HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Technical Erectors, Inc. - Replat of Lots 5-8, Hollenback And Nelson, Inc. First AdditionCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: February 15, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Technical Erectors, Inc. - Replat of Lots 5 -8, AGENDA SECTION: __ Hollenback And Nelson, Inc. First Addition New 13usiness PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA ATTACHMENTS: Draft resolution, Plat Drawing; Vacation & APPROVED BY: Topography Drawing; PC minutes (1- 25 -00); Correspondence Applicant: Chris J. Psihos, of Technical Erectors, Inc. Location: North side of Doyle Path between STH 55 and Spectro Alloys. Property Owner(s): Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. Area in Acres: 13.21 acres Number of Lots: Four to be combined into one. Comp. Guide Plan Desig: General Industrial Current Zoning: General industrial (IG) Other Issues: Mississippi River Critical Corridor Area Planning Comm. Action: Motion to recommend approval (4 -0) SUMMARY Mr. Chris Psihos is requesting approval of a combination of four platted lots of Hollenback And Nelson Inc. First Addition which was originally recorded in June of 1972. The other lots are occupied by Materials Recovery and Spectro Alloys. About two years ago, Spectro replatted their property to combine the lots occupied by their plant and vacate right -of -way. Hollenback And Nelson, Inc. First Addition was originally platted into small lots ranging in size from 2.25 to 4.6 acres. The minimum lot size has since been changed to ten acres. The result of the combination will be one lot of 13.21 acres, which will provide a building site of a scale which is more typical of the larger industrial uses established in the area. Much of the lot is part of the protected Mississippi River bluff, which will count as green space in future site plans. Drainage and utility easements along the interior lot lines will have to be vacated as part of the Council action. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING On January 25, 2000, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required. Mr. Psihos was present to answer questions. No other persons attended or commented. After breif discussion, the Planning Commission adopted a unanimous motion to recommend approval. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the lot combination of lots 5, 6, 7 & 8 Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition for Technical Erectors, Inc. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOT COMBINATION REQUESTED BY TECHNICAL ERECTORS AND CAUSING A DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION WHEREAS, the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for the combination of the following described parcels of land: Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on January 25, 2000, as required by the subdivision ordinance for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested lot combination; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the lot combination of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded by the Planning Commission on February 15, 2000; and WHEREAS, it appears that it will be for the best interest of the City of Rosemount to vacate certain drainage and utility easements as they do not serve a public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the lot combination of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, subject to the following: 1) The plat must include a ponding easement at the northeast corner of existing Lot 5 (proposed Lot 1) to accommodate Pond #1491 (NWL 844.0', HWL 853.1', storage volume of 4.80 acre -feet) of the City Stormwater Management Plan. 2) The City's Stormwater Management Plan, Water Supply & Distribution Plan, and Eastern Service Area Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan show no plans for future stormwater, water or sanitary sewer installation that would require easements at the existing property lines. 3) The plat must include a 10' drainage and utility easement around the perimeter of proposed Lot 1. 4) Technical Erectors should check that utilities such as gas and/or telephone and/or electrical lines are not located within the existing easements. Resolution 2000- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following drainage and utility easements are hereby vacated, to -wit: Description A . Those parts of Lot 5, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: The southeasterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 5, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, and the northwesterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 5, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lot 6, Block 1. Description B. Those parts of Lot 6, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: The southeasterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 6, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lot 5, Block 1, and the westerly 10.00 feet of said Lot 6, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lot 7, Block 1. Description C. Those parts of Lot 7, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: The easterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 7, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lot 6, Block 1, and the southwesterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 7, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lot 8, Block 1. Description D. That part of Lot 8, Block 1, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: The northeasterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 8, Block 1, lying adjacent to Lot 7, Block 1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney shall prepare a notice of completion of the proceedings and necessary Quit Claim Deeds which shall contain the name of the City, identification of the vacation and a statement of the time of completion thereof, and shall present the same to the County Auditor and then file a copy with the County Recorder. ADOPTED this 15` day of February, 2000. Cathy Busho, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Seconded by: Voted against:_ Member absent: TECHNICAL ERECTORS FIRST ADDITION \ 2j �� 82 £ `1T 09a1 \9 - 6 7 36'10 7 20' TL) A /♦ /`1 11 /N A / 0 1 I \nom i of Uvn ¢74 Reel 960.08 1 N Q-- Northwest corner of Sec. 20, Two. 115, Rge. 18 l o Dokala County Cost Iron Monument (CM) }I too o too zoo s.1E a ^ - FEET ! 1 \hlf -•` 1 L_I \I V I - I A II Scdr 1 1. 100 Fen I\45 L. �// I 61 4 P. �g I, 9 02 \ \ ss i , / 1 5 / 8 L\ 0 T I 1 / -I .< / ACIr I A N IF1 I VL_L _�%VI V / y\ fIV L.L.L_IV v ' \ B L 0 CI K 0 N/ E o o.�r 205.88 — 1 e y 9?g�56 N88 44'52 W i a : �� otih� KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: Thal ar Hotlanback and Nelson. Inc, a Minnesota eorporalbn, \ ���•'')• I T.4 � ay fee .ro of the foil —" d—lbed property sU. -led M Minnesota, Ins County of Dakota, Stale of Mi to it::: r�r • . I 1 I \ yM \ Lets 5. S. 7, B, of Block 1. HOILENBACK k NELSON, INC. MST ADDITION• according to the reco,ded \�/•� / G ory i ''a 'c t� Plat thereof, Dakota County. Minnesota. Now caused the eame to be wrn d and lied as TECHNICAL ERECTORS FIRST ADDITION and do hereby on date and dedicate to the public for public o y es forever the aosarn -t far drdnage and utl ty pv pw. \ �,�y) only as wn sho on this plot , �• / 0 O A F r1 I T I f A V P.-11. t Minnesota Statute, Section ]8]0.65, this plot hoe been approved this ___ doY o Notary Pubik, Caunly. MFne..to My Commie.ion eaPkew __ Gary H. Co.." .- Par th ea of lNia plat the southeasterly line of Oakolo ounty at 5, Block lock 1. I, HOLLENBACK k NELSON, INC. FIRST ADDITION COUNTY TREASURER - AUDITOR, Dakota Count, MNne+oto I+ aaaumed to bear S e2 IV 28' W I hereby Fly that 1 have N ryed d lolled the roperly dae<r'led an We lot .+ TECHNICAL ERECTORS FIRST ADDIMON that a D—W. ' -.a monument. lble plot M o eel rsp of cold ­-y' Nat II di+lancee a «Il�eho.n on IM �lal ��d b d in. toed the of I hereby cerNly In.l "'d" ose la Ins rQr 2000 lw the Iona ee+nlbee an This peal a TECHNICAL ERECTORS FIgST ADDIRON Doom loot.' tool oil la have bath cor Illy Qlared h IM grwnd re r n M be placed ro yy nave been paid and no clNgu<nl lase+ re duo and Iranelcr cnlervJ an this __ doY .I ____ 2000. o Denalee l0 2 MU by to InNi Yon m t el qa l unit: that the lslde boundary Ilnes re c c�ly designoled an of and there are n etlanda o+ defned ..a m 4ed .1 1, 4innea.ta Llcenav No.2]96tl. M MS 505.02 1 or public high—ye 1. be deiynalad Iha P. Denolea Dakota County Caal Iran 4onumenl. 1.111 M 41.•I,, 6j, Cuun1Y• 41nn ++Dies T--, - Audllw MLu,eaulu Ik:enee Nu. 2lwd L :0UHI1 I'LCORIR.N, 11—to C—ni , Mh,—..Il. STAIE of MINNESOTA _ day of COUNT'r Or .ANOTA 1 hereby ce'llfy that thle InsUumanl roe load In the office of the CaunlY Recerder for record on ibis The foregoing s yo,* a cvtIfIc.ta ores acknowledged all— me this _ day of __ 2000 by Kwl __— 21100, at o dock __.m. and .ere duly ­ a'ded In Book M. KIsch. Lkenaed Land Surveyor. an Page Notary Kuualst., Ltd. Publk. Da4oto Cwnly. Mnnesola Dakota County Recorder RLK - My Cw.missia, espbcs: 'fief Ih 1/` I I I \ a Yinneaot. lion, has caused these preaenta Wlnees rharaef sold Ndlenback and Nelaon, Ins., corpora \ �I n 11 V V • L. be tignad by Its proper al6aer this _ day of _ 2000 L \ ^ / \^ r r \ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 2000, by \lv o \ the feregoing Nstrument woa ocemmeadyad belle me N8 _day of __ Hat bla., Minnaaola eorDoralioh Ile on band/ el the —p—U-1 ` g • \ of and Nelaon, a __ \ Notary public, CauntY. Minnesota My C.mmisaian eapkec ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA We do hereby certify N at an the _ day of 20. the City Cauncg o1 Rosemount, 00 W-1.1a .,proved Inc., a Mlanasata carporalfan, paean M •knees whereof said 7edmical Erectors. "12'09.."'d theca V W plat is be signed by Ile proper officer lhia __ day .I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA elgned: i t. By , _ - its Mayor By. __. il+ Clerk ____ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The Iwegong instrument ras Ilk ... [edged before me this __ daY of _ 2000, by behdf of the earparatlon. of Technical Ereclo,e. Inc. a Yinneaola ewporalian, ile _ an COUNTY SURVEYOR. Dakota County, Minne100 2000 P.-11. t Minnesota Statute, Section ]8]0.65, this plot hoe been approved this ___ doY o Notary Pubik, Caunly. MFne..to My Commie.ion eaPkew __ Gary H. Co.." .- Par th ea of lNia plat the southeasterly line of Oakolo ounty at 5, Block lock 1. I, HOLLENBACK k NELSON, INC. FIRST ADDITION COUNTY TREASURER - AUDITOR, Dakota Count, MNne+oto I+ aaaumed to bear S e2 IV 28' W I hereby Fly that 1 have N ryed d lolled the roperly dae<r'led an We lot .+ TECHNICAL ERECTORS FIRST ADDIMON that a D—W. ' -.a monument. lble plot M o eel rsp of cold ­-y' Nat II di+lancee a «Il�eho.n on IM �lal ��d b d in. toed the of I hereby cerNly In.l "'d" ose la Ins rQr 2000 lw the Iona ee+nlbee an This peal a TECHNICAL ERECTORS FIgST ADDIRON Doom loot.' tool oil la have bath cor Illy Qlared h IM grwnd re r n M be placed ro yy nave been paid and no clNgu<nl lase+ re duo and Iranelcr cnlervJ an this __ doY .I ____ 2000. o Denalee l0 2 MU by to InNi Yon m t el qa l unit: that the lslde boundary Ilnes re c c�ly designoled an of and there are n etlanda o+ defned ..a m 4ed .1 1, 4innea.ta Llcenav No.2]96tl. M MS 505.02 1 or public high—ye 1. be deiynalad Iha P. Denolea Dakota County Caal Iran 4onumenl. 1.111 M 41.•I,, 6j, Cuun1Y• 41nn ++Dies T--, - Audllw MLu,eaulu Ik:enee Nu. 2lwd L :0UHI1 I'LCORIR.N, 11—to C—ni , Mh,—..Il. STAIE of MINNESOTA _ day of COUNT'r Or .ANOTA 1 hereby ce'llfy that thle InsUumanl roe load In the office of the CaunlY Recerder for record on ibis The foregoing s yo,* a cvtIfIc.ta ores acknowledged all— me this _ day of __ 2000 by Kwl __— 21100, at o dock __.m. and .ere duly ­ a'ded In Book M. KIsch. Lkenaed Land Surveyor. an Page Notary Kuualst., Ltd. Publk. Da4oto Cwnly. Mnnesola Dakota County Recorder RLK - My Cw.missia, espbcs: sl won mm s i O \4 O CIO i � sc m Al K3 -QD R l ' It C .3 f co JJ . PZ Z5 l e --I U 13, Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duty held on Tuesday, January 25, 2000. Chairperson Bill`Droste called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. with members Jay Tentinger, Kim Sh6e- Corrigan, and Jeffery Weisensel present. Also in attendance was City Planner Rick Pearson. There were no additions or corrections to tj MOTION by Weisensel to 'approve-the January 11, 2000 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Seconded b}�roste. Ayes: Tentinger, Droste, Shoe - Corrigan, and Weisensel. Nays: 0. Motion earned 'o7 Commissio��s noted the City Council meeting o January 18, 2000, and discussed issues re died to Solberg Aggregate and Linder's Flower Mart. The process for co ssion appointments was also discussed. New Business: Biscayne Pointe Third Addition Final Plat Mr. Pearson presented the final plat application by Heritage Development for the final phase of Biscayne Pointe. A change was made from the approved preliminary plat moving the northerly street connection further east. This change was to provide access to the site north of the development purchased by the developer. After meeting with staff, the developer agreed to either shift the street back to the approved location or to align it with the property lines to the north. The developer is proceeding to revise the plans. MOTION by Droste to table action regarding the final plat for more detailed study of the revised street connections. Seconded by Weisensel. Ayes: Droste, Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel, and Tentinger. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Public Hearing: Technical Erectors, Inc. Replat of Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing on the application by Technical Erectors, Inc. for the combination of Lots 5 -8, Hollenback & Nelson, Inc. First Addition. The recording secretary has placed the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailing and Posting of a Public Hearing Notice on file with the City. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 2 Mr. Pearson presented the application by Technical Erectors, Inc. to combine four platted lots in the Hollenback & Nelson Addition, located east of Hwy. 55 on Doyle Path. Mr. Pearson reviewed the topography of the area. Information on the proposed replat has been forwarded to MnDOT and the Dept. of Natural Resources for review and comment. Existing drainage & utility easements will have to be vacated. Variances may be required for development of this site. Chris Psihos of Technical Erectors, Inc. was present at the meeting. Mr. Psihos explained the intent for this site. Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing. There were no comments. MOTION by Droste to close the public hearing. Seconded by Tentinger. Ayes: Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel, Tentinger, and Droste. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Chairperson Droste informed the applicant that approval of the replat does not guarantee approval of any required variances requested in the future. MOTION by Tentinger to recommend that the City Council approve the lot combination of lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Hollenback and Nelson, Inc. First Addition, subject to: 1) Vacation of interior drainage and utility easement by City Council; 2) Incorporation of comments by the Minn. Department of Transportation concerning STH 55 right -of -way; and 3) Incorporation of recommendation (if any) regarding easements or right -of -way by the City's Engineering Consultant. Seconded by Shoe - Corrigan. Ayes: Weisensel, Tentinger, Droste, and Shoe - Corrigan. Nays: 0. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before this Commission, upon MOTION by Droste an'diponunanimous decision; the- meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Dianne G. Quinnell Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! MEMORANDOM To: Rick Pearson From: Alyson Moms CC: Date: 02/02/00 Re: Technical Erectors Easement Vacation CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 I am submitting the following comments regarding Technical Erectors' plan for vacating easements: 1. The plat must include a ponding easement at the northeast corner of existing Lot 5 (proposed Lot 1) to accommodate Pond #1491 (NWL 844.0', HWL 853.1', storage volume of 4.80 acre -feet) of the City Stormwater Management Plan. I have indicated the approximate location of the HWL on Sheet 1/1 of RLK's Vacation Sketch. Pond #1491 is not included in the City's wetland inventory. 2. The City's Stormwater Management Plan, Water Supply & Distribution Plan, and Eastern Service Area Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan show no plans for future stormwater, water or sanitary sewer installation that would require easements at the existing property lines. 3. The plat must include a 10' drainage and utility easement around the perimeter of proposed Lot 1. 4. Technical Erectors should check that utilities such as gas and /or telephone and /or electrical lines are not located within the existing easements. Please contact me if there are any questions. • Page 1 January 18, 2000 ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Mr. Keith Van Wagner Minnesota Dept. Of Transportation Waters Edge Building 1500 West County Road B -2 Roseville, MN 55113 Dear Mr. Van Wagner: CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423.4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Please find the enclosed Technical Erectors First Addition, a proposed replat of a portion of Hollenback and Nelson's Addition, which is adjacent to State Trunk Highway 55. The original plat was recorded on June 8, 1972. This proposed replat will combine lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 into one lot for industrial development. A public hearing at the Rosemount Planning Commission is scheduled for January 25, 2000. Review and presumably approval by the City Council is anticipated for February 15, 2000. Approval will be conditioned upon MnDOT's comments /requirements. However, it is hoped that those comments would be received by the city prior to the City Council review. Please contact me at (651) 322 -2052 with you comments or concerns. Sincerely, Rick Pearson City Planner cc Chris J. Psihos CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! January 18, 2000 Mr. Patrick J. Lynch III Area Hydrologist , Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Metro Waters 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 -6793 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068.4997 Phone: 651- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651- 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 RE: Proposed Technical Erectors, Inc., Doyle Path Rosemount - Replat and anticipated Site Plan Review Dear Mr. Lynch: Please the find the attached information which details the pending replat for Technical Erectors, Inc. This company will be proposing a site plan for the property in the near future. A public hearing is scheduled for January 25, 2000 at 7:00 pm. The site is in the Mississippi River Critical Corridor Area. As we have discussed last week, I am requesting your opinion regarding the bluff on the western half of (former) lots 7 and 8. In this area, the bluff is a perpendicular to the river. In addition, there are a series of terraces created by railroad spurs, Pine Bend Trail, C. F. Industries as well as the natural land forms which isolate this area from view from the river. My objective is to define buildable areas of the combined lots. Much of (former) Lot 5 is a ravine that will remain as such. It will contribute towards stormwater ponding and green space. The scheduled public hearing concerns only the replat and will not discuss site plan issues. However, I do anticipate a site plan application is imminent. Please send me your comments as you see fit. I can be reached directly at 322 -2052, and Rosemount's FAX number is 423 -5203. Sincerely, Rick Pearson City Planner enclosure N 66 124L :palepdn slaoied : gdeJ6oloyd lepov OOOZ'LL tienuer:ale0 deyy luawyeda0 uolieLwo;ul pue pue farms (luno elo�le0 loeluoo aseald 'puno; aje salouedajoslp ;l 'pauleluoo ula�ay sa oe�no0eul /ue �o; alglsuo�sai you sl (luno0 elo�le0 ' (luo saso6nd aouaia;ai jo; pasn aq of sl pue 'umoys eaje ayl 6ulloage 'saoinos jaylo pue saoL40 alels pue'Aiunoo 'Alto snouen w paleool elep pue uogewo;ul 'spJooaj 10 uollepdwoo a sl 6ulmeip slyl auo se pasn aq of popualul lou sl pue ,farms a jou dew papjooaj (lle6al a jayllau sl 6ulme'p slyl - (luno0 eloMe0 'OOOZ ly6u (do0 - loo; lsajeou of popunoi suolsuawl0 :3lON dVN 311S