HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Performance Evaluation (Department Heads)ti CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: MAY 9, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: PAULA GRAFF, AGENDA NO t' 2 HUMAN RESOUR CES COORDINATOR ATTACHMENTS: PERFORMANCE REVIEW FORM APPROVED BY: At the direction of the City Council, attached you will find a copy of the Performance Review form currently being utilized by City staff. This form is used at the end of each phase of an employee's tenure: probation, Steps 2 - 6, and annually thereafter. Council will note that near the end of the review form there is a section reserved for evaluating the performance of supervisors. At the direction of Council, this section could easily be modified to provide a forum for Council to provide input regarding the performance of department heads. RECOMMENDED ACTION NOTES: ■ Review to Paula Graff no later than CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PERFORMANCE REVIEW Employee Name Job Title Department Date Hired for this Position Date of Review Reviewed by This review is: Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Annual Probationary PURPOSE The purpose of conducting a performance review is to enhance the overall quality of service to the community, improve productivity, and foster employee development. The performance review is designed to: • Generate continuous, two -way communication between employee and supervisor as a shared responsibility • Review employee performance in relation to City and department goals and expectations • Recognize achievements, accomplishments and contributions of employees • Identify areas for employee training and development • Provide a basis for planning future performance The benefits to be gained also include improved communications, trust, and the efficient, innovative delivery of services. r GUIDELINES Performance management at Rosemount is a continuous communication process in which 1) expected levels of performance are defined and communicated, 2) performance is planned, maintained, and improved, 3) actual performance is compared to expected levels, and 4) accomplishments are recognized. The performance review may also be used in management decisions regarding assignments, career development, reassignment, or corrective action. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Indicate your rating by placing an "X on the rating which best describes performance on each measure. Rate each dimension separately, being careful not to be influenced by your `overall" judgment of the employee's performance while rating individual measures. The descriptions that are provided should be used as guidelines to help clarify the rating for each performance measure. Although the box may only partially describe the employee's performance, mark the one that fits most closely. 2. Use the area for comments to further clarify performance and explain the rating. Comments are required for all "Requires Improvement" and "Outstanding" ratings. Comments may be written for all performance measures, regardless of the rating. 3. Complete the front cover, sign and date the last page, and forward to the Human Resources Coordinator. PERFORMANCE LEVEL DEFINITIONS These definitions are intended as guidelines to assist the supervisor in selecting a rating and maintaining consistency. Outstanding Employees in this category consistently and significantly exceed performance expectation, think outside and ahead of their job description, anticipate and prevent problems, and exemplify unusual initiative. Their quantity, quality, and timeliness of work is clearly and consistently far above expectations. Errors are rare and of minor consequence. Exceeds Employees in this group consistently exceed performance expectations. Expectations Performance contributions are definitely above that expected of the good, competent, "achieving" employee. Errors are infrequent and of minor consequence. This individual's performance stands out from the norm of other employees in similar positions or in the same profession. Achieves Employee fully achieves expectations and performance in this category. Expectations Contributes to the ongoing success of the organization. Employee is qualified, competent and valued. Errors are within acceptable limits, in terms of both frequency and consequence. NOTE: This rating may also be used for probationary (new, transfer or promoted) employees, and for employees who have recently changed job assignments, if they are making satisfactory progress toward achieving proficient performance. This should be noted in the comments area. Requires Performance at this level is below expectations and should not be considered Improvement acceptable. Although some aspects of performance may meet expectations, the work in general is below the level expected of a proficient employee. A specific plan for bringing performance to an acceptable level should be clearly outlined to the employee in writing. A PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1. Job Knowledge. The understanding of concepts, procedures and tasks relevant to the job; the degree to which job knowledge contributes to outcomes and expectations. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Given the employee's level Knowledgeable of all Has knowledge beyond Exceptional comprehension of job of experience progress is facets of the job; usual scope of job and functions; recognizes need for functional unsatisfactory; often has performs routine work responsibilities; performs changes based on changing conditions; difficulty or is unable to without frequent out of the ordinary tasks excellent skills; actively learning new follow instructions; requires instruction and follow - with minimal instructions; techniques; maintains highest quality frequent follow -up; detracts up; work seldom needs work is accurate, thorough standards. from full productivity of correction. and done properly the first procedures. work unit. schedules in accordance time. Comments: 2. Dependability. Reliability and dependability in carrying out the commitments and obligations of the position, including working under pressure, attendance, promptness, and availability for call -back as needed. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Requires excessive Work output meets job Turns out a high volume of Can be relied upon under any monitoring to produce standards; handles normal work; performs well under circumstance, including commitment to standard quantity; not workload; consistently pressure; always on time; tasks that take a large amount of time; always reliable; reliable; attendance prompt in keeping goes far beyond consistent reliability; has frequently absent or record satisfactory; appointments; ready to excellent attendance record. tardy; hinders work unit. arrives at work on time; work at prescribed times; new methods of observes break and lunch seldom absent or tardy. procedures. schedules in accordance with dept policies and standards. Comments: 3. Motivation. Initiative, drive and energy to get things done; ability and willingness to take action, where appropriate, without being told. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Lacks drive; frequently Shows initiative to Demonstrates initiative to High degree of initiative; requires supervision or perform routine work assure non - routine and a "self- starter" who direction; resists new activities with minimal out of the ordinary tasks generates work and takes assignments. supervision are completed; on additional progressive; presents new responsibilities; initiates ideas; accepts new new methods of methods and procedures. procedures. Comments: 4. Planning & Time Management. The ability to anticipate needs, forecast conditions, set goals, schedule r work, meet deadlines, and measure results. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Does not prepare or plan Consistently meets Often completes work prior Looked to by others for planning ahead; does not meet imposed deadlines; plans to deadlines; strives to guidance; routinely exceeds deadlines; deadlines; wastes time and organizes workload; improve upon existing anticipates problems and performs and works slowly; does end result usually meets methods; future oriented; accordingly; consistently working to get just enough to get by. established well prepared; flexible and the most out of time and resources; problems; avoids making goals /objective; good use able to adjust priorities; time handles extra work easily. decisions; needs to be of time and resources. and resources used to a high closely supervised. problems. degree of effectiveness. Comments: 5. Creativity/ Innovation. The ability to generate new ideas; examine, investigate, and research that which is unknown or unclear. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Does not take an interest Recognizes the need for Consistently reviews current Talent for creativeness is widely in seeking improvements creative thinking or work methods and functions recognized; individual is sought by in job functions or is solutions; offers in search of improvement; others when fresh ideas and solutions unwilling to try new suggestions for conceives ideas which are are needed; willingness and ability to ideas. improvement practical and frequently take appropriate risks and be successful. problems; avoids making required work standards; used. Comments: 6. Decision Making/Problem Solving. The ability to think through a problem, evaluate relevant facts, and reach sound conclusions. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Falls short in evaluating Uses appropriate decision Exhibits above average ability Looked to by others for guidance in facts and solving making process for to resolve problems and make resolving problems and making problems; does not make assigned duties; exhibits decisions; considers decisions; makes sound decisions sound conclusions; good judgment and alternatives and their impact through excellent judgment; anticipates judgment has caused common sense to attain before making a decision. problems and offers solutions. problems; avoids making required work standards; decisions; needs to be understands routine closely supervised. problems. comments: 7. Customer Service. The ability to assess and appropriately respond to internal and external customer needs. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Has been rude toward Communicates in a Exceeds standards of helpful Sets the example of high quality others; requires excessive professional and and supportive service; seeks service for others to follow; performs help and direction; courteous manner with information not readily exceptionally under pressure; frequently not as helpful customers and staff, in available in order to provide develops new ways to effectively and supportive as desired. person and on the phone; better service. assist customers. impatient more than approachable. departments; tactful; offers information in a timely manner. Comments: 8. Teamwork. The ability to interact with others and understand role in accomplishing group's goals; shares ideas and information; supports decisions made by others; sensitive to needs of other people. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Negative influence on Able to work as a team- Actively supports the goals of Consistently active in working with and work unit; puts self member; supports goals the team; demonstrates a for others toward accomplishing team interest above those of of the team; works to willingness to cooperate with goals; gets along with others; positive group; uncooperative; maintain respectful and others in work unit and influence on work unit; anticipates tends to argue or is positive working employees in other information and needs and shares impatient more than relationships; shares departments; tactful; offers information in a timely manner. others in the work group; adequate information; constructive criticisms; shares alert and sensitive listener. disrupts morale with petty considers suggestions information in a timely complaints or offensive from others. manner. outbursts Comments: 9. Communications. The ability to gain mutual understanding and to influence others verbally, in writing and through effective listening. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Communications are Communications are Ideas, opinions and Demonstrates exceptional ability to poorly organized, vague, generally clear, concise instructions are clearly and communicate ideas, opinions and or incomplete, causing and well - organized; concisely communicated; has instructions to others; accomplished in misunderstandings or listens to others. above average oral and preparing or understanding written mistakes; written, oral written communication skills; documents; skillful in making oral and/or listening skills alert and sensitive listener. presentations to groups; consistently need improvement. alert and sensitive listener. Comments: 10. Safety/Work Rules. Adhering to and enforcing organization policies, procedures, rules and standards; observing safety rules. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Ignores or has problems Usually carries out City's Consistently adheres to and Sets the example for adhering to and adhering to City policies, established policies, enforces City policy, enforcing policies, procedures, rules procedures, rules and procedures, rules and procedures, rules and and standards; has excellent safety standards; violates safety standards; observes safety standards; observes safety record; always alert to unsafe situations rules or has to be rules; is careful. rules; points out hazards to for self and others; looks for cautioned about performing unsafe acts; self- accountable for end co- workers; suggests or makes improvement as opportunities to improve safety often complains about result. appropriate. conditions. work rules. cost objectives. F -I. -+- SUPERVISOR PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1. Leadership. The ability to positively influence individual or team commitment to achieving goals; ability to provide a plan for the future. Requires Achieves Exceeds Outstanding Improvement Expectations Expectations Outstanding Ineffective leader; Handles leadership Displays excellent ability to Exceptional leader; high rapport with accepts leadership responsibilities well; has lead and motivate others others; known as one of the City's best responsibility reluctantly; ability to get things done toward a common goal; leaders; has strong vision of dept/ blames others when staff through others; holds generates enthusiasm; is division's role in fulfilling City goals doesnOt perform up to self- accountable for end accountable for actions of today and in the future. expected levels. result. staff and self; has vision. needs. ineffective in using cost objectives. 2. Fiscal Management. The ability to budget and anticipate financial needs; meet cost objectives; respond to budget problems. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Unable to achieve budget Usually stays within Consistently stays within Always meets or exceeds cost objectives; targets; consistently budget and uses available budget and effectively uses uses resources effectively; monitors overspends or fails to resources; submits budget available resources; often budget and proactively manages follow through on budget on time or within an exceeds cost objectives; overspending or impending shortfalls; plan; budget requests are acceptable time frame; improves information understands relationship between unrealistic; seldom meets makes reasonable budget gathering in order to budget different budget areas; plans for future cost objectives; requests; usually meets more accurately. needs. ineffective in using cost objectives. available resources. Comments; 3: Supervising Employees. The ability to plan and coordinate the work of others to assure quality of work unit services; may include hiring practices, establishing standards, delegating, monitoring, coaching for employee development, encouraging creativity and appropriate risk taking. Requires Improvement Achieves Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding Does not delegate work Establishes realistic Highly effective in Exceptional ability in supervising people; responsibilities to standards and time managing personnel; displays sensitivity to employee0s and subordinates; maintains frames; delegates work to provides specific and timely has excellent judgment in managing total control of work appropriate personnel; feedback to improve personnel; challenges employees to use responsibility; trusts only provides feedback to performance; coaches their full potential. themselves; ineffective employees; encourages employees in new areas and coach; criticizes employee encourages development of employee suggestions or involvement/suggestions new skills. requests. where appropriate. t— omments: SUPERVISOR'S OVERALL COMMENTS: EMPLOYEE'S COMMENTS: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (Optional): Supervisor's Signature: Date: Employee's Signature: Date: Employee Comments: