HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.p. Encroachment Agreement for Mid-America Pipeline Company Rosemount Business Park Phase 2, City Project #308CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Encroachment Agreement - Mid - America AGENDA SECTION: Pipeline Co., Rosemount Business Park Phase 2, City Project Consent #308 PREPARED BY: Dave Simons, Consulting Engineer -SEH, Inc. AGENM 06 P ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Letter from City Attorney and APPROVED BY. the MAPCO Encroachment Agreement _� Attached is an agreement between Mid - America Pipeline Company (MAPCO) and the City of Rosemount allowing the City to construct streets and utilities across or under the MAPCO Pipeline in the Rosemount Business Park, Phase 2 Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #308. The enclosed location map shows the location of the pipeline with respect to the project. Williams Energy is also involved in this agreement because Williams Energy owns MAPCO, but the Encroachment Agreement itself is between MAPCO and the City of Rosemount. William's Energy is acting on MAPCO's behalf to negotiate the Encroachment Agreement. On May 2, 2000, the Council approved a Reimbursement Agreement with Williams Energy for this project, which required that the City reimburse Williams Energy for all expenses and charges related to their engineering review, inspection, and negotiation of this Encroachment Agreement. Williams Energy's engineers are currently reviewing the construction plans for the streets and utilities. If Williams Energy determines that pipeline reinforcing will be necessary due to the City's construction of the streets and utilities, a separate Reimbursement Agreement will be prepared, and the costs of reinforcing will be applied to City Project #308. The City Attorney has reviewed the Encroachment Agreement, and his comments are included in the attached letter. Staff recommends that the Agreement be approved. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOJ40N TO ENTER INTO AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH MID - AMERICA PIPELINE -COMPANY (MAPCO) IN THE ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK, PHASE 2 STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #308, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. COUNCIL ACTION: L?s �LJ WACHTER LAKE fy LLJ N < C) m CSAH NO. 42 TRAJL EASEMENTS cs, ONDING ST AREA 151 ST CT. CL) I w Lr. LDER TR Y �IETLAND PROJECT --v LOCATION MID-AMERIC WILLIAMS 1: GY PPELINE NORTHERN L i I TMAL --- iaAS/ < ENRON PFELINE Ld < 60TH ST. W. FILE NO. LOCATION MAP AROSEM9905.00 DATE: ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK, PHASE 2 6-1-99 CITY PROJECT NO. 308 N E oa NO SCALE �o. = SEN° PHONE: (651) 490-2000 3535 VAONAIS CENTER DR. ST. PAUL, MN 55110 LLJ N < C) m CSAH NO. 42 TRAJL EASEMENTS cs, ONDING ST AREA 151 ST CT. CL) I w Lr. LDER TR Y �IETLAND PROJECT --v LOCATION MID-AMERIC WILLIAMS 1: GY PPELINE NORTHERN L i I TMAL --- iaAS/ < ENRON PFELINE Ld < 60TH ST. W. FILE NO. LOCATION MAP AROSEM9905.00 DATE: ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK, PHASE 2 6-1-99 CITY PROJECT NO. 308 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 1- (612) 337 -9300 telephone (612) 337 -9310 fax C H A R T E R E D http: / /www.kennedy- graven.com CHARLES L. LEFEVERE Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337 -9215 email: clefevere @kennedy- graven.com May 15, 2000 Mr. Tom Burt City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145"' St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Pipeline Easement Encroachment Agreements Dear Tom: Development of the Business Park will involve crossing two pipeline easements. In the case of the Northern Natural Gas Company pipeline, at least one of the pipes is a high pressure pipeline for natural gas transmission. The existing easements of the pipeline companies do not allow changes of grade;' construction -of improvements or roads in the easement area, or various other activities. Therefore it will be necessary to negotiate with the pipeline companies to allow the City to encroach into the easement area or to condemn the right to construct a public right of way over the pipelines. We have been provided with easement encroachment agreements from the two pipeline companies. Some of the terms of the Northern Natural Gas Company encroachment agreement are probably-not too significant. For example, the City is not allowed to plant trees that will have an eventual size over six feet; certain soil coverage over the pipes and separation between City utilities and Northern's pipeline must be maintained; a-no' the City is required to relocate and protect its own systems at its own expense if Northern relocates or repairs its pipelines. However, the encroachment agreement is also directed toward avoidance of risks of liability by the pipeline company and imposition of those risks on the City. For example, the contract requires the City to indemnify and hold Northern harmless from all claims arising from, or as a result of, any act of the City or its invitees in connection with the use of the roadway. Therefore, for example, the City could be required to pay clean-up costs for a spill or damages for an explosion if the accident occurred in connection with the use of the roadway. CLL- 180440v 1 RS230 -1 Mr. Tom Burt May 15, 2000 Page 2 of 2 If the City were negligent, it could be required to pay damages up to the statutory limits for damages caused by such negligence (currently $1,000,000) even without the encroachment agreement. However, the obligation imposed by the encroachment agreement would require the City to protect the pipeline company as well for its liability associated with the incident; and the liability of the pipeline company is not limited by law. Likewise, the Mapco encroachment agreement requires the .City to indemnify Mapco for all damages arising out of the existence of the roadway except where damage is caused solely by the gross negligence of Mapco employees. Therefore, if the damage resulted from the ordinary negligence of Mapco, the City would be obligated to pay for the damages. And if Mapco employees were grossly negligent, but some other party's negligence contributed to the damages, the City would likewise be required to indemnify Mapco. Again, the liability of Mapco is not limited by law; so the City would not be protected by the statutory limitations on its liability. The Mapco agreement would also require the City to pay all costs of cleanup resulting from spills if the spill or the cost of clean up would not have occurred without the existence of the City's streets and utilities. The City purchases its insurance at least in part in reliance on the statutory limits of the City's liability. The policy limits are the same as the City's maximum potential liability under the statutes. Therefore, indemnifying another party which has no such limits on . its liability could expose the City to claims for which it had no insurance. I do not believe that accepting the terms of the pipeline companies' proposed agreements is unlawful. Therefore, it is a matter of business judgment whether to accept the terms offered by the pipeline companies. If the City does accept such terms — and it has done so in the past — it may wish to consider the purchase of insurance with higher limits. The alternative to accepting the terms is to condemn a public roadway easement over the pipeline. This would, of course, be more expensive than accepting the terms offered by the pipeline companies. However, it would result in a situation in which the City would be liable only for the consequences of its own negligence and in which it would be required to pay only for its own liability. Please give me a call when you have had a chance to review this letter so we can discuss how to proceed. Very truly yours, Charles L. LeFevere CLL:lh cc: David F. Simons, P.E. CLL- 180440vl RS230 -1 ENCROACH LENT AGREEMENT This instrument made and entered into this day of , 2000, by and between MID - AMERICA PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Mapco "), with principal offices at P.O. Box 3448, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101, and The Rosemount Port Authority an Entity of the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as "Owner "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Mapco is the holder of a Right of Way Agreement granted by Florence May Elliot, a single person, on September 15` 1960 covering the following described premises in Dakota County, Minnesota: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range 19 West. which Right of Way Agreement was recorded September 21', 1960 in Book 268 of Deeds at Page 615, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Dakota County, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Easement'); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority contained in said Easement, Mapco has constructed and currently operates and maintains its West Red 8 inch pipeline (hereinafter referred to as "Pipeline Facilities "), across and through the above described premises; and WHEREAS, The Rosemount Port Authority is the present owner of the following described real property, with Pipeline Facilities situated thereon in Dakota County, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "Owned Premises"): encragree.doc 1 20:124 Rosemount Bus. Park Dakota Co. MN. Line Sec. # West Red Tract No. 4- MN -DA -28 AFE Parcel 1: Lot 3, Block 1; and Outlots A and B, Rosemount Business Park First Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, Owner has desires to reconstruct a certain road known as Biscayne Avenue, build a new road known as Boulder Trail and install utilities, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Encroachments ") upon and within a portion of the confines of Mapco's 60 -foot right -of -way width (hereinafter referred to as "Easement Area "), with this written consent; and WHEREAS, Owner has requested permission from Mapco to maintain, use, and enjoy the Encroachments upon a portion of Mapco's Easement and in close proximity to Mapco's Pipeline Facilities; and WHEREAS, Mapco is willing to grant such permission upon the terms and conditions set forth as follows. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. A Mapco representative has inspected and Mapco hereby grants permission to Owner to maintain, operate and use upon the Owned Premises and in close proximity to Mapco's Pipeline Facilities, the said Encroachments, subject to the following conditions: A. That Owner assumes all risks for damages, injuries, or loss to either property or persons, which may be incurred by Owner or its respective agents, invitees, or licensees present on or in the vicinity of the Easement Area and in any way associated with said Encroachments. B. That the permission granted herein is limited exclusively to the constructed Encroachments upon the Owned Premises within the Easement Area in the vicinity of Mapco's Pipeline Facilities. Owner shall not at any time erect, construct, or create any additional buildings, improvements, structures, pavement, ditches, utility or sewer lines, trees or obstruction of any kind either above, on or below the surface of the Easement Area, or alter the grade or cause or permit such alteration anywhere on the land upon which Mapco has reserved its easement rights without the prior express written consent of Mapco. Owner specifically agrees not to allow, permit or grant rights for other utility lines, pipelines (other than Mapco's), utility poles, or paved access roads within the specified road rights -of -way and within the Easement Area. C. That Owner shall at all times conduct all its activities on said Easement Area in such a manner as not to interfere with or impede the operation of Mapco's Pipeline Facilities and activities in any manner whatsoever. encragree.doc 2 20:124 Rosemount Bus. Park Dakota Co. MN. Line Sec. # West Red Tract No. 4- MN -DA -28 AFE D. That Owner shall construct and will maintain said Encroachments as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and, by this reference, made a part hereof. E. At Owner's sole cost and expense, Mapco's representative shall be on site during any future construction within the easement area to confirm that no damage occurs to the Pipeline Facilities, other facilities, cathodic protection or pipe coating. All work by Owner within the Easement Area shall be performed in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with applicable governmental and industry standards and codes. Mapco's representative shall be contacted a minimum of 48 hours prior to construction by phoning Mapco's Line Supervisor, Mr. Gary Robideaux at 651- 633 -1519 or such representative that Mapco may from time -to -time appoint. The presence of Mapco's representative or any given by such representative shall not relieve Owner of any liability under the R/W Agreement and this Agreement. If Pipeline Facilities, cathodic protection and/or coating repair is required by Mapco or if the safety of the Pipeline Facilities is jeopardized, in Mapco's sole judgement, Owner shall stop all construction activities within the Easement Area until said repairs are complete or until any dangerous construction practices are resolved to the satisfaction of Mapco's Line Supervisor or on -site representative. F. A minimum of four (4) feet of cover shall be provided and maintained between the top of the concrete and/or asphalt surface and the top of Mapco's Pipeline Facilities. G. A minimum separation of two (2) feet must be maintained between any utilities and the Pipeline Facilities. H. A maximum cover of eight (8) feet is allowable over the Pipeline Facilities in the low wetland area the City wants to fill. I. Owner shall require the following language to be conspicuously displayed on all pages of any construction prints that include Mapco's Pipeline Facilities: WARNING HIGH - PRESSURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PIPELINES) Excavation and /or Construction Prohibited Without Written Permission From THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. 2728 Patton Road St. Paul, MN 55113 (612) 633 -1555 or (800) 331 -4020 Fax: (612) 633-5464 2. Owner agrees to indemnify, protect, and hold Mapco, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and their directors, officers, employees, representatives, and agents harmless and at Mapco's' option, defend Mapco, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and their directors, officers, employees, representatives, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, (including without limitation, reasonable attorneys' and expert witnesses' fees and court costs), expenses, losses, causes of action (whether at law or in equity), fines, judgments, civil penalties and administrative proceedings for injury or death to persons or damage or loss to property, environmental damages or other business losses, including those made or incurred by Mapco or encragree.doc 3 20:124 Rosemount Bus. Park Dakota Co. MN. Line Sec. 9 West Red Tract No. 4- MN -DA -28 AFE its affiliated companies and their directors, officers, employees, agents, or third parties or governmental agencies in any way arising from or connected with the construction, existence, operation, maintenance or removal of the Encroachments, except where such loss, cost, liability, or expense was proximately caused solely by the gross negligence of Mapco or its employees. 3. Should Mapco need to remove any of Owner's Encroachments within its Easement Area in order to construct, maintain, operate, repair, remove, or resize Mapco's existing Pipeline Facilities, Owner or its respective heirs, successors, and assigns shall pay the cost of removing and replacing or reinstalling said Encroachments. In addition, all repair and maintenance work performed by Mapco, on its existing Pipeline Facilities located on the Owned Premises, shall be performed in a reasonable workmanlike manner and Mapco shall restore the surface and grade of Owned Premises where the work is performed, but shall not be liable for loss, damage, or replacement to Owner's Encroachments or any associated equipment and facilities that exist within the Easement Area, and in this regard, Owner hereby releases Mapco, its employees, agents, officers, and directors from any and all liability for any such loss or damage. 4. In the event that the construction, existence, operation, collapse, maintenance, relocation, or removal of the New Encroachments or Encroachment causes Mapco to incur any excess costs that in any manner results from Mapco's construction, alteration, replacement, relocation, removal, changing the size of, installation, operation, maintenance, protection, repair and inspection of Mapco's Pipeline Facilities, or the clean up or handling of any spills of commodities being transported by Mapco, Owner, its successors or assigns, agrees to reimburse Williams for any and all such costs that would not have incurred but for the existence of the New Encroachments and the Encroachment. 5. Owner agrees that protection of Mapco's Pipeline Facilities will be maintained at all times. No heavy equipment shall be allowed to operate over Mapco's Pipeline Facilities except as may be herein provided. 6. The Parties hereto understand that neither this Agreement nor the existence of the Encroachments in any way constitutes a waiver by Mapco of its express rights under the Easement or any other rights, which may be implied at law or equity. Mapco hereby reserves and the Owner hereby grants and confirms all of Mapco's rights, title and estate as set forth in the Easement including, but not limited to, the rights to access, lay, maintain, operate, repair, replace, change the size of, protect and remove Mapco's Pipeline Facilities within, under and across all of the Owned Premises which are subject to Mapco's Easement. 7. In the event that Owner breaches any of the terms, covenants or provisions of this Agreement, and Mapco commences litigation to enforce any provisions of this Agreement, the cost of attorney's fees and the attendant expenses will be payable to Mapco by the Owner, its successors or assigns, upon demand, for all claims upon which Mapco prevails. 8. The provisions of the Easement, and all rights, powers, privileges, and duties, obligations, and liabilities created thereby, remain in full force and effect and are not affected hereby except to the extent and in the manner set forth above. encragree.doc 4 20:124 Rosemount Bus. Park Dakota Co. MN. Line Sec. 4 West Red Tract No. 4- MN -DA -28 AFE I This instrument and the covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties and the benefits of this Agreement shall run with the land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. MID- AMERICA PIPE LINE COMPANY ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY An Entity of The City of Rosemount By: Bryan E. Young, Real Estate Services Attorney in Fact Date: Date: STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, on this day of I personally appeared Bryan E. Young, Attorney -in -Fact for Mid- America Pipeline Company, a Delaware corporation, by virtue of an April 1, 1998, Power of Attorney filed for record July 27, 1998, in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, in Book 6083 at page 2118, as Document 98081242, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation, and said Bryan E. Young acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in said county and state the day and year last above written. Notary Public My Commission Expires: By: Title: By:_ Title: encragree.doc 5 20:124 Rosemount Bus. Park Dakota Co. MN. Line Sec. # West Red Tract No. 4- MN -DA -28 AFE STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 20_, before me appeared to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the of , an Entity of the City of Rosemount, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said Port Authority by authority of its Board of Commissioners. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in said county and state the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: This Instrument Drafted By And To Be Returned To: Mid- America Pipe Line Company Real Estate Services 2728 Patton Road St. Paul, MN 55113 Notary Public encragree.doc 6 20:124 Rosemount Bus. Paris Dakota Co. MN. Line Sec. # West Red Tract No. 4- MN -DA -28 AFE