HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Commissions Bylaw RevisionsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 15, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: COMMISSION BYLAW REVISIONS AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENff 91 , 6: H ATTACHMENTS: BYLAWS FOR PLANNING, UTILITIES, AND APPROVED BY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIONS The bylaws for the Planning Commission, Utilities Commission, and Parks & Recreation Committee have been revised in order to add a councilmember as a liaison to each commission. An effort has also been made to make the bylaws uniform as much as possible. Council discussed these changes at the February 9`' Committee of the Whole work session. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve the revisions to the Planning Commission, Utilities Commission, and Parks & Recreation Committee as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: o BYLAWS ` OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION Article I. Name of Commission The name of the committee shall be the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article II. Membership The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the City Council in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 1 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD -1. Article III. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to staggered terms of three (3) years. The term of a Planning Commissioner shall begin on February 1 of the year of the appointment. Upon fulfillment of a three (3) year term, the member's termination date shall occur on January 31 of the third year or until a new appointment is made by the City Council. Commission members may only serve three (3) consecutive terms. Article IV. Officers Section 1. Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be eleeted appointed by the remmissie m°mb@F -S At t'4° i:neetiR City Council for a one-year term. Section 2. Vice - Chairperson The Vice- Chairperson shall, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson, exercise all the powers and perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice - Chairperson shall be eleeted appointed by the Gqwiinissia at tk ^ ^ t meeting City Council for a one-year term. Section 3. Vacancies Should the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Commission shall elect a sessesseT -presiding officer fFOR4 its per -ship at the ^° °t for the regular meeting or until the City Council appoints a new Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Q .h.lera._.,...,_____ be ___ the PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Article V. Council Liaison A City Council member will serve as liaison to the Planning Commission. The liaison shall have the same right to participate in discussions and deliberations as appointed members, but without the power to make motions or vote. The role of the liaison is to serve as a communication link between Council and Commission. Article VI. Administrative Structure Section 1. Staff Liaison The City of Rosemount shall employ provide a Pir -ee ^ Pla "- staff member who shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the Commission, subject to the direction of the Gen+Fais G it Development - Pi=octe+ City Administrator and City Council. The P °^* ^r of D'a" ing Staff Liaison is also responsible for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of business matters to be considered by the Commission. The P °^*^" A - f P a Staff Liaison shall also serve as advisor to the Commission and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position. Section 2. Recording Secretary The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Commission. Article VI. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held at the time and date specified by the City Council. Section 2. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Commission shall be held at a regular meeting in the month of February at the regular meeting place. Section 3. Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson or by any two (2) commission EaH*nittee members by written request filed with the Pir -eet of Plapi +ng staff liaison who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 4. Quorum. A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken upea by a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Section 5. Governance of Meetings The meetings of the Planning Commission shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Planning Commission flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. Article VIII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Planning Commission shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be . recorded in the minutes. Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Commission, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Audience Input 4. Discussion 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Public Hearings 8. Adjournment Article X. Amendments to Bylaws , 1;4W44 448 PEOP OSOE1 1, +, + +l . , 0 0+;,, a t -41iG +b, o ., ,, E I o„+ ; S + l . o S i 0, 0 1 r 0 o These bylaws may only be amended by the City Council. Th ese , 1? 1 3- -a}}}e d es �9 fi e, , mil, 1, L,o „t,;o + +. +l,o ,-O a1 a +h aPP Th Byl -wF, kl aYr ROSOM8 G45' PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS D t of Pla nning Approved by the Rosemount City Council on , 2000 at a regular City Council meeting. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 4 ° ° �® b BYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Article I. Establishment a -10 -oo PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS The Public Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, sections 412.321 through 412.391, which sections are hereby expressly accepted, is hereby established. Article II. Name of Commission The name of the Committee shall be the Public Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article III. Membership The Public Utilities Commission shall consist of three (3) members appointed in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 4 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD -1. Article IV. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to staggered terms of three (3) years. The term of a Public Utilities Commissioner shall begin on February 1 of the year of the appointment. Upon fulfillment of a three (3) year term, the member's termination date shall occur on January 31 of the third year or until a new appointment is made by the City Council. Commission members may only serve 3 consecutive terms. Article V. Officers Section 1. P+e&i4ea . Chairperson The ° esident Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be elected appointed by the c" - - b at toe apAiiia meeting. City Council. The term of office will run from February 1 to January 31 of each year. In the event the President is absent from the meeting the senior member present will act as "Interim" President Chairperson. 1 PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS Section 2. Vacancies Should the office of Pr-esideHt Chairperson become vacant, the Commission shall elect a si+esesser presiding officer from its membership at th Hext for the regular meeting. c,,,.1 °1 ti sl-,.,11 1,° f +148 , ° ..°, +°,..,., ^r ^r40° City Council will appoint a new chairperson / vice - chairperson as soon as possible thereafter. Article VI. Administrative Structure Section 1. Executive Director The - p rr +;1;+;°s Geff,.n;s City shall employ a Public Works Director who will serve as Executive Director. The Executive Director W1+e shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs, subject to the direction of the r^,n,,aissiei City Administrator and City Council. The Executive Director shall also serve as advisor to the Commission and shall perform all other duties incident to his/her position. T 1 4o snall Section 2. Ex Officio Members The City Administrator and Mayor shall serve as Ex Officio members of the Public Utilities Commission. Ex- Officio members shall have the same rights to participate in discussion and deliberations as appointed members and shall have the ability to make motions and vote. Section 3. Recording Secretary. The City of Rosemount/Utilities Commission shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Commission. Article VII. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings The Commission will meet at least once monthly at a time and place set by majority vote of the Commission City. Council. Section 2. Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Commission shall be held at a regular meeting in the month of February at the regular meeting place. At this the O pn y ear- ' be ed. Section 3. Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the -Pr-esidenT Chairperson or by any two (2) Commission members by written request filed with the Executive Director who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES BYLAWS Section 4. Quorum A majority of the Commission members (excluding Ex-Officio members) shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken upeR by a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. Section 5. Governance of Meetings The meeting of the Public Utilities Commission shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Public Utilities Commission flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. Article VIII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Public Utilities Commission shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be * `' r " the AO "f sliell "'° ° * ""' recorded in the minutes. Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Commission, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Correction to the Agenda 3. Audience Input Approval of Minutes 4- Old Business New Business President's Report -7- Executive Director's Report 4. Adjournment Article X. Powers The Public Utilities Commission may exercise all of the powers contained in the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 412.321 through 412.391. Article XI. Amendments to Bylaws pr-ape sod afflendl:nefA has - ens The Bylaws may only be amended by the City Council. 3 PUBLIC UTILITIES Approved by the Rosemount City Council on , 20 at a regular City Council meeting. Mayor City Clerk .,i a - ►o - 00 vlp BYLAWS OF CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Article I. Name of Committee The name of the committee shall be the Darks "a D ° ^r ° ^ +; °r � ^„ ,,, ",,; +.' r °r+ °r Parks and Recreation Committee of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Article II. Membership The Parks and Recreation/ &wAR Rit r °r+°� Committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the City Council in accordance with Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2 of the 1983 Code and Administrative Policy AD -1. Article III. Term of Membership Members shall be appointed to staggered terms of three (3) years. The term of a Parks and Recreation � C an it., r °r+ °r Committee member shall begin on February 1 of the year of the appointment. Upon fulfillment of a three (3) year term, the member's termination date shall occur on January 31 of the third year or until a new appointment is made by the City Council. Commission members may only serve three (3) consecutive terms. Article IV. Officers Section 1. Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officer. The Chairperson shall be se leeted- by Parks-- and O ktte@ g the f r-st seheduied -- meeting in 1 ' appointed by the C_ eHjffi =„ roere wt t._„ ^' meetin City Council for a one-year term. Section 2. Vice - Chairperson The Vice - Chairperson shall preside at all meetings, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson, exercise all the powers and perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice - Chairperson shall be seleete appointed by the - P af k s and v *' �,.�ir° ;+., r °„ +° r ;,+° ^+ +,, g l a a °+; ~R in Febfua City Council for a one-year term Section 3. Vacancies Should the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson become vacant, the Parks and Recreatio IC r °" +°,- Committee shall PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE BYLAWS select a sus�� presiding officer ,r, its R°mb ship at the next regular meeting. Sueh ono ^IR^ll b - th ,. +o..,,,, „rs ^;a 44 Article V. Council Liaison: A City Council member will serve as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee. The liaison shall have the same right to participate in discussions and deliberations as appointed members, but without the power to make motions or vote. The role of the liaison is to serve as a communicator link between Council and Committee. Article VI. Administrative Structure Section 1. Director of Parks and Recreation The City of Rosemount shall employ a Director of Geff mw4it , Ce+ Parks and Recreation who shall have general supervision over the administration of the business and affairs of the department, subject to the direction of the Administrator and the City Council. The Director of Community C enter - ^ra Parks and Recreation is also responsible for the preparation of the agenda and reviews of business matters to be considered by the Committee. The Director of r C°r* °r ^ra Parks and Recreation shat r ent the Gemmi#eta ^+ 4i - eet l y to t e City n d -ate shall serve as advisor to the Committee and shall perform all other duties incident to his /her position. Section 2. Recording Secretary The City of Rosemount shall employ a Recording Secretary whose duties shall include the recording of the proceedings at the regular meetings and transcription of the minutes for consideration and approval by the Committee. Article VII. Meetings Section 1. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Parks and Recreation' Gen merit y r;ei :A@ Committee shall be held at the time and date specified by the City Council. Section 2. Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson or by any three (3) Committee members by written request filed with the Director of G ee: ,,,^unit, Oen4 °r ^r Parks and Recreation who shall notify all members of the meeting at least twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. Special meeting notices must be posted and shall state time, place and purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 3. Quoru m. A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum. A lessor number may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance at a meeting, action may be taken upon by a vote of a majority in attendance. No voting shall be done by proxy. 2 PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE BYLAWS Section 4. Governance of Meetings The meetings of the Parks and Recreation/ Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules -of Order, provided that said rules shall be construed liberally to afford the Parks and Recreation/Community Center Committee flexibility in the conduct of its meetings. Article VIII. Manner of Voting The voting on all questions coming before the Parks and Recreation '(`^,,, ity r °r* °r Committee shall be by roll call, and the yea and nay votes shall be the uteS A f sue4h m°°*irrt recorded in the minutes. Article IX. Order of Business At the regular meetings of the Committee, the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Additions to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Audience Input 4.5. Discussion 4.6. Old Business 5.6. New Busines 7. Adjournment Article X. Amendments to Bylaws These bylaws may only be amended by the City Council. Approved by the Rosemount City Council on ,20_ at a regular City Council meeting. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 3