articuno.westgroup.com (arf cuno.westgroup.com []) by dy y hO3.mx.aol.com (WE W.9) with ESMTP; Tue, 08 Aug 200014:21:29 -0400 Received: from articuno.westgr+oup.can pocalhost.localdornain 1127.0.0:1]) by articuno.w�estgroup.c:om (8.9.3]8.9.3) with ESMTP id NAA02819 for <.mcbusho@aol.com >; Tue, 8 Aug 200013:21:28 - 0`'•'00 Received: from etk.int westgroup.com ([]} by articunomeMgroup.com (8.8:318.9.3) with ESMTP id NAA02819 for <. mcbusho@aol. com>; Tue, 8 Aug 200013:21 :28 -0500 Received: by elk.int.westgroup.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) id <.Q1LVVVV76R>; Tue, 8 Aug 200013:21:28 -0500 spndv,..,,nLwt,asmo Anwrk&On9ndKUCXNj8M Subj: CUB FOODS Date: 8/8/Q012:06:02 PM Central Daylight Time From: Wemplecm @DO.ISD196.k12.mn.us (Wemple, Charlotte) TQ: MCBUSHOQAOL.COM (MCBUSHO@AOL.COM') I would just tike to voice my concern on this issue. I don't believe that this store is going to suit the needs of this community. There are several stores already standing empty around town and when someone tries to come in the city council raises all these issues and eventually these businesses are turned away. This store is going up in a highly residential area. You have a brand new park and tennis court were there is constant traffic from bicycles and vOkers. Since there is no off-street parking, those that wish to use the park must park on the street, right in the path of Cub and their delivery trcicks. Why riot put this store out somewhere where the houses haven't been developed yet. Wheat is wrong with something out east on Cty Rd 42 or south Qn Hwy 3, where there is ample room and little worry of nnning over a kid riding his/her bike to the park. 1 wont shop in the Cub in Apple Valley, because it is way to big and takes forever to go through. If this is wtrat the new Cub is to look like, you Wit see me going to Rainbow or Knowlan's. When I do my shopping I am usually naming several errands at that ti me. There is no Target, K'mart or Wal -Mart in the area so I will have to spend my money in Apple Valley anyway. I feel the people who moved to this area in the last 4-5 years vaT ted the small town feel. I am sure they didn't mind the drive into Apple Valley or Eagan to pick up something that Rosemount couldn't offer. What 1 would really like to see is a family restaurant, but I guess that is not on Your plans since one was turned away already. Please listen to the people of the area, I am sure they know Mat is best for them and not just what the City feels is best for it. C. Wemple 153rd St. Resident Headers RetUrrW81h: <.Wemplecm@DO.ISD196.k12.mn.us> Received: from dy: zaM.mx.aoh.corn (dy za02.mail.aol.com []) by air- aa06.mail.ad.c om (v7S b3.11) with ESMTP; Tue, 08 Aug 200013:06:01 -0400 Receiver!: from do mail01_isd196.k12.mn.us (mail.isd196.k12.mn.us []) by dYza02.mx.ad.com (v75_WA with ESMTP; Tue, 08 Aug 200013:05:36 -0400 Received: by mailJsd196.k12mn.us with Internet Mail Serrice (5.5.2650.21) id <.PD4G2VRS >; Tue, 8 Aug 200012:13:45 -0500 Message-ID: <. DA3100244E5BD411AO9600508BC81C4DO8513E @do4mailO2.isd196.k12.fnn.us> From: ' Wemple, C,t*A*e" <.Wemplecm @DO.ISD196 k12.nn.us> To. w MCBUSHO@AOLCOM - <.MCBUSHO@AOL.COM> Subject: CUB FOODS We: Tue, 8 Aug 200012:13.37 -05500 MIME- Vershon. 1.0 X-Mla ler: Internet Mail Service (5.526550.21) Content Type: text/plain; charset - 8859 -1" Sw+dov. N,a- *t '13.=W AnwinsCnUI "CWMta 4�k 1 Subj: - Opposition to Cub Foods in Rosemount Qate: 4011:4457 AM Central Daylight Time From: Llfah To: MCBUSHO (sll@age DO WT let Cub Fopds put in a 8p, 000 ft gto�e Wth No 1SD ft suns. There must be some sort of compromise if 'AS have to have a Cub Foods .store in Rosemount. The store could- be considerably smaller and the large signs are rat necessary and do not comply with the Oevelppment agree" as it is now ( am a"r*t a sto fe Vng in at all but would like the above taken into account if a store does go in T'lpink you for your consideration, Laura Fahy 3581 153rd Street West Rosernourrt, MN 55088 Subj: Cub Foods inRosemountll Date: 8/7/00 8:49:50 AM Central Daylight Time From: therese.r.swsatzeramco.com (Sweitzer, Therese R) To: mcbushc@aol.com frncbusho@aol.com) Dear Mayor Cathy Busho, l heard there is a passibility of a CUB Food stone to be built in Rosenxxi rt. Why vrorld we want such a thing??? Isn't there enough grocery stores??? We certainly don't need another CUB!! Is this already set in concrete? If it is, can we keep the hours under control? i dont know about you, but I really don't vant to look acne the street and see a CUB Foods stone nor do I want to listen to the traffic all night long. There is enough traffic noise from 42 and 151st Street. Now i have to listen to more noise from CUBW I work 12 hour days and look (award to gang home and relaxing. Now i get to look forward to more traffic noise? I really dont look fonnrard to that after a busy work day. How would you like a CUB Foods across the street from where you live??? Why such a large store??? I heard 80,000 square feet. We don't creed the store to begin with, so why would we reed that big of a store??? Eagan has 4 times the populations and a much smaller store. i moved into Rosemount because it offered a small, quaint and more people oriented surrounding. It didrtt have the big retail chain stores on emery comer PW Mart, Target, Menards, Home Depot, etc.). Its a neat city. I certainly hope it doesn't change. Therese Sweitzer Rosemount Resident Headers Return-Path: <.theresar.swaitzer @imco.com> Received: from sly- ybO5.mxaoi.com (dy- ybO5.mail.ad.com []) by air ybOS.mdl.ad.com (v75_b3.11) with ESMTP; Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09 :49:50 -0400 Received: from mailgw2a.lmco.com (maiigw2almco.com []) by dY yb05.mx.ed.com (v75 b3.9) with ESMTP; Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09.49 :36 -0400 Received: from emss03g01.ems.imco.com (emss03901.ems.lmco.com 1141.240.4.1441) by mailgw2a lmco.com (8.8.8/848) with ESMTP id "14372 for <.mcbusho@aol.com>; Mon, 7 Aug 200009:49:35 - 0400 (EDIT) Return -receipt -to: theresar.sweitzerComco.com Received: from CONVERSION-DAEMON by Imco.com (PMDF V5.2 -32 #38888) id <0FYX)0E01CYKFWJmcacom> for mcbushoLDaoi.com; Mon, 7 Aug 2000 09 :48:23 -0400 (EDT) Received: from emss09i00.ems.imco.com x158. 183.24.10]) by imco.ccm (PMDF V5.2-32 #138888) with ESMTP id <OFY 5CYMSH@Imco.com> for mcbusho@ad.com; Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09 :47 :11 -0400 (EDT) Received by emss09i00.ems.Imco.corn Wth Intemet Mail Senice (5.5.2850.21) id <.QJS8WL6H>; Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09:46:36.0400 Corstent- return: allovwed Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09:47:06 =0400 From: "Sweitzer, Therese R" <.therese.r.sweitzer @ imco.com> Subject: Cub Foods in Rosenxxrdl! To: '"mcbusho@aol.com "' <.mcbLeho@aol.corsv Message -id: <393829FB82FCD011BA6A000OF81E 09mOC3.ems.lmco.corn> MIME- version: 1.0 M- Aewk0whw MCG09M pans, , Subj: Cub Foods Date. 8t710ll'C1:30:54 AM Central Daylight Time From geniokhelamp@yahoo.com (shaun laden) To: mcbusho@aol.com Mayor I am a c*7,en cif Rosemount who is excited and beheind the new renovations planned fordowntawn Rosemount l dwgree with a poorly written article in the Pioneer Press that says we have nothing to dfer. lRosemount is a great place to live. The newest plan for Cub Foods is unacceptable as it stands.. A 24 hour Cub is not needed and unfair. If the standards are to be lowered for Cub they should be (oWe,red fior Vftgreene and anyone else who wants into that club, and I don't think that is what Rosenxxv t vvarrts. An 80,000 foot eye sore along the main road in Rosemount is both excessive and in bad taste, just not classy. ( arrt mailing you today as a concerned resident Mo vvarrts to stay in Rosemount and raise my children here. It's the small tawrtcgmmunity feeling that makes this an attractive place to live. It is not the conWience of being able to wake up at 3a.m. and go grocery shopping that is attractive. Rosemount with all of her charm is being threatened. Mayor Busho the city of Rosemount needs someone to champion, our cause. We need someone who is able to stand up to big business and riot let them throw Roses into the waste bin of bad cities, like Apple Valley for instance. We elected you to represent us and the best inteceMt of our community. It is now your turn to do your job. We will keep fighting the good fight but we geed you to be there leading us. Keep Rosemount charming, keep Rosemount decent, keep Rosemount a place where people want to live. Sincerely Shan Laden (651) 322 -4788 Do You Yahoo!? Kick off Your party with Yahoo! mutes. httpJANtes.yahoo.corn/ Headers Retttan -Path: <.gerictthelamp@ yahoo com' Received: from dy za01.mx.aoi.com (dy- zaOl.maii.ad.com [17231.36.971} by air- za04.mail.ad.com (v75 b3.11) with ESMTP; Mon, 07 Aug 200412:38:54 -0400 Received: from weblOS.y*=xnaii.com (web106.yahOOr Wl.com []) by dy- za0l.rra.ad.com (v75 b3.9) with $ter- •,p,.eu_�oon r...b.a.� e.�+ 08/09/2000 10 :24 6514523220 VALLEY BLACKTOPPING PAGE 01 15125 CRESTONE CIRCLE ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 August 9, 2000 City of Rosemount City Hall 2875 165th Street W Rosemount, Y 55068 RE: Cub Foods Attn: 11 lanning Commission & City -Council After hearing. the-presentation for Cub Foods and hearing the comments from the audience, I really Wonder if it will really make a difference to stop *the building of Cub Foods that we will look at directly out of our kitchen window. We jusc left a very busy street and city to mo ve to a more quiet surrounding and were under the understanding- a small strip mall was to be built at this location and not a Cub Foods. The next thing we know a Walmart will b4i built. why can't this' Cub Food store be built in the Industrial park area and keep it out of site of all the residential owners. we have just spent over $200,000.00 a new home. You should stay with the original plan to keep this - .proposed cub area out and design a mall with some class. I really hope that Rosemount planning commission will look at the homeowners views - on.this. I realize that Cub Foods are a large limited partnership and that money talks. Again, please listen to what the homeowners near this location are Saying. Please, NO Cub Foods. Russ & Marcia Johnson 15125 Creston Drive Rosemount, 1 55068