HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Evermoor PUD AgreementCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: June 20, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Evermoor PUD Agreement AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA Q V ATTACHMENTS: Draft PUD Agreement APPROVED BY: Applicant: Homer Tompkins Location: Kelley Trust property Property Owner(s): JEV CO, LLC; Cynthia Kelley O'Neill Trust No. 1; Margaret H. Kelley 1953 Trust Area in Acres: 515.17 (Rosemount); 44.36 acres (Apple Valley) Number of Dwelling Units: 1,001 (Rosemount); 54 (Apple Valley); 1,055 total Overall Density: 1.94 dwelling units (gross) - Rosemount 1.88 du/ac Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Transition Residential Current Zoning: R -1, Low Density Residential and AG, Agriculture Requested Zoning: Planned Unit Development (applicable zoning based on neighborhoods) SUMMARY The attached PUD Agreement has been modified in response to concerns identified by the City Council and Planning Commission. In addition, the agreement reflects much discussion amongst staff with the goal of accommodating a variety of concerns. The current draft of the PUD agreement is being reviewed by the City Attorney. Therefore, staff will recommend that the Council may authorize the execution of the agreement subject to any revisions recommended by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the execution of the PUD Agreement for Evermoor subject to incorporation of revisions recommended by the City Attorney. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EVERMOOR THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of , 2000, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ( "City "), and CONTRACTOR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS CORPORATION, a Minnesota — having the address of 7100 Northland Circle, Suite 108, Minneapolis, MN 55428, (the "Developer "). Request for Planned Unit Development Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) to be known as EVERMOOR (also referred to in this agreement as the "Plat "). The land is legally described in the attached Exhibit "A ". The City, through this agreement, approves the Residential Planned Unit Development upon the following conditions. L Concept Plan: The term "Concept Plan" used herein shall refer to the approved concept materials submitted by Contractor Property Developers Company, prepared by Westwood Professional Services and approved by the City Council on June 1, 1999 (Resolution 1999 -64). H. Residential Planned Unit Development: All residential development shall comply with the development plan prepared by Westwood Professional Services and approved by the City with conditions specified below. Where a specific condition is not addressed herein, the conditions of Resolution 1999 -64 shall apply, otherwise, the regulations of the City Zoning ordinance (Ordinance B "Zoning Regulations ") shall apply. III. Conditions of Planned Unit Development Approval: The development of the Kelley Trust property known as "Evermoor" involves seven distinctly different housing styles which are arranged in neighborhoods. Some of the housing meets the criteria for "cluster housing ", and therefore, will have special considerations made for lot dimensions and setbacks. In addition, modifications to street standards are part of the PUD._ A. CONNEMARA TRAIL Connemara Trail is classified as a collector street, and is anticipated to be constructed in a similar manner as the existing portion west of Shannon Parkway. The standards anticipate a 52 foot wide street (face to face) which could be striped for four lanes, or three with a center turn lane. The city will consider "traffic calming" techniques such as landscaping to slow traffic without reducing volumes. Developer installed medians will be evaluated when construction plans are assembled. Connemara Trail will have sidewalks or sidewalk/trail on both sides, with crossings at intersections. The east -west trail corridor should cross Connemara at an underpass, leading to Schwarz Pond/Carroll's Woods Parks. B. STREET A The east -west street which connects Diamond Path with Shannon Parkway, and Connemara Trail is considered by the city to be a "sub - collector" street. As a through street, it will convey an estimated 2,000 ADT (average daily traffic) vehicles per day in some areas. As such, it will be a minimum of 32 ft. wide (face to face) and will be striped for two lanes. No parking will be allowed on either side of street A. In the areas where housing fronts directly onto the street, it should be 36 ft. wide (face to face) for passing traffic. Developer installed medians will be evaluated when construction plans are assembled. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. GENERAL STREET CONSIDERATIONS All local streets will be a minim of 28 feet wide face to face with parking on one side only, with separate pedestrian facilities on the form of sidewalks or trails. Streets of 24 ft. widths (face to face) will be allowed provided that they are one way only with parking restricted to one side. Boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 4 ft. from back of curb and spaced no less than fifty feet on center. Homeowner associations will be responsible for all tree maintenance and replacement. Cul -de -sac islands will be evaluated on the basis of compatibility with snowplows, buses and other equipment demands. Right -of -way widths will be held to standard 60 ft. widths with additional 10 foot utility easements. Boulevard widths will be maintained at a minimum of 8 -10 ft. All private streets within attached housing areas shall be 28 feet wide with no parking allowed, except for separate facilities and individual driveways. Dead -end streets in excess of 150 ft. shall have cul -de -sac turnarounds or approved alternatives. Trails should only cross streets at intersections. A grade separated trail (or tunnel) crossing shall be required at Connemara Trail supporting the corridor between Birger Pond and Schwarz Pond/Carroll's Woods park. Street W should connect to Dodd Blvd. The City reserves the right to assign or approve street names or numbers in conformance with the Dakota County Ordinance #51, Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System. D. LANDSCAPING Landscaping shall be consistent with the preliminary planting plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services dated February 18, 2000 and Revised March 14, with the following additional revisions required: 1. The northern buffer zone adjacent to the Rural Residential District should be heavily landscaped to "blend" the development with the district tree line of the northerly properties, as well as mitigating sight lines from the development to properties in the Rural Residential District. 2. The buffer areas on the outer edges of the Heath Haven and Crosscroft neighborhoods should have enhanced or intensified landscaping to mitigate a transition between dissimilar housing types. Said landscaping must provide an effective screen or buffer between the different housing types. 3. Trails shall be a minimum of eight feet wide, with bituminous surfacing in conformance Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 2 with city specifications. E. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS Each neighborhood has a distinctive housing type that was referred to on Exhibit A in the concept approval Resolution 1999 -64. Overall, diversity of housing within neighborhoods is a_ requirement of the PUD. In order to accomplish this requirement, no housing units shall be allowed with similar elevations or rooflines to be located side -by -side, across or at a diagonal. The City shall have the authority to deny building permits for adjacent duplicate or repetitious housing designs. The Upplands (Estate Homes) The northern edge of Evermoor adjacent to the rural residential district shall have a bufferzone averaging 100 feet in width. This buffer zone will prohibit accessory structures of any kind, as well as parking of any vehicles, RV's or boats. These restrictions will be regulated through the homeowners association. Landscaping shall be provided that will blend the development with the existing tree line of the rural residential district, as well as for screening disimilar housing types. Housing will be custom built by a variety of builders which will ensure that no adjacent housing type will be duplicated (See attached Estate Homes Architectural Renderings). Total Lots Front. Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth & Area (avg. 42 30' 10' (both) 50' -100' 100' -120' 162'-282'26,250 sq. ft. Parks & Open Space The scenic overlook area between the Upplands and Street A consisting of approximately 8.99 acres will be accepted by the city as park dedication (See PUD Exhibit 2). The 'panhandles" adjacent to Lot 1, Block 9 and Lot 18, Block 12 along Street A shall be absorbed by those lots. Sidewalks & Trails A sidewalk will be constructed in the right -of -way (ROW) of Street B along the west side, connecting Street A with Street E. In addition, a sidewalk will be constructed along one side of Street E to the trail access between Lot 13, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 10. Furthermore, a sidewalk will be constructed in the south ROW of Street B from Street E to the western terminus. An eight foot wide bituminous trail shall be constructed which will connect Streets A and B through the `overlook park" (See PUD exhibit 2). Innisfree (Distinctive Townhomes) Actually twinhomes, this neighborhood will have large finished square foot ratios. Garages will be turned away from the streets forming the character of a court yard. The housing will have a consistent architectural theme such as prairie, craftsman or bungalow (See Attached Distinctive Townhomes of Evermoor). The streets will be private with 25 ft. setbacks, or public with thirty foot setbacks. Driveways to Street A will have tinmrounds to avoid vehicles backing out into the street. Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 3 Total Units Front Setbacks Average Lot Area 36 30' (Public), 25' (Private) 10,550 sq. ft. Parks & Open Space The perimeter of Birger. Pond above the normal water elevation (established by the DNR) up to Innisfree, Street A and Westmeath consisting of approximately 18.46 acres of land will be accepted as park dedication. (See PUD Exhibit 2) Drumcliffe (Estate Homes) Similar to Upplands, Drumcliffe will have larger homes on larger lots adjacent to the rural residential district (See Attached Estate Homes of Evermoor). Total Lots Front Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width. Depth & Area (avg.) 45 30 ft. 10' (both) 50'- 100' 100' -130' 162' -312' 27,650 sq. ft. Lots 28 and 29, Block 12 are "flag lots ". The reason for this is to minimize the length of Street G, thus reducing the impact on the Preserve category wetlands between the Upplands and Drumcliffe neighborhoods. Parks & Open Space The Drumcliffe neighborhood north of Street A will not have any park facilities. Outlots E and H are for wetland protection, buffering and ponding purposes. As such, they may be dedicated to the city and maintained in a natural state. Trails (as drawn on Outlot E) are not recommended. If Outlots E & H are not dedicated to the city, they could still be platted as outlots with deed restrictions preventing them from further development. Maintenance would be the responsibility of the homeowner association, the wetland protection ordinance would still regulate the wetlands. The city would retain an easement for the wetland and ponding areas (See PUD Exhibit 2). Similar to the Upplands neighborhood, a 100 ft. wide (average) buffer zone will be required adjacent to the Rural Residential District. This buffer zone will prohibit accessory structures of any kind, as well as parking of RVs, cars, boats or vehicles of any kind. Sidewalks & Trails The off - street trail proposed for Outlot E should be traded for a sidewalk on the north side of Street A. Drumcliffe, Westmeath & Wicklow (Classic Homes) This neighborhood is a continuation of the development pattern established by the Country Hills development. The Classic Homes Neighborhoods will closely resemble the R -1, Low Density Residential District as it has been implemented in Rosemount. Where lots abut existing neighborhoods, they must adhere to the established standards of the existing neighborhoods. Housing will be single family detached with no two adjacent units sharing similar elevations or Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 4 roof ines (See Attached Classic Homes of Evermoor). Total lots Front Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth & Area (avg.) 155 30' 5'/10' (15',total)* 20' ** 80' 130' -190' 11,920 sq. ft. * 10' /10' (20' total) for lots adjacent to Country Hills ** 30' for lots adjacent to Country Hills Parks & Open Space Innisfree Park as previously discussed will be dedicated above the normal water elevation of Birger Pond. Outlots D, F and G will be wetland/stormwater ponding areas but not dedicated for park use. They may be dedicated to the city for ponding or maintained by the homeowner association with an easement covering the wetland. Outlot G will have a 12' wide trail easement for the 8' wide bituminous trail that will be maintained by the city. (See PUD Exhibit 3) Outlot U adjacent to the Wicklow Neighborhood has edges connecting with Carroll's Woods and Schwarz Pond Parks. As such, it would be accepted as park dedication. Outlots O and X should remain the responsibility of the homeowners association. The narrow "panhandles" of Outlot X shall be absorbed by the adjacent lots 1 and 10, Block 84. Sidewalks & Trails ' Street B shall have a sidewalk on the west side of the street (park side). The city will be responsible for trail linkages beyond the development. Sidewalks (or trails) will be required on both sides of Street A. All through streets public or private shall have sidewalks on one side (park side if applicable). Heath Haven (Classic Homes) This neighborhood will have housing similar to the Drumcliffe and Westmeath neighborhoods. However, because it is isolated from existing neighborhoods, the lot dimensions and setbacks will be approved as outlined below. Where lots are adjacent to the existing neighborhoods, the low density residential standard 30 foot setback shall apply. Total Lots Front. Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width. Depth & Area (avg.)_ 98 30' 5'/10' (15' total) 20'* 70' -80' 120' -196' 13,520 sq. ft. * 30 ft. setback along outer edge of development adjacent to Country Hills and Rural Residential Districts. Parks & Open Space Outlots J and K will be stormwater /wetland ponding areas and will not be dedicated for park use. If dedicated to the city, outlots J and K would be for ponding and continued to be regulated by the wetland protection ordinance. They would be maintained in a natural state. If retained by the homeowners association, an easement would be dedicated for ponding purposes on the wetland/retention ponds. Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 5 The northeast corner of the development east of Shannon Parkway, next to the Rural Residential District should be considered to be buffer space and maintained by the homeowners association. This area should not have a trail constructed which could conflict with the buffer function. Trails & Sidewalks Trails on Outlots J and K will be 8' wide bituminous within 12' easements and maintained by the city. A trail entering into Outlot 00 (to the east) shall start between lots 38 and 39, Block 21, and extend towards the southeast towards the Traditional Neighborhood. As before, the outlot would not be park dedication, but dedicated to the city for ponding purposes with trail easements. Otherwise, Outlot 00 could be split between the adjacent neighborhoods, maintained by the homeowners associations with easements for ponds and trails. Crosscroft (Active Seniors) This neighborhood features small houses or cottages on small lots. The facades of the houses facing public or private streets shall be treated with a minimum of 25% brick. A homeowners association with exterior maintenance responsibilities will be necessary for the abundant private open spaces. There may be a private recreation/association building located on outlot P. Diversity of housing will be guaranteed by seven or eight different home styles. No two homes with similar elevations or rooflines will be permitted on adjacent, diagonal or opposing lots. Total Lots Front Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth & Area (avg.) 208 35' 6' (12' total) 15' 52' 116-182' 8,600 sq. ft. Parks & Open Space Outlot K south of Shannon Park, and Outlots L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, Y, Z, SS, TT, UU function as buffers for the neighborhood and shall all be privately owned and maintained by the homeowners association. The ponding areas on Outlots K, W and Y will have easements and will continue to be regulated by the city. Sidewalks and Trails This neighborhood is relatively self - contained and, as such, the trails shall remain private. Sidewalks along Connemara Trail and Street A will be constructed in the right -of -way and become city sidewalks. Glendalough (Traditional Neighborhood) This neighborhood is intended to recapture early 20th century housing and neighborhood character. Houses will be custom built with porches oriented to the streets and an intimate setback in the front yard. Garages will be de- emphasized with rear or side yard placement and doors oriented at a perpendicular to the street wherever possible. (See Traditional Homes At Evermoor). Garages will be recessed a minimum of four feet front the front elevation of the principal structure, or set at a perpendicular to the street. Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 6 Total Lots Front Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth & Area (avg.) 257 15', 25'* 5' (10' total) 10' 75' 120' -168' 12,000 sq. ft. * Measured from back of curb on private street Parks & Open Space Similar to the Active Senior neighborhood, all of the open space associated with Glendalough shall be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner association because it functions primarily as buffer for the neighborhood. Outlots JJ, KY., LL and NN are "vest pocket parks" which serve as the collective front yards for the neighborhoods. These shall also be private. While there are no protected wetlands in this neighborhood, the stormwater ponding areas can be protected by easements. Sidewalks and Trails The trail which traverses Outlot 00 and ultimately connects Street A to Dodd Blvd. shall be located in a 12' ft. wide trail easement. Roundstone (Coach Townhomes) This townhouse neighborhood will have the highest density of the development excluding the future senior housing. Thirteen buildings will be row style, and five buildings will be double loaded (See Coach Townhomes of Evermoor). All parking shall be restricted to driveways or common parking spaces. Total Units Front Yard Setbacks Average Lot/Unit Area 118 18'(21' from curb) 3,340 sq. ft. Parks & Open Space All of the open space associated with this neighborhood will be treated like a typical townhouse association common space. The primary function is buffer, and shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner association. Outlot BB is next to Schwarz Pond Park and could be accepted as park dedication. Sidewalks & Trails All of the streets will be private in this neighborhood and therefore, the sidewalks will also be private. Sidewalks are proposed on one side of private streets 1 and 4. The private dead end streets also have sidewalks. Bards Crossing (Lifestyle Villas) This small neighborhood enclave is very similar to the Active Seniors neighborhood with small cottages on small lots. All of the streets will be private. Total Lots/Units Front Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Average Lot Area 36 30' 6'J6' (12' total) 15 & 6,750 sq. ft. Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 7 Parks & Open Space Outlots DD, EE and FF are either buffer or vest pocket parks for the neighborhood. As such, they shall be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner Association. Outlot CC is next to Schwarz Pond Park and could be accepted as park dedication. IV. Administrative Provisions A. The PUD Development Plan represents the shared expectations between the City and the Developer regarding the ultimate scope of the Evermoor development. The City hereby agrees to approve final plats with each phase of the development that are substantially consistent with the approved planned unit development. Major Amendments to the PUD consistent with the ordinance PUD standards (Section 12.6 of the zoning ordinance) will be required to process significant changes to the PUD proposed by the Developer. Significant changes include: roadway /street realignments, changes to neighborhoods relative to housing distribution, or type representing more than a 10 % proportionate change. The City Council will have the discretion to determine if a major amendment process with public hearings is warranted. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing and executed by both parties. B. Each phase of the development will require final plat approval. At the time of final plat, a development or subdivision agreement will be required to be executed between the City and the Developer in order to secure public improvements and park dedication. Minor amendments to the PUD may be included. C. Temporary sales offices consistent with applicable building code requirements shall be permitted on lots located at the entrances to neighborhoods. Such offices will be required to conform to applicable city and zoning standards for materials, setbacks, landscaping and erosion control. Parking areas shall conform to applicable setbacks. Parking surfaces may consist of crushed rock or other materials acceptable to the City Engineer. Surfaces shall be maintained at the expense of the Developer in a manner that will prevent erosion or rutting by vehicles. The sales offices shall be removed at the Developer's expense when the Development of the applicable neighborhood is no more than 75% complete with housing units. D. The Developer represents to the City that to the best of its knowledge, the Plat complies with all City, county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the Plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the Plat until the Developer does comply. E. Breach of the terms of this agreement by the Developer, or any successor or interest, shall be grounds for denial of building permits. Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 8 F. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. G. If building permits are issued prior to the completion and acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting from delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, employees, agents, or third parties. H. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by both parties and approved by the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. L This Agreement shall run with the land and bind the Developer and all future owners of land within the Plat, and shall be recorded by the Developer against the title to the property. After the Developer has completed the work required of it under this agreement, at the Developer's request, the City will execute and deliver to the Developer an appropriate partial release from this agreement. J. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City or the Developer, respectively, as the case may be, is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power, or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to the City or the Developer, at law or in equity, or under any other Agreement, and each and every right, power, and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City or the Developer and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. K. The Developer may not assign this Agreement without the written permission of the City Council except that the Developer may assign this agreement and the obligations under it to any subsequent owner or successor of any part of the plat. L. Required notices to the Developer shall be made in writing, and shall be either hand- delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Contractor Property Developers Company, 7100 Northland Circle, Suite 108, Minneapolis, MN 55428. Notices to the City shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068, Attn: City Administrator. M. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands to day and year first above written. , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Cathy Busho, Mayor By: Linda Jentnik, City Clerk CONTRACTOR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS CO. j By. Homer Tompkins, President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2000 by Cathy Busho, Mayor, and Linda Jentnik, City Clerk, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public - STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF DAKOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 10 day of , 2000 by Homer Tompkins, President of Contractor Property Developers Company, a Minnesota Corporation. Notary Public Drafted By: City of Rosemount 2875145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 11 EXIABIT A Legal description Parc 1: The Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 115, Range 19, EXCEPT the South 400 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the East 275 feet of the North 950 feet of the South 1350 feet thereof (the exception being parts of Country Hills Fourth Addition and Country Hills Fifth Addition). Parcel 2: The Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 115, Range 19, EXCEPT that part of the South 1350 feet lying west of the East 2000 feet thereof (the exception being part of Country Hills Fourth Addition, Country Hills Fifth Addition and part of Shannon Park School Addition). ALSO EXCEPT the West 725 feet of the East 2000 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 115, Range 19, lying North of the South 200 feet and lying South of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of the East 2000 feet 1350.11 feet North of the South line of the Northeast Quarter as measured along the West line thereof, thence Southeasterly to a point on the East line of the West 725 feet of the East 2000 feet and its intersection with the North line of the South 1100 feet and there mating (the exception being part of Shannon Park School Addition). ALSO EXCEPT the West 625.05 feet of the East 1275 feet of the North 900.07 feet of the South 1100 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Section I9, Township 115 North, Range 19 West (the exception being part of Shannon Park School Additioa) Parcel 3: The East 2000 feet of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 115, Range 19, EXCEPT that part platted as Country Hills Eighth Addition. ALSO EXCEPT that part of the Southeast Quarter commencing at the Northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 3, Country Hills 3 Addition, thence North on the East line of said plat 80 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be excepted, thence continuing North 250 feet, thence East parallel to the South line 300 feet, thence South 250 feet, thence West 300 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel f: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, according to the Government Survey thereof. 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The dramatic twelve foot ceiling in the great room with large windows and a Jenn -air appliance Package, opens into the great room ._... with a three -sided gas fireplace. The laundry room is conveniently placed on the main floor. The vaulted owner's suite is a private retreat with a large walk -in closet. The owner's luxury bath has a whirlpool tub, separate shower, and a double vanity. LOWER LEVEL The Doral one level living at it's best with a full basement for future expansion. CLASSIC HOMES OF EVERMOOR An pharo/np3,M drwod"IFUMMCOPW*.*$1E0R001tlWW10bvnktWKtw0r- , peci& bomesryie. C�trmorpmpertrDndopenCompury •rcurvetUurilhtrom+kerefinemenu, Ina• i FIRST FLOOR •- _ / may_ ® ..' x .. 00! LLL LLLLL CE I_L L �. l SECONO F LO OR Elevation A -3 he Dover is an innovative new plan which offers a dramatic exterior appearance. This home features vaulted living and family rooms connected by a see- through gas fireplace. The kitchen offers a large breakfast area with bay window, OPTIONAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN center island,a Jenn -air appliance package, and a large Tamount of cabinets. The vaulted foyer is open to the formal © •„ dining room. Upstairs, the private master retreat features a huge walk -in closet and a owner's luxury bath with a corner whirlpool tub, separate shower and double vanity. The hall bathroom t— has a separate vanity area. The standard Dover offers a first floor laundry room and extra garage space for a workbench or storage. The optional main level plan offers a first floor den, a large mud -- area with separate laundry room, and three ear garage. J J J — J J A V .,� Elevation A -3 he Hancock is a traditional four bedroom, two and cc a half bathroom home. A large open two -story foyer with an elegant turned staircase opens to a first floor study. The formal living and dining rooms flow �... together to create a large, flexible space. The large •' • kitchen which features a walk -in pantry and a Jenn air appliance package opens Into the large family room with its cozy fireplace. The laundry room is _ conveniently placed on the main floor. Upstairs, the dramatic vaulted owner's luxury suite is a private retreat featuring a sitting room and dual closets, The owner's luxury bath meeotuo FLOOR has a whirlpool tub, separate shower, and double vanity. CLASSIC HOMES OF EVERMOOR Aa photogtsphs.renderings.mtd ptodua dnignswconcepewl only and ne nm t&dw tobuddersdec specific home sryte.Contraage hgmy Developers Companyreserns the ASS to make refinemems. n y t k"I"" ilk . .. OPTIONAL 9.0E011100I14 PLAN w0I10011 u .5� OPTIONAL _ =- - r CLOSET I RATR PLAN 1 - - L Y . Y. •r — 1 - 1 — I - 1 — i 1 1 1 1 1 QQ w uaara.. OPTIONAL 4REOROOM PLAN .d SITTING AREA f Elevation B he Chesapeake is a traditional four bedroom, three and a half bath with PIR �; r• an optional five bedroom floor plan. A sensational two story open A separates 1 I CLASSIC HOMES MLIOROOM a SECONO 4-BEDROOM OF EVERMOOR ___.� "° Awd ..w PLAN Y m „°.:: foyer the formal living and dining rooms. The kitchen with a raised center island & walk in pantry , and Jena -air appliance package is a gourmets delight. The second floor showcases an elegant master suite with a sitting room, walk -in closet, tray vault, split vanities & corner whirlpool deck tub. (optional floor plan has second floor laundry room). .. . 1, All phaoplph / .RIIAR�P�.OdI"'- ^`LKOMIOL�ME I ptc &how5t*.CWMCt0FlRpertrDe"^Picattow rvellhe ULPRRWIYt1YtlY�If LCIKIIYiI Of film tomahftfi emmn. • of +ay i MAIN FLOOR O L L n r ' Elevation A - he Turnberry is a modern rambler with three bedrooms and two baths. The dramatic vault "E r ° in the great room gives the Tumberry a very open, spacious feeling. The kitchen, which 0 0 features a bayed breakfast area and a Jenn -air appliance package, opens into the great room with its cozy gas fireplace. The laundry room Is conveniently placed on the main floor. The vaulted owner's suite is a private retreat with a large walk -in ' closet. The owner's luxury bath has a whirlpool tub, separate shower, and a double vanity. The 1Lmberry is one level living at it's best with a full basement for LOWER LEVEL future expansion. t CLASSIC HOMES OF EVERMOOR All photopsylu, rcnd�mmrt, uidproductdni6m�rtmiaptudontymdaenarcluivetobwldsrukctionar INIII t tpedfichomtsryk. ton< nc�orPropertyDadoperctangorrcrcrcrvsttherighttomikercflnemmtt Ge>inlle�bea of t`kkld — I] !lilt 1� �I I. - ^� � r.� ri 1. �.�..� � � � �® mom Co"Imclolk PROPHUY DEVELOPERS COMPANY CON PROPERTY DEVELOPERS Cots ,-,N-Y �\ \ � \ :\ < , \ \\ Z § ) \ % �� X22 < �� ) �/ �\ ww i� d� ?; \ [� \ \ \ §?f : /�\ \ � \� Q y :� � � \% i i 1 1 � � RE AR ELEVATI V4'. • P -0' o■ _ 1 RE AR ELEVATI V4'. • P -0' h DEVE[.OPERS ow rt'c .c r P o ll , �'I^�� -•t riw k a r } 7 ' CON77 OOR PROPER t CONTRACTOR 111�,Vt�.l.O17�JtS COMPANY me .s oil aI I 1011\ A 0 v RESOLUTION 1999 64 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CONTRACTOR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS COMPANY Kelley Trust Property CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Contractor Property Developers Company for approval of a concept residential planned unit development for the Kelley Trust property located north of Country Hills, between Diamond Path, either side of Shannon Parkway, and west of Dodd Road in Rosemount, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 1999, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development for Contractor Property Developers - Company and adopted a motion to recommend approval, subject to conditions, to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on May 18 and June 1, 1999, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development for Contractor Property Developers Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Concept Residential Planned Unit Development for Contractor Property Developers Company, subject to: 1. 2. The development, as identified in Exhibit A, consists of 536.3 acres including land previously dedicated for Shannon Park. Considering undevelopable land for slopes and wetlands, staff is using 460 acres as a net developable acreage. Therefore, 920 units are allowable based upon the pending Comprehensive Guide Plan policy. Of the 1,153 proposed units, 233 (20% of the total) would be considered a densi bonu based on the following: (a) a mix of ten housing unit types; (b) the use of varied (custom) builders for high value/quality housing, (c), (c)�er- than - normal amount of common open space; and (d) a plan that appropriately transitions from higher to lower densities. Multi- family housing will comprise 27 percent (310) of all housing units. Future zoning designations for the multi - family units will be a combination of R -2 and R -3, and the single family detached units will be a combination of RL, R -1, and R -2. Senior housing will be 100 units as either rental, coop or condominium. The number and density of senior housing cannot be replaced by another housing type without an amendment review process for the PUD. Housing types and neighborhood clusters shall be utilized to reinforce a pattern of transition from urban to rural. The proposed estate housing adjacent to the rural residential district shall have a net density of one dwelling unit per acre over an area Resolution 1999- 6 4 4. consisting of all lots adjacent to rural residential uses. This may be accomplished with large lots or clustering of dwelling units. Clustering techniques shall be applied to housing appropriately to adapt the development to the natural forms instead of significantly altering them. Consideration should be given to increasing the use of cluster techniques, particularly on the norther tier to preserve additional open space or natural features. Housing types adjacent to existing urban single family residential uses shall be similar to the established housing types and densities. In the case of dissimilar housing types or attached housing, bufferyards utilizing preserved stands of trees and/or extensive landscaping shall be required to preserve homogeneous neighborhoods. The developer shall complete all housing types, as identified in Exhibit B, to be incorporated into the PUD Agreement. Variations to lot dimension and setback standards shall be further evaluated and identified in the PUD Agreement for the Traditional, Cottage and_ Villa - housing types. 5. The environmental review process will help determine the ultimate locations of streets, housing and infrastructure. The city supports the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) process. This concept approval shall not waive the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, the Tree Preservation Ordinance, and the Surface Water Management Ordinance.. 6. The east -west parkway street shall intersect Shannon Parkway at a perpendicular in a location causing least impact on trees, wetlands, and natural features. City engineering standards will also be used to determine the most acceptable location and design. 7. Additional transportation standards shall include the following: (a) Clover Lane and Danube Lane, which terminate at the edge of the development with temporary cul -de -sacs and barriers, shall be designed as through streets ultimately connecting to Connemara Trail and the east/west parkway respectively; (b) Modifications to the City street design standards should be further evaluated with the review of the traditional homes portion of the concept plan at the preliminary plat stage; (c) The parkway connecting Connemara Trail to Shannon Parkway and eventually to Diamond Path shall be designed wider than a normal residential street with sidewalks and/or trails on both sides of the parkway; (d) The City will further evaluate traffic calming ideas with the developer for Shannon Parkway, Connemara Trail and all other streets within the proposed development; and (e) Dodd Boulevard south of 132nd Street shall be connected to the proposed development, but not directly to Connemara Trail Resolution 1999 - 64 8. Concept approval shall include but not be limited to the following: .(a) ,a major east -west trail shall be public; (b) sidewalks and/or trails shall be on both sides of all collectors, including the new parkway; (c) public parks should include locations at Birger Pond and an east -side neighborhood park; (d) all private open spaces shall be preserved and managed through easements or other legal documents; and (e) a trail underpass at Connemara shall be completed for the major east -west trail. 9. The developer shall work with the City to attain physical connections to the downtown, including but not limited to streetscape features and pedestrian/vehicle linkages. 10. The developer shall make provisions satisfactory to the City Council that all private open space is maintained and managed in a manner that results in long term protection of such open space. 11. Neither the overall density nor the number of units in each housing type may be increased by the developer in later stages of the review process without council amendment of this resolution. This concept approval, including but not limited to overall density -and number of units in each housing type, is subject to further consideration by the council of the AUAR, details of final plats and development plans, the number and extent of variances and all other information presented in later stages of the review process, and to execution of an acceptable PUD Agreement. Amendments to the Concept PUD may be required by the council upon such further review and upon consideration of the final proposed details of development. ADOPTED this 1$` day of June, 1999, by the City icil f th e City of osernount. Cathy B ayor ATTEST: S M. Wa , City Clerk Motion by: Edwards Seconded by: C i s e w s k i Voted in favor: C i sewsk i , W i ppermann, Busho, Carro I I , Edwards . Voted against: None. Member absent: ' N o n e Rue of Ornam Rea U01 ' . r uKu r yle 1"..m,IY Ir ,.�IAa��ic �. �}.' i �4 'i 1 7T i, r �• 4' M 4Y y�, 3• r A Y W Q 'S w l� ,' ��+" � �� i t . ,1 d� �� 4 :.• ' 1 '�.I . N r i }Y'i &? , 2 1 r� TSry.��,y, i � t L r J 1'q ��� `� S � .?L''�� ,.b.Cr±Sr• p,yi °'� N•, i � *1 r �� fl,�! ��`�� � .;' �;�- �J� i �1$ ttnkc tlVk� �„� ';�'�(� , �lae�lc � �� t • r .�G""�SS�k'kt ti. ,� k � .wf ��� ^i '.,��:+ rr ��. t i 1 � � f Gastorv� �I��eic i • � t t t -r,. Ir } . r, � ♦ l�, fees * � ' A ' T OAtional 1+40tnes M 897 •Sknpla FnMtly d Goffpge w } t $ enoic Farm Y , • �" G � Q M � 1 Kelley Trust Property j 89 5 'Sin ay Fn ' r l }'IOInCr � y} nglly �T Cust Classic -Homes i i 23 Classic +Aowtaa 2 29¢ 1 10 T Traditional"Homas " " 297 5 A F w i a ehior j Li f astyle • f- lorwsing Villas � 100 IA nils I 9d IJlnitr ' o j cI Exhibit A �' r i r t Q 7� xK.M irrmraw...,...... w.. ..,rr.,w.�,.wvY�.r....,....N�•y r a.IS..:aai2 t hl�.iid 1 ' na,S��::r�.+.4,SW+.W��.rwL r +w: M l0 ' 1 O