HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Developers Check ListCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE: May 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Developers Checklist PREPARED BY: Thomas Burt, City Administrator; Rick Pearson, City Planner Tv ATTACHMENTS: Currently used checklist forms for various applications or processes The city issues a variety of specialized checklists to developers prior to applications based upon the type of project. Of course, this is to the benefit of developers who take the time to visit staff at a pre- application meeting, which is always encouraged. At that time, staff tries to anticipate issues and discuss strategies to cope with controversy, or variances. Sometimes, developers submit applications without meeting with staff ahead of time, preferring to embark on the required process because they trust their own interpretation of ordinances and standards. In other cases, the developer has a high level of confidence in their proposal and expect that it should be approved on its own merits and some of the city standards should be irrelevant. Currently used checklists are derived from ordinance based requirements for submissions, or commonly standards based upon policies. The intent is to have all of the required technical information attached to an application necessary to conduct a thorough review. Site plans are usually the least complex with a one -page checklist. In contrast, a PUD, which includes a subdivision, can be very complex with many pages devoted to the multi- tiered process. Often times, staff will have to work with a developer to specify the required information based upon the individual project. In some cases, particularly at concept level, some departments ask for as much information as possible in order to anticipate (and solve) problems or constraints to development. However, the basis for the concept review is to discuss the merits of the idea, with the anticipation of working out details later on. Therefore, a checklist would be brief or unnecessary. RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: Intended for discussion only. SITE PLAN REVIEW AND PUD FINAL DEVELOPMENT PL IN APPLICATTON ` CHECKLIST The following items are required information that must accompany a completed application form and fee in order to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Failure to provide any of the required information may result in rejection of the application as an incomplete submission. A. Title or description of proposed project including legal description of property. B. Name of person(s) preparing and presenting the site plan information, name and address of owner /developer. The Site Plan must also contain the scale, north point, date and number of streets. C. Location of the property with respect to and including names and addresses of adjacent landowners (required for the public notice mailings) within 350 feet (minimum). The site plan must also include information regarding uses, streets, highways, railroads, easements or other landmarks. D. Existing topography shown on a contour map having contour intervals no greater than two feet (2'), which must include existing buildings, structures, improved surfaces, transmission lines, existing and abandoned pipelines and pipeline easements, fences, septic systems and drain fields, vegetation, streams, wetlands and other water bodies. E. Existing drainage pattern of the site showing direction and the rate of storm water flow, including all offsite areas draining to the subject property and the final destination of flow. F. A description of soils. G. The proposed size, alignment, height, building materials and use of structures, signs, or work performed, including all sign, lot and structure dimensions. H. A description of driveways, sidewalks and parking facilities, including a description of the type and quantity of surfacing materials. I. A grading plan at two foot (2) contour intervals and a description of the change in grade as it relates to structure location, other lot improvements, adjacent properties, drainage control and proposed rate of stone water runoff. J. A scaled landscape plan showing the location, size, quantity and type of landscape materials to be used and an explanation of any existing vegetation that may be disturbed, removed or replaced. K. A tree inventory as required by the tree preservation ordinance. L. A description of the availability and access to required public utilities. M. A description of the method waste treatment to be utilized and an analysis of the wastewater flows generated from the development. —N. An erosion control plan which may be necessary to prevent erosion during construction or after project completion. O. A description of lot lighting or extraordinary illumination projecting from a structure. P. A description of the levels of noise, vibration, glare, smoke, odor, waste or other emissions generated and the methods employed to contain or control such emissions. Q. A site plan showing total area of property/ plat, dimensions, impervious area, and area of ponding easements (if any). R. Other information pertinent to the particular application which in the opinion of the City or applicant may be necessary for review of the project. FEBRUARY 1996 PUBLIC WORKS /ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL CHECKLISTS " FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS The Public Works/Engineering Department of the City of Rosemount requires that specific information be submitted with each application in the development review process. The following checklists summarize submittal requirements during various stages of the development process. The Public Works/Engineering Department requests that the checklists be utilized during the following stages of development review: I. PUD "Concept Application" IL Preliminary Plat Application 111. Final Plat Application Submittal Checklists February 1996 1 1. PUD "CONCEPT PLAN" APPLICATION A. Grading /Erosion Control Plan For proposed subdivision and adjacent land within 200' unless noted otherwise: 1. Proposed plat name. 2. Vicinity map. 3. Legal description. 4.. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of owner, developer, surveyor and /or engineer and contact person. 5. The direction North will be oriented either up or to the right. 6. Scale of 1" = 50' or I"= 100' and all sheets shall be 22" x 34 ". Note that a scale of 1" = 50' is required for preliminary plat application. 7. Preparation date and all revision dates. 8. Proposed plat boundary line. 9. Plat names and block, lot and outlot boundaries for adjacent platted property. 10. Full Property Identification Numbers for adjacent unplatted property. 11. Plans designed and signed by a Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor registered in the State of Minnesota. 12. Show location and indication of demolition or relocation of existing structures. 13. Show existing and/or abandoned drain fields, alternate drain fields and wells. 14. Show proposed drain fields, alternate drain fields and wells. 15. Existing contours shall be at 2' or 1' intervals to mean sea level datum (dashed lines). Contours shall extend beyond the proposed plat boundaries 200' or more to completely show the limits of drainage basin(s) not fully contained within the proposed plat limits. 16. Proposed contours shall be at 2' or 1' intervals to mean sea level datum (solid lines). 17. Lot corner elevations and bench mark(s) utilized. Submittal Checklists February 1996 2 18. Show ponds, wetlands, lakes, streams or marshes. a. Show City of Rosemount 's most recent Storm Water Management Plan watershed number, NWL and HWL for ponds. b. Show OHWL elevation and DNR pond number if applicable. c. U.S. Fish & Wildlife classification if applicable. d. Storage volume proposed. e. Drainage area boundaries. 19. Show existing and proposed building and driveway footprints. 20. Show lowest floor elevations. Verify that HWL of adjacent outletted ponds are 2' lower than the lowest floor elevations of affected structures. Verify that HWL of adjacent landlocked ponds are 5' lower than lowest floor elevations of affected structures - 21. Show proposed erosion control. 22. Show emergency overflow routes from all low points and show elevation of high point along emergency overflow route. Show directional flow arrows. 23. Show removal of all trees and brush. 24. Show or define access routes for maintenance purposes to all inlets, outlets, manholes and lift stations at ponding areas. 25. Show limits of clearing and grading. 26. Show 10 -year and 100 -year design drainage boundaries. Show acreage of each drainage area /watershed. 27. Conforms with City Comprehensive Plans. 28. Show existing underground and overhead utilities and easements. Submittal Checklists February 1996 3 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Grading /Erosion Control Plan For proposed subdivision and adjacent land within 200' unless noted otherwise: 1. Proposed plat name. 2. Vicinity map. 3. Legal description. 4. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of owner, developer, surveyor and /or engineer and contact person. 5. The direction North will be oriented either up or to the right. 6. Scale of 1" = 50' and all sheets shall be 22" x 34 ". 7. Preparation date and all revision dates. 8. Proposed plat boundary line. 9. Plat names and block, lot and outlot boundaries for adjacent platted property. 10. Full Property Identification Numbers for adjacent unplatted property. 11. Plans designed and signed by a Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor registered in the State of Minnesota 12. Show location and indication of demolition or relocation of existing structures. 13. Show existing and /or abandoned drain fields, alternate drain fields and wells. 14. Show proposed drain fields, alternate drain fields and wells. 15. Existing contours shall be at 2' or l' intervals to mean sea level datum (dashed lines). Contours shall extend beyond the proposed plat, boundaries 200' or more to completely show the limits of drainage basin(s) not fully contained within the proposed plat limits. 16. Proposed contours shall beat 2' or 1' intervals to mean sea level datum (solid lines). 17. Lot corner elevations and bench mark(s) utilized. Submittal Checklists February 1996 6 18. Show ponds, wetlands, lakes, streams or marshes. a. Show City of Rosemount 's most recent Storm Water Management Plan watershed number, NWL and HWL for ponds. b. Show OHWL elevation and DNR pond number if applicable. c. U.S. Fish & Wildlife classification if applicable. d. Storage volume proposed. e. Drainage area boundaries. 19. Show existing and proposed building and driveway footprints. 20. Show lowest floor elevations. Verify that HWL of adjacent outletted ponds are 2' lower than the lowest floor elevations of affected structures. Verify that HWL of adjacent landlocked ponds are 5' lower than lowest floor elevations of affected structures. 21. Show proposed erosion control. 22. Show emergency overflow routes from all low points and show elevation of high point along emergency overflow route. Show directional flow arrows. 23. Show removal of all trees and brush. 24. Show or define access routes for maintenance purposes to all inlets, outlets, manholes and lift stations at ponding areas 25. Show limits of clearing and grading. 26. Show 10 -year and 100 -year design drainage boundaries. Show acreage of each drainage area/watershed 27. Provide hydrologicthydraulic calculations for 10 and 100 year storms. 28. Provide detailed hydrologicthydraulic calculations verifying location and capacity adequacy of all overland drainage routes. 29. Grading permit. 30. NPDES permit. 31. Conforms with City Comprehensive Plans. 32. Show existing underground and overhead utilities and easements. Submittal Checklists February 1996 7 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SUPPORTIVE INFORMATION (REZONING) The following information is required for development at the time rezoning is requested: Legal descriptions for the area to be rezoned and for areas to be dedicated to the City as public park or open space land. Zoning classification existing and proposed. Detail site plan showing: Dimensions Structures Parking Layout Streets and Walkways Common open space and recreation facilities Densities and other building dimensions and computations Examples of intended deed restrictions pertaining to open space maintenance, operation, including proposed . Commitments been made in writing to impose such restrictions. Draft examples of homeowners agreements provided. Architectural drawings submitted showing elevations, schematic floor plans, building massing, building materials, housing unit relationships, etc. Completed landscape plan showing types, quantity, size and location of plant materials. Construction schedule and phashig plan showing the estimated start and finish of construction and occupancy dates. For non - residential uses, are there adequate descriptions of the character of the use to be made of the land and structures including storage, waste emissions and disposal, building activities, etc.? Have the uses to be accommodated in the budding been spelled out in terms of office, commercial, storage, manufacturing, warehousing, etc., and including the amount of floor area dedicated to each use. Describe street materials, paving surface, curb and gutter, and street fighting considered and commitments made. Light plan showing intensity of illumination (as required). Sign plan including complete details of and signage for project including wall and free standing and on sight directional. L TO: Developers and Land Surveyors FROM: City of Rosemount DATE: March 16,1999 RE: City Copies of Plat To complete the final plat process, the City requires all developers to submit copies of the County- approved plat that is being recorded. The City must receive and signature plat copies before street and udlity construction can begin or building permits are issued. The following copies are needed for City records: (1) One plat set for City signatures on 20" x 30" Mylar sheet(s) with the following additional information included on the plat: (a) "City Copy - Not Official Copy' and date (month & year) labeled at the top of each sheet (b) Street names as assigned by the City (2) One plat set (do not include a separate signature sheet or lot survey data) on 20" x 30" Mylar sheet(s) with the following additional information included on the plat: (a) "City Copy - Not Official Copy' and date (month & year) labeled at the top of each sheet (b) Street names, block numbers, and lot numbers (c) Addresses assigned by the City shown on each individual lot (3) One plat set (do not include a separate signature sheet or lot survey data) on 20" x 30" Mylar sheet(s) with the following additional information included on the plat: ,(a) "City Copy - Not Official Copy' and date (month & year) labeled at the top of each sheet (b) Street names, block numbers, and lot numbers (c) Square footage of each lot, outlot, and park shown on each individual lot or in tabular form (d) Areas to the hundredths of an acre for right -of -ways, easements for ponding purposes, and the entire plat (e) Setback line and each lots front footage at setback (4) One plat set (do not include a separate signature sheet or lot survey data) on 11" x 17" Mylar sheet(s) with the following additional information included on the plat (a) "City Copy - Not Oficial Copy" and date (month & year) labeled at the top of each sheet (b) Street names, block numbers, and lot numbers (c) Addresses assigned by the City shown on each individual lot (5) One plat set (do not include a separate signature sheet or lot survey data) on 11" x 17". Mylar sheet(s) with the following additional information included on the plat: (a) "Not Official Copy - City Copy' and date (month & year) labeled at the top of each sheet (b) Street names, block numbers, and lot numbers (c) Square footage of each lot, outiot, and park shown on each individual lot or in tabular form (d) Areas to the hundredths of an acre for right -of -nays, easements for ponding purposes, and the entire plat (e) Setback line and each lots front footage at setback Please be advised that the City will not release the final plat for recording until receipt of the above copies. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SURVEYS REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR LOT SPLITS AND METES & BOUNDS SURVEYS The survey shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of one inch equals one hundred (100) feet, or larger, prepared by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Minnesota, and shall contain the following information: a. Title of the proposed subdivision. b. Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, surveyor or engineer preparing the survey. C. Legal description and property identification number (PID). d. Graphic scale, north arrow, date of preparation; location of the subdivision by section, township and range. e. The names of abutting subdivisions and boundary or property lines of adjoining subdivided or unsubdivided lands. f. Boundary line survey. g. Total acreage (acreage or square footage of individual lots in subdivision, rights -of -way and ponding easements). h. Location of existing easements, streets, utilities, structures, section lines, and corporate lines within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision and including recorded document numbers. i. If a replat, the original lot and block arrangements shown in dotted or dashed lines. j. Streets, street names, right -of -way and roadway widths. k. Locations of all alleys, pedestrian ways, sidewalks and trails, and utility easements. 1. Layout, numbers and dimensions of all lots, blocks, outlots or parcels to be subdivided. m. Areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use. n. Minimum front and side street setback lines as required by the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. o. High water (100 year flood elevation) and flood plain boundaries where appropriate. P. The location of all monuments. q. Signature of a registered land surveyor. r. Certification by the owner or owners and by mortgage holders. S. A topographic map at the same scale as the survey showing proposed lot lines, existing and proposed topography, street centerline grades, water courses, marshes, vegetation and other significant features. t. Soil absorption tests where septic tanks are proposed, in accordance with the City I.S.T.S. requirements. U. Utility plans for water, sanitary and storm sewers and drainage and including the proposed location, gradient and size of such proposed sewer and water lines. V. A drawing indicating plans for the development of adjacent areas, if the proposed subdivision is a portion of a larger holding area intended for subsequent development. DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST PLAT NAME City Project No. DEVELOPER NAME & ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. A PRIOR TO ISSUING GRADING PERMITS APPROVED BY DATE 1. Grading Plans reviewed and approved by Public Works 2. Grading Permit & Plan Review Fees submitted to Building Department 3. Performance Bond submitted to Building Department (May be part of B1, but must still be submitted) 4. Preliminary Plat Approved (if required) 5. Grading Contractor to be licensed B PRIOR TO ISSUING "NOTICE TO PROCEED" FOR UTILITIES ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS APPROVED BY DATE 1. Final Plat & Development Contract approved by Planning Commission and City Council 2. Development Contract signed and submitted to Planning Department 3. Letter of Credit submitted to Planning Department 4. Final Plat recorded at City and County 5. Final grading checked by Registered Surveyor and submitted and approved by City Engineer 6. Park Dedication issues resolved; cash submitted C PRIOR TO ISSUING BUILDING PERMITS APPROVED BY DATE 1. All of "B" above 2. Utilities tested and approved by City Engineer and in- service 3. Minimum one (1) lift of bituminous installed and approved by City Engineer 4. Lots surveyed & staked by surveyor 5. Addresses /PID Numbers for complete development must be submitted to Finance, Building & Public Works Departments 6. All contractors licensed per City Ordinance 7. All required submittals per Building Department Review Policy submitted, reviewed and approved per applicable codes. All permit fees paid. 8. All required escrows (landscape, grading, etc.) submitted to City.