HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing - East Side Watermain Improvements, City Project #320ti 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report /Set. Public Hearing- East Side Watermain Improvements, City Project #320 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Bret Weiss, Interim City Engineer AGENM 6 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Feasibility Report APPROVED BY: Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report for the East Side Watermain project, City Project #320. This project consists of the extension of the trunk watermain system from 140" Street along Trunk Highway 52 to Koch Refining, then along Pine Bend Trail to Trunk Highway 55, then southeast to Doyle Path. This project is expanded from the original plan due to the requirement to provide fire protection to Spectro Alloys. An option to complete the looping of the system by extending the pipe to 140" Street adjacent to the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant is also discussed. Much of the cost of this project will be funded through the Water Core Fund, with assessments levied against the benefited properties. A second phase of this project, connecting this line to the rural wells along CSAH 42 is proposed to be constructed in the near future. Staff and Interim City Engineer recommend that City Council receive the Feasibility Report and set the public hearing for October 3, 2000. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE EAST SIDE WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #320. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 f CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE EAST SIDE WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #320 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project #320, East Side Watermain Improvements, in the City as described in-and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer, and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #320 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engineer's report'to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on September 19, 2000; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #320 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #320, East Side Watermain Improvements to be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ADOPTED this 19th day of September, 2000. ATTEST: Cathy Busho, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor Voted against 0 o • N rmvs� 'J Eastside Watermain Extension City Project Number :320 for the City of WSB Proj. No. 1252 -002 September 19, 2000 Submitted to: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 A 350 Westwood Lake Office WSB 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 -_ 612 - 541 -0800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS FEASIBILITY REPORT EAST SIDE WATERMAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 320 SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office Park 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 (763) 541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 (Fax) City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work A Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB WSB Project No. 1252 -00 B.A. Mittelsteadt, P.E. 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350 14/46' � Minneapolis, MN 55426 Bret A. Weiss, P.E. ' Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Ronald B. Bray, P.E. & Associates, Inc. fax: 763 - 541 -1700 September 19, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council ' City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 ' Re: Feasibility Report East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 ' Dear Mayor and City Council Members: ' Transmitted herewith is a feasibility report which addresses the east side watermain extension along Trunk Highway (TH) 52 and Trunk Highway 55, serving adjacent properties. ' We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (763) 277 -5790 if you have any questions regarding this report. ' Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ' Bret A. Weiss, P.E. President ' Enclosure I bba/jw Minneapolis St. C l o u d ' Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Date: September 19, 2000 City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Reg. No. 20753 ,A A YrSB &A- TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................ ............................... 1 2. INTRODUCTION ........................ ..............................2 2.1 Authorization 2 2.2 Scope 2 2.3 Data Available 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND .............. ............................... 3 3.1 Project Location 3 3.2 Existing Conditions 3 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ........... ............................... 4 4.1 Watermain 4 4.2 Permits / Approvals 5 5 FINANCING ............................ ..............................6 5.1 Opinion of Cost 6 5.2 Funding 6 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE .................. ............................... 8 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION ............................... 9 APPENDIX .................................. .............................10 FIGURES 10 APPENDIX ................................. .............................14 OPINION OF COST 14 City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 A WSB & Assoemrrs /x. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ■ City Proj ect No. 320 involves the extension of a trunk watermain to serve existing businesses seeking potable water service and fire protection along Trunk Highway(TH) 52, north of ' 140 " Street and along TH 55, east of TH 52 to just beyond Doyle Path. This project is the second part of the East Side water system improvements, with the proposed water tower project as the first part. The final part of the improvements would involve the connection ' of this water system to the rural wells with a new larger trunk watermain system located along CSAH 42. A map showing the project location is shown on Figure 1. ' The east side watermain extension will connect to the existing rural water system and the proposed new water tower site located south of County Road 42 and east of TH 52. The proposed improvements include the construction of approximately 12,700 lineal feet of 12- inch DIP watermain and 2,400 lineal feet of 8 -inch DIP watermain and appurtenances to provide potable water service and fire protection to facilities adjacent to the watermain, ' namely the Koch administration building, Continental Nitrogen, Spectro Alloys, and Dixie Petro Chemical (DPC). An additional option analyzed in this report includes a continuation of the watermain to the south, to 140 ' Street and a connection to the existing rural water system, to provide a looped system. ' City of Rosemount AFEast Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 1 ■ The project cost for the watermain improvements is estimated at $1,127,198 and $1,396,252 ' for the base project and the base project including the looping option, which includes a 10% contingency and 30% indirect costs. The project is proposed to be funded through assessments of the adjacent properties and by the City of Rosemount Water Core Fund. This ro'ect is proposed to be completed b June of 2001 to coincide with a Jul 2001 p J p p P Y Y ' completion date of the new water tower site. This project is feasible, necessary and cost - effective from an engineering standpoint and ' should be constructed as proposed herein. ' City of Rosemount AFEast Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 1 ■ r 1 u 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization On May 2, 2000, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report to address the extension of watermain to provide potable water service to adjacent properties along TH's 52 and 55. This project has been designated as City Project No. 320. 2.2 Scope This report addresses the construction of a trunk watermain along TH 52 from 140' Street to TH 55 and along TH 55 from TH 52 to just beyond Doyle Path to provide potable water service and fire protection to adjacent properties. This project will include the construction of approximately 12,700 lineal feet of 12 -inch DIP and 2,400 lineal feet of 8 -inch DIP watermain and appurtenances. An additional option to this project includes the continuation of the 12 -inch DIP watermain to the south along the railroad right -of -way and MCES property to connect to the rural water system at 140`' Street, providing a looped system. The project as proposed will connect to the existing rural water system, and new water tower located south of County Road 42 and east of TH 52. Installation of the trunk watermain is anticipated to be within the Mn/DOT right -of -way or private easements. 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: • City of Rosemount Record Plans • Site Topography by WSB & Associates, Inc. • City of Rosemount Topography Maps • Preliminary Feasibility Report for City of Rosemount East Side Water Supply and Distribution Plan by Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates • As -built plans for the Conley Avenue Street and Utility construction prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. • Plans for the City of Rosemount 500,000 Gallon Elevated Water Reservoir prepared by Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND ' 3.1 Project Location (See Figure 1) ' The proposed watermain improvements are located north of 140 Street along TH 52 to Koch's East side complex and along TH 55, east of TH 52 just beyond Doyle Path to Spectro ' Alloys. 3.2 Existing Conditions The primary area where the trunk watermain is proposed to be installed is within the right -of- ways of TH's 52 and 55. The terrain in this area consists of road ditches, several areas of ' trees and brush, and other vegetation. Numerous private utilities exist within and adjacent to the right -of -way. Sprint has several ' fiber optic cables located along the south side of Pine Bend Trail from TH 52 to TH 55, within the right -of -way. Sprint also has telephone cables located along and crossing TH's 52 and 55. These are all copper cables and are critical communication lines for the ' surrounding businesses. Northern Natural Gas (Enron) has a 12 -inch diameter high pressure steel line crossing TH 52. Peoples Natural Gas has pipelines along TH's 52 and 55 in parallel alignment with the proposed watermain. NSP has two TH 52 crossings along with i a distribution pole line along the east right -of -way and a transmission pole line along the west side of TH 52. Koch Pipeline has a 6 -inch propane line, two 16 -inch crude oil lines, ' a 12 -inch and 8 -inch refined product line all along and crossing TH 52. Coordination with these private utility companies is crucial to the safe installation of the watermain. Exact locations of all these utilities is being verified and may have an impact to the alignment of the proposed watermain, as well as construction within the highway right -of -way. The existing properties currently are not served by City water and exist on private water ' systems. The existing rural water system and the new water tower site are designed to provide domestic water supply service and fire protection to this eastern service area. The existing businesses that currently need service include Koch Refinery, Continental Nitrogen, ' Dixie Petro Chemical (DPC), and Spectro Alloys Corporation. Koch Refinery has extreme fire protection demands and will need to maintain a separate fire protection system, but will use the City water for potable water needs. Continental Nitrogen needs City water for ' potable water use only. DPC needs City water for processing and potable water only. Spectro Alloys has a sprinkler system installed in their facility and is required to hook up to City water for fire protection. Based on projected pressures in the area, it is likely that ' Spectro Alloys will need to install a booster pump to meet their internal sprinkler system requirements. City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 3 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Watermain (See Figure 2) The proposed trunk watermain will connect to the existing 12 -inch DIP stub located at 140" Street and TH 52, west of Conley Avenue, and will extend north along the east side of TH 52 for approximately 6,000 feet and continue along Pine Bend Trail to TH 55 for approximately 900 feet, while providing service to Continental Nitrogen. The watermain will then extend along the south side of TH 55 for approximately 1,200 feet, and will cross TH 55 and extend east along the north side of TH 55 for approximately 4,000 feet to just beyond Doyle Path to provide service to Spectro Alloys. The proposed watermain will also cross TH 52 with 12 -inch DIP line just south of Pine Bend Trail with an 8 -inch DIP line to serve Koch Refinery's east side complex. The watermain will extend through jacked casing pipe at crossings under TH's 52 and 55. Water service lines from the trunk watermain will be extended to the individual properties as required. An 8 -inch DIP water line will service Koch Refinery's east side complex, a 4 -inch DIP pipe will serve Continental Nitrogen and a 12 -inch DIP water line will serve Spectro Alloys and DPC. Hydrants with six -inch leads and gate valves will be placed at high and low elevation points along the proposed watermain line along with other locations to maintain an approximate 1,200 -foot spacing. Gate valves will be placed every 1,200 feet and at crossing and services. The proposed watermain includes installation in the Mn/DOT right -of -ways of TH 52 and TH 55, pending permit approval. As described in the existing conditions section, there are several private utilities located in the Mn /DOT right -of -way. Their exact location is being verified and potentially poses tight construction limits for installation of the proposed watermain. Use of a trench box, supporting the private utilities and protection of the proposed watermain is anticipated to be needed during construction. Private easements may need to be acquired to work around all the utility conflicts. These costs were not included in the cost opinion, however it appears that the adjacent property owners would be agreeable to provide easements if necessary. There is a rectifier present near Koch's site and most likely the trunk watermain will need to be connected to Koch's cathodic protection system to avoid damage to the pipe. Using PVC pipe may be an option instead of using DIP to further protect the watermain from any degradation. These details will be worked out during design. For this feasibility report we will consider using 8 -inch DIP, as it is more costly than PVC pipe. The system as proposed consists of a long dead end line, which can create issues with water quality and possible inconsistent service. In an effort to accommodate a looped system, a possible option would be to continue the extension of the 12 -inch DIP watermain for approximately 5,000 feet from TH 55 south to 140' Street along the railroad right -of -way and adjacent to the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant. This system would connect into the existing 4 -inch PVC line along 140" Street, which is part of the City of Rosemount's Rural Water System. While connection to the 4 -inch system is not ideal, it would provide City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 4 consistency in the system which is essential for many of the benefitted businesses. This proposed 12 -inch optional line will include auguring under railroad tracks at TH 55. Hydrants and gate valves will be placed along this line to maintain an approximate 1,200 foot spacing. Private easements will need to be acquired for this option and are not included in ' the cost opinion. ' This proposed system is considered to be the second part of the East Side water system improvements plan, following the proposed water tower project. It is anticipated that this project can be constructed in time to connect with the new water tower site, which is to be completed by July of 2001. The timely completion of this project will allow the third phase to proceed, which includes the extension of a trunk watermain along County Road 42 to the rural well system. This third phase will provide a larger and more efficient water system, ' increasing the rate at which the new water tower can be filled and providing a more reliable water source. ' 4.2 Permits / Approvals Permits will be required for this project from the Minnesota Department of Health for the ' watermain extension. ' Permits from the Mn/DOT will be required for any work performed within TH 55 and TH 52 rights -of -way. Railroad permits will be required for crossings and work performed within the rights -of -way. 1 City of Rosemount ArEast Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 5 FINANCING Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions of cost incorporate 2000 construction costs and include a 10% continency factor and all related indirect costs. The indirect costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, administrative, and financing items. The summary of the project cost is as follows: Total' • Watermain Improvements $1,127,198 Subtotal $1,127,198 • Watermain Improvements — Loop Option 1 5. ' $1,396,252 5.1 FINANCING Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions of cost incorporate 2000 construction costs and include a 10% continency factor and all related indirect costs. The indirect costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, administrative, and financing items. The summary of the project cost is as follows: Total' • Watermain Improvements $1,127,198 Subtotal $1,127,198 • Watermain Improvements — Loop Option 1 $269,054 Grand Total $1,396,252 ' 5.2 Funding The City's policy for assessments is to assess the cost of a 12 -inch watermain in commercial or industrial zoning areas and 8 -inch watermain in residential areas. These assessments are figured out at $18 /front foot or at a rate of half the cost of installation per benefitting side. Funding for the project will be collected from special assessments to the benefitting properties and through the City's Water Core Fund. Much of the property adjacent to the proposed watermain is undeveloped, with no immediate development plans. Further, because properties across the highway from the watermain installation are difficult and expensive to service, the assessments are figured for the length of adjacent property. In the case of Continental Nitrogen, the front footage is considered the shorter of the two sides. Koch Material is being served by an 8 -inch service line, and will not be charged the same rate as the other properties, instead they will be charged for 100% of the costs to service them. Service costs for Koch, DPC, Continental Nitrogen and Spectro Alloys are included in the following table. Yearly costs are estimated at an 8% interest rate for 10 years. City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 6 t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - EAST SIDE WATERMAIN EXTENSION CITY PROJECT NO. 320 WSB PROJECT NO. 1252 -00 PID No. Property Owner Front Footage LF Mainline Rate Service Cost Assessment Yearly Cost 340190001057 Koch Refining 995 $18 / ft. $17,910 $2,669.12 Company 340190001067 Koch Refining 1,130 $18 / ft. $20,340 $3,031.26 Company 340190001040 Koch Refining 1,250 $18 / ft. $22,500 $3,353.16 Company 340190001112 Continental Nitrogen 1,300 $18 / ft. $23,400 $3,487.29 340190001112 Continental Nitrogen 900 $18 / ft. $1,200 $17,400 $2,593.11 340130001075 Great Northern Oil 2,400 $81,600 $81,600 $12,160.81 340180001888 Dixie Petro -Chem 1 800 $18 / ft. $14,300 $28,700 $4,277.15 340180001588 Walbon Partnership 2,000 $18 / ft. $36,000 $5,365.06 343340008001 Hollenback & Nelson 800 $18 / ft. $14,400 $2,146.02 343340003102 Eagle Sanitation 1 300 $18 / ft. $5,400 $804.76 343340003102 Eagle Sanitation 1 450 $18 / ft. $8,100 $1,207.14 347215001001 Spectro Alloys Corp. 750 $18 / ft. $2,000 $15,500 $2,309.96 Total Assessments $291,250 A breakdown of the special assessmen is as follows: Base Base Project plus Project Looping Option Assessments $291,250 $291,250 Water Core Fund $835,948 $1,105,002 Total $1,127,198 ! $1,396,252 �ioure 3 shows the locations of the adiacent brouerties alone the proposed watermain. City of Rosemount ArEast Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 7 r� 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for this improvement is as follows: Receive Feasibility Report / Order Public Hearing ............. September 19, 2000 Public Hearing / Order Plans and Specifications .................... October 3, 2000 Approve Plans and Specifications / Order Ad for Bid .............. November 7, 2000 Receive Bids .............. ............................... December 1, 2000 Award Contract ............ ............................... December 5, 2000 Begin Construction ........ ............................... December 15, 2000 Construction Completion ........... ............................... June, 2001 Assessment Hearing ............. ............................... August, 2001 City of Rosemount AF East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 8 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION City Project No. 320 consists of the extension of a trunk watermain and appurtenant work in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Plans. It is the recommendation of WSB & Associates, Inc. that City Project No. 320 is feasible, necessary and cost - effective from an engineering standpoint. We recommend construction of the proposed improvements as detailed in this report. City of Rosemount Ar East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 9 F] APPENDIX A FIGURES ' City of Rosemount ArEast Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 10 N N w 0 0 N I 0 ,ODD 2000 350 Westwood Lake Office - Eastside Watermain Extension WS6 Project No. 1252 -D02 Date: September 19, 2000 8441 Wayzata Boulevard WSB Minneapolis, MN 55426 Project Location J Figure Number � e,z- sa, <eoo &A —iw-, Inc. FAX 541 -1700 Rosemount Minnesota INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS 1 ;OCH — - -, -- IN` -- [ C O N L E y ,y,�A TCOSED �B" PVC WATERMAIN w i NEW WATER F TOWER SITE I I L Q LN i ao�� l O U EXISTIN� - WATERMAII 0 . i ro N o 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard u 'w SB S Minneapolis, MN 55426 N rr ' 612.541800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 541-1700 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS I� I � I I I � I j i i 3B Project No. 1252 -002 0 500 1000 Date: September 19, 2000 Figure 2 r i i 340130001 GREAT NORTHE 1000 0 1000 Feet /SB Project No. 1252 -002 Date: September 19, 2000 35(7 Westwood Lake Office • 8441 Wayzata Boulevard • r�, Minneapolis. MN 55426 a �Y B Figure 612 -54 4900 w t.ur:curev, r :.: FAX 541.1too 3 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS i Fi APPENDIX B OPINION OF COST City of Rosemount mEast Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 14 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost East Side Watermain Extension & Appurtenant Work ' City of Rosemount City Project No. 320 Schedule A - Water Improvements Item Description Total Cost 1 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 2 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 3 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 1 $500.00 $500.00 4 12" WATERMAIN -- DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 12,700 $30.00 $381,000.00 5 8" WATERMAIN — DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 2,400 $25.00 $60,000.00 6 6" WATERMAIN — DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 500 $20.00 $10,000.00 7 4" WATERMAIN — DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 50 $15.00 $750.00 8 20" CASING FOR JACKING 12" WATERMAIN LIN FT 400 $220.00 $88,000.00 9 FURNISH AND INSTALL HYDRANT EACH 16 $1,600.00 $25,600.00 10 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 17 $1,200.00 $20,400.00 11 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 2 $700.00 $1,400.00 12 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 16 $500.00 $8,000.00 13 4" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 1 $400.00 $400.00 14 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 10,000 $1.00 $10,000.00 15 SODDING SY 8,000 $2.00 $16,000.00 16 SEEDING ACRE 8.0 $1,500.00 $12,000.00 17 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LUMP SUM 1.0 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 18 GRAVEL RESTORATION TON 100 $10.00 $1,000.00 19 STREET /DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT SY 700 $30.00 $21,000.00 20 REMOVE AND REPLACE CULVERT PIPE LIN FT 800 $40.00 $32,000.00 21 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL APRON EACH 13 $400.00 $5,200.00 Subtotal $788,250.00 +10% Contingencies $78,825.00 Subtotal $867,075.00 30% Indirect Costs $260,122.50 Schedule A - Watermain Improvements $1,127,197.50 * Note: Private easements may be required and are not included in cost opinion. City of Rosemount a East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 15 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost East Side Watermain Extension & Appurtenant Work City of Rosemount City Project No. 320 Schedule B - Watermain Improvements — Option I I t e m Description Unit Quanti Unit C Total Cost 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 1 $500.00 $500.00 2 12" WATERMAIN — DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 5000 $30.00 $150,000.00 3 20" CASING FOR JACKING 12" WATERMAIN LIN FT 75 $220.00 $16,500.00 (UNDER RAILROAD) 4 6" WATERMAIN — DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 100 $20.00 $2,000.00 5 FURNISH AND INSTALL HYDRANT EACH 4 $1,500.00 $6,000.00 6 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 7 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 4 $500.00 $2,000.00 8 4" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 1 $400.00 $400.00 9 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 3,000 $1.00 $3,000.00 10 SEEDING ACRE 2.5 $1,500.00 $3,750.00 Subtotal $188,150.00 +10% Contingencies $18,815.00 Subtotal $206,965.00 30% Indirect Costs $62,089.50 Schedule B — Watermain Improvements — Option 1 $269,054.50 GRAND TOTAL $1,396,252.00 * Note: Private easements may be required and are not included in cost opinion. City of Rosemount N East Side Watermain Extension and Appurtenant Work Feasibility Report - City Project No. 320 WSB Project No. 1252 -00 Page 16